STH :: Volume #10

#915: Making of March/three months

In front of many royal courtier, the Wu Tianming rising together simultaneously sword is referring, purple gold color Sword Qi projects from the fingertip together, just like a crazy big python[ stirs up] shoots, slanting touched and went the imperial palace main entrance to stand tall and erect tower over a city gate that hit pulpy the half tower over a city gate, projects two thousand li (500 km) later, punctured in one side of a river valley reaching to the sky mountain a diameter the transparent hole. 当着众多朝臣的面,吴天明并起剑指,一道紫金色剑气从指尖射出,宛如一条狂的大蟒〖激〗射而出,斜斜的擦过了皇宫正门高耸的城楼子,将半截城楼打得稀烂,随后射出两千里,将河谷一侧的一座高耸入云的大山打穿了一个直径里许的透明窟窿。 A sword ejects, Wu Tianming stands up slowly, stretching oneself of slowly. His whole body joint has the clear sound, the huge immortal strength fluctuation lets fill toward civil and military completely all with amazement. Nine revolutions of big erysipelases of Wu Qi mouth, in the short quarter of an hour, making Nascent Soul Realm Wu Tianming have the third rank Golden Immortal strength baseless. 一剑击出,吴天明缓缓站起,慢慢的伸了个懒腰。他浑身骨节出清脆的响声,庞大的仙力波动让满朝文武尽皆骇然。一颗勿乞嘴里的九转大火丹,在短短一刻钟内,让原本元婴境界吴天明凭空拥有了三品金仙的实力。 This is the Wu Tianming foundation is too bad, temporarily is unable to fuse this Gold Core complete efficacy and Great Dao essential meaning of containing. Otherwise by Blissful Buddha deputed 10% essence, can push Golden Immortal peak Wu Tianming absolutely with ease infinitely close to the level of Taiyi. 这还是吴天明根基太差,暂时无法融合这颗金丹全部的药力和其中蕴藏的大道精义。否则以一尊欢喜佛经过提纯后的10%精气,绝对能轻轻松松将吴天明推送到金仙巅峰无限靠近太乙的层次。 However, this medicine pill strong potency also the diameter has so made person shock incomparable merely. And has the most efficacy to hide in Wu Tianming[ body], will only wait for him in the future gradually refining, he will be true peak Golden Immortal. 但是仅仅如此,这颗丹药的强大效力也已径让人惊骇无比。其中更有大半药力藏在吴天明〖体〗内,只等他未来逐渐炼化,他就是一个真正的巅峰金仙 Wu Tianming deeply inspires, immediately in the main hall the wind and cloud rolls up and pushes along, in the flat land will start the gale almost to fill toward civil and military to raise to fly. Crossed for a long time for a long time, Wu Tianming then mixed well aura. His cultivation base must come baseless, he has not controlled the experience of so huge strength completely, therefore controls one's breathing one time must cost his many time. 吴天明深吸一口气,顿时大殿内风云卷动,平地里掀起大风差点将满朝文武掀飞出去。过了许久许久,吴天明这才调匀了气息。他的修为凭空得来,他完全没有掌控如此庞大力量的经验,故而一次调息都要耗费他许多的时间。 In the double pupil purple gold color rays of light flashes through, Wu Tianming treats a matter seriously deeply checks a ritual to Wu Qi: Preceptor!” 双眸中紫金色光芒闪过,吴天明郑重其事的向勿乞深深稽一礼:“国师!” Afterward Wu Tianming gradually salutes to Gui Guzi and Mo Di, respectful declaring Preceptor. Slight bow that Gui Guzi and Mo Di act with constraint, is actually a word not, all the deals of manipulating strategically gave Wu Qi to process completely. It is not they not, but is they disdains to manipulate strategically with Wu Dehou such person. 随后吴天明逐次向鬼谷子墨翟行礼,恭敬的口称国师鬼谷子墨翟矜持的微微点头,却是一言不,所有勾心斗角的勾当全部交给了勿乞去处理。不是他们不会,而是他们不屑与吴地垕这样的人勾心斗角罢了。 Wu Qi hey however sneers, he intends to ask that Wu Dehou said: Prince regent, can this poor Daoist Senior Brother younger brother, work as this Great Wu Preceptor?” 