STH :: Volume #10

#903: Heavenly Court summation

Xuan Yuan executes in demon sword, the consecutively more than 1000 surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) mountains hit to Greedy Wolf Star Monarch. 轩辕诛魔剑阵内,连续一千多座方圆数百里的大山撞向了贪狼星君 The Greedy Wolf star is main, killing in broken wolf Samsung his strategy is highest, but the strength is weakest. The Wu Qi choice first breach on Greedy Wolf Star Monarch. Especially his injury is most serious, that is also easiest to cope with. Today the set up formation, mountains land features of within Wu Qi 100,000 li (0.5 km) the surrounding area integrates, now by the air/Qi of land features condenses the mountain to attack the enemy in Great Formation, the might is really huge. 贪狼星主诡诈,杀破狼三星中他智谋最高,但是战力最弱。勿乞挑选的第一个突破口就在贪狼星君身上。尤其是他伤势最重,也是最容易对付的一个。今日布阵,勿乞将方圆十万里内的山川地脉融入阵中,如今在大阵内以地脉之气凝聚大山攻敌,威力着实巨大。 Greedy Wolf Star Monarch wields that wonderful shape long fan often carried in imperial honor guard to wield to the mountain that is pounding face to face unceasingly, the black wind changes into innumerable racing Lang to be broken the mountain bang, the first 100 mountains, he is very relaxed. The following 100 mountains, he still does not feel strenuous. When the tertiary wave 100 mountains bring the dreadful roaring flame or the cold ice cold wind pound down, the Greedy Wolf Star Monarch complexion was a little ugly. 贪狼星君挥动那柄奇形长扇对着当面砸下来的大山不断挥动,黑风化为无数奔狼将大山轰碎,前一百座大山,他很是轻松。后面一百座大山,他依然不觉得吃力。但是当第三波一百座大山带着滔天烈焰或者寒冰阴风砸下,贪狼星君的脸色就有点难看了。 Here Great Formation isolated the strength of stars, all around floods rich Pangu Purple Qi, Greedy Wolf Star Monarch not only cannot obtain the slight star strength to supplement, instead was worn down Magic Force by Pangu Purple Qi unceasingly. The silver purple star light that on him surges upward is gradually dim, was powerful enough to destroy all huge strengths gradually from[ body] in vanishes, the mountain that just can crush with ease, has hit his body again and again to sway at this moment. 这里大阵隔绝了星辰之力,四周充斥着浓郁的盘古紫气,贪狼星君不仅仅得不到丝毫的星力补充,反而不断被盘古紫气消磨自身法力。他身上高涨的银紫色星光逐渐黯淡,原本足以摧毁一切的庞大力量逐渐从〖体〗内消失,刚刚可以轻松击碎的大山,此刻已经撞得他身体连连摇晃。 Having a big shock Greedy Wolf Star Monarch read aloud the true words again and again, transferred the Greedy Wolf star to lower this life star strength unceasingly. Outside Great Formation rays of light rises of Greedy Wolf star, almost pressed the Pangu Continent surface, the big sky only saw a Greedy Wolf star rays of light circulation blowout together filling the heavens polar region certainly under big light beam bang. However this light beam approaches Xuan Yuan to execute demon sword on without a trace of disappearance, refining up Heavenly Cauldron very cheerfully swallows all star strength one. 大惊失色的贪狼星君连连念诵真言,不断调动贪狼星将本命星力降下。大阵贪狼星的光芒大盛,几乎压到了盘古大陆表面,偌大的天空就只看到一颗贪狼光芒流转喷出一道弥天极地的绝大光柱轰下。但是这光柱一靠近轩辕诛魔剑阵就消失的无影无踪,炼天鼎很是欢快的将所有星力一口吞下。 