STH :: Volume #10

#909: ……

Chapter 909 subdues the jade bone( second) 第909章收服玉骨(第二更) Ka ka several sounds, Yan Bugui drew the pattern, the wolf fang of Wu Qi forging refers to buckling personally in finger broken above of jade bone immortal became several. The one side the jade bone immortal tortures yells for Huang Liang and Yuan Qing that shock, the bone of this jade bone immortal is so hard? ‘咔咔’几声响,燕不归绘出图样,勿乞亲手锻造的狼牙指扣在玉骨仙的指头上裂成了好几块。一旁为玉骨仙用刑的黄俍猿青惊骇大叫起来,这玉骨仙的骨头怎么这么硬? Also is the complexion changes in Wu Qi that the one side watches the fun, this wolf fang refers to specially buckles also has nothing other, used dozens extremely hard material forging. Wu Qi used very big thoughts to forge this batch of torture instruments, regardless of other, said merely degree of hardness, this wolf fang referred to the buckle being able relaxed twisted broken finger bone of common Taiyi immortal. 在一旁看热闹的勿乞也是脸色一变,这狼牙指扣倒也没什么别的特殊的,就是用了数十种极其坚硬的材料锻造而成。勿乞用了很大的心思才锻造成了这一批刑具,不论其他,仅仅说硬度的话,这狼牙指扣可以轻松的将寻常太乙仙人的指骨绞碎。 However the jade bone immortal worthily her given name, a bone was much harder, the wolf fang of Wu Qi careful forging refers to the buckle not being able to twist her bone, instead oneself were broken. 但是玉骨仙不愧了她那名号,一身骨头硬得吓人,勿乞精心锻造的狼牙指扣没能绞断她的骨头,反而自己被震碎了。 Stands is a little ugly in nearby Yan Bugui complexion, he will draw up the pattern, several other torture instruments of Wu Qi forging also held personally, wore Huang Liang and Yuan Qing wraps these torture instruments on the body of jade bone immortal. Several rip the fragment sufficiently the torture instrument one and starts, hears ka ka sound to be unceasing, jade bone immortal perfect lying down on the ground, but all torture instruments were shaken the waste. 站在一旁的燕不归脸色有点难看,他将自己绘制图样,勿乞亲自锻造的另外几件刑具也都提溜了出来,着黄俍猿青将这些刑具都套在了玉骨仙的身上。十几件足以将人撕成碎片的刑具一并发动,就听得‘咔咔’声不断,玉骨仙完好无损的躺在地上,但是所有刑具都被震成了废物。 Stood cannot help but sucked in an cold air/Qi in nearby Lord Xiansheng and the others, was this jade bone immortal so difficult to deal with? 站在一旁的显圣灵君等人不由得倒抽了一口冷气,这玉骨仙怎么这么难对付? Wu Qi also speechless and Princess Zhang Le lord looked one, to the jade bone immortal, they also had no good method. 勿乞也无语的和鄣乐公主对望了一眼,对玉骨仙,他们也没有什么好法子了。 Was swallowed the mustard seed world by Wu Qi, was captured alive by the Princess Zhang Le lord, the jade bone immortal integrates oneself skeleton own Immortal Soul immediately, this makes her skeleton even more hard. Wu Qi used several soul that searches for the technique of soul unable the jade bone immortal arrests from the skeleton, the method that obviously jade bone immortal soul and skeleton coincide is secret skill that she originally creates, searches for the technique of soul to have the excellent resistivity to various types. 勿乞吞噬了芥子世界,被鄣乐公主生擒活捉,玉骨仙立刻将自己的仙魂融入了自身骨骼,这让她的骨骼变得越发的坚硬。勿乞用了好几种搜魂之术都没能将玉骨仙的魂魄从骨骼中拘出来,显然玉骨仙这种魂魄与骨骼相合的法门是她独创的秘法,对各种搜魂之术有着极好的抵抗力。 The god techniques of various Princess Zhang Le main control souls also take the jade bone immortal to have no good way. Method of jade bone immortal cultivation strange to the extreme, matter of soul and skeleton thorough fusion, hears something never heard of before by Wu Qi and Princess Zhang Le main experience. This divine ability is weird, but the effect is extremely truly intrepid, Wu Qi and Princess Zhang Le lord tossed about took her not to have idea for a long time, actually did not hate to settle her flying ash directly, can only use ** the penalty tossed about her. 