STH :: Volume #10

#912: ……

After refining Buddha Gold Core, passed over half a month, Princess Zhang Le main brought all spoils of war to return finally. Seven Heavenly Court Taiyi, the Taiyi of two demon ” a Demon World Taiyi, as well as another 32 Buddhism Buddhathis is the achievement of Princess Zhang Le main trip. 炼制好佛陀金丹后又过了大半个月,鄣乐公主终于带着所有的战利品返回。七位天庭的太乙,两位魔界的太乙”一名妖界的太乙,以及另外三十二名佛门佛陀”这就是鄣乐公主此行的收获。 Wu Qi is but actually impolite, he can refine medicine pill these Taiyi immediately greatly completely, later the group returned to Eastern Sea rapidly. 勿乞倒也不客气,他立刻将这些太乙大能全部炼成了丹药,随后一行人迅速返回了东海 Contained medicine pill of huge essence to distribute these to Ao Buzun wait/etc. was intimate with the trusted aide, Wu Qi convenes everyone secret meeting one bottle of he to stay behind all draininged blood Devil God Clone to assume Eastern Sea, emitted wind sound/rumor Wu Qi to close up the cultivation, usually was draininged blood Devil God Clone to change into the Wu Qi appearance to make an appearance by one occasionally. Other were replaced Wu Qi to run Eastern Sea all administrations by the Princess Zhang Le lord, Wu Qi bring Gui Guzi and Gui Guzi liangs position Grandmaster to leave Eastern Sea from six countries. 将这些蕴藏了庞大精气的丹药分发给了敖不尊等亲近心腹,勿乞召集所有人秘密会议了一瓶他留下了所有沥血魔神分身坐镇东海,放出风声勿乞闭关修炼,平日里偶尔由一条沥血魔神分身化为勿乞模样露露面。其他由鄣乐公主代替勿乞掌管东海所有的行政事务,勿乞从六国中带了鬼谷子宗师离开了东海 Eastern Sea restrained the lackey, but steady defended Eastern Sea peripheral and eastern Xinjiang some BIg Provinceother place ignores foreign country Heavenly Realm comes these person and Immortal Sect runs amuck. A while ago just raised the reign of terror Eastern Sea to be tranquil just like stagnant water, does not have the least bit mighty waves again. 东海收敛了爪牙,只是稳稳的守住了东海周边和东疆部分大州”其他地方放任外域天境来的那些人和仙门胡作非为。前一阵子刚刚掀起腥风血雨的东海平静得宛如一池死水,再无半点儿波澜。 Heavenly Court and Buddhism lost the big energy of large quantities of Taiyi level, how they will investigate that this matter also and Eastern Sea has nothing to do. Wu Qi and Princess Zhang Le lord starts is very neatsimply has not left behind any clue ”, even if Heavenly Court and Buddhism high level broke unable this matter to involve on Eastern Sea. Under Princess Zhang Le main grasping, the Eastern Sea static savings strengthis preparing the deal with changes at any time. 天庭佛门损失了大批太乙级的大能,他们会如何追究这件事情也和东海无关。勿乞鄣乐公主下手干净利落得很”根本没有留下任何线索”哪怕天庭佛门的高层打破了头也无法将这件事情牵扯上东海。在鄣乐公主的掌握下,东海静静的积蓄着力量”随时准备应变。 Wu Qi leaves Eastern Sea seven days laterGreat Yu southern border extremely leaning distant place, in a nameless mountain spouts big piece fresh air auspicious clouds suddenly, three body giant white cranes conduct the back the men of three Daoist garments appearance to soar, lithe flies to the upper air. 勿乞离开东海七天之后”大虞南疆极偏远处,一座无名大山中突然喷出大片清气祥云,三头身躯巨大的白鹤驮着三位道装打扮的男子腾空而起,轻盈的向高空飞起。 Wore the azure Daoist robe, on the long gown embroidered the cloud Water Dragon mark, the head pulled a pair of chignon, shouldered green shark skin scabbard brass to swallow a mouth three chi (0.33 m) long sword, the whole body fresh air has the white clouds circling body week elegantly faintly, was Wu Qi. He modified his appearance even extremely to be intimate slightly his person, was impossible to recognize him. 身穿青色道袍,袍服上绣了云水龙纹,头上挽了一对发髻,背负一口绿色鲨鱼皮鞘黄铜吞口三尺长剑,周身清气飘逸隐隐有白云盘旋身周的,是勿乞。只是他略微改动了一下自己的容貌就算是极亲近他的人,也不可能认出他来。 