勿乞嘿然冷笑,他有意问吴地垕道:“摄政王,贫道师兄弟,可当得这大吴国师?” Wu Dehou opens mouth, long time has not spoken intentlyhis eyeball looks at Wu Qi, extremely shocking he could not speak. The short quarter of an hour, accomplished third rank Golden Immortal unexpectedly, what Spirit Pill elixir is this? Can refine this medicine pill pill master, is oddly abnormal existence? Hears Wu Qi provokes the issue of meaning difficultly, Wu Dehou has turned head to look at one to fill toward civil and military, own partisan just like same is opened the mouth by the frog that the thunder scared, in these ordinary days with the royal courtier who oneself did not satisfy the need, was the pleasant surprise, if crazy looks at Wu Tianming. 吴地垕张了张嘴,半晌没吭声”他眼珠直愣愣的看着勿乞,万分震惊的他根本说不出话来。短短一刻钟,居然造就了一个三品金仙,这是什么样的灵丹妙药?能够炼制出这种丹药的丹师,又是何等离谱何等变态的存在?听到勿乞略带挑衅意味的问题,吴地垕艰难的扭过头去看了一眼满朝文武,自己的党羽都宛如被雷霆吓坏的蛤蟆一样张大了嘴,那些平日里和自己不对路的朝臣,则是惊喜若狂的看着吴天明 The Great Wu deliberation hall must live the great change, Wu Dehou suddenly has planted the consciousness. 大吴的朝堂要生巨变,吴地垕突然有了这么种觉悟。 Hollow laughWu Dehou difficult saying: My Great Wu Preceptor, must be able also to have the person of virtue, three immortals long......”, Wu Qi has not opened the mouth, nearby Gui Guzi sneers saying: what Weide? Seeks toward compiling the position for virtue? Humiliates the biological nephew for virtue? Dominates toward the for virtue? Keeps off the virtue for the country for virtue? what Weide? This poor Daoist may I ask the prince regent, what Weide?”, Wu Dehou was made shamelessly by Gui Guzi a chain of caustic and mean issues scarlet, he stares Gui Guzi to be just about to do shamefully and angrily, that eight Great Wu High Priest that but fierce not Ding's remembering was divided by a Wu Qi swordWu Dehou that anger disappears instantaneously without a trace. He opens mouth, racks brains to discover to oppose excuse that the Wu Qi three people become Great Wu Preceptor. 干笑一声”吴地垕艰难的说道:“我大吴国师,必须是有能也有德之人,三位仙长……”,勿乞还没开口,一旁的鬼谷子冷笑道:“何为德?谋朝纂位是为德?欺凌亲侄是为德?把持朝柄是为德?为国挡贤是为德?何为德也?贫道敢问摄政王,何为德?”,吴地垕鬼谷子一连串尖酸刻薄的问题弄得老脸赤红,他恼羞成怒的瞪着鬼谷子正要作,但是猛不丁的想起被勿乞一剑劈死的那八位大吴大祭司吴地垕那点怒火瞬间消失得无影无踪。他张了张嘴,绞尽脑汁想要找出反对勿乞三人成为大吴国师的借口。 Mobilizes soldiers their three people directly puts to death? Could not find out the appropriate excuse, Wu Dehou cannot help but gives birth killed the heart. 或者,直接调兵将他们三人诛杀?想不出合适的借口,吴地垕不由得生出了杀心。 Except that killed eight High Priest ” the Great Wu dynasty and Wu Dehou were the High Priest also 23 people of party, cultivation base slightly was lower than the first-grade great general also 12 people Wu Dehou, in the coordination guards the 200,000 armies in palace wall, Wu Dehou had confidence that put to death Wu Qi these three unauthentic Daoist. 除开被杀的八位大祭司大吴皇朝和吴地垕为党的大祭司还有二十三人,修为吴地垕略低一等的大将还有十二人,配合上镇守皇城的二十万大军,吴地垕有把握将勿乞这三个来路不明的道人诛杀。 When Wu Dehou cannot bear open the mouth ordered to assemble the soldiers and horses, the fruit not different old minister who another is old and air-drying went out of the arrangement gradually. This old minister narrowed pair of eyes that slope outwards to cough several, low and deep saying: Three immortal long pill techniques are very exquisite. However the technique of concocting pills is only a track, vertical can accomplish three five Golden Immortal, but benefitted individual, actually in my Great Wu national strength not slightly gain.” 就在吴地垕忍不住开口下令调集兵马的时候,另外一个老得都和风干的果子无异的老臣缓步走出了班列。这老臣眯着一对三角眼咳嗽了几声,低沉的说道:“三位仙长的丹术果然无比精妙。