鄣乐公主各种控制魂魄的神术也拿玉骨仙没什么好办法。玉骨仙修炼的法门诡异到了极点,魂魄和自身骨骼彻底融合的事情,以勿乞鄣乐公主的见识也是闻所未闻的。这门神通邪门无比,但是效果确实极其强悍,勿乞鄣乐公主折腾了许久拿她没辙,却又舍不得直接将她飞灰了事,只能用**刑罚折腾她。 Various torture instruments that however the Yan Bugui design and Wu Qi build crush, basic does not have the least bit means with the jade bone immortal, Wu Qi also had the nod to be big. 但是燕不归设计、勿乞打造的各种刑具纷纷粉碎,却根本拿玉骨仙没半点儿办法,勿乞也有点头大了。 If Wu Qi makes a move to toss about the jade bone immortal directly, can actually with ease her skeleton smashing, but no one knows how her skeleton and soul fuse, if Wu Qi incautiously opening to break to pieces her soul, no means obtain the least bit useful thing from her soul in the same old way. 如果是勿乞直接出手折腾玉骨仙,倒是能轻松将她的骨骼粉碎,可是谁也不知道她的骨骼和魂魄是如何融合的,若是勿乞一不小心将她的魂魄给拆碎了,照样没办法从她魂魄中得到半点儿有用的东西。 It seems the dog to nip the hedgehog nowhere lower jaw, Wu Qi one group of looks that lies down in the jade bone immortal that the ground rolls the eyes, really did not have the means with her. 好似狗咬刺猬无处下嘴,勿乞一行人看着躺在地上直翻白眼的玉骨仙,实在拿她没了办法。 Smiles bitterly, Wu Qi feels own nose to sigh to the jade bone immortal: Jade bone immortal, you have not said early, must make the cow to make the horse, whatever we do whip on?” 苦笑一声,勿乞摸着自己的鼻子对玉骨仙叹道:“玉骨仙,早前你不是说过,要做牛做马任凭我们驱策么?” The jade bone immortal vacant soulless pupil looked to Wu Qi, she sneered saying: If the Senior immortal captured alive Patriarch I, difficultly what makes the cow to make the horse to have? My Devil Dao immortal strength powerhouse victory, the powerhouse to revere, Patriarch I am naturally willing to pledge allegiance. However you, hey, falls to the hand of your Great Yu, how Patriarch I want [soul destroyed / terror-stricken], gave up any idea of obtained the least bit advantage from Patriarch here.” 玉骨仙茫然无神的眸子看向了勿乞,她冷笑道:“若是前辈大仙生擒了老祖我,做牛做马有什么难的?我魔道仙人力强者胜,强者为尊,老祖我自然愿意归顺。但是你们,嘿,落到你们大虞的手上,老祖我怎么都要魂飞魄散,休想从老祖这里得到半点儿好处。” Seemed eats the tortoise of steelyard weight, the jade bone immortal steeled one's heart does not make Wu Qi they account for half to be cheap. 好似吃了秤砣的王八,玉骨仙横下一条心就是不让勿乞他们占半点儿便宜。 The people long time, Wu Qi looked at one toward Lord Xiansheng silent. The Chaotic Spirit treasure can definitely break open the skeleton of jade bone immortal, but the might of Chaotic Spirit treasure is not good to control, if hurt the soul core of jade bone immortal incautiously, to waste so many times? How many Chaotic Spirit treasure levels wants Wu Qi to forge the torture instrument to use difficultly inadequately to the jade bone immortal? That was really absurd. 众人沉默良久,勿乞显圣灵君望了一眼。混沌灵宝肯定能破开玉骨仙的骨骼,但是混沌灵宝的威力不好控制,若是一不小心伤到了玉骨仙的魂魄核心,岂不是白费了这么多功夫?难不成要勿乞锻造几件混沌灵宝级的刑具给玉骨仙用上?那真是岂有此理了。 One group of people are staring at the jade bone immortal, pondered over took her not to have the means for a long time actually. Ao Buzun transferred one in the one side eyeball turning round, he laughed suddenly: Isn't a woman? Can tidy up her is not easy? Hey, sees the father I!” 一群人盯着玉骨仙,琢磨了许久硬是拿她没办法。敖不尊在一旁眼珠滴溜溜转了一阵,他突然大笑了起来:“不就是一娘们么?