STH :: Volume #10

#902: Sleepy powerful enemy

Chapter 902 trapped/sleepy powerful enemy( second) 第902章阵困强敌(第二更) Liangzhu city, Military Court. 良渚城,司军殿 This time Liangzhu and past were greatly different, although main street and small alley neutralization did not see anyone 's shadow in the past generally, however air/Qi of lingering all around one share vague withering, entire Liangzhu turned into a feeling of death trap. 今时今日的良渚和往日大不同,虽然大街小巷中和以往一般不见什么人影,但是一股子若有若无的肃杀之气萦绕四周,给人一种整个良渚都变成了一座死亡陷阱的感觉。 Several high-ranking court officials who in Military Court appoint newly are meeting in the main hall, discussed that forms the distribution work of army newly, as well as how various Great Yu place current every large or small battles and friction should deal, particularly how Immortal Sect and Human Clan of state these foreign country Heavenly Realm invasions to the issue that should and when subjugate. Was discussing results in the lips live the smoke time, Military Officer that wears soft armor crashed in the main hall hurriedly, will give Great Yu new greatly Si army Kuafu respectful through urgent military situation teleportation method sending jade slip together. 司军殿中新委任的几员重臣正在大殿中碰头,商讨新组建军队的编配工作,以及大虞各处正在进行的大大小小的交战和摩擦应该如何应对,尤其是对那些外域天境侵入的仙门人族国度应该如何、何时征讨的问题。正讨论得口唇生烟的时候,一个身披软甲的将领急匆匆的冲进了大殿,将一块通过紧急军情传送法阵送来的玉简递给了大虞新任大司军夸父恭。 Kuafu respectful received jade slip, weak Divine Consciousness sweeps inward, immediately body trembles, taking to one's heels of being too busy dashes about wildly outward. 夸父恭接过玉简,微弱的神识向内一扫,顿时身体一个哆嗦,忙不迭的撒腿就往外狂奔。 figure inflates to dozens zhang (3.33 m) high , when the speed that Kuafu respectful runs indeed has their ancestors pursued day like that astonishingly, during several rises he rushed to the imperial palace, when were not many crashed in directly had bear hall, treating a matter seriously jade slip gave with Venerable Sovereign Hao that discussing politics crown prince discussed official business. 身形膨胀到数十丈高下,夸父恭奔走的速度的确有他们先祖追日时那般惊人,几个起落间他就冲到了皇宫中,不多时就直接冲进了有熊殿,郑重其事的将玉简递给了正在和诸位议政亲王议事的昊尊皇 Merely compared with Kuafu respectful slow several time of breath, Directorate of Celestial and secret hall and heads of other Great Yu several departments also rushed in abundance, mobilized each channel to send the Eastern Sea army, the content was not the slightest difference jade slip submits to Venerable Sovereign Hao. 仅仅比夸父恭慢了几个呼吸的时间,司天殿、秘殿以及大虞其他几个部门的负责人也纷纷赶到,将东海军动用了各个渠道送来的,内容都是一般无二的玉简递交给了昊尊皇 The content in jade slip is very simple, but is a few words- a taboo clan reappears, Eastern Sea King is saved from death. 玉简中的内容很简单,不过是一句话-禁忌一族重现,东海王死里逃生。 Simple a few words almost frightened Venerable Sovereign Hao everyone not to jump, everyone's scalp tingled with numbness, Venerable Sovereign Hao shouted sternly: Comes the person, fast takes out for the dead jade puppet who secret palace these years prepare issues to the deliberation hall high-ranking court official, secret hall, Directorate of Celestial all priests guards against an incantation of taboo clan to kill discretely. Delivers 300 to go to the Eastern Sea army for the dead jade puppet, secret Diansu fast sends, will transmit with a taboo clan related material to Eastern Sea King.” 简简单单的一句话吓得昊尊皇在内的所有人差点没跳了起来,所有人的头皮一阵发麻,昊尊皇厉声喝道:“来人,速速取出秘殿这些年来准备的替死玉傀儡颁发给朝堂重臣,秘殿、司天殿所有祭司谨慎提防禁忌一族的咒杀。