STH :: Volume #10

#908: Sweeping demon hole

Chapter 908 sweeping demon hole( first) 第908章扫荡魔穴(第一更) In the lonesome and quiet elegant mountain valley the densely covered wisteria, the fist big or small fiery-red flowers are in full bloom on the wisteria, the entire mountain valley dyes seems burns down general. 幽静秀美的山谷中密布藤萝,拳头大小火红色的花朵在藤萝上盛开,整个山谷染得好似火烧一般。 Jade bone immortal languid sitting under an ancient pine, leisure is soaking presenting tea of a pot from Heavenly Court. In the deep green limpid tea full is full Immortal Qi, by jade bone immortal Taiyi seventh rank cultivation base, drinks tea to feel own Magic Force every time clearly in the unceasing enhancement. 玉骨仙懒洋洋的坐在一株古松下,慢条斯理的泡着一壶来自天庭的贡茶。碧绿清澈的茶水中满是充盈的仙气,以玉骨仙太乙七品修为,每喝一口茶水都能清楚的感到自己的法力在不断的增强。 The good tea, worthily is Heavenly Court unsurpassed excellent goods that only then can enjoy that six to high. Now for Heavenly Court and Buddhism that important matter, this each Primordial produces a wee bit presenting tea to bring to do a favor unexpectedly, actually cheap jade bone immortal. 好茶,不愧是天庭只有那六位至高者才能享用的无上妙品。只是如今为了天庭佛门的那一番大计,这种每一元会才出产一丁点的贡茶居然都拿来做人情,倒是便宜了玉骨仙。 But is really is better much the good thing! 可真是好得不得了的好东西啊! Facial features beautiful stature slender jade bone immortal low, ** the sound of eclipse bone made several that her side stood wear the black Daoist robe vigorous and healthy immortal whole body to tremble tall, some people of cheek intermittent becoming flushed, could not have controlled obviously oneself ** fire. The jade bone immortal happily looked at these immortal one eyes, these people are the cultivation legitimate Dao Sect immortal technique foundation talent great good people, but now they all are the handsome men of jade bone immortal. 面容绝美身材窈窕的玉骨仙低低的了一声,**蚀骨的声令得她身边侍立的几个身穿黑色道袍身材高大健壮的仙人浑身一哆嗦,有人面皮一阵阵的涨红,显然已经控制不住自己的**之火。玉骨仙得意的看了这几个仙人一眼,这些人都是修炼正统道门仙术根基禀赋都一等一的好人,只是如今他们全都是玉骨仙的面首。 Well satisfied sighing , the attention of jade bone immortal placed in tea. The marrow of these handsome men by the jade bone immortal bailing the well dry, must look for Heavenly Court to demand that several days later several robust up-and-comers come. As for these natives of Gejiu, happen to the jade bone immortal wants to manufacture several small thing to grant to the disciple, they are Golden Immortal cultivation base, in this skeleton also preserved many Spiritual Qi, is the good material. 心满意足的叹了一口气,玉骨仙的注意力都放在了茶盏上。这几个面首的骨髓都被玉骨仙给淘空了,过几天还得找天庭索要几个身体健壮的新人过来。至于这几个旧人么,正好玉骨仙想要制作几件小玩意赏赐给门人,他们都是金仙修为,这骨骼中还存留了不少灵气,正是上好的材料。 In the mountain valley has the light mist winding, appears intermittently a side to be void just like the dream mist. The jade bone immortal released own mustard seed world, in a length and breadth several li (0.5 km) mountain valley superimposed her surrounding area several hundreds of millions li (0.5 km) mustard seed world, 720 ten thousand Devil Dao cultivator are closing up cultivate in this mustard seed world, many foundation excellent progress extremely quick Devil Immortal had been received by the jade bone immortal for the disciple. 山谷中有淡淡的雾气缠绕,宛如梦幻的雾气中隐现一方虚空。玉骨仙将自己的芥子世界释放了出来,长宽数里的山谷中叠加了她方圆数亿里的芥子世界,七百二十万魔道修士正在这芥子世界中闭关苦修,其中已经有好些个根基极好进度极快的魔仙被玉骨仙收为门徒。 72 all over the body jet black demon cauldrons float sky over mountain valley, spurts to release from the big cauldron just like Spiritual Qi of essence, injects the jade bone immortal unceasingly the mustard seed world. How abundantly how pure Spiritual Qi, 33 day and Mt. Lingjiu, before jade bone immortal, has closed up the cultivation the demon jade bone gorge, no place can be more than Pangu Continent Spiritual Qi again is purer. 