SG :: Volume #1

#14: This is unscientific

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Professor Tao? 陶教授 hē hē...... 呵呵…… Right, this answer, Professor Tao replied. 没错,这个答案,正是陶教授回答的。 Also thinks that has any recent discovery, has not thought that unexpectedly is this issue. hē hē, forgot to say to everyone, this schoolmate was my classroom student, before he had asked this issue, I replied him very much in detail, and told him is not not possible, but never expected that he came to here to inquire unexpectedly.” “还以为是有什么新发现,没想到居然是这个问题。呵呵,忘了给大家说了,这个同学是我课堂的学员,之前他问过一次这个问题,我很详细的回答他了,并且告诉他不可能,但是没想到他居然又来这里询问。” I felt that this person is not true Xue Zhe (scholar), but disturbs intentionally.” “我感觉此人根本就不是真正的学者,而是故意捣乱的。” Proposed the possibility that does not have, then looked at everyone, for this possibly wastes the time, the discussion, he himself keeps aloof, like playing the monkey plays tricks on everyone, seeks the popularity.” “提出一个不存在的可能,然后看大家为了这个可能浪费时间,讨论,他自己高高在上,像耍猴一样戏弄大家,博取知名度。” This person, I suggested that everyone do not pay attention.” “这种人,我建议大家不要理会。” Starts to write Professor Tao. 落笔陶教授 After many people looked at one, immediately is suddenly enlighted. 很多人看了一眼之后,顿时恍然大悟。 So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” „Has Professor Tao replied? The posters may not mention this matter slightly, yes, since has the answer, what also comes to here to inquire?” 陶教授回答过了么?楼主可丝毫没有提及这件事啊,就是,既然已经有答案了,还来这里询问什么?” Wins favor by ostentation!” “哗众取宠!” Perhaps this person harbors ulterior motives.” “此人或许别有用心。” Some people replied. 一些人回答道。 But is quick, the following post on entire was crooked. 而很快,后面的帖子就全歪了。 Catches Professor Tao one.” “抓到陶教授一只。” Surrounds Professor Tao, my first Formula(s) is Wood Bear gene, until now is Professor Tao fans.” “围观陶教授,我第一配方就是木熊基因,至今都是陶教授粉丝。” Professor Tao appears and disappears, this building ends.” 陶教授出没,此楼终结。” All kinds of opinions start to appear, even some people are shouting abuse to Chen Feng directly, the direction of entire post to has not known crookedly where. 各种各样的言论开始出现,甚至有一些人直接对着陈锋破口大骂,整个帖子的方向已经歪到不知道哪里去了。 Chen Feng tranquil looks downward. 陈锋平静的往下看去。 The complexion is invariable, but in the eye are many together the indifferent brilliance. 脸色不变,但是眼中多出一道冷漠的光辉。 His few vitality/angry. 他很少生气。 previous life that has bad luck to the life of extreme, making Chen Feng about the present life optimistic, no matter, he can treat with indifference, optimistic upward! However, this does not represent him quite to bully, rarely another meaning of vitality/angry is he, once the vitality/angry, is absolutely not allow to neglect! 前世那倒霉到极点的生活,让陈锋对如今的生活充满乐观,无论何时,他都能够淡然处之,乐观向上!但是,这不代表他好欺负,很少生气的另一层含义就是他一旦生气,绝对不容忽视! Professor Tao......” 陶教授……” Chen Feng smiled suddenly. 陈锋忽然笑了。 Professor Tao said that his several, he does not care, because of Professor Tao several words, the entire post no one has answered the issue now formally, because Chen Feng just some people the ideas of mysterious brain hole had an inspiration, a lot of contents really made him harvest a great deal. 陶教授说他几句,他不在乎,但是因为陶教授的几句话,现在整个帖子已经没有人正儿八经的回答问题了,陈锋刚刚因为一些人的神奇脑洞的想法有所灵感,很多内容真的让他收获良多。 However now, did not have. 但是现在,全没了。 You are bringing about own destruction.” “你这是在自寻死路。” Chen Feng light saying. 陈锋淡淡的说道。 He had decided, must give this Professor Tao lesson. 他已经决定,要给这位陶教授一个教训了。 Posts to emit Mutated Gene reagent? 发帖放出变异基因试剂 Do not absoltely need! 根本没必要! The words that posts to prove, besides letting Professor Tao feel ashamed, there is no use, Chen Feng wants, to be much more these. 