送三百替死玉傀儡去东海军中,秘殿速速派人,将和禁忌一族有关的资料转交给东海王。” With the order of Venerable Sovereign Hao, the tense atmosphere in big Yu Dynasty hall increased several times suddenly. A taboo clan to the trauma that Great Yu creates is really extremely in the intensity, once 37 Human Emperor by the brilliance score that their incantation killed, made everyone's the heart including Venerable Sovereign Hao raise. Except that secret hall issues for the dead jade puppet, many Great Yu high-ranking court official including King Yangshan, called side all priests to guard day and night, for fear that incautiously. 随着昊尊皇的命令,大虞朝堂上的紧张气氛骤然增加了数倍。禁忌一族对大虞造成的心理阴影实在是太过于强烈,曾经有三十七任人皇被他们咒杀的光辉战绩,更是让包括昊尊皇在内的所有人的心都提了起来。除了秘殿颁发下来的替死玉傀儡,包括阳山王在内的众多大虞重臣,更是召集了身边所有的祭司日夜防范,唯恐一不小心就着了道儿。 The big Yu Dynasty hall became one group randomly, Wu Qi and three Star Monarch battles are also one group of chaos. 虞朝堂乱成了一团,勿乞和三位星君的争斗也是一团大乱。 Lord Xiansheng uses the broken empty halberd to injure seven to kill Star Monarch, will give seven to kill Star Monarch fierce at one's convenience again, seven kill Star Monarch to vanish suddenly without a trace. In the upper air seven killed star rays of light rises, the silver purple star light covered the world, seven killed Star Monarch aura to integrate in the star light, where Wu Qi Divine Consciousness is unable to catch his main body to place. 显圣灵君利用破虚戟打伤七杀星君,正要乘便再给七杀星君一个厉害,七杀星君突然消失得无影无踪。高空中七杀星光芒大盛,银紫色星光覆盖了天地,七杀星君气息融入了星光中,就连勿乞神识都无法捕捉到他的本体到底身处何方。 Side fierce not Ding's Lord Xiansheng emitted a person's shadow, Lord Xiansheng figure moved, broken empty halberd, his figure also vanished., Lord Xiansheng with the aid of the strength of broken empty halberd in void appear and disappear from time to time, swung several thousand shadow swiftly in a flash. No matter how he escapes to move, his side always light silver purple silhouette follows. 猛不丁的显圣灵君身边冒出了一条人影,显圣灵君身形一动,破虚戟一荡,他的身形也随之消失。倏忽之间,显圣灵君借助破虚戟的力量在虚空中时隐时现,一瞬间荡起了数千条残影。但是不管他如何遁移,他身边总是有一条淡淡的银紫色身影紧随其后。 The one side was rumbled Greedy Wolf Star Monarch in an extremely difficult situation to send out heaven shaking to cry loud and long by the thunder suddenly, the sad and shrill long wolf howling acoustic shock results in the Lord Xiansheng body to shake, Magic Force revolves stops suddenly, his figure appears in the star light, his purple azure person's shadow emits, fought with the fists in the Lord Xiansheng back of the body. fist force like the thunder, Lord Xiansheng stuffy snort/hum, the back of the body flesh and blood was hit to explode, the fist that almost comprised of the star light put from the Lord Xiansheng chest front, Lord Xiansheng shouted loudly miserably, in hand long halberd in a flash, figure vanished again. 一旁被雷霆轰得狼狈不堪的贪狼星君突然发出一声惊天长啸,凄厉悠长的狼啸声震得显圣灵君身体一抖,法力运转骤然一停,他的身形在星光中显现,他身边一条紫青色人影冒出,一拳打在了显圣灵君后心上。拳劲如雷,显圣灵君闷哼一声,后心骨肉被打得爆开,一个几乎完全由星光组成的拳头从显圣灵君的胸前穿了过来,显圣灵君大声惨呼,手上长戟一晃,身形再次消失。 Princess Zhang Le main toward void grasps, grasped from the star light the body of Lord Xiansheng. In mountain forest the immeasurable chlorine tumbles on, changes into tip green spirit liquid to inject into Lord Xiansheng within the body rapidly. The chest was broken open big hole Lord Xiansheng fleshly body to wriggle rapidly, newborn the granulation sealed up the huge wound, is only newborn ** frail, being far from so being intrepid. 鄣乐公主朝虚空一抓,一把将显圣灵君的身体从星光中抓了出来。