STH :: Volume #9

#899: Archenemy attack

Pangu Continent is upward, on straight 33 dayscovers the main hall in bright light is supported forever by level stratus cloud li, Gold Dragon colorful phoenix circles to dance in the air regarding this main hall, pairs of white cranes hold Spirit Mushroom lithely is deep from main hall sky azure has flown slowly. Under the high and low tertiary main hall golden glazed tile in the bright light shines to reflect heavy/thick golden light, the scarlet red pillar and scarlet red wall appear dignity especially under contrast of golden light. 盘古大陆向上,直上三十三天”一座永远笼罩在明光中的大殿被层层云雳托住,金龙彩凤围绕着这座大殿盘旋飞舞,一对对白鹤衔着灵芝轻盈的从大殿上空青冥之中冉冉飞过。上下三重的大殿金色的琉璃瓦在明光照耀下反射出厚重的金光,赤红色的柱子和赤红色墙壁在金光的衬托下显得格外的威严。 Standing that the innumerable days will chin up and chest out cloud platform in main hall nearby 1080 on, nearby each cloud platform has 3600 groups of white class/flow cloud contacts to dance in the air, these classes more or less have 350 or 3500 gifted generals in the clouds stand. 无数天将昂首挺胸的侍立在大殿附近一千零八十座云台上,每一座云台附近都有三千六百团白色流云往来飞舞,那些流云中或多或少有三五十或者三五百的天兵天将侍立。 Before the main hall, is a spacious incomparable beautiful jade spreads[ broad] field, an extremely long jade step gradually extends from heavy/thick cloud Li, put through[ broad] before the field, is divided into nine jade stages. On each jade stage naturally also has the day of top helmet bunch armor to stand, on the jade stage of topmost level, the pair of wonderful shape man is standing there only, an eye passes golden light to take a fast look around to , the man who has the giant rush-leaf fan ear is inclining the head and listening attentively anything. 大殿前是一座宽大无比的美玉铺成的〖广〗场,一道极长的玉阶从厚重的云雳中逐渐延伸过来,接通了〖广〗场前分为九层的玉台。每一层玉台上自然也有顶盔束甲的天将侍立,唯独在最高层的玉台上,有一对奇形男子正站在那里,一个目透金光向下方扫视,一个有着巨大的蒲扇耳朵的男子则是侧耳倾听着什么。 Arranges in the dignified magnificent main hall, golden light Purple Qi covers six to wear the ruler robe color middle-aged man. 布置得庄严华丽的大殿内,金光紫气笼罩着六位身穿帝皇袍色的中年男子。 Center sits on the main hall end throne, the sky has Purple Qi together to hang, changes into round purple light the wheat flour man who he surrounds, is in this Heavenly Court Great Emperor extremely jade pivot shaft Great Celestial Emperor Ziwei Lingying. Takes a seat on throne both sides cloud platform, is Heavenly Court five side five governing Celestial Emperor. 正中坐在大殿尽头宝座上,上空有一道紫气直垂下来,化为一轮紫色光幢将他环绕在内的白面男子,正是这一任的天庭大帝中极玉枢紫薇灵应大天帝。在宝座两侧的云台上落座的,就是天庭的五方五御天帝 Six people are drooping the eyelid, carves the wooden embryo to look at center the main hall just like the mud generally round of revolving uncertain golden light. Misty golden light was divided into seven parts, demonstrated the sounds of Wu Qi Eastern Sea seven big regiments exactly. When a man of that five taboo clans inflates suddenly blasts out, the mountain ridge of that several hundred li (0.5 km) surrounding area damages a big hole time, Great Celestial Emperor Ziwei Lingying suddenly gently snort/hum. 六个人都耷拉着眼皮,宛如泥雕木胎一般望着大殿正中一轮旋转不定的金光。蒙蒙金光分成了七个部分,恰恰将勿乞东海七大军团的动静显示了出来。当那五个禁忌一族的男子突然膨胀炸开,将那数百里方圆的山岭祸害成一个大坑的时候,紫薇灵应大天帝突然轻轻的哼了一声。 