STH :: Volume #9

#895: The invincible forces are in the way

The Lao Ai alone person soars to fly, trod white clouds to submerge the upper air not to see sluggishly. Smiling that smiling that his lonely desolate command in six countries the sentimental quite rich that group of people look fierce, incomparably takes pleasure in others' misfortunes. 嫪毐孤零零一人腾空飞起,踏着一片白云慢吞吞的没入了高空不见。他那寂寥冷凄令得六国中感情比较丰富的那群人龇牙咧嘴的笑着,无比幸灾乐祸的笑着。 Wu Qi both hands hug in the chest front look at the Lao Ai back indifferently, similarly narrows the eyes to focus to smile delighted. Possibly rebels to hold momentarily a person of oneself blade to Lao Ai this type, lets good that he always cannot turn over/stand up. Compelled him to leave behind various after the evidence that betrayed Buddhism, a Wu Qi foot kicks out him, making him go to Buddhism seeking personal gain diligently, diligently worked hard to to become Blissful Buddha. 勿乞双手抱在胸前冷眼看着嫪毐的背影,同样眯着眼笑得不亦乐乎。对嫪毐这种随时可能反叛捅自己一刀的人,还是让他永世不得翻身的好。逼他留下了各种背叛佛门的证据后,勿乞一脚将他踢了出去,让他去佛门努力的钻营,努力的向成为一尊欢喜佛而努力奋斗。 Even Eastern Sea can provide some resources to make him promote cultivation base for him as soon as possible, so long as his achievement Blissful Buddha, he may be able to make a bigger contribution to Eastern Sea. How many risks will have to take as for Lao Ai, who will also pay attention to this? He died died, no one will shed sad tears for him in any case. 甚至东海可以为他提供一些资源让他尽快的提升修为,只要他成就了欢喜佛,他可就能为东海做更大的贡献。至于这其中嫪毐会有承担多少风险,谁还会去理会这个?他死了就死了,反正没人会为他伤心落泪的。 An information that Lao Ai supplies actually, making Wu Qi attach great importance to very much. 倒是嫪毐提供的一条信息,让勿乞很是重视。 The previous Zhangqiu king falls from the sky, Monarch Long Yang is missing does not see, after that he of a Golden Body Dragon Mother Buddha Buddha closing younger brother was actually saved in the past by Buddhism. Golden Body Dragon Mother Buddha, in now Buddhism is extremely the veteran character, has served thirty generations of Buddha lords, the powerful prestige is extremely high, her closing little brother Heavenly Maiden Long Yin also rescues Monarch Long Yang that the severe wound waited for death somehow, moreover had a liking for him. 上一次章丘王陨落,龙阳君失踪不见,其后他却是被佛门过去佛之一金身龙母佛的关门弟救走。金身龙母佛,在当今佛门算是极其老资格的人物,已经侍奉了三十几代佛主,位高权重威望极高,她的关门小弟龙吟天女也不知怎的救起了重伤待毙的龙阳君,而且一眼就看上了他。 According to Lao Ai, now Monarch Long Yang and Heavenly Maiden Long Yin almost keep close, Monarch Long Yang originally cultivation a Buddhism lineage/vein road that took, this suited the Golden Body Dragon Mother Buddha appetite. Monarch Long Yang now in Buddhism is like a fish in water, is better than hundred times to continue the treatment that Lao Ai receives. 嫪毐所言,如今龙阳君龙吟天女几乎是寸步不离,龙阳君原本修炼的就走的佛门一脉的路,这更合了金身龙母佛的胃口。龙阳君如今在佛门是如鱼得水,比嫪毐受到的待遇更好了百倍不止。 Waited for Lao Ai to submerge the upper air, Wu Qi this nodded to Wei Wuji said: Your majesty, this Monarch Long Yang, may result under you a strength.” 等得嫪毐已经没入了高空,勿乞这点头向魏无忌道:“陛下,这龙阳君,可得您下点力气。” Wei Wuji hesitation moment. He praised first: „ Monarch Long Yang deeply has the sentiment in my Great Wei, if there is an opportunity, decides however so. 魏无忌沉吟片刻。他颂首道:“龙阳君于我大魏还是深有感情的,若是有机会,定然如此。 Two people look at each other one, simultaneously gently nod. If Monarch Long Yang is tactful, is willing to make the Eastern Sea pledge spy that, if he turns to Buddhism wholeheartedly, even turns inside out to plan six countries', under that no wonder them the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, thoroughly is impolite to Monarch Long Yang. By six country present strengths, wants to resist Buddhism naturally is by far insufficient, but copes with Monarch Long Yang merely, he died. 