STH :: Volume #10

#901: The incantation injures Star Monarch

Saw that Ao Buzun one group of cover to kill shoulder to shoulder, seven kill Star Monarch to say proudly: Range chicken earthenware dog, collapses at the first blow!” 见到敖不尊一行人并肩掩杀上来,七杀星君傲然道:“土鸡瓦狗,不堪一击!” A character wields a fist, eight characters said, Ao Buzun , Lord Xiansheng, Yuan Qing, Xiang Yu and Hu Hai five people had been hit flying upside down to return by his one fist one. In the hand weapon best Ao Buzun , Lord Xiansheng and Xiang Yu were one person suffered two fists respectively, fought with the fists on them, fought with the fists on their weapon, fearful fist force just like mountain flooding, hit the Ao Buzun three people to cry out strangely again and again, in the hand the weapon also sends out intermittent sounding. 一个字挥出一拳,八个字说完,敖不尊显圣灵君猿青项羽胡亥五人已经被他一拳一个打得倒飞而回。手上兵器最好的敖不尊显圣灵君项羽还是一人分别挨了两拳,一拳打在他们身上,一拳打在他们兵器上,可怕的拳劲宛如山洪暴发,打得敖不尊三人怪叫连连,手上兵器也是发出一阵阵的鸣叫。 What is scarier is Yuan Qing and Hu Hai weapon, the Yuan Qing reaction speed is quick, seven kill under a Star Monarch fist bang, he horizontal the stick keeps off in immediately front. That fist punctured the Yuan Qing stick seal on him, finally Yuan Qing was wasted, the stick was also shaken two. 更吓人的是猿青胡亥的兵器,猿青反应速度快,七杀星君一拳轰下,他立刻横起棍子挡在了面前。那一拳打穿了猿青的棍子印在了他身上,结果猿青被打飞,棍子也被震成两段。 The Hu Hai two alone foot young lads poke to be rumbled similarly four by a respectful, pounds with heavy blows in his chest, hits Hu Hai whole body blood glow to scatter, changes into one group of blood mist to fly back suddenly backward, then a blood mist spin congealed again the body of Hu Hai. Has bloodshed Devil Art to make the background, reckless Xuan injury and Xiang Yu are ordinary, is among the people are lightest. 胡亥的两柄独脚童子杵同样是被一恭轰成四节,重拳砸在他胸口,打得胡亥浑身血光四溅,骤然化为一团血雾向后飞回,然后血雾一旋重新又凝成了胡亥的身体。有着血海魔功做底子,胡玄的伤势和项羽一般,是众人当中最轻的。 Seven killed Star Monarch startled different looks changed into Xiang Yu and Hu Hai that the blood instant flew to escape backward similarly, he knit the brows: „Will Eastern Sea King, why under you have the Devil Dao immortal?” 七杀星君骇异的望了同样化为血霎向后飞遁的项羽胡亥一眼,他皱眉道:“东海王,你麾下为何会有魔道仙人?” Wu Qi moved a body, the injury on Pangu Purple Qi rapid restore arm, he sneers saying: Has what strange? Your Heavenly Court can gather to raise a taboo clan, my does Eastern Sea have several being on very good terms Devil Dao immortals to make you surprised very much?” An eyeball spin, Wu Qi sneers saying: This king permits they. Was struck blood essence of all soldiers kills to belong to by the Eastern Sea army their all......” 勿乞活动了一下身体,盘古紫气迅速修复手臂上的伤势,他冷笑道:“有何奇怪的?你天庭能够蓄养禁忌一族,我东海有几个交情不错的魔道仙人很让你惊奇么?”眼珠一旋,勿乞冷笑道:“本王许了他们。被东海军击杀的所有士卒的精血都归他们所有……” Was leaving a little words tail intentionally finally, seven kill Star Monarch really vision glittering. Narrowed the eyes to focus to Xiang Yu and Hu Hai stared at one stubbornly. Wu Qi can buy over these two Devil Dao immortals with blood essence and soul. Then Heavenly Court can't achieve? However is the lives of some trivial mortals can buy over two Primordial Realm Devil Dao immortals to submit Heavenly Court, this is also great merit one. 故意在最后留了一点儿话尾巴,七杀星君果然目光一阵闪烁。眯着眼向项羽胡亥死死的盯了一眼。勿乞能够用精血、魂魄收买这两位魔道仙人。那么天庭难道做不到么?不过是区区一些凡人的性命就能收买两个太乙境魔道仙人归附天庭,这也是大功一件呢。 Had this abacus at heart, seven killed Star Monarch weakly to Xiang Yu and Hu Hai killing intent suddenly over seven points. 心里有了这个算盘,七杀星君项羽胡亥杀意骤然弱了七分以上。 