STH :: Volume #10

#906: Scary military situation

Invisible does not have the nature also to be clear the appreciable evil strength to sweep the entire main hall, the bonus is Wu Qi and Princess Zhang Le lord Dao Breaking Realm cultivation base to result in the whole body to startle as before spirit by that evil strength stimulation only shivers with fright. That was various Spiritual Qi different fill death and evil aura the strength with Pangu world, in the Wu Qi previous life Old Man Yuan Ling memory, this evil strength only existed in the primordial chaos world in places of some recognized the deaths. 无形无质却又清晰可感知的邪力扫过整个大殿,饶是勿乞鄣乐公破道境修为依旧被那邪力刺激得浑身激灵灵只打冷战。那是一种和盘古世界的各种灵气迥异的充满死亡和邪恶气息的力量,在勿乞前世元灵老人的记忆中,这种邪力只存在于鸿蒙世界中一些公认的死亡之地中。 Can how Yin evil lifeform be have this strength? Wu Qi understands finally why a taboo clan will receive the Human Clan leaning clan to chase down. They the least bit person taste does not even have, they are the through and through different kind, not for the different kind that this world Heavenly Dao natural law accommodates. 要多么阴邪的生物才能拥有这种力量?勿乞终于明白为什么禁忌一族会受到人族的倾族追杀。他们已经连半点儿人味都没有了,他们已经是彻头彻尾的异类,不为这个世界天道规则所容的异类。 On the bracelet small burning lens abundant that smiles strangely just like old person Jie Jie of ram head: Yo? Hasn't killed you?” 手镯上小小的火镜丰那宛如公羊头的老人桀桀怪笑起来:“哟?没弄死你们?” Wu Qi clenching teeth stubbornly stared at that burning lens, Great Emperor Little Dipper, Wu Qi was remembering this name. Wrong non- knows that the Heavenly Court potential influence is not present he can provoke, he really has to rush to for 33 days to skin the impulsion of cramp Great Emperor Little Dipper. These Heavenly Court Great Emperor, the method too ruthlessly was also spicier. After this lesson, Wu Qi understands finally a matter absolutely do not believe Heavenly Court anybody's any words, cannot believe. 勿乞死死的咬牙盯着那火镜,南斗大帝,勿乞记住了这个名字。错非知道天庭的潜在势力不是现在的他能挑衅的,他真有冲上三十三天将南斗大帝扒皮抽筋的冲动。这些天庭的大帝,手段也太狠辣了一些。经过这一次的教训,勿乞终于明白了一件事情绝对不要相信天庭任何人的任何话,一句都不能相信。 Department Yue lord the holding up right hand slowly, two fingers gently to burning lens one stroke. 部乐公主慢慢的举起右手,两根手指轻轻的对着火镜一划。 Faint trace Black Qi gushes out from her fingertip, outlined a slender fine spoiled heart grass min road in the air. Points at the light shell, the pitch-dark spoiled heart grass burns, changed into black smoke to spurt on the burning lens. 丝丝黑气从她指尖涌出,在空气中勾勒出了一支纤细精美的腐心草玟路。手指轻弹,黑漆漆的腐心草燃烧起来,化为一条黑烟喷在了火镜上。 The ram old person's complexion becomes extremely prudent, he muttered in a low voice, on the forehead the wools of several tall and slender distortions fly, the wool burns the ashes, protecting that wisp of light smoke swaggers in his forehead front. Together black smoke but baseless and that light smoke bumped one, po Yue lord snort/hum one stuffily, forehead split a tiny bloodstain suddenly, a ram old person loudly called out, after the entire body was hit by the invisible great strength flew upside down backward going out ” a tumbling confused hurry, ram old person breathless revealed half face in the burning lens again. 公羊头老人的脸色变得极其慎重,他低声咕哝了一句,额头上几条细长的扭曲的羊毛飞起,羊毛燃烧成灰烬,一缕青烟摇摇摆摆的护在他额头前方。一道黑烟凭空而出和那青烟碰了一记,鄱乐公主闷哼了一声,眉心突然裂开了一条细小的血痕,公羊头老人则是大叫一声,整个身体被无形巨力撞得向后倒飞了出去”一阵连滚带爬的忙乱后,公羊头老人气急败坏的重新在火镜中露出了半张脸。 