两人对视一眼,同时轻轻点头。龙阳君若是识趣,心甘情愿做东海盟的奸细那也就罢了,若是他一心一意投靠佛门,甚至翻过来算计六国的话,那就怪不得他们下黑手,对龙阳君彻底不客气。以六国如今的实力,想要对抗佛门自然是远远不足,但是仅仅是对付一个龙阳君,他可是死定了。 Solved to dynasty's matter, Wu Qi ordered greatly, six groups and the Wu Qi army broke camp, fanned out in seven groups to sweep away the eastern Xinjiang state county. Beforehand the people have made, respective dozen the population and property that the domain, plunders turn over to each one most likely, 20% turn over to Eastern Sea to monopolize. This can obtain many advantage all the way, must look at the respective method and progress speed. 解决了大离皇朝的事情,勿乞一声令下,六团和勿乞的中军拔营而起,兵分七路横扫东疆州郡。事先众人已经约好,各自打下来的地盘、抢掠到的人口和财物八成归各自所有,20%归东海独享。这一路上能得到多少好处,就要看各自的手段和进展速度了。 Heavenly Court and Buddhism are impossible to look on that the Eastern Sea army grabs with foreign country Heavenly Realm at will arrives at the Pangu Continent mortal state, they will definitely make certain counter measures, Wu Qi their objectives are before Heavenly Court and Buddhism make the method of dealing with as far as possible snatches the advantage. Once discovered that Heavenly Court and Buddhism person appears, withdraws troops to return Eastern Sea to cling to tenaciously according to the male city immediately, the absolute disagreement/not with opposite party spells directly hardly. 天庭佛门不可能坐视东海大军随意劫掠随着外域天境到来盘古大陆的凡人国度,他们肯定会做出一定的应对措施,勿乞他们的宗旨就是在天庭佛门做出应对的手段前尽可能的多抢好处。一旦发现天庭佛门的人出现,就立刻收兵退回东海依雄城以死守,绝对不和对方正面硬拼。 The enormous and powerful seven groups of armies open simultaneously dial, Great Yan, Grand Chu and Great Zhao directly soar Northeast to go, Great Qin, Great Wei and Da Qi march toward the southeast, Wu Qi leads the army to directly soar the due east, seven groups of armies swept the past enormously and powerful, immediately shocked the eastern Xinjiang various states. 浩浩荡荡七路大军同时开拨,大燕大楚大赵直奔东北而去,大秦大魏大齐则是往东南进军,勿乞带著中军直奔正东,七路大军浩浩荡荡一路扫荡过去,顿时震动了东疆各州。 These are still loyal to the Great Yu state county to offer the official documents. Provides the logistics soldier to manage for seven groups of armies with various types of military supplies. These and believe mountain king, the ritual mountain king Youguan state county official to bring the soldiers and horses and commodities, coerces large numbers of common people to hear a rumor to escape. Just descended as for these to the Human Clan state that foreign country Heavenly Realm on Pangu Continent comes , was thoroughly destroyed by the potential of plow courtyard sweeping by the Eastern Sea army. 那些依旧忠于大虞的州郡纷纷献上公文。为七路大军提供后勤兵办和各种军事物资。那些和信山王、礼山王有关的州郡官员则是带著兵马和物资,裹挟大批百姓闻风而遁。至于那些刚刚降落到盘古大陆上的外域天境来的人族国度,则是被东海军以犁庭扫之势彻底摧毁。 Short three months, seven groups of Eastern Sea counties sweep away eastern summit more than 20,000 BIg Province, the foreign country Heavenly Realm more than 1000 Human Clan country complete soldiers and horses are extinguished by the slaughter, various countries' Imperial Family was put to death. All common people common people completely become the captive. As these Heavenly Realm landing Pangu Continent size Immortal Sect also more than 300 were killed cleanly by seven groups of armies, the flesh of immortal was treated as the sacrificial offering to give to Raymond, the strength of seven groups of armies obtained certain promotion. 