要收拾她还不容易?嘿,看老子我的!” Carried the jade bone immortal, the Ao Buzun foot stamps to raise her to escape into underground. Wu Qi and Princess Zhang Le main looked at one mutually, has not prevented the action of Ao Buzun , perhaps does he really have the means to pull out the valuable thing from jade bone Xiankou? Wu Qi is curious, if Ao Buzun can cultivation ancient book of jade bone immortal interrogating and torturing, that value may be big. 一把拎起玉骨仙,敖不尊脚一跺就提着她遁入了地下。勿乞鄣乐公主互相看了一眼,都没有阻止敖不尊的行动,也许他真有办法从玉骨仙口里掏出有价值的东西?勿乞更是好奇,敖不尊若是能将玉骨仙的修炼典籍给拷问出来,那价值可就大了。 Refining up a body the soul and skeleton, this weird method, as if there is use very much. Great Yu Directorate of Celestial refines various magical amulets, use is the skeleton of powerful Demonic Beast. If can smelts these Demonic Beast souls and skeletons as one, the might of magical amulet should be able to promote big difference enormously, this to the battle efficiency of Eastern Sea army absolutely is an enormous supplement. 将魂魄和自身骨骼炼成一体,这种邪门法子,似乎很有用处啊。大虞司天殿炼制各种灵符,使用的都是强力妖兽的骨骼。如果能够将这些妖兽的魂魄和骨骼熔炼为一体,灵符的威力应该能极大的提升一大截,这对东海军的战斗力绝对是一个极大的补充。 The people stand in the mountain top wait for Ao Buzun , crossed for seven days and seven nights, bringing face satisfied smile Ao Buzun from underground to drill finally. In the complexion scarlet pupil almost can drop the jade bone immortal little darling who the water leakage comes in Ao Buzun behind, sees Wu Qi and Princess Zhang Le lord, the jade bone immortal seems the child bride to pay a visit the parents-in-law timidly same lord bends body to salute to Wu Qi and Princess Zhang Le: Small demon jade bone, has seen the prince and empress. The small demon has to offend the place of offending much, but also asked the prince and empress to forgive. The small demon pledges allegiance to Eastern Sea starting today voluntarily, hopes for a Eastern Sea foot soldier attendant child, whatever the prince and empress whip on.” 众人站在山头等候敖不尊,过了足足七天七夜,带着一脸满足笑容的敖不尊终于从地下钻了出来。面色赤红眸子里几乎能滴出水来的玉骨仙乖乖的跟在敖不尊身后,看到勿乞鄣乐公主,玉骨仙怯生生的好似童养媳拜见公婆一样对勿乞鄣乐公主屈身行礼:“小魔玉骨,见过王爷、娘娘。小魔多有得罪冒犯之处,还请王爷、娘娘恕罪。小魔今日起自愿归顺东海,愿为东海一马前卒子任凭王爷、娘娘驱策。” Wu Qi is vacant, Princess Zhang Le is main, Yan Bugui swept torture instruments of ground these disruption, was grieved the cheek to pull out ruthlessly several, similarly looked the vacant color. Used the torture instrument of Wu Qi forging unable to pry open the mouth of jade bone immortal personally, was Ao Buzun convincing her? 勿乞茫然,鄣乐公主茫然,燕不归扫了一眼地上那些碎裂的刑具,心痛得脸蛋狠狠抽了几下,同样面露茫然之色。用了勿乞亲手锻造的刑具都没能撬开玉骨仙的嘴,敖不尊是怎么‘说服’她的? Saw the people vacant face, Ao Buzun laughed wildly several excitedly, he made an effort to pat oneself, complacent saying: „A father treasure spear/gun, the god keeps off deicide Buddha to keep off to execute Buddha, this succuba is in the way, a spear/gun knelt in the past the awe into submission submissive, ha, what torture instrument, anything searches for the technique of soul, that empty! Only then Sir my dragon Jingshen spear/gun, that is invincible invincible, sweeps away the world no one to work as!” 看到众人茫然的面孔,敖不尊兴奋的狂笑了几声,他用力拍了拍自己的,得意洋洋的说道:“老子一杆宝枪,神挡杀神佛挡诛佛,这魔女挡路,一枪过去就跪地慑服,哈哈哈,什么刑具,什么搜魂之术,那都是虚的!