STH :: Volume #9

#896: ……

Chapter 896 heavy losses fire wu( first) 第896章重创火呉(第一更) No rim-fire cloud spout, Wu Qi coldly snorted, the Dark Yin stars tower rises the midair, emitted the boundless cold air to protect the entire Eastern Sea fleet. Thick cold air changes into together arc light sky over the fleet, how whatever that fire cloud dashes, the cold air is entirely still throughout. Instead often has the hot cloud to be frozen by the cold air, changes into hail of big group big group to fall the upper air. 无边火云喷涌而下,勿乞冷哼一声,玄阴星辰塔升上半空,放出无边寒气护住了整个东海舰队。厚厚的一层寒气在舰队上空化为一道弧形光幢,任凭那火云如何冲撞,寒气始终纹丝不动。反而不时有火云被寒气冻结,化为大团大团的冰雹子坠下高空。 Boy, Sir holds!” Ao Buzun such is not smiling as before a proper appearance, but the crack god spear/gun is actually cruel incomparable straight thrust fire wu, the lance point shakes, had the innumerable ominous black light shadow in void, each black light shadow exuded the sharp air howling sound, that was broken void is extracting all around air, therefore had this whistle same sound. “小子,大爷捅!”敖不尊依旧是那样嬉皮笑脸没有个正经模样,但是裂神枪却是阴损无比的直刺火呉的,枪尖震荡,在虚空中带起了无数条不祥的黑色光影,每一道黑色光影都发出尖锐的空气呼啸声,那是虚空被震碎正在抽取四周的空气,故而才有这哨子一样的响声。 Fire wu sneers, twined to face upward the long and loud cry in his side small Azure Dragon, the tail flings to pull out to the Ao Buzun rifle. 火呉冷笑一声,缠绕在他身边的小青龙仰天长啸,尾巴一甩就向敖不尊的大枪抽了过去。 Taiyi Immortal Artifact, built Supreme Unity Golden Immortal cultivation base actually Spirit Immortal, is Tool Spirit of weapon becomes an immortal. Taiyi Immortal Artifact with various extremely rare and precious material forging, is more powerful compared with the body of immortal, almost endures ratio one truly hammers the immortal of body specially. Therefore an immortal has or does not have Taiyi Immortal Artifact, that is really two concepts. 太乙仙器,实则就是修成了太乙金仙修为的‘灵仙’,是兵器的器灵成仙。太乙仙器都是用各种极其珍稀的材料锻造而成,比起仙人的身躯要强大许多,几乎堪比一个真正的专门锻体的仙人。故而一个仙人有或者没有太乙仙器,那实在是两个概念。 Is skilled in various powerful atractylodes chinenses however ** vulnerable Taiyi immortal, if can have Taiyi Immortal Artifact along, the destructive power that he can display can promote ten immediately times and even over hundred times. The enemies want to attack him, must destroy Taiyi Immortal Artifact that he protects oneself. However by the Taiyi Immortal Artifact tyrannical strength, destroying his there is such simple? 一个精通各种强大仙术但是**脆弱的太乙仙人,若是能有一件太乙仙器随身,他能发挥的破坏力立刻能提升十倍乃至百倍以上。敌人想要攻击到他,就必须摧毁他护身的太乙仙器。但是以太乙仙器强横的实力而言,摧毁他那里是这么简单的? Fire wu takes advantage in his hand long spear, at least was Heavenly Court cuts to kill ten cultivation base is not actually willing to submit Heavenly Court compared with him profound, simultaneously rogue cultivator Taiyi of no backstage. The Ao Buzun crack god spear/gun restrained aura intentionally, therefore has not placed in the fire wu eye, with his intention interlinked long spear small Azure Dragon was also a negligent tail pulled out. 火呉就依仗他手中长枪,起码为天庭斩杀了十名修为比他更加高深却不愿意归附天庭,同时又没有什么后台的散修太乙。敖不尊的裂神枪故意收敛了气息,故而并没放在火呉眼里,和他心意相通的长枪所化的小青龙也就是大咧咧的一尾巴抽了过去。 Qiāng lang lang loud sound to transmit, the tails of crack god spear/gun and between small Azure Dragon erupts a piece of glare. Ao Buzun both hands tremble greatly, the cracking god spear/gun will almost pull out to fly from his hand by a that small Azure Dragon tail. However that small Azure Dragon is also the pain howls one, the exquisite tail twisted one strangely almost and body parallel angle, his tailbone was shaken by the cracking god spear/gun. ‘呛啷啷’巨响传来,裂神枪和小青龙的尾巴之间爆发出一片强光。