STH :: Volume #10

#913: Great Wu Preceptor

Chapter 913 Great Wu Preceptor( first) 第913章大吴国师(第一更) Wu Tianming cautious is riding the flood dragon, in the front shows the way, basically has flown attentively 350 li (0.5 km) then nods to the Wu Qi three people. Upper air astral wind bone-chilling cold, cultivation base of Wu Tianming trivial Nascent Soul period, that Heaven Immortal Realm flood dragon that even might as well he rides comes strongly, simply does not have the means to start talking in such upper air, can only express own good intentions with own action. 吴天明小心翼翼的骑着蛟龙在前方领路,基本上飞过三五十里地就回头殷勤的向勿乞三人点头致意。高空罡风凛冽,吴天明区区元婴期的修为,甚至还不如他骑乘的那条天仙境界的蛟龙来得强,在这样的高空中根本没办法开口说话,只能用自己的行动来表达自己的善意。 Wu Qi three people of unemotional riding sat in the white crane conduct the back to follow close on front Wu Tianming, three people are using Divine Consciousness to exchange. 勿乞三人面无表情的骑坐在白鹤背上紧跟上了前方的吴天明,三人正在用神识交流。 Probably unlucky emperor.” “好像是个倒霉的皇帝。” Right, goes out walks, only then eight priests accompany, a guard does not see, obviously goes down in the world.” “没错,出门行走只有八个祭司随行,连一个卫兵都不见,可见落魄。” „, Isn't difficult to be inadequate is by the impractical emperor? Interesting, interesting.” “唔,难不成是个被人架空的皇帝?有趣,有趣。” It seems like, this time went to the Great Wu dynasty, we must help this emperor strive for the power.” “看来,此次去大吴皇朝,我们还得帮这位皇帝争夺大权。” Hehe, plays the same old tune, for a long time has not handled this matter.” “呵呵呵,老调重弹,许久没做这种事情了。” Three people discussed really happy, Wu Tianming in the front guided to whirl, passed probably more than two double-hour, the group departed under continuous mountain range, the front presented an area giant river valley. This is a long and narrow plain that between two pieces of mountain range keeps, the shape like the mulberry leaf, the widest place is 4,000-5,000 li (0.5 km), the length in 1 million li (0.5 km) up and down. A strip width hundred-mile river tumbles is separating this river valley, embellished many just to construct the shortly after city along the river sparse obviously. 三人相谈甚欢,吴天明在前方带路急行,过了大概两个多时辰,一行人飞出了下方连绵的山脉,前方出现了一块面积巨大的河谷。这是两片山脉之间留出的一块狭长平原,形如桑叶,最宽的地方有4,000-5,000里,长度则是在百万里上下。一条宽达百里的大河翻滚着将这河谷分开,沿着大河稀稀拉拉的点缀着许多显然是刚刚修建起来没多久的城池。 The Pangu Continent land is extremely fertile, the crops seed sprinkles for probably 1-2 months to be able mature one time. In land that these city peripheral villages and small towns open, the big crops take 1 yellow slightly, looks at that land the appearance, just opened the shortly after appearance, these crops should be first crops. The first wave of crops did not have mature harvesting, these villages and small towns open also for less than two months. 盘古大陆的土地极其肥沃,庄稼种子洒下去大概1-2月就能成熟一次。这些城池周边的村镇开辟的土地中,大片庄稼只是略微带上一点黄色,看那土地的样子,也是刚刚开辟没多久的模样,这些庄稼应该是头一茬作物。第一波作物都还没成熟收割,这些村镇开辟出来也就两个月不到。 Although is the newly-arrived livelihood of the people have not arranged, in this river both sides river valleys high and low, 78 human countries are hitting bustling. On the border lines of these countries, dense and numerous is completely stationed in the army town/subdues of army, several million soldiers attack to kill regarding these army towns just like the ant equally mutually, murderous aura to shoot up to the sky, the shout acoustic shock results in the river water spray to be dreadful. 