SG :: Volume #1

#10: King Kong angry glare

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

„Are you?” “你是?” Raising the head of Chen Feng doubts. 陈锋疑惑的抬起头。 I called King Kong, the shopkeeper in this virtual shop!” “我叫金刚,这家虚拟店铺的店长!” Saying of that big light shadow coldly (calmly). 那高大的光影冷冷的说道。 Oh, hello/you good.” ,你好。” Some Chen Feng unexpected. 陈锋有些意外 hē hē, good screw you!” 呵呵,好你大爷!” The King Kong anger soars to the heavens: Father two days have not come up, the discovery day turnover dropped 50%! Who gives your courage to sell on consignment gene here? Only novice, manufactures is trash Wood Bear gene, you know that over the two days how many father did lose money?!” 金刚怒火冲天:“老子两天没上来,就发现日营业额下降了50%!谁给你的胆子在我这里寄售基因?区区一个新手,制作出来的都是垃圾木熊基因,你知道老子这两天亏本多少吗?!” Ordinary Wood Bear gene can only sell for 5000 Yuan, one full attribute outstanding Wood Bear gene enough 10,000 Yuan!” “一个普通木熊基因只能卖5000元,一个满属性的优秀木熊基因足足1万元!” gene of these most trash you suspend does not sell, basically each must hang one all day! High attribute gene basically several hours that others hang sell, the trust position comes out also to continue idle to sell, you know how many business delayed me to do?” “你摆的那些最垃圾的基因还不好卖,基本上每个都要挂一整天!其他人挂的高属性的基因基本上几个小时就卖出去,托管位置就空闲出来还能继续卖,你知道耽误我做了多少生意嘛?” King Kong was angry. 金刚气坏了。 Oh.” 。” Some Chen Feng doubts, why don't that you establish the definition rule?” 陈锋有些疑惑,“那你为什么不设置限定规则?” Defines the rule. 限定规则。 Is entrusted with the value-added service of system, Virtual Community must make money after all, therefore the trust of gene shop, only then the simplest rule, after purchasing the definition rule, can establish the rule at will, for example limits Gene Type, the gene type, the gene attribute, even blacklist. 是托管系统的增值服务,虚拟社区毕竟也要赚钱,所以基因店铺的托管只有最简单的规则,购买了限定规则之后,才可以随意设置规则,比如限制基因类型,基因种类,基因属性,甚至黑名单。 A month 10,000, regarding the shops of some current capacities, must purchase. 一个月一万,对于有些流量的店铺来说,都是必须购买的。 King Kong complexion immediately one stiff. 金刚的脸色顿时一僵。 It seems like you have not bought.” “看来你没买。” Chen Feng understood. 陈锋明白了。 This fellow does not want to spend these 10,000 dollars, does not want to make the Gene Manufacture novice come to his here to sell on consignment, but normal everyone sells on consignment, where has the spatial position where to sell on consignment, who knows your family's situation? This is typical old Lai, you did not define that who knows your anything situation! By guessing? 家伙是不想花这一万块钱,又不想让基因制作新手来他这里寄售,可是正常大家寄售,都是哪里有空位置去哪里寄售,谁知道你们家的情况?这才是典型的老赖啊,你不限定谁知道你这什么情况啊!靠猜的? „Does father buy to want you to manage?” “老子买不买要你管?” King Kong becomes angry out of shame, angrily roars: Gets the hell out! Father here does not welcome the rookies.” 金刚恼羞成怒,怒吼:“滚蛋!老子这里不欢迎菜鸟。” Good.” “好的。” Chen Feng to nod, then leaves slightly. 陈锋微微点头,然后离开。 King Kong is then well satisfied, snort/hum, spends 10,000 money establishment rules? Does not absoltely need, these rookies novices, after scolding one, does not dare to come. 金刚这才心满意足,哼,花一万块钱设置规则?根本没必要,这些菜鸟新手,骂一遍之后就不敢来了。 . 只是。 He has turned head, suddenly complexion one stiff. 他回过头,忽然脸色一僵。 In the shop on the glass cabinet of blank coming out Wood Bear gene reagent, the positions of eight blanks, filled up suddenly unexpectedly completely! 店铺里原本空白的玻璃柜上忽然多出来一个个木熊基因试剂,八个空白的位置,居然全部填满了! But these gene...... 而这些基因…… Fuck! 草! Damn fellow!” “该死的家伙!” The whole body of King Kong air/Qi shivers, before that fellow walked a moment ago, unexpectedly hung selling on consignment all gene? In front of own? 金刚气的浑身颤抖,刚才那家伙走之前,居然把所有基因挂上去寄售了?还是当着自己的面? How his facial skin can thick to this situation! 