STH :: Volume #10

#907: Seeks out the traces seeks the mark

Now evening's chat pig does not go, schoolmate everyone who several years has not seen gathers together, quack 今晚上聊天猪头就不去了,好几年没见的同学大家一起聚聚,嘎嘎 The schoolmate of elementary school period, can have the relation now, this may really be not easy 啧,小学时期的同学,现在还能有联系,这可实在是不容易的 Two the information that the abundant several years .................., Lao Ai delivered brought in Eastern Sea high-level attaching great importance, Heavenly Court and Buddhism the behavior, the influence was extremely profound 二丰几年了啊………………,嫪毐送回来的情报引来了东海高层的重视,天庭佛门的这种行为,影响极其深远 Heavenly Court and Buddhism did not lack grasped the time divine ability big energy, theoretically they can also same speed up the time class/flow to train the fresh immortal and Buddha with Wu Qi massively cultivate/repair, but two conditions limited Heavenly Court and Buddhism, keeping them from acting independently 天庭佛门并不缺少掌握了时间神通的大能,理论上他们也能和勿乞一样加快时间流大量培养生的仙人和佛修但是有两个条件限制了天庭佛门,让他们无法放手施为 First, Heavenly Court and Buddhism can add the time to flow by own divine ability greatly, they quickest can speed up several thousand times partial time, perhaps does not draw support from foreign object to be able the time to add to several tens of thousands times of immortal and Buddha like Wu Qi cultivates to break through first rank Realm to take hundreds of thousands of years, only several thousand times of time add not the too big significance 其一,天庭佛门的大能是以自身神通加时间流,他们最快不过能将局部时间度加快数千倍而已,并不像勿乞这样借助外物能够将时间加到数万倍仙人和佛修突破一品境界也许就需要数十万年时间,区区数千倍的时间加并无太大意义 Especially the immortal and Buddha are selfish, but, even if Wu Qi uses the Dark Yin stars time, must consume his great quantity blood essence essence, wrong non- Wu Qi has the method to swallow foreign object to supplement rapidly one consume, he cannot withstand maintains the consumption immortal and Buddha each drop of blood essence that the Dark Yin stars tower time add year after year is they consumes several tens of thousands years and even the laborious polishes of several Primordial can save one drop, each drop of blood essence contained the infinite strength, is their origin of life, did they possibly to cultivate the younger generation sacrifice themselves? 尤其仙人、佛陀最是自私不过,就算勿乞动用玄阴星辰塔加时间,都要耗费他巨量的精血精气,错非勿乞有法子吞噬外物迅补充自身消耗,他也承受不起长年累月维持玄阴星辰塔时间加的消耗仙人、佛陀每一滴精血都是他们耗费数万年乃至数个元会的辛苦打磨才能积蓄一滴,每一滴精血都蕴藏了无穷的力量,是他们的生命之源,他们怎可能为了栽培晚辈而牺牲自己? Second, even if there is that Taiyi and a Buddha to intend to cultivate the young man younger generation, they do not hesitate to consume blood essence to add the time, foreign country Heavenly Realm does not have so many Spiritual Qi to make them consume one such as the preamble saying that Golden Immortal needs side Xingyu a commodity to guarantee that his cultivation consumption, foreign country Heavenly Realm is impossible to provide mass of enough Spiritual Qi like Wu Qi to train the soldiers 其二,就算有那太乙、佛陀有意栽培后生晚辈,他们不惜耗费精血加时间,外域天境也没有这么多灵气让他们消耗一如前文所言,一个金仙都需要一方星域的物资才能保证他的修炼消耗,外域天境根本不可能提供足够的灵气勿乞这样大批量训练士卒 However now the circumstance changes suddenly, foreign country Heavenly Realm invades Pangu Continent wantonly, Great Yu deals with these invasions