STH :: Volume #9

#898: A taboo clan

Brings malevolent winds. From in the air do not dash to ask. After asking for the fire Wu been stranded cold light cover, Wu Qi took advantage of opportunity to the igniters came one ruthlessly. He has not used what divine ability Magic Force, was depends Dao Breaking Realm Divine Consciousness of huge Divine Consciousness to igniters to rumble hardly. 带起一阵恶风。勿个从空中飞奔而讨。经讨火吴被困的寒光罩时,勿乞顺势给火具来了一下狠的。他也没动用什么神通法力,就是仗着自己破道境的庞大神识对火具的神识硬轰了一记。 Invisible Divine Consciousness has rumbled, cold light cover smashing. Is grasping long spear in the igniters body that the cold light cover civil strife punctures suddenly one stiffly, his Divine Consciousness seems under the roller small soybean to be ground equally pulpy, teaches not to revere and other crowd of Demon to invade, impolite ripped more than ten to swallow into the abdomen the igniters. fleshly body of eighth rank Taiyi, each drop of blood essence is the energy that several tens of thousands years of cultivate can result in comes crystallizes, each meat makes up greatly. Wrong non- Ao Buzun they are cultivation base of Taiyi. This flesh getting down common person has exploded the body to perish. 无形神识轰过,寒光罩粉碎。正手持长枪寒光罩内乱刺的火具身体骤然一僵,他的神识好似碾路机下面的小黄豆一样被碾成稀烂,教不尊等一群妖魔蜂拥而上,一点都不客气的将火具撕成十几块吞入了腹中。八品太乙的肉身,每一滴精血都是数万年苦修才能得来的能量结晶,每一块肉都是大补啊。错非敖不尊他们都是太乙的修为。这一口血肉下去寻常人早就爆体而亡。 Can change into small Azure Dragon long spear as for that , was taught not to revere with Lord Xiansheng compels not to dare to move forcefully. Sneaks a look long time Xiang Yu to rush in the one side suddenly. Threw down in oneself hand long spear, a tail that held small Azure Dragon shakes layer on layer/heavily: Clever child, some good words of pleasant to hear!” 至于那柄会化为小青龙长枪,则是被教不尊和显圣灵君强行逼得不敢动弹。在一旁窥觑良久的项羽突然冲上去。丢下了自己手上长枪,一把抓住了小青龙的尾巴重重一抖:“乖孩子,好好听某的话罢!” Hissing long and loud cry of small Azure Dragon on Xiang Yu. He was the igniters consumes the innumerable times with the life Taiyi Immortal Artifact that oneself Nascent Divinity blood essence refine, the igniters body fell [soul destroyed / terror-stricken], if small Azure Dragon seized the chance to flee, he was worry-free free Taiyi rogue cultivator, his where is willing to be Xiang Yu controls again? However the Xiang Yu strength is big, he had by the cracking god spear/gun a moment ago causes heavy losses, where for a while can struggle? 青龙项羽手上嘶声长啸。他是火具耗费了无数功夫用自身元神精血炼成的本命太乙仙器,火具身陨魂飞魄散,小青龙若是趁机遁走,他就是一个无忧无虑自由自在的太乙散修,他哪里肯再为项羽所控制?但是项羽力大,他刚才有被裂神枪重创,一时哪里挣扎得动? Just flew past Wu Qi then to stare this long spear one ruthlessly, Wu Qi shouted sternly: Not, since, death!” 刚刚飞过去的勿乞又回头狠狠的瞪了这长枪一眼,勿乞厉声喝道:“不从,死!” Huge Divine Consciousness changed into a invisible sharp sword to arrive on the neck of small Azure Dragon, exquisite dragon body stiff, fearsome killing intent almost froze this long spear Tool Spirit suddenly, almost did not have his spirit wisdom direct obliterate. Saw that azure light flashes, lying down of one zhang (3.33 m) two chi (0.33 m) all over the body azure long spear little darling in the Xiang Yu bosom. 庞大的神识化为一柄无形利剑抵在了小青龙的脖子上,小巧的龙体骤然一僵,可怖的杀意几乎冻结了这长枪器灵,差点没把他的灵智直接抹杀。就看到青光一闪,一条一丈二尺长通体青色长枪乖乖的躺在了项羽怀中。 