短短三个月的时间,七路东海郡横扫东巅两万余大州,外域天境的一千多个人族国家全部兵马被屠灭,各国皇室被诛杀一空。所有黎民百姓尽成俘虏。随着这些天境降落盘古大陆的大小仙门也有三百多个被七路大军杀得干干净净,仙人的血肉被当做祭品献给了雷蒙,七路大军的实力都得到了一定的提升。 When Eastern Sea of Wu Qi leadership exposes the fang, seems the Evil Dragon that for a long time rests to start to hunt, its momentum is astonishing. 勿乞领导的东海展露獠牙时,就好似久睡的恶龙开始猎食,其声势惊人至极。 On this day, Wu Qi just led the army to cultivate the Sect extermination a name for cool gate small Buddha, is continue go forward toward the due east, center top front mountain range mountain range, suddenly has big piece golden light to emit. The dead ahead of army beyond ten thousand li (0.5 km) in Wu Qi, a small invincible force military camp stands erect in the summit of that mountain peak, the young fellow who wears the hundred flowers brocade robe grasps long spear, is getting several hundred invincible forces to tread cloud to/past Eastern Sea army to welcome. 这一日,勿乞刚刚领着大军将一个名之为清凉门的小小佛修宗门灭门,正朝着正东继续前进,前方一条山脉正中的山脉顶部,突然有大片金光放出。就在勿乞中军的正前方万里之外,一座小小的天兵营寨屹立在那山峰之巅,一员身穿百花锦袍的小将手持长枪,正领着数百天兵踏云往东海军阵迎了上来。 Looks that bluffs and blusters good-looking youngster Military Officer that the spear/gun comes, Wu Qi long sighed: Heavenly Court could not bear finally. This time does not know that what they did look to give a pretext?” 看着那耀武扬威挺枪而来的俊俏少年将领,勿乞长叹道:“天庭终于忍不住了。这次不知道他们找了什么借口?” Finishes barely the words, the young fellow has gotten the subordinate to rush was away from a Eastern Sea army less than three li (0.5 km) place, his horizontal spear/gun sweeps shouts sternly: tai, comes the person, but Great Yu Eastern Sea King subordinate? Fast called Eastern Sea King to come out with the young master to speak!” 话音未落,那小将已经领着部属冲到了距离东海军阵不到三里的地方,他横枪一扫厉声喝道:“呔,来人可是大虞东海王部属?速速叫东海王出来与小爷说话!” Wu Qi has not responded this young fellow, where has the casual person to act to challenge itself to enter the stage personally? If so, oneself this prince also rather fell in price a point. He coughed gently, said indifferently: Which......” 勿乞没搭理这小将,哪里有随便一个人出面挑战就自己亲自出场的?若是这样,自己这个王爷也未免太掉价了一点。他轻轻的咳嗽了一声,淡然说道:“哪位……” Does not wait for Wu Qi the bearing thorough deduction of that prince, Catfish Flood Dragon has harnessed the water cloud to flush away to that young fellow together. She said with a smile loudly: „ This baby seems like the soft and fair skin is delicious , the great-aunt may not be impolite! Smiles one strangely. Also is the li (0.5 km) from that young fellow, the clam flood dragon made one ban to that young fellow to grasp, opens big mouth to swallow toward that young fellow. 不等勿乞将那王爷的气度彻底的演绎出来,鲶蛟已经驾起一道水云向那小将冲去。她大声笑道:“这娃娃看上去细皮嫩肉的好吃得很,姑奶奶可就不客气了!怪笑一声。距离那小将还有里许地,蛤蛟使了一个禁向那小将一抓,张开大嘴就往那小将吞了过去。 Catfish Flood Dragon takes the strength to be won greatly, is very rough regarding the attainments of divine ability technique. The bonus was so bans by strength of her Taiyi also emitted three pitch-dark chill/yin cold piercing water current, around that small, circled one, finally changed into three icy thick ice circles to imprison this young fellow. 鲶蛟以力大为胜,对于神通术的造诣很是粗糙。饶是如此以她太乙的力这一个禁也放出了三条黑漆漆阴寒刺骨的水流,绕着那小、将一阵盘旋,最后化为三条冷冰冰的玄冰圈将这小将禁锢了起来。 In the strange laughter, Catfish Flood Dragon changes into the flood dragon the head this, is sticking out one's tongue tick-tock the saliva to rush that slightly and front. 怪笑声中,鲶蛟将脑袋化为蛟龙本相,吐着舌头滴答着涎水冲到了那小、将面前。 