STH :: Volume #9

#900: ……

Chapter 900 fights Star Monarch( before dawn (3 - 5 am)) 第900章恶斗星君(第五更) Seven kill and breaks the army and Greedy Wolf three Star Monarch float before the Eastern Sea army, almost condensed mature qualitative killing intent to cover entire Eastern Sea army. The Eastern Sea officers are resisting the attack of this killing intent with hardship, candle of their spirit wisdom in just like storm, were possibly suppressed by this killing intent momentarily. 七杀、破军、贪狼三位星君悬浮在东海大军前,几乎凝聚成实质的杀意覆盖了整个东海军阵。东海将士苦苦的抵挡着这杀意的侵袭,他们的灵智宛如暴风雨中的一根蜡烛,随时都可能被这杀意扑灭。 Star Monarch of Heavenly Court subordinate, they are also cultivator that common every Human Cultivator refining up becomes, but after the cultivation has, is labeled as Star Monarch, can inherit correspondence the strength of that stars. At present these three Star Monarch, are the Heavenly Court seven dynasty old ministers, they have served seven Great Celestial Emperor, in Heavenly Court is the solid senior statesman high-ranking court official, the position is extremely high, authority to be extremely heavy. 天庭下属的星君,他们本身也就是寻常凡人修炼而成的修士,只是修炼有成后被封为星君,就能继承对应的那颗星辰的力量。眼前这三位星君,就是天庭的七朝老臣,他们已经侍奉了七任大天帝,在天庭是实实在在的元老重臣,地位极高、权柄极重。 Different with the Taiyi immortals who cultivate refining up painstakingly, these Star Monarch may have no view of magical skill Magic Force, what they represent is the natural law strength. When they are labeled as Star Monarch even is only the ordinary Heaven Immortal strength, once conferred an honorary title by imperial edict by Heavenly Court is Star Monarch, can gain the complete strength of that stars immediately. 和苦苦修炼的太乙仙人不同,这些星君可没有什么道行法力的说法,他们代表的是规则的力量。他们就算被封为星君时只是普通天仙的力量,一旦被天庭诰封为星君,就能立刻获取那颗星辰的全部力量。 When these stars are Pangu big 6 are epoch-making produce from the primordial chaos world, accumulated has the infinite star strength, corresponded certain day of Daoist magic of this Pangu world. The innumerable years, first generation also first generation Star Monarch no doubt has falling from the sky, but these stars main bodies are actually permanent ancient do not extinguish. 这些星辰都是盘古大六开天辟地时从鸿蒙世界中生成,蕴有无穷星力,更对应了这个盘古世界的某些天道法则。无数年来,一代一代星君固然有陨落者,但是这些星辰本体却是恒古不灭。 One such as kills broken wolf three Star Monarch, they represented the evil spirit chaos caused by war and sinister cunning and so on natural law, the innumerable years, three this life stars absorb Pangu unceasingly big 6 and in the bustling place world with the strength of it related faith, the strength of stars is more tyrannical, these three Star Monarch are also successively holds to kill in broken wolf Star Monarch most powerful three. 一如杀破狼三位星君,他们代表了凶煞战乱和阴险诡诈之类的规则,无数年来,三颗本命星辰不断吸收盘古大六和红尘世界中与之有关的信念之力,星辰之力越强横,这三位星君也是历任杀破狼星君中最为强大的三个。 At this moment they without any scruples releases aura of this life stars, strong killing intent almost at present this Eastern Sea army destruction. 此刻他们毫无顾忌的将本命星辰的气息释放出来,浓烈的杀意差点将眼前这支东海大军覆灭。 The Princess Zhang Le main reaction is extremely luckily quick, three Star Monarch appearances, she upbraids one to raise immediately nine ancient god golden bodies. Huge supernatural power aura tumbled was covering the entire Eastern Sea fleet, these spirit wisdom almost pinched out soldiers also relax, their distressed sitting on the ground, the whole body cold sweat same rolled just like the spring water. 幸好鄣乐公主反应极快,三位星君一出现,她立刻怒叱一声升起了九座古神金身。庞大的神力气息翻滚着覆盖了整个东海舰队,那些灵智差点被掐灭的士卒同时松了一口气,他们狼狈的坐在地上,浑身冷汗宛如泉水一样滚了下来。 