Xiang Yu dances with joy, his breaking by biting tongue this will assign blood essence to spurt together on long spear, saw that the azure rifle stock attracted this blood together, azure long spear gradually took an extremely thin bruise. Wu Qi daunted this long spear Tool Spirit, so long as Xiang Yu slowly nourishes with its blood essence Origin Energy with patient and persistent work, sooner or later one day can also refine him for this life almighty troops. Must come a formation Taiyi Immortal Artifact, Xiang Yu this small advantage to be possible baseless to occupy in a big way. 项羽高兴得手舞足蹈,他咬破舌头将一道本命精血喷在了长枪上,就看到青色的枪杆将这一道血吸了进去,原本青色的长枪逐渐带上了一层极细的血晕。勿乞吓住了这长枪器灵,只要项羽慢慢的用水磨工夫用本身精血元气滋养,迟早有一天也能将他炼为本命神兵。凭空得来一件成型的太乙仙器,项羽这个便宜可就占得大了。 Nearby Yuan Qing and Hu Hai envy quickly spit blood. However they do not excel with the spear/gun , can only look at Xiang Yu to occupy this greatly cheaply. 一旁的猿青胡亥嫉妒得快吐血。但是他们都不擅长用枪,也只能看着项羽占了这个大便宜。 Wu Qi cried loud and long, he one step took several tens of thousands li (0.5 km), instantaneously to that five person behind that wore black cape stampede. The five fingers in void wield, black rune of five fist sizes leads the dense ghost air/Qi the blowout, changed into ghost of fierce distortion to fly high to inject that five people of back of the body. Five people of bodies one stiff cannot move again, a Wu Qi move, was involved in five people the sleeve conveniently. 勿乞长啸一声,他一步迈出数万里地,瞬间到了那五个身穿黑色斗篷狼狈逃窜的人身后。五指在虚空一挥,五枚拳头大小的黑色符文带着森森鬼气喷出,化为狰狞扭曲的鬼头凌空射入了那五人的后心。五人身体一僵再也动弹不得,勿乞随手一招,将五人卷入了袖子里。 Divine Consciousness sweeps these five almost to make Wu Qi eat the huge owing odd person, a Wu Qi cannot help but astonishment. The incantation laws of these people are so tyrannical, however their cultivation base were inferior to cultivator of Gold Core period unexpectedly, except for relative average man quite powerful Divine Consciousness, their simply is ordinary mortal one. 神识扫过这五个差点让勿乞吃天大一个亏的怪人,勿乞不由得一阵惊愕。这几个人的咒法如此强横,但是他们的修为居然连金丹期的修士都不如,除了相对常人比较强大的神识,他们根本就是普通凡人一个。 gloomy the face is returning to the place shipboard, the Wu Qi sleeve puts, five heights only in his shoulder nearby black clothed man distressed fell place. One group of cruel Eastern Sea soldiers threw, pulls their raincapes crushes, five shapes such as Malaysian monkey, all over the body high and low, only then the wonderful shape man of 35 person taste appears before the people. These five people look the color of being frightened slightly, the whole body is trembling, but they were imprisoned with immemorial rune by Wu Qi, by Wu Qi cultivation base, even if the first rank Taiyi is hard to work loose his method, let alone is five average people. 阴沉着脸回到座舰上,勿乞袖子一放,五个身高只在他肩膀附近的黑衣人狼狈的摔了一地。一群如狼似虎的东海士卒扑了上去,将他们的斗蓬扯得粉碎,五个形如大马猴,通体上下只有三五分人味的奇形男子出现在众人面前。这五个人面露惊惶之色,浑身都在微微的哆嗦着,但是他们被勿乞用太古符文禁锢住,以勿乞修为就算是一品太乙都难以挣脱他的手段,何况是五个普通人。 Yue who hears the news to catch up with lord gloomy the face is being the Wu Qi inspection physical state. Five kind light project from her fingertip, swept on the body of Wu Qi carefully several rounds. Wu Qi cultivation base is luckily astonishing, although the incantation technique became a big injury to other party, but the incantation technique yellow was commanded the army to break promptly very much, the Wu Qi foundation is not damaged, but injured part of Origin Energy, training several days can restore such as beginning. 闻讯赶来的都乐公主阴沉着脸为勿乞检查身体情况。五色样光从她指尖射出,在勿乞的身上仔细的扫了好几轮。幸好勿乞修为惊人,咒术虽然对他造成了不小的伤害,可是咒术及时被黄很统领大军打破,勿乞的根基并无受损,只是伤损了一部分元气,修养几天就能恢复如初。 