STH :: Volume #10

#904: For the time being stops fighting

In bright light that 33 days, permanent ancient do not extinguish, six Celestial Emperor safe sitting in the Purple Qi auspicious *. 三十三天,恒古不灭的明光中,六位天帝稳稳当当的坐在紫气瑞*中。 The Great Emperor Big Dipper complexion is a little ugly, the light lip sips just like the blade edge, mouth corner bends to seem the iron hook, is passing chill in the air of one share shrivelled person. A three chi (0.33 m) amethyst on the knee, the finger of Great Emperor Big Dipper raps pleasant, light saying pleasant horizontally gently: Lost face in a big way. That group of bald people look in void, killing the broken wolf is my Heavenly Court prestige most abundant three Star Monarch, today the disastrous defeat, these bald people will perhaps pay a visit tomorrow, looks for bewilderedly by congratulated wantonly.”, Great Celestial Emperor Ziwei Lingying narrows the eyes to focus to say with a smile: Therefore sums, defeated said fortunately, if were really killed, even if sealed three Star Monarch newly, wanted and kills broken wolf Samsung this life star strength conjunction, at least still required three Primordial time, where nowadays has so many times?” 北斗大帝的脸色有点难看,薄薄的嘴唇抿起宛如刀锋,嘴角弯起好似铁钩,透着一股子瘪人的寒意。一柄三尺长的紫玉如意横在膝盖上,北斗大帝的手指轻轻敲击如意,淡淡的说道:“丢脸大了。那群秃子就在虚空中看着,杀破狼是我天庭威名最盛的三位星君,今日惨败,明日那些秃子或许就会登门拜访,找个莫名其妙的由头大肆庆贺。”,紫薇灵应大天帝眯着眼笑道:“所以求和,败了还好说,若是真被人杀了,就算新封三位星君,想要和杀破狼三星本命星力契合,起码也要三个元会的时间,现今哪里有这么多功夫?” Coldly smiles, Great Celestial Emperor Ziwei Lingying turns head to sitting smiles to ask in extremely yellow Yuan Celestial Emperor: Sovereign brother may see clearly, how they isolate to kill broken wolf life star strength? Xuan Yuan executes demon sword no doubt to have the blockade void effect, but the base of this Great Formation was past several Dao Ancestor asks somebody to hand down, is unable to isolate the star strength.” 冷冷一笑,紫薇灵应大天帝扭头对坐在身边的中极黄元天帝笑问道:“皇兄可看清,他们是如何隔绝杀破狼本命星力的么?轩辕诛魔剑阵固然有封锁虚空的功效,但是这大阵之基是当年几位道祖托人传下,原本是无法隔绝星力的。” In the pupil had three yellow and black pupil revolving uncertain extremely yellow Yuan Celestial Emperor to narrow the eyes to focus looks at for a long time, him to the world of mortals shook the head finally: Could not completely understand, Xuan Yuan executes demon sword it to be hard to ascertain, moreover that Eastern Sea King as if also added other mysteries to go in Great Formation.”, Counted to calculate one, extremely yellow Yuan Celestial Emperor sneered saying: Kills broken wolf Samsung this life star strength buckle 20%, needs to consume the eldest child physical strength to restore. In that had something to swallow the life star strength that killed the broken wolf, swallowed, rather than consumption. Very interesting, is what kind of rare treasure has this prestige energy?” 眸子里有三颗玄黄瞳孔旋转不定的中极黄元天帝眯着眼向下界望了许久,最终他摇了摇头:“看不透,轩辕诛魔剑阵本身就难以窥破,而且那东海王似乎在大阵中还加了一些别的玄虚进去。”,掐指计算了一阵,中极黄元天帝冷笑道:“杀破狼三星本命星力折损20%,需要耗费老大气力才能恢复。那阵中有某件物事吞噬了杀破狼的本命星力,是吞噬,而不是消耗。很有趣,是何等异宝有这种威能?” Six Celestial Emperor looked at one mutually, they lower the head to ponder over, Great Celestial Emperor Ziwei Lingying jaw said with a smile: Also good, good, has the issue to discover ahead of time best. Today kills broken wolf three Star Monarch not to have mistake not them active, when if in the future my Heavenly Court Star Monarch and Great Yu conflict, under Great Formation by this Eastern Sea King arrange/cloth was isolated the star strength, to allow to be oppressed?”, The Great Emperor Little Dipper scarlet emperor said indifferently: If my Heavenly Court acts full power, that must put to death Eastern Sea King beforehand, gets to the root of thoroughly the reason that he can isolate the star strength, otherwise my Heavenly Court army cannot go to battle concerned about the method full power, could not exempt to make these bald people get the small advantage.” 