他脸皮怎么可以厚到这种地步! King Kong exploded with rage. 金刚气炸了。 But at this time. 而此时。 Chen Feng ease return reality. 陈锋悠悠然的回到现实。 Threat of King Kong? 金刚的威胁? He does not care, since you have not defined the rule, that explained that he completely has the qualifications to sell on consignment in inside, is fair! 他根本不在乎,既然你没有限定规则,那说明他完全有资格在里面寄售,合情合理! To limit him? 想要限制他? The little darlings buy the value-added service. 乖乖去买增值服务吧。 However, Chen Feng was also understands the ordinary Manufacturist situation was how difficult. 不过,陈锋也算是明白了普通制作师的处境如何艰辛。 The magnanimous resources that earlier invests also on forget about it, the sale of gene reagent must be discriminated, no wonder so many people liked selling to the shop directly, rather lost money, does not want to receive this bird air/Qi. 前期投入的海量资源也就算了,就连基因试剂的销售都要受到歧视,难怪那么多人喜欢直接卖给店铺了,宁可多亏本一点,也不想受这股鸟气。 It seems like wants to gain, but also needs outstanding Wood Bear gene.” “看来想要盈利,还需要优秀的木熊基因才可以。” Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 These days his energy on Gene Fusion, since now Formula(s) has completely grasped, he can try the impact of higher level! 这段时间他的精力都在基因融合上,如今既然配方已经完全掌握,那他就可以尝试更高层次的冲击! For example 比如 High attribute outstanding gene! 高属性的优秀基因 The Wood Bear gene high attribute has three types, 3 strength or 3 constitution, or all have. 木熊基因的高属性有三种,三点力量或者三点体质,或者全有。 Gene Manufacture has three steps, Gene Fusion of third step is the key to success, but the first step, Gene Search, actually makes the high attribute gene key! 基因制作有三步,第三步的基因融合是成功的关键,而第一步,基因寻找,却是作出高属性基因的关键! The reason is very simple, material. 原因很简单,材料。 first step seeking gene fragment(s), is the material of following response and fusion! So long as the best gene material, can make the best attribute! 第一步寻找的基因片段,是后面反应和融合的材料!只要最好的基因材料,才能够作出最好的属性! Best gene......” “最好的基因……” Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 Wraps Wood Bear blood essence with Spiritual Energy, at present radiance passes, Chen Feng enters Digitized World. 精神力包裹木熊精血,眼前光华流转,陈锋进入数维世界 Innumerable gene circulations. 无数基因流转。 Material gene that Wood Bear gene needs, Chen Feng very easily looked, but these are only most common gene. 木熊基因所需要的材料基因,陈锋很轻易的就找了出来,但是这些都只是最普通的基因 Outstanding gene?” “优秀的基因么?” Chen Feng decides multi- wait/etc. 陈锋决定多等等。 However, enough two minutes, only presented one seem like obviously compared with other gene big entire gene, obviously, this gene quantity were not many. 然而,足足两分钟,只出现一条看上去明显比其他基因大了整整一圈的基因,显然,这种基因的数量并不多。 This is not good.” “这样可不行。” Chen Feng knits the brows. 陈锋皱眉。 Two minutes found one, how long 13 do change into this gene to want completely? 两分钟才找到一条,十三条全部换成这种基因要多久? Acceleration!” “加速!” Chen Feng stimulates to movement Spiritual Energy to accelerate entire Digitized World to revolve! 陈锋催动精神力加速整个数维世界运转! By gene that the normal speed moves, the speed sped up suddenly, Chen Feng looks that each gene that from flashes through at present, leaves behind these quite powerful gene. 原本以正常速度移动的基因,速度忽然加快,陈锋看着每一个从眼前闪过的基因,把那些比较强大的基因留下。 When he catches the sixth strip, eye previous life suddenly starts to glitter. 只是,就在他抓到第六条的时候,眼前世界忽然开始闪烁。 Bang! 轰! Digitized World collapse! 数维世界崩溃! Chen Feng returns to at present normal, but Wood Bear blood essence has turned into one group of blood fog. 陈锋眼前恢复正常,而木熊精血已经变成一团血雾。 Was defeated.” “失败了。” Chen Feng shakes the head. 陈锋摇摇头。 Spiritual Energy exhausts! 精神力耗尽! This was his first time is defeated in the Gene Search stage! 这还是他第一次在基因寻找阶段就失败了! His present Spiritual Energy upper limit is 30 points, however consumed up all Spiritual Energy, unexpectedly has not collected including half of outstanding gene, let alone manufactured the high attribute! 