七十二尊通体漆黑的魔鼎悬浮在山谷上空,宛如实质的灵气从大鼎中喷泄而出,不断注入玉骨仙的芥子世界。多么雄厚多么纯净的灵气啊,无论是三十三天、大灵鹫山,还是玉骨仙以前一直闭关修炼的魔界玉骨涧,再没有一个地方能比盘古大陆灵气更多更纯净的。 Each demon cauldron corresponded 108 vice- cauldrons, each vice- cauldron is corresponding 360 flag gates, each flag gate and 1080 small-scale Gathering Spirit correspond. Tens of millions exquisite zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area small-scale Gathering Spirit densely covered on this mountain valley peripheral surrounding area tiny Spiritual Vein, each Gathering Spirit is absorbing Spiritual Qi in these tiny Spiritual Vein, however the scope of absorption is minimum, will not cause the warning of Great Yu Pangu mountains state chart absolutely. 每一口魔鼎都对应了外界一百零八口副鼎,每一口副鼎又都对应着三百六十座旗门,每一座旗门又和一千零八十座小型聚灵阵相对应。数千万小巧的不过丈许方圆的小型聚灵阵密布在这山谷周边方圆的细小灵脉上,每一座聚灵阵都在吸收那些细小灵脉中的灵气,但是吸收的幅度极小,绝对不会引起大虞盘古山川社稷图的警告。 Tens of millions makes Spiritual Qi that small-scale Gathering Spirit absorbs through one, vice- cauldrons gather to come unceasingly, finally feeds in these 72 demon cauldrons, changes into so strong Spiritual Qi to pour into the mustard seed world, for that 720 ten thousand Devil Dao cultivator cultivation. 数千万做小型聚灵阵吸收来的灵气通过一座座一门,一口口副鼎不断汇聚而来,最终传回这七十二口魔鼎中,化为如此浓烈的灵气注入芥子世界,供那七百二十万魔道修士修炼。 This move is some demon Demon Emperor plans, the jade bone immortal acted according to law for several months, simply has not brought to anybody's attention. Wonderful, is really wonderful, having a look in the mustard seed world these to close door the cultivate Devil Dao immortal, the jade bone immortal thinks suddenly that many wisdom nearly monsters simultaneously body vigorous and healthy such as Demon Emperor of cow, cannot help but a whole body dryness and heat, the lower abdomen located one group of fiery fever particularly her getting up in a low voice. 这一招是魔界某位魔帝谋算出来的,玉骨仙依法施为了好几个月,根本没有引起任何人的注意。妙不可言,实在是妙不可言,看看芥子世界中那些正在闭门苦修魔道仙人,玉骨仙突然想到了那位多智近乎妖同时身躯健壮如牛的魔帝,不由得浑身一阵燥热,尤其是小腹处一团火热烧得她低声的起来。 Several just harnessed the cloud top Devil Dao cultivator that flies from the upper air to hear the jade bone immortal the sound, their cheek rises red, one tight then spraying, several people distressed planted from the cloud top, had almost not broken the neck. 几个刚刚驾着云头从高空飞下来的魔道修士一听到玉骨仙的声,他们的面皮一阵红涨,一紧然后一阵喷射,几个人狼狈的从云头上栽了下来,差点没摔断了脖子。 The jade bone immortal is blushing scarlet, languid referred to toward that several Nascent Divinity Realm Devil Cultivator, indolent infinite ridiculing said: Good useless waste, such lattice weaponry cannot withstand, later how with Great Yu these priest battles?” 玉骨仙赤红着脸,懒洋洋的朝那几个元神境界魔修指了指,娇慵无限的笑骂道:“好没用的废物,这么点阵仗都经不起,以后怎么和大虞的那些祭司争斗呢?” Devil Cultivator distressed standing up that within the body Primordial Yang has almost not sprayed, the line that stepped up the both legs to tremble in front of the jade bone immortal, placed the front of jade bone immortal several blood-color big jars respectfully. Devil Cultivator is meeting rudeness with a smile respectful sound said: Patriarch, the young responsible that side has seven countries to battle today, one day night of dying in battle soldiers 139,583 people, the soul and blood essence of everyone dying in battle soldiers here.” 体内元阳差点没喷射一空的魔修们狼狈的站起身来,加紧了双腿哆哆嗦嗦的行到了玉骨仙面前,将几个血色的大罐子恭敬的放在了玉骨仙的面前。