merely Immortal Sect and human statelittle Taiyi and Buddha sneaks Pangu Continent greatly quietly, occupies several giant Spiritual Vein to act independently, pours can also in a short time the immortal and Buddha that cultivate low grade massively cultivate/repair, possibly generations of the three five extraordinary talent, can grow into available Golden Immortal and Bodhisattva first-class character in a short time rapidly 但是如今情势突变,外域天境大肆侵入盘古大陆,大虞仅仅应付这些侵入的仙门和人类国度都头大不已”少许太乙、佛陀悄悄潜入盘古大陆,占据几条巨型灵脉放手施为,倒也能在短时间内大量培育出低阶的仙人、佛修,其中就可能有三五天资卓越之辈,能够在短期内迅成长为可用的金仙菩萨一流的人物 Has the Pangu Continent rich product, various rare and precious spirit herb are innumerable, these Taiyi and Buddha lose some blood essence still to be able through Spirit Pill elixir to supplement even, they naturally are glad wantonly the number of expansion disciple disciple, expands own influence 盘古大陆丰富的物产,各种珍稀灵药无数,那些太乙、佛陀就算损失些许精血也能通过灵丹妙药补充回来,他们自然乐得大肆扩张弟子门人的数量,扩张自身的势力 Heavenly Court and Buddhism were self-satisfied, the pressure that Wu Qi bears may be big 天庭佛门得意了,勿乞承受的压力可就大了 AlwaysGreat Yu can with Heavenly Court and Buddhism resistance, not only be Wa feast supports in the back, more importantly Human Clan skill extremely becomes, 350 years can train a group of powerful combat generals and priests regardless, although the combat general is also good, the priest, has own flaw to want both coordination with each other, the strength that displays sufficiently and Heavenly Court and Buddhism contend 一直以来”大虞之所以能够和天庭佛门对抗,不仅仅是娲宴氏在背后撑腰,重要的是人族功法极其成,三五十年就能培养出一批强大的战将、祭司虽然无论战将也好,祭司也罢,都有着自身的缺陷可是只要两者相互配合,发挥出的实力足以和天庭佛门抗衡 Especially the Great Yu people huge quantity, once there is a need, billions of soldiers and priests can convene rapidly, the huge quantity decided Heavenly Court and Buddhism do not dare easily to provoke to Great Yu 尤其大虞子民数量庞大,一旦有需要,数以亿计的战士、祭司就能迅召集起来,庞大的数量决定了天庭佛门也不敢轻易向大虞挑衅 If Heavenly Court and Buddhism also start like Great Yu lots of the trained subordinates, this consequence may too be serious, when Great Yu is unable to keep the overwhelming superiority of quantityGreat Yu to be in absolute passive to discuss in the military force to play the schemes and tricks inevitably strategically, the Great Yu high level is well below Heavenly Court and Buddhism 但是一旦天庭佛门也开始像大虞这样大量的培养手下,这后果可就太严重了当大虞无法在军力上保持数量的绝对优势”大虞势必在战略上处于绝对的被动论起玩阴谋诡计,大虞的高层可是远远不如天庭佛门 Once Great Yu by Heavenly Court and Buddhism radical suppression, the Wu Qi auspicious day cutting offered a sacrifice to the flag on to the end the present Heavenly Court Great Celestial Emperor Ziwei Lingying crown princes by Wu Qi, once Heavenly Court slow makes a move to cope with Great Yu full power, bearing the brunt is Wu Qi 一旦大虞天庭佛门彻底压制,勿乞的好日子就到头了如今天庭紫薇灵应大天帝的太子都被勿乞给砍了祭旗,一旦天庭缓出手来全力对付大虞,首当其冲的就是勿乞 The Eastern Sea big base industry, so many relatives and friends are involving, if Eastern SeaWu Qi did not serve as the person the Lao Ai secret military situation to be sent to Liangzhu by the Heavenly Court destruction rapidly, Wu Qi and Eastern Sea numerous high-level secrets send out, goes to various places to inquire news Eastern Sea some Pangu mountains state chart people to monitor