只有大爷我这一杆龙茎神枪,那才是攻无不克战无不胜,横扫天下无人能当!” Jade bone immortal pretty lowering the head, blushed seems spreads the chicken blood general, Wu Qi and the others had a look to live the strange peerless jade bone immortal, had a look at the saliva to scatter again loudly boast Ao Buzun , cannot help but fought a shiver simultaneously. Finally understands that the present Dragon clan population why so huge, the Dragon clan type was so complex, sentimental Ao Buzun this goods are raw and cold do not envy, so long as is the opposite sex can on? 玉骨仙娇滴滴的低下头,一张脸红得好似涂了鸡血一般,勿乞等人看看生得诡异绝伦的玉骨仙,再看看口水四溅放声吹嘘的敖不尊,不由得同时打了个寒战。终于明白为什么现在的龙族种群如此庞大,龙族的种类如此的复杂了,感情敖不尊这货是生冷不忌,只要是异性就能上的? Engages in self-examination, the man on the scene, to not living strange incomparable the jade bone immortal will get excited the impulsion including Wu Qi, but Ao Buzun not only had impulsive, will also put into practice impulsive, while convenient also subduing jade bone immortal. This is how extraordinary matter, really like such that he boasted, swept away the world no one to work as! 抚心自问,在场的男子,包括勿乞在内都不会对生得诡异无比的玉骨仙产生冲动,但是敖不尊不仅有了冲动,还将冲动付诸实施,顺便还‘收服’了玉骨仙。这是何其了不起的事情,真有如他吹嘘的那样,横扫天下无人能当啊! Coughed several, a Wu Qi foot kicked Ao Buzun far away, he looked at the jade bone immortal that complexion dizzy red is not daring to raise the head to say with a smile: Jade bone immortal, do you pledge allegiance to my Eastern Sea willingly? If you are the sincerity turn, may offer Devil Art ancient book that you cultivation!” 干咳了几声,勿乞一脚将敖不尊踢飞了老远,他望着面色晕红不敢抬头的玉骨仙笑道:“玉骨仙,你可是心甘情愿的归顺我东海?若是你是真心投靠,可将你修炼的魔功典籍献上!” Jade bone immortal little darling complied with one, the muscle and skin on her head split suddenly, reveal her to emit the azure gloss just like the quality best jade quality of material skull. Wu Qi and the others fought a shiver again, this Devil Dao immortal is the Devil Dao immortal, Devil Art secret skill seems like is really the to terrify person must tighten. Only then Ao Buzun flows the saliva to say with a smile in the one side: „The bone of this little mother is actually very pretty , just the days, she lifted the leg time, two leg bones are quite charming!” 玉骨仙乖乖的应了一声,她脑袋上的肌肉和皮肤突然裂开,露出了她散发出青色光泽宛如品质最佳的玉石质地的头盖骨。勿乞等人再次打了个寒战,这魔道仙人就是魔道仙人,魔功秘法看上去实在是瘆人得紧。只有敖不尊在一旁流着口水笑道:“这小娘儿的骨头倒是挺俊秀的,啧啧,刚刚那几天,她抬起腿的时候,两条腿骨好生迷人!” The Lord Xiansheng whole body goosebumps braved, he quickly walked to the one side several steps, avoided Ao Buzun this fellow. 显圣灵君浑身鸡皮疙瘩都冒了出来,他急忙向一旁走了几步,躲开了敖不尊这家伙。 ‚’ A resounding, on the jade bone immortal crown of the head the light piece of bone cracked, palm of the hand size one jade color blades flew, fell on Wu Qi slowly. On thin as cicada wing almost transparent blade dense and numerous is completely the handwriting, carefully looks exactly is unique Devil Dao divine ability ‚the jade demon Bone Forging technique. ‘咔嚓’一声脆响,玉骨仙天灵盖上薄薄一片骨头裂了开来,巴掌大小一片玉色骨片飞起,冉冉落在了勿乞手上。薄如蝉翼几乎透明的骨片上密密麻麻的尽是字迹,仔细看去恰好是一门独特的魔道神通‘玉魔锻骨术’。 Divine Consciousness writes down that jade demon Bone Forging technique by the blade, Wu Qi fingertip wisp of azure flame emits, fired the ashes the blade with ease. Such that just like Wu Qi expects, this Devil Dao divine ability is extremely strange, all skeleton members and soul Essence granule fuses together, the Nascent Divinity core walks randomly in the skeleton unceasingly, even the slightest misstep possibly during destruction jade bone immortal skeleton ruins her Immortal Soul. 