但是炼丹之术只是小道,纵能造就三五金仙,只是利了个人,却于我大吴国力并无丝毫增益。” Wu Dehou satisfied nod, this excuse looks well. Your Wu Tianming achievement third rank Golden Immortal how, your one person became Golden Immortal even, but Great Wu dynasty high and low 3 billion people. 吴地垕满意的点了点头,这个借口找得好。你吴天明就算成就了三品金仙又如何,你一个人成了金仙,但是大吴皇朝上下三十亿子民呢。 Even were many more than ten 20 Golden Immortal, is still useless to the Great Wu national strength! 就算多了十几二十个金仙,也对大吴的国力无益啊! Wu Tianming listened to the words of this old minister, cannot help but air/Qi but actually to set upright. He points at that old minister to get angry: Big Sima, you......”, in the main hall seven Ran's royal courtiers has bowed simultaneously the saluting long sound said to Wu Tianming: Also asked your majesty to think!”, Is called Sima's that old minister happily to be greatly good to pick up to steadily, saying with a smile: Your majesty, but also asked your majesty to think. This Preceptor duty is the responsibility is really significant, if trusts the wrong person to have the big evil to my Great Wu. ”, This Sima must continue to speak greatly, Wu Qi icy broke his lengthy speech: enough!” 吴天明听了这老臣的话,不由得气得头倒竖而起。他指着那老臣怒道:“大司马,你……”,大殿中过七冉的朝臣同时向吴天明躬身行礼长声道:“还请陛下三思!”,被称为大司马的那老臣得意好拈动长须,笑吟吟的说道:“陛下,还请陛下三思。这国师一职实在是干系重大,若是所托非人”对我大吴可是有大害的。”,这大司马还要继续说话,勿乞已经冷冰冰的打断了他的长篇大论:“够了!” Drank to shake that Sima to draw back lightly greatly backward anxiously several steps, Wu Qi said proudly: Originally this poor Daoist Senior Brother younger brother three people the heart of not secular academic honor, and has no interest in respond to this bustling place earthliness. I and others lived in seclusion Pangu 6 to dive to cultivate in a big waydated back of ten eight Great Tribulation, this time leaves the mountain, but wants to look for a dwelling places of buddhist immortals to open the Buddhist temple to publicize Great Dao. This Great Wu Preceptor duty, how could did I and others care? ”, Sneers, Wu Qi is directing Wu Dehou and fills toward civil and military sneers saying: Is only and other mouths. Feel embarrassed my Senior Brother younger brother three people, this Preceptor throne, this poor Daoist must sit to play for several days is not possible.”, Does not wait for these royal courtiers to speak, Wu Qi turns around to say to Wu Tianming: Your majesty, this poor Daoist Senior Brother younger brother three people have a mind to set up Dingda industry to strive for my Great Wu, but also invited your majesty waiting a bit moment, was revealed a method by my Senior Brother younger brother three people slightly, had a look at us whether had the qualifications to become Great Wu Preceptor.”, Wu Tianming holds the Fist Dao toward Wu Qi joyfully: Preceptor acts freely is.” 一声轻喝震得那大司马向后急退了几步,勿乞傲然道:“原本贫道师兄弟三人”并无世俗功名之心,对这红尘俗世并无心搭理。我等隐居盘古大六潜修”距今已有十八量劫之久,此次出山,只是想要找一洞天福地开辟道场宣扬大道。这大吴国师一职,我等何曾在意?”,冷笑一声,勿乞指点着吴地垕和满朝文武冷笑道:“只是尔等口。声声为难吾师兄弟三人,这国师的宝座,贫道还非要坐上去玩几天不可。”,不等这些朝臣说话,勿乞转身向吴天明道:“陛下,贫道师兄弟三人有心为我大吴立鼎大业出力,还请陛下稍待片刻,由我师兄弟三人稍稍显露一点手段,看看我们是否有资格成为大吴国师。”,吴天明欣然朝勿乞一抱拳道:“国师尽管施为就是。” Wu Qi nods slowly, he sneered to say toward Wu Dehou and the others: Today makes you experience, anything is called after the talent and the opportunity of fairy not measuring day latitude place!”, Coughs lightly, Wu Qi said to the Mo Di chin: Two Senior Brother, but also please make a move!” 