STH :: Volume #9

#897: ……

Stirs a fire * is hit flees like a scared rat, Ao Buzun , reveals the violent spirit Your group one close behind the other to chase down, from the sky is pestering him, lets his a little tiny step the flavor that is difficult to move. Is the person's shadow, the fire * can only resist the attack of enemy in all directions with hardship, step by step retreats to the military camp. 通火*被打得抱头鼠窜,敖不尊、显暴灵君一行人衔尾追杀,在空中纠缠着他,让他有点寸步难移的味道。四面八方都是人影,火*只能苦苦的抵挡敌人的攻击,一步步的向营寨退去。 However in the slanting thorn long howl transmits, the large feather and Hu Hai rode to respectively. Withstand/Top the feather to ride black Sui horse, grasps the pitch-dark rifle, Hu Hai rides a black lion, both hands is grasping two modeling strangely long to have about seven chi (0.33 m) alone foot young lad pestle, two people keeping off one on the left and other on the right in igniters to lead to the escape route in military camp on. 但是斜刺里一阵长啸声传来,硕羽和胡亥分别策骑冲了出来。顶羽骑着乌睢马,手持黑漆漆一根点钢枪,胡亥骑着一头黑狮子,双手握着两尊造型怪异长有七尺开外的独脚童子杵,两人一左一右的挡在了火具通向营寨的退路上。 Withstood/Top the Hataka voice to call out: High-rising that boy, fast comes, some holds your 800 spears/guns not dead, today puts you to leave!”, Hu Hai strange voice and strange manner blew a whistling, acting like a madman pokes two alone foot young lads hits layer on layer/heavily, has thunder Wuban the loud sound, simultaneously loudly exclaimed loudly: Eats this king 3000 pestles not to be battered to death you, today puts you to leave!! ”, In the Hu Hai double pupil blood glow rises, with his laughing wildly sound, the mountain rivers in surrounding area thousand li (500 km) boils in abundance, tall Zhi who these permanent ancient does not move , the hill seems the wave to vibrate equally softly. 顶羽高声叫道:“兀那厮,速速过来,某捅你八百枪不死,今日放你离开!”,胡亥怪声怪气的吹了一声口哨,疯疯癫癫的将两尊独脚童子杵重重一撞,发出雷呜般巨响,同时放声大吼道:“吃本王三千杵”砸不死你,今日就放你离开!哇哈哈哈哈!”,胡亥双眸中血光大盛,随着他的狂笑声,方圆千里内的大山河流纷纷沸腾,那些恒古不移的高止,丘陵都好似水波一样冉冉抖动。 The igniters in spite of being very busy looked at one to the large feather and Hu Hai, he is almost mad does not have the convulsion. Also is the opponents of two Taiyi levels, although their weapons the quality was bad, however their cultivation base placed there. In Primordial Realm, the suppression of high grade Taiyi to low grade Taiyi may be inferior that Golden Immortal and in Heaven Immortal Realm is so bright, the first rank Taiyi is not noisily good also possibly to admit defeat on ninth rank Taiyi, igniters eighth rank Taiyi was being beaten mercilessly by Ao Buzun their group of people, where dares to comply with the provocation of large feather and Hu Hai for no reason? 火具百忙之中向硕羽和胡亥望了一眼,他气得差点没抽风。又是两个太乙级的对手,他们的兵器虽然品质差了点,但是他们的修为放在那里。太乙境界中,上品太乙对下品太乙的压制可不如金仙天仙境界中那样鲜明,一品太乙闹不好还可能在九品太乙手上吃瘪,火具这个八品太乙正被敖不尊他们一伙人毒打,哪里敢平白无故的答应硕羽和胡亥的挑衅? Is this looks at a time, god, Yuan Qing holds big stick to pound 88 sticks to the igniters right leg small leg bone a continually. In the depressed impact noise the igniters hissing was miserablehis small leg bone present the innumerable fissures, had almost not been hit crushes. He was too busy this life essence to pour into the calf together, healed forcefully the leg bone of breakage, but lost the extremely heavy essence to flow in part. 就是这望一眼的功夫,一个愣神呢,猿青已经操起大棍子对着火具的右腿小腿骨连砸八十八棍。沉闷的撞击声中火具嘶声惨嚎”他的小腿骨出现了无数的裂痕,差点没被打得粉碎。他忙不迭一道本命精气注入了小腿中,强行愈合了破裂的腿骨,但是原本就损耗极重的精气又流进了一部分。 