STH :: Volume #10

#911: Buddha Gold Core

Chapter 911 Buddha Gold Core( fourth) 第911章佛陀金丹(第四更) Fellow Grandmasters may really be the big good person!” “各位大师可真是大好人啊!” From is separated the territories of 30 states by underground cave that Wu Qi destroyed probably, a desolate unmanned infertile inside the valley, 18 plump and fair-complected Buddha one pile of soft on the ground. They squeeze a smile forcefully, however their smile ratios cry to be ugly simply, particularly Wu Qi praised them is big good person time, the tears of monks were about to flow. 距离被勿乞摧毁的地下洞穴大概隔了三十个州的疆土,一处荒僻无人寸草不生的山谷里,十八个白白胖胖的佛陀一堆儿软在地上。他们强行挤出一丝笑容,但是他们的笑容简直比哭还要难看,尤其是勿乞夸奖他们是‘大好人’的时候,和尚们的眼泪都快流了下来。 Wu Qi is smiles grins with ear to ear, he praised these monks wholeheartedly, without the least bit lies. 勿乞则是笑得合不拢嘴,他是真心实意的夸奖这些和尚,没有半点儿虚言。 Threatened slightly with the dying out wild flame, 18 big monks Heavenly Court and Buddhism that they know all plans explains cleanly. Does to these Blissful Buddha usually to like soaking in the female crowd, does not have too many attention to Buddhism various important matters, the thing that therefore they can explain is really not many. 只是用寂灭荒炎稍微威胁了一下,十八个大和尚就将他们所知的天庭佛门的所有算计都交待得干干净净。奈何这几位欢喜佛平日里更喜欢泡在女人堆里,对佛门的各项大计也没有太多的关注,故而他们能交待的东西实在是不多。 However merely is, Buddhism and other Heavenly Court that more than ten they explained them to know dive to cultivate the point information, this was delightedly enough Wu Qi. In addition, these monk little darlings handed over their all background, palm India that their cultivation technique, they refine, their complete savings, all by the Wu Qi quarter cleanly. 不过仅仅是他们交待出了他们所知的,佛门天庭其他十几处潜修点的情报,这就足够勿乞欢喜的了。除此之外,这些和尚乖乖的将他们所有家底子都交了出来,他们的修炼功法,他们炼制的掌心佛国,他们的全部积蓄,所有的一切都被勿乞刻得干干净净。 cultivation technique were not many said, Wu Qi also 90,000 wait on the concubine now, if this frolicking merit used in the evil ways, was harming others to benefit oneself Devil Art ; If uses in the correct path, is the altruistic advantage already ingenious method. Wu Qi is calculating, if he with this skill and own that 90,000 wait on the concubine to cultivate in turn, can actually enormously promotion their cultivation base progress. 修炼功法不多说,勿乞如今也有九万侍妾,这欢喜禅功若是用在邪路上,就是损人利己的魔功;若是用在正道上,就是利人利已的妙法。勿乞盘算着,他若是用这功法和自己的那九万侍妾轮流修炼,倒是可以极大的促进她们的修为进度。 Ao Buzun is likes about these frolicking merit, his joyful one side will record skill jade slip to overtake, draws the jade bone immortal to go to cultivate diligently, perhaps he really also has to become a Blissful Buddha potential. By the Ao Buzun present skill characteristics, minoring in a Buddhist doctrine is not a well the difficult matter. 敖不尊更是对这些欢喜禅功喜欢不已,他乐颠颠的将记载了功法玉简抢了过去,拉着玉骨仙就去一旁努力修炼去了,也许他真还有成为一尊欢喜佛的潜力。以敖不尊如今的功法特性,兼修一门佛法并不是井么困难的事情。 18 Buddha sacrifices refine 800 palm India respectively, in each India is flooding innumerably to the female who they incomparably worship. These females were these human furnace of Buddha in the past long cultivation years, finally under their Buddhist doctrines gradually influenced became their crazy follower. The time that these Buddha cultivation calculates by several hundred Great Tribulation, even if their one year trades human furnace, the female number of so many years later, in their India saving is still extremely terrifying. 