勿乞缓缓点头,他朝吴地垕等人冷笑道:“今日就让你们见识见识,什么叫做经天纬地之才、神鬼莫测之机!”,轻咳一声,勿乞墨翟頷道:“二师兄,还请出手!” Mo Di coldly snorted, he to saying of Wu Tianming jar sound jar air/Qi: Good funeral iron 100,000 jin (0.5 kg), send!” 墨翟冷哼一声,他向吴天明瓮声瓮气的说道:“上好殡铁十万斤,送来!” Wu Tianming stares, he is almost the instinct looked to Wu Dehou. 吴天明一愣,他几乎是本能的看向了吴地垕 Wu Dehou gawked similarly, he narrows the eyes to focus to hesitate, the chancellor official who beckoning with the hand of gently, in the main hall several Great Wu are responsible for army forging goes out of outside the palace on the stride. A series of orders transmitted anxiously, when are not many 100,000 jin (0.5 kg) forged the good iron hammer to pile up center the main hall. 吴地垕同样愣了一下,他眯着眼沉吟一阵,轻轻的摆了摆手,大殿中几个大吴负责军器锻造的主事官员就大步走出殿外。一连串的命令急传递了下去,不多时十万斤锻造好的铁锤就堆积在了大殿正中。 Just what Mo Di wanted is 100,000 jin (0.5 kg) good funeral iron this is the end product iron chain of best quality the ordinary iron ore can refine. However Great Wu these officials deliver is actually 100,000 jin (0.5 kg) ordinary ironclad, differed far more than ten times with the bin iron quality that Mo Di demanded? 刚刚墨翟要的是十万斤上好殡铁这是普通铁矿石所能炼出的最好品质的成品铁链。但是大吴的这些臣子送上来的却是十万斤普通铁定,和墨翟索要的缤铁品质相差了何止十倍? Wu Tianming is not but actually stupid, he sees clearly the trick that these officials played, his angry clenching teeth swept that several chancellor official one eyes, them firmly at heart. Wu Tianming vowed, so long as he fought upside-down Wu Dehou, had the Great Wu imperial authority thoroughly, he must make these official who dared to disobey the decree have bad luck, making them remember forever anything is called a king anger blood stream li pestle. 吴天明倒也不蠢,他看清了这些臣子玩弄的手段,他恼怒的咬牙扫了那几个主事官员一眼,将他们牢牢的记在了心里。吴天明誓,只要他斗倒了吴地垕,彻底掌握了大吴的皇权,他一定要让这些胆敢违逆自己旨意的臣子倒霉,让他们永远都记得什么叫做君王一怒血流溧杵。 Mo Di thinks otherwise shakes the head to sneer. He toward that 100,000 jin (0.5 kg) fine iron one move, the palm careful red flame spouts 100,000 fine irons conveniently together , melts the molten iron, the enormous volume shrank several times suddenly. Mo Di simple from the sky outlined several rune with the finger toward that molten iron, conveniently the right hand in a flash, a none sprinkles from his palm, „ dingdong, a resounding transmits, the entire simultaneously 30 modeling extremely simple single-handed swords inserted on character in the main hall. 墨翟不以为然的摇头冷笑。他随手朝那十万斤精铁一招,掌心一道细细的赤色火光喷出十万精铁,哧啦,一声融成铁水,原本极大的体积眨眼间就缩水了数倍。墨翟简简单单的用手指在空中勾勒了几个符文往那铁水中一点,随手右手一晃,一片精光从他掌心洒出,“叮叮当当,一阵脆响传来,整整齐齐三十柄造型极其简单的单手剑就一字儿插在了大殿中。 Mo Di waves, cold snort/hum. 墨翟挥了挥手,冷哼了一声。 Wu Qi is joining hands behind the back to show the whites of the eyes, two nostrils to main hall day h1a board cold -ly snorted and said: Also invited connoisseurship!” 勿乞背着手翻着白眼,两个鼻孔对着大殿天h1a板冷哼道:“还请诸位鉴赏!” Wu Dehou silent, later he smiled suddenly: Subdue palace general where?”, A main hall entrance golden armor Military Officer stride walked, he holds the fist in the other hand to salute to Wu Dehou salutes to pay respect to Wu Tianming later. Wu Tianming coldly smiles, his sinking sound said: Tries the weapon of broken army Preceptor refinement.” 吴地垕沉默了一阵,随后他突然笑了起来:“镇殿将军何在?”,大殿门口一名金甲将领大步走了过来,他向吴地垕抱拳行礼随后才向吴天明行礼参拜。