敖不尊双手巨颤,被那小青龙一尾巴差点将裂神枪从他手上抽飞了出去。但是那小青龙也是痛啸一声,精巧的尾巴诡异的扭曲了一个几乎和身体平行的角度,他的尾骨被裂神枪震断了。 Fire wu calls out in alarm said: „Are you...... the scoundrel, the Chaotic Spirit treasure?” 火呉惊呼道:“你这是……混账,混沌灵宝?” Finishes barely the words, a Lord Xiansheng dragon recited transmits, his body Gold Dragon, the broken empty halberd differentiation was four exactly the same long halberds is gripped by his four claws, punctured several thousands to strike to fire wu just like the violent storm office continually. The innumerable meteor glares sweep across, void shake, side fire wu void crushes piece by piece, a great strength raids his body, must one and rips the smashing him. 话音未落,显圣灵君一声龙吟传来,他身化金龙,破虚戟分化为四条一模一样的长戟被他的四爪握住,宛如暴风骤雨办向火呉连刺数千击。无数流星般强光席卷而出,虚空震荡,火呉身边的虚空片片粉碎,一股巨力袭上他的身体,要连带着将他一并撕成粉碎。 Fire wu one a tail that grasps to small Azure Dragon, wrist shakes, small Azure Dragon changed into that azure long spear to grasp in the hand. After the rifle stock , the place of half obviously presented a fissure, this is wounded with the crack god spear/gun by Ao Buzun . After all even Taiyi Immortal Artifact, that is still and Xiantian Spiritual Artifact suitable treasure, missed eldest child one section with the Chaotic Spirit treasure. 火呉一把抓向小青龙的尾巴,手腕一抖,小青龙又化为那青色长枪握在了手中。只是枪杆后半截的地方明显的出现了一块裂痕,这是被敖不尊用裂神枪击伤的。毕竟就算是太乙仙器,那也就是和先天灵器相当的宝物,和混沌灵宝还差了老大一截呢。 Spear/Gun shadow glittering brings several thousand azure luan phoenix shape rays of light counterattacks to go, the marksmanship of fire wu is exquisite, the purple light that each spear/gun exactly and Lord Xiansheng long halberd brings bumps in the same place, sonorous sound is lingering on faintly, fire wu exhausted the strength of nursing to pour into the complete immortal strength in long spear, this exactly and Lord Xiansheng put together an evenness. 枪影闪烁带起数千条青色鸾凤状光芒逆袭而去,火呉的枪法精妙绝伦,每一枪都恰好和显圣灵君的长戟带起的紫光碰在一起,‘铿锵’声不绝于耳,火呉用尽了吃奶的力气将全部仙力都灌注在长枪中,这才恰恰和显圣灵君拼了个平手。 cultivation base of fire wu was higher than first rank Lord Xiansheng, must have the overwhelming advantage. However his weapon is really inferior to Lord Xiansheng, they walk is the path that the body cultivate to Immortality person close combat fights hand-to-hand, the weapon is restrained, during he fell into struggled hard. He did not need the complete immortal strength to protect his Taiyi Immortal Artifact mistakenly, Lord Xiansheng this fiercely attacked to shake the fragment his long spear. 火呉的修为显圣灵君高了一品,原本要占据压倒性的优势。但是他的兵器实在不如显圣灵君,他们走的都是体修仙人近战肉搏的路子,兵器被人克制,他就陷入了苦战之中。错非他用全部仙力护住了自家的太乙仙器,显圣灵君这一通猛攻就将他的长枪震成碎片了。 These treasures that bastard, two Chaotic Spirit treasures, where you make?” The eyeball of fire wu was about to jump, he steady resisted Lord Xiansheng attacked crazily, while blinked the eye to have some unusual thoughts. The broken empty halberd, his halberd law is also ordinary, however the Ao Buzun crack god spear/gun, he may really settle on. Must think that a house strikes to kill Ao Buzun , snatching the crack god spear/gun is. “混蛋,两件混沌灵宝,你们从哪里弄来的这些宝物?”火呉的眼珠都快跳了出来,他一边稳稳的抵挡显圣灵君的狂攻,一边眨巴着眼睛动着一些异样的心思。破虚戟也就罢了,他的戟法只是一般,但是敖不尊的裂神枪,他可实实在在是看中了。得想个房子将敖不尊击杀,抢了裂神枪才是。 