Wu Qi cried loud and long, in the sleeve departs a long stick and long spear flies to Yuan Qing and Hu Hai, this was some spare weapons of Wu Qi forging, the quality and Yuan Qing of long stick that stick not the slightest difference, but the alone foot young lad of Hu Hai use poked the modeling to be strange, on Wu Qi has not stored goods, can only make him first make long spear to play with. 勿乞长啸一声,袖子里飞出一根长棍和一杆长枪飞向了猿青胡亥,这是勿乞锻造的一些备用的兵器,长棍的品质和猿青的那根棍子一般无二,但是胡亥使用的独脚童子杵造型怪异,勿乞手上也没存货,只能让他先弄一根长枪耍着玩了。 Threw the weapon to Yuan Qing and Hu Hai, Wu Qi figure in a flash, changed into the big piece black smoke to plunge seven to kill Star Monarch. 将兵器丢给了猿青胡亥,勿乞身形一晃,化为大片黑烟扑向七杀星君 The innumerable soybeans thick or thin long have one zhang (3.33 m) strange Xing white bones arrow densely and numerously stirs up da to shoot from the black smoke, on the white bones arrow carved the innumerable malicious ghost head pictures densely and numerously, these malicious ghosts send out the virulent curse and sharp calling out unceasingly, in the seven orifices have the big piece black smoke to spray, outlined innumerable rune to circle in flight near arrow. 无数黄豆粗细长有一丈的奇形白骨箭密密麻麻的从黑烟中激龘射而出,白骨箭上密密麻麻雕刻了无数的恶鬼头像,这些恶鬼不断发出恶毒的诅咒和尖锐的嚎叫,七窍之中有大片的黑烟喷洒而出,勾勒成无数的符文箭矢附近飞旋。 Seven kill Star Monarch coldly snorted, he raised up the left arm, on the arm the exquisite round shield emits the bright light to bind his whole body together, the white bones arrow howls is shooting in the bright light, sent out sadly just like loud sound that the bell thundered. The arrow strength is extremely strong. Seven kill Star Monarch not to live in the foot in the void neutrality, was hit unceasingly by innumerable arrow backs up backward, the bright light on round shield weakens unceasingly, but seven kill the strength of Star Monarch within the body seems inexhaustible pours into the round shield generally, the weakened bright light is strengthened rapidly. 七杀星君冷哼一声,他竖起左臂,手臂上一块小巧的圆盾放出一道明光裹住他全身,白骨箭呼啸著射在了明光上,发出沉闷的宛如大钟轰鸣的巨响。箭矢的力道极强。七杀星君在虚空中立不住脚,被无数箭矢打得向后不断倒退,圆盾上的明光不断削弱,但是七杀星君体内的力量好似无穷无尽一般注入圆盾,被削弱的明光又急速增强。 Fights a battle to force a quick decision!” Wu Qi and seven kills Star Monarch to refuse to compromise in the incantation law, nearby Greedy Wolf Star Monarch cold snort/hum, he does not know suddenly where pulls out a to emit the metallic luster seven chi (0.33 m) feather fan, numerous to Wu Qi is being one leaf. The respite side is just about to kill Ao Buzun that and the others Star Monarch attacks again to call out in alarm one to seven surely. The hungry wolf who the jet black storm changes into innumerable galloping pounces upon suddenly to them. Ao Buzun , Lord Xiansheng and the others were curled by the hungry wolf of invading, involuntary was curled flew far away. “速战速决!”勿乞以咒法和七杀星君僵持,一旁的贪狼星君突然冷哼了一声,他不知道从哪里掏出一柄散发出金属光泽的七尺长羽扇,重重的对着勿乞这边就是一扇。喘息方定正要向七杀星君再次攻击的敖不尊等人惊呼一声。漆黑的风暴化为无数奔腾的饿狼向他们猛扑过去。敖不尊显圣灵君等人被蜂拥而上的饿狼卷了进去,身不由己的被卷飞了老远。 The wolf shape qi energy that is condensed by the Greedy Wolf star strength tears Ao Buzun their bodies just like the living creature equally crazily, bites their flesh and bloodka ka, makes noise. What Xiang Yu and Hu Hai cultivation is bloodshed Devil Art, their flesh and blood may be inferior that Ao Buzun they are so solid, the greedy person's one on them bites is bulk flesh falls, the blood from the sky piles up to seem a puddle. 这些由贪狼星力凝聚的狼形气劲宛如活物一样疯狂撕扯敖不尊他们的身体,咬得他们的骨肉‘咔咔,作响。项羽胡亥修炼的是血海魔功,他们的骨肉可不如敖不尊他们那样结实,饿狼在他们身上一咬就是一大块血肉掉下来,鲜血在空中堆积得好似一个水潭。 