吴天明冷冷一笑,他沉声道:“试试破军国师炼制的兵器。” The civil and military official in main hall cannot help but also shakes the head, although they not refiner, but they know, the refiner is one and complex difficult big ability, Mo Di two time of breath like weapon that makes, what good thing can be? Great Wu dynasty also had special Refiner Master cultivation base to reach is Immortal Artifact that the Heaven Immortal rank Refiner Master refined, several town/subdues palace generals wore was the almighty troops sharp weapon that they refined. 大殿内的文武臣子不由得同时摇头,他们虽然不会炼器,但是他们都知道,炼器是一件及其复杂艰难的大本领,像墨翟这样不过两个呼吸的时间就弄出来的兵器,能是什么好东西?大吴皇朝自己也有专门的炼器师修为天仙级别的炼器师炼制出来的都是仙器,几位镇殿将军佩戴的就是他们炼制出来的神兵利器。 However qi Zhai this Sanfeng single-handed sword, seemingly does not have the light gloomily, does not seem like what sharp weapon! 但是萋翟这三丰柄单手剑,看上去暗淡无光,根本不像是什么利器哪! That town/subdues palace general received the direction from the Wu Dehou vision, he drew out a waist saber numerous sword a single-handed sword to cut to the front is inserting around the middle. On hearing, scoffs, a resounding, seems the paper ripped open sound, the hand of this town/subdues palace general one light, the half long sword has fallen on the ground. 那镇殿将军从吴地垕的目光中受到了指点,他拔出腰间佩剑重重的一剑向面前插着的一柄单手剑拦腰斩了过去。就听得,嗤,的一声脆响,好似纸张被撕开的声音,这镇殿将军的手一轻,半截长剑已经掉在了地上。 The full palace is civil and military, Wu Dehou threw to spell with amazement several steps. 满殿文武惊愕,吴地垕骇然扑上拼了几步。 In the town/subdues palace general hand that Great Wu dynasty wisest Refiner Master consumed Heaven Immortal of a half year of painstaking effort refinement, unexpectedly by Mo Di with the single-handed sword that two breath time batches of refine cuts off with ease, moreover fracture smooth like mirror, no burr. 镇殿将军手上那柄大吴皇朝最高明的炼器师耗费了半年苦功炼制的天仙器,居然被墨翟用两个呼吸的时间成批量炼制出来的单手剑轻松斩断而且断口光滑如镜,没有一丝毛刺。 Mo Di cold snort/hum, closed the eye arrogantly. 墨翟冷哼了一声,倨傲的闭上了眼睛。 Wu Qi laughs he to salute to say to Wu Tianming loudly: Your majesty, is refined 100,000 sets of armor and weapons to map out strategic plans in an army tent by this poor Daoist First Senior Brother by this poor Daoist two Senior Brother, this poor Daoist attacks a city pull Zhai for the vanguard officer, in March/three months within , helping your majesty quell this river valley all influences at one fell swoop.”, Wu Tianming , in the town/subdues palace general hand the treasured sword breaks had jumped excitedly, hearing Wu Qi so saying that Wu Tianming cannot help but clapped the hands and laugh aloud saying: Wonderful, depends on Preceptor this word!” 勿乞放声大笑起来他向吴天明行礼道:“陛下,由贫道二师兄炼制十万套铠甲、兵器由贫道大师兄运筹帷幄,贫道为先锋官攻城拔寨,三月之内,助陛下将这条河谷所有势力一举荡平。”,吴天明在镇殿将军手上宝剑断折的时候就已经激动的跳了起来,听得勿乞这般说,吴天明不由得拊掌大笑道:“妙哉,就依国师此言!” Wu Dehou jumped fiercely, he shouted sternly: Three immortal long this words, but is willing to issue the written pledge to fulfill a military order?” 吴地垕则是猛的跳了起来,他厉声喝道:“三位仙长此言,可愿立下军令状?” Wu Qi pities looked at Wu Dehou one, his light saying: Written pledge to fulfill a military order? Good! Is it possible that can the prince regent also add a good luck?”, Wu Dehou stares slightly, then he laughs suddenly: If three immortals long really can make my Great Wu lord over here in three months, how this king does unload prince regent to be civilians?”, Wu Qi and Wu Dehou look one, the Wu Dehou instinct has turned the head, Wu Qi laughs loudly, applauds to applaud again and again. 勿乞怜悯的看了吴地垕一眼,他淡淡的说道:“军令状?好啊!摄政王莫非还要加点彩头?”,吴地垕微微一愣,然后他突然大笑起来:“若是三位仙长真能在三个月内让我大吴独霸此处,本王就卸下摄政王一职做一平民又如何?”,勿乞吴地垕对望一眼,吴地垕本能的转过头去,勿乞则是放声大笑,连连鼓掌叫好。
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