Wore the black Daoist robe, on the gown embroidered the Nandou six stars and benetnasch celestial chart marks, figure skinny ” a pair of pupil emits bluish green light just like ancient pine faintly, brings air/Qi of plain vicissitudes all over the body, with Wu Qi left Eastern Sea Gui Guzi. Behind Gui Guzi carries six chi (0.33 m) long sword that the old peach core of wood makes for many years, on sword blade motley is completely the dark blood-color talisman seal trace, is passing one share mysterious mysterious aura. 身穿黑色道袍,袍子上绣了南斗六星和北斗七星图纹,身形枯瘦宛如古松”一对眸子隐隐放出碧光,通体带着一股古朴沧桑之气的,是随着勿乞离开东海鬼谷子鬼谷子背后背着一口积年老桃木心制成的六尺长剑,剑锋上斑斑驳驳的尽是暗血色的符篆痕迹,透着一股子玄妙神秘的气息 Last wore iron gray Daoist robeon robe sleeve to embroider the big piece roaring flame to send out all over the body threatening high temperature ” the facial features end for side just did not get angry from the prestigeis Mo Di that and Wu Qi came out together. Mo Di sits cross-legged in the white crane conducts the back, on the knee a is six feet, the hammer head has the four iron hammers of winter melon size horizontally. This hammer weight is enormous, three people of riding white cranes were the general size, cultivation base also almost formed the Gold Core crane essence, but counted the white crane that Mo Di rode to fly to fly to pant slowly, this and big hammer on Mo Di had the relations greatly. 最后一股身穿铁灰色道袍”袍袖上绣了大片烈焰通体散发出逼人高温”面容端正方刚不怒自威的”则是和勿乞一起出来的墨翟墨翟盘坐在白鹤背上,膝盖上横着一柄长六尺,锤头有冬瓜大小的四楞铁锤。这锤子重量极大,三人骑乘的白鹤都是一般儿大小,修为也都差不多都是结成了金丹的鹤精,但是就数墨翟乘坐的这白鹤飞得慢飞得气喘吁吁的,这和墨翟手上的这柄大锤子大有关系。 Had magical amulet of Wu Qi manufactureby the magical amulet of primordial chaos Purple Qi irrigation has excellently to hide aura function three people of aura to suppress personally in Golden Immortal peak inched close to the Primordial Realm level infinitely, only if were these people who Wu Qi most dreaded spies on Wu Qi three people of cultivation base with Divine Consciousness face to face forcefully, otherwise no one will discover that Wu Qi they were what strengths. 有了勿乞亲手制作的灵符”以鸿蒙紫气灌注的灵符有着极好的藏匿气息的作用三人的气息都压制在了金仙巅峰无限逼近太乙境界的水准,除非是勿乞最忌惮的那些人当面用神识强行窥探勿乞三人的修为,否则没人会发现勿乞他们到底是什么实力。 Three people of three-horse harness teams while on the white crane, after soaring three thousand li (500 km), sluggish flew toward the East. 三人骖乘在白鹤上,高飞三千里后,就慢吞吞的向着东方飞了过去。 In the upper air the strong wind from afar is mobile, three white cranes send out clear sounding, bon voyage to Eastern glide slowly. The long and trying journey under the body sways, but here is the southern border extremely remote place, often 1 trillion li (0.5 km) do not see the person's shadow, innumerable poisonous bugs wild beasts appear and disappear in the ravine, has that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) large snake to coil around on the mountain top smokes, forms the limitless seven pink clouds li disaster lives. 高空中长风流动,三头白鹤发出清脆的鸣叫,一路顺风向东方缓缓的滑翔而过。千山万水在身下飘摇而过这里是南疆极其偏僻的地方,往往万亿里不见人影,只有无数毒虫猛兽在山间出没,更有那万丈长蛇盘绕在山头上喷云吐雾,结成无边无际七彩云雳祸害生灵。 Wu Qi narrows the eyes to focus to sit conducts the back Divine Consciousness to spread in all directions in the white crane, all of all around perform, in he grasps. 勿乞眯着眼坐在白鹤背上神识向四面八方扩散开,四周发生的一切都尽在他掌握中。 On the mountain top that five colors variegated large snake raised the head all over the body suddenly to the upper air attracts, a huge suction surrounded the Wu Qi three people of sitting down white cranes, must attract the upper air to swallow into the abdomen three giant white cranes. Wu Qi sneers, the back long sword expressed a clear cryto have one long to have the white light of hundred zhang (333 m) to depart in the in the air dagger-axe small an arc to the sheath to cut layer on layer/heavily. 