Pulls out maintaining life Spirit Pill that produces from the Yuan Ling/Origin Spirit quiet boundary forces in the Wu Qi mouth, Yue zhu has turned around to yellow to commend very much: Does well, yellow, this time calculates your great merit one. Does not go back Eastern Sea, this palace chooses several to have the appearance to have the good female of talent from six country imperial clans to marry in you.” Guo Legong lord is also in the heart a lingering fear, just got the physical exam of Wu Qi, if not yellow ordered no difference attack to break the incantation techniques of these odd people very much promptly, feared that was Wu Qi had received the extremely serious injury, even if not perish, at least will still need the Great Tribulation level the time to raise the injury. 掏出一颗出产自元灵幽境的保命灵丹塞进勿乞嘴里,都乐公主转过身对黄很赞许道:“做得不错,黄很,这次算你大功一件。唔,回去东海,本宫从六国宗室中挑选几个有貌有才的好女子婚配于你。”郭乐公主也是心中一阵后怕,刚刚检查勿乞的身体,若非黄很及时下令无差别攻击打断了这几个怪人的咒术,怕是勿乞已经受到了极其惨重的伤害,就算不会殒命,起码也需要量劫级的时间将养伤势。 Therefore Guo Legong initiative the thoughts wanted the generous recompense yellow, gives him to introduce how many imperial clan females marry, is this also makes the yellow personal interest become a body with Eastern Sea very much thoroughly is not? 所以郭乐公主动了心思要重赏黄很,给他介绍几个宗室女子婚配,这也是让黄很的个人利益彻底和东海结为一体不是? Yellow one hear of Yue zhu words, his saliva drips down very much quickly, being too busy apologized to Guo Legong to advocate. The females in six country imperial clans all are the peony great beauties. Wu Qi that 90,000 wait on concubine's matter one, yellow was false they to envy two to send green. Now Princess Le chooses the appearance to have the female marriage of talent for him personally, that moral behavior and can that beauty have the mistake? 黄很一听都乐公主的话,他的口水都快滴了下来,忙不迭的谢过了郭乐公主。六国宗室的女子个个都是天香国色的大美人。勿乞那九万侍妾的事情一出,黄假他们早就羡慕得两眼发绿。如今都乐公主亲自为他挑选有貌有才的女子婚配,那人品、那美色还能有错么? Yellow very delighted laughs foolishly there, looks at other Eastern Sea Military Officer is an intermittent heart movement, evidently, this must set up the merit trip! 黄很眉飞色舞的在那里傻笑,看得其他东海将领都是一阵阵的心动,看样子,这还得多立功劳此行啊! Rewarded this time established in a big way 奖赏了这次立下大 Yellow false. Suburb Yue gui clenches teeth to look that to lay down in the place, five Malaysian monkeys of unable to move. Person. Wu Qi is also frowning to look at these people. His four these people have no impression actually, previous life Old Man Yuan Ling inherited Stealing Scripture that rat, the level that they survive is too high, these Malaysian monkey ordinary people and they will not have anything to happen together, will not naturally have about their memories. 的黄假。郊乐公圭咬牙看向了躺在地,动弹不得的五个大马猴。般的人。勿乞也皱着眉头看着这些人。他倒是肆这些人没什么印象,无论是前世元灵老人还是传承了盗得经的那白老鼠,他们生存的层次太高,这几个大马猴一般的人和他们不会有什么交集,自然也不会有关于他们的记忆。 Le Mouzhu sneered suddenly, she leads first: Good Heavenly Court, to gather to raise bloodlines of taboo clan unexpectedly secretly.” 都乐牟主突然冷笑了起来,她领首道:“好一个天庭,居然将禁忌一族的血脉偷偷蓄养了起来。” Wu Qi and teaches not to revere and the others to look at Yue zhu curiously, does not know that this taboo clan is what meaning. However yellow is the brow selects very much, nod looking pensive said: „A taboo clan? When end will not just join the Haizhou army in the past, receives for three years to train in Zhong Province, as if remembers a matter about taboo clan.” Was crooked the head to think the period of time, yellow clapped to say with a smile very much suddenly: Was, a taboo clan, this is nowadays Great Yu in the ancestors who the secret chased down!” 