一个魔修陪着笑脸恭声道:“老祖,今日小的们负责的那一方有七国交战,一日一夜战死士卒十三万九千五百八十三人,所有人战死士卒的魂魄和精血都在这里。” The jade bone immortal shouldered the brow joyfully, her hand aims at a big jar to grasp, a person's shadow of distortion was carried by her. Opens the small mouth to attract, that person's shadow miserable howling one sound changed for dim light by jade bone immortal suction nozzle. The jade bone immortal is infatuated licked the lip, well satisfied saying: These cultivation Human Clan skill devil blood essence to be really abundant, the taste of this soul is quite wonderful.” 玉骨仙欣然挑起了眉头,她手指向一个大罐子一抓,一条扭曲的人影就被她拎了出来。张开小嘴一吸,那人影惨嚎一声化为幽光被玉骨仙吸入嘴里。玉骨仙陶醉的舔了舔嘴唇,心满意足的说道:“这些修炼人族功法的死鬼果然精血充沛,这魂魄的滋味好生美妙。” Heavenly Court and Buddhism scheme Pangu Continent, to the benefit that jade bone immortal their these Devil Immortal provide is this. Various countries battle, some time lots of soldiers died in battle, Heavenly Court and Buddhism open the flood gates, jade the bone immortal and other Devil Dao immortals can collect the soul and blood essence at will, or swallows directly, either brings to refine Magic Treasure, how is casual they to do, will not have that being in the way subdue demons and defeat devils youth to come out with them to feel embarrassed. 天庭佛门图谋盘古大陆,给玉骨仙她们这些魔仙带来的好处就是这点了。各国交战,时刻有大量士兵战死,天庭佛门大开方便之门,玉骨仙等魔道仙人可以随意的收集魂魄和精血,或者直接吞食,或者拿来炼制法宝,随便她们怎么做,不会有那种碍手碍脚的降妖除魔的愣头青出来和她们为难。 This is a luxurious grand feast, before Heavenly Court and Buddhism control Pangu Continent finally, the jade bone immortal has enough time enjoyment heartily. 这是一场奢侈的盛宴,在天庭佛门最终掌控盘古大陆之前,玉骨仙有着足够的时间尽情的享受。 Thinks of the self-satisfied place, in the jade bone immortal lower abdomen dry and hot even more makes her uncomfortable, she several, in the hand direction mustard seed world a finger/refers, several talls of stature were vigorous and healthy, the facial features are handsome, whole body Black Qi clearly Devil Dao skill has cultivator of not weak attainments to cry out strangely to fly from the mustard seed world faintly. On the jade bone immortal the light gauze skirt falls, she that several Devil Cultivator according to the ground, made ban to make them tenderly with a smile at will unable to move, then rode excitedly, incomparably yelled cheerfully. 想到得意处,玉骨仙小腹内的燥热越发的让她难受,她了几声,手指向芥子世界中一指,几个身躯高大健壮,面容俊朗,周身黑气隐隐显然魔道功法已经有了不弱造诣的修士怪叫着从芥子世界中飞了出来。玉骨仙身上薄薄的纱裙滑落,她娇笑着将那几个魔修按在了地上,随意使了个禁法让他们动弹不得,然后兴奋的骑乘了上去,无比欢快的大叫了起来。 Originally essence abundant Devil Cultivator body fierce is trembling, was ridden that Devil Immortal originally vigorous and healthy developed muscle gradual dessication that gallops in recklessly by the jade bone immortal, the bright and clean favor skin becomes does not have the light gloomily, short several time of breath, this Devil Immortal seemed 350 years old general old. 原本精气充沛的魔修身体剧烈的哆嗦着,被玉骨仙骑在身上肆意驰骋的那魔仙原本健壮发达的肌肉逐渐的干瘪,光洁润泽的皮肤也变得暗淡无光,短短几个呼吸的时间,这魔仙好似老了三五十岁一般。 Followed closely that several Nascent Divinity boundary cultivator to arrive at this mountain valley Wu Qi and Princess Zhang Le main looked at one mutually, Princess Zhang Le main white Wu Qi cold -ly snorted and said: Pitifully is not virgin's body, otherwise this palace is not a jealous woman, in the waiting on concubine of husband many Devil Immortal but actually also good. Looks at this appearance, actually a having tact person.” 紧随着那几个元神修士来到这山谷的勿乞鄣乐公主相互看了一眼,鄣乐公主白了勿乞一记冷哼道:“可惜不是处子之身,否则本宫可不是妒妇,夫君的侍妾中多一个魔仙倒也不错。看她这模样,倒是一个知情识趣的人。” Wu Qi fought a shiver, he does to say with a smile: „, Cannot enjoy for the husband.” 