十八位佛陀分别祭炼了八百掌心佛国,每一佛国中都充斥着无数对他们无比崇拜的女子。这些女子都是这些佛陀在过去漫长的修炼岁月中的炉鼎,最终在他们的佛法熏陶下都成了他们的狂信徒。这些佛陀修炼的时间都以数百量劫来计算,就算他们一年换一个炉鼎,这么多年下来,他们佛国中积蓄下来的女子数量也是极其恐怖的。 All females were cancelled the memory to invest in the samsara by Wu Qi, these females are only one group of poor men, Wu Qi ruthless have not started to offer sacrifices to give thunder pouch them. These India were swallowed by Wu Qi, huge Spiritual Qi in India made the Wu Qi mustard seed world increase. 所有女子都被勿乞抹去了记忆投入了轮回之中,这些女子也只是一群可怜人,勿乞还狠不下手将她们献祭给雷囊。这些佛国则是被勿乞吞噬,佛国中的庞大灵气令得勿乞的芥子世界增大了许多。 As for these savings of Buddha, is really makes Wu Qi pleasantly surprised. Their net worth even also wanted to be richer, buddhist monk Buddha amida trusted subordinate buddhist monk Buddha also built the person after all some time ago, but the positions of these 18 Blissful Buddha achievement Buddha have many years. 至于这些佛陀的积蓄么,实在是让勿乞惊喜不已。他们的身家甚至比弥陀的亲信浮屠佛还要丰厚许多,毕竟浮屠佛也就是不久前才修成人身,而这十八位欢喜佛成就佛陀之位已经有许多年了。 Although foreign country Heavenly Realm Spiritual Qi is thin, product is scarce, but these Blissful Buddha are liking Zen to be powerful, each of them controlled the number by foreign country Heavenly Realm of 100,000 ideas, the disciple disciple are innumerable. These disciples and followers to seek their liking, naturally is searching for of going all out carves various types of talent treasures to present tribute to them. When likes Buddha cultivation of Zen does not need the assistance of what spirit herb Spirit Stone, they best cultivation auxiliary is these human furnace, therefore talent treasure consumptions on their hand are extremely few. 虽然外域天境灵气稀薄、物产稀少,但是这些欢喜佛在欢喜禅宗位高权重,他们每个人都控制了数以十万计的外域天境,门人弟子无数。这些徒子徒孙为了博取他们的欢喜,自然是拼命的搜刻各种天才地宝进贡给他们。欢喜禅宗的佛陀修炼时并不需要什么灵药灵石的辅助,他们最好的修炼辅助品就是那些炉鼎,故而他们手上的天才地宝消耗极少。 Often has the disciples and followers to present tribute, oneself have no consumption, the treasure quantity on 18 Blissful Buddha storing up can be imagined. At least for these years Venerable Sovereign Hao opened wide the hand to provide various types of commodities to Eastern Sea, for these years Wu Qi the commodity total of Great Yu obtaining, might as well 10% of Blissful Buddha individual private wealth. 不时有徒子徒孙纳贡,自身却没什么消耗,十八位欢喜佛手上储存下来的宝贝数量可想而知。起码这几年昊尊皇敞开手给东海提供各种物资,这几年勿乞大虞得到的物资总数,还不如一尊欢喜佛个人私财的10%。 You, but is really the big good person!” Wu Qi narrows the eyes to focus to watch the ke Jane|treasure rare treasure that in the mustard seed world piles up, praised these Buddha again. So many spirit herb, so many Spirit Stone immortal stone, so many rare and precious minerals, so many Xiantian utensils, in the Wu Qi present method, are representing the innumerable almighty troops sharp weapons, innumerable Spirit Pill elixir, represent the army that Eastern Sea can provide to be able to rise several somersaults. “你们,可真是大好人啊!”