SG :: Volume #1

#11: Outstanding gene

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Success!” “成功了!” Chen Feng is excited, is really the full attribute! 陈锋激动,真的是满属性! Is an attribute much difficult to promote? Does not know that many people exercise laboriously for a long time can increase a point, particularly regarding common people, therefore Wood Bear gene 1 strength and 1 constitution, let this originally only then 5000 Yuan Wood Bear gene, rise dramatically to 10,000 Yuan directly. 一点属性多难提升?不知道多少人辛苦锻炼很久才能提升一点,尤其是对于普通百姓来说,所以木熊基因的一点力量和一点体质,让这原本只有5000元的木熊基因,直接飙升到1万元。 Really......” “果然……” Opens Luck Aura in the Gene Search stage, what promotion is the attribute!” “在基因寻找阶段开启幸运光环,提升的是属性!” Chen Feng pleasant surprise. 陈锋惊喜。 For these days useless Luck Aura, Luck Value also had many, therefore Chen Feng consumed 6 Luck Value, very relaxed made full attribute Wood Bear gene the remaining six materials completely. 这几天没用幸运光环,幸运值还有不少,所以陈锋消耗六点幸运值,很轻松的把剩下的六份材料全部做成了满属性木熊基因 All sells, in addition yesterday's general idea about 100,000.” “全卖出去,加上昨天的大概10万左右。” In the Chen Feng heart calculates. 陈锋心中计算。 Next day. 次日。 Chen Feng on time to Virtual Community. 陈锋准时到了虚拟社区 Eight gene reagent that yesterday sold on consignment have sold, he arrived at the virtual shop entrance again, wanted to sell on consignment gene, does not want actually to pop up the warning window directly. 昨天寄售的八个基因试剂已经卖出去了,他再次来到虚拟店铺门口,想要寄售基因,不想却直接弹出了警告窗口。 You by this/should gene shop blacklisted, restriction had sold on consignment here.” “您已经被该基因店铺拉黑,禁制在此处寄售。” The float half illusory window appears, Chen Feng immediately startled, but at this time, received the notice King Kong to change to a light shadow to appear again, seeing this to laugh immediately. 悬浮的半虚幻窗口浮现,陈锋顿时愕然,而这时,收到通知的金刚化作一个光影再次出现,看见这一幕顿时大笑。 hā hā hā hā.” 哈哈哈哈。” Yesterday wasn't rampant with me? Your grandfather I buys the rule definition service today! Later your vegetable/dish chicken novice, be not thinking rubbed the current capacity here!” “昨天不是跟我嚣张吗?你爷爷我今天买了规则限定服务!以后你这种菜鸡新手,就别想着在我这里蹭流量了!” King Kong is complacent. 金刚得意洋洋。 Yesterday had almost not been irritated by Chen Feng, after thinking through, in the evening he cleared the value-added service, waited for one all day, to make every effort to succeed! 昨天差点没被陈锋气死,想通之后,晚上他就开通了增值服务,等了一整天,就是为了争一口气! Your this weak chicken Manufacturist with opposite Pavilion of Wind same trash!” “你这种弱鸡制作师就跟对面的风之阁一样垃圾!” „To rub my current capacity?” “想蹭我流量?” Laughable!” “可笑!” King Kong despises. 金刚鄙夷。 Oh.” 。” Chen Feng faint saying, then turned around. 陈锋淡漠的说道,然后转身走了。 oh? 哦? The King Kong eye stares in a big way, didn't Oh have? 金刚眼睛瞪大,一个就没了? He should not explode with rage is right? Oneself waited for his one day, but also opened specially by the value-added service of own anxiety, did his Oh character walk unexpectedly? 他不是应该气炸才对嘛?自己等了他一天,还特意开了让自己肉疼的增值服务,他居然一个字就走了? No, is not right! 不,不对! This fellow acts certainly in a play intentionally, he was definitely angry by oneself resentment very much, but does not want to be angry before oneself, therefore installs intentionally very calm, un, certainly is. 家伙一定是故意演戏的,他被自己怼了肯定很生气,但是又不想在自己面前生气,所以故意装得很淡定,嗯,一定是。 King Kong such as thinks. 金刚如是想到。 But at this time, Chen Feng came back. 而这时,陈锋又回来了。 Came back?” “又回来了?” King Kong is self-satisfied immediately: What's wrong, air/Qi right? hā hā, the father likes your being angry to me appearance that very much, but also has no alternative.” 