STH :: Volume #10

#905: The incantation kills raids again

Chapter 905 incantation kills raids again( before dawn (3 - 5 am)) 第905章咒杀再袭(第五更) Venerable Sovereign Hao sends to give Wu Qi to deliver for the exceedingly high priest of dead jade puppet, just the 77 generations of before consecrating the palace regaining consciousness Human Emperor subordinate Directorate of Celestial big division Heaven Dragon died, lifespan also more than 130 years, entered voluntarily consecrate the palace to hibernate, becomes Great Yu pressed of a High Priest bottom strategic powers. 昊尊皇派来给勿乞送替死玉傀儡的通天祭司,是刚刚从供奉殿苏醒的七十七代前人皇麾下的司天殿大司天龙殁,一个阳寿还有一百三十余年,自愿进入供奉殿冬眠,成为大虞压箱底的战略力量之一的大祭司 Long has the special significance in Great Yu, the Great Yu folk Long common people are many, however in the big Yu Dynasty hall, the Long clansman divides 13, each is Human Clan and Dragon clan hybrid, these 13 clansmen are generally called dragon vein 13 blood, is Great Yu has the hidden world family of life. 龙姓在大虞有着特别的意义,大虞民间龙姓百姓不少,但是在大虞朝堂上,龙姓族人分十三支,每一支都是人族龙族混血而成,这十三支族人统称为龙脉十三血裔,是大虞有命的隐世家族。 The so-called hidden world family, is are extremely few in Great Yu appears in public, many life in Great Yu secretly, is the family that Great Yu undertakes various secret lines of business. Like dragon vein 13 blood they are Great Yu feeding Long Jia zu, Great Yu all flood dragon kind of mounts and beast soul, is Dragon clan that they raise provides. Moreover it is said that to the present, the dragon vein 13 blood many clansmen also with cultivating Dragon clan of human form is related through marriage the match, gave birth to many Dragon clan bloodlines extremely high half dragon people, has with Dragon clan and Human Clan different unique talent divine ability. 所谓的隐世家族,就是极少在大虞抛头露面,更多的生活在大虞的暗地里,为大虞承担各种机密职司的家族。像龙脉十三血裔他们就是大虞的豢龙家族,大虞所有的蛟龙一类的坐骑、兽魂,都是他们豢养的龙族提供。而且据说,一直到现在,龙脉十三血裔不少族人还和修炼成人形的龙族通婚匹配,生下了不少龙族血脉极高的半龙人,有着与龙族人族都迥异的独特天赋神通 dragon Mo is Dragon clan bloodlines especially powerful half dragon people, on his forehead has the cutin bulge of two baby fist sizes, sends out the light Dragon clan aura bulge apparently not to have the growth mature dragon corner/horn. His pupil is also the Dragon clan that dignified, indifferent and brutal broken golden color pupil, occasionally bumped into the glare, the pupil turned into the strange oval-shape from the circular immediately. 龙殁就是一个龙族血脉格外强大的半龙人,他的额头上有两个婴孩拳头大小的角质凸起,散发出淡淡龙族气息的凸起显然是没有发育成熟的龙角。他的瞳孔也是龙族那种威严、冷漠、无情的碎金色瞳孔,偶尔碰到强光,瞳孔顿时从圆形变成了怪异的椭圆形。 Even on his back of the hand also several tiny azure Dragon Scale live, all these represented his unique bloodlines. 甚至他的手背上还有几片细小的青色龙鳞生出来,这一切都代表了他独特的血脉。 dragon Mo consecrates the palace position to be lofty in secret hall, because of his unique dragon person bloodlines, causing the Buddhism secret skill and toxicant of under only Buddha in consecrating the palace arrange/cloth cannot injure him. Therefore after this Great Yu Directorate of Celestial and secret hall loses seriously, eagerly personnel Venerable Sovereign Hao dragon Mowei head consecrations of a group of dragon vein 13 blood families awakens, was supplemented secret Dianhe Directorate of Celestial by them. 龙殁在秘殿供奉殿地位崇高,因为他独特的龙人血脉,导致唯一佛在供奉殿内布下的佛门秘法和毒药都没能伤损到他。