However a lost time, the Lord Xiansheng lower half body vanishes suddenly baseless, along with grating broken wind sound/rumor, his lower half body unexpectedly strange peerless braved from the back of fire wu, after two, claw stubbornly grabs two body that broken empty halberd that is sparkling the purple light just like windmill equally to fire wu divided to cut. 但是一出神的功夫,显圣灵君的下半截身躯突然凭空消失,伴随着刺耳的破风声,他的下半截身躯居然诡异绝伦的从火呉的背后冒了出来,两只后爪死死的抓着两条闪耀着紫光的破虚戟宛如风车一样向火呉的身体劈砍了过来。 When this is the fierce place of broken empty halberd, the expedition he can break open momentarily appears by oneself Master in any position of battlefield void, any void Restriction(s) is hard to resist broken empty halberd strange attack. 这就是破虚戟的厉害之处,征战之时他随时能破开虚空让自己的主人出现在战场的任何方位,任何虚空禁制都难以抵挡破虚戟这诡异的进攻。 Fire wu calls out in alarm one, he backhanded the hot thunder to rumble to divide together to two thorns to the back of the body broken empty halberd, listened to the thunder to crack, two long halberds were shaken drew back several feet, later the body of Lord Xiansheng broke up suddenly. The body of Lord Xiansheng broke up four parts, each part was dragon claw grabs a broken empty halberd everywhere chaotic thorn, his four body was and out side fire wu, swings the innumerable purple light anxious thorns to fire wu. 火呉惊呼一声,他反手一道火雷轰出劈向了两条刺向后心的破虚戟,就听雷霆崩裂,两条长戟被震退了数丈,随后显圣灵君的身体突然崩解了。显圣灵君的身体崩解成了四部分,每一部分都是一只龙爪抓着一条破虚戟漫天乱刺,他的四块儿身躯就在火呉身边忽隐忽现,荡起无数条紫光急刺向火呉。 The bodies of several Lord Xiansheng are almost stick to catch fire wu to brave, almost pasted his body is being a halberd held to him strategic point. Fire wu cultivation base is luckily intrepid, the reaction speed is extremely fast, often when caused heavy losses quickly withdrawing long spear put up the long halberd. However after several crises, on the forehead of fire wu also flowed out the cold sweat. 好几次显圣灵君的身体几乎是紧贴着火呉冒出来,几乎是贴着他的身体对着他的要害就是一戟捅了过去。幸好火呉修为强悍,反应速度极快,每每都在自己快被重创的时候抽回长枪将长戟架了回去。但是好几次危机之后,火呉的额头上也是流出了冷汗。 Anger hiss, behind fire wu muscle one tight, he is ready for any sacrifice a halberd that withstands the behind Lord Xiansheng body to eject together, clenching jaws before body a Lord Xiansheng body held quickly such as the spear/gun of flowing light. A shoulder of Lord Xiansheng halberd hit fire wu, this before similarly spear/gun also approached the body of Lord Xiansheng, instantaneously. 怒嘶一声,火呉背后肌肉一紧,他豁出去承受身后显圣灵君一块身躯击出的一戟,咬牙切齿的对着身前显圣灵君的一块身躯捅出了快如流光的一枪。显圣灵君一戟命中火呉的肩膀,同样这一枪也瞬间逼近到了显圣灵君的身前。 Sneers to transmit, before body of Lord Xiansheng , the void fuzziness, the spear pierces of fire wu entered that fuzzy void place, the lance point braved from the number hundred zhang (333 m) unexpectedly, tittering is careful a spear pierces to result in the half body to be rumbled the light smoke an invincible force who fire wu brought. 冷笑传来,显圣灵君的身前虚空一阵模糊,火呉的这一枪刺进了那一片模糊的虚空处,枪尖居然从数百丈外冒了出来,‘噗嗤’一声将火呉带来的一个天兵当心一枪刺得半截身躯都被轰成了青烟。 purple gold color blood sprinkled, the left shoulder of fire wu was broken the empty halberd to rip open -and-a-half foot big openings, big piece blood billowing. The risk of fire wu not only cannot injure to Lord Xiansheng, instead was seriously injured by oneself, assassinated under own one while convenient. 紫金色的鲜血大片大片的洒了出来,火呉的左肩被破虚戟撕开了一个半尺长的大口子,大片鲜血滚滚而出。火呉的冒险不仅没能伤到显圣灵君,反而让自己受了重伤,顺便刺杀了自己的一个属下。 