personally particularly day and night, so long as discovered where has the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth not normal consumption, is reported the Eastern Sea army to exterminate that Spiritual Qi immediatelyfull power unusually is at 东海偌大的基业,这么多的亲朋好友牵扯着,若是东海天庭覆灭”勿乞也不用做人了嫪毐的秘密军情迅被送去了良渚,勿乞东海的一众高层秘密出动,亲自去各处打探消息尤其是东海盘古山川社稷图是有人日夜监视,只要发现哪里有天地灵气不正常的消耗,都会立刻被汇报上去”东海大军将全力清剿那灵气异常的所在 Wu Qi and section Yue zhu goes on a journey jointly, two people toured Su in various eastern Xinjiang states two months, according to Heavenly Court and Buddhism these can greatly these disciple disciples who the method, they trained should cultivation for more than thousand years, if aptitude enough person, should change into Heaven Immortal and Arhat now smoothly 勿乞和部乐公主联手出行,两人在东疆各州游苏了两个月,按照天庭佛门那些大能的手段,他们培养的那些门人弟子应该已经修炼了千多年的时间,若是资质足够的人,现在应该已经顺利化为天仙罗汉 However the eastern Xinjiang various states are very quietstill hit delighted in fight dwelling places of buddhist immortals diligently except some magnificence Immortal Sect, Human Clan various countries go on an expedition to slaughter mutually also hit bustling, other not slightly change 但是东疆各州平静得很”除开华些仙门还在努力的争抢洞天福地打得不亦乐乎,人族各国相互征战厮杀同样打得热火朝天,其他并无丝毫异动 Ao Buzun and Lord Xiansheng they also send out respectively ” the news that but they feed in has not discovered any incorrect place 敖不尊显圣灵君他们也分别出动”但是他们传回的消息也是没有发现任何不对的地方 Gui Guzi led a disciple to nose for a long time, several tens of thousands size spirit holes following Eastern Sea underground several huge Spiritual Vein conducted along the way carefully surveyresult is to have achieved nothing these Heavenly Court and Buddhism can not know to hide greatly where, the slight traces have not divulged 鬼谷子带着一众门人循着东海地下几条巨大的灵脉查探了许久,沿途数万个大小灵穴都仔细的进行了勘测”结果也是一无所获那些天庭佛门的大能不知道藏身何处,没有丝毫的蛛丝马迹泄露出来 However this matter is really very critical, Wu Qi and the others do not dare to be lax , to continue to send out large numbers of manpower to seek out the traces to seek mark Great Yu Punishment Court also to send out the secret agents of innumerable keen ears and sharp eyes everywhere, Great Yu to govern various strange Human Clan types to send out in abundance, some Liangzhu east, south, west, and north four direction person of cuns (2.5 cm) has sieved the land for building, only strove for finding Heavenly Court and Buddhism is responsible for these Taiyi of this matter, they will exterminate by the thunder certainly thoroughly 但是这事情实在是紧要得很,勿乞等人不敢松懈,继续派出大批人手四处寻踪觅迹就连大虞司刑殿也派出了无数耳聪目明的密探,大虞治下各种奇异的人族种类纷纷出动,良渚东南西北四个方向都有人一寸寸的将地皮筛过,只求找到天庭佛门负责这件事情的那些太乙,以雷霆之势将他们彻底剿灭 Searched had achieved nothing for a long time, on this day Wu Qi and section Yue zhu arrived on the plain that hills wrapped 寻觅了许久一无所获,这一日勿乞和部乐公主来到了一座群山包裹的平原上 Here is an entire plain, but more than ten foreign country Heavenly Realm landings here, after the Pangu Continent heavy fusion, here had/left a big reaching to the sky mountain ridge, in the hills had dozens narrow winding path to outside, middle the lands of probably half Zhong Province sizes became battlefield not too small one year of time that forty Human Clan states slaughtered to compete for together, these