山头上那条通体五彩斑斓的长蛇突然抬起头来向高空一吸,一股巨大的吸力困住了勿乞三人坐下的白鹤,就要将三头巨大的白鹤吸下高空吞入腹中。勿乞冷笑一声,背后长剑发出一声清鸣”带起一道长有百丈的白光离鞘飞出在空中戈小了一个弧线重重斩下。 The big snake sends out heaven shaking to move the place the long hissing, it was cut 18 by the sword light, the blood seems the fountain from[ body] in spouts. However the vitality of large snake is extremely tenacious so the severe wound it not to die for a while, can only move in ground huo is twitching unceasingly face upwards to call out in grief. 大蛇发出惊天动地的长嘶声,它被剑光斩成了十八段,鲜血好似喷泉从〖体〗内喷出。但是长蛇的生命力极其顽强如此重伤它还一时不得死,只能在地上蠖动抽搐着不断的仰天悲鸣。 A finger/refers, the White Dragon common sword light flies back to the behind scabbard conveniently, Wu Qi sneers saying: Good brave evil creature unexpectedly dares to block Daoist deity grandfather's Yun Road, is really damn! ” Hand getting up place, Wu Qi chanted incantations to pinch finger joints with the thumbon five fingers five groups of pitch-dark viscous water vapor to condensealong with the low and deep thunderous sound, five groups of cold air gathered to compress lightning ray of one group of fist sizes inward, sluggish crashed to under. 随手一指,白龙一般的剑光飞回身后剑鞘,勿乞冷笑道:“好胆大的孽障”居然敢拦住道君爷爷的云路,实在是该死!”手起处,勿乞念咒掐诀”五指上五团黑漆漆的粘稠水汽凝聚”伴随着低沉的雷鸣声,五团寒气向内一合压缩成了一团拳头大小的雷光,慢吞吞的向下方坠落。 lightning ray fell on that big snake, a low and deep dull thumping sound transmitted, lightning ray exploded to explode the fragment the body of big snake. The bloody water bumps into the black thunder clouds that lightning ray blasted out to spurt, blood glow also becomes pitch-dark one piece rapidly, the bloody water of splash explodes unceasingly in the stormy explosive sound. 雷光落在了那大蛇身上,一声低沉的闷响传来,雷光爆开将大蛇的身体炸成了碎片。血水碰到了雷光炸开喷放出的黑色雷云,血光也迅速变得黑漆漆一片,飞溅的血水在密集的爆炸声中不断爆开。 The bloody water of big snake turned into the thunder vigor completely loudly crack, explodes is ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) big snake a little meat sediment not to have torn to pieces remaining. 大蛇的血水全部变成了雷劲轰然炸响,炸得长达万丈的大蛇支离破碎就连一点儿肉渣滓都没剩下。 Drop of blown off bloody water brought light lightning ray to fall in nearby small stream, all water vapor in small stream have the chain-reaction to turn into nature incomparably tyrannical thunder Jin immediately. The stormy explosive sound is lingering on faintly, entire long has more than hundred li (0.5 km) rills to explode simultaneously, the ravine just like presenting a wild black Thunder Dragon, exploded earth-shakinglyinnumerable giant stones to tumble nearby rock cliff was rushing to the upper air, became the fine sand to fall gently by supple thunder Jinzhen. 一滴被炸飞的血水带着淡淡的雷光落在了附近一条小溪里,小溪中的所有水汽立刻发生了连锁反应变成了性质无比暴虐的雷劲。密集的爆炸声不绝于耳,整条长有百多里的小溪同时爆开,山间宛如出现了一条狂暴的黑色雷龙,将附近的山石悬崖炸得天翻地覆”无数巨石翻滚着冲上了高空,又被阴柔的雷劲震成了细沙飘落。 The end of small stream is a diameter thirty li (0.5 km) deep deep poolmountain stream explodes unceasingly, finally spread in the puddle. The aquamarine deep deep pool turned suddenly made the person palpitation desperate black, limpid deep water becomes the viscous chill/yin cold, a loud sound transmits, the big puddle explodes just like a bomb, a surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) rock layer entire was raised flies, the ten-mile rock layer howled to fly upper airlater not to wait to fall to be shaken a piece of dust to scatter by the supple explosive force. 