四下里山林中无量绿气翻滚而上,迅速化为点点滴滴的绿色灵液注入显圣灵君体内。胸口被破开了一个大窟窿的显圣灵君肉身急速蠕动,新生出的肉芽封住了巨大的伤口,只是新生的**脆弱,远没有原本那样强悍。 Grasps the broken empty halberd to break open void Lord Xiansheng shortly seven to be killed a Star Monarch fist to cause heavy losses unceasingly, Wu Qi cried loud and long, 108 Kunwu Sword changed into together the light rainbow lasing, the rapid arrange/cloth got down Xuan Yuan to execute demon sword. All around mountains land fierce is shivering, the surrounding area void within 100,000 li (0.5 km) had the strange distortion change, the mountains hill seems the illusion same distortion slowly to curl up, this side void package firmly. 眼看手持破虚戟能够不断破开虚空的显圣灵君都被七杀星君一拳重创,勿乞长啸一声,一百零八柄昆吾剑化为一道光虹激射而出,迅速布下了轩辕诛魔剑阵。四周山川大地剧烈的颤抖着,方圆十万里内的虚空发生了奇怪的扭曲变化,山川丘陵好似幻象一样慢慢的扭曲卷起,将这一方虚空牢牢的包裹在内。 Water hot dry wind Origin Energy and Xiantian Houtian Five Elements Spiritual Qi gathering comes, changes into one piece under the reassignment of Kunwu Sword dense void and mountains hill of distortion fuses together. In the upper air kills broken wolf three stars glittering the eye-catching star light, three stars seemed have pressed on Pangu Continent, the naked eye looked, today's sky only then these three are big indescribable stars, other stars vanished completely without a trace. 地水火风元气先天后天五行灵气汇聚而来,在昆吾剑的调动下化为一片氤氲虚空和扭曲的山川丘陵融为一体。高空中杀破狼三颗星辰闪烁着夺目的星光,三颗星辰好似已经压到了盘古大陆上,肉眼望去,今日的天空只有这三颗大得无法形容的星辰,其他的日月星辰全部消失得无影无踪。 Xuan Yuan executes demon sword above big piece azure miraculous glow glittering, kills the star light of broken wolf three stars to change into three light beams to fall straightly, hits Xuan Yuan to execute an demon sword loud sound again and again, how is actually not able to permeate in sword. 轩辕诛魔剑阵上空大片青色灵光闪烁,杀破狼三颗星辰的星光化为三道光柱笔直落下,打得轩辕诛魔剑阵巨响连连,却怎么都无法渗入剑阵中去。 The thunder that thunder meng brings in has stood still, broken army Star Monarch and Greedy Wolf Star Monarch stuffy snort/hum, distressed fleeing returned to seven to kill side Star Monarch. After seven kill Star Monarch , conducted the back is broken the empty halberd to select one, general middle finger width one foot long muscle vanished baseless, in the wound can see the internal organs of silver purple skeleton and creeping motion. However compares broken army Star Monarch and Greedy Wolf Star Monarch, seven killed the Star Monarch injury actually not to be regarded anything. 雷霥引来的雷霆已经停歇,破军星君贪狼星君闷哼一声,狼狈的窜回了七杀星君身边。七杀星君后背上被破虚戟挑了一记,大概三指宽一尺多长的一条肌肉凭空消失,伤口内可以看到银紫色的骨骼和蠕动的内脏。但是相比破军星君贪狼星君,七杀星君的伤势却又算不得什么了。 Great Principle Thunder Tribulation what kind of terrifying, broken army Star Monarch and Greedy Wolf Star Monarch take advantage of this life stars inexhaustible huge star strength to withdraw from Thunder Tribulation with great difficulty. Their armor were exploded pulpy, the fine magnificent and expensive battle dress was fired wisp of light smoke, the stark naked two big Star Monarch fair flesh are fired the hard coke now, on the vigorous and healthy muscle everywhere is the child mouth same opening, some wounds are the ruler, the deep obvious bone, the silver purple brings the light fragrance blood the class/flow from the wound to come out unceasingly. 大罗雷劫何等恐怖,破军星君贪狼星君依仗着本命星辰无穷无尽的庞大星力好容易才从雷劫中脱身。他们的铠甲被炸得稀烂,精美华贵的战袍被烧成了一缕青烟,赤身露体的两大星君原本白皙的肌肤如今都被烧成了焦炭,健壮的肌肉上到处都是小孩儿嘴巴一样的裂口,有些伤口长达尺许,深可见骨,银紫色带着淡淡馨香的鲜血正不断从伤口中流出来。 