虽然是初来乍到就连民生都没安排好,在这大河两侧河谷上下,七八个人类国家正打得热火朝天。在这几个国家的边境线上,密密麻麻的尽是驻扎了大军的军镇,数百万士卒宛如蚂蚁一样围绕着这些军镇相互攻杀,杀气冲天而起,喊杀声震得大河水浪滔天。 Under the people, over 200,000 people are killing one group in a fertile plain. Often has the soldiers whole body to be bathed in blood to fall to the ground, but on them Purple Qi twined one, vivid jumps to continue with the enemy to slaughter. Only if some people keen and nimble cut the head of enemy, otherwise front enemy meets to stand to continue times to put into the fight. 就在众人下方,超过二十万人正在一片沃野上杀成了一团。不时有士卒浑身浴血倒地,但是他们身上紫气缠绕了一阵,又生龙活虎般跳起来继续和敌人厮杀。除非有人眼明手快将敌人的脑袋砍下,否则面前的敌人会一次次的站起来继续投入战斗。 Waited and saw one, so many soldiers killed one group, the less than half double-hour died in battle was less than 200 people, Wu Qi cannot help but shakes the head again and again, this efficiency was also too bad, when can this project on can decide the victory and defeat? 观望了一阵,这么多士卒杀成了一团,足足小半个时辰才战死了不到两百人,勿乞不由得连连摇头,这效率也太差了一些,这要打到什么时候才能决定胜负? In the sky of this army, more than ten priests were being divided into the two teams of distinguishing right from wrong, is using the magic arts to the bang. 在这军队的上空,十几个祭司正泾渭分明的分成了两队,正施展法术对轰。 What one team of priests use is Wu Qi extremely familiar from magic arts of upper air summon meteor bombardment, small meteors unceasing from in the air crashes, collision ruthlessly to the opposite party. But another team of priests use is cold ice class magical technique, whenever there is a meteor to hit, their hands lift are one thick blue cold ice welcome to the upper air, the meteor hits in ice to erupt the fearful sound coldly. Both sides cultivation base is equivalent, the meteor and cold ice frequently perish together, fights to a draw. 一队祭司使用的是勿乞极其熟悉的从高空召唤流星轰击的法术,一颗一颗的小流星正不断的从空中坠落,狠狠的撞向对方。而另外一队祭司使用的则是寒冰类的术法,每当有流星撞下来,他们手一抬就是一片厚厚的蓝色寒冰向高空迎去,流星撞在寒冰上爆发出可怕的响声。双方修为相当,流星和寒冰动辄同归于尽,堪堪打了个平手。 Wu Qi and the others stopped the cloud top, dull looks these two teams of priests clench jaws tenaciously attacks guards. They looked at enough three double-hour, two teams of priests almost exhausted Magic Force simultaneously, then they said mutually several polite speeches, turning around angrily flies toward the rear military compound. 勿乞等人停下云头,呆呆的看着这两队祭司咬牙切齿坚韧不拔的一攻一防。他们看了足足三个时辰,两队祭司几乎是同时耗尽了法力,然后他们相互说了几句场面话,气鼓鼓的转身就朝后方军营飞去。 In the upper air to the priest of bang retreats, in the ground in two armies also resounded the sharp resounding copper gong sound, dingdong in the grating sound two armies also call a halt, they save the sick and wounded, after dressing ranks respectively, lifted few dying in battle, loudly sang the military song rearward big camp to retreat. 高空中对轰的祭司撤退,地面上两支大军中也响起了尖锐高亢的铜锣声,‘叮叮当当’的刺耳响声中两支大军同时停手,他们救死扶伤,分别整队后抬起寥寥无几的战死者,高唱军歌向后方大营退去。 Sees so the scene, Wu Qi quite a while makes the sound not to. Crossed for a long time, he looked to Gui Guzi: „Can Senior once see so the battlefield to slaughter?” Gui Guzi rubbed the nose, grins, then shows the whites of the eyes to look to the sky. He actually even appraises this war the thoughts do not have, how do you make him appraise? Cannot enter the Gui Guzi discernment completely! 看到这般场景,勿乞半天作声不得。过了许久,他才望向了鬼谷子:“前辈可曾见过如此战场厮杀?”鬼谷子揉了揉鼻子,咧咧嘴,然后翻起白眼看向了天空。他却是连评价这一场‘大战’的心思都没有,你让他如何评价呢?