Very good, the old man remembered you!”, A ram old person said with a smile ferociously: „When later you sleep do not close one's eyes, hehe, bit deceased person! The concubines, the old man record you, very wise god technique, is very interesting, the old man records you!” “很好,老夫记下你们了!”,公羊头老人狞笑道:“以后你们睡觉时千万别闭眼,嘿嘿,会死人的!小女人,老夫记着你,很高明的神术,很有趣,老夫记着你!” Laughed wildly several, the burning lens changed into the tiny flame to clashsuddenly to the upper air to vanish together without a trace. storage bracelet that nine dragons twines just like ice piece equally sluggish melting, internal storage space breaks up, Spirit Stone has not stayed behind to Wu Qi together. 狂笑了几声,火镜化为一道细小的火苗向高空冲起”眨眼间消失得无影无踪。九龙缠绕的储物手镯宛如冰块一样慢吞吞的融化,内部的储物空间崩解,就连一块灵石都没给勿乞留下。 Looks metal juice tip falling that the storage bracelet melts on the ground, Wu Qi smiled suddenly: Good, good Great Emperor Little Dipper. The matter of today I remembered, waits and sees to me.” In pupil none glittering, Wu Qi drooped the head to calculate onehis figure sudden fuzziness, seemed his body had accident essentially in that flash, has integrated this side to be void. 看着储物手镯融成的金属汁液点点滴滴的落在地上,勿乞突然笑了起来:“好,好一个南斗大帝。今日之事我记下来了,给我走着瞧。”眸子里精光闪烁,勿乞耷拉着脑袋盘算了一阵”他的身形突然一阵模糊,好似在那一瞬间他的身体发生了本质上的变故,已经融入了这一方虚空。 The time of short a blink, carried together begs has used the enormous mental effort and spiritwith various divinations calculates that the technique calculated the lots. 短短一眨眼的功夫,舁乞已经动用了极大的心力和精神”用各种卜算之术计算了很多东西。 Heaven Secret the cangue dagger, a clear enough to see bottom brook had been trampled by several thousand buffalos probably suddenly, the innumerable mud grits mixed in the water the chaotic revolutions, in the mountain stream were full of the innumerable inobservable factors, again is unable to eliminate grasped the revolution of Heaven Secret. However Wu Qi by the primordial chaos Purple Qi gods and ghosts, actually scrap chaotic Heaven Secret[ town/subdues] pressed, gained some interesting information. 天机已经被人枷匕,就好像一条原本清澈见底的溪流突然被数千头野牛践踏过,无数泥浆沙石混在了水中乱转,溪水中充满了无数不可测的因素,再也无法清除的把握住天机的运转。但是勿乞凭借鸿蒙紫气的神异,硬是将一小块混乱不堪的天机〖镇〗压了下去,从中获取了一些有趣的信息。 Rotates Eastern Sea the happy army to prepare. ”, Wu Qi clenched teeth to say slightly: Breaks up the whole into parts, the long-range raid, cannot make them feel better everywhere with ease!” “回转东海”喜军备战。”略微顿了顿,勿乞咬牙道:“化整为零,四处奔袭,不能让他们轻松好过!” A taboo clan sudden incantation killed, lets Wu Qi and section Yue zhu lost one respectively for the dead puppet, a ram old person who obviously acted was in a taboo clan extremely powerful Elder level character. aura that sends out from him, this person the person taste does not have throughly, will transform the foreign country different kind. 禁忌一族突如其来的咒杀,让勿乞和部乐公主分别损失了一个替死傀儡,可见出手的公羊头老人是禁忌一族中极其强大的长老级人物。从他散发出的气息来看,这人已经一点儿人味都没有了,已经彻头彻尾的将自己转化成了外域异类。 Wu Qi baseless were many a resentment to Heavenly Court, were many to dread, from Great Emperor Little Dipper , the Heavenly Court conduct did not count the method did not want the faceone is not careful, perhaps also really by Heavenly Court planning, this was not the good deed. 勿乞天庭凭空多了一份怨气,同时也多了一份忌惮,从南斗大帝的这一手来看,天庭行事是不计手段不要脸面的”自己一个不小心,说不定还真会被天庭给算计到了,这可不是什么好事。 