Building up Heavenly Cauldron is Spirit Item of primordial chaos most precious object level, although the attack and defense method of no powerful, but he can the refining sidereal revolution myriad things, having one's wish refining Xiantian Houtian, the strength of this stars to building up Heavenly Cauldron is a raw material of refiner, now Great Formation isolated the control of Greedy Wolf Star Monarch to Greedy Wolf star strength, building up Heavenly Cauldron can enter in the cauldron all star strength all conceals with ease. 天鼎乃是鸿蒙至宝级的灵物,虽然没有什么强力的攻防手段,但是他能炼化周天万物,随心所欲的炼化先天后天,这星辰之力对炼天鼎而言就是一门炼器的原材料,如今大阵隔绝了贪狼星君贪狼星力的操控,炼天鼎可以轻轻松松将所有的星力全部藏入鼎内。 The Greedy Wolf star strength was built up Heavenly Cauldron to swallow one not to remain, Greedy Wolf Star Monarch even more embarrassed. He cultivation base is the Golden Immortal level complete strength came from the Greedy Wolf star inexhaustible huge star strength, in the past he took the pure brute force path with the aid of the Greedy Wolf star strength, the world had almost no treasure is he cannot break, no spell formation was he cannot break. However today bumps into Wu Qi this anomaly, in the Wu Qi mustard seed world has all phenomena on earth star nuclear 108,000 immemorial stars Great Dao, naturally is also the expert who controls the star strength, has to refine Heavenly Cauldron to swallow to salute, having Xuan Yuan executes an demon sword isolation to be void, actually eradicates Greedy Wolf Star Monarch and Greedy Wolf star main body. 贪狼星力被炼天鼎吞得一丝不剩,贪狼星君就越发的窘迫。他自身修为不过是金仙水准全部力量都来自于贪狼星无穷无尽的庞大星力,以往他借助贪狼星力走纯粹的蛮力路子,天下几乎没有什么宝物是他砸不碎,没什么阵法是他破不开的。但是今日碰到勿乞这个怪胎,勿乞芥子世界中有万象星核十万八千太古星辰大道,自然也是操控星力的好手,更有炼天鼎吞噬行礼,有轩辕诛魔剑阵隔绝虚空,硬是将贪狼星君贪狼星本体根绝开。 [ Body] in the star strength consumes unceasingly, cannot obtain any supplemented after Greedy Wolf Star Monarch breaks out the mountain that more than 1300 raid, he revealed the terrified color finally. Loud is roaring the incantation that controls oneself this life stars, Greedy Wolf Star Monarch starts distressedly runs away in Great Formation. However Great Formation was controlled by Wu Qi one person, the space and time in Great Formation as intention change of Wu Qi, whatever the Greedy Wolf Star Monarch how flying escapes, he cannot leave the line of sight of Wu Qi, throughout in several hundred li (0.5 km) range Fengteng teleportation side Wu Qi. 〖体〗内星力不断消耗,却得不到任何补充贪狼星君劈开一千三百多座袭来的大山后,他终于露出了惶恐之色。大声的咆哮着控制自身本命星辰的咒语,贪狼星君开始狼狈的在大阵中逃窜。但是大阵勿乞一人掌控,大阵内的空间、时间都随着勿乞的心念变化,任凭贪狼星君如何飞天遁地,他始终没能离开勿乞的视线,始终就在勿乞身边数百里的范围内挪移 , Tittered, hid Xiang Yu after mountain to stick out suddenly, Chiyou Banner changed into the boundless bloodshed to bind Greedy Wolf Star Monarch, his body sluggish enough three time in a flash. Three time enough Xiang Yu in a flash hold several thousand spears/guns, seizing from igniters Divine Monarch by the Xiang Yu name is, blood flood dragon spear/gun, Taiyi Immortal Artifact belt/bring innumerable blood glow thorns to Greedy Wolf Star Monarch. ,噗嗤,一声藏身在一座大山后的项羽暴起,蚩尤旗化为无边血海裹住了贪狼星君,将他的身体迟滞了足足三个弹指的时间。