SG :: Volume #1

#12: unexpected mutate(d)!

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Gold City. 金城 Gene Manufacture of Chen Feng in own rented room. 陈锋正在自己的出租屋中基因制作 The two days time, he manufactured full attribute gene reagent crazily, Luck Value that couple days ago saved is almost used up, sold a lot of money, but the distance purchased second Formula(s), but also was far from enough. 这两天的时间,他疯狂制作满属性基因试剂,前几天积攒的幸运值都快用完了,卖了不少钱,但是距离购买第二配方,还远远不够。 Gene Formula that works Type, hundred thousand gets up.” “一个打工类型基因配方,十万起。” Fight Type Gene Formula, 1 million.” “一个战斗类型基因配方,一百万起。” Chen Feng heart pain. 陈锋心痛。 Money that he accumulated over the two days, unexpectedly is insufficient including a Formula(s) money! Full attribute Wood Bear gene, the net profit is still only 5500 Yuan even! He sells 20, 110,000, from fight Formula(s) 1 million, never! 他这两天攒下来的钱,居然连一个配方的钱都不够!要知道,就算一个满属性的木熊基因,纯利润也只有5500元!他卖出去二十个,也才十一万,距离战斗配方的一百万,遥遥无期! Must find the way to raise a money.” “得想办法筹点钱啊。” Hunts and kills a mutate(d) shark again?” “再去猎杀一头变异鲨鱼?” Chen Feng thinks, then idea that gives up this making. 陈锋想了想,然后放弃这个作死的想法。 He gets rid of that mutate(d) shark to be purely the coincidence, that fellow strength terrifying, he can hunt and kill, because of his mutate(d) Black Sea shark within the body! 他干掉那头变异鲨鱼纯属巧合,那家伙实力很是恐怖,他之所以能猎杀,是因为他变异黑海鲨体内! If wants to hunt and kill this monster again...... 如果想要再次猎杀这种怪物…… He must first be swallowed down. 他要先被吞下去。 Un...... 嗯…… That fellow is spirit is Mutated Beast, the instance of swallowing down, will destroy all your consciousness and souls directly! Original Host as if died, Chen Feng Transmigration comes? 家伙精神变异兽,吞下去的瞬间,会直接摧毁你所有的意识和灵魂!原主人似乎就是这么死了,陈锋穿越过来的吧? Chen Feng does not doubt, if oneself meet that type of thing again, absolute ten dead, no one lives! 陈锋毫不怀疑,自己若是再遇到那种东西,绝对十死无生 Now the battle efficiency is too weak, is far-fetched.” “现在战斗力太弱,不靠谱。” Chen Feng shakes the head, finally decides to continue to manufacture Wood Bear gene. 陈锋摇摇头,最终还是决定继续制作木熊基因 . 只是。 Finishes this batch of gene, Chen Feng, when sells Wood Bear gene, discovered that on nearby glass cabinet, is suspending Wood Bear gene, the price rises dramatically to 20,000 unexpectedly! 忙完这一批的基因,陈锋在出售木熊基因的时候,发现旁边玻璃柜上,摆着的一个木熊基因,价格居然飙升到两万! This was fellow insane? Sells such expensively?” “这家伙疯了?卖这么贵?” The Chen Feng somewhat curious past looked, immediately is surprised. 陈锋有些好奇的过去一看,顿时惊讶。 Name: Wood Bear gene- increases 名称:木熊基因-增 Attribute: strength 3 points, constitution 3 points. 属性:力量三点,体质三点。 Ability: Fury of Wood Bear, in 20 seconds increases strength 10 points, the Cooldown 60 seconds. 能力:木熊之怒,20秒内提升力量十点,冷却60秒。 Type: mutate(d) 类型:变异 Selling price: 20000 Yuan 售价:20000元 mutate(d)?” 变异?” Chen Feng shock, this What the hell? 陈锋震惊,这什么玩意 He online inquired, this understood. 他在网上查询一番,这才了解。 Mutated Gene, is in Gene Manufacture the special product of small probability. 变异基因,是一种基因制作中小几率的特殊产物。 In the response of gene, under the catalytic reactions of several gene, may cause Wood Bear gene recessive gene to have mutate(d), produces mutate(d) Wood Bear gene! 基因的反应中,几种基因的催化反应下,有可能导致木熊基因的隐性基因发生变异,生成变异木熊基因 This is the mutate(d) basis. 这就是变异的根本。 Outstanding gene refers to the attribute wanting to be higher than ordinary gene, but Mutated Gene is the transformation of Gene Ability. 优秀基因是指属性比普通基因要高一些,而变异基因则是基因能力的蜕变。 For example 比如 Wood Bear Mutated Gene. 木熊变异基因 Ordinary Wood Bear Gene Ability is, Fury of Wood Bear, in 10 seconds increases strength 10 points, the Cooldown 60 seconds. 