One crowd of waste, white support their so many years!”, complexion fair just like suet beautiful jade, lived an excellent hanging chest long coward, beautiful must the faint trace ventilate and reveal meat really artistic Great Celestial Emperor to plunder to ruthlessly lightly steadily, light saying: „Does sovereign brother have what opinion?” “一群废物,白养了他们这么多年!”,面色白皙宛如羊脂美玉,生了一部极好的垂胸长孱,美须丝丝透风、狠狠露肉煞是美观的大天帝轻掠了一下长须,淡淡的说道:“诸位皇兄有何见解?” Five side five governing Celestial Emperor looked at one mutually, wears the Great Emperor Little Dipper scarlet emperor of red sovereign robe to say indifferently: Tinea small trouble no wound general situation. ” 五方五御天帝相互看了一眼,身穿赤色皇袍的南斗大帝赤帝淡然道:“癣疥小患”无伤大局。” In main hall silent long time, Great Celestial Emperor Ziwei Lingying smiles suddenly, shakes the head to sigh: Is only the cheek does not hang, after all is my family/home crown princes takes to make that deal, in Dao Sect actually unmanned gua chirp, feared that in the future will be used to argue by that group of bald people, my face is unattractive!”, Five side five governing Celestial Emperor looked at one again mutually, the Great Emperor Little Dipper scarlet emperor led first: That, according to your majesty word how?”, The Great Celestial Emperor Ziwei Lingying hesitation moment, he said with a smile lightly: Can strike the igniters causes heavy losses, although by besieging to consume igniters many strengths, this Eastern Sea King but actually also somewhat method, some abilities. Cannot make him feel that my Heavenly Court is incompetent! After previous world heavy tribulation, my Heavenly Court concealed one's abilities and bided one's time to save good so many can the feudal official, how could to make a young child in me and other dissolute.”, Is the Great Emperor Little Dipper scarlet emperor says with a smile as before: So, good. In brief Eastern Sea King killed Bo Wangjun, had this to borrow.” How even if my Heavenly Court launches an attack his Great Yu only to be able then. Only Eastern Sea King, does not have the wound in the general situation, extinguishing killed is. ” 大殿内沉默良久,紫薇灵应大天帝突然抿嘴一笑,摇头叹道:“只是面皮挂不过,毕竟是吾家太子拿出去做那勾当,道门中倒是无人呱噪,就怕日后被那群秃子拿来说事,吾这脸面不好看!”,五方五御天帝再次相互望了一眼,南斗大帝赤帝领首道:“那,依陛下之言如何?”,紫薇灵应大天帝沉吟片刻,他轻笑道:“能一击将火具重创,虽然是靠围攻消耗了火具不少力气,这东海王倒也有几分手段,有些能耐。不能让他觉得我天庭无能啊!自上一次天地重劫之后,我天庭韬光养晦积蓄了这么多良将能臣,岂能让一小儿于我等面前放肆。”,依旧是南斗大帝赤帝笑道:“如此,也好。总之东海王杀了博望君,有了这借。”就算我天庭如何发难他大虞都只能接着。区区一东海王,于大局无伤,灭杀了就是。” The one side wears the white robe, Great Emperor Big Dipper dry asking that face Death Qi heavy whole body cold wind surrounds: Whom sends to go?” 一旁身穿白袍,一脸死气沉沉浑身阴风环绕的北斗大帝干巴巴的问道:“派谁去?” Six emperors looked at oneother five to aim at Great Emperor Big Dipper mutually simultaneously. Great Emperor Little Dipper said with a smile: Under sovereign brother numerous strong competitors good are the sovereign brother will naturally select thoroughly 35 experts to act like rain are. Only kills Eastern Sea King, other motionless people are, fast returns at once, do not get the handle. ”, Said handle, two characters, six Celestial Emperor looked up the day hua board of top of the head main hall they to look at one simultaneously mutually, circled the tacit understanding mutual nods. The Great Emperor Big Dipper hesitation moment, waves saying: Where seven kill Star Monarch, broken army Star Monarch and Greedy Wolf Star Monarch, fast world of mortals one ultra, puts to death Eastern Sea King to take its soul to give the command. Sun and moon two Star Monarch aid after stop the Eastern Sea pursuing troops, actually may not kill in excess. ”, In the main hall the star light is suddenly