The angry sound roared, igniters both hands wielded again and again, the innumerable group hot clouds and hot mine belts to are spewing out just like the wave same flame in all directions. Purple lightning ray of big group big group population size in the fire in the clouds is partly visiblethis is above the igniters collection upper air 39 divine flame essence, asks guard rare treasure that Grandmaster of Heavenly Court refiner helped him refine, nine revolutions of wonderful hot thunder . 怒声咆哮了一通,火具双手连连挥动,无数团火云、火雷带着宛如水波一样的火光向四面八方喷涌而出。大团大团人口大小的紫色雷光在火云中若隐若现”这是火具收集高空之上三十九种天火精华,求了天庭一个炼器的宗师帮他炼制的护身秘宝,九转妙火雷,。 After all goes out from the hand of Taiyi, might of these lightning ray explosions are equivalent to the lethality that a ninth rank Taiyi strikes full power, at this moment to maintain life, the igniters one breath threw 36 nine revolutions of wonderful hot thunder, each thunder fire needs he to collect several tens of thousands years of divine flame essence to condense, moreover every time refined a nine revolutions of wonderful hot thunder to consume his massive qualification to ask others for help to act. 36 thunder Huodiu leaves, the heart of igniters in the drop blood, today a war, his loss was really big. 毕竟走出自太乙之手,这些雷光一颗爆炸的威力就相当于一个九品太乙全力一击的杀伤力,此刻为了保命,火具一口气丢出了三十六颗九转妙火雷,每颗雷火都需要他收集数万年的天火精华才能凝聚,而且每炼制一颗九转妙火雷都耗费了他大量的本钱求人出手。三十六颗雷火丢出,火具的心脏都在滴血,今日一战,他的损失实在是太大了。 However the hot thunder just actedAo Buzun and Lord Xiansheng laughs boisterously, two people change the True Dragon main body simultaneously, big mouth one is the boundless wave rolls down. In the wave that the pitch-dark fishy smell greets the nostrils the bulk bulk profound azure iceberg collides mutually, the cold air that sends out the igniters depart to/clashes cleanly the hot cloud and hot group that. By the water to subdue|grams fire is the principle of the world, the igniters, even if extremely wise playing with fire magic arts, but restrains stubbornly by Ao Buzun and Lord Xiansheng. 但是火雷刚刚出手”敖不尊显圣灵君就哄然大笑,两人同时变化真龙本体,大嘴一张就是无边水波滚滚而下。黑漆漆腥气扑鼻的水波中大块大块玄青色的冰山相互碰撞,散发出的寒气将火具飞出的火云、火团冲得干干净净。以水克火本来就是天地之理,火具纵然有一手极高明的玩火法术,但是偏偏被敖不尊显圣灵君克制得死死的。 36 nine revolutions of wonderful hot thunder flutter flew the people surface and is just about to explode, Lord Xiansheng broken empty halberd delimited small chaotic thornpurple flowing light to puncture randomly on nine revolutions of wonderful hot thunder, lightning ray vanished suddenly, later adhered to stick cohere in the igniters body surface, later was consecutively 36 groups of flames stares from the eye. On the dull igniters erupts. 三十六颗九转妙火雷飘飘荡荡的飞到了众人面并正要爆开,显圣灵君破虚戟一通乱划小乱刺”紫色流光刺在了九转妙火雷上,雷光骤然消失,随后附着在了火具身体表面,随后就是连续三十六团火光从目瞪。呆的火具身上爆发开来。 Ao Buzun and Lord Xiansheng with spouting big piece cold airchanged into a diameter hundred li (0.5 km) cold light cover firmly the igniters bind in inside. 敖不尊显圣灵君同对喷出大片寒气”化为一颗直径百里的寒光罩牢牢的将火具裹在了里面。 Yuan Qing and Golden Horn they also quickly use the magic arts, the big piece rune unceasing in addition holds in that cold light coats, for fear that fire thunder Baokai causes the too big damage to Pangu Continent. 猿青金角他们也急忙施展法术,大片符文不断的加持在那寒光罩上,唯恐火雷爆开对盘古大陆造成太大的伤害。 These immortals return to Pangu Continent to have the huge merit foreign country Heavenly Realm to lower, because if it can be imagined their relations caused the too big damage to Pangu Continent, whether there is side industry the strength will naturally lower. Ao Buzun they had tasted the advantage of merit, how dare also to make the igniters destroy Pangu Continent to cause oneself but actually instant recklessly? 