故而这次大虞司天殿和秘殿都受到惨重损失后,急于用人的昊尊皇就将龙殁为首的一批龙脉十三血裔家族的供奉唤醒,由他们补充进了秘殿和司天殿 Because these consecrate the lifespan nearly to dry up, Venerable Sovereign Hao has not known where got so far as jade gan jade of a number of Kunlun Mountain special products to be solid, abandons the initial capital made this batch awakening consecrates to eat, to each of them increased nearly millenniums lifespans, many were the issue that alleviated in the present Great Yu high-end strength short-handed. 因为这些供奉阳寿都已经近乎枯竭,昊尊皇还不知道从哪里弄到了一批昆仑山特产的琅玕玉实,舍了血本让这批唤醒的供奉分食,给他们每人都增加了近千年的阳寿,多少算是缓解了如今大虞高端力量上人手不足的问题。 Sits in the main hall of Wu Qi place ship, dragon Mo vision always unintentional looked at the past to Ao Buzun . 坐在勿乞座舰的正殿上,龙殁的目光总是有意无意的向敖不尊望过去。 Lord Xiansheng and Catfish Flood Dragon are powerful Demon Immortal that the flood dragon builds, their aura are dragon Mo is extremely familiar, saw the powerful Dragon clan dragon dead to Lord Xiansheng and Catfish Flood Dragon has little interest. However Ao Buzun always gives dragon Mo a strange feeling, one type keeps aloof inviolably, when seems dragon Mo young saw the when Patriarch sects of their bloodlines that fear actually the child admires the warm feeling. 显圣灵君鲶蛟都是蛟龙修成的强大妖仙,他们身上的气息是龙殁极其熟悉的,见多了强大龙族的龙殁对显圣灵君鲶蛟并没有太大兴趣。但是敖不尊总是给龙殁一种古怪的感觉,一种高高在上不容侵犯,好似龙殁年幼时见到他们这一支血脉的老祖宗时那种战战兢兢却又孺慕温馨的感觉。 Grinning, dragon Mo told itself this is the misconception, Ao Buzun sits there carelessly, the whole body often the convulsion same wiggles forward, how to see that is the young demons who just took shape, where has Dragon clan these Elder solemn solemn and respectful inviolable dignified feelings? 咧了咧嘴,龙殁告诉自己这是错觉,敖不尊吊儿郎当坐在那里,浑身不时抽风一样扭来扭去,怎么看都是一条刚刚成型的小精怪,哪里有龙族那些长老端庄肃穆不容侵犯的威严感? Deep looked at Ao Buzun one, the dragon died from the sleeve pulls out the human form puppet who the jades of 300 palm of the hand sizes made 11 to give Wu Qi. His sinking sound said: Eastern Sea King, distributes for the dead puppet these to Eastern Sea important Military Officer and official, these are secret hall consume for the dead puppet for dead Magic Treasure that over the years the large amount of money makes, each can resist taboo clan common clansmen to kill for the dead puppet incantations of nine times. If their Elder acts, each can also resist their full power incantation to kill for the dead puppet.” 深深的望了敖不尊一眼,龙殁从袖子里掏出了三百个巴掌大小的玉石制成的人形傀儡一一交给了勿乞。他沉声道:“东海王,将这些替死傀儡分发给东海的重要将领和文臣,这些替死傀儡是秘殿历年来耗费巨资制成的替死法宝,每一个替死傀儡能够抵挡九次禁忌一族寻常族人的咒杀。若是他们长老出手,每个替死傀儡也能抵挡他们一次全力咒杀。” Heard dragon Mo so saying that Wu Qi quickly in person to the main hall will distribute for the dead puppet's, particularly the Princess Zhang Le lord, was compelled one person to take three by Wu Qi for the dead puppet. Everyone drop of blood drop for the dead puppet on, this puppet produced a mind interlinked feeling, if some people of incantations kill themselves, this puppet will replace himself to withstand the complete strength that incantation kills a time. 听得龙殁这般说,勿乞急忙将替死傀儡给大殿中人分发了下去,尤其是鄣乐公主,更是被勿乞逼着一人拿了三个替死傀儡。每人将一滴鲜血滴在替死傀儡上,这傀儡就和人产生了一种心神相通的感觉,若是有人咒杀自己,这傀儡就会代替自己承受一次咒杀的全部力量。 These for the dead jade puppet are only the small part of complete commodity the dragon dies to bring, he also brought massive and a taboo clan related introduction, as well as a taboo clan bans the law commonly used the incantation and technique as well as deals with the method. Palm of the hand big or small capacity enormous jade slip 124, inside recorded massive and a taboo clan related thing. 