abundant, five acknowledge to transmit, in the upper air the big stars of five rays of light circulations emit the eye-catching glare suddenly, later five extremely thin star light fly to shoot to Pangu Continent from the upper air rapidly. Three have the star light that the sharp star glow surrounds all over the body before, two waves of stars great distances of red white two rays of light dazzling starsaround when are hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km), flight the star strength that has surges also to make Zhou Tianxing look like changes slightly. 六位帝君相互看了一眼”其他五位同时指向了北斗大帝南斗大帝笑道:“皇兄麾下高手如云良将如雨”自然是皇兄挑透三五高手出手就是。只杀东海王,不动其他人就是,速去速回,不要给人抓住了把柄。”,说道“把柄,二字,六位天帝同时抬头望了望头顶大殿的天hua板”他们相互望了一眼,绕有默契的相互点了点头。北斗大帝沉吟片刻,挥手道:“七杀星君、破军星君贪狼星君何在,速速下界一超,诛杀东海王取其魂魄缴令。太阳、太阴两位星君于后接应”阻拦东海追兵,却不可杀伤过甚。”,大殿内星光骤盛,五声应诺传来,高空之中五颗光芒流转的大星骤然放出夺目强光,随后五线极细的星光从高空中急速向盘古大陆飞射而来。三颗通体有尖锐星芒环绕的星光在前,一红一白两颗光芒刺目的星辰在后”前后两波星辰相隔有数十万里,飞行之时带起的星力激荡令得周天星象都随之微微变化。 Eastern Sea hits in the peaceful regiment, is standing to win the political place ship observation post to pitch up happily Gui Guzi and Zhang Yi of masters and disciples stargazing shape oneGui Guzi knits the brows: Day star world of mortals? Unexpectedly kills the broken wolf one and sends out? Hey, is this art? Has, has!” 东海打泰军团中,正站喜赢政座舰瞭望台上仰观星象的鬼谷子张仪师徒一愣”鬼谷子皱眉道:“天星下界?居然还是杀破狼一并出动?嘿,这是怎么个讲究?有起,有起!” The backhand extracts a with You Xiong Plain several hundreds of millions years of climate a peach wooden sword of old peach wooden core of wood manufacture, sprinkles next the divining by the eight diagrams carapace that the western Hailong turtle scale is made, Gui Guzi foot treads Yu step, the figure coy beat. The peach wooden sword punctures generally again and again in the air just like scribblings, gradually star light condenses on the sword point. 反手抽出一柄用有熊原数亿年气候的一株老桃木的木心制造的桃木剑,洒下一把用西海龙龟鳞片制成的卜卦龟甲,鬼谷子脚踏禹步,身形扭扭捏捏的跳动起来。桃木剑宛如鬼画符一般在空气中连连刺动,逐渐有一丝星光在剑尖上凝聚。 Read aloud the ancient incantation, on the Gui Guzi face is passing blushing that one share is having one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing, he trod * the spreading qi, hand getting up locates Ghost Deity to alarm, the sword wielding place stars swayed. After Gui Guzi that seemingly acts like a madman one acts, sidereal revolution stars suddenly one bright. 念诵着古老的咒语,鬼谷子脸上透着一股子见猎心喜的红晕,他踏*布气,手起处鬼神惊动,剑挥处星辰摇晃。看似疯疯癫癫的鬼谷子一番施为后,周天星辰骤然一亮。 Seven killed and breaks the army and Greedy Wolf three suddenly to present the single layer to the Star Monarch front that Pangu Continent grazed rapidly thoroughly the light screen comprised of the immeasurable star light, three Star Monarch were caught off guard to hit on the light screen, in loud sound sound three people quite distressed was hit flew upside down several tens of thousands li (0.5 km). Solemn three Star Monarch have a dream has not thought, unexpectedly some people can detect their actions through the change of day star, and strength of use sidereal revolution stars obstructs them to go to Pangu Continent. 七杀、破军、贪狼三位正在向盘古大陆急速飞掠的星君前方突然出现了一重绵绵密密由无量星光组成的光幕,三位星君措手不及一头撞在了光幕上,巨响声中三人好生狼狈的被撞得倒飞了数万里。堂堂三位星君做梦都没想到,居然有人能够通过天星的变化察觉他们的行动,并且动用周天星辰之力阻挠他们前往盘古大陆 Three big Star Monarch are almost mad has not spat blood, particularly the behind moon Sun two Star Monarch artificial screams are make ominous illustrious three Star Monarch be in a towering rage intentionally. They face upward roar to say crazily: Receives and other life star strength, otherwise another day some and other paid a visit!” 