Xuan Yuan executed demon sword all around void, this moment world chaos, could not see any star light in all directions. 轩辕诛魔剑阵了四周虚空,此刻天地一片混沌,四面八方都看不到任何星光。 The Wu Qi body is shivering slightly, three stars are spitting this life star strength to shell Xuan Yuan to execute demon sword in crazy urging, makes every effort bang broken sword and kills broken wolf three Star Monarch to have the contact. Three Star Monarch discrete looks at Wu Qi, they are breathing in gulps, but all around is airless, no least bit Spiritual Qi, does not have star light a little, rich Pangu Purple Qi floods all around. 勿乞身体微微颤抖着,外界三颗星辰正在疯狂的催吐本命星力轰击轩辕诛魔剑阵,力求轰碎剑阵和杀破狼三位星君取得联系。三位星君则是谨慎的看着勿乞,他们大口大口的呼吸着,但是四周并无空气,也没有一丝半点儿灵气,更没有一点儿星光,只有浓郁的盘古紫气充斥四周。 Regarding the Human Clan soldier, Pangu Purple Qi is the source of strength is the source of life, had Pangu Purple Qi, the Human Clan soldier, so long as were not cut the head, perpetual motion machine that almost can battle permanently. However to the immortal and Star Monarch, Pangu Purple Qi is the fatal toxicant, Pangu Purple Qi will corrode without doubt automatically embezzles their immortal strength, finally eliminates their all Magic Force cultivation base. 对于人族战士而言,盘古紫气就是力量之源就是生命的源泉,有了盘古紫气,人族战士只要不被砍下头颅,几乎就是可以永久作战的永动机。但是对仙人和星君而言,盘古紫气无疑是致命的毒药,盘古紫气会自动的侵蚀吞没他们的仙力,最终消去他们所有的法力修为 Seven kill is looking at Wu Qi that Star Monarch is inwardly angry: Cannot think, only Eastern Sea King, can compel this degree us!” 七杀星君略带愠怒的望着勿乞:“想不到,区区一个东海王,能够将我们逼到这种程度!” Broken army Star Monarch nods said: General idea/Careless, we have dozens Primordial not to act, thinks is the easy matter, cannot think instead by and other villain severe wounds. Is this Xuan Yuan executes demon sword? Today may be the experience!” 破军星君颔首道:“大意了,我们已经有数十个元会没有出手,原本以为是手到擒来的事情,想不到反而被尔等小人重伤。这是轩辕诛魔剑阵?今日可算是见识了!” Greedy Wolf Star Monarch is frowning to size up all around, his tone heavy saying: This sword can isolate the star strength unexpectedly, obviously Eastern Sea King has discovered our these Star Monarch weakness. Without life star strength in addition holds, our cultivation base collapses at the first blow actually. In the past when the brothers three people were sealed Star Monarch, oneself cultivation base is 18th Rank Golden Immortal, we served seven Great Celestial Emperor, now cultivation base is also third rank Golden Immortal.” 贪狼星君皱着眉头打量着四周,他语气沉重的说道:“这剑阵居然能隔绝星力,显然东海王已经发现了我们这些星君的弱点。若是没有本命星力加持,我们自身的修为实则不堪一击。当年我们兄弟三人被封星君时,自身修为不过是十八品金仙,我们侍奉了七任大天帝,如今修为也不过是三品金仙而已。” Heavy sighing, Greedy Wolf Star Monarch spreads out both hands smile saying: How does the matter of today stop there? Loses this life star strength in addition to hold, we are not the Eastern Sea King opponents. However does Eastern Sea King really dare to kill us? We assign/life the standard and day star are connected, I and others are actually day of Daoist magic part, killed us to kill Heavenly Dao, by scourge.” 沉沉的叹了一口气,贪狼星君摊开双手微笑道:“今日之事就此作罢如何?失去本命星力加持,我们不是东海王的对手。但是东海王真敢杀了我们?我们命格与天星相连,我等实则是天道法则的一部分,杀了我们可就是杀了天道,会遭天谴的。” Wu Qi indifferent looks at these three Star Monarch, his leisure took out the material of bulk from the sleeve, offered a sacrifice to refine Heavenly Cauldron to melt these materials one by one. When are not many Wu Qi refined the small villain images of three palm of the hand sizes, his breaking by biting fingertip, sluggish described the plain Talisman incantation on these villain images. 