STH :: Volume #10

#910: ……

Chapter 910 Blissful Buddha tribulation( third) 第910章欢喜佛劫(第三更) The golden lotus, the bodhi is everywhere dense, everywhere is the clear spring spouts, the strange fragrance flows in the wind. The sutra chanting that muttered disseminated in the air, changed into a piece of dense voice to decorate especially sacredly this underground cave in a circumference of several miles solemn and respectful. 金莲遍地,菩提森森,到处都是清泉喷涌,奇异的香味在风中流动。喃喃的诵经声在空气中传播开来,化为一片氤氲声浪将这一个方圆数里的地下洞穴装点得格外神圣肃穆。 The golden Buddhist relics of 360 head/number of people sizes float in midair, has strong Spiritual Qi to spray unceasingly, integrates below that golden light shining Buddhism pure land. These Buddhist relics on the demon cauldron with jade bone immortal mountain valley were the same, communicated the innumerable flag gate and small-scale Gathering Spirit, the great quantity Spiritual Qi gathering will come, finally accomplished such a side dwelling places of buddhist immortals in cave. 三百六十颗人头大小的金色舍利悬浮在半空,不断有浓烈的灵气从中喷射而出,融入下方那一片金光灿灿的佛门净土之中。这些舍利就和玉骨仙山谷上的魔鼎一样,沟通了外界无数的旗门和小型聚灵阵,将巨量的灵气汇聚而来,终于在洞穴中造就了这么一方洞天福地。 If some people of energy perspective lands, will see that a pink lotus flower fully occupied entire underground cave, after the length and breadth is about several li (0.5 km) underground cave this lotus flower occupies, unexpectedly evolves one side length and breadth tens of millions li (0.5 km) pure lands that lived completely the Chinese globeflower and bodhi forest. The golden buddhist monk tower everywhere is, the jungle clear spring side full is the soft pure white cushioning. 若是有人能透视这一片土地,就会看到一朵粉红色的莲花占满了整个地下洞穴,原本长宽不过数里的地下洞穴被这莲花占据后,居然演化成了一方长宽数千万里生满了金莲花和菩提林的净土。金色的浮屠塔遍地都是,密林清泉之边满是柔软洁白的软垫。 Innumerable facial features beautiful stature elegant female, innumerable body vigorous and healthy appearance handsome man, above this Buddhism pure land, on that soft pure white soft cushion broad-minded, deducts naked reveal the human most primitive multiplication movements. Some movement all sorts of strange and unusual movements of these people simply are unthinkable, their fierce copulations, the body collides mutually sends out fiercely ‚’ sound, however on their faces actually full is sacred solemn and respectful, mouth also unceasing reading aloud scripture, that floods the entire void sutra chanting to transmit from their mouths. 无数面容姣好身材秀美的女子,无数身躯健壮容貌俊朗的男子,就在这佛门净土之上,在那柔软洁白的软垫子上幕天席地,演绎一幕幕赤露露的人类最原始的繁衍运动。这些人的动作千奇百怪有的动作简直是匪夷所思,他们剧烈的交媾,身体相互碰撞发出剧烈的‘啪啪’响声,但是他们的脸上却满是神圣肃穆,嘴里也不断的念诵经文,那充斥整个虚空的诵经声正是从他们嘴里传来。 Fierce not Ding, is riding in the robust man who a body of beautiful appearance young girl gallops heartily praises Buddha suddenly long, two visible golden mighty currents swamp into the body of this robust man from within the body of young girl, round of light pink Buddha light takes shape after the brain of that robust man, his forehead also presented a thumb size extremely pale pink lotus flower seal. On young girls sweat profusely, she has rolled over to hold up two long legs to grip the guy majestically such as the waist of lion, charming infinite calling out: Congratulating Senior Brother must become the fruits of virtue, later also invited Senior Brother many attendance!” 猛不丁的,一个正骑在一个美貌少女的身上尽情驰骋的壮汉突然长颂一声佛号,两条肉眼可见的金色洪流从少女的体内涌入这壮汉的身体,一轮淡淡的粉色佛光在那壮汉的脑后成型,他的眉心也出现了一个拇指大小极淡的粉红色莲花印。