三大星君气得差点没吐血,尤其是身后太阴太阳两位星君故意做作的惊呼声更是让凶名赫赫的三位星君怒气冲天。他们仰天狂咆道:“收起尔等本命星力,否则他日某等一一登门拜访!” Gui Guzi trembles crawls, air/Qi clenches teeth: „ Scoundrel, the rascal, the old man and others sparred, why makes this and other shameless methods? Unexpectedly received Zhou Tianxing light/only, this, this...... ,唰,的一下,周天星辰光芒骤然黯淡,正在跳着禹步施展手段和杀破狼三位为难的鬼谷子一脚踏空,身体狼狈的向前倾斜,一脑门磕在了瞭望台的栏杆上。鬼谷子哆哆嗦嗦的爬起来,气得直咬牙:“混账,无赖,老夫和尔等斗法,为何做这等无耻手段?居然收了周天星光,这,这…… Picks up must steadily, Gui Guzi sincere said to the Zhang Yi lesson of standing in attendance: In the person battle with Heavenly Court, the technique of this star chart was useless, the strength of sidereal revolution stars performed, in they grasped. Do not cope with them, can only use the strength of land features. With land features to the stars, this Pangu Continent the strength of land features, if can all transfer, hehe, what sidereal revolution Star Monarch was considered as?” 拈着长须,鬼谷子语重心长的对侍立一旁的张仪教训道:“和天庭中人争斗,这星象之术是没用了,周天星辰之力尽在他们掌握中。唔,要对付他们,只能动用地脉之力。以地脉对星辰,这盘古大陆的地脉之力若是能够全部调动起来,嘿嘿,周天星君又算得了什么?” Arrogant Gui Guzi receives the peach wooden sword, clenches teeth to look at the starry sky to make a determined effort saying: Today drove the face countenance of old man, another day the old man has the generous reward!” 傲气十足的鬼谷子收起桃木剑,咬牙望着星空发狠道:“今日驶了老夫的颜面,他日老夫定有厚报!” Kills in front of broken wolf three Star Monarch the light screen comprised of the star light to explode everywhere fluttering fireflies to dissipate, distressed three Star Monarch you have a look at me, I have a look at you, simultaneously cursed one , to continue to harness the escaping light to fly to shoot to go to Pangu Continent. Their cheeks blush slightly, clenching jaws only waited butchering that Great Yu Eastern Sea King, but must discover that rashly with their awkward people, tidied up his well. 杀破狼三位星君面前由星光组成的光幕炸成漫天流萤消散,略带狼狈的三位星君你看看我,我看看你,同时咒骂了一声,继续驾起遁光向盘古大陆飞射而去。他们的面皮微微发红,咬牙切齿的只等将那大虞东海王给宰了,还一定要找出那个胆大妄为和他们为难的人,好好的收拾他一顿。 Simply is a scoundrel, what cultivation is sidereal revolution stars magic arts, unexpectedly dares not to revere to three Star Monarch of the world of mortals, which rogue cultivator has such big courage and Star Monarch is awkward? These rogue cultivator and powder immortal everything must arrange various spell formation, to cultivate various magic arts, those must borrow the strength of stars, which is not respectful to Heavenly Court Star Monarch, some do meeting year enmity a lot of sacrificial offerings offer? 简直就是混账,修炼的是周天星辰一路的法术,居然敢对下界的三位星君不尊,哪位散修有这么大的胆子和星君为难?那些散修、散仙凡是要布置各种阵法、修炼各种法术,凡是要借用星辰之力的,哪个不是对天庭各位星君恭恭敬敬的,逢年过节都有大量祭品献上? Today unexpectedly has the rash people and three Star Monarch disturbs, this is to revolt simply! 今天居然有胆大妄为之徒和三位星君捣乱,这简直就是要造反嘛! The tooth bites ka-beng the sound, three Star Monarch wicked looked at one to just the source direction of that star strength strange change together, then the direction of army flies to shoot to go to the Eastern Sea army that Wu Qi is at rapidly. They find it very strange, during they are also located in the foreign country to be void, makes extremely far from Pangu Continent, the exceedingly high priests who even if these of Great Yu Directorate of Celestial stargazing palace study the star chart specially are impossible to discover that their whereabouts, why some people do use the magic arts to obstruct their advances? 