After the Princess Zhang Le lord acts, these Eastern Sea priests also awaken finally, bone rune/symbol take out large bundle, their crumb bone symbol moved the assorted incantation law, the magic arts of various protection spirit impact stable souls protected the Eastern Sea soldiers. Had spirited morale magic arts in addition to hold on these soldiers, just stood up by the Eastern Sea soldiers who the malignant influences impact was nearly frightened the broken courage, eyes scarlet is roaring to shout curses loudly to three Star Monarch. 鄣乐公主出手后,那些东海祭司也终于醒悟过来,大把大把的骨符掏了出来,他们捏碎骨符动各色咒法,各种防护精神冲击稳固魂魄的法术护住了东海士卒。更有激昂士气的法术加持在了这些士卒身上,刚刚被煞气冲击差点儿被吓破肝胆的东海士卒纷纷站起,一个个双眼赤红的对着三位星君放声咆哮叫骂起来。 Does not know that is which Military Officer takes the lead, Eastern Sea soldiers gradual neat stamps to start, they hold up the left hand tower shield, the right hand weapon numerous rap shields, has the deafening bellow. All soldiers cried out with one voice kills, kills and kills, dreadful murderous aura gradually ferments the yeast in the Eastern Sea battlefield, changes into blood-color to fight the air/Qi to fill the air sky over the war. 不知道是哪位将领带头,东海的士卒逐渐的整齐的跺起脚,他们举起左手塔盾,右手兵器重重的敲击盾牌,出震耳欲聋的轰鸣声。所有士卒齐声呐喊‘杀、杀、杀’,滔天的杀气在东海战阵中逐渐酝酿酵,化为一片血色战气弥漫在战争上空。 However the frightening matter lived, killing intent in Eastern Sea soldiers heart is strong, in three Star Monarch the broken army, seven kill killing intent that on Star Monarch disperses are fearful. Princess Zhang Le main supernatural power aura gradually is unable to stop the killing intent attack that two Star Monarch disperse, the Princess Zhang Le main body to shiver slightly, suddenly her cheek one white, a mouth corner blood seeps out, the five main internal organs (entrails) had been shaken the wound by that fearful killing intent. 但是令人心惊的事情生了,东海士卒心中的杀意越是浓烈,三位星君中破军、七杀星君身上散出的杀意就越是可怕。渐渐的就连鄣乐公主的神力气息都无法阻拦那两位星君散出的杀意侵袭,鄣乐公主的身体微微颤抖着,突然她面皮一白,嘴角一丝鲜血渗出,五脏六腑都已经被那可怕的杀意震伤。 Wu Qi in great surprise, he supported Princess Zhang Le main to shout sternly: All Eastern Sea officers obey orders, put down the weapon, sits cross-legged to control one's breathing, the stable mind, cannot indulge in flights of fancy!” 勿乞大惊,他一把扶住了鄣乐公主厉声喝道:“所有东海将士听令,放下兵器,盘坐调息,稳固心神,不许胡思乱想!” Kills among broken wolf three Star Monarch Master to slaughter the matter of expedition, killing intent that the Eastern Sea soldiers disperse is stronger, their killing intent of life stars absorption are more, their strengths increase more are quicker. The Eastern Sea soldiers more shouted loudly loudly kill, kill and kill, this was equal to that is giving several Star Monarch to cheer. 杀破狼三位星君主人间厮杀征战之事,东海士卒散出的杀意越强,他们的本命星辰吸收的杀意就越多,他们的实力增加得就越快。东海士卒越是放声高呼‘杀、杀、杀’,这就等于在给几位星君加油助威啊。 However the order of Wu Qi one step, seven killed Star Monarch to have a long and loud cry late, loudly shouted suddenly: Kills!” 但是勿乞的命令还是晚了一步,七杀星君出一声长啸,骤然大喝道:“杀!” The shoulder weapon is preparing to rap in the Eastern Sea soldiers of shield 70% people along with seven to kill Star Monarch to bellow killing, the sudden and violent thunder common loud sound from their chest cavities, these soldiers the mouth spits the blood simultaneously, a lot of internal organs fragments spurted with their big roars. 手持兵器正准备敲击盾牌的东海士卒中过七成人伴随着七杀星君大吼了一声‘杀’,暴雷一般的巨响从他们胸腔中出,这些士卒同时口吐鲜血,大量内脏碎片随着他们的大吼声喷了出来。 Seven killed Star Monarch to control these soldiers murderous aura, with murderous aura to shake their injures them. 七杀星君控制了这些士卒身上的杀气,用他们自身的杀气震伤了他们。 