少女身上香汗淋漓,她翻过身来举起两条长腿夹住了大汉雄壮如狮的腰身,娇媚无限的叫道:“恭喜师兄得成正果,以后还请师兄多多照顾则个!” The robust men laughed heartily joyfully, his both hands together long praised Buddha, both hands wields to sprinkle big piece pink Buddha light, all around sat cross-legged in thirty young girls who under the bodhi tree shade rested simultaneously the cheek flood red, their sentiment moved looks at this to build the Arhat fruits of virtue the guy , the double pupil seemed can the water seepage. When are not many thirty young girls encircled simultaneously side the guy, more frantic not obstructed the congress to start. 壮汉欣喜欢笑,他双手合什长颂一声佛号,双手挥动洒下大片粉红色的佛光,四周盘坐在菩提树荫下休息的三十几位少女同时面皮泛红,她们情动的看着这修成罗汉正果的大汉,双眸好似能渗出水来。不多时三十几个少女同时围在了大汉身边,更加狂热的无遮大会开始了。 The guys just like the exhausted machine in body enjoyments of heartily these young girls, the golden mighty current will never swamp into the guy body from within the body of these young girls equally unceasingly. Buddha light after guy brain is getting more and more bright, gradually congeals, his forehead pink lotus flower seal also becomes more and more clear, seemed a true lotus flower to infiltrate his forehead general. 大汉宛如永远不会疲累的机器一样在这些少女的身上尽情的享受,道道金色洪流不断从这些少女的体内涌入大汉身体。大汉脑后的佛光越来越亮,逐渐凝结,他眉心的粉色莲花印也变得越来越清晰,好似一朵真正的莲花打入了他的眉心一般。 On this pure land, often has the delighted long howl to shoot up to the sky, said that Buddha light in all directions glittering, in the air was full of pink ** aura. 在这一方净土上,不时有欢喜的长啸声冲天而起,道道佛光四处闪烁,空气中充满了一股粉红色的**气息 This pure land center, 18 reaching to the sky golden pagodas encircled a circle, the crown in each pagoda did not see the spire, but was side spacious cloud platform. 18 skin color fair just like young girl, body obese just like Buddha languid sitting of elephant center cloud platform, side lying this way and that lying down completely stark naked beautiful appearance young girl. 这一方净土的正中,十八座高耸入云的金色佛塔围成了一个圆圈,每座佛塔的顶部都不见塔尖,而是一方宽敞的云台。十八尊肤色白皙宛如少女,身躯肥胖宛如大象的佛陀懒洋洋的坐在云台正中,身边横七竖八的躺满了赤身露体的美貌少女。 After 18 Buddha brains, emits the immeasurable bright light, the bright light that they emit interweaves in one, making this void time speed of flow increase quickly 7000 times. This is also the result that they act jointly, if they make a move alone, most can accelerate 2000 times the time, 18 people crowd together, this efficiency was raised much. After all what they are skilled is the frolicking merit rather than divine ability of control time, usually in their Senior Brother younger brother 18 people of sentiments are also excellent, therefore had 18 people of crowding together things. 十八尊佛陀脑后放出无量明光,他们放出的明光交织在一处,令得这一片虚空中的时间流速增快了七千倍。这也是他们联手施为的结果,若是他们单独出手,最多能将时间加速两千倍,十八人凑在一起,这效率可是提升了不少。毕竟他们精通的是欢喜禅功而不是控制时间的神通,平日里他们师兄弟十八人的感情又极好,故而才有了十八人凑在一起的事情。 Void golden light flashes through, dozens pretty mendicant budhist monk smiling is treading the pink refining flying under. Mendicant budhist monk skin of lead is the pale golden color, in the double pupil has the lotus flower to emerge faintly, clearly is a Buddhism big energy that built the Bodhisattva fruits of virtue. 虚空中一点金光闪过,数十名眉清目秀的头陀笑盈盈的踏着粉色炼化飞身而下。领头的一个头陀皮肤呈淡金色,双眸中隐隐有莲花涌现,分明是一个修成了菩萨正果的佛门大能。 