小溪的尽头是一口直径三十几里的深潭”溪水不断爆炸,最终蔓延到了水潭中。原本碧绿色的深潭突然变成了令人心悸绝望的黑色,清澈的潭水变得粘稠阴寒,一声巨响传来,偌大的水潭宛如一颗炸弹般爆开,方圆百里的岩层整个被掀飞,厚达十里的岩层呼啸着飞上高空”随后还没等落下就被阴柔的爆炸力震成了一片灰尘飘散。 Several rills converged this deep deep pool, the explosion involve these rills, they also one and exploded. All water were transformed lightning ray to blast out, black electricity dragons wreak havoc in the ravine, destroyed their side all heartily. However for lightning ray that to put to death a big snake throws down at will, finally finally destroyed surrounding area more than 2000 li (0.5 km) piece of mountain forest, after all lives in this piece of mountain forest put to death completely completely, ” this lightning ray might dispels finally. 还有好几条小溪汇入这一眼深潭,爆炸牵扯到了这些小溪,连带着它们也一并炸起。所有的水都被转化成雷光炸开,一条条黑色电龙在山间肆虐,尽情的摧毁了它们身边的一切。不过是为了诛杀一条大蛇随意丢下的雷光,结果最终毁灭了方圆两千多里的一片山林,将这一片山林中的所有生灵全部诛杀殆尽后”这雷光的威力才最终消解。 Inside and outside hundred in the cloud top wore the nine dragons ruler robe color middle-aged man to witness all these. Rides in the man who a azure flood dragon conducts the back looks dull this might big thunder strikes certainly, asking of trembling: Fellow your family, this, this immortal long divine ability......” 百里外云头上一名身穿九龙帝皇袍色的中年男子亲眼目睹了这一切。骑在一头青色蛟龙背上的男子呆呆的看着这威力绝大的雷霆一击,哆哆嗦嗦的问道:“各位卿家,这,这位仙长的神通……” Several wear the black priest long gown, an old person in top of the head exquisite seven black pagodas looks at Wu Qi dull, muttered: Wonderful is inobservable. Strikes at will can cause the Tenth Water elementary force continuous explosion, if this places in the battlefield if the person blood blasted out, this...... ” 几个身穿黑色祭司长袍,头顶一座小巧的七层黑色宝塔的老人呆呆的看着勿乞,喃喃自语道:“神妙不可测。随意一击就能引得癸水元力连绵爆炸,这若是放在战场上”若是人血被炸开,这……” The Tenth Water Yin thunder that Wu Qi ejects so long as has the water to blast out continuously, only if exhausted in initial thunder ball thunder Jin otherwise this explosion unable to stop. 勿乞击出的癸水阴雷只要是有水就能连绵炸开,除非耗尽了初始雷球中的雷劲否则这爆炸不会停止。 If uses this move in the battlefield, so long as the Yin thunder of continuous eruption inspires the enemy[ body] in blood plasma, that almost can strike to kill enemy all soldiers instantaneously. 若是在战场上用出这一招,连绵爆发的阴雷只要引动敌军〖体〗内的血浆,那几乎可以瞬间击杀敌人所有的士卒。 Sucked in an cold air/Qi, that middle-aged man makes an effort to pat under the flood dragon head alone corner/horn, the flood dragon exudes one long to recite jumps out the cloud cluster to directly soar Wu Qi they to go. The man welcomed the upper air astral wind to shout sternly: Three immortals are long, and hold your steps, three immortals are long, the disciple please three immortals long hold your steps devotionally!” 倒抽了一口冷气,那中年男子用力一拍座下蛟龙头上独角,蛟龙发出一声长吟窜出云团直奔勿乞他们而去。那男子迎着高空罡风厉声喝道:“三位仙长且留步,三位仙长,弟子虔诚请三位仙长留步呵!” Wu Qi light snort/hum he sprinkled the next white clouds to support the bodies of three white cranesthen to look at that man conveniently to sneer saying: What thing you are, dares to ask the Daoist deity grandfather to please do not bother to see me off? Un? Fast reported the origin, otherwise......” 勿乞轻哼了一声他随手洒下一片白云托住了三头白鹤的身体”回头望着那男子冷笑道:“你是什么东西,也敢叫道君爷爷留步?嗯?速速报上来历,否则……” , Sonorous, a Wu Qi behind long sword jumps out of the scabbard three cuns (2.5 cm) suddenly. ,铿锵,一声勿乞身后的长剑突然跳出剑鞘三寸。 Men's anxious sound said: Disciple is the Great Wu dynasty current dynasty emperor Wu Tianming, the disciple sincerely please three immortals long toward my Great Wu one line.” 