STH :: Volume #10

#914: The flat land rises the immortal

Gui Guzi compels Wu Dehou unable to speak in a few words 鬼谷子三言两语逼得吴地垕说不出话来 Gui Guzi what kind of character? His two apprentices can depend three cuns (2.5 cm) wonderful tongue to stir blustery that the world of Warring States, Gui Guzi as their teacher, was in expert Wu Dehou is the powerful minister of Great Wu dynasty, by having the truth came to there is the Gui Guzi opponent? 鬼谷子何等人物?他的两个徒弟都能仗着三寸妙舌将那战国的天下搅得风起云涌,身为他们师尊的鬼谷子,是个中好手吴地垕不过是大吴皇朝的一个权臣,论起道理来那里是鬼谷子的对手? Heated Wu Dehou dull stared at Gui Guzi to look for a long time, compelled a few words with great difficulty: Hires the Preceptor incident, how your majesty can adjudicate? This matter, must go to the deliberation hall to let fill toward civil and military discussed 面红耳赤的吴地垕呆呆的盯着鬼谷子看了许久,好容易才逼出了一句话来:“聘用国师一事,陛下一人如何能裁决得?这事情,总要去朝堂上让满朝文武商议商议” Wu Qi, hehe, one happy, he shakes the head saying: Prince regent said that poured also a little truth 勿乞,嘿嘿,一乐,他摇头道:“摄政王所言,倒也有点道理” Wu Dehou doubt looked at Wu Qi one, now clarified itself and these three Daoist is the opponent relates, why will they follow oneself words wind speech? Said honestly, by Wu Dehou now to control effort of big Yu Dynasty hall, if really discussed official business in the deliberation hall, Wu Tianming any decision could not pass 吴地垕狐疑的望了勿乞一眼,现在摆明了自己和这三个道人是对手关系,为什么他们会顺着自己的话风说话呢?坦白的说,以吴地垕如今对大虞朝堂的掌控力度而言,若是真的在朝堂上议事,吴天明的任何决策都是通不过的 Wu Tianming as if also thought of this stubble, helpless he a little a little chokes with rage looked to Wu Qi 吴天明似乎也想到了这个茬儿,他有点无奈又有点窝火的看向了勿乞 Wu Qi nods with ease with a smile: Your majesty, convenes Great Wu civil and military toward discussing this matter all things, wants after all, justifiable, is good speaking of the justifiable four word-time, Wu Qi to intend to stare at Wu Dehou, aggravated the expressions of these four characters 勿乞只是轻松笑着点了点头:“陛下,还是召集大吴文武朝议此事一切事情,总归要个,名正言顺,的才好”说到名正言顺四个字时,勿乞有意盯着吴地垕,加重了这四个字的语气 Such that the response of Wu Dehou one such as Wu Qi expects, a black face suppresses turns purple, eyes blows up seems must draw a sword to kill people evidently this person is really a military person, cannot save the matter at heart, no doubt can take advantage in the hand the authority to run amuck for a while, but is must finally certainly but actually the blood mildew 吴地垕的反应一如勿乞所料的那样,一张黑脸憋得发紫,双眼鼓起看样子好似要拔刀杀人这人果然就是一介武夫,心里存不得事情,固然可以依仗手上权柄横行一时,但是最终是铁定要倒血霉的 Shows a faint smile, Wu Qi engaged in self-examination to return to the white crane to conduct the back 微微一笑,勿乞反身回到了白鹤背上 Wu Tianming deeply inspires, he was strong the courage to look at Wu Dehou one, when washed one's hands to make a gold medal of palm of the hand size were not many in the city in that towering/majestic sublime palace group to resound resounding clear and bright golden bell to thunder, the people occupied a commanding position to look, in various dwelling main entrances close to the neighbor in this palace opened, several hundreds rode the carriages and horses surrounded by brigade guard but rollingrapidly to imperial palace main entrance line 吴天明深吸一口气,他壮着胆气看了吴地垕一眼,抖手打出了一块巴掌大小的金牌不多时城内那一片巍峨壮美的宫殿群中就响起了高亢清朗的金钟轰鸣,众人居高临下看去,靠近这一片宫殿的街坊中各处宅院正门开启,数百乘车马在大队护卫的簇拥下滚滚而出”迅向皇宫正门行去 Shakes the head slightly, this Great Wu dynasty the small state from foreign country Heavenly Realm, the meteorology in this deliberation hall absolutely did not have the means and Great Yu after all merely