那些仙人将外域天境送回盘古大陆能有天大功德降下,可想而知若是因为他们的关系对盘古大陆造成了太大的伤害,自然会有无边业力降下。敖不尊他们早就尝到了功德的好处,又怎敢让火具肆意破坏盘古大陆导致自己倒霎? Even Xiang Yu and Hu Hai quickly rush the help, withstood/top the feather to sprinkle the dreadful bloodshed to cover in cold light coatedHu Hai to loudly shout, the water of nearby several hundred big rivers shot up to the sky, the strength of water course wove a big net, covered the cold light cover in inside. 甚至项羽胡亥都急忙冲上去帮忙,顶羽洒出了滔天血海覆盖在了寒光罩上”胡亥则是大喝一声,附近数百条大江大河的水冲天而起,水脉之力织成了一张大网,将寒光罩笼罩在了里面。 The depressed explosive sound gushes out from the cold light cover unceasingly, cold light covers expansionsthen reductions. Ao Buzun and the others in the fallen leaves just like storm same shivers shaking, the fearful explosive force shakes their spirit to shiver all over, cold light covered several times almost by the scrap. 沉闷的爆炸声从寒光罩中不断涌出,寒光罩一次次扩大”然后一次次缩小。敖不尊等人宛如暴风中的落叶一样颤抖摇动,可怕的爆炸力震得他们魂灵儿乱颤,寒光罩好几次差点被炸碎了开来。 Is equivalent to 36 Supreme Unity Golden Immortal to hit hard full power continuously, rao is Ao Buzun their cultivation base is powerful, was exploded as before is unbearable. Saw the cold light cover must break time, Wu Qi makes a movehe to protect cold light of Eastern Sea fleet to fall to below finally, fuses together with the cold light cover that Ao Buzun they support, obtains the help of Wu Qi ” the cold light cover to stabilize finally. 相当于三十六个太乙金仙全力连续重击,娆是敖不尊他们修为强悍,依旧被炸得难以承受。眼看寒光罩就要破碎的时候,勿乞终于出手”他护住东海舰队的寒光向下一落,和敖不尊他们支撑的寒光罩融为一体,得到勿乞的帮助”寒光罩终于稳定下来。 The rear igniters command troops stationed in military camp, the person who in center tentseveral wear black cape appearance were covered watched the fire by the mirage at the same time * the beaten entire process. Their shaking the head gently, in a low voice however can stick is muttering anything. When the fire * getting angry thunder was actually rebounded the hot thunder by Lord Xiansheng, these people ridiculed smiled several that jeered, bustled about rapidly. 后方火具领兵驻扎的营寨内,正中的营帐中”几个穿着黑色斗篷就连面目都被遮盖住的人透过一面水镜观看了火*被人殴打的全过程。他们轻轻的摇着头,低声而会糊的咕哝着什么。当火*去出火雷却被显圣灵君将火雷反弹回去的时候,这几个人讥嘲的笑了几声,迅速忙碌了起来。 A small sacrifice table of three chi (0.33 m) surrounding area was placed center the tent, looks like with fierce Devil that not the well-known lumber carved all over the body jet black places offered a sacrifice to the table, three blood-color incense sticks ignited, li floated before Devil likely, the careful blood-color smog, is wrapping this modeling fierce ugly Devil resembles slowly, this Devil seemed the float in the bloodshed partly visible, a pair of pupil sent out the vicious cruel green dim light. 一张不过三尺方圆的小祭桌被放在了营帐正中,一具通体漆黑用不知名木料雕成的狰狞魔头像放在了祭桌上,三根血色线香燃起,溧浮在魔头像前,细细的血色烟雾冉冉而起,包裹着这造型狰狞丑恶的魔头像,这魔头就好似漂浮在血海中若隐若现,一对眸子发出了凶狠暴戾的绿色幽光。 Small becomes the portrait that is placed Devil before the ordinary soft woodcarving likely, several people kneel in the tent to that Devil look like worshipped on bended knees several times, simultaneously stretched out pitch-dark just like the left hand of black claw, the right hand holds the blade to shear a blade on left wrist, the viscous black blood plasma trickled slowly, dropped their front one completely jet black seemed with the large bowl that in the skin gathering made. 