Other 30% cultivation base high soldiers are also mouth and nose spurt the blood, staggers is sitting falls is unable to move to the ground. Compared with another 70% colleagues, their only advantage are can also open eyes reluctantly the speech. 其他30%修为较高的士卒也是口鼻喷血,踉跄着坐倒在地无法动弹。和另外70%同僚相比,他们唯一的好处就是还能勉强睁开眼说话罢了。 The Eastern Sea army who bellows almost Wu Qi catches the whole lot in a dragnet, Wu Qi and Eastern Sea Military Officer change countenance terrified, is this Heavenly Court Star Monarch strength? On behalf of seven killed and broke the army and Greedy Wolf three antique stars, wields the world to murder Star Monarch of matter of expedition, their different functions terrifying in this way! 一声大吼几乎将勿乞东海大军一网打尽,勿乞东海将领们悚然动容,这就是天庭星君的力量?代表了七杀、破军、贪狼三颗太古星辰,执掌人间杀伐征战之事的星君,他们的异能恐怖如斯! Princess Zhang Le main read aloud the incantation in a low voice, in four directions mountain forest the immeasurable chlorine hiked up slowly, changes into the green rainstorm that fragrance greeted the nostrils to sprinkle on the Eastern Sea army fleet. The soldiers on hand green filled life-force to be angry the spirit liquid package that their injury rapid restorations. Soldiers stable mind, no matter other things, revolution skill diligently absorbs Pangu Purple Qi therapy. Dense Purple Qi bound the entire Eastern Sea fleet, three Star Monarch strengths were also hard to affect the Eastern Sea soldiers in Purple Qi package again. 鄣乐公主低声念诵咒语,四方山林之中无量绿气冉冉飘起,化为馨香扑鼻的绿色暴雨洒在了东海大军舰队上。手上的士卒被绿色的充满了生机生气的灵液包裹,他们的伤势迅恢复。士卒们稳固心神,不管外界其他事情,努力的运转功法吸取盘古紫气疗伤。氤氲紫气裹住了整个东海舰队,三位星君的力量再也难以影响紫气包裹中的东海士卒。 Wu Qi nods secretly, the immortal strength of Pangu Purple Qi to immortal has extremely strong repel function, when these soldiers therapy Pangu Purple Qi that absorbs can resist the killing intent attacks of three Star Monarch unexpectedly effectively, this is the place that can use. 勿乞暗自点头,盘古紫气对仙人的仙力有极强的排斥作用,这些士卒疗伤时吸纳来的盘古紫气居然能有效的抵挡三位星君杀意侵袭,这是可以利用的地方。 He looked at Princess Zhang Le to advocate one, the Princess Zhang Le main understanding nod, she double handled gently rubs, fingertip point dazzling light projected, under Eastern Sea army land features moved loudly, a linearity such as Purple Qi of big dragon shot up to the sky, contained the entire Eastern Sea fleet in dragon mouth. 他望了鄣乐公主一眼,鄣乐公主会意点头,她双手轻揉,指尖点点荧光射出,东海军阵下方的一条地脉轰然动,一条形如巨龙的紫气冲天而起,将整个东海舰队含在了龙口中。 Kills the broken wolf three Star Monarch complexions changes, shaking the head that later they think otherwise, seven kill Star Monarch to say indifferently: Eastern Sea King leaves ranks to suffer to death. The my brother three people are upper boundary Star Monarch, cannot stay for a long time in this world of mortals, at the same time moistened the bustling place to be uncouth, polluted our immortal body Dharma Body.” 杀破狼三位星君脸色微变,随后他们不以为然的摇摇头,七杀星君淡然道:“东海王出列受死。我兄弟三人乃上界星君,不能在这下界久留,一面沾了红尘俗气,污染了我们仙体法身。” Wu Qi goes forward gradually, he stood in the flying boat bow, looks indifferently three Star Monarch said with a smile: Since came, do not walk. The world of mortals is actually very good, the fine scenery geomancy extremely good place everywhere is, three can choose a wind Water Dragon hole, little king can bury three scenery greatly!” 勿乞缓步上前,他站在了飞舟船头,冷眼看着三位星君笑道:“既然来了,就不要走了。下界其实很不错的,风景优美风水极佳的地方处处皆是,三位可以挑选一处风水龙穴,小王可以将三位风光大葬!” Greedy Wolf Star Monarch hears word laughs loudly, he shakes the head saying: Not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth, you are Great Yu only king nobility, how dare to bluster? Let you die to understand, today is the Great Celestial Emperor Ziwei Lingying under purport puts to death you to avenge a grievance for crown prince Bo Wangjun personally, you only blamed you to do should not the matter of doing, not doing to blame us being stingy.” 