勿乞和教不尊等人都好奇的看着都乐公主,不知道这禁忌一族是什么意思。但是黄很则是眉头一挑,若有所思的点头道:“禁忌一族?唔,末将当年刚刚加入海州军队时,在中州受过三年训练,似乎记得有关于禁忌一族的事情。”歪着脑袋想了好一阵子,黄很突然拍手笑道:“是了,禁忌一族,这是现如今大虞都在秘密追杀的族裔嘛!” Wu Qi white yellow false, very obviously this boy in the past when Zhong Province conducted the recruit blew practices the result is not unqualified, a taboo clan chased down matter, should as secret computer] visited } asks *. when the o military order when the recruit enlists confesses clearly, the yellow false remembers slurred to this matter, really does not know how he mixed in the Haizhou army five in the past. 勿乞白了黄假一眼,很显然这厮当年在中州进行新兵刮练的时候成绩不合格,禁忌一族被追杀的事情,应该是作为秘密电脑]访}问*。o的军令在新兵入伍时就交代清楚的,黄假对这事情记得模糊不清,真不知道他当年怎么混入海州军伍的。 Yue zhu in the one side explained that an origin of taboo clan, Wu Qi then understands oneself this time suffered big, experienced many risks. 都乐公主在一旁解释禁忌一族的来历,勿乞这才明白自己这次是吃了多大的亏,经历了多少风险。 When antiquity, Great Yu had Wu Xian and witch Zhang and other renowned priest ancestors, before Great Yu had not been established, Wu Xian and witch Peng and other families are equal to effect of present Directorate of Celestial on Great Yu. Various antiquity ominous root wicked incantation assassin sections were Wu Xian and witch Peng and other families were used to cope with various Demon ghost protection newborn period Human Clan sharp weapons. 上古之时,大虞巫咸、巫彰等著名的祭司族裔,在大虞还没成立之前,巫咸、巫彭等家族就等同于如今的司天殿大虞的作用。上古各种凶根惨厉的咒杀手段是巫咸、巫彭等家族用来对付各种妖魔鬼怪保护初生期人族的利器。 However just like the immortal, Wu Xian and witch Zhang and other family's the members was hoodwinked the mind by the powerful strength, they even also start to pursue the eternal life not dead. The medicine and medicine of witch the Peng Wu Xian, is in the legend the blood essence and various rare and precious spirit herb of these respected families' with human makes, can make human have elixir of endless life. 但是和仙人一样,巫咸、巫彰等家族的成员被强大的力量蒙蔽了心灵,他们甚至也开始追求永生不死。巫咸之药、巫彭之药,就是传说中这些大家族用人类的精血和各种珍稀的灵药制成的,能够让人类拥有无尽生命的妙药 Is refines spirit herb that this letting person eternal life does not die, Wu Xian and witch Peng they to pursue the strength of powerful incantation killing, made the transformation to themselves. His Ran Jiang various strange bloodlines integrate oneself body, discarded the physique of human even is the spirit wisdom of human, will turn into another different kind completely. 仅仅是炼制这种让人永生不死的灵药也就罢了,巫咸、巫彭他们更是为了追求强大的咒杀之力,对自身进行了改造。他冉将各种稀奇古怪的血脉融入己身,舍弃了人类的形体甚至是人类的灵智,完全将自身变成了另外一种异类。 That time Human Clan tribe alliance was furious, announced to Wu Xian and witch the Peng and other family's wanted orders, used the Human Clan military force, Wu Xian and witch Peng these families' bloodlines obliterate. However these wield Human Clan offering sacrifice to heaven power innumerable year of family there are such easily by the destruction, their bloodlines multiply on Pangu Continent as before, each association/will jumps to give Human Clan to look for a trouble after a period of time. 那时的人族部落联盟震怒,宣布了对巫咸和巫彭等家族的追杀令,倾尽人族的军力,将巫咸、巫彭这些家族的血脉抹杀。但是这些执掌人族祭天大权无数年的家族那里是这么容易被覆灭的,他们的血脉依旧在盘古大陆上繁衍,每过一段时间总会蹦出来给人族找点麻烦。 