compares un thinks when Great Yu had not split initiallyhas not passed through the two times big turbulence, had in bear hall the whole body of ministers to discuss official business, royal courtier total from various clans over 300,000 the official, but the Great Wu dynasty, entered palace discussing official business was about 200-300 people, how big with the Great Yu disparity was 微微摇头,这大吴皇朝毕竟是来自外域天境的小国度,仅仅这朝堂上的气象就完全没办法和大虞相比嗯想大虞当初没有分裂时”没经过两次大的动荡,有熊殿中群臣议事,来自各家各族的朝臣总数过三十万而大吴皇朝呢,入宫议事的臣子不过200-300人,和大虞差距是如何之大 Saw that the whole body of ministers enter the palace, wool one group of do not drop the cloud top to land in the imperial palace directly one group of court eunuch palace ladies welcomed, they crowded around Wu Tianming to enter a main hallin inside Wu Tianming wanted the bathing clothes to change toward discussing the imperial robe, this bustled about is the less than half double-hour passes 眼看群臣入宫,勿毛一行人也落下云头径直降落在皇宫内一群太监宫娥迎了上来,他们簇拥着吴天明进了一栋大殿”在里面吴天明要沐浴衣换朝议的龙袍,这一忙碌下来就是小半个时辰过去了 The Wu Qi three people wait outside the main hall with Wu Dehou, Gui Guzi and Mo Di eyes closed maintains mental tranquility to be disinclined to respond Wu Dehou, Wu Qi is having a relish you who and Wu Dehou are dumbfounded stare at me and I to stare at you, the Wu Dehou anger is extremely heavy, the vision such as the blade filled threatened is staring at him who aura Wu Qi did not show weakness stubbornly, the swift and fierce vision swept to sweep offsubtle vision to make the Wu Dehou whole body in Wu Dehou various strategic points not comfortable, shortly after Wu Dehou by the Wu Qi vision was made the arrogance disappeared greatly, he even a little timid has turned head, does not dare again and Wu Qi looking at each other 勿乞三人和吴地垕就在大殿外等候,鬼谷子墨翟闭目养神懒得搭理吴地垕,勿乞则是饶有兴致的和吴地垕大眼瞪小眼的你盯着我、我盯着你,吴地垕的火气极重,目光如刀充满了威胁气息勿乞也毫不示弱的死死盯着他,凌厉的目光在吴地垕的各处要害扫来扫去”微妙的目光让吴地垕浑身不自在,没多久吴地垕就被勿乞的目光弄得气焰大消,他甚至有点怯弱的扭过头去,不敢再和勿乞对视 The Wu Qi hollow laugh severalWu Dehou heard the laughter intentionally, he angry turning the head stared one toward Wu Qi, but the Wu Qi vision suddenly becomes incomparably evil different, his eyes becomes jet black one piece, the profound pupil same revolves just like vortex slowly, the Wu Dehou vision by the eyes absorption of Wu Qi, his spirit was moved, in vortex by Wu Qi double pupil had almost not been attracted 勿乞故意干笑了几声”吴地垕听到笑声,他又恼怒的转过头来朝勿乞瞪了一眼但是勿乞的目光骤然变得无比邪异,他的双眼变得漆黑一片,深邃的眸子宛如漩涡一样缓缓旋转,吴地垕的目光被勿乞双眼吸附,他的魂灵儿一动,差点没被勿乞双眸中的漩涡吸了过去 Frightens Wu Dehou that is startled to loudly call out distressedlyrebounds backward quite far 吓得魂飞天外的吴地垕大叫一声”狼狈的向后跳开好远 His soul shivers in Sea of Con­scious­ness, seeming to quickly depart outside the body Wu Dehou to pull out two bone symbol palms to pat broken from the sleeve, the magical amulet that two solidification souls exorcise evil spirits to eliminate the risk flashed through together miraculous glow seal on his forehead, he was in a tumult the anxious soul then to stabilize 他的魂魄在识海中颤抖,好似要飞出体外吴地垕急忙从袖子里掏出了两块骨符一掌拍碎,两道凝固魂魄辟邪消灾的灵符闪过一道灵光印在了他眉心上,他骚动不安的魂魄这才安定了下来 Whole body sweat profusely Wu Dehou becomes angry out of shame points at Wu Qi to scold loudly, but the imprecations spunhe to awaken suddenly in the lip, present Wu Qi is not Great Wu these attaches in his subordinate partisan, was not the person who whatever he beat and scolded that soul almostis just made Wu Dehou near the death hit an revolutions by the fearful feeling that the external