勿乞眯着眼观赏自己芥子世界中堆积如山的岢珍异宝,再次夸奖了这些佛陀一番。这么多的灵药,这么多的灵石仙石,这么多的珍稀矿产,这么多的先天器物,以勿乞如今的手段,就代表着无数的神兵利器,无数的灵丹妙药,代表着东海能够供养的军队又能翻上好几个跟头。 Continual two times was appreciated as the big good person, 18 Blissful Buddha were frightened by Wu Qi that strange tone is scared out of one's wits. And plumpest, the cultivation base also strongest Buddha called out sternly: Fellow Daoist, you and my Buddhism not long hatred, so long as Fellow Daoist spares and not punishes too severely to put this poor monk Senior Brother younger brother to leave today, we are willing to distribute the heavy oath, later will not investigate the matter of today absolutely.” 连续两次被赞赏为大好人,十八位欢喜佛勿乞那古怪的语气吓得魂不附体。其中一尊最为肥硕,修为也最强的佛陀厉声叫道:“道友,你与我佛门并无宿怨,只要道友今日高抬贵手放贫僧师兄弟离开,我们愿意发下重誓,以后绝对不会追究今日之事。” Killed your so many disciple disciples, snatched your cultivation secret skill, snatched your palm India, snatched your complete net worth, won't you have investigated the matter of today absolutely? 杀了你们这么多门人弟子,抢了你们的修炼秘法,抢了你们的掌心佛国,抢了你们全部身家,你们还绝对不会追究今日之事? Wu Qi shakes the head, he said with a smile lightly: Should better not put you to walk, ......” 勿乞摇了摇头,他轻笑道:“最好还是不放你们走,唔……” These Buddha frighten complexion to be pale, they were just about to say anything, a Wu Qi finger/refers, sealed firmly their mouths, making them unable to put out a character again. Gathered near the Princess Zhang Le main ear to mutter in a low voice several, the Princess Zhang Le lord showed a faint smile, turned a Wu Qi waist soft meat gently. She greeted several, leading Ao Buzun one group to fly toward the Southwest, according to these likes the end smooth oral confession, three Heavenly Court closest to here Supreme Unity Golden Immortal dives to cultivate in that direction. 那些佛陀吓得面色惨白,他们正要说什么,勿乞手一指,将他们的嘴牢牢封上,让他们再也吐不出一个字来。凑到鄣乐公主耳边低声咕哝了几句,鄣乐公主微微一笑,轻轻的扭了一下勿乞腰间软肉。她招呼了几声,带起敖不尊一行人就往西南方飞去,按照这些欢喜端畅口供,距离这里最近的三位天庭太乙金仙就在那个方向潜修。 Wu Qi looks at the complexion different nervous anxious 18 Buddha, cannot help but shakes the head saying: I for the knife and chopping block, you and other fish, pitiful innumerable Great Tribulation cultivate, turn for the pictures of cakes today. Pitiful, pitiful, big monk listened, we did not have the enemy, was only the standpoint is different. Your pledges are to really let the person cannot believe that if your good bodies bled off, pitifully?” 勿乞看着面色异慌不安的十八位佛陀,不由得摇头道:“我为刀俎,尔等鱼肉,可怜无数量劫苦修,今日翻为画饼。可怜,可怜,诸位大和尚听好了,我们本无怨仇,只是立场不同罢了。你们的誓言实在是让人不敢相信,你们这一身好皮肉若是放走了,岂不是可惜?” Makes an effort to clap, Wu Qi about ten did obeisance doing obeisance to this group of big monks joyfully with a smile, he said with a smile: Many thanks helps, many thanks helps.” 用力拍拍手,勿乞欣然笑着向这群大和尚合十拜了拜,他笑道:“多谢成全,多谢成全。” 18 Buddha. Wū wū, calling, body unceasingly is swaying from side to side, they lose startled look at Wu Qi, seemed midnight bumps into the young girl of sex fiend to be equally pitiful and no use. Wu Qi visits them with a smile, forehead Purple Qi gushed out together, refining up Heavenly Cauldron to fly slowly. 