三个弹指的时间足够项羽捅出数千枪,夺自火具神君项羽名之为,血蛟枪,的太乙仙器带起无数条血光刺向了贪狼星君 The Greedy Wolf Star Monarch hissing is cursing, his distressed wields that long wonderful shape feather fan, the distressed standard is keeping off Xiang Yu accumulates the thorn. The Xiang Yu strength is enormous, each spear pierces on the feather fan, the body of Greedy Wolf Star Monarch trembles, the star light of body surface is a dimness. When final 13 spears/guns Greedy Wolf Star Monarch wrist acid, the feather fan was selected by the blood flood dragon spear/gun flies roundly Xiang Yu on Greedy Wolf Star Monarch holds continually 13 spears/guns. 贪狼星君嘶声咒骂着,他狼狈的挥动那长长的奇形羽扇,狼狈的格挡着项羽的攒刺。项羽的力量极大,每一枪刺在羽扇上,贪狼星君的身体都是一颤,体表的星光都是一阵黯淡。等得最后十三枪时贪狼星君手腕一酸,羽扇被血蛟枪挑飞项羽痛快淋漓的在贪狼星君身上连捅十三枪。 long spear enters the body, the diving vigor erupts, the Greedy Wolf Star Monarch pain results in the hissing to be miserable, on him exploded 13 transparent big holes forcefully. 长枪入体,潜劲爆发,贪狼星君痛得嘶声惨嚎,他身上硬生生爆开了十三个透明的大窟窿。 [ Body] in the last star strength erupts loudly, the Greedy Wolf Star Monarch incarnation is a length of body behind several feet lives a great wolf of pair of silver light wing broke the fetter of Chiyou Banner distressedly changes into a silver light to the upper air to run away. He opens mouth the blowout silver to be struck by lightning together crazily to Xuan Yuan executes of Kunwu Sword demon sword 108 eyes, only strove for breaking open a slit sword is also good. 〖体〗内最后一丝星力轰然爆发,贪狼星君化身为一头体长十几丈背后生有一对银色光翼的巨狼震碎了蚩尤旗的束缚狼狈的化为一条银光向高空逃窜。他张开嘴喷出一道银色狂雷劈向轩辕诛魔剑阵一百零八个阵眼之一的昆吾剑,只求将剑阵破开一条缝隙也好。 Only needs a slit, the strength of inexhaustible stars can fuse together with him, he can restore to originally the strongest condition immediately. 只需要一条缝隙,无穷无尽的星辰之力就能和他融为一体,他立刻就能恢复到原本最强的状态。 Four pieces of shatter dragon body flash past side Greedy Wolf Star Monarch, on each volume of dragon body lived a claw, above is gripping tightly a slurred long halberd. On purple light crack spatial Greedy Wolf Star Monarch bewildered were many several fierce wounds, the big piece blood plasma sprays, the Greedy Wolf Star Monarch pain results in figure that the hissing miserable howling dashes upwardly to stagnate suddenly. 四片破碎的龙躯贪狼星君身边一闪而过,每一集龙躯上都生了一只爪子,上面紧握着一条模糊不清的长戟。紫光裂空贪狼星君身上莫名其妙的就多了几条狰狞的伤口,大片血浆喷洒而出,贪狼星君痛得嘶声惨嚎向上飞奔的身形骤然一滞。 Lord Xiansheng pants appeared figure from void, just these round wielded strikes almost presses out to do him[ body] in the last energy just that fist caused heavy losses did not have quite agily, Lord Xiansheng also made a determined effort to go all out to clash to come one to Greedy Wolf Star Monarch fiercely. 显圣灵君气喘吁吁的从虚空中显出了身形,刚刚这一轮挥击几乎榨干了他〖体〗内最后一点精力刚刚的那一拳重创还没好利索,显圣灵君也是发狠拼命才冲上来给贪狼星君来了一记厉害的。 