这些替死玉傀儡只是龙殁带来的全部物资的一小部分,他还带来了大量和禁忌一族有关的介绍,以及禁忌一族常用禁法的咒语、手法以及应对法门。巴掌大小容量极大的玉简足足有一百二十四块,里面记载了大量和禁忌一族有关的东西。 The Princess Zhang Le lord received these jade slip, had these, at least Eastern Sea will not know nothing about a taboo clan, so long as the Princess Zhang Le lord got a good grasp of inside various incantation law incantations of record, Eastern Sea Directorate of Celestial can make various types to deal with the method in view of a taboo clan, not muddled was plotted. 鄣乐公主接过了这些玉简,有了这些,起码东海不会对禁忌一族一无所知,只要鄣乐公主弄通了里面记载的各种咒法咒语,东海司天殿就能针对禁忌一族做出各种应对手段,再也不会糊里糊涂的受人暗算。 After dragon Mo these things give Wu Qi, must return to Liangzhu, because Ao Buzun that share makes him feel extremely strange aura, dragon Mo very initiative remained, introduced an incantation law so powerful reason of taboo clan to Wu Qi. 原本龙殁将这些东西交给勿乞后就要返回良渚,但是因为敖不尊身上那股子让他感到极其怪异的气息,龙殁很主动的留了下来,向勿乞介绍了一番禁忌一族的咒法如此强大的缘故。 Wu Qi and Princess Zhang Le main and the others were listening to dragon Mo narration, various secrets are unprecedented, hears with great interest. 勿乞鄣乐公主等人听着龙殁的讲述,各种秘闻是前所未闻,一个个听得津津有味。 Actually a taboo clan and dragon vein 13 blood are ordinary, essentially is Human Clan and other families hybrid. However dragon vein 13 blood they are the Dragon clan hybrid, but in the past antiquity Great Saint made human, integrated the Divine Dragon bloodlines. Therefore Human Clan can also be the Dragon clan descendant, with the honored Dragon clan hybrid by the repel of Human Clan, instead this is not a very glorious matter. 实则禁忌一族和龙脉十三血裔一般,本质上来说都是人族和外族混血。但是龙脉十三血裔他们是和龙族混血,而当年上古大圣们制造人类,其中就融入了神龙血脉。故而人族也可以算是龙族的后裔,和尊贵的龙族混血并不受人族的排斥,反而这是一件很荣耀的事情。 However a taboo clan the object of their hybrid is not Divine Dragon and phoenix these lark bloodlines, they communicate foreign country Devil God, some does not talk clearly thing reckless Jiao one of the what origin with the foreign country at sixes and sevens. They are considering only a pursue stranger strength, for this reason does not hesitate to make anything, various grotesque hybrid descendants emerge one after another incessantly, even they still work hard in the soul of taboo. 但是禁忌一族他们混血的对象可不是神龙、凤凰这些百灵血脉,他们沟通外域魔神,和外域一些乱七八糟说不清什么来历的东西胡搅一通。他们只顾着追求更强更诡异的力量,为此不惜做出任何事情,各种奇形怪状的混血后裔层出不穷,甚至他们还在禁忌的灵魂上下了功夫。 Human Clan lives to have three immortal souls and seven mortal forms, when this is Empress Wa makes one defers to natural law under day Daoist magic stipulation, because of Human Clan half of bloodlines from Pangu Great Saint, but Pangu Great Saint has three immortal souls and seven mortal forms, this is Heavenly Dao stipulation the standard quantity of Human Clan soul. 人族生而有三魂七魄,这是娲皇氏造人时按照天道法规定下的规则,因为人族一半的血脉来自盘古大圣,而盘古大圣就有三魂七魄,这是天道规定的人族魂魄的标准数量。 However a taboo clan they for a stronger strength, does not hesitate to fudge in the soul. Any seven soul mortal forms, 18 soul nine mortal forms and soul 13 mortal forms existed to be made by them strangely, even in these souls also had losing concentration of foreign country Devil God and different kind having, some taboo clans had simply to turn into Clone of foreign country alien race. 但是禁忌一族他们为了更强的力量,不惜在魂魄上动手脚。什么七魂一魄、十八魂九魄、一魂十三魄的怪异存在都被他们弄了出来,甚至那些魂魄中还有来自外域魔神和异类存在的分神,有些禁忌一族的存在根本就变成了外域异族的分身 So as making a taboo clan radically no longer is human, therefore they received the Human Clan full power to suppress kill. 