六位天帝相互望了一眼,他们纷纷低下头思忖了一阵,紫薇灵应大天帝颌首笑道:“也好,也好,有问题提前发现是最好不过。今日杀破狼三位星君有功无过错非他们,未来若是我天庭诸位星君大虞冲突时,也被这东海王布下的大阵隔绝了星力,岂不是任人宰割?”,南斗大帝赤帝淡然道:“若是我天庭全力出手,那就要事先诛杀东海王,或者,找出他能彻底隔绝星力的原因,否则我天庭大军碍于手段不能全力出战,免不得让那些秃子得了便宜。” Great Celestial Emperor Ziwei Lingying secretive smiles, he said in a soft voice: Got the small advantage? Pours also not necessarily. Dao Ancestor has the opinion we carefully to handle affairs by all means.”, Long inspires, Great Celestial Emperor Ziwei Lingying clenches teeth saying: If this time calculates to become, we really can the enjoying boundless immortal luck, Yong Town these 33 days of Heavenly Court, again the sorrow of not heavy tribulation perishing.”, Five side five governing Celestial Emperor expression simultaneously move, simultaneously deeply attracted wool, on the face exudes exciting blushing. Great Emperor Little Dipper nods a miraculous glow to hit conveniently to the world of mortals, he said with a smile in a low voice: So good, does not need to intertwine the deals in some face countenances, and will kill broken wolf three Star Monarch to receive in exchange is.” 紫薇灵应大天帝诡秘的一笑,他轻声道:“得了便宜?倒也不见得。道祖自有主见吾等只管谨慎行事。”,长吸了一口气,紫薇灵应大天帝咬牙道:“若是此番计算得成,吾等就真能尽享无边仙福,永镇这三十三天天庭,再无重劫殒命之忧了。”,五方五御天帝神色齐齐一动,同时深吸一口毛,脸上泛起了一片激动的红晕。南斗大帝点了点头随手一线灵光向下界打去,他低声笑道:“如此甚好,也不用纠结于些许颜面上的勾当,且将杀破狼三位星君换回就是。” Before Eastern Sea army , the Liu Bang saliva scatters and Wu Qi bargained back and forth, Wu Qi stood in the bow, pointing at Liu Bang similarly is being wanting to have a lion's share of froth splash. A everywhere shouted out the price, rendered back the money, two people seemed the peddler in street food market, for just the prices of 22 garlic quarrelled delighted. They ask for advice was more valuable than of 22 garlic, Wu Qi insisted that three Star Monarch killed the Eastern Sea 12 million soldiers to cancel odd change Heavenly Court also to compensate Eastern Sea 12 million dead in battle the hua fees of pension and their cultivation coin expenses and other assorted more than ten different given names soldiers. 东海军阵前刘邦口水四溅的和勿乞讨价还价,勿乞站在船头,指着刘邦同样是口沫飞溅的狮子大开口。一个漫天叫价,一个就地还钱,两人就好似街头菜场的小贩,正为了二两大蒜的价钱吵得不亦乐乎。只是他们讨教的比二两大蒜值钱了许多,勿乞坚称三位星君杀死了东海一千两百万士卒抹去零头天庭也要赔偿东海一千两百万阵亡士卒的抚恤金和他们的培币费用以及其他杂七杂八十几种不同名号的hua费。 Liu Bang is swearing an oath that dances with joy to talk straight and frankly, he refuted Wu Qi angrily about the Eastern Sea casualty 12 million people of views, he with own personality and[ said] virtue quality guaranteed killed broken wolf three Star Monarch is the firm pacifist, they most injured accidentally 35 hundred Eastern Sea soldiers, the matter that so-called killed 1000 ten thousand Eastern Sea soldiers was Wu Qi full mouth reckless fuel/thin in intentionally blackmail and extortion Heavenly Court. 