Has Venerable Sovereign Hao to go to wound brain as for a taboo clan, so long as Wu Qi saves the life of oneself important personageother looked how Venerable Sovereign Hao handles. Naturally, if a taboo clan dares to appear in public in front of Wu Qi, Wu Qi did not mind that minced them fed the dog. 至于禁忌一族么”有昊尊皇去伤这个脑筋呢,勿乞只要保住自己身边重要人物的性命”其他的就看昊尊皇怎么处置。当然,如果禁忌一族敢在勿乞面前抛头露面,勿乞不介意将他们剁碎了去喂狗。 The Eastern Sea seven big regiments return to Eastern Sea City after sweeping away eastern Xinjiang more than ten thousand BIg Province finally. 东海七大军团在横扫东疆万余个大州后终于回返东海城 Is defended by the Eastern Sea army have cleaned up the eastern Xinjiang BIg Province all state herd and counties changed into the loyalty person without a doubt. Naturally, the larger part person is loyal and devoted to Great Yu, a less than half person, was the loyalty of probably about 40% state county officials gave to Wu Qi, many officials were six country imperial clans and aristocratic family juniors season Daitao replaced these positions simply stiffly, these state county strict controls in hand. 东海军清理过的东疆大州所有州牧、郡守都换成了忠诚度毋庸置疑的人。当然,其中一大半人是对大虞忠心耿耿,一小半人,也就是大概40%左右的州郡官员的忠诚是献给了勿乞的,更有很多官员干脆就是六国宗室和世家子弟季代桃僵顶替了这些职位,将这些州郡严密的控制在了手中。 Under the order of Wu Qi, more than ten thousand BIg Province entire army prepare completely, the state city must provide over 200,000 garrison troops, the county city must provide over 30,000 garrison troops, as for the villages and small towns of subordinate must the blazon informer secret agent. Wu Qi to the confession that these state herd counties defend is, even if the earth mouse that cultivates to become a ghost passes through from their lands for building, must this mouse be Duke is mother reporting. 勿乞的命令下,万余个大州全部整军备战,州城必须配备二十万以上的守军,郡城必须配备三万以上的守军,至于下属的村镇也必须广布耳目密探。勿乞给那些州牧郡守的交代是,就算是有一只修成精的土老鼠从他们的地皮上经过,都要将这只老鼠是公是母给汇报上来。 The Eastern Sea major departments are operating intensely, Military Court was various eastern Xinjiang state drill recruits, Directorate of Celestial is various eastern Xinjiang states allocates the priest, Punishment Court defends in these state herd counties placed the innumerable informers, simultaneously Punishment Court still installed the information network in various eastern Xinjiang states wantonly, the locally born Great Yu people of these honest duties , many people were absorbed Punishment Court. 东海各大部门紧张的运作着,司军殿为东疆各州操练新兵,司天殿为东疆各州配发祭司,司刑殿则是在那些州牧郡守身边安放了无数的耳目,同时司刑殿还在东疆各州大肆铺设情报网络,就连那些老实本分的土生土长的大虞子民,也有许多人被吸收进了司刑殿 Regarding the importance of intelligence system, Wu Qi has profound understanding. Punishment Court has Yan Bugui one to be responsible, Wu Qi also taught Yan Bugui some method techniques of these notorious intelligence organizations he knew, Eastern Sea Punishment Court under Wu Qi and Yan Bugui effort, gradual occurrence the transformation, is becoming more and more specialized, was getting more and more effective, was getting more and more brutal, was getting more and more unfeeling. 对于情报系统的重要性,勿乞是深有体会的。司刑殿燕不归一手负责,勿乞还将他所知的那些臭名昭著的情报组织的一些手段手法教给了燕不归,东海司刑殿勿乞燕不归的努力下,逐渐的发生着蜕变,变得越来越专业,越来越有效率,同时也越来越残酷,越来越冷酷无情。 