Storm that these greedy people compose extremely viscous. After falling into , is extremely difficult to withdraw, moreover is not only these greedy people in the flesh of tear and bite person, the storm also has the strength that one share extremely strong corrosion is swallowing, extracts the blood essence essence of people within the body unceasingly. After Ao Buzun they were curled went, seems falls into the wind-drift sand the unlucky egg equally crazy sways from side to side struggles, but cannot work loose for a short time. 这些饿狼组成的风暴极其粘稠。陷入后就极难脱身,而且不仅是这些饿狼在撕咬人的血肉,风暴本身也带着一股子极强的腐蚀吞噬的力量,不断抽取众人体内的精血精气。敖不尊他们被卷了进去以后,就好似陷入流沙的倒霉蛋一样疯狂的扭动挣扎,但是一时半会根本挣脱不得。 A Greedy Wolf Star Monarch leaf surrounded Ao Buzun and the others, broken army Star Monarch long smiles one, on him behind that set of silver purple mail-armor and helmet spouts six metal wings suddenly, the extravagant several-ten feet wonderful shape metal wing brings together the strong winds, brings broken army Star Monarch just like a comet to Wu Qi the dark clouds stir up da to shoot to go. Three Star Monarch recalled the instruction of Great Celestial Emperor Ziwei Lingying, put to death Wu Qi rapidly, brought back to Heavenly Court his soul is, so-called fast returned at once do not waste the time the meaning. „The broken army, thousand honored cut!” Broken army Star Monarch rushed to Wu Qi rapidly nearby dark clouds. His back six wings gather inward, Wu Qi figure black smoke by compression firmly one group of head/number of people size. Afterward his both hands grasp to the upper air, the broken army star strength has the waterfall loud sound, congealed a to have three zhang (3.33 m) six chi (0.33 m) cutting saber in the hand of broken army Star Monarch rapidly long. 贪狼星君一扇将敖不尊等人困住,破军星君长笑一声,他身上那套银紫色的甲胄背后突然喷出六道金属羽翼,阔达十几丈的奇形金属羽翼带起一道狂风,带着破军星君宛如一颗彗星般向勿乞所化的黑云激龘射而去。三位星君算是记起了紫薇灵应大天帝的吩咐,迅速诛杀勿乞,将他的魂魄带回天庭就是,所谓速去速回就是不要浪费时间的意思。“破军,千钧斩!”破军星君迅速冲到了勿乞所化的黑云附近。他背后六道羽翼向内一合,勿乞身形所化的黑烟就被牢牢的压缩成了人头大小的一团。随后他双手向高空一抓,破军星力发出瀑布般巨响,迅速在破军星君的手上凝成了一柄长有三丈六尺的斩马刀。 Aspirates the sound, broken army Star Monarch grips tightly the hilt to be compressed one group of Black Qi is a blade cuts sonorously, the loud sound transmits, the broken army Star Monarch big long blade was fled shoots none that slightly leaning to hit a point by the slanting thorn in together, danger and danger is scratching Wu Qi Black Qi cut. 吐气开声,破军星君紧握刀柄对着被压缩成一团的黑气就是一刀斩下铿锵,巨响传来,破军星君偌大的长刀被斜刺里一道亡命射来的精光撞得略微偏了一点,险而又险的擦着勿乞所化的黑气砍了下去。 Stands in Wu Qi place ships observing Huang Liang saw that Wu Qi has the danger he, no matter the group body of good and evil hit to the broken army Star Monarch long blade, same and that giant long blade bumped Huang Liang to hit hardly badly beaten just like the shell, the blood sprinkled the whole body is. 站在勿乞座舰船头观战的黄俍眼看勿乞有危险他不管好歹的团身向破军星君的长刀撞了过来,宛如炮弹一样和那巨大的长刀硬碰了一记黄俍撞得头破血流,鲜血洒了满身都是。 Brings the áo áo crying out strangely sound, Huang Liang nearly rascal grasped took measures the unexpected broken army Star Monarch two calves then a figure spin, seemed the alley first two stray dogs to fight to drag the body of broken army Star Monarch to revolve the same as hit to the ground turning round. 带着嗷嗷怪叫声,黄俍近乎无赖的一把抱住了措手不防的破军星君两条小腿然后身形一旋,好似衙头两条流浪狗打架一样拖着破军星君的身体滴溜溜旋转着向地面撞了下去。 Broken army Star Monarch was really scared in that flash. He and many can fight he station to kill many extraordinary name greatly to shake the temporary Taiyi big energy, but no one has used this move and he fights. How is everyone the immortal is the character of keeping aloof can street rascal equally near body tears the dogfight? 