Listens ‚, a resounding, three thick ice circles were made conveniently crush a that young fellow spear pierces to leave, immediately everywhere is the shape such as the azure spear/gun shadow of Luanniao flies high to fly to shoot, the dense and numerous spear/gun shades have several thousand several Myriad Dao at least, in the flash of that electricity flint light punctured simultaneously on the squid flood dragon. 就听‘咔嚓,一声脆响,三条玄冰圈被挣得粉碎那小将随手一枪刺出,顿时漫天都是形如鸾鸟的青色枪影凌空飞射,密密麻麻的枪影起码有几千几万道在那电火石光的一瞬间同时刺在了鱿蛟身上。 long spear is extremely sharp, has the strength of thunder to attach on the lance point, the Catfish Flood Dragon hard scales were pierced, thunder fire explodes under her skin, on her was held the blood hole of innumerable thumb size, the big piece blood plasma sprays, the pain resulted in Catfish Flood Dragon to face upward miserably howling. 长枪极其锋利,更有雷霆之力附着在枪尖上,鲶蛟坚硬的鳞甲被刺穿,雷火在她的皮肤下爆炸,她身上被捅出了无数拇指大小的血窟窿,大片血浆喷洒而出,痛得鲶蛟仰天惨嚎了一声。 The young fellow horizontal the rifle stock pulls out layer on layer/heavily, hits exactly on the waist of Catfish Flood Dragon. Catfish Flood Dragon stuffy snort/hum, was swept by a distressed spear/gun far away, the protection Great Formation bang that bow general that flying boat that hit in a flying boat broke to pieces more than ten, this stopped the body reluctantly. 那小将横起枪杆重重一抽,恰恰打在鲶蛟的腰上。鲶蛟闷哼一声,被狼狈的一枪扫出了老远,一头撞在了一条飞舟的船头上将那飞舟的防护大阵都轰碎了十几层,这勉强停下了身体。 The pupil of Wu Qi concentrates, he looked to that young fellow, purple lofty rays of light flashes in the pupil, Wu Qi has completely understood this seemingly young day the actual situation. My goodness, the squid flood dragon indeed was the general idea/careless, on this day unexpectedly is Taiyi eighth rank cultivation base, compared with Catfish Flood Dragon cultivation base enough high a step, but drew out in his hand that long spear is also solid Taiyi Immortal Artifact, the might was stronger much clam flood dragon to meet no wonder causes heavy losses by him. 勿乞的瞳孔一凝,他向那小将望了过去,紫巍巍的光芒在瞳孔内一闪,勿乞已经看透了这看似年轻的天将的虚实。好家伙,鱿蛟的确是大意了,这天将居然是太乙八品修为,比鲶蛟修为足足高了一个品阶,而起他手上那根长枪也是一件实实在在的太乙仙器,威力强得吓人难怪蛤蛟一见面就被他重创。 Golden Feather, Silver Feather and Catfish Flood Dragon are on good terms, saw that her suffering a loss two sisters quickly move forward to meet somebody to support the whole body are Catfish Flood Dragon of blood. 金羽银羽鲶蛟交好,眼看她吃亏姐妹俩急忙迎了上去扶住了浑身是血的鲶蛟 The Princess Zhang Le main also flying moves forward to meet somebody, she points at has stroked the body of Catfish Flood Dragon gently, on that day will start to be ruthless, the lance point almost pierced the squid flood dragon gold/metal Bu joint and fatal vital point, wrong non- Catfish Flood Dragon this is Demon Immortal, the vitality is more tenacious than the common immortal much this round of gunshot to kill the clam flood dragon. 鄣乐公主也飞身迎了上去,她手指轻轻拂过鲶蛟的身体,那天将下手极狠,枪尖几乎刺穿了鱿蛟金部的关节和致命要害,错非鲶蛟本为妖仙,生命力比寻常仙人强韧得多这一轮枪击已经将蛤蛟杀死。 The atmosphere in Eastern Sea army becomes suffocating these three months of Eastern Sea army to sweep, the Catfish Flood Dragon fearful battle efficiency has known by all Eastern Sea officers. Her that abnormal sledgehammer once the continual bang broke to pieces seven Immortal Sect mountain-protecting Great Formation, had not seen that some people can block her hammer. 东海军阵内的气氛变得令人窒息这三个月东海军一路扫荡过来,鲶蛟可怕的战斗力已经为所有东海将士所知晓。她那变态的大锤曾经连续轰碎了七个仙门的护山大阵,还没见到有人能挡住她一锤的。 However that seems like that a 13 or 14-year-old young fellow spear/gun causes heavy losses to Catfish Flood Dragon unexpectedly, can he fierce? 