Various Eastern Sea sections are busy at seeming the windmill common night and day, the help of six country group of people, Eastern Sea gradually conforms with the influences of eastern Xinjiang various states and different sea peripheral various states, results in the iron bucket to be reliable this domain operation. In the catalysis of Wu Qi and under six country rulers and ministers crowd of different kind, the Great Yu huge territory, the inexhaustible population resource and immeasurable material resource had the qualitative change by the quantitative change, in a short time multiplied actual strength that made person terrifying. 东海各部都忙得好似风车一般连轴转,有六国这群人的帮助,东海逐渐整合东疆各州和异海周边各州的势力,将这一块地盘经营得铁桶般牢固。在勿乞和六国君臣这一群异类的催化下,大虞庞大的领土、无穷无尽的人口资源和无量的物资资源由量变发生了质变,在短期内就滋生出了令人恐怖的实际战力。 While Wu Qi conforms with the eastern Xinjiang various states, the Pangu Continent east, south, west, and north four directions have foreign country Heavenly Realm to fall unceasingly, fuses together with Pangu Continent again. More and more foreign country Immortal Sect and human state ascends a height to get a broad view Pangu Continent, triggered the innumerable conflict right and wrong. 勿乞整合东疆各州的同时,盘古大陆东南西北四个方向都不断有外域天境落下,重新和盘古大陆融为一体。越来越多的外域仙门和人类国度登临盘古大陆,随之引发了无数的争端是非。 For these cultivate to Immortality schools of foreign country Spiritual Vein or a dwelling places of buddhist immortals hit badly beaten, every day some massive cultivator and immortal Mo falls, this situation won the unanimous appreciations of big Yu Dynasty hall high and low all civil and military ministers. 外域的那些修仙门派为了一条灵脉或者一座洞天福地打得头破血流,每天都有大量修士、仙人陌落,这个情况赢得了大虞朝堂上下所有文武大臣的一致赞赏。 These arrive at the Pangu Continent human state after settles initially, immediately starts the four directions to subjugate, the innumerable states slaughter the annexation mutually, these fake and shoddy exceedingly high priest everywhere scurry about, the large units of ground over a million scales rush ahead everywhere, hit earth-shattering rivers of blood. Merely information that transmits from various eastern Xinjiang state borders, on the land of Wu Qi responsible Great Yu east Xinjiang, the soldiers who every day died in battle to count surely. 那些来到盘古大陆的人类国度在初步安顿下来后,立刻开始四方征讨,无数国度相互厮杀吞并,那些假冒伪劣的通天祭司漫天乱窜,地面上百万规模的大兵团四处冲杀,打得天崩地裂血流成河。仅仅从东疆各州边境传来的情报来看,就在勿乞负责的大虞东疆的土地上,每天战死的士卒都以千万计。 Some strength slightly weak states just arrived at Pangu Continent to be eliminated, all people were annexed. The strength promoted these great nations hold up, Human Clan new sovereign, flag, joyful west leads the army to make an expedition to the east asks , the crazy plundering population, annexes the domain, entire hits black smoke miasma to be heavily engaged. 一些实力稍弱的国度刚刚来到盘古大陆就被人消灭,所有子民被人吞并。实力得到提升的那些大国纷纷举起,人族新皇,的旗帜,乐颠颠的带着大军东征西讨,疯狂的掠夺人口、吞并地盘,整个打得乌烟瘴气不可开交。 The behaviors to these countries, Wu Qi has a very vivid description to raise the cup. 对这些国家的这种行为,勿乞有一种很形象的描述养盅。 The Human Clan country from foreign country Heavenly Realm are the initial cup insect, Pangu Continent are the cup basin, Heavenly Court and Buddhism raise the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator of cup. Whatever they these countries slaughter the annexation mutually, finally they can obtain one powerful, is full of the aggression will the Human Clan state, and copes with Great Yu with it. 这些来自外域天境人族国家就是初始的盅虫,盘古大陆就是盅盆,天庭佛门就是养盅的幕后黑手。他们任凭这些国家相互厮杀吞并,最终他们能得到一个强大的,充满侵略意志的人族国度,并且用它来对付大虞 Perhaps betrayed Great Yu believing mountain king and ritual mountain king is also only a cup insect, where their fates to will not go wonderfully. 