一个小小的用普通软木雕成的人像被放在了魔头像前,几个人跪在营帐中对那魔头像跪拜了几次,同时伸出黑漆漆宛如乌爪子的左手,右手持刀在左手腕上割了一刀,粘稠的黑色血浆冉冉滴下,全部滴进了他们面前一个漆黑的好似用皮萃制成的大碗中。 The blood in the large bowl gathered the larger part bowl, that three cuns (2.5 cm) high cor portrait jumps suddenly, jumped in the large bowl rolling. 血液在大碗中蓄了一大半碗的时候,那不过三寸高的软木人像突然跳起,一骨碌的跳进了大碗中。 Devil opens mouth likely slowly, the blood-color smog blowout, the arrow injected in the large bowl together generally. Most bowl pitch-dark bloody water rapid revolving, changed into small vortex to decide that cor portrait in vortex. 魔头像慢慢张开嘴,一道血色烟雾喷出,箭一般射入了大碗中。大半碗黑漆漆的血水迅速的旋转起来,化为一个小小的漩涡将那软木人像定在了漩涡中。 The Wu Qi body of igniters in a flash, only thinks that has the bloody air/Qi not to know faintly where fluttered. This light bloody air/Qi is combining various poisonous bugs fishy smells, creamy stuffy makes the person whole body not nimble and efficient in the heart. Wu Qi is frowning to wave, the cool breeze revolved around the body together, but in the wind also has this share strange smell of blood. 火具的勿乞身体一晃,只觉隐隐有血腥气不知道从哪里飘了过来。这淡淡的血腥气混杂着各种毒虫的腥味,滑腻腻的闷在心头让人浑身不爽利。勿乞皱着眉头挥了挥手,一道清风绕着身体旋转了一阵,但是风中也有这股子怪异的血腥味在。 In the tent the movements of several people fast, they select regarding offering a sacrifice to the table with the leather cup hand dance full rice of ground jumps to jump madly randomly, their movements were very strange, seem several just to evolve do not have the evolution complete Malaysia monkey same hands and feet joint to be curving, rickets the back is jumping at the tent civil strife, the mouth also muttered read aloud who unable to understand the incantation that. 营帐内几个人的动作飞快,他们挑起来围绕着祭桌和地上的皮碗一阵手舞足稻的乱蹦乱跳,他们的动作很诡异,好似几只刚进化却没进化完全的大马猴一样手脚关节弯曲、佝偻着腰杆在营帐内乱蹦,嘴里还喃喃的念诵一些谁也听不懂的咒语。 A person of lead suddenly grasped a sword chest of palm of the hand size toward in the air to lose. This with sword chest length and breadth several cuns (2.5 cm) that the light person leather becomes, but the fragrant-flowered garlic vegetable leaf is common, inside row is inserting nine small flying sword. 领头的一人突然抓出了一个巴掌大小的剑匣往空中一丢。这用薄薄的人皮制成的剑匣长宽数寸,不过韭菜叶一般薄,里面一排儿插着九柄小小的飞剑 With the incantation sound, flying sword of nine matches stick same sizes soars to fly, seven flying sword emitted extremely thin black rays of light to shoot on the seven orifices of that cor villain, low and deep humming sound in the sound, the cor villain knees one knelt on the ground softly. Remaining two flying sword transferred three around that villain, a sword punctured from the crown of the head of villain, a sword jabbed into the abdominal cavity from the genitals of that villain straightly. 随着咒语声,九柄火柴棍一样大小的飞剑腾空飞起,七柄飞剑放出极细的黑色光芒射在了那软木小人的七窍上,低沉的嗡嗡声中,软木小人双膝一软跪在了地上。剩下的两柄飞剑绕着那小人转了三圈,一剑从小人的天灵盖刺了进去,一剑从那小人的下阴笔直的刺进了腹腔。 Is calling Ao Buzun them to emit the igniters carefully, must try hard to hit [soul destroyed / terror-stricken] Wu Qi the igniters suddenly at present one black, his body shook shaking, good to kneel down dangerous in the deck. He stuffy snort/hum, both hands just like being drowned the person of perishing will grab thoughtlessly toward all around, anything has not caught. 正在叫敖不尊他们小心放出火具,一定要努力将火具打得魂飞魄散勿乞突然眼前一黑,他身体晃了晃,好悬跪倒在甲板上。他闷哼一声,双手宛如溺水将亡之人般向着四周乱抓,却什么都没抓到。 