勿乞冷漠的看着这三位星君,他慢条斯理的从袖子里取出了大块的材料,祭出了炼天鼎将这些材料逐一融化。不多时勿乞就炼制出了三个巴掌大小的小小人像,他咬破指尖,慢吞吞的在这些小人像上描绘起古朴的符箓咒语。 Three Star Monarch complexion disastrous incidents, they look at the villain image on Wu Qi, Greedy Wolf Star Monarch are sneering saying: Eastern Sea King really does need to go all out?” 三位星君的脸色惨变,他们望着勿乞手上的小人像,贪狼星君冷笑道:“东海王真个要拼命?” Wu Qi slow sound said: „When immemorial, before Pangu Great Saint has not opened this side world, has the antique stars and Chaos Fiend God life standard coincides, becomes Star Monarch by Chaos Fiend God. Antique stars embodiment big Daoist magic, if cut to kill Star Monarch, will receive the antique stars principle to backlash, did a thankless job.” 勿乞缓声道:“太古之时,盘古大圣还没开辟这一方世界之前,就有太古星辰与混沌魔神命格相合,由混沌魔神而成星君。太古星辰内蕴大道法则,若是斩杀了星君,也将受到太古星辰法则反噬,吃力不讨好。” Smiles one strangely, Wu Qi narrows the eyes to focus to look that complexion dreary three Star Monarch nod the head said: „Should you listen to split bamboo dove demon this given name? Was how he invents to kill Star Monarch, will not actually receive the method that his life stars backlashed. Nothing but in the method of shape generation of lives, but is very effective!” 怪笑一声,勿乞眯着眼看着面色惨淡的三位星君颔首道:“你们应该听过‘爿鸠魔’这名号?是他发明了如何杀死一个星君,却不会受到他的本命星辰反噬的法门。无非是以形代命的法子,但是很有效!” Broken army Star Monarch shouted sternly: Split bamboo dove demon Pangu opens the day later one Great Tribulation, was put to death by immemorial Star Monarch jointly!” 破军星君厉声喝道:“爿鸠魔早在盘古开天之后不过一量劫的时候,就被太古星君联手诛杀!” Wu Qi nods said: His method spread . Moreover the people of learned were not infrequent! Hehe, after all, the bodies of your Star Monarch even mortals, so long as coincides with the stars life standard can leap becomes can greatly the gentleman, who won't keep the point to cope with your methods in the hand?” 勿乞颔首道:“他的法门流传下来了,而且学会的人不在少数!呵呵,毕竟嘛,你们这些星君就算是凡人之躯,只要和星辰命格相合就能一跃而成大能之士,谁不会在手中留点对付你们的手段?” Refining up Heavenly Cauldron to fly slowly, slowly submerged Xuan Yuan to execute in demon sword, Wu Qi shook the villain on hand to look like the sinking sound said: Today, little king wants to try to kill Star Monarch is what taste. In the legend has Spirit Pill, the name for luminary star pill, has to make the wonderful effectiveness of person flat land flying immortal greatly, little king no talent, wants to refine such furnace medicine pill with three bodies.” 天鼎冉冉飞起,慢慢的没入了轩辕诛魔剑阵中,勿乞晃了晃手上的小人像沉声道:“今日,小王想试试杀星君是什么滋味。传说中有一种灵丹,名之为‘大曜星丹’,有令人平地飞仙的神效,小王不才,想要用三位的身子骨炼这么一炉丹药。” Refining up Heavenly Cauldron to hide in sword, the cauldron mouth aims at three column star strength that the sky howled to drop, happy swallows all star strength. 天鼎藏在剑阵中,鼎口对准了天空呼啸落下的三柱星力,痛痛快快的将所有的星力吞噬一空。 In Great Formation, a Wu Qi finger/refers, void present innumerable mountain big river, the dense and numerous mountains stream deposit in together, isolated everyone's vision and Divine Consciousness. In Great Formation the mist rises from all directions, three Star Monarch bodies one light, suddenly by teleportation to three different places. 大阵内,勿乞手一指,虚空现了无数高山大川,密密麻麻的山川河流堆积在一起,隔绝了所有人的目光和神识大阵内云烟四起,三位星君身体一轻,突然被传送到了三处不同的地方。 Wu Qi whistles, leading Ao Buzun one group to rush to injury heaviest Greedy Wolf Star Monarch to kill. ro! ~! 勿乞唿哨一声,带着敖不尊一行人就奔伤势最重的贪狼星君杀了过去。ro!~! .
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