贪狼星君闻言放声大笑,他摇头道:“不知天高地厚,你不过是大虞区区一王爵,焉敢口出狂言?让你死个明白,今日是紫薇灵应大天帝亲自下旨要诛杀你为太子博望君报仇雪恨,你只怪你做了不该做的事情,休要怪我们心狠无情。” Wu Qi looks at three Star Monarch chins saying: And you too, three , if no other last words, little king must make a move!” 勿乞望着三位星君颔道:“彼此彼此,三位若是没有其他遗言,小王就要出手了!” Three Star Monarch laugh with one voice, in the laughter filled ridiculed jeers and disdains. 三位星君齐声大笑,笑声中充满了讥嘲和不屑。 In their ridicule sounds, the Wu Qi opens the mouth blowout blood gong centipede sword, blood glow punctured to broken army Star Monarch together face to face. 就在他们的讥笑声中,勿乞张口喷出血蜈剑,一道血光向破军星君当面刺了过去。 The broken army Star Monarch sinking sound shouted: „The bead of grain of rice also puts radiance, trivial Xiantian is Spiritual Artifact, what considered as?” 破军星君沉声喝道:“米粒之珠也放光华,区区先天灵器,算得什么?” In the upper air, the broken army star emits eye-catching rays of light, usually in the stars of bean size actually became also want compared with Sun today in a big way several, the silver light class/flow howled to fall from broken army star together, injected into broken army Star Monarch within the body directly. Silver raging tides spread from broken army Star Monarch, the ground is shivering, in the land appeared too deep to see the bottom the be continuous several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) fissure innumerably. 高空中,破军星放出夺目光芒,平日里不过豆子大小的星辰今日却变得比太阳还要大了好几圈,一道银色光流从破军星中呼啸落下,径直注入了破军星君体内。一圈圈银色狂潮从破军星君身边扩散开,地面在颤抖,大地上出现了无数深不见底绵延数万里的裂痕。 The body turned into the dazzling silver, broken army Star Monarch that the facial features cannot see clearly raises the right hand, held the blood gong centipede sword. 身体变成了刺目的银色,就连五官都看不清的破军星君举起右手,一把抓住了血蜈剑。 The sword light sways from side to side, is rubbing the right palm of broken army Star Monarch, leaves gratingly squeak squeak sound. However broken army Star Monarch obtains life stars star strength in addition to hold at this moment, his strength went to an unthinkable situation, how whatever the blood gong centipede sword struggles is unable to take off/escape his hand. 剑光扭动,摩擦着破军星君的右掌,出刺耳的‘吱吱’声。但是破军星君此刻得到本命星辰的星力加持,他的实力已经达到了一个匪夷所思的地步,任凭血蜈剑怎么挣扎也无法脱得他手。 Broken army Star Monarch sneers in a low voice, will laugh at Wu Qi to overreach oneself, in fierce not Ding's the sword light of blood gong centipede sword departed a seemingly ordinary whole body not to have the least bit rays of light long sword leisurely. Wu Qi will decide Sky Sword to hide in the sword of blood gong centipede sword light/only departed, almost before the broken army Star Monarch surface gate decided Sky Sword slowly to his forehead punctured. 破军星君低声冷笑,正要嗤笑勿乞不自量力,猛不丁的血蜈剑的剑光中慢条斯理的飞出了一柄看似普普通通浑身没有半点儿光芒的长剑。勿乞将定天剑藏在了血蜈剑的剑光中飞出,几乎就在破军星君的面门前定天剑慢悠悠的向他眉心刺了过去。 Deciding Sky Sword may decide the sidereal revolution stars, may decide the water hot dry wind, may decide the immeasurable space and time, decides Sky Sword one, the broken army Star Monarch whole body star strength stagnates suddenly, his whole body stiff looks decides Sky Sword sluggishly punctured to own forehead, the sword point gradually submerged his forehead, put on his skull. 定天剑可定周天星辰,可定地水火风,可定无量时空,定天剑一出,破军星君周身星力骤然凝滞,他浑身僵硬的看着定天剑慢吞吞的向自己的眉心刺了下来,剑尖逐渐的没入了他的眉心,扎穿了他的颅骨。 