刘邦则是手舞足蹈指天画地的赌咒,他愤怒的反驳勿乞关于东海死伤一千两百万人的说法,他用自己的人格和〖道〗德品质保证杀破狼三位星君是坚定的和平主义者,他们最多误伤了三五百东海士卒,所谓杀死一千多万东海士兵的事情是勿乞满口胡柴是在故意勒诈天庭 Three Star Monarch were hung on the bow of Wu Qi place ship yellow carried a shining ghost machete to defend side three Star Monarch very much, so long as Wu Qi orders, he will divide the heads of three Star Monarch, when the ball kicks. Each time Wu Qi tone intense time, yellow shakes on the necks of three Star Monarch with the blade edge very much rubs a grinding in a flash, the Liu Bang tone slightly is each time heavy, yellow is very incomparably simple on the faces of three Star Monarch lets a blood with the Ge Xiaola several small opening of blade edge following trickling of their chin a little bit. 三位星君被挂在了勿乞座舰的船头上黄很拎着一柄明晃晃的鬼头大砍刀守在三位星君身边,只要勿乞一声令下,他就会将三位星君的脑袋劈下来当球踢。每次勿乞语气激烈的时候,黄很就用刀锋在三位星君的脖子上晃一晃磨一磨,每次刘邦的语气稍微重一点,黄很更是无比干脆的用刀锋在三位星君的脸上戈小拉几条小口子让点点鲜血顺着他们的下巴一滴滴的滴下。 The Huang Liang movement looks at Liu Bang moon Sun two Star Monarch complexions extremely ugly, in Heavenly Court these Star Monarch rate/lead days no doubt were internal fight keep being divided into the innumerable big or small influences, but outward they were actually a whole. Sidereal revolution 84,000 thousand Star Monarch are an inseparable whole they is also a Heavenly Court most tyrannical deliberation hall strength, kills broken wolf three Star Monarch to take in Heavenly Court Star Monarch prestige most abundant three big fiend, if their today's buckles here, to other Star Monarch is not the good deed. 黄俍的动作看得刘邦身边的太阴太阳两位星君脸色极其的难看,天庭的这些星君率日里固然是内斗不停分成了无数大小势力,但是对外他们却是一个整体。周天八万四千星君就是一个密不可分的整体他们也是天庭最为强横的一股朝堂力量,杀破狼三位星君作为天庭星君中威名最盛的三大煞星若是他们今日折损在这里,对其他的星君而言都不是什么好事。 Sees Liu Bang and Wu Qi to compensate the issue of expense bargained back and forth there, moon Sun two Star Monarch whole body flame cold air to rush forth, wished one could a palm to pat dead Liu Bang, then got rid of Wu Qi to snatch directly three Star Monarch. 眼看刘邦勿乞为了赔偿费用的问题在那里讨价还价,太阴太阳两位星君周身火光寒气奔涌,恨不得一掌拍死刘邦,然后直接干掉勿乞将三位星君抢回去。 Doing to Wu Qi is also the well-trained and equipped army, places on the brave warrior of Taiyi level to have more than ten outwardly, kills duplicate of broken wolf three front vehicle at present, although two Star Monarch in heart indignant to the extreme, does not dare to act carelessly. 奈何勿乞这边也是兵强马壮,放在明面上的太乙级的悍将就有十几员,杀破狼三位前车之覆就在眼前,两位星君虽然心中气愤到了极点,却怎么也不敢胡乱出手。 In Liu Bang took an oath in the name of oneself father Great Emperor Little Dipper scarlet emperor ancestor, a miraculous glow from upper air[ stirred up] shot, but under poured into the Liu Bang crown of the head. The body of Liu Bang stagnates, in the pupil rays of light glittering, he narrowed the eye to look at Wu Qi to size up one, the light opens the mouth said: „, You want many compensations to open the mouth freely are. Kills broken wolf three Star Monarch to deliver to turn over to Heavenly Court, otherwise Heavenly Court does not hesitate vigorously today a war, your Eastern Sea army destruction.” 就在刘邦用自己老爹南斗大帝赤帝的祖先名义赌咒发誓时,一线灵光从高空〖激〗射而下注入刘邦的天灵盖。刘邦的身体一滞,眸子里一阵光芒闪烁,他眯起了眼睛望着勿乞打量了一阵,淡淡的开口道:“罢了,你要多少赔偿尽管开口就是。杀破狼三位星君必须送归天庭,否则今日天庭不惜倾力一战,将你东海大军覆灭。” With the Liu Bang words, in the upper air the big piece stars spouted the eye-catching brilliance. The Nandou six star, Big Dipper, eastern Azure Dragon, western White Tiger, twenty-eight lunar mansions, 12 new year's day and part of great bear evil spirits and even 360 small sidereal revolution constellations wait/etc. famous Star Monarch the life stars emitted simultaneously made the glare that one is unable to face up. A vast pressure pressed from the upper air, in Wu Qi army many grade low flying boats bring the low and deep bellow to be oppressed downward by this prestige crash, the deck distortion disruption of flying boat, many places spouted the black smoke and flame. 