Before seven generations , after Human Emperor ascends the throne, disappears these by the name for an activity trace of taboo clan actually. However today sees they appear in the fire Wu's tent unexpectedly the incantation kill Wu Qi, obviously they had offered amnesty by Heavenly Court. Had the Heavenly Court huge material support, descendants of these taboo clans, their technique of incantation killing becomes even more tyrannical is obviously inobservable. 自从七代以前人皇登基后,倒是不见了这些被名之为禁忌一族的活动踪影。但是今天看到他们居然出现在火吴的营帐中咒杀勿乞,显然他们已经被天庭招安。有了天庭庞大的物力支持,这些禁忌一族的后裔们,他们的咒杀之术显然变得越发的强横不可测。 Looked that Wu Qi to broken say sixth rank cultivation base, unexpectedly was almost killed by curse by a clansman of five Gold Core cultivation base no taboo clans, knows that they grasped how fearful incantation technique and antiquity secret skill. 就看勿乞以破道六品修为,居然被五个金丹修为都没有的禁忌一族的族人差点咒死,就知道他们到底掌握了多么可怕的咒术和上古秘法 Yellow very nod of looking pensive, he patted a head to say with a smile: End will record, in the past blew practices end will wait for that Military Officer of person saying that killed a clansman of taboo clan, but promotion first-level, extinguished its one, the coca bestow a nobility title position, if can exterminate its clan, then can confer the title of prince upon.” 黄很若有所思的点了点头,他拍了一下脑袋笑道:“末将记起来了,当年刮练末将等人的那将领说,杀一禁忌一族的族人,可升官一级,灭其一部,可加封爵位,若是能将其族夷灭,则能封王。” Wu Qi sneered, he shakes the head saying: Wins promotion and gets rich does not count on them actually, in their brains has anything, all digs to me. Interrogates and tortures while convenient clearly, they were incited the incantation to kill by whom my.” 勿乞冷笑了一声,他摇头道:“升官发财倒是不指望他们,他们脑子里有什么东西,全给我挖出来。顺便拷问清楚,他们到底是受谁指使来咒杀我的。” Yue zhu sneered, she scolded: Served them quite, they can what incantation law, meet what magic arts, complete 11 interrogate and torture. Some antiquity Spiritual God many powerful gods were also killed by curse by Wu Xian and witch Peng Jia zu person, gave to dig their to this palace.” 都乐公主冷笑了一声,她呵斥道:“将他们好生伺候了,他们会什么咒法,会什么法术,全部一一拷问出来。上古神灵也有不少强大神祗被巫咸、巫彭家族的人生生咒死,给本宫把他们的一切都给挖出来。” Yue zhu finishes barely the words, forehead of five people have Black Qi together to raise slowly, five Black Qi form small cloud clusters, middle appeared a shape such as the hungry wolf whole body to be covered with the old person of mildew. This old person lord Jie Jie to smile toward suburb Yue, jaw first: Junior was incompetent, lets joke. A Wu Xian clan, did not have the captive since old times. Jie Jie!” 都乐公主话音未落,五个人的眉心同时有一道黑气冉冉升起,五道黑气汇成一片小小的云团,当中显出了一个形如饿狼浑身长满了白毛的老人。这老人向着郊乐公主桀桀一笑,颌首道:“小辈无能,让诸位笑话了。巫咸一族,自古从无俘虏。桀桀!” Smiles one strangely, lay down five male bodies in deck inflates the zhang (3.33 m) suddenly the sphere of diameter. 怪笑一声,躺在甲板上的五个男子身体骤然膨胀成了丈许直径的圆球。 A Wu Qi sleeve curled to fly them, sent out inside and outside them several thousand instantaneously. 勿乞一袖子将他们卷飞了出去,瞬间将他们送出了几千里外。 Listens to five depressed explosive sounds to transmit. Five the bodies of men exploded the big piece viscous black blood plasma blowout. 就听五声沉闷的爆炸声传来。五个男子的身体炸成了大片粘稠的黑色血浆喷出。 The surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) mountain peak hill was melted by that black blood plasma rapidly, the land was corroded one a depth of dozens li (0.5 km) big hole. 方圆百里的山峰丘陵被那黑色血浆迅速融化,大地被腐蚀出了一个深达数十里的大坑。 Wu Qi and the others the appearance squint again, long time makes the sound not to. 勿乞等人再面相觑,半晌作声不得。 .
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