Breathless fire wu cried loud and long, he gave the heck with long spear dances airtight, to punctured just like the strong winds equally in all directions. Lord Xiansheng sneers again and again, big piece fuzzy void appears side fire wu, the broken empty halberd swung the big piece dim light shadow, fire wu long spear jabbed into these fuzzy light shadow, the lance point appears in the front of these gifted generals he brought one after another suddenly, the leeway that these gifted generals fended did not have, to be killed a cleanness by fire wu that tittered. 气急败坏的火呉长啸一声,他不管三七二十一将长枪舞得密不透风,宛如狂风一样向四面八方刺了出去。显圣灵君冷笑连连,大片模糊的虚空在火呉身边出现,破虚戟荡起大片朦胧光影,火呉的长枪刺进了这些模糊的光影中,枪尖纷纷在他带来的那些天兵天将的面前骤然出现,那些天兵天将就连闪避的余地都没有,噗嗤噗嗤的被火呉杀了个干干净净。 Wu Qi looks funnily in behind, the broken empty halberd is the self-satisfied work of his previous life Old Man Yuan Ling, only if there is a primordial chaos most precious object suppresive strength to imprison the broken empty halberd, otherwise the broken empty halberd can offend somebody from any position, can isolate any attack. Grasps the broken empty halberd, oneself have based the invincible position. 勿乞在后面看得好笑,破虚戟是他的前世元灵老人的得意之作,除非有鸿蒙至宝压制性的力量禁锢了破虚戟,否则破虚戟能从任何方位伤人,更能隔绝任何攻击。手持破虚戟,自身已经立足不败之地。 In several hundred gifted generals who fire wu manslaughter bring, the air/Qi results in the forehead belches smoke, in the one side rubs both hands to observe long time Ao Buzun suddenly covertly to cover, silently lifts the crack initiation god spear/gun sluggishly punctured a spear/gun to the back of the body of fire wu. 就在火呉误杀自己带来的数百天兵天将,气得脑门直冒烟的时候,在一旁揉动双手观战良久的敖不尊突然偷偷摸摸的掩了上去,悄无声息的举起裂神枪慢吞吞的向火呉的后心刺了一枪。 Ao Buzun does not know that used any strange method, his complete aura restrained, aura of cracking god spear/gun was hidden by him solid is scrupulous in one's work. He is simply same just like the illusion, the leisure lance point has been less than three chi (0.33 m) from the back of the body of fire wu. 敖不尊也不知道使用了什么古怪的法门,他的全部气息都收敛了起来,就连裂神枪的气息都被他藏得严严实实一丝不漏。他简直宛如幻觉一样,慢悠悠的枪尖已经距离火呉的后心不到三尺。 The crack god spear/gun and broken empty halberd are different, the lethality of crack god spear/gun to fleshly body is not powerful, if hits the target, directly injures Nascent Divinity and Divine Soul of goal cruelly, the lethality of crack god spear/gun evil different, is the Divine Soul attack method of most difficult guard. 裂神枪和破虚戟不同,裂神枪对肉身的杀伤力并不强大,但是一旦击中目标,就直接伤害目标的元神神魂,裂神枪的杀伤力阴损邪异,是最难防范的神魂攻击手段。 Is jumping with the fire wu sudden heart of Lord Xiansheng dogfight with hardship, whole body blood crash-bang keeping doing, he is almost the instinct bellowed to backhand a spear/gun to resist. Works as lang a sound, the long spear of crack god spear/gun and fire wu is one spells hardly, Ao Buzun sneak attacks the failure shortly, he displays the giant who the law day place divine ability turns into hundred zhang (333 m) high below suddenly, the crack god weight of rifle of similarly increasing to the next pressure, immemorial Ancestral Dragon terrifying first Heavenly God forcing results in the fire wu both arms unable to move again, can only resist his inexhaustible brute force oppression with hardship. 正在和显圣灵君苦苦缠斗的火呉突然心脏一跳,浑身血液‘哗啦啦’的流个不停,他几乎是本能的大吼一声反手一枪招架了过去。‘当啷’一声响,裂神枪和火呉的长枪又是一记硬拼,敖不尊眼看偷袭失败,他骤然施展法天相地的神通变成百丈高下的巨人,同样变大的裂神枪重重向下一压,太古祖龙恐怖天神力压得火呉双臂动弹不得,只能苦苦的抵挡他无穷无尽的蛮力压迫。 