随着刘邦的话,高空中大片星辰喷出了夺目的光焰。南斗六星、北斗七星、东青龙、西白虎、二十八宿、十二元辰、天罡地煞乃至三百六十小周天星宿等等著名的星君的本命星辰同时放出了令人无法正视的强光。一股浩大的压力从高空直压了下来,勿乞军阵中好些品级较低的飞舟带着低沉的轰鸣声被这股威压迫得向下坠落,飞舟的甲板扭曲碎裂,好些地方都喷出了黑烟和火光。 The Wu Qi complexion sinks, he grasps Eastern Sea Military Officer saber is a sword chops, the sword is only cold, blood glow present, seven kill the Star Monarch left arm to be divided by his sword, seven killed the Star Monarch pain to stare in a big way the eyes whole body to twitch again and again ”, but his whole body chakra was sealed, called out pitifully unable to achieve. 勿乞的脸色一沉,他抓起身边一个东海将领的佩剑就是一剑劈出,剑光寒,血光现,七杀星君的左臂被他一剑劈断,七杀星君痛得瞪大了双眼浑身连连抽搐”但是他浑身脉轮被封,就连惨叫一声都做不到。 The long sword that blood drip drenches aims at Liu Bang that the complexion became stiff, Wu Qi sneers saying: Heavenly Court which Celestial Emperor face to face? Heavenly Court damages my Eastern Sea 600 flying boats, this account calculates well. Fast called these Star Monarch to restrain their aura, otherwise did not take it ill me, as soon as patted two to disperse your three Star Monarch cuts!”, Liu Bang mouth corner twitches, his vision sweeps that dozens to be pressed falls spurts the smoke the Eastern Sea flying boat, clenches teeth saying: 600 flying boats?”, Wu Qi sneered, the sword point selects on the forehead of broken army Star Monarch, saying of incomparable weary: „The Great Emperor thought that 600 are too few, 6000 no reason why nots.”, One wisp of loses concentration to be attached to Liu Bang Great Emperor Little Dipper by Wu Qi made shameless long time makes the sound not to. Crossed some little timeGreat Emperor Little Dipper the sinking sound said: On this number, if Eastern Sea King agreed, returns three Star Monarch, in the future my Heavenly Court will not provoke to the state county that Eastern Sea will govern absolutely on own initiative. If Eastern Sea King is not unified, today Heavenly Court is ready to go to war!”, Mouth, miraculous from the Liu Bang mouth blowout, in the miraculous glow wraps golden bracelet that a nine dragons is twining the mouth of each little dragon to hold golden precious pearl together ”, in that precious pearl is an enormous storage space. In this moment this storage space packed assorted Spirit Stone immortal stone and refiner and concocting pills material, his quantity enough Eastern Sea fully-armed several hundred Wan Xinjun. 血淋淋的长剑指向了脸色发僵的刘邦,勿乞冷笑道:“天庭哪位天帝当面?天庭损毁我东海六百飞舟,这笔账得好好算算。速速叫那些星君收敛他们的气息,否则休怪我一拍两散将你这三位星君斩了!”,刘邦嘴角一阵抽搐,他目光扫过那数十条被压得下坠喷烟的东海飞舟,咬牙道:“六百飞舟?”,勿乞冷笑一声,剑尖在破军星君的脑门上点了点,无比惫懒的说道:“大帝觉得六百太少,六千未尝不可。”,一缕分神附在刘邦身上的南斗大帝勿乞的无耻弄得半晌作声不得。过了好一会儿”南斗大帝才沉声道:“就这个数,若是东海王同意,就交还三位星君,日后我天庭绝对不主动向东海所辖的州郡挑衅。若是东海王不统一,今日天庭不惜一战!”,嘴一张,一道灵光从刘邦嘴里喷出,灵光中包裹着一枚九龙缠绕的金色手镯”每一条小龙的嘴里都含着一颗金色宝珠,那宝珠内就是一个极大的储物空间。此刻这储物空间中装满了各色灵石仙石和炼器、炼丹的材料,其数量足够东海全副武装数百万新军。 Surprise hefted this bracelet, Wu Qi asked with a smile: Killing broken wolf three Star Monarch is so important to Heavenly Court?”, Great Emperor Little Dipper serious saying: Heavenly Court will not abandon any official absolutely.” 诧异的掂了掂这手镯,勿乞笑着问道:“杀破狼三位星君天庭就这般重要?”,南斗大帝一本正经的说道:“天庭绝对不会抛弃任何臣子。” Wu Qi grinningGreat Emperor Little Dipper this saying said is contrary to convictions, Wu Qi hears is also contrary to convictions, two people look at each other one, is resentful however to turn head simultaneously, almost a person spits spit to demonstrate own disdaining toward the ground. 勿乞咧了咧嘴”南斗大帝这话说得违心,勿乞听得也违心,两人对视一眼,然后悻悻然同时扭过头去,就差点一人往地上吐一口吐沫以显示自己的不屑。 