勿乞打了个寒战,他干笑道:“罢了,为夫消受不起。” Chill shot a look at a jade bone immortal that takes off the gauze skirt, Wu Qi really cannot enjoy this woman. 恶寒的瞥了一眼脱去纱裙的玉骨仙,勿乞真的消受不起这个女人。 The appearance of jade bone immortal is extremely actually beautiful, the stature is also the excellent not slightly slight defect, but her neck following muscle is the transparency, by her crystal common bright muscle, can see her jade skeleton and azure meridians clearly, in the red blood vessel has the black viscous juice to flow, her five main internal organs (entrails) all internal organs see clearly. 玉骨仙的容貌倒是极美的,身材也是极好没有丝毫瑕疵的,但是她脖子以下的肌肉是完全透明的,透过她水晶一般剔透的肌肉,可以清楚的看到她玉色的骨骼和青色的经络,赤色的血管中有黑色的粘稠的浆汁在流动,她的五脏六腑所有内脏都看得清清楚楚。 cultivation base to Primordial Realm, the five main internal organs (entrails) of jade bone immortal had transferred Houtian is Xiantian, the five internal organs corresponds the Xiantian five air/Qi respectively, the luster becomes especially bright dazzling. Wu Qi imagines the scene that oneself and jade bone immortal have sexual intercourse to be afraid, at first sight goes, this at all is not a beautiful woman, clearly is one pile in the internal organs of strenuous exercise, this visual stimuli, Wu Qi may not have such good appetite. 修为到了太乙境界,玉骨仙的五脏六腑已经转后天先天,五脏分别对应先天五气,色泽变得格外鲜明刺目。勿乞想象自己和玉骨仙交欢的场景就不寒而栗,乍一看去,这根本不是一个美人,分明就是一堆在剧烈运动的内脏,这视觉刺激太甚,勿乞可没有这么好的胃口。 Princess Zhang Le main tender snort/hum, a beautiful pupil revolution looked that to 72 demon cauldrons that on the mountain valley hung, Divine Consciousness just like the salutary influence of education passed generally, Princess Zhang Le main quick clarified the backgrounds of these demon cauldrons. She exclaims: No wonder Gui Guzi Senior they looked following these big Spiritual Vein for a long time actually had achieved nothing, the sentiment they simply have not begun on big Spiritual Vein, they gathered these tiny Spiritual Vein part of Spiritual Qi.” 鄣乐公主娇哼一声,美眸一转看向了山谷上高悬的七十二口魔鼎,神识宛如化雨春风一般透了过去,鄣乐公主很快就弄清了这些魔鼎的来路。她惊叹道:“难怪鬼谷子前辈他们循着那些大的灵脉找了这么久却一无所获,感情他们根本没有在大的灵脉上动手,他们只是汇聚了那些细小灵脉的一部分灵气。” The Wu Qi eyebrow selected selecting, this actually intelligent method, does not know that is who wants to come out. Various Great Yu states have the Pangu mountains state chart surveillance to locate the change of Spiritual Vein respectively, if fudges to these big Spiritual Vein, decides however not to hide the truth from the Great Yu informer. Uses tens of millions small-scale Gathering Spirit to come from the enormous range inner absorption few Spiritual Qi gatherings like them, does Great Yu possibly discover their sounds? 勿乞眉毛挑了挑,这倒是聪明的法子,也不知道是谁想出来的。大虞各州都有盘古山川社稷图监视各处灵脉的异动,若是对那些大的灵脉动手脚,定然瞒不过大虞的耳目。像他们这样动用数千万个小型聚灵阵从极大的范围内吸收少量的灵气汇聚而来,大虞怎可能发现他们的动静? This method is good, later our Eastern Sea can also profit from the study. Now Eastern Sea City Spiritual Qi under of that spirit hole, was insufficiently our present Eastern Sea use.” Wu Qi sleeve one volume, received 72 demon cauldrons completely. At this moment his divine ability has been in an intention command of execution had/left the law along with the situation, these 72 demon cauldrons move, these cauldron and flag gate and small-scale Gathering Spirit flies simultaneously, flashed in void by the Wu Qi total revenue in the sleeve. “这法子不错,以后我们东海也可以借鉴学习。如今东海城下的那灵穴的灵气,可是不够我们如今东海使用了。”勿乞袖子一卷,将七十二口魔鼎全部收了起来。此刻他的神通已经到了心念一动令出法随的地步,这七十二口魔鼎一动,那些副鼎、旗门和小型聚灵阵同时飞起,在虚空中一闪就被勿乞全部收入了袖子里。 