long spear from upper air straight rumbling, Ao Buzun cried out strangely to brandish the crack initiation god spear/gun overhead to divide. Rifle stock solid pounding on the forehead of great wolf, the Greedy Wolf Star Monarch whole body trembled, his Immortal Soul by big strength impact, was seemed oil lights equally fierce glittering in storm a certainly almost [soul destroyed / terror-stricken]. 一条长枪从高空笔直的轰了下来,敖不尊怪叫着抡起裂神枪当头劈下。枪杆结结实实的砸在了巨狼的脑门上,贪狼星君浑身一颤,他的仙魂被一股绝大的力量冲击,好似风暴中的油灯火一样剧烈的闪烁了一阵差点魂飞魄散 The Star Monarch soul had the tyrannical stars Restriction(s) protection luckily, Greedy Wolf Star Monarch Immortal Soul is rumbled by the cracking god spear/gun together directly struck almost breaks up, actually survived under the protection of that Restriction(s) as before by luck. His Immortal Soul was shaken enormously, at this moment has become the idiot general, pouring of mumbling could not move on the ground, restores him of human form to show the whites of the eyes to faint. 幸好星君的魂魄都有一道强横的星辰禁制保护,贪狼星君仙魂被裂神枪正面轰了一击差点崩解,却依旧在那禁制的保护下侥幸存活。只是他仙魂受到极大震荡,此刻已经变得白痴一般,哼哼唧唧的倒在地上动弹不得,恢复了人形的他翻着白眼晕了过去。 Yuan Qing sneers is appearing side Greedy Wolf Star Monarch, he brandishes stick is being pounds to the Greedy Wolf Star Monarch body randomly, pounds his four limbs joint crushes, seemed has no intention a stick fortunately to pound while convenient purely in the lower part of the body of Greedy Wolf Star Monarch, pounded his pelvis following body seems the meat sauce general. Yuan Qing clenches jaws stepped on the head of Greedy Wolf Star Monarch to stamp several feet continuously, he clenched teeth to hmph hmph saying: „The stick of monkey master do you also dare to break off? The iron rod of your breaking off monkey master, the monkey master destroys your **!”, Wu Qi is showing the whites of the eyes when has not heard Yuan Qing the saying. once Jing simple and honest simple and honest small monster Yuan Qing did not exist, was gradually influenced the too long person to turn into this grade of appearance by Ao Buzun , Wu Qi has been unalarmed by strange sights. 猿青冷笑着在贪狼星君身边出现,他抡起棍子对着贪狼星君的身体就是一通乱砸,将他的四肢关节砸得粉碎,顺便好似无意纯粹凑巧的一棍子砸在了贪狼星君的下身,将他盆骨以下的身躯砸得好似肉酱一般。猿青咬牙切齿的踩着贪狼星君的脑袋连续跺了好几脚,他咬牙哼哼道:“猴爷的棍子你也敢弄断?你弄断猴爷的铁棍,猴爷就打碎你的**!”,勿乞翻着白眼就当没听到猿青的这话。曾径淳朴憨厚的小妖猿青不复存在,被敖不尊熏陶太久的人都会变成这等模样,勿乞已经见怪不怪了。 Strongly fragrant Yue zhu stared Yuan Qing one, Yuan Qing frightened to hold the stick to shrink Wu Qi behind quickly. Department Yue zhu looks indifferently is hit Greedy Wolf Star Monarch of inadequate human form, pulled out 19 conveniently pitch-dark, only then the needle-tip brought a blood-color long needle to insert the Greedy Wolf Star Monarch body ruthlessly. 郁乐公主瞪了猿青一眼,猿青吓得急忙抱着棍子缩到了勿乞身后。部乐公主冷眼看着被打得不成人形的贪狼星君,随手掏出了十九根黑漆漆的只有针尖带着一丝血色的长针狠狠的插进了贪狼星君身体。 These long needles take is not the acupuncture point and bloodlines, when is some immemorial view that secret hall recordsessence chakra . 