force suction, he was seeing that Wu Qi does not dare, on do not say scolded Wu Qi 浑身大汗淋漓的吴地垕恼羞成怒的指着勿乞想要放声呵斥,但是咒骂声都在嘴唇边打转了”他才突然醒悟过来,如今的勿乞可不是大吴的那些依附在他麾下的党羽,不是任凭他打骂的人刚刚那种魂魄差点”被外力吸走的可怕感觉让吴地垕在死亡边上打了个转儿,他连正眼看勿乞一眼都不敢,就不要说呵斥勿乞 Under restrained by force panic-stricken of heart, saunters Wu Tianming that the Wu Dehou lowering the head eyeball went all out to gather Wu Qi three people of does the power and influence that suddenly came backthis to Wu Dehou in Great Wu have the enormous impact however to the deal with changes? Wu Dehou worried is seething in his skull not much brain fluid, twisted thinks with all one's heart cannot find any brilliant plan actually 强压下心头的惊恐,吴地垕低着头眼珠子拼命的转悠起来吴天明突然招揽了勿乞三人回来”这对吴地垕大吴的权势有着极大的冲击但是要怎么应变呢?吴地垕苦恼的翻腾着他脑壳里不多的脑浆,绞尽心思硬是没能找到任何良策 Pondered over for a long time, Wu Dehou cannot help but looked to the front toward discussing the direction of main hallhis partisan waits in the main hall, the people of how many many wisdom also hadperhaps they to oneself to find out what good method? 琢磨了许久,吴地垕不由得望向了前方朝议大殿的方向”他的党羽都在大殿中等候,其中也有几个多智之人”也许他们能给自己想出什么好法子来? cloud Ban finds out, Wu Tianming after bathing clothes surrounded by court eunuch palace lady walked to come out several young court eunuches to catch up with one greatly good with nine dragons car(riage) carriage that the azure deer pulled a cart, served Wu Tianming to mount car(riage) carriage to sit well Wu Tianming to turn the head, beckoned to the Wu Qi three people with a smile: How three do Preceptor ride with me?” 一声云板想出,沐浴衣后的吴天明在太监宫娥的簇拥下大步行了出来几个小太监赶着一架用青鹿拉车的九龙车辇行了过来,伺候着吴天明登上了车辇坐定吴天明转过头来,向勿乞三人笑着招手:“三位国师与吾共乘如何?” The Wu Dehou complexion changes, Wu Qi bows says with a smile lightly: „ Rulers and ministers are able to discriminate, your majesty doing as you please heart 吴地垕的脸色一变,勿乞稽首轻笑道:“君臣有别,陛下请便心 Wu Tianming stares, he looked at complexion ugly Wu Dehou one meaningfully, the nod said slowly: Preceptor said rational 吴天明一愣,他意味深长的望了脸色难看的吴地垕一眼,缓缓点头道:“国师所言有理” Beckons with the hand, an old court eunuch pulled the voice to shout loudly one in a shrill voice, one group of troops directly soared the antecourt to go 摆了摆手,一个老太监扯着嗓音尖声尖气的高呼了一声,一行人马直奔前殿而去 Great Wu dynasty toward discussing in main hall, there is the qualifications attend toward discussing the crown prince, various official and chancellor official is being divided into more than ten small groups to discuss Wu Tianming why to convene the whole body of ministers Great Wu dynasty one time usually in every three talents to have in a low voice today toward the bit, usual royal government by prince regent Wu Dehou directly in prime minister[ room] on a word by deciding, simply and Wu Tianming have no relations are not toward can today greatly day, sin Rili thoroughly been built on stilts Wu Tianming convenes the whole body of ministers to discuss official business, what had accident? 大吴皇朝的朝议大殿中,有资格列席朝议的亲王、各部臣子和主事官员正分成了十几个小团体在低声探讨今日吴天明为何会召集群臣大吴皇朝平日里每三天才会有一次朝会,平时的朝政都由摄政王吴地垕直接在宰辅〖房〗中就一言以决,根本就吴天明没什么关系今天又不是大朝会的日子,辜日里彻底被架空的吴天明召集群臣议事,到底是生了什么变故? Three jade exhaust the sound place, court eunuch sharp call reminder whole body of ministers Wu Tianming of harnesses the whole body of ministers a little sluggishly returned to the respective position sluggishly, when Wu Tianming sits well after the throne, 70% officials had looked at one simultaneously with Wu Dehou that Wu Tianming one and walks, this simultaneously kneels down, mountainous cry to long live to Wu Tianming lies prostrate in worship hou is coldly snorted goes down the throne in the jade stage, gradually stood firm and other Wu Tianming did not open the mouth negligently Wu Dehou one to wave to the position of head of whole body of ministers: Your family sets out, today your majesty calls numerous Sir/minister to discuss official business, is your majesty looks for three Preceptor for my Great Wu ha, did the Sirs discuss this matter?” 