普通的木熊基因能力是,木熊之怒,十秒内提升力量十点,冷却60秒。 Wood Bear gene- increases, duration promotion of Gene Ability, from 10 seconds to 20 seconds! Wood Bear gene- reduces, the Fury of Wood Bear Cooldown time reduces, from 60 seconds to 30 seconds! Not having which Mutated Gene but the theory is, their values are much higher than ordinary gene! 木熊基因-增,基因能力的持续时间提升,从十秒到了20秒!木熊基因-减,木熊之怒冷却时间减少,从60秒到30秒!无但是论是哪种变异基因,他们的价值都远远高于普通基因 This, is the great strength of Mutated Gene. 这,就是变异基因的强大。 mutate(d)......” 变异……” Chen Feng heart movement. 陈锋心动。 He is short of money now extremely, but if makes Mutated Gene...... 他现在极度缺钱,但是如果做出变异基因的话…… mutate(d) in the Gene Reaction stage?” 变异是在基因反应阶段吗?” Chen Feng clear comprehension, he knows why suddenly finally Gene Manufacture was divided into three stages. 陈锋忽然明悟了,他终于知道基因制作为什么分成三个阶段了。 The first stage, Gene Search affects the gene attribute! 第一阶段,基因寻找影响基因属性! The second stage, Gene Reaction affects gene mutate(d)! 第二阶段,基因反应影响基因变异 The third stage, Gene Fusion affects the gene success ratio! 第三阶段,基因融合影响基因成功率! But regarding Chen Feng, the first stage and third stage he has attempted, only needs 1 Luck Value, can achieve perfectly, then second stage? 而对于陈锋来说,第一阶段和第三阶段他都尝试过,只需要一点幸运值,就可以达到完美,那么第二阶段呢? How doesn't try to know?” “不试试怎么知道?” Chen Feng licks the dry lip, starts Gene Manufacture again. 陈锋舔舔干涩的嘴唇,再次开始基因制作 The first stage, is completed. 第一阶段,完成。 second stage...... 第二阶段…… Luck Aura opening! 幸运光环开启! When Gene Reaction finished, appeared slightly different from the past in Chen Feng front gene, accurate, was deeper than the beforehand color. 基因反应完毕的时候,出现在陈锋面前的基因跟以往略有不同,准确的来说,比以前颜色更深了。 third stage, Gene Fusion. 第三阶段,基因融合 shuā! 刷! gene reagent turns into navy-blue. 基因试剂变成深蓝色 Manufactures successfully. 制作成功。 Chen Feng subconscious first looked at in within the body, Luck Value consumed 2 points! 陈锋下意识的先看了一眼体内,幸运值消耗了二点! Really consumed 2 points.” “真的消耗了二点。” Chen Feng not startled counter- happy, that said...... 陈锋不惊反喜,那岂不是说…… Brushing. 刷。 The gene examination has swept. 基因检测扫过。 mutate(d) Wood Bear gene. 变异木熊基因 Foundation gene: strength 3 points, constitution 3 points. 基础基因:力量三点,体质三点。 Gene Ability: Fury of Wood Bear, in 10 seconds promotes strength 10%, Cooldown 60 seconds. 基因能力:木熊之怒,十秒内提升力量10%,冷却60秒。 mutate(d)? 变异 Real mutate(d)! 真的变异了! He consumed 2 Luck Value, 1 point lets the Wood Bear gene high attribute, 1 point makes Wood Bear gene have mutate(d), made most perfect gene! 他消耗了二点幸运值,一点让木熊基因高属性,一点让木熊基因发生变异,做成了最完美的基因 merely...... 只是… Probably where is not quite right? 好像哪里不太对? Chen Feng carefully looked Mutated Gene that oneself make, suddenly a little confused. 陈锋仔细看了看自己做出来的变异基因,忽然有点懵逼了。 Wait. 等等。 These 10% What the hell? 这10%什么玩意 Chen Feng quite a while has not recovered. 陈锋半天没回过神来。 This is not right, even shouldn't mutate(d), be the change of the duration or Cooldown time? He has not heard, Wood Bear gene will have the third mutate(d) attribute! 这不对呀,就算变异,不也应该是持续时间或者冷却时间的变化吗?他从没听说过,木熊基因会有第三变异属性! This what ghost? 这什么鬼? Chen Feng a little confused. 陈锋有点懵逼 Arrives at Virtual Community rapidly. 迅速来到虚拟社区 Chen Feng opens the virtual light screen to screen, Wood Bear gene, mutate(d). 陈锋打开虚拟光幕进行筛选,木熊基因,变异 shuā! 刷! A recent data appears. 一层新的数据浮现。 Wood Bear gene- increases, 20,000 Yuan, have been sold out. 木熊基因-增,2万元,已售罄。 Wood Bear gene- reduces, 20,000 Yuan, have been sold out. 木熊基因-减,2万元,已售罄。 