金刚顿时得意起来:“怎么,还是气得不行对吧?哈哈,老子就喜欢你这对我很生气但是又无可奈何的样子。” No, I want to ask.” “不,我只是想问下。” Chen Feng said lightly: Pavilion of Wind that you said a moment ago where?” 陈锋淡淡说道:“你刚才说的风之阁在哪里?” That trash Pavilion of Wind?” “那个垃圾风之阁?” King Kong sneers: „, Opposite that is, there boss satisfies one's liking with you very much, is the trash that the moral behavior ruins! Except for installing to compel anything unable!” 金刚冷笑:“诺,对面那个就是,那里的老板跟你很合胃口,都是人品败坏的垃圾!除了装逼什么都不会!” Oh.” 。” Chen Feng selects to nod, turns around to depart. 陈锋点头,转身离去。 Also is oh? 又是哦? The King Kong eye stares in a big way, the heart flame of anger gets up to emerge. 金刚眼睛瞪大,心底无名火起涌现。 Paralysis! 麻痹的! Obviously was his resentment this fellow, why this fellow trifling thing did not have, wasn't angry? Also asked specially own Pavilion of Wind? could it be this can fellow really go to Pavilion of Wind? 明明是他怼了这家伙,为什么这家伙屁事没有,一点都不生气?还特意问自己风之阁难道家伙真的要去风之阁 Will not lack the mind. 不会这么缺心眼吧。 However if he really damages the competitor...... 不过他如果真去祸害竞争对手的话…… hey hey.” 嘿嘿。” Opposite looks at Chen Feng to arrive, King Kong decided to have a look in the past. 看着陈锋走到对面,金刚决定过去看看。 Pavilion of Wind, gene shop. 风之阁,基因小店。 King Kong just went, saw that Chen Feng selected void several, then left the shop. He swept around one subconsciously, that empty gene shop, quick filled, in several vacant glass cabinets, comes out bottles of brand-new gene reagent. 金刚刚进去的时候,就看到陈锋虚空点了几下,然后离开了店铺。他下意识的扫了一眼周围,那空荡荡的基因小店,很快就满了,几个空置的玻璃柜子上,多出来一瓶瓶崭新的基因试剂 This fellow really lacks the mind.” “这家伙真的是缺心眼。” King Kong affirmed. 金刚肯定。 Unexpectedly really listens to own words, the disaster opponent? 居然真的这么听自己的话,祸害对手? ...... 啧啧…… This also recalls own loss. 这样也算是挽回自己的损失了。 hā hā!” 哈哈!” Wind Hums this trash, turn head looked how he installs to compel with me.” 风吟这个垃圾,回头看他跟我怎么装逼。” King Kong is refreshing immediately. 金刚顿时神清气爽。 Just before leaving before, his subconscious point Wood Bear gene looks, immediately there, full attribute? Price-marks 10,000? Makes an effort to rub the eyes, King Kong determined oneself have not misread, is really the full attribute, price-marks 10,000! 只是,临走前,他下意识的点开一个木熊基因一看,顿时愣在了那里,满属性?标价1万?使劲揉揉眼睛,金刚确定自己没看错,真的是满属性,标价1万! Is this possible? 这怎么可能? King Kong is shocked. 金刚惊呆。 shuā! 刷! shuā! 刷! He examines all Wood Bear gene that here just sold on consignment fast, unexpectedly uniform full attribute! But a moment ago, here person, only had Chen Feng one! 他快速查看这里刚寄售的所有木熊基因,居然清一色的满属性!而刚才,这里的人,只有陈锋一个! Full...... full attribute?” “满……满属性?” King Kong was shocked. 金刚惊呆了。 All is? 全是? How possibly! 怎么可能! Even the Great Master manufacture, will still present the constitution 2 strength 3 point or the strength 2 constitution 3 point situations, rather than like the present, entire attribute 3 points! Moreover, he is clear awareness, couple days ago, this fellow manufacture is uniform ordinary gene. 就算是大师制作,也会出现体质二点力量三点或者力量二点体质三点这种情况,而不是像现在这样,全属性三点!而且,他可是清楚的知道,之前几天,这家伙制作的都是清一色的普通基因 could it be said...... 难道说…… King Kong holds breath suddenly a cold air/Qi. 金刚忽然倒吸一口冷气。 This is a wealthy families' son of the influential, just started to study Gene Manufacture, therefore start forcefully spends money to renovate, how many days rushed to full level? 这是一个有钱人家的公子哥,刚开始学习基因制作,所以硬生生的开始用钱刷新,几天就冲到了满级? If this...... 