牙齿咬得嘎嘣响,三位星君恶狠狠的向刚刚那一道星力诡异变化的源头方向望了一眼,然后急速向勿乞所在的东海军中军的方向飞射而去。他们觉得很是奇怪,他们还位于外域虚空之中,距离盘古大陆极其造远,就算是大虞司天殿观星殿的那些专门研究星象的通天祭司都不可能发现他们的行踪,为何就有人施展法术阻挠他们的前进? Difficult to be inadequate in the middle of the Pangu Continent rogue cultivator loose immortal, wise person in this way? 难不成盘古大陆散修散仙当中,还有高明如斯的人? Has the doubts of full belly, three Star Monarch and following moon Sun two Star Monarch one and restrained own aura, covered own whereabouts with the aid of the shield of everywhere star light, approaches to Pangu Continent rapidly. This, the Gui Guzi masters and disciples can only discover in reluctantly the star light hid certain ominous existences, but is unable to look through five world of mortals Star Monarch trends again. 带着满肚皮的疑惑,三位星君和后面的太阴太阳两位星君一并收敛了自己的气息,借助漫天星光的掩护掩盖了自己的行迹,急速向盘古大陆逼近。这一下,就连鬼谷子师徒都只能勉勉强强发现星光中隐藏了某些不祥的存在,但是再也无法看破五位下界星君的动向。 The hesitation moment, the Gui Guzi sinking ping said: Zhang Yi, fast gets down this matter circular, Star Monarch world of mortals but actually, what world of mortals is kills broken wolf these three to kill the embryo, feared that is the purpose in coming is bad, fast your majesty and Eastern Sea King as well as other rulers and ministers knows this matter!” 沉吟片刻,鬼谷子沉乒道:“张仪,速速将这事情通传下去,星君下界倒也罢了,下界的是杀破狼这三位杀胚,怕是来意不善,速速着陛下和东海王以及其他各国君臣知晓此事!” Zhang Yi complied with one, quickly drew back. 张仪应了一声,急忙退了下去。 Wu Qi place shipboard, Wu Qi has ordered the Eastern Sea flying boat to return to Eastern Sea, simultaneously the person matter that has here circular six ** group. He ordered to want six ** the group returned to Eastern Sea, simultaneously took six country rulers and ministers to guard against itself carefully, took strict precautions against an incantation of taboo clan to kill. This type invisible goes to the no shadow incantation to kill measures extremely strangely not, the lethality is also much stronger, if six country rulers and ministers some people are damaged, Wu Qi will be grieved. 勿乞的座舰上,勿乞已经下令东海飞舟返回东海,同时着人将这里发生的事情通传六**团。他下令要六**团返回东海,同时要六国君臣小心防范自身,严防禁忌一族的咒杀。这种来无形去无影的咒杀极其诡异莫测,杀伤力却又强得惊人,若是六国君臣有人受损,勿乞可是会心痛的。 The enormous and powerful flying boat brigade is returning to the West, led the way the less than half double-hour, void sudden three silver color break-ups. 浩浩荡荡的飞舟大队正在向西方返回,前行了不过小半个时辰,虚空中突然三线银光闪过。 In the loud sound sound, Wu Qi kisses/intimate the graceful regiment vanguard three jade armor feast turtle flying boats to break off around the middle, sharp such as the silver star light of blade sweeps across the four directions, the big flying boat was twisted the smashing by the star light, the flying boat gets up ten thousand soldiers miserable howling sounds not to exude one to be evaporated by the immeasurable star light. 巨响声中,勿乞亲帅的军团前锋三条玉甲宴龟飞舟拦腰折断,锋利如刀的银色星光席卷四方,偌大的飞舟被星光绞成粉碎,飞舟上过万士卒惨嚎声都没发出一声就被无量星光蒸发。 Three whole body combustion responsibility purple azure star light roaring flame, wore the person's shadow of wonderful shape armor to block before flying boat. 三尊周身燃烧责紫青色星光烈焰,身穿奇形铠甲的人影拦在了飞舟阵前。 An ice-cold brutal sound resounds: Great Yu Eastern Sea King? Comes up to suffer to death!”! ~! 一个冰冷无情的声音响起:“大虞东海王?上来受死!”!~! .
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