完全入不得鬼谷子的法眼么! Mo Di laughed aloud in the one side, do not say Gui Guzi, such fight scene was he is unable to continue watching. Probably a gourmand who was used to the delicacies of every kind expert chef, carried a large bowl to cook the pulpy pig fodder to him suddenly, where was he interested in that tasting? 墨翟在一旁呵呵大笑,不要说鬼谷子,这样的战斗场面是他都看不下去的。就好像一个习惯了山珍海味高手厨师的美食家,突然给他端上了一大碗炖得稀烂的猪草,他哪里有那个兴趣去品尝? Wu Qi exposes to the sun however smiles, he shakes the head, said with a smile in front Wu Tianming to respectful waiting: Your majesty, but also please guide.” 勿乞晒然一笑,他摇摇头,向恭恭敬敬的等候在前方的吴天明笑道:“陛下,还请带路。” Wu Tianming respectful and prudent smiles, he pats the alone corner/horn of flood dragon, has three people of the triangle alluvial plain that collects to the branch and branch of distant place river to fly rapidly. On that surrounding area more than 50,000 li (0.5 km) triangle plains, several hundred cities, there are innumerable village cities, Wu Qi Divine Consciousness sweep this side plain, the Wu Tianming Great Wu dynasty could have been the national strength to be powerful, the common people population surpassed 3 billion. 吴天明恭谨的一笑,他拍拍蛟龙的独角,迅速带着三人向远处大河的一处支流与主干相汇的三角冲积平原飞去。在那一片方圆五万余里的三角平原上,有数百座城池,有无数的村庄城镇,勿乞神识扫过这一方平原,吴天明大吴皇朝算得上是国力强盛,百姓人口超过了三十亿。 In other countries with this river valley compare, the total population of Great Wu dynasty far exceeded several other countries, population least that country be only more than 200 million population, the odd change of Great Wu dynasty could not compare. However sky over the territory of entire Great Wu dynasty is covering gloomy aura, in the border the soldiers in various army towns are also listless, is far from the morale. 和这个河谷中其他的国家比起来,大吴皇朝的总人口远超其他几个国家,人口最少的那个国家只有区区两亿多人口,就连大吴皇朝的零头都比不上。但是整个大吴皇朝的疆土上空都笼罩着一股愁云惨淡的气息,边境上各处军镇的士卒也是无精打采的,根本谈不上士气可言。 This country had/left a small problem, Wu Qi narrowed the eyes to focus to smile. He looks is this having problems country, how otherwise can he take the matter? 这个国家出了点小问题,勿乞眯着眼笑了起来。他找的就是这种出了问题的国家,否则他又怎能从中取事? The group fly rapidly to the triangle peak of this alluvial plain, has a total population to surpass 2 million big cities there, has ten zhang (3.33 m) city wall to use the pure white flash mica to make high all over the body, above used the black material to draw up massive rune Restriction(s), being in sharp contrast to the color comparison makes this city bring one share mysterious and dignified aura. The Chengnei Street say/way plan is orderly, the neighbor just like the checkerboard to be generally scattered and organized, in city shadowy, neat comfortable, is a very good big city. 一行人迅速向这冲积平原的三角顶端飞去,在那里有一座总人口超过两百万的大城,高有十丈的城墙通体采用洁白的闪光云石制成,上面用黑色材料绘制了大量的符文禁制,黑白分明的对比色让这城池带着一股子神秘、威严的气息。城内街道规划严整,街坊犹如棋盘一般错落有致,城内绿树成荫、整洁舒爽,是一处很不错的大城。 The flood dragon that Wu Tianming rides just flew sky over this city, hears bang a thunder resounding place, a azure scale gnu anger sound is whooshing, foot treads four groups of hot clouds to soar, directly soars Wu Tianming to clash. Wears golden heavy armor, the military might dignified whole body murderous aura the extremely heavy old person to ride behind the gnu, has to scold far away sternly from Wu Tianming: Where did your majesty go to? The old minister has not said to your majesty, now the war is disadvantageous to my Great Wu, can't your majesty leave the imperial palace?” 