三声玉罄声响处,太监尖锐的呼声提醒群臣吴天明驾到群臣有点懒散的慢吞吞的回到了各自位置上,等吴天明在宝座上坐定后,过70%的臣子同时看了一眼随着吴天明一并走出来的吴地垕,这才齐齐跪倒在地,山呼万岁向吴天明顶礼膜拜地垕则是冷哼一声走下宝座所在玉台,缓步到了群臣之首的位置站定不等吴天明开口吴地垕已经大咧咧的一挥手:“诸位卿家起身,今日陛下召集众卿议事,是陛下为我大吴寻访来三位国师哈哈哈,众卿就将此事议议?” Preceptor? Raising the head of the Great Wu officials have a head wet from the fog, the Wu Qi three people stand side Wu Tianming are really striking they then to notice, the Wu Dehou complexion is such ugliness, many Wu Tianming the father when month and Wu Dehou brother and Great Wu of dynasty former emperor body Mo his complexion does not have to be like this ugly today 国师大吴的臣子们满头雾水的抬起头来,勿乞三人站在吴天明身边煞是醒目他们这才注意到,吴地垕的脸色是那样的难看,就在个月多前吴天明的父亲、吴地垕的胞兄、大吴皇朝的前任皇帝身陌时他的脸色都没今日这样难看 In the whole body of ministers heart all sort of thoughts all seethed the Great Wu former emperor are Great Wu just arrived at Pangu Continent three days to perish suddenly, sudden, filling toward civil and military no one responded with enough time later was Wu Dehou takes responsibility, chose Wu Tianming this cultivation base weakest prestige lowest lucky fellow to mount throne hou to be built on stilts Wu Tianming from many imperial princes thoroughly, the royal government power completely turns over to a Wu Dehou person of hand, at this time Wu Tianming made three Preceptor to come out suddenly, the mystery was really worth elegantly 群臣心中诸般心思全都翻腾起来大吴的前任皇帝是大吴刚刚来到盘古大陆才三天就突然殒命,事发突然,满朝文武没一个人来得及反应随后就是吴地垕做主,从众多皇子中挑选了吴天明这个修为最弱声望最低的幸运儿登上了皇位地垕已经彻底架空吴天明,朝政大权尽归吴地垕一人之手,这时候吴天明突然弄了三个国师出来,其中玄虚实在值得考究 In main hall silent, agedly seems like the old person who possibly passed away momentarily to go out of asking that the arrangement he trembled gradually: May I ask three immortal long what virtue what to be able for my Great Wu Preceptor?” 大殿内沉默了一阵,一个老态龙钟看起来随时可能一命呜呼的老人缓步走出了班列他哆哆嗦嗦的问道:“敢问三位仙长何德何能为我大吴国师?” Fills asks toward civil and military simultaneously: May I ask three immortal long what virtue what to be able for my Great Wu Preceptor, unanimous whole body of ministers concentric, the Wu Tianming complexion became jet black piece of Wu Dehou suddenly to have the vigor immediately, he stuck out chest complacently looks to fill toward civil and military, had the feeling of feeling proud and elated greatly 满朝文武齐齐问道:“敢问三位仙长何德何能为我大吴国师”,众口一词群臣同心,吴天明的脸色顿时变得漆黑一片吴地垕则突然有了精气神儿,他挺起胸膛得意洋洋的看着满朝文武,大有扬眉吐气之感 Wu Qi goes forward slowly one step, his light saying: Our Senior Brother younger brother three people, this poor Daoist seven kills to be skilled in the matter of dashing enemy ranks battlefield battle seven to kill seven line ju no one to keep off this poor Daoist Senior Brother Greedy Wolf Daoist deity fine astronomical geography and astrology and physiognomy to divine by the eight diagrams, world Ghost Deity to perform in one grasps, other agricultural fishing herd forests and businessman economies pass nothing which is not nothing which is not fine as for this poor Daoist two Senior Brother broken army Daoist deities, he is skilled in the say/way of refiner