十八位佛陀。呜呜,叫着,身体不断的扭动着,他们惊慌失将的看着勿乞,就好似半夜碰到了色魔的少女一样可怜和无助。勿乞笑吟吟的看着他们,眉心一道紫气喷薄而出,炼天鼎缓缓的飞了出来。 Xuan Yuan executes demon sword, gets up!” Wu Qi long smiles one, Kunwu Sword that over ten thousand 6000 handles shake azure stirs up to shoot harmoniously, in hundred li (0.5 km) the arrange/cloth in this surrounding area got down Great Formation rapidly. 轩辕诛魔剑阵,起!”勿乞长笑一声,上万六千柄青晃晃的昆吾剑激和谐射而出,迅速在这方圆百里内布下了大阵 The mirage of opens the mouth blowout antique fan clam, this mountain valley was covered by the light mist together, vanishes without a trace. Has sword to cover outside, no one can discover here difference, will not have slight aura to leak out. 张口喷出一道太古迷蜃的蜃气,这一片山谷被薄薄的雾气笼罩,消失得无影无踪。有剑阵覆盖在外,没人能发现这里的异样,也不会有丝毫气息泄露出去。 Refining up the Heavenly Cauldron cauldron lid to open, the Purple Qi blowout, 18 Buddha was inhaled to refine in Heavenly Cauldron together, the cauldron covers closes rapidly. 天鼎的鼎盖张开,一道紫气喷出,十八尊佛陀被吸入炼天鼎中,鼎盖迅速合上。 A Wu Qi double palm bamboo raft, toward building up Heavenly Cauldron spouted the big piece purple smoke spark. Built up in Heavenly Cauldron to spout the wild purple roaring flame immediately, by Buddha of Wu Qi imprisonment snort/hum snort/hum, cassock had not been fired the ashes by the purple flame with enough time, their white Zan body sent out under the ignition of flame just like the loud sound that the copper bell thundered, circled in the uncertain bell whining noise also to have the moan mixed voice of faint Buddha bugle call and young girl transmits unceasingly. 勿乞双掌一槎,向着炼天鼎喷出了大片紫烟火花。炼天鼎内立刻喷出了狂暴的紫色烈焰,被勿乞禁锢的佛陀们哼都没来得及哼一声,身上的袈裟被紫色火焰烧成灰烬,他们白暂的身体在火焰的灼烧下发出宛如铜钟轰鸣的巨响,盘旋不定的钟鸣声中还有隐隐佛号声和少女的呻吟声混杂的声浪不断传来。 Knows probably Wu Qi wants to handle anything to them, 18 Blissful Buddha closed eyes simultaneously, the lip wriggled to read silently Buddha slightly. The big piece pink mist flutters from their within the body, these pink mist bump into the purple fire to be burnt cleanly, as body of Buddha the combustion of pink mist as if in gradual shrinkage, originally plump body gradual withered. 大概是知道了勿乞想要对他们做什么事情,十八尊欢喜佛同时闭上了双眼,嘴唇微微蠕动默诵佛号。大片粉红色的雾气从他们体内飘出,这些粉色雾气一碰到紫火就被烧得干干净净,佛陀们的身体随着粉色雾气的燃烧似乎在逐渐的缩水,原本肥硕的身躯逐渐的干瘪了下去。 This raging fire ignition continued for seven days and seven nights, the body of Buddha had been built up 18 bamboo poles, within the body did not have the pink mist to exist again slightly. They are sparkling all over the body golden light, seems pure gold forging. Bright Buddha light regarding these bodies of Buddha, stubbornly is resisting the attack of purple roaring flame. However along with building up the wind fire howling sound in Heavenly Cauldron, this light Buddha light fierce is shivering, seems will disrupt momentarily. 这一通烈火灼烧足足持续了七天七夜,佛陀们的身体已经被炼成了十八根竹竿,体内再也没有丝毫粉色的雾气存在。他们通体闪耀着金光,好似纯金锻造而成。一层明净的佛光围绕着这些佛陀的身体,死死的抵挡着紫色烈焰的侵袭。但是伴随着炼天鼎中的风火呼啸声,这一层薄薄的佛光剧烈的颤抖着,好似随时都会碎裂开。 