吴天明骑乘的蛟龙刚刚飞到这座城池上空,就听得‘轰’的一声雷鸣响处,一头青鳞角马怒声嘶吼着,脚踏四团火云腾空而起,直奔吴天明冲来。一名身穿金色重甲,威武威严周身杀气极重的老人骑在角马背后,距离吴天明还有老远就厉声呵斥道:“陛下去了哪里?老臣难道没给陛下说过,如今战局对我大吴不利,陛下不能离开皇宫么?” This old life an upright black face, seeming like not different from the bottom of the pot, a pair of broom eyebrow, a pair fell the corner/horn eyes that slope outwards, big sheatfish mouth, seeming like devils character, was not the common people of good duty. 这老人生了一张方方正正的黑面孔,看上去就和锅底没什么两样,一对扫帚眉,一双掉角三角眼,偌大一张鲶鱼嘴,看上去就是凶神恶煞般的人物,不是什么善良本分的良民。 Wu Qi Divine Consciousness has swept this old person, good, what cultivation is Human Clan another hammers the body skill nine revolutions not to extinguish the body , compared with trim quite high Heaven and Earth True Body Scripture, nine revolutions do not extinguish the body are carrying too far skill, it pays great attention to the defensive power, the absolute strength and strong vitality specially. Practices nine revolutions not to extinguish the person of body in the battlefield is the most headachy fortress -type strength, often takes several cultivation base and his suitable person can its suppression. 勿乞神识扫过这老人,不错,修炼的是人族另外一门锻体功法九转不灭体,和平衡度比较高的天地真身诀比起来,九转不灭体是一门走极端的功法,它专门注重防御力、绝对的力量和强大的生命力。修炼九转不灭体的人在战场上是最让人头痛的堡垒式的战力,往往要好几个修为和他相当的人才能将其压制。 Moreover this old person's nine revolutions did not extinguish the body to cultivate one Yuan Pangu day nine star Heavenly Realm levels, this endured compared with the first rank Golden Immortal strength compares Wu Tianming pitiful Nascent Soul Realm cultivation base, this old person optional palm of the hand can pull out 1 million Wu Tianming. 而且这老人的九转不灭体已经修炼到了一元盘古天九星天境的水准,这堪比一品金仙的实力相比吴天明可怜巴巴的元婴境界修为,这老人随意一巴掌能够抽死一百万个吴天明 Saw this old person, Wu Tianming trembled subconsciously, his both hands made an effort a brace in conducting the back of flood dragon, buttocks ‚’ one after disliking that followed the flood dragon slid 2-3 zhang (3.33 m) away. His stutter does to say with a smile to that old person: Sovereign uncle, you, you......” 看到这老人,吴天明下意识的哆嗦了一下,他双手在蛟龙的背上用力一撑,屁股‘哧溜’一下顺着蛟龙的背向后滑了2-3丈远。他结结巴巴的对那老人干笑道:“皇叔,您,您……” The old person is riding the gnu direct impact on Wu Tianming side, a palm pats conveniently, in Wu Tianming rode on the head of flood dragon. That flood dragon miserable howling, the head of water jar size was hit crushes. The blood spurted a that old person face, the flood dragon huge serious body fell to the ground, Wu Tianming frightens the whole body to tremble is standing in thin clouds, almost looked continually a that old person courage did not have. 那老人骑着角马直冲到了吴天明身边,随手一掌拍在了吴天明所乘蛟龙的脑袋上。那蛟龙惨嚎一声,水缸大小的脑袋被打得粉碎。鲜血喷了那老人一脸,蛟龙巨大沉重的身躯坠向地面,吴天明吓得浑身哆嗦着站在一片薄云上,几乎连看那老人一眼的勇气都没有。 The old person sneers, scolded in a low voice: Does not know the domestic animal that good and evil, dares to leave the palace unexpectedly as you like secretly, this is damn!” 老人冷笑一声,低声呵斥道:“不知道好歹的畜生,居然敢随你私自出宫,这都是该死的了!” Looks at about Wu Tianming, does not see that eight by the priest who a Wu Qi sword cuts to kill, the old person cannot help but roared: Your majesty eight personal bodyguard where? Un? Their people? This crowd of damn things, where did their people go to?” 