如果这样的话…… King Kong feels suddenly somewhat distressed, he resentment forcefully walked nouveau riche Manufacturist unexpectedly! Moreover, did he make the opposite party go to oneself competitor here? 金刚忽然感觉有些痛心,他居然硬生生的怼走了一位土豪制作师!而且,还是他让对方去了自己的竞争对手这里? No. 不。 The coincidence, certainly is only the coincidence. 巧合,一定只是巧合。 How that does fellow possibly make this high attribute gene?” “那家伙怎么可能做出这种高属性基因?” King Kong comforts itself. 金刚安慰自己。 Then, over the following two days, he will see each time Chen Feng in the past, in the shop comes out several full attribute Wood Bear gene each time is! Moreover what most makes his distressed is, he has relieved quietly shielded to Chen Feng's, but the opposite party has not come again! 然后,接下来的两天时间,他就看到每次陈锋过去,店里就多出来几个满属性的木熊基因每次都是!而且最让他痛心的是,他已经悄悄解除了对陈锋的屏蔽,但是对方再也没来过! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” 啊啊啊啊啊啊!” King Kong felt oneself soon exploded with rage, but this matter is done! If we had known this fellow has the words of this talent...... 金刚感觉自己都快要气炸了,而偏偏这种事情还是自己作出来的!如果早知道这家伙有这种天赋的话…… In a good mood!” “好气!” King Kong is beating the chest ruthlessly, is very distressed. 金刚狠狠捶着自己胸口,无比痛心。 But at this time, the interior door of shop was suddenly big, young people appeared in Pavilion of Wind, strange, over the two days the reality a little private affair did not have the time management, how did the performance instead rise?” 而这个时候,店铺的内门忽然大开,一个年轻人出现在风之阁内,“奇怪,这两天现实有点私事没时间管理,怎么业绩反而涨了?” The master in his shop, Wind Hums. 他正是这家店铺的主人,风吟 King Kong: „......” 金刚:“……” Yo, King Kong you, hā hā, my popularity are not you will also bring?” “呦,金刚你也在啊,哈哈,我这里的人气不会是你带来的吗?” Wind Hums taunt. 风吟嘲讽。 King Kong: „......” 金刚:“……” He painstakingly. 他心里苦。 Oh, right, our practice also seven days, turnover within one month, who having a look at us to attain the first name! Originally also thinks that did not have the hope to surpass you, never expected that the performance grew over the two days, unexpectedly was so about to catch up, it seems like my luck was good.” ,对了,我们的实习还有七天吧,一个月内的营业额,看看我们到底谁能够拿到第一名!本来还以为没希望超过你了,没想到这两天业绩增长,居然这么快追上了,看来我运气不错。” Wind Hums laughs. 风吟大笑。 King Kong: „......” 金刚:“……” His heart pain. 他心痛。 Snort.” “哼。” Sneers, King Kong departs. 冷笑一声,金刚离去。 Wind Hums is confused, strange, King Kong this fellow usually rampant flies, even if lost still refused stubbornly to acknowledge mistakes, today instigates? Obviously, he does not know, oneself those words happen to poked to the King Kong sore spot a moment ago, his here performance growth is really related with King Kong. 风吟一头雾水,奇怪,金刚家伙平时嚣张的飞起,就算输了也死不认账,今天怎么这么怂?显然,他不会知道,自己刚才那句话正好戳到金刚的痛处,他这边的业绩增长还真跟金刚有关。 But at this moment. 而此刻。 King Kong returns to own shop, this felt that the breath is smooth. 金刚回到自己的小店,这才感觉到呼吸顺畅不少。 Too distressed! 太痛心了! Each words that fellow spoke, grips probably in his heart, see the blood, damn, if we had known that damn Manufacturist has the words of this ability...... 家伙说的每句话,都像是扎在他心底,针针见血,该死的,如果早知道那该死的制作师有这种能耐的话…… forget about it, no matter he. 算了,不管他了。 King Kong clenches teeth, can only make Elder Sister help, if makes her sell on consignment oneself here anonymously, should not be cheats. 金刚咬咬牙,只能让姐姐帮帮忙了,如果只是让她匿名在自己这里寄售的话,应该不算作弊。 Damn Pavilion of Wind, I let your rampant two days.” “该死的风之阁,我让你嚣张两天。” King Kong hates secretly. 金刚暗恨。
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