破军星君在那一瞬间真的傻眼了。他和多少大能交手过他曾经站杀过多少了不起的名震一时的太乙大能,但是谁也没有用过这种招数和他对打啊。大家是仙人是高高在上的人物怎么能和街头无赖一样近身撕扯缠斗呢? Does not wait for broken army Star Monarch to return to this god to come, Huang Liang has entrained his one to hit hardly on the ground. 不等破军星君回过这个神来,黄俍已经硬拽着他一头撞在了地上。 Huang Liang this boy is very cunning, two people in the in the air anxious spin, will soon fall to the ground Huang Liang will break army Star Monarch according to the belly of broken army Star Monarch to trample itself to borrow the strength flying under the both feet to jump detonation army Star Monarch later layer on layer/heavily are the distressed head go into the ground to have more than ten li (0.5 km) deep. Bang broken army Star Monarch touchdown target nearby several mountains were shaken the collapsing innumerable giant stones to be shaken to fly loudly the day to collapse the land mine mediocre scene. 黄俍这厮很是奸猾,两人在空中急旋,快要落地的时候黄俍将破军星君按在了下面随后双脚在破军星君的肚皮上重重一踹自己借力飞身跳起破军星君则是狼狈的头扎进了地面足足有十几里深。一声巨响破军星君着陆点附近好几座大山被震得轰然坍塌无数巨石被震得飞起天崩地雷不过如此景象。 Just flew, Huang Liang pointed at the place anger that broken army Star Monarch is falling down to exclaim: Army kills full power 刚刚飞起来,黄俍就指着破军星君坠地的地方怒吼道:“全军全力杀” The flying boat does not have the least bit sound, because in the Eastern Sea army can also now move taxi rate/lead few, but that this priest making a move mouth hundreds of thousands priests read aloud completely simultaneously invite the god incantation their blood essence and Magic Force pass just like the river water generally, the heads of many priest appeared quickly from the hair. 飞舟没有半点儿动静,因为现在东海军中还能动弹的士率没有几个但是那此祭司全部出手口十几万祭司同时念诵请神咒语他们的精血法力宛如河水一般流逝,很多祭司的头上很快出现了自头发。 Great quantity blood essence and Magic Force vanish blue thunder clouds of one group of water jar sizes to appear in a army sky in a Eastern Sea army sky slowly. 巨量的精血法力东海军阵的上空消失一团水缸大小的蓝色雷云冉冉在军阵上空出现。 Since broken army Star Monarch hissing of being in a towering rage roared is flying from underground straight soaring to the heavens he was just about to look for Huang Liang to do accounts that group of small common blue thunder clouds to erupt a terrifying loud sound that suddenly made broken army Star Monarch eardrum several burst. The baby fist thick or thin purple thunder from the thunder clouds chops together crazily, but under accurately hit the forehead of broken army Star Monarch. 怒气冲天的破军星君嘶声咆哮着从地下笔直的冲天飞起他正要找黄俍算账那一团小小的不起眼的蓝色雷云突然爆发出一声让破军星君耳膜都几手破裂的恐怖巨响。一道婴孩拳头粗细的紫色雷霆从雷云中狂劈而下准确的命中了破军星君的脑门。 In that say/way almost punctured blindly when the forehead also three cuns (2.5 cm) distances of lightning ray that presented everyone eyes after broken army Star Monarch Princess Zhang Le main sent first to curse solid bang on broken army Star Monarch. As a rending miserable beak sound shot up to the sky all disaster god supernatural powers that in disaster god golden body several disintegration golden bodies of Princess Zhang Le main congealment stored up to change into an invisible disaster god to curse seal on the chest of broken army Star Monarch. 就在那道几乎刺瞎了在场所有人双眼雷光距离破军星君的脑门还有三寸距离时鄣乐公主后发先至的诅咒已经结结实实的轰在了破军星君身上。随着一声撕心裂肺的惨喙声冲天而起鄣乐公主凝结的灾神金身几手崩解金身内储存的所有灾神神力化为一枚无形的灾神诅咒印在了破军星君的心口上。 