那男子急声道:“弟子乃大吴皇朝当朝皇帝吴天明,弟子诚心诚意请三位仙长往我大吴一行。” The old person who that several wear the black sacrificial offering long gown rushed to side Wu Tianming, they disdain is looking at the Wu Qi three people. These old people are the exceedingly high priests who Heavenly Court and Buddhism train, although is fake and shoddy kind of goods, but they may not have that determination. They bragged that oneself were in this world go against existence of pointWu Qi three people of aura to be weak one compared with them, where entered their discernment? 那几个身穿黑色祭祀长袍的老人赶到了吴天明身边,他们略带不屑的望着勿乞三人。这些老人都是天庭佛门培养出的通天祭司,虽然都属于假冒伪劣一类的货色,但是他们可没有那个自觉。他们自诩自己都是这个世上顶儿尖儿的存在”勿乞三人的气息比起他们还弱了一丝,哪里进得他们的法眼? Although the Wu Qi that lightning ray extremely wonderful might also matches together extremely in a big way, but is mediocre. They are self-confident, no matter who acts, can relaxed they straightens up Wu Qi ”, therefore to Wu Tianming so respectable they greeted these priests to think otherwise to Wu Qivery much. 虽然勿乞那一道雷光极其神妙威力也极其赛大,但是不过如此罢了。他们自信不管是谁出手,都能轻轻松松的将勿乞他们拾掇下来”故而对吴天明这般尊敬的向勿乞他们打招呼”这些祭司都很不以为然。 The Wu Qi longevity these complexion bad priests sneered suddenly. 勿乞寿了一眼这些面色不善的祭司突然冷笑了起来。 A behind long sword brittle cry, the White Dragon sword light grazes, the seven pagodas in eight black clothes priest top of the heads were interrupted around the middle, the sword light takes advantage of opportunity to below cuts, eight priest entire simultaneously was deducted 16 pieces. They are looking at Wu Qi with amazement slowly, the body separates the blood to spout from unceasingly, 16 bodies fall suddenly to the ground. 身后长剑一声脆鸣,白龙似剑光飞掠而起,八名黑衣祭司头顶的七层宝塔被拦腰截断,剑光顺势向下一斩,八名祭司整整齐齐的被劈成了十六片。他们骇然望着勿乞,身体慢慢的自中分开鲜血不断喷出,十六片身躯骤然向地面坠下。 Wu Qi looks at Wu Tianming indifferently, light saying: Big courage also dares so to blow the nose to stare to the Daoist deity grandfather from no one.” 勿乞冷眼看着吴天明,淡淡的说道:“好大的胆子还从没有人敢对道君爷爷这般吹鼻子瞪眼的。” Oneself accompany the priest of guard to be killed, Wu Tianming not startled counter- was happy he thump to kneel in the cloud toplay prostrate in worship to say to Wu Qi: Immortal is long, immortal master disciple Wu Tianming devotionally please three immortals long toward my Great Wu dynasty one line. The disciples eagerly seek people of talentthree immortal masters are that prolonged drought sweet Shuang, but also please three immortal masters look in the piece of sincere share of disciple...... ” 自己随行护卫的祭司被杀,吴天明不惊反喜他咕咚一声跪在了云头上”向勿乞顶礼膜拜道:“仙长,仙师”弟子吴天明虔诚请三位仙长往我大吴皇朝一行。弟子求贤若渴”三位仙师就是那久旱甘霜,还请三位仙师看在弟子的一片诚心的份上……” Mo Di interrupted the Wu Tianming idle talkhis jar sound jar air/Qi simply incomparable asking: Wanted this poor Daoist Senior Brother younger brother three people to strive for your Great Wu dynasty? How many advantage can you give us?” 墨翟打断了吴天明的废话”他瓮声瓮气干脆无比的问道:“想要贫道师兄弟三人为你们大吴皇朝出力?你能给我们多少好处啊?” The eye of Wu Tianming becomes seems the mouse to be equally bright all of a sudden, calling out that he is too busy: You want anything, so long as my Great Wu dynasty had, performing to give to three immortal masters. Also please three immortal masters......” 吴天明的眼睛一下子变得好似耗子一样晶亮,他忙不迭的叫道:“您要什么,只要我大吴皇朝有的,尽可以献给三位仙师。还请三位仙师……” Gui Guzi waved to break Wu Tianming gua chirp, his neat saying: Guides!” 鬼谷子挥挥手打断了吴天明的呱噪,他干脆利落的说道:“带路!” The Wu Tianming great happiness, he looked up Wu Qi one, nod of Wu Qi showed neither approval nor disapprovalbeckoned to take back flying sword. 吴天明大喜,他抬头看了勿乞一眼,勿乞不置可否的点了点头”招手收回了飞剑 …… ……
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