Sighed lightly transmits, Blissful Buddha low and deep shouting: Senior Brother, we by this demon tribulation, are feared today is not again lucky. Spelled in this ominous demon, did not do to fall my Buddhism prestige!” Finishes barely the words, the purple flame has burnt through Buddha light of this Buddha body surface, contacted his main body. 一声轻叹传来,一尊欢喜佛低沉的喝道:“诸位师兄,今日吾等受此魔劫,怕是再无侥幸。于此凶魔拼了罢,休要坠了我佛门威名!”话音未落,紫色火焰已经烧穿了这佛陀体表的佛光,接触到了他本体。 Fuses just like the Buddha body of pure gold forging rapidly, when are not many turned into one group of golden light bright juices float in building up Heavenly Cauldron. In the juice has the pink Buddhist relics of 13 fist sizes to flutter, however when the high-temperature ignition, pink aura in Buddhist relics is dissipating rapidly, are not many were refine the pure busy pure white. 宛如纯金锻造的佛陀身躯迅速熔解,不多时就变成了一团金光熠熠的液汁悬浮在炼天鼎中。液汁中有十三颗拳头大小的粉色舍利飘荡着,但是在高温灼烧下,舍利内的粉色气息正在急速消散,不多时就被炼成了纯净无暇的纯白色。 A long and loud cry transmits, other 17 Buddha forehead blast out, more or less life Buddhist relics depart to from exploding in abundance. 声声长啸传来,其他十七尊佛陀眉心炸开,或多或少的本命舍利纷纷飞出就要自爆炸开。 Where however Wu Qi tolerates them from exploding the Buddhist relics, he prints the secret art to hit together on building up Heavenly Cauldron, in the cauldron the purple roaring flame congealed closely several tens of thousands just like mung bean rune seal on these Buddhist relics, soon from exploding the Buddhist relics imprisoned solid. 但是勿乞哪里能容得他们自爆舍利,他一道印诀打在炼天鼎上,鼎内紫色烈焰凝成数万个细细密密宛如绿豆的符文印在了这些舍利上,将快要自爆开的舍利禁锢得结结实实。 Opened mouth to spit one this to assign/life Origin Energy to go, refining up the flame in Heavenly Cauldron to compress the crystal common solid, the golden bodies and Buddhist relics of 18 Buddha emitted big piece none simultaneously, finally was built up the liquid to melt for one group of water jar size. 张开嘴吐了一道本命元气进去,炼天鼎内的火焰已经压缩成了水晶一般的固体,十八尊佛陀的金身和舍利同时放出大片精光,终于被炼成了液体融为水缸大小的一团。 Wu Qi offers a sacrifice to the Dark Yin stars tower to cover all around, will draw near the limit here time speed accent. He individual savings that handed over from just these Buddha turns out 128 rare spirit herb to invest refine in Heavenly Cauldron, refining up bunch of fresh air integrated the Buddha golden body in these spirit herb the juice rapidly. 勿乞祭起玄阴星辰塔笼罩四周,将这里的时间速度调快到了极限。他从刚刚这些佛陀交出来的个人积蓄中翻出一百二十八种罕见的灵药投入了炼天鼎中,迅速将这些灵药也炼成了一团团清气融入了佛陀金身所化的汁液中。 The time passes by entire one month later, refining up in Heavenly Cauldron to resound thunderously, since pill pill that more than hundred Purple Qi ascend from building up Heavenly Cauldron soars to the heavens flies, changes into a meteor to the distant place fly to escape. 外界时间过去整整一个月后,炼天鼎中一声雷鸣响起,百多颗紫气升腾的丹丸从炼天鼎中冲天飞起,化为道道流星就要向远处飞遁。 Wu Qi on the one hand grasps, equals 108 pill pills completely to start. 勿乞一手抓出,合计一百零八颗丹丸尽入手中。 The finger in a big way picks up such as the red harmonious jujube, medicine pill of embodiment enormous efficacy, Wu Qi cannot help but narrowed the eyes to focus to smile. 手指拈着大如红和谐枣,内蕴极大药力的丹药,勿乞不由得眯着眼笑了起来。 His some new plans, wanted the whereabouts on these medicine pill.! ~! 他有一些新的谋划,就要着落在这些丹药身上了。!~! .
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