arrived at the Pangu Continent Human Clan state to construct the innumerable every large or small cities unexpectedly here, each city is studying Great Yu city garrison arranged generally banned spatial law forty countries, each country few 3.5 million, to 1.8 million soldiers, At sixes and sevens here makes into one group, without the ally, without the standpoint, without right and wrong karma, is beating and killing indiscriminately of going all out 这里本来就是一整块儿平原,但是十几块外域天境降落在这里,和盘古大陆重融合后,这里就多出了一大片高耸入云的山岭,群山之间有数十条羊肠小道通往外边,当中一块儿大概有半个中州大小的土地就成了四十几个人族国度厮杀争夺的战场不过小一年的功夫,这些来到盘古大陆人族国度居然在这里修建了无数大大小小的城池,每座城池都学着大虞的城防一般布置了禁空法阵四十几个国家,每个国家少则三五十万,多则百八十万士卒,乱七八糟的在这里打成一团,没有盟友,没有立场,没有是非因果,就是拼命的乱打乱杀 Wu Qi and section Yue Master station in the cloud top, making slightly ban the law to block from figure, two people divine ability was astonishing, a big plain in their opinion with the every large or small several thousand cities of exquisite checkerboard not different more than ten country constructions was chess piece on checkerboard, the innumerable ants gathered round these chess piece to raise the boundless reign of terror, they are actually even competing for all anything not to know 勿乞和部乐公主站在云头,使了个小禁法遮住了身形,两人神通惊人,偌大的一块平原在他们看来就和小巧棋盘无异十几个国家修建的大大小小数千个城池就是棋盘上的棋子,无数蝼蚁围着这些棋子掀起了无边的腥风血雨,却连他们到底在争夺一切什么都不知道 At least 20 emperor royal carts draft, when engagement kept on proclaiming by the Human Clan sovereign poses as, recognized oneself were the Human Clan Saint sovereign who that was destined, they were doomed series Human Clan, overthrew tyrannical decayed Great Yu, leading Human Clan to enter a world 起码有二十位皇帝御驾亲征,接战之时都是口口声声以人族皇自居,都认定了自己才是那命中注定的人族圣皇,他们注定要一统人族,推翻暴虐腐朽的大虞,带领人族进入一番天地 Two people hear funnily, each one bragged Human Emperor, each one recognized oneself were the Saint sovereign is reincarnated, does not know that they filled what anesthetics by Heavenly Court and Buddhism, made stupid is having the fond dream that reached the sky in a single bound 两人听得好笑,个个都自诩人皇,个个都认定自己是圣皇转世,也不知道他们到底被天庭佛门灌了什么迷药,弄得一个个痴痴呆呆的都在做那一步登天的美梦 On this day two countries are fighting a decisive battle exactly, an army in country's has overrun to outside capital of another country's 1 million army encirclements, in the city also several tens of thousands army guarding, both sides one attacked as before defends, kills that country soldiers and horses that the bloody water scattered to attack a city obviously to have the absolute advantage, the garrison troops in city wall some people were often killed 这一日恰好有两个国家在进行决战,其中一国的大军都已经攻到了另外一国的都城外百万大军合围,城内也依旧还有数万大军驻守,双方一攻一守,杀得血水四溅攻城的那一国兵马显然占了绝对的优势,城墙上的守军不时有人被杀死 gray vortex covers in the top, the soul of killed garrison troops soldiers flew into the upper air to be attracted by this grey vortex 一个灰色的漩涡笼罩在城头上,被杀死的守军士卒的魂魄一飞入高空就被这灰色漩涡吸了进去 Wu Qi and section Yue lord originally in the war scenes of curious observing and emulating this two countries, almost neglected this aura extremely vague grey vortex this is also controls this vortex person strength is too low, but trivial Nascent Divinity Realm cultivation base, the Wu Qi two people closed up the cultivation in the Dark Yin stars tower, in Dao Breaking