coldly snorted, Wu Qi grasps the severe wound kills broken wolf three Star Monarch, lost conveniently. 冷哼一声,勿乞抓起重伤的杀破狼三位星君,随手丢了出去。 Projected from Liu Bang forehead together miraculous, changes into a bright multi-colored sunlight to bind three Star Monarch, since treated to the upper air flies. 一道灵光从刘邦眉心射出,化为一片明净的霞光裹住了三位星君,就待向高空飞起。 At this moment, fragrant winds have fluttered, Buddha light of immeasurability falls from the upper air slowly, the sandalwood fragrance disseminates four wildlyto send out the genial clear light Bodhisattva to sit on a lotus throne all over the body, with a smile gathers ten: „The Nandou Emperor, in the monk hand has to continue assigns/life treasure pill sandalwood pill, three Star Monarch are damaged heavily, if necessary, the monk naturally cannot parsimonious only several pill medicine pill.” 就在这时,一片香风飘过,一片广大无边的佛光从高空冉冉落下,檀香味弥散四野”一尊通体散发出和煦清光的菩萨坐在一尊莲台上,笑吟吟的合十道:“南斗帝君,小僧手中有续命宝丹旃檀丸,三位星君受创极重,若有需要,小僧自然不会吝啬区区几丸丹药。” In the multi-colored sunlight heard the Great Emperor Little Dipper sneering sound: Medicine teacher king Great Bodhisattva had a mind, my Heavenly Court does not lack Spirit Pill elixir.”, The rapid sound air-splitting gets up, secure Guangguo Star Monarch of three severe wounds is flashing disappears in the extremely high horizon. Moon Sun two Star Monarch also change into red white two groups of bright lights to soar to the heavens to fly, returns to the foreign countries to be void rapidly. 霞光中传来了南斗大帝的冷笑声:“药师尊王大菩萨有心了,我天庭并不缺少灵丹妙药。”,急骤的破空声响起,安光裹着三位重伤的星君一闪就消失在极高的天际。太阴太阳两位星君随之化为一红一白两团明光冲天飞起,急速返回外域虚空。 Medicine teacher king Great Bodhisattva with a smile to Wu Qi swept oneunclearly meaning smiled two, is Buddha light of stretch of filling the heavens polar region soarshis big Bodhisattva golden body to vanish in Buddha light slowly invisible. 药师尊王大菩萨笑吟吟的向勿乞扫了一眼”意味不明的笑了两声,又是一片弥天极地的佛光腾空而起”他高大的菩萨金身在佛光中冉冉消失无形。 Held appreciatively the storage bracelet that started nine dragons to twine, Wu Qi looked at Liu Bang that stood in the midair sneered saying: King of Han has not walked, is it possible that also wants to go to my Eastern Sea to be a guest inadequately? The nice wine good meat not to have, tortures to decide however much, King of Han whether interested?”, Liu Bang resentful however sneered several, his vision glittering looked at the sky, swept Wu Qi one indifferently, the corner of the eye split vision cast a sidelong glance Yue to advocate one slantingly, he cold snort/hum several patted clapping, the brigade invincible forces crowded around him to fly rapidly to the East. 把玩了一下手中九龙缠绕的储物手镯,勿乞望了一眼站在半空的刘邦冷笑道:“汉王还不走,莫非还想去我东海做客不成?唔,好酒好肉是没有的,严刑拷打定然不少,汉王可否有兴趣?”,刘邦悻悻然的冷笑了几声,他目光闪烁的看了看天空,又冷眼扫了勿乞一记,眼角余光斜睨了部乐公主一眼,他冷哼几声拍了拍手,大队天兵簇拥着他迅速向东方飞去。 Wu Qi coldly snorted, calls the army to rally the formation, is rapid to Eastern Sea withdraws. 勿乞冷哼一声,召集大军重整队列,然后迅速向东海撤回。 Just led the way shortly , the front void sudden avalanche, seven exceedingly high towers braved baseless. 刚刚前行了没多久,前方虚空突然崩塌,七座通天塔凭空冒了出来。 Had called in center that exceedingly high tower with skeleton rack not different senior priest worn out sitting of: „Can Eastern Sea King in? The old men presented your majesty life to give the thing to come to you!”, Wu Qi stares, hurried and section Yue zhu moves forward to meet somebody together.! ~! 一个已经和骷髅架子没什么两样的老祭司有气无力的坐在正中那通天塔上叫了起来:“东海王可在?老夫奉陛下之命给你送东西来了!”,勿乞一愣,急忙和部乐公主一起迎了上去。!~! .
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