但是那看似不过十三四岁的小将居然一枪重创鲶蛟,那他得有多厉害? The Princess Zhang Le lord hugged the squid flood dragon to return to the rear palace of Wu Qi place ship to go to the Taiyi rank cultivator either not injured, once were injured is the loss of enormous injury any blood essence is extremely deeply grieved. Wrong non- Eastern Sea has in the Yuan Ling/Origin Spirit quiet boundary Innate Divine Wood refinement medicine pill, feared that is Catfish Flood Dragon, even if leaves behind a life, should still knock down while still alive Golden Immortal Realm. 鄣乐公主抱著鱿蛟回到了勿乞座舰的后殿中去太乙级别的修士要么不受伤,一旦受伤就是极大的伤害任何一点精血的损失都是极其惨痛的。错非东海元灵幽境中先天神木炼制的丹药,怕是鲶蛟就算留下一条性命,也会被活活打落回金仙境界 Wu Qi looks at the blood that in a deck Catfish Flood Dragon dropped, cold sound asks: newcomer who!” 勿乞看了一眼甲板上鲶蛟滴落的鲜血,冷声问道:“来者何人!” The young fellow shows a faint smile, long spear lives in the air loses, changes into one azure length zhang (3.33 m) little dragon around from circle in flight erratically. He said with a smile: I am Heavenly Court three altar/jar town/subdues Devil God source of vitality wu, today blocks your Eastern Sea way, is for the private grudges, with Heavenly Court irrelevant.” 那小将微微一笑,长枪住空中一丢,化为一条青色的长不过丈许的小龙绕著自已飞旋不定。他笑道:“我乃天庭三坛镇魔神君火呉,今日拦你东海去路,乃是为了私怨,和天庭无关。” Calling out of Ao Buzun strange voice and strange manner: Oh? Private grudges? The old two days toed the line has not seized the daughter, was inside impossible to have your mother or your wife?” 敖不尊怪声怪气的叫道:“啊哟?私怨?老这两天循规蹈矩没有强掳民女,里面不可能有你的娘亲或者你的妻?” Fire wu smiles. He shakes the head saying: This really chatted. Mentioned also no important matter, but extinguished killed me in the direct descendant bloodlines that the world left behind, had to extinguish the enmity of my progenies, therefore came specially and asks to say.” 火呉浅浅一笑。他摇头道:“这位实在是说笑了。说来也没什么大事,只是诸位灭杀了我在人间留下的嫡系血脉,有灭我苗裔之仇,故而特意来和诸位讨个说而已。” Deeply inspires, fire wu points at Wu Qi to sneer saying: „The world greatly to the dynasty was my descendant, the fire immeasurable is my direct descendant blood, your Eastern Sea extinguished kills greatly to the dynasty, put to death the fire immeasurable whole families, this enmity has to report!” 深吸一口气,火呉指着勿乞冷笑道:“人间大离皇朝乃我后裔,火无量乃我嫡系血裔,你东海灭杀大离皇朝,将火无量满门诛杀,此仇不得不报!” Wu Qi smiled, he turns head to say with a smile to Lord Xiansheng: I said, they will definitely look for anything to give a pretext to feel embarrassed with us. Just, to look for a hindrance, stops excuse that we march, delivers to make us own grandson slaughter at will, this feelings may be really ruthless enough!” 勿乞笑了,他扭头向身边的显圣灵君笑道:“我就说,他们肯定会找什么借口来和我们为难。只不过,为了找一个阻,止我们进军的借口,把自己的孙送上来让我们随意宰杀,这心肠可真够狠的!” Lord Xiansheng shakes the head, the Heavenly Court actions really a little made him despise. 显圣灵君只是摇头,天庭的所作所为实在是有点令他不齿。 Nearby Yuan Qing is carries the stick to clash outward, he shouted sternly: Was your family grandfather killed your grey grandson, how did you bite me?” 一旁的猿青则是拎起棍就往外冲,他厉声喝道:“是你家爷爷杀了你那灰孙,你咬我怎的?” Yuan Qing has not flushed. Wu Qi grabbed his neck to hold him. 猿青还没冲出去。勿乞一把抓着他的脖将他提溜了回来。 Wu Qi shouted sternly: Ao Buzun , manifesting a presence big brother, you one and on! Yuan Qing, Golden Horn, Silver Horn, Golden Feather and Silver Feather, you plunder outside. This person is eighth rank Taiyi cultivation base, in the hand is making a name Taiyi Immortal Artifact, cannot be negligent!” 勿乞厉声喝道:“敖不尊,显圣大哥,你们一并上!