他现在精神力上限是30点,然而耗光了所有精神力,居然连一半的优秀基因都没有凑齐,更别说制作高属性了! Also, did this degree of consumption, how do even? 再说了,这种程度的消耗,就算做出来又如何? Basic gain does not equal the loss! 根本得不偿失! To make outstanding Wood Bear gene, Chen Feng at least needs 60 points of Spiritual Energy! This does not consider in the face black luck really bad situation! 想要做出一个优秀的木熊基因,陈锋至少需要60点精神力!这还是不考虑脸黑运气实在差的情况下! 60 do points of Spiritual Energy trade outstanding Wood Bear gene? 60点精神力换一个优秀的木熊基因 He is not absolutely dry. 他绝对不干。 „It is not cost-effective.” “不划算。” Chen Feng hesitates. 陈锋沉吟。 He manufactures outstanding Wood Bear gene is short of money radically, to make money, manufactures outstanding Wood Bear gene with this way, he must give instead of taking much money! 他制作优秀木熊基因的根本是缺钱,为了挣钱,用这种方式制作出一个优秀的木熊基因,他还要倒贴好多钱! Goes to the online examination, while convenient some learn/study Gene Search skills. 去网上查看,顺便学习一些基因寻找的技巧。 Chen Feng pondered over, if does the practice, consumption Spiritual Energy may drop to 40 points about, but this is the limit! 陈锋琢磨了一下,如果多做练习的话,消耗的精神力可能会下降到40点左右,但是这已经是极限了! Other, can only look at the face. 其他的,只能看脸了。 Also because of this. 也正因为如此。 New Manufacturist, only makes ordinary gene to be used to practice merely, so long as guarantees the income to be balanced, did not lose money to be good, high attribute outstanding gene? 新手制作师,都是仅仅只做普通的基因用来练习,只要保证收入平衡,不太亏本就行了,高属性的优秀基因 That is the Great Manufacturist writing skill! 那是制作大师的手笔! Regarding Great Manufacturist, Spiritual Energy does not lack, divides minute to make large quantities of full attribute gene, perhaps the Spiritual Energy consumption did not have them to restore quick. 对于制作大师而言,精神力根本不缺,分分钟做出一大批满属性基因,或许精神力消耗还没他们恢复的快呢。 „After can only wait, did?” “只能等以后再做了吗?” Chen Feng is somewhat regrettable. 陈锋有些遗憾。 At this time, he thinks suddenly matter Gene Search, looks at the face! If then, uses Luck Aura? 只是,就在这个时候,他忽然想到了一件事基因寻找,是看脸的!那么,如果使用幸运光环呢? Can try.” “可以试试。” Chen Feng is suddenly excited. 陈锋忽然激动起来。 Prepares to test the material, Chen Feng took a deep breath. 准备好实验材料,陈锋深吸一口气 Get up! 起! Spiritual Energy packages Wood Bear gene slowly, in an instant enters Digitized World. 精神力缓缓包裹木熊基因,刹那间进入数维世界 wēng — 嗡— Luck Aura, opening! 幸运光环,开启! Chen Feng opened at present, is startled immediately. 陈锋睁开眼前,顿时被惊到了。 Innumerable gene from past at present, the speed is not fast, gene that but these present, impressively is most powerful gene! Under the influence of Luck Aura, he just entered Digitized World, in several tens of thousands of gene most powerful gene, is the first raid passes through unexpectedly! 无数基因从眼前流转而过,速度并不快,但是那些出现的基因,赫然都是最强大的基因!在幸运光环的影响下,他刚刚进入数维世界,数万基因中最强大的基因,居然都是第一批次走过! shuā! 刷! shuā! 刷! Chen Feng holds these strongest gene. 陈锋将这些最强的基因抓住。 The first step, completes, Luck Value consumes 1 points. 第一步,完成,幸运值消耗一点。 Chen Feng closes Luck Aura, behind uses the normal rhythm manufacture, now his Gene Fusion has been able to guarantee successfully, therefore does not need to be worried to be defeated. 陈锋关闭幸运光环,后面用正常的节奏制作,如今他基因融合已经可以保证成功,所以根本不用担心失败。 Quick. 很快。 gene reagent turns into deep-blue. 基因试剂变成湛蓝色 The manufacture is completed. 制作完成。 Brushing. 刷。 The gene examination is completed, the gene data shows on the light screen. 基因检测完成,基因数据在光幕上显示出来。 Wood Bear gene. 木熊基因 Foundation gene: strength 3 points, constitution 3 points. 基础基因:力量三点,体质三点。 Gene Ability: Fury of Wood Bear, in 10 seconds increases strength 10 points, the Cooldown 60 seconds. 基因能力:木熊之怒,十秒内提升力量十点,冷却60秒。
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