发帖证明的话,除了让陶教授脸上无光之外,没有任何用处,陈锋想要的,可远远不止这些。 For example money! 比如钱! „, Comes.” “那么,就这么来吧。” In the Chen Feng heart had the resolution. 陈锋心中有了决断。 ** ** Next day. 次日。 Professor Tao has a early in the morning, refreshing. 陶教授起个大早,神清气爽。 Yesterday some ignorant junior tried to provoke itself, by Academic Forum man of insight being a mass of cuts and bruises of critique, the surface does not dare to reveal now. 昨天某个无知的小辈试图挑衅自己,被学术论坛的‘有识之士’批判的体无完肤,现在面都不敢露了。 Most people are very insightful.” “大部分人还是很有眼光的。” Professor Tao remembers this matter to feel that the whole body is comfortable. 陶教授想起这件事就感觉浑身舒爽。 Wood Bear gene? 木熊基因 third is mutate(d) possible? Do you special tease me? 第三变异可能?你特么逗我呢? Thought that Professor Tao disdains, however, at this moment, assistant flustered running over, complexion ugly/difficult to look at cried quickly: Teaches...... the professor, is not good, the Virtual Community transaction section, sells new mutate(d) Wood Bear gene.” 陶教授不屑的想到,然而,就在这时,一个助手慌里慌张的跑过来,脸色难看的都快哭出来了:“教……教授,不好啦,虚拟社区的交易部,出售一个新的变异木熊基因。” What?” “什么?” The Professor Tao brow wrinkles, new mutate(d) Wood Bear gene? 陶教授眉头皱起,新的变异木熊基因 How possibly? 怎么可能? In the heart the unclear feeling appears, the Professor Tao following assistant enters Virtual Community, when sees gene that on the transaction section sells, the complexion instantly becomes snow white. 心中不详的感觉出现,陶教授跟着助手进入虚拟社区,当看到交易部上出售的基因时,脸色刹那变得雪白。 Wood Bear gene. 木熊基因 Foundation gene: strength 3 points, constitution 3 points. 基础基因:力量三点,体质三点。 Gene Ability: Fury of Wood Bear, in 10 seconds promotes strength 10%, Cooldown 60 seconds. 基因能力:木熊之怒,十秒内提升力量10%,冷却60秒。 Selling price: 99999 Yuan 售价:99999元 strength mutate(d)?” 力量变异?” Professor Tao was shocked thoroughly. 陶教授彻底惊呆了。 Really appeared! 真的出现了! He was still spurting strength mutate(d) is not not possible to appear yesterday crazily, today it such splendid appearance in transaction section, and is first! 他昨天还在狂喷力量变异不可能出现,今天它就这样堂而皇之的出现在交易部,而且是首位! But at this time, some people also discovered this issue. 而这个时候,一些人也发现了这个问题。 Really. 真的。 Because anybody, so long as searches Wood Bear gene, will discover that gene keeps aloof, exceeds all similar Wood Bear gene, so long as you select to look, will discover this astonishing Gene Ability! Absolutely unprecedented! Special gene of strength increase percentage! 因为任何人,只要搜索木熊基因,都会发现有一个基因高高在上,超越所有同类木熊基因,而只要你点开一看,就会发现这惊人的基因能力!绝对史无前例!力量增幅百分比的特殊基因 At the same time, Academic Forum. 同一时间,学术论坛 Some people also notice this matter, starts to reply behind the post, the Wood Bear gene screenshot appears in behind of Chen Feng that post. 一些人也注意到这件事,开始在帖子后面回复,木熊基因的截图更是出现在陈锋那个帖子的后面。 Some gene shop appears Wood Bear third Mutated Gene.” “某基因小店惊现木熊第三变异基因。” Loves.” “喜闻乐见。” Yesterday these questioned where the person of poster?” “昨天那些质疑楼主的人哪里去了?” hā hā hā, waits for Professor Tao to appear.” 哈哈哈,坐等陶教授出现。” Many people are excited. 很多人兴奋起来。 , mutate(d) Wood Bear gene of Chen Feng selling on consignment attracted very big attention without a doubt, although in this flake region, causes the stir sufficiently. 毫无疑问的,陈锋寄售的变异木熊基因吸引了很大的注意力,尽管只是在这一小片区域,也足以引起轰动。 What he does not know, besides Professor Tao, a person is very sad. 只是,他不知道的是,除了陶教授之外,还有一个人很忧伤。 That is King Kong. 那就是金刚 Pavilion of Wind, King Kong dull looks at opposite that sky-high price Wood Bear Mutated Gene, has a look at begging help from all quarters to make own Elder Sister help anonymous selling on consignment again combat gene, the surface such as the paper is white. 