神识透过骨片将那玉魔锻骨术记了下来,勿乞指尖一缕青色火焰冒出,将骨片轻轻松松烧成了灰烬。正如勿乞所料的那样,这门魔道神通极其诡异,所有的骨骼分子都和魂魄本源粒子融为一体,元神核心就在骨骼中不断游走,稍有不慎就可能在毁坏玉骨仙骨骼的同时毁掉她的仙魂 Looks at the jade bone immortal that the whole body trembles indifferently, Wu Qi sneers saying: Saw clearly, we have the method to cope with you, but wants your oral confession. You did not awaken to abandon mistakenly promptly throw clear(ly) secretly, crossed and other kings to comprehend the interesting part that your bone and god coincided on several th, naturally had the method to make you not seek livehood to ask unable.” 冷眼看着浑身战栗的玉骨仙,勿乞冷笑道:“看清了,我们不是没手段对付你,只是想要你的口供罢了。错非你及时醒悟弃暗投明,过得几日等本王领悟出你那骨、神相合的妙处,自然有手段让你求生不得求死不能。” Saw Wu Qi so relaxed will use this to assign/life True Fire to exercise the innumerable year of skeletons to burn down, the jade bone immortal frightens trembles kneels down: Small demon knows the crime, the small demon pledges allegiance to sincerely, does not dare to have the slight relapse.” 眼看勿乞如此轻松的将自己用本命真火锻炼了无数年的骨骼焚毁,玉骨仙吓得哆哆嗦嗦的跪倒在地:“小魔知罪,小魔诚心归顺,再不敢有丝毫反复。” Wu Qi nods, he looked at one to the Princess Zhang Le lord. 勿乞点了点头,他向鄣乐公主望了一眼。 The Princess Zhang Le lord smiles, she said in a soft voice: Jade bone immortal, you, since is the Devil Dao family background, we press the custom conduct of Devil Dao. Before we determined you are wholehearted turning, you......” 鄣乐公主抿嘴一笑,她轻声说道:“玉骨仙,你既然是魔道出身,我们就按魔道的规矩行事。在我们确定你是真心实意的投靠之前,你……” Jade bone immortal body same coasted just like the running water slowly, revealed her skeleton that became just like the beautiful jade carving. Elegant peerless silhouette slid from the skeleton, obedient float before the Princess Zhang Le lord. The so-called Devil Dao custom, nothing but appears Nascent Divinity, whatever the person imprisons. 玉骨仙身上的皮肉宛如流水一样冉冉滑下,露出了她那一具宛如美玉雕成的骨骼。一条秀美绝伦的身影从骨骼中滑了出来,乖乖的悬浮在鄣乐公主面前。所谓的魔道的规矩,无非就是显出元神任凭人禁锢罢了。 Princess Zhang Le main is impolite, she extracted Immortal Soul of jade bone immortal, its imprisonment in oneself mustard seed world. Afterward she in Restriction(s) method of 99 antiquity god inheritance, the soul thorough control of jade bone immortal in hand. 鄣乐公主也不客气,她抽取了一丝玉骨仙的仙魂,将其禁锢在了自己芥子世界中。随后她以九十九种上古神祗传承的禁制法门,将玉骨仙的魂魄彻底掌控在手。 Kneeling of jade bone immortal little darling does not dare to have the slight resistance on the ground, the corner of the eye split vision often looks to Ao Buzun , in the brutal ice-cold vision was full of the continuous affection. 玉骨仙乖乖的跪在地上不敢有丝毫反抗,眼角余光不时看向敖不尊,原本残酷冰冷的目光中充满了绵绵情意。 Ao Buzun sees jade bone immortal grade of appearance, he could not bear, complacent boast. 敖不尊看到玉骨仙这等模样,他忍不住挺起了,得意洋洋的吹嘘起来。 Wu Qi slanting Ao Buzun , really did not have the words to say to this goods. 勿乞斜了敖不尊一眼,对这货实在是没有话好说了。 However, Wu Qi could not bear to Ao Buzun drew out the deep curious heart. Did he really depend on that method subduing jade bone immortal Devil Dao evil spirit? How does this obscene dragon accomplish? ro 但是,勿乞又忍不住对敖不尊起了深深的好奇之心。他真就靠那手段将玉骨仙这魔道凶神给收服了?这淫龙到底是怎么办到的?ro …… ……
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