望了望吴天明左右,不见那八个被勿乞一剑斩杀的祭司,老人不由得怒吼起来:“陛下的八位贴身护卫何在?嗯?他们人呢?这群该死的东西,他们人去了哪里?” Wu Qi coughed lightly, sluggish standing up, an under foot Ziyun towed him to fly side Wu Tianming slowly. He is looking at old person light saying of flying into a rage: That eight waste? Died, by a Daoist deity grandfather sword dividing!” 勿乞轻咳了一声,慢吞吞的站起身来,脚下一片紫云拖着他冉冉飞到了吴天明身边。他望着暴跳如雷的老人淡淡的说道:“那八个废物啊?死了,被道君爷爷一剑给劈了!” The old person of flying into a rage was suddenly peaceful, he narrowed the eyes to focus sized up Wu Qi one up and down, very discrete asking: May I ask the immortal length is?” 暴跳如雷的老人突然安静了下来,他眯着眼上下打量了勿乞一阵,很是谨慎的问道:“敢问仙长是?” Wu Qi callous pats on the shoulder to reveal the half the sword hilt, cold proud saying: This poor Daoist seven kills the Daoist deity.” 勿乞冷酷的一拍肩膀上露出半截的剑柄,冷傲的说道:“贫道七杀道君。” Gui Guzi gloomy the face is angry not to have groaning of strength saying: Always said the Greedy Wolf Daoist deity.” 鬼谷子阴沉着脸有气没力的哼哼道:“老道贪狼道君。” Mo Di is stiff the face to show the whites of the eyes cold -ly snorted and said: This poor Daoist, broken army Daoist deity!” Said this saying time, the cheek of Mo Di not for slightly one red, he who the person detects thought that this little lost face to lose to the family/home, the big person, what status his Mo Di was, how to comply with Wu Qi to follow he to come out the flickering person? 墨翟僵硬着面孔翻着白眼冷哼道:“贫道,破军道君!”说这话的时候,墨翟的面皮不为人察觉的微微一红,他觉得这有点丢脸丢到家了,多大的人了,他墨翟是什么身份啊,怎么就答应了勿乞跟着他出来忽悠人呢? Not slightly plagiarizing of psychological burden the say/way number that kills broken wolf three Star Monarch, Wu Qi toward old person cold -ly snorted and said who that is a little in a daze: You can ask your majesty, who we are!” 没有丝毫心理负担的剽窃了杀破狼三位星君的道号,勿乞朝那有点发愣的老人冷哼道:“你可以问问陛下,我们是什么人!” Wu Tianming eye one bright, he quickly said with a smile: Sovereign uncle, this is the little nephew specially for Preceptor that my Great Wu dynasty hired! Three Preceptor Magic Force are profound, divine ability are general, this is the matter that the little nephew witnesses. Had three Preceptor to join, my Great Wu dynasty had no more worries in this Pangu Continent!” 吴天明眼睛一亮,他急忙笑道:“皇叔,这是小侄特意为我大吴皇朝聘来的国师呀!三位国师法力高深,神通广大,这是小侄亲眼目睹的事情。有了三位国师加入,我大吴皇朝在这盘古大陆就是高枕无忧了!” The old person dumbfounded, his subconscious roared loudly: Preceptor? Who gives your power to hire such three wild Daoist to make Preceptor? My Wu Dehou is prince regent Great Wu, sole responsibility Great Wu all state policy important matters, how does your majesty dare to hire these three wild Daoist?” 老人呆住了,他下意识的放声咆哮道:“国师?谁给你的权力聘这么三个野道人来做国师?我吴地垕大吴摄政王,专责大吴一切国政大事,陛下如何敢聘来这三个野道人?” Gui Guzi opened the mouth suddenly, his chilly sound makes Wu Dehou shut up suddenly. 鬼谷子突然开口了,他冷飕飕的声音让吴地垕骤然闭上了嘴。 Duty that trivial prince regent, must understand the prince regent. You, are only a king, your majesty, he is the Great Wu sovereign! How dare did you below defy superiors chaotically my Great Wu court discipline? Is it possible that does the prince regent have a mind to make that stratagem toward compiling the rebel?” “区区摄政王,就要明白摄政王的本份。你,只是王,陛下,他是大吴的皇!你焉敢以下犯上乱了我大吴朝纲?莫非摄政王有心做那谋朝纂位的叛逆么?” Light a few words, was unjustly discredited on the solid buckle greatly on the forehead of Wu Dehou. ro! ~! 轻飘飘的一句话,一口大黑锅就结结实实的扣在了吴地垕的脑门上。ro!~! .
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