The delighted mendicant budhist monk stands in 18 High Pagoda one group of white clouds, delighted bends the body to salute to all around Buddha: Buddha, the disciple this time goes on a journey has the harvest greatly. These had 37 country chaotic wars outside this mountain on , common people being destitute and homeless people have no means to make a living, the disciples to buy at a high price more than 70,000 foundation excellent years child to think human furnace.” 欢欢喜喜的头陀站在十八座高塔正中的一团白云上,欢喜的向四周的佛陀屈身行礼:“诸位佛爷,弟子此番出行大有收获。这几日就在这山外有三十七国乱战,平民百姓流离失所民不聊生,弟子们以重金购买了七万余根基极好的年子以为炉鼎。” The mendicant budhist monk wielded started, more than 700 pink lotus flowers fluttered in light Buddha light. On each lotus flower static falls asleep 100 good-looking root bone extremely good young girls, looked that year the age had to 15-16 years old from 7 or 8-year-old. 头陀挥了一下手,七百多朵粉色莲花在淡淡佛光中飘了出来。每一朵莲花上都静静的睡着一百名姿容秀美根骨极佳的少女,看那年龄从七八岁到15-16岁都有。 A Buddha laughs to say delightedly: Wonderful, so these disciple cultivation speeds can speed up one. Senior Brother, asked Senior Brother to be many, planted the frolicking to plant in these human furnace within the body, was practiced after them coordinated the disciples to exercise martial arts!” 一尊佛陀欢喜大笑道:“妙哉,如此那些徒儿修行速度又能加快一份了。诸位师兄,还是请诸位师兄多多劳累,在这些炉鼎体内种下欢喜禅种,由她们修炼后配合弟子们练功罢!” These Buddha claimed together good, they beckoned, dozens lotus flowers sifted in their hands respectively. These Buddha put out a hand the lotus flower, takes out a young girl, the stout and strong body numerous pressures on the body of young girl, the whole face are the revolution Zen merit that smiles, nearly invaded the bodies of these young girls barbarically. The young girl in lethargic sleep suddenly broken the body, their pain results in the hissing pitiful yell to struggle again and again, some people tear the faces of these huge monks with the long nail. 那些佛陀齐声称善,他们纷纷一招手,分别有数十朵莲花飘入他们手中。这些佛陀伸手进莲花,取出一名少女,肥壮的身躯重重的压在了少女的身上,满脸是笑的运转禅功,近乎野蛮的侵入了这些少女的身体。昏睡中的少女突然破体,她们痛得嘶声惨叫连连挣扎,更有人用长长的指甲撕扯这些庞大和尚的面孔。 Whatever they scratch and gnaw to nip, the huge monk remains unmoved as before, they following an extremely strange frequency shrugging body slowly, the body gradually have the Buddha light rosy cloud air/Qi to flutter. The bodies of these young girls gradually exuded the light red, when were not many they exuded the happy cry, the corner of the eye brow tip revealed the feeling of love. 但是任凭她们抓挠、啃咬,庞大的和尚依旧不为所动,他们循着一种极其诡异的频率慢慢的耸动身体,身上逐渐有佛光霞气飘荡而出。这些少女的身体逐渐泛起了淡淡的红色,不多时她们就发出了欢喜的叫声,眼角眉梢流露出了浓浓的春情。 Void pink rosy clouds disrupt suddenly, Wu Qi has the invasion of Eastern Sea people silently this side world. 虚空中一片粉色云霞突然碎裂,勿乞带着东海众人悄无声息的侵入了这一方天地。 The jade bone immortal treads in dark clouds, respectful bows to salute to say to Wu Qi: Prince, here is Buddhism likes the institutes of Zen 18 Buddha anchorites. Because three Buddha and small demons distinguish dual cultivation several Primordial, the jade demon Bone Forging technique of small demon also comprehends from the Buddhism not bad golden body comes, small demon and their very somewhat friendship, therefore knows they dive to cultivate here.” 玉骨仙踏在一片黑云上,恭恭敬敬的对勿乞躬身行礼道:“王爷,这里就是佛门欢喜禅宗十八位佛陀隐修之所。因为其中有三位佛陀与小魔分别双修过几个元会,小魔的玉魔锻骨术也是从佛门不坏金身中参悟得来,小魔和他们很有几分交情,故而才知道了他们在这里潜修。” Wu Qi looked at this everywhere is the pure land of copulation scene, cannot help but grinning, liking Zen really likes Zen worthily. 勿乞望了一眼这遍地都是交媾场景的净土,不由得咧了咧嘴,欢喜禅宗果然不愧是欢喜禅宗。 