Thunder hit broken army Star Monarch, the terrifying attack that this is Raymond extracts blood essence of hundreds of thousands Eastern Sea priests after Magic Force stimulates, the rich star light of broken army Star Monarch body surface was rumbled the armor that the pulpy star strength condenses to disintegrate just like the bean curd by a thunder same. The giant thunderstorm sound resounds the thunder to sway from side to side on the body of broken army Star Monarch unceasingly bounces, often erupts one group of glares that lets the person both eyes severe pain. 雷霆命中破军星君,这是雷蒙抽取十几万东海祭司的精血法力后激发的恐怖打击,破军星君体表的浓郁星光被一雷轰得稀烂身上星力凝聚的铠甲更是宛如豆腐块一样土崩瓦解。巨大的雷暴声不断响起雷霆在破军星君的身上扭动弹跳,不时爆发出一团让人双目剧痛的强光。 The disaster god cursed played the proper effect. Dozens groups assume the black and white two color thunder clouds when the top of the head that in broken army Star Monarch presented dozens first rank Taiyi to break through bottleneck stepped into Great Principle Realm has fearful Thunder Tribulation that simultaneously under the bang lightning ray solid pounding of black and white two color entanglements on the forehead of broken army Star Monarch. 灾神诅咒发挥了应有的功效。数十团呈黑白二色的雷云在破军星君的头顶出现数十道一品太乙冲破瓶颈踏入大罗境界时才有的可怕雷劫同时轰下黑白二色纠缠的雷光结结实实的砸在了破军星君的脑门上。 The dazzling electric light covered the world, the people saw a marvelous sight in that flash, the broken army Star Monarch flesh vanishes in the black and white two color electric lights, only then silver purple emits fierce beat of the skeleton of boundless glare in void to shiver. 刺目的电光笼罩了天地,众人在那一瞬间看到了一幕奇景,破军星君的血肉都在黑白二色电光中消失,只有一具银紫色放出无边强光的骨头架子在虚空中剧烈的跳动颤抖。 Nearby Greedy Wolf Star Monarch calls out in alarm one. Holds up the big fan not to wield toward broken army Star Monarch on Greedy Wolf Star Monarch to move layer on layer/heavily fortunately. Broken army Star Monarch Great Principle Thunder Tribulation spread rapidly the body of Greedy Wolf Star Monarch. In depressed thunderstorm sound. The space are also that many skeleton beat unceasingly twitches. 一旁的贪狼星君惊呼一声。举起大扇子就朝破军星君身上重重一挥不动还好贪狼星君一动。破军星君身上的大罗雷劫迅速蔓延到了贪狼星君的身上。沉闷的雷暴声中。天上又多了一副不断跳动抽搐的骨头架子。 Was just compressed one group of Wu Qi forcefully the dark clouds exploded Wu Qi to laugh to decide Sky Sword to sweep away suddenly from the slanting thorn loudly. Divided to by Greedy Wolf the neck of Star Monarch and broken army Star Monarch that the thunder shelled unable to move. At this moment if in dividing. Heavenly Court two big Star Monarch decide however Mo to fall Heavenly Court to worry to choose the right candidate to inherit the position of Star Monarch. 刚刚被强行压缩成一团的勿乞所化的黑云突然爆开勿乞放声大笑定天剑从斜刺里横扫而出。劈向了被雷霆轰击动弹不得的贪狼星君和破军星君的脖子。这一刻若是劈中。天庭两大星君定然陌落天庭又得犯愁去挑选合适的人选继承星君之位。 Seven kill Star Monarch to upbraid loudly, his figure flashed the Wu Qi body forward flight to draw out two fists to directly soar to decide the day to carve just like the meteor that two flew to shoot to hit. 七杀星君放声怒叱,他身形一闪到了勿乞身前飞起两拳宛如两颗飞射的流星直奔定天刻打去。 Greedy Wolf Star Monarch moves, just surrounded Ao Buzun and the others the black storm dissipation Ao Buzun very crack initiation god spears/guns toward seven to kill the Star Monarch back to select quietly: Grandson your grandfather holds your spear/gun 贪狼星君一动,刚刚困住敖不尊等人的黑色风暴悄然消散敖不尊挺起裂神枪就朝七杀星君后背挑了过去:“孙子耶你爷爷捅你一枪” Lord Xiansheng was in a silently halberd syncline thorn punctured. 显圣灵君则是悄无声息的一戟向斜刺里刺了过去。 Tittered , the broken empty halberd from seven killed behind Star Monarch to emit a halberd to open seven baseless to kill the Star Monarch armor, the big piece blood sprayed.! ~! 噗嗤,一声,破虚戟凭空从七杀星君背后冒出一戟挑开了七杀星君的铠甲,大片鲜血喷射了出来。!~! .
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