Must be cut moment that awfully kills in broken army Star Monarch by a Wu Qi sword, nearby Greedy Wolf Star Monarch cried loud and long, flew fist numerous hitting, in decided on the Sky Sword ridges. The strength of this fist is extremely scary, the terrifying strength hits decides the Sky Sword wail, the long sword changes into stream of light sharply to escape side Wu Qi. 就在破军星君要被勿乞一剑斩杀的要命关头,一旁的贪狼星君长啸一声,飞起一拳重重的打在了定天剑剑脊上。这一拳的力道极其骇人,恐怖的力量打得定天剑哀鸣不已,长剑化为一道流光急遁回勿乞身边。 Wu Qi is also Venus flashes at present randomly, the fist of Greedy Wolf Star Monarch must not have the natural justice simply, unexpectedly will decide Sky Sword freeze the time and space crushes thoroughly. This fist even crosses the strength that Wu Qi fleshly body strikes to have now full power, at all is not a normal immortal through the strength that cultivate can obtain. Wu Qi nourishes to decide Sky Sword by Divine Soul, the treasured sword and his Divine Soul are connected, the sword blade was hit hard naturally directly to affect Wu Qi. 勿乞也是眼前金星乱闪,贪狼星君的这一拳简直强得没有天理,居然将定天剑冻结的时间和空间彻底击碎。这一拳甚至过了勿乞如今肉身全力一击能拥有的力量,根本不是一个正常的仙人通过苦修能得到的力量。勿乞神魂滋养定天剑,宝剑和他神魂相连,剑身被重击自然直接影响到了勿乞 This is the Heavenly Court Star Monarch fearful mastery, their strengths not cultivation to come, but is the direct inheritance in their life stars. 这就是天庭星君的可怕底蕴,他们的力量并非自己修炼而来,而是直接传承于他们的本命星辰。 That is hanging the stars in void high, since permanent did they accumulate the strong strength? 那高高悬挂在虚空中的星辰,恒古以来他们积存了多强的力量? Coughed, Wu Qi withdrew slowly several steps. previous life Old Man Yuan Ling has not had to do with Heavenly Court Star Monarch, does not know that they have what kind of mastery, today looks like, this weaponry feared that was troublesome. Kills the broken wolf three Star Monarch magical skills probably is the Golden Immortal level, fearful strength that but they can wield actually, feared that will be ordinary Taiyi is killed by their fist. 咳嗽了一声,勿乞缓缓退后了几步。前世元灵老人从来没和天庭星君打过交道,也不知道他们到底有何等底蕴,今日看来,这场仗怕是麻烦了。杀破狼三位星君的道行大概就是金仙水准,但是他们实际能挥出的可怕战力,怕是普通太乙都会被他们一拳打杀。 Seven kill Star Monarch to compel to go forward several steps, the horizontal body kept off in front of broken army Star Monarch. He said to the Wu Qi chin with a smile: Good, unexpectedly the Chaotic Spirit treasure, the difference killed the broken army unexpectedly. Extraordinary, therefore our fraternity massacres all your subordinates completely, how otherwise to do right by bestowing of this sword?” 七杀星君逼上前几步,横身挡在了破军星君面前。他笑着对勿乞颔道:“不错,居然有一件混沌灵宝,居然差杀了破军。了不起,所以我们兄弟会将你所有属下全部杀掉,否则怎么对得起这一剑之赐?” Finishes barely the words, seven kill a Star Monarch simple fist to rumble to the Wu Qi surface gate. 话音未落,七杀星君简简单单的一拳向勿乞面门轰来。 Wu Qi coldly snorted, both hands blocked in the chest front and seven kill Star Monarch to bump hardly. 勿乞冷哼一声,双手拦在胸前和七杀星君硬碰了一记。 Void seven kill the star to blow out one group of glares suddenly, cannot the anti- great strength raid face to face, the Wu Qi both arms severe pain, a chest heat rises sweetly, a blood blowout far away, seven was killed a Star Monarch fist to waste. On his both arms a clear fist seal straight seal on the bone, the both arms almost lost only thinks. 虚空中七杀星骤然爆出一团强光,不可抗的巨力当面袭来,勿乞双臂剧痛,胸口一阵热涨甜,一口血喷出老远,被七杀星君一拳打飞。他双臂上一个清晰的拳印直印在了骨头上,双臂几乎失去了只觉。 Stubbornly stares at seven to kill Star Monarch, Wu Qi said sternly: Good hard fist, shoulder to shoulder on child!” 死死的盯着七杀星君,勿乞厉声道:“好硬的拳头,并肩子上!” Ao Buzun and the others could not have boiled the anger, hears word wields the weapon to cover to kill in abundance. ro 敖不尊等人早就熬不住肝火,闻言纷纷挥动兵器掩杀了上去。ro …… …… …… ……
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