mutate(d), the Wood Bear gene trading value turned one time again! Initial cost 5000 Yuan Wood Bear gene, sold 20,000 sky-high prices unexpectedly! However, what making the Chen Feng egg sore is, even if Virtual Community, had not discovered that Wood Bear gene has third Mutated Gene! 一个变异,木熊基因的出售价格再翻了一倍!原价5000元的木熊基因,居然卖出了两万的天价!但是,让陈锋蛋疼的是,哪怕是虚拟社区,也没有发现木熊基因第三变异基因 Gene Ability can through the exercise promotion, the Wood Bear gene ability upper limit should be 10 levels. 基因能力是可以通过锻炼提升的,木熊基因的能力上限应该是十级。 1 level of Fury of Wood Bear, increases 10 points. 一级木熊之怒,提升十点。 2 levels of Fury of Wood Bear, increase 20 points. 二级木熊之怒,提升20点。 10 levels of Fury of Wood Bear, increase 100 points. 十级木熊之怒,提升100点。 His percentage? 那他这个百分比呢? 1 level of Fury of Wood Bear, raises 10% , 10 levels on promotion 100% strength! 一级木熊之怒,提升10%,10级就提升100%力量 Is listening to very fierce appearance is right? Turned entire one time! However, percentage type of thing, if places in combat gene is very certainly precious, but works gene? Regarding the ordinary labor, 20 strength words, 10% promotion, promoted 2 strength! 听着很厉害的样子对吧?翻了整整一倍!然而,百分比这种东西如果放在战斗基因中的话一定很珍贵,但是打工基因?对于普通民工来说,原本20点力量的话,10%的提升,就是提升二点力量 How many even if the full level can have? 就算满级能有多少? 100% were well below that 100 points are cost-effective! 100%远远不如100点划算! Since the choice is works Type, then their strength attributes are very definitely low, therefore...... 既然选择是打工类型,那么他们本身的力量属性肯定很低,所以…… Can this thing really sell? 这玩意真的能卖出去吗? Chen Feng suspected very much. 陈锋很怀疑。 Online checked for quite a while, has no correlation data. Chen Feng guessed, the ten million | whatever happens 1 probabilities that Wood Bear gene that hidden, possibly came out by Luck Aura resentment forcefully, is good is bad, Chen Feng is not clear. However, he soon found the means. 网上查了半天,也没有任何一个相关数据。陈锋自己猜测,木熊基因那隐藏起来的千万分之一的几率,可能被幸运光环硬生生的怼出来了,是好是坏,陈锋也不清楚。不过,他很快找到办法。 Virtual Community is irritable, because of him not only then transaction section. 虚拟社区之所以火爆,是因为他不仅仅只有交易部。 Entertainment...... 娱乐…… Performance...... 表演…… Curriculum...... 课程…… Any you can think that Virtual Community has. 任何你能想到的,虚拟社区都有。 Chen Feng purchases the advisory services of some Manufacturist directly, however lets his unexpected, even if High Grade Manufacturist, understands very little to this aspect. 陈锋直接去购买一些制作师的咨询服务,然而让他意外的,哪怕是高级制作师,对这方面也知之甚少。 Wood Bear gene? Very long has not studied.” 木熊基因?很久没研究了。” third is mutate(d) possible? Should possibly perhaps perhaps not have? I not am quite definite.” 第三变异可能?应该可能也许或许没有吧?我也不太确定。” If you really interested, perhaps a person knows.” “如果你真有兴趣的话,或许一个人知道。” Gene Manufacturist is quite generally rigorous, does not dare to vouch for regarding own unknown thing, but they gave Chen Feng to recommend a person actually. 基因制作师一般都比较严谨,对于自己未知的事物不敢打包票,不过他们倒是给了陈锋推荐了一个人。 High Grade Gene Manufacturist Tao Hongkai! 高级基因制作师陶宏凯 This Great Master once created «Wood Bear Gene Manufacture Comprehensive Capturing» is known, he is first Manufacturist that writes Wood Bear gene all knowledge nodes, by floor Manufacturist welcome, on many new Manufacturist Beginner Grade teaching materials, can see his name. 这位大师曾经创作《木熊基因制作全面攻略》而被人们所知,他是第一个写出木熊基因所有知识点的制作师,很受底层制作师欢迎,多少新手制作师初级教材上,都能看到他的名字。 Professor Tao?” 陶教授么?” Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 The Wood Bear manufacture that he sees at first captures, there is this Great Master reputation, happen to this Great Master the virtual curricula, could dispel doubt to oneself in the evening. 他最初看到的木熊制作攻略,也有这位大师的名头,正好这位大师晚上有一堂虚拟课程,或许能给自己解惑。
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