Tittering sound makes a sound continually, while time of Ao Buzun sneak attack, Lord Xiansheng very impolite opens seven gigantic gaps in behind of fire wu continually. The broken empty halberd offends somebody, wound nearby flesh direct annihilation vanishes, the wound is enormous, the flowed out blood is extremely numerous, the bonus is fire wu has cultivation base of eighth rank Taiyi, his blood is impossible such crazy passing. Ao Buzun bellows the time of again and again catching up, the blood of fire wu has flowed out most probably, his complexion a little turns white, could not resist shortly. ‘噗嗤’声连响,趁着敖不尊偷袭的功夫,显圣灵君很不客气的在火呉的身后连开七个硕大的缺口。破虚戟伤人,伤口附近的血肉直接湮灭消失,伤口极大,流出的鲜血极多,饶是火呉有着八品太乙的修为,他的血也不可能这样疯狂的流逝。敖不尊连连大吼发力的功夫,火呉的血已经流出了大半,他的脸色有点发白,眼看就抵挡不住了。 When fire wu, the person of hitting a person when he is down however rushes troubled leisurely promptly. 就在火呉陷入困境的时候,落井下石的人施施然及时赶到。 Yuan Qing does not know when changed into a small flea to hide when the hair of Lord Xiansheng, fire wu was stranded, he stuck out suddenly suddenly, changes into a ten-ten feet giant circular overhead beam to pound to fire wu. Works as lang in loud sound sound, the Yuan Qing iron rod was shot dozens zhang (3.33 m) high, his whole person was almost shot to fly, on the crown of the head of fire wu sparks/Mars scatters, the skull was hit forcefully undercuts half inch, the brain fluid blood spurts from the seven orifices crazily. 猿青不知道什么时候化为一只小小的跳蚤藏在了显圣灵君的头发里,火呉被困时,他突然暴起,化为一尊高达十丈的巨型圆形当头一杠子向火呉砸了下去。‘当啷’巨响声中,猿青的铁棍被弹起来数十丈高,他整个人差点被弹飞了出去,火呉的天灵盖上火星四溅,头盖骨被硬生生打得下陷半寸,脑浆血液从七窍中狂喷而出。 Scoundrel!” So the severe wound cannot kill a eighth rank Taiyi as before, fire wu withdraws both hands to let loose long spear suddenly, he holds the brain fluid blood plasma that oneself spout conveniently, washes one's hands of the even/including in void draws flaming Talisman that 49 groups gallop. “混账!”如此重伤依旧杀不得一个八品太乙,火呉骤然脱开双手放开长枪,他随手一把抓住自己喷出的脑浆血浆,抖手在虚空中连画四十九团奔腾的火焰状符箓 Does not wait for fire wu design Talisman to complete, Golden Horn and Silver Horn four ice fire Dragon Python spouted the ice fire god light simultaneously. The extreme twist pierces the fire wu both legs both arms just like the ice fire god light of drill bit, the pain results in the fire wu hissing to be miserable, flaming Talisman that just took shape disperses suddenly, cannot play the proper might. 不等火呉将着图案符箓完成,金角银角四条冰火龙蟒同时喷出了冰火神光。急速旋转宛如钻头的冰火神光洞穿火呉的双腿双臂,痛得火呉嘶声惨嚎,刚刚成型的火焰状符箓骤然散开,没能发挥应有的威力。 Fire wu does not dare to continue the battle to get down again, he exudes one sentry post, the belt/bring lifts heavy objects Xinhua to flush away to his military camp for small Azure Dragon long spear distressedly. 火呉不敢再继续争斗下去,他发出一声唿哨,带起重新化为小青龙长枪狼狈向自家营寨处冲去。 Solemn Heavenly Court eighth rank Taiyi, because unexpectedly the weapon was suppressed receives so caused heavy losses, in the fire wu heart is really very aggrieved. 堂堂天庭八品太乙,居然因为兵器被人压制受了如此重创,火呉心中实在是憋屈得很。 Ao Buzun they are overjoyed pursued, particularly Brother Golden Horn saliva drooped, eighth rank Taiyi, good grain ration! The war cry is shocking, under Wu Qi strongest one crowd of Demon pursued to catch fire wu to kill. ro! ~! 敖不尊他们则是欢天喜地的直追了上去,尤其是金角兄弟的口水都耷拉了下来,八品太乙,多好的口粮啊!喊杀声震天,勿乞麾下最强的一群妖魔追着火呉就杀了过去。ro!~! …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… ……
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