Is riding in the jade bone immortal that on Devil Cultivator gallops with amazement one startled, she raised the head fiercely shouts sternly: path Maoshen does dare to provoke Patriarch I?” 正骑在魔修身上驰骋的玉骨仙骇然一惊,她猛地抬起头厉声喝道:“那路毛神敢来招惹老祖我?” A Wu Qi finger/refers, 36,000 primordial chaos Purple Qi change into a big net closely to tie up the mustard seed world of jade bone immortal, the jade bone immortal lost the contact with own mustard seed world suddenly, immediately frightens her hissing pitiful yell. She is of solemn cultivation base seventh rank Taiyi, can eliminate her the control with ease to the mustard seed world, this only then Dao Breaking Realm cultivator can achieve! 勿乞手一指,三万六千道鸿蒙紫气化为一张大网将玉骨仙的芥子世界紧紧捆住,玉骨仙骤然和自己的芥子世界失去了联系,顿时吓得她嘶声惨叫。她可是堂堂七品太乙的修为,能够轻松的剥夺她对芥子世界的控制,这只有破道境修士才能做到! Dao Breaking Realm big energy! The jade bone immortal frightens the double palm to pat Devil Cultivator under body, changes into one group of rugged white bones to coil suddenly spherical shoots up to the sky, quack in sound runs away to the distant place rapidly. 破道境的大能!玉骨仙吓得双掌一拍身下的魔修,骤然化为一团嶙峋白骨卷成球状冲天而起,‘嘎嘎’声中迅速向远处遁去。 However she just did not depart three li (0.5 km), five colors god light/only silent sprinkling, the Xiantian Five Elements essence shakes her within the body Magic Force together crushes, the god light/only receives, the listless weak jade bone immortal had been carried the neck to raise by the Princess Zhang Le lord in the hand. 但是她刚刚飞出没有三里地,一道五色神光无声无息的洒落,先天五行精气将她体内法力震得粉碎,神光一收,萎顿无力的玉骨仙已经被鄣乐公主拎着脖子提在了手上。 The jade bone immortal hissing shouted: Senior forgives, the small immortal is willing to make the cow to make the horse, whatever expels!” 玉骨仙嘶声叫嚷起来:“前辈饶命,小仙愿意做牛做马任凭驱遣!” The Princess Zhang Le main slap in the face pulled out on the face of jade bone immortal, her arbitrary scolded: Shut up, your , rations this palace husband to make the cow to make the horse? How has a look at you to live such a ghost appearance? Receives you for the beast of burden, with hasn't lost completely our face?” 鄣乐公主一耳光抽在了玉骨仙的脸上,她蛮横的呵斥道:“闭嘴,就你这样子,也配给本宫夫君做牛做马?看看你怎么生得这么一副鬼怪模样?将你收为牛马,拿出去还不丢尽了我们的脸面?” The jade bone immortal opens mouth, was reproven the long time to make the sound not to by the Princess Zhang Le lord. She a little suffering looked own glittering and translucent carving body, words saying that this appearance in demon is great beauty extremely, how don't you have a look at these to live person taste no female Devil Immortal to describe? 玉骨仙张了张嘴,被鄣乐公主训斥得半晌作声不得。她有点委屈的看了看自己晶莹剔透的身躯,话说她这模样在魔界可是绝顶的大美人,你怎么不去看看那些生得一点人味都没有的女魔仙是怎么形容? Wu Qi five fingers one tight, he drank one lightly ‚’, the dense air/Qi of jade bone immortal surrounding area several tens of thousands hundred million li (0.5 km) mustard seed world bang shrank one group of head/number of people sizes, was swallowed by Wu Qi one. The Wu Qi chaos world just like seeing the hungry wolf of good food same threw, swallows the jade bone immortal rapidly the mustard seed world. 勿乞五指一紧,他轻喝了一声‘起’,玉骨仙方圆数万亿里的芥子世界轰的一声缩成了一团人头大小的氤氲之气,被勿乞一口吞了进去。勿乞的混沌世界宛如见到美食的饿狼一样扑了上去,迅速吞噬起玉骨仙的芥子世界。 The jade bone immortal exudes the sad and shrill cry, she can disappear the sensation to oneself mustard seed world rapidly. 玉骨仙发出凄厉的叫声,她能感知到自己的芥子世界正在急速消失。 Princess Zhang Le main fights with the fists on the back of the head of jade bone immortal, knocked down her. ro! ~! 鄣乐公主一拳打在玉骨仙的后脑勺上,将她生生打晕了过去。ro!~! .
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