Realm stayed for several tens of thousands years, below Taiyi aura was hard to initiate their attention, this has almost neglected existence of this grey vortex 勿乞和部乐公主原本在好奇的观摩这两国的战争场景,差点就忽略了这个气息极其隐晦的灰色漩涡这也是控制这个漩涡的人实力太低,不过区区元神境界修为,勿乞二人在玄阴星辰塔中闭关修炼,在破道境停留了数万年的时间,太乙以下的气息都难以引发他们的注意,这才差点忽略过了这灰色漩涡的存在 This seems an ant unable to the big dragon to pose the threat, gradually the sensation of big dragon will become slow numb, the tiny ant will not touch his attention 这就好似一只蚂蚁无法对巨龙造成威胁,久而久之巨龙的感知就会变得迟钝麻木,渺小的蚂蚁再也不会触动他的关注 Two Lu said day to look at one mutually, simultaneously astonished selected the eyebrow 两卢讲日互望了一眼,同时惊异的挑了挑眉毛 Wu Qi murmured under low voice: Damn, we before were not this 勿乞低声咕哝道:“见鬼,我们以前可不是这样” The Princess Zhang Le lord purses the lips, silently nod beforehand Wu Qi and po Yue lord the sensation is such keenness, the slightest sign of trouble does not hide the truth from them Nascent Divinity Realm small cultivator to play tricks under their noses now, they almost let off this person unexpectedly 鄣乐公主抿了抿嘴,悄无声息的点了点头以前的勿乞和鄱乐公主感知是那样的灵敏,外界的风吹草动都瞒不过他们如今一个元神境界的小修士在他们眼皮底下捣鬼,他们居然差点放过了这人 Two people back of the body had the cold sweat to infiltrate, if this were not Nascent Divinity Realm small cultivator , but was one compresses aura to the Yuan Divine Water accurate big energy, did they have the assassinated risk? Wu Qi and section that Yue zhu changes countenance terrified spreads Divine Consciousness immediately, raised high own sensation sensitivity 两人后心都有冷汗渗了出来,若是这不是一个元神境界的小修士,而是一个将气息压缩到元神水准的大能,他们岂不是有被人刺杀的风险?悚然动容的勿乞和部乐公主立刻扩散神识,将自己的感知灵敏度提升到了最高 This careful, Wu Qi and section Yue zhu discovers immediately several hundred of such grey vortex in the cloud layer, three Nascent Divinity boundary cultivator and thirty Nascent Soul period cultivator is also controlling these grey vortex, is collecting in the battlefield the soul and blood essence of dying in battle soldier 这一小心,勿乞和部乐公主立刻发现这样的灰色漩涡在云层中还有数百处之多,三个元神修士、三十几个元婴修士控制着这些灰色漩涡,正在收集战场上战死士兵的魂魄和精血 Was just wrong non- Wu Qi to see dying in battle Military Officer unexpectedly was rare seven entered the life the life standard, in the soul Xiantian brings one share astonishing malignant influences, very curious the soul that was dying in battle flies after him to shoot a look at one, will also really not discover in the upper air cloud layer to have such mystery 刚刚错非勿乞看到一个阵亡的将领居然是罕见的七杀入命的命格,魂魄中先天带着一股子惊人的煞气,很好奇的对着他战死后飞起的魂魄瞥了一眼,还真不会发现高空云层中有这样的玄虚 Thinks to look, three Nascent Divinity boundary cultivator , thirty Nascent Soul boundary cultivator , compare with existence of Wu Qi this Dao Breaking Realm, what are they considered as? Shakes the head, Wu Qi Divine Consciousness entire bound these cultivator in inside, later he was a god 想想看,三个元神修士,三十几个元婴修士,和勿乞这个破道境的存在比起来,他们算得什么呢?摇摇头,勿乞神识将这些修士整个裹在了里面,随后他就是一愣神 On these cultivator waistbands is clearly wearing jade Command Token, looks at the above symbol, they may be the Heavenly Court earnest immortal government officials 这些修士的腰带上分明都佩戴着玉石令牌,看上面的徽记,他们可都是天庭正儿八经的仙吏 Wu Qi quickly grasps the meaning of something, has, as if found the person ~ 勿乞一激灵,有门儿,似乎找到正主儿了~ .
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