风之阁,金刚呆呆的看着对面那个天价木熊变异基因,再看看自己求爷爷告奶奶让自己姐姐帮忙匿名寄售的战斗基因,面如纸白。 Unexpectedly was inferior? 居然又被比下去了? Was combat gene that oneself make laboriously, done unexpectedly by mutate(d) working gene? 自己辛辛苦苦弄来的战斗基因,居然被一个变异的打工基因搞下去了? Why?! 凭什么?! Pavilion of Wind that fellow over the two days radically not in! That fellow since discovered after the original performance will not grow here, from the start has not come! 风之阁家伙这两天根本都不在啊!那家伙自从发现原来自己不在这里业绩会增长之后,压根就没来了啊! But 可是 His performance rose unexpectedly! 他的业绩居然还是涨了! Why? 凭什么? Schoolmate King Kong a lot of grievance, but thinks to sell on consignment that Mutated Gene person, King Kong same faded with the eggplant that the frost hit immediately. 金刚同学一肚子委屈,可是想想寄售那个变异基因的人,金刚顿时就跟霜打的茄子一样蔫了下来。 Also is that person! 又是那个人! That by rookies Manufacturist that he ridiculed! 那个被他嘲笑的菜鸟制作师 He has never thought that this several days of time, that fellow from manufacture ordinary gene, rises dramatically to manufacturing full attribute gene, then turns manufactures Mutated Gene, moreover that damn Mutated Gene, founds the history radically, people have never seen Wood Bear third Mutated Gene! 他从未想过,这才几天时间,那家伙就从制作普通基因,飙升到制作满属性基因,然后又变成制作变异基因,而且那该死的变异基因,根本就是开创历史,人们所从未见过的木熊第三变异基因 Oh. 天哪。 He expelled initially, what kind of evildoer/monstrous talent Ah? this is 他当初赶走的,这到底是一个怎样的妖孽啊? But at this time. 而这时。 Brushing. 刷。 combat gene of own shop was bought by 50,000 high prices, King Kong immediately at present one bright, right, what do oneself fear? Displaying the price is a matter, selling is a different matter! Although that mutate(d) Wood Bear gene has endured to compare combat gene, but even combat gene still tens of thousands! 自家小店的战斗基因被五万高价买走,金刚顿时眼前一亮,对啊,自己怕什么?摆上价格是一回事,卖出去是另一回事!那个变异木熊基因虽然已经堪比战斗基因,但是就算战斗基因也才几万啊! According to the King Kong appraisal, this Wood Bear Mutated Gene most 30,000, supported! Even if has gene reagent of similar function with this gene still two ten thousand nothing more. 根据金刚评估,这个木熊变异基因最多三万,撑死了!要知道,就算跟这个基因有着类似功能的基因试剂也才两万而已 99,000? 九万九? Suspends to tease to play? 摆上去逗人玩呢? Instead is him, selling on consignment most popular combat gene, does not use Wood Bear gene that is afraid opposite party one unable to sell! 反而是他这边,寄售的可是最受欢迎的战斗基因,根本不用害怕对方一个卖不出去的木熊基因 Thinks of here, King Kong spirit gets up. 想到这里,金刚精神起来。 Only Manufacturist, father......” “区区一个制作师,老子……” A pet phrase has not exploded, King Kong suddenly vision is dull, looks at the front, in a moment ago, a person's shadow passed through from own side. 一句口头禅还没爆出来,金刚忽然目光呆滞,愣愣的看着前方,就在刚才,一个人影从自己身边走过。 Then...... 然后…… In Pavilion of Wind that gene was bought. 风之阁里面的那个基因就被买走了。 99,000! 九万九! Sold! 就这么卖出去了! King Kong was shocked. 金刚惊呆了。 Really has the fool to buy such expensive/noble gene? He is really incomprehensible, 99,000 can definitely buy very good combat gene! 真的有傻逼花钱买这么贵的基因?他真的不能理解,九万九完全能买到一个很不错的战斗基因啊! Is sick? 有病吗? Was this world insane?! 这个世界疯了吗?! King Kong does not understand. 金刚不懂。 However he is uncomfortable! 但是他难受啊! Because this Manufacturist that manufactures sky-high price gene, does he rush to competitor that intentionally? Thinks each time this matter, he is grieved to is unable to breathe. 因为这个制作出天价基因制作师,还是他故意赶到竞争对手那的?每次想到这件事,他都心痛到无法呼吸。 Why can like this? 为什么会这样? King Kong face confused, he felt , since meeting that Gene Manufacturist, his world outlook starts to crash. What he does not know, similarly confused also has Chen Feng. 金刚一脸懵逼,他觉得自从遇到那个基因制作师之后,他整个世界观都开始崩塌。只是,他不知道的是,同样懵逼的还有陈锋
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