concocting pills, refining up the weapon is completely the almighty troops sharp weapon, refining up Spirit Pill hehe to smile, Wu Qi pulled out him one of Spirit Pill uses Blissful Buddha these Buddha to refine, leisure presenting to Wu Tianming in front of 勿乞缓缓上前一步,他淡淡的说道:“吾等师兄弟三人,贫道七杀精通战阵厮杀之事冲撞敌阵七杀七绝无人能挡贫道师兄贪狼道君精天文地理、星相卜卦、天地鬼神尽在一手掌握,其他农渔牧林、商贾经济无所不通无所不精至于贫道二师兄破军道君,他精通炼器炼丹之道,所炼兵器尽为神兵利器,所炼灵丹么”嘿嘿一笑,勿乞掏出了他用欢喜佛的那些佛陀炼制的灵丹之一,慢条斯理的奉到了吴天明面前 Your majesty this is nine revolutions of big erysipelases that this poor Daoist two Senior Brother refine, can make the person flat land rise the immortal, does not know that your majesty can be willing to attempt?” “陛下这就是贫道二师兄所炼制的九转大火丹,能令人平地升仙,不知陛下可愿尝试?” The Wu Tianming movement stems from the palace everyone's anticipation, does not wait for the Wu Dehou opens the mouth, does not wait to fill toward civil and military opposed that he grasps in Wu Qi Spirit Pill, thump, pouched in the belly Wu Qi to be frightened one by his movement, this emperor was compelled anxiously, was anxious must jump the wall? The matter that otherwise stakes everything on a single throw of the dice does he dare to do? 吴天明的动作出乎殿中所有人的意料,不等吴地垕开口,不等满朝文武反对他抓起勿乞手上灵丹,咕咚,一声就吞进肚子里勿乞都被他这动作吓了一条,这位皇帝陛下是被逼急了,急得都要跳墙了?否则这么孤注一掷的事情他敢做出来? Luckily Wu Qi this Spirit Pill is not the toxicant, but solid unsurpassed Spirit Pill 幸好勿乞这颗灵丹不是毒药,而是实实在在的无上灵丹 Wu Tianming this medicine pill pouches in the stomach, whole body each pore in sprays extremely thin golden light toward outside, soft golden light gathers a piece of rich Jinxia to bind, in his body side has the big piece viscous black-colored impurity from him[ body] in runs out of the golden light good luck flat land, quiet fragrance from Wu Tianming[ body] in flutters, the body of Wu Tianming one trembles he to open to spout three purple gold color lotus flowers intermittently suddenly, in the main hall the exotic fragrance greets the nostrils immediately, the give an exaggerated account of things powerful Magic Force fluctuation from him[ body] in gushes out, compels in the main hall the whole body of ministers being able to come to a stop footsteps 吴天明这一颗丹药吞进肚里,浑身每一个毛孔都在往外面喷射极细的金光,冉冉金光汇聚成一片浓郁的金霞裹在他身侧有大片粘稠的乌黑色杂质从他〖体〗内冲出金光瑞气平地而起,淡淡清香从吴天明的〖体〗内飘出,吴天明的身体一阵阵的哆嗦他突然张开口喷出三朵紫金色莲花,大殿内顿时异香扑鼻、天花乱坠强大的法力波动从他〖体〗内涌出,逼得大殿内群臣站不稳脚步 In nine revolutions of big erysipelases not only integrated Blissful Buddha had deputed 1/10 essence, Xi by Wu Qi in the previous life method his magical skill is duplicated a brand mark completely Magic Force cultivation base that went in Wu Tianming broke through 18th Rank Golden Immortal from the Nascent Soul boundary directly, later huge qi essence deposit in him[ body], his distracted eyes is looking at the sky, this was the magical skill of Buddha relatively is crisp " weak Nascent Divinity to melt with him 九转大火丹内不仅仅融入了一尊欢喜佛提纯过的十分之一的精气,奚被勿乞前世的手段将他的道行全部复制了一份烙印了进去吴天明法力修为元婴境直接突破到了十八品金仙,随后庞大的精元储蓄在他〖体〗内,他神思恍惚的双眼望着天空,这是佛陀的道行正在和他相对脆」弱的元神相融 Wu Qi coughs lightly a ping, his light saying: Nine revolutions of big erysipelases, can make the person flat land become Golden Immortal 勿乞轻咳一乒,他淡淡的说道:“九转大火丹,能令人平地而成金仙 Looked in a main hall the dumbfounded whole body of ministers, Wu Qi asked in a soft voice: May I ask, can this poor Daoist Senior Brother younger brother have the qualifications is Great Wu Preceptor?”, ~ 望了一眼大殿中目瞪口呆的群臣,勿乞轻声问道:“敢问,贫道师兄弟可有资格为大吴国师?”,~ .
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