Did not allow Wu Qi to recover exactly what happened, his crown of the head hundred met a hole pain, fearful cold air from hundred met the hole direct impact on enter his body, the place visited Wu Qi intelligence froze, the body received the enormous injury. Stands side Wu Qi yellow waits for the person to look very much helplessly together Black Qi from Wu Qi forehead straight spread to his lower abdomen, cold air that simultaneously a share of bystander can detect from the lower abdomen of Wu Qi straight rumbled to his forehead. 不容勿乞回过神来到底发生了什么事,他天灵盖百会穴一痛,一股可怕的寒气从百会穴一路直冲进了他的身体,所过之处勿乞的神智为之冻结,身体更是受到了极大伤害。站在勿乞身边的黄很等人眼睁睁的看着一道黑气勿乞眉心笔直的向他的小腹蔓延了下去,同时一股外人都能察觉的寒气从勿乞的小腹笔直的向他眉心轰了上去。 , When lang, a sound, begged in the belly to hear the clear sound that two swords bumped every time, his body twitched to face upward but actually, in the whole body pore flowed out the jet black blood plasma unceasingly, that blood plasma first-class came out, turns into the ice sediment to freeze immediately in the deck. ,当啷,一声响,每乞肚子里传来两剑相碰的清脆响声,他身体一抽搐仰天就倒,浑身毛孔内不断流出漆黑的血浆,那血浆一流出来,就立刻变成了冰渣子冻在了甲板上。 Huang Liang frightens the hissing to cry out strangely, he loudly exclaimed: Mistress comes quickly, the prince was used the incantation technique to plan!”, eyes runs back and forth in confusion toward all around one, yellow jumps to point at igniters that small military camp anger to howl very much suddenly saying: „, All, full power, strikes!” 黄俍吓得嘶声怪叫,他大吼道:“主母快来,王爷被人用咒术算计了!”,双眼朝四周一阵乱晃,黄很突然跳起来指着火具那小小的营寨怒啸道:“,全体,全力,击!” As yellow bellows very much, the bow decks of Eastern Sea county over a thousand giant flying boats open suddenly, the innumerable large-scale wars had to reveal. Yellow last verystrikes, the character still circles in the people ear, several thousand giant crossbow bolts and innumerable electrical fire lightning ray from bow[ stirs up] shoots, covered that mountain ridge below. 随着黄很一声大吼,东海郡上千条巨型飞舟的船头甲板突然开启,无数大型战具露了出来。黄很的最后一个“击,字还在众人耳朵边盘旋,数千支巨型弩箭、无数电火雷光从船头上〖激〗射而出,将那一片山岭覆盖在了下面。 More than 100,000 priests soar, they read aloud the incantation, communication world Ghost Deity, with the strength of huge Ghost Deity, gathered the dark cloud hurricane, changed into the dreadful ice frost and snow rain and thunder Huomo the star and so on attack took away as many things as possible to that side. 更有十万多祭司腾空而起,他们念诵咒语,沟通天地鬼神,借来庞大的鬼神之力,聚集起乌云飓风,化为滔天的冰霜雪雨、雷火陌星之类的攻击向那边席卷而去。 Several hundred reaching to the sky mountains crush loudly, fire * that small tent was ripped instantaneously pulpy. 数百座高耸入云的大山轰然粉碎,火*的那小小营帐瞬间被撕得稀烂。 In the tent several black clothed man are preparing with the incantation law last step cuts that cor villain well head, thorough sure-kill Wu Qi life-force, fierce not Ding's yellow bellows very much, all around landslide cracks in the earth thunder fire snaps, several black clothed man cry out strangely distressed soaring to the heavens to fly to run away, result that Devil was exploded a pulp likely, three incense sticks cut off, the leather cup changes into the smashing, the cor villain does not know that fell there. 营帐内几个黑衣人正准备用咒法的最后一步砍下那软木小人井脑袋,彻底绝杀勿乞生机,猛不丁的黄很一声大吼,四周山崩地裂雷火乱射,几个黑衣人怪叫一声狼狈的冲天飞起逃窜,结果那魔头像被炸了个稀烂,三支线香断绝,皮碗化为粉碎,软木小人也不知道摔去了那里。 The Death Qi heavy wool have not just opened eyes suddenly, he deeply inspired to restore Origin Energy, the surface sank such as standing up of water to flush away toward the direction flying of military camp. 刚刚还死气沉沉的勿毛突然睁开眼,他深吸一口气恢复了元气,面沉如水的站起身来就往营寨的方向飞身冲去。 Sinister villain, accept Minglai!” ~! “阴险小人,纳命来罢!”,!~! …… …… …… …… …… ……
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