Ao Buzun thump swallowed big spit, he stared in a big way the eye to say with a smile: Good skill, is really good skill, the good place, is really the good place. Why these buddhist monks can plunder the female to be heartily happy, how many mother in the past the father was looks to tie one to prefer, can meet a cruel death from the explosion? Without the natural justice, really does not have the natural justice!” 敖不尊‘咕咚’一声吞了一大口吐沫,他瞪大了眼笑道:“好功法啊,果然是好功法,好地方啊,果然是好地方。啧,凭什么这些秃驴就能掳掠了女子尽情欢乐,当年老子不过是找几个娘儿结一份情愿,就被人自爆炸得粉身碎骨呢?没天理,实在是没天理嘛!” Wu Qi horizontal Ao Buzun , although these Buddhism monks also plunder human furnace that the daughter acts as to exercise martial arts from the outside world, but can they not have to arrive to provoke the too powerful opponent stupid? What they plunder is the world of mortals female, making them cultivation the frolicking merit to act as human furnace, how even if these folk females can cultivation Bodhisattva Realm to take them? How many Heavenly Court Taiyi female immortals does not see these Blissful Buddha to snatch, when human furnace? 勿乞横了敖不尊一眼,这些佛门的和尚虽然也是从外界掳掠民女充当练功的炉鼎,但是他们可没蠢到去招惹太强大的对手啊?他们掳掠的是凡间女子,让她们修炼欢喜禅功充当炉鼎,这些民间女子就算能修炼到菩萨境界又能拿他们怎么样?不见这些欢喜佛去抢几个天庭的太乙女仙当炉鼎 Princess Zhang Le main dislike under looks at the chaotic scene, her cold -ly snorted and said: These buddhist monks deserve to be damned, Xiaoque, all burning...... these females one and burnt, delivered them cleanly the soul reincarnation Rebirth them! The souls of these buddhist monks, destroyed directly are!” 鄣乐公主厌恶的看着下方乱糟糟一片的场景,她冷哼道:“这些秃驴死有余辜,小雀儿,把他们全给烧了……那些女子一并烧死,送她们魂魄干干净净的去转世投胎罢!这些秃驴的魂魄么,直接毁了就是!” Xiaoque complied with one, she face upwards to send out clear sounding, one group of scarlet red flame gradually spread, suddenly covered entire surrounding area tens of millions li (0.5 km) pure lands. The billowing heat wave sweeps across the four directions, below golden lotus and bodhi forest withered burn in abundance, the clear spring was changed into the steam to dissipate, side Buddhism pure land well, turned into the heat tile kiln suddenly. 小雀儿应了一声,她仰天发出一声清脆的鸣叫,一团赤红色的火焰逐渐蔓延开,眨眼间就覆盖了整个方圆数千万里的净土。滚滚热浪席卷四方,下方的金莲、菩提林纷纷焦枯燃烧,清泉被化为蒸汽消散,好好的一方佛门净土,眨眼间就变成了烧红的瓦窑。 18 are enjoying the young girl to be fresh and tender satisfied ** Buddha jumped suddenly, they look face up the sky shouted sternly: Where does Fellow Daoist feel embarrassed with us? I and others are Buddhism likes Zen large amount place next ten eight Blissful Buddha is, Fellow Daoist......” 十八尊正在惬意的享受少女鲜嫩**的佛陀骤然跳了起来,他们仰面看着天空厉声喝道:“何方道友与吾等为难?我等乃佛门欢喜禅宗大宗正座下十八欢喜佛就是,道友……” Wu Qi silently arrived in 18 golden tower, he treads in white clouds, the unfeeling vision swept one to these Buddha, huge Buddha only think that the Wu Qi vision seemed the blade edge the same as penetrate their bodies, the biting cold chill in the air made them not dare to say a character much. 勿乞悄无声息的来到了十八座金塔之间,他踏在一片白云上,冷酷无情的目光向这些佛陀扫了一眼,庞大的佛陀们只觉勿乞的目光好似刀锋一样穿透了他们的身体,彻骨的寒意让他们不敢多说一个字。 Dao Breaking Realm has the absolute suppresive advantage to Dao Reasoning Realm, Wu Qi huge Divine Consciousness changes into the violent storm one ** the impact 18 Blissful Buddha tuo, to read Buddha that strength powerful Divine Consciousness is famous tyrannicalally unable to resist the attack of Wu Qi Divine Consciousness, the clinging to tenaciously mind with hardship, their Divine Consciousness seem in the wind the remaining years of life, was possibly suppressed by Wu Qi Divine Consciousness momentarily. 