这般做为令得禁忌一族根本不复是人类,所以他们才受到了人族的全力剿杀。 However taboo clan the technique of incantation killing also with them ** becomes with the variation of soul stronger and stronger, like that five cultivation base Gold Core Realm a clansman of taboo clan Wu Qi captures alive, their main body is so small and weak, however their souls are entirely different from human. They possibly have more than ten mortal form more than ten souls, some souls are them, other souls are certain extremely powerful existences of foreign country. 但是禁忌一族的咒杀之术也随着他们**和魂魄的变异而变得越来越强,就像勿乞生擒的那五个修为不过金丹境界的禁忌一族的族人,他们本体如此弱小,但是他们的魂魄可是和人类截然不同。他们可能有着十几魄十几魂,其中一些魂魄属于他们自己,另外一些魂魄则是属于外域的某些极其强大的存在。 These do not have by this world day Daoist magic fetter, can display to be above the lethality that the person imagines. Especially several such tyrannical existences also make a move, the might that its incantation kills enables Wu Qi like this greatly sufficiently without guarding cherishes hatred. 那些存在不受这个世界天道法则的束缚,可以发挥超乎人想象的杀伤力。尤其是好几个这样强横的存在同时出手,其咒杀的威力足以让勿乞这样的大能在没有提防时饮恨。 An incantation of taboo clan kills is not only because their strange souls come, their incantations kill the appliance are also the no small matters. A taboo clan killed the refinement of appliance to surpass the Human Clan peak level regarding various incantations, each seemingly common incantation killed the appliance is actually the consumption great quantity talent treasure and use enormous energy refinement. 禁忌一族的咒杀不仅仅是因为他们诡异的魂魄而来,他们的咒杀器具也是非同小可。禁忌一族对于各种咒杀器具的炼制已经超越了人族巅峰水准,每一件看似寻常的咒杀器具实则都是耗费巨量的天才地宝、动用极大的精力炼制而成。 Is just like the incantation to kill the portrait that Wu Qi that seemingly ordinary soft woodcarving becomes, likely is some powerful Innate Divine Wood spiritual root refining up with the blood essence sacrifice of large quantities of powerful life, then pours into Magic Force by the immortal, Buddha or the powerful priest large quantities of powerful, the strength of centralized people conducts the incantation to kill to Wu Qi. 就好比咒杀勿乞的那个看似普通的软木雕成的人像,很可能就是某种强大的先天神木灵根用大批强力生灵的精血祭炼,然后由大批强力的仙人、佛陀或者强大的祭司注入法力,集中众人之力对勿乞进行咒杀。 That five cultivation base are weaker a clansman of taboo clan much seemingly simple on heavily damaged Wu Qi, however in their simple incantation killing process, possibly contained several hundred Primordial Realm to be able actually greatly the painstaking care, Wu Qi existed to fight with several hundreds and even many great strength in that flash. 那五个自身修为弱得一塌糊涂的禁忌一族的族人看似简简单单的就重创勿乞,但是在他们那简单的咒杀过程中,实则可能包含了数百名太乙境界大能的心血,勿乞在那一瞬间是在和数百名乃至更多的强大存在交手。 This is taboo an essential meaning of technique of clan incantation killing is. The foreign country that measures strangely not exists, in addition the incantation of consumption huge refinement kills the appliance, as well as in these appliances smelts tyrannical Magic Force that large quantities of can input greatly, this made an incantation of taboo clan kill to have the god to keep off the deicide and Buddha to keep off to execute the fearful strength of Buddha. 这就是禁忌一族咒杀之术的精义所在。诡异莫测的外域存在,加上耗费巨大炼制的咒杀器具,以及这些器具中熔炼的大批大能输入的强横法力,这才令得禁忌一族的咒杀有着神挡杀神、佛挡诛佛的可怕力量。 