19 long needles control 19 essence chakras, whatever you have the skill of direct access to the highest authorities, after the source of whole body essence by system, is a disabled person. 这些长针取的不是穴道和血脉,而是秘殿记载的某种太古时的说法“精气脉轮,。十九根长针控制十九处精气脉轮,任凭你有通天的本事,浑身精气之源被制后也就是一个废人。 Golden Horn and Silver Horn brought Golden Feather and Silver Feather two sisters to fly, Golden Horn very simple asking: „Can we open eat?”, Wu Qi shakes the head, he points at the distant place two point glittering star light to sneer to say rapidly: Two, one and tidied up said again.” The knitting the brows head, Wu Qi kicked a Greedy Wolf Star Monarch foot long to sigh: His cultivation base is third rank Golden Immortal, no tastiness!”, Silver Horn stared in a big way the eye to look at Wu Qi, his crooked mouth awry said proudly: We may not only eat now the actual benefit, we also eat the taste. After all is not Heavenly Court Star Monarch, his signboard was qualified we to eat their one. Was too thin as for this Star Monarch had no taste, that actually secondary!”, Wu Qi vacant looked at one to section Yue zhu, good, what Demon ghosts did oneself raise one crowd of? Eats the person to eat the person, but also ate to savor? In the past your brothers two , in that ancient immortal Immortal's cave gnawed the green grass, can not have so many art? This who teaches them? 金角银角带着金羽银羽姐妹俩飞了过来,金角很干脆的问道:“我们能开吃了么?”,勿乞摇了摇头,他指着远处两点急速闪烁的星光冷笑道:“还有两个,一并收拾了再说。”皱了皱眉头,勿乞踢了贪狼星君一脚长叹道:“他本身修为不过是三品金仙,也没什么吃头!”,银角瞪大了眼睛看着勿乞,他歪歪嘴傲然道:“我们现在可不仅仅是吃实惠,我们还吃品味。唔,毕竟是天庭星君,就他这招牌就够格我们吃他们一顿了。至于这星君太瘦了一些没什么滋味,那倒是次要的!”,勿乞茫然的向部乐公主望了一眼,好么,自己到底养出了一群什么妖魔鬼怪?吃人就吃人,还吃出品味来了?当年你兄弟两在那古仙人洞府中啃青草的时候,可没有这么多讲究啊?这都谁教给他们的? In the pupil the god light/only flashes through rapidly, suddenly Great Formation had other change. The Wu Qi greeting person closes, executes an demon sword great power with the aid of Xuan Yuan, seven kills Star Monarch and broken army Star Monarch forcefully also and Greedy Wolf Star Monarch captures alive generally. Yuan Qing unrestrained/no trace of politeness seven killed Star Monarch and broken army Star Monarch also broke the four limbs and lower part of the body, Princess Zhang Le main imprisoned them with the similar method. 眸子里神光急速闪过,眨眼间大阵又起了别的变化。勿乞招呼人一拥而上,借助轩辕诛魔剑阵的强大力量,硬生生将七杀星君和破军星君也和贪狼星君一般生擒活捉。猿青毫不客气的将七杀星君和破军星君也都砸碎了四肢和下身,鄣乐公主用同样的手段禁锢了他们。 A fight, although three Star Monarch clamped the support of strength of this life stars, but they[ body] in the residual star strength was not very weak, a war actually consumed Wu Qi one line of two days and two nights times to take advantage of the strength of Great Formation to straighten up them. Wrong non- Wu Qi has to refine Heavenly Cauldron this primordial chaos most precious object to swallow the star strength, is Xuan Yuan executes demon sword to fear that merely has not been able to isolate the attack of star strength completely, not necessarily can surround them with ease. 