破道境明道境有着绝对的压制性优势,勿乞庞大的神识化为狂风暴雨一**的冲击着十八位欢喜佛陀,以念力强大神识强横著称的佛陀们抵挡不住勿乞神识的侵袭,一个个苦苦的死守心神,他们的神识好似风中残烛,随时都可能被勿乞神识扑灭。 Buddha desperate making noise, the Buddha main amida is unable so to suppress them, can result in the so huge pressure on them, only possibly is main amida more powerful existence. Dao Breaking Realm does cultivator , on Pangu Continent possibly present existence of Dao Breaking Realm? 佛陀们绝望的出声,佛主弥陀都无法如此压制他们,能够对他们造成如此庞大压力的,只可能是比佛主弥陀更强大的存在。破道境修士啊,盘古大陆上怎么可能出现破道境的存在? These abnormal Dao Breaking Realm big energies, they should not observe the iron rule how many Dao Ancestor and Buddha formulate, goes to Heaven Beyond the Heaven outside Ninth Heaven world to live in seclusion? Yes, yes, was these people acts? Do they collaborate, want to aim at Heavenly Court and Buddhism this time planning start? 那些变态的破道境大能,他们不是应该遵守几位道祖、佛祖制定的铁律,都去九天世界之外的天外天隐居么?难道,是,是,是那些人出手了?他们联起手来,想要针对天庭佛门这次的谋算下手? Thinks the fearfulness that these have, ten eight Blissful Buddha tuo frighten the whole body cold sweat to be dripping, two becoming known legs tremble, is unable to support their huge body weight again, they almost sit simultaneously, in raped on, pounds the following golden tower fiercely to shiver. 一想到那些存在的可怕,十八欢喜佛陀吓得浑身冷汗淋漓,两条大白腿哆哆嗦嗦的,再也无法支撑起他们的庞大体重,他们几乎是同时一屁股坐在了云台上,砸得下面的金塔都剧烈颤抖起来。 Wu Qi beams into a smile, these people are the fruit cakes, is good to cope. 勿乞欣然一笑,这些人是软柿子,好对付。 Had just the precedent of corundum bone immortal before, Wu Qi may not expose the Great Yu Eastern Sea King status absolutely, he pinched the throat to sneer saying: This poor Daoist was beyond the day rogue cultivator wanders to pass by here, saw that and other monster monks plundered the daughter to flaunt the despotic power, this poor Daoist must enforce justice on behalf of Heaven to cut the monster surely to eliminate the demon, put to death and other monster monks all!” 有了刚刚玉骨仙的前例在前,勿乞可绝对不会暴露自己大虞东海王的身份,他捏了捏嗓子冷笑道:“贫道乃天外散修云游路过此处,见到尔等妖僧掳掠民女以逞淫威,贫道定要替天行道斩妖除魔,将尔等妖僧尽数诛杀!” Dreadful Southern Ming howled to the fire, all branches in pure land completely. 滔天的南明离火呼啸而下,将净土内的一切分会殆尽。 In the wailing sound of wailing bitterly, these are reduced to ashes in the Buddhism disciple of cultivate frolicking merit in abundance, their human furnace also one and was embezzled by the fire. Phoenix True Fire most can purify the dirt to wash all filthy/nasty, in the bright flame the soul of Buddhism disciple was burnt vanishes in a puff of smoke, the young girl souls of pure impurities have not flown all over the body slightly in abundance, be with smile on the face escaping into samsara. 哭天喊地的哀嚎声中,那些正在苦修欢喜禅功的佛门弟子纷纷化为灰烬,他们的炉鼎也一并被大火吞没。真火最能净化污垢洗涤一切污秽,明净的火焰中佛门弟子的魂魄被烧得灰飞烟灭,一条条通体纯净没有丝毫杂质的少女魂魄纷纷飞起,面带微笑的遁入了轮回之中。 The Blissful Buddha hissing screamed, they tossed about will only repeat Senior to show mercy several characters, spirit is almost made into the fragment by the Divine Consciousness impact of Wu Qi. 欢喜佛们嘶声尖叫起来,他们翻来覆去的只会重复‘前辈开恩’几个字,魂灵儿都差点被勿乞神识冲击弄成碎片。 Wu Qi Yin sad smiles, his big sleeve one volume, was involved in these Buddha the sleeve completely. 勿乞阴恻恻的一笑,他大袖一卷,将这些佛陀全部卷入了袖子里。 Under wielding of backhand together purple lightning ray silently, a clear thunderous sound place, this cave and above mountain simultaneously change into the light smoke to scatter. ro 反手一道紫色雷光悄无声息的挥下,一声清脆的雷鸣声响处,这处洞穴和上方的大山齐齐化为青烟飘散。ro …… ……
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