或许背叛了大虞的信山王和礼山王也只是一只盅虫,他们的下场不会美妙到哪里去。 Under the order of Wu Qi, Eastern Sea elite gentleman Mou forms 350 people of one group of squads, penetrates eastern yi to disturb. These dozens the bustling life and death human states, will often have the great general to be assassinated, the prince was sheared the head, the emperor bewildered missing matter happened. Joining of Eastern Sea army influence, making the eastern Xinjiang countries become a hopeless mess randomly, sometimes a state in good condition crash-bang one crashed loudly dismisses the round number ten small influences, that chaotic situation can go crazy simply. 勿乞的命令下,东海的精锐士牟纷纷组成三五十人一组的小队,深入东嶷捣乱。那些打得热火朝天你死我活的人类国度,经常就会有大将被刺杀,王子被割头,皇帝莫名其妙失踪的事情发生。东海军势力的加入,让东疆各国更是乱成了一锅粥,有时候好端端的一个国度哗啦一下就轰然崩塌解散成数十个小势力,那乱糟糟的情况简直能让人发疯。 The Wu Qi in high spirits acting secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, tosses about the eastern Xinjiang countries suffers extreme distress. When Wu Qi plays happily, the playing poison through the Eastern Sea information cue, sent one to let his mood greatly bad information to Wu Qi. 勿乞兴高采烈的充当幕后黑手,将东疆各国折腾得死去活来。就在勿乞玩得高兴的时候,嬉毒通过东海的情报渠道,给勿乞送来了一份让他心情大坏的情报。 Heavenly Court and Buddhism have started in the secret buildup program of Pangu Continent, large quantities of aptitude extremely good cultivation talent had sent in some Pangu Continent top-secret places, has Heavenly Court and Buddhism are skilled in time divine ability can the accelerate time speed of flow, making every effort make these cultivation talents in a short time Heavenly Court and Buddhism strength for new life greatly. 天庭佛门已经开始在盘古大陆的秘密扩军计划,大批资质极佳的修炼天才已经被送入了盘古大陆一些绝密的场所,有天庭佛门精通时间神通的大能加速时间流速,力求让这些修炼天才在短期内成为天庭佛门的新生力量。 In information that Lao Ai must come merely, Buddhism that light/only Lao Ai fools around together now likes Zen lineage/vein, several tens of thousands foreign country Heavenly Realm that from liking Zen controls chose 8 million aptitude extremely good boys and girls, by liking Zen 18 Buddha is intended to protect and sustain, some top-secret is closing up cultivate in Pangu Continent. 仅仅嫪毐得来的情报中,光嫪毐如今厮混的佛门欢喜禅宗一脉,就从欢喜禅宗控制的数万外域天境中挑选了八百万资质极佳的童男童女,由欢喜禅宗十八位佛陀出手护持,在盘古大陆某绝密所在闭关苦修 Among these 8 million boys and girls 99% are the human furnace status, likes skill of Zen is intensive, the cultivation speed in Buddhism is ranks among the best. So long as these 8 million boys and girls can emerge several tens of thousands Arhat in a short time, several thousand Bodhisattva, then delighted Zen can use the bustling place world to plunder the merit to read the strength wantonly, in a short time expedites several hundred Buddha to come out. 这八百万童男童女当中90%九都是炉鼎的身份,欢喜禅宗的功法最是速成,在佛门中的修炼速度算是数一数二的。只要这八百万童男童女能在短时间内涌现数万罗汉,数千菩萨,那么欢喜禅宗就能动用红尘世界大肆搜刮功德念力,在短期内催生数百佛陀出来。 This is Buddhism likes the writing skill of Zen merely, in Ikado the Zen of position liking is higher , the influence compared with liking Zen strong sect also dozens, can estimate Buddhism to put in many strengths from this. 这仅仅是佛门欢喜禅宗的手笔,井门中地位比欢喜禅宗高,势力比欢喜禅宗强的宗派还有数十个,由此可以估算佛门到底投入了多少力量。 Merely Buddhism, Heavenly Court, Ghost World, demon, Demon World......! ~! 仅仅佛门也就罢了,还有天庭,还有鬼界,还有魔界,还有妖界……!~! .
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