一场恶斗,虽然三位星君都夹去了本命星辰之力的支持,但是他们〖体〗内残留的星力很是不弱,一通大战却是耗费了勿乞一行人两天两夜的功夫才依仗大阵之力将他们拾掇了下来。错非勿乞有炼天鼎这件鸿蒙至宝可以吞噬星力,仅仅是轩辕诛魔剑阵怕是还无法完全隔绝星力的侵袭,不见得就能轻松困住他们。 Recalls Kunwu Sword, disperses Xuan Yuan to execute demon sword, Wu Qi is just about to rally the army five to return to Eastern Sea, in the upper air transmits dragon cry suddenly, an incomparably familiar sound passed on: Eastern Sea King hold your steps, little king Liu Bang was this time courteous!” 召回昆吾剑,散开轩辕诛魔剑阵,勿乞正要重整军伍返回东海,高空中突然传来一声龙吟,一个无比熟悉的声音传了过来:“东海王留步,小王刘邦此番有礼了!” Mixed in the Eastern Sea army who hears the Liu Bang sound, Xiang Yu kept silent the head that does not lift. The Eastern Sea army several million people, the overcautious Liu Bang attention all placed on Wu Qi, actually without paying attention to own life and death archenemy in the Eastern Sea army. 听到刘邦的声音,项羽默不作声的头也不抬的混入了东海大军中。东海大军数百万人,谨小慎微的刘邦注意力全放在了勿乞身上,倒是没注意自己的生死大敌就在东海军中。 Was being crowded around by more than ten thousand gifted generals, one on the left and other on the right two Star Monarch that wears magnificence robe follows, Liu Bang smiling said to Wu Qi submissively: Eastern Sea King, Eastern Sea King, little king brought the good news to you!”, Wu Qi has not spoken, the connection that Ao Buzun incomparably winds ripe said: What good news? Is you prepares to betroth your daughter granddaughters to Sir I?”, Liu Bang complexion one stiff, he treats as has not heard the Ao Buzun words, but the hollow laugh to is begging every time said: Great Celestial Emperor has the aim, just the conflicts of three Star Monarch and Eastern Sea King were only the misunderstanding. So long as Eastern Sea King returns three Star Monarch, later Heavenly Court will not look for the trouble of Eastern Sea absolutely on own initiative.” The hesitation moment, Liu Bang said with a smile: Matter of crown prince also writes off, when has not happened, under Eastern Sea King intent how?” 被万多名天兵天将簇拥着,一左一右还有两名身穿华袍的星君伴随,刘邦笑盈盈的向勿乞拱手道:“东海王,东海王,小王给你带来了好消息!”,勿乞没吭声,敖不尊无比熟络的接口道:“什么好消息?是你准备把你女儿孙女都许配给大爷我么?”,刘邦的脸色一僵,他当做没听到敖不尊的话,只是干笑着对每乞说道:“大天帝有旨,刚刚三位星君东海王的冲突只是误会。只要东海王交还三位星君,以后天庭绝对不会主动找东海的麻烦。”沉吟片刻,刘邦笑道:“太子的事情也一笔勾销,就当没发生过,东海王意下如何?” Wu Qi surprise looked at one to be bundled to remain unconscious to kill broken wolf three Star Monarch solid, he did intentionally to hesitate, crossed for a long time jaw first: „Does Great Celestial Emperor want to sum? Does Heavenly Court want to sum? Why? The spatial words tooth has no advantage is not to good! These three struck to kill my Eastern Sea more than ten million soldiers, this pension was an enormous number!”, The face of Liu Bang pulled out one group, how is this saying listening a little with no conscience?! ~! 勿乞诧异的看了一眼被捆得结结实实昏迷不醒好杀破狼三位星君,他故作沉吟,过了许久才颌首道:“大天帝想要求和?天庭想要求和?凭什么?空口白牙没什么好处可不行!这三位可是击杀了我东海上千万士卒,这抚恤金都是一个极大的数字啊!”,刘邦的脸抽成了一团,这话怎么听着有点昧良心呢?!~! .
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