Must choose the most appropriate geography as for the incantation killing process , the most appropriate double-hour, the rightest candidate conducts the incantation to kill, the considerations in various beneficial conditions of timeliness , favorable geographical conditions , and unity and coordination of the people aspects are complex. In brief a taboo clan has deducted nearly the incantation technique in the art, various exquisite places are present Great Yu secret hall and Directorate of Celestial priests can not hold a candle. 至于咒杀过程中要挑选最合适的地理,最合适的时辰,最合适的人选去进行咒杀,天时、地利、人和各方面的考虑更是复杂。总之禁忌一族将咒术已经演绎得近乎于艺术,各种精妙之处是如今大虞的秘殿和司天殿的祭司们望尘莫及的。 After all when Wu Xian and witch Peng these ancient families, they are immemorial Human Clan is also in the tribe alliance period the most powerful priest families, now secret hall and Directorate of Celestial priest is their disciples and followers generation of character. The human most ancient part of magic arts inherit retain completely in their clan, facing marvelous magic arts that a taboo clan emerges one after another incessantly, nowadays Great Yu can only the passive defense. 毕竟巫咸、巫彭这些古老的家族,他们是太古人族还处于部落联盟时期时最强大的祭司家族,如今秘殿和司天殿的祭司还是他们徒子徒孙辈的人物。人类最古老的一部分法术传承全部保留在他们族中,面对禁忌一族层出不穷的奇妙法术,现今大虞只能被动的防御。 On magic arts cultivation base, the Great Yu nowadays priest indeed is not an opponent of taboo clan, for these years kills to an only method of taboo clan, suppresses independently kills, once discovered that their traces use the strength of causing the downfall of the nation to chase down immediately. 在法术修为上,大虞现今的祭司的确不是禁忌一族的对手,这么多年来对禁忌一族的唯一手段就是杀,放手剿杀,一旦发现他们的蛛丝马迹就立刻动用倾国之力追杀。 Because of the bloodlines heterogeneous relations, a taboo clan multiplication heir is extremely difficult, any clansman is extremely important. This time got rid of their five clansmen like Wu Qi, could have been the enormous victory. 因为血脉驳杂的关系,禁忌一族繁衍子嗣极其困难,任何一个族人都是极其重要的。像勿乞这次干掉了他们五个族人,已经算得上是极大的战果。 Wu Qi and Princess Zhang Le main very modest dies to ask for advice a material of related taboo clan to the dragon, dragon Mo is also speaks out frankly to express oneself fully, in line with directing the thoughts of young man younger generation the giving everything one has instruction that oneself know. 勿乞鄣乐公主很是谦虚的向龙殁讨教有关禁忌一族的资料,龙殁也是知无不言言无不尽,本着指点后生晚辈的心思将自己所知的倾囊传授。 At this moment, had the light golden flame to brave from the Wu Qi sleeve. 就在这时,有淡淡的金色火光从勿乞的袖子里冒了出来。 Wu Qi stares, he in toward the sleeve gropes, Great Emperor Little Dipper will just compensate own that storage bracelet to pull out. 勿乞一愣,他往袖子里一阵掏摸,将刚刚南斗大帝赔偿自己的那个储物手镯掏了出来。 On the storage bracelet nine dragon mouth holds the golden precious pearl is emitting the light flame, such as the smoke such as the flame ascension of fog, formed a ruler on the bracelet the surrounding area burning lens. Wu Qi knits the brows to throw this storage bracelet, bracelet actually float before him, in burning lens an old person face that lives the sheep's horn surface such as the old ram flashes past. 储物手镯上九个龙口衔着的金色宝珠正放出淡淡的火光,如烟如雾的火焰升腾而起,在手镯上形成了一块尺许方圆的火镜。勿乞皱眉将这储物手镯丢出,手镯却悬浮在他面前,火镜中一个头生羊角面如老公羊的老人面孔一闪而过。 „A taboo clan!” dragon Mo jumped to yell one. “禁忌一族!”龙殁跳了起来大叫了一声。 The storage bracelet crushes loudly, Wu Qi and on Princess Zhang Le lord for dead puppet ‚’ exploded light smoke to scatter. 储物手镯轰然粉碎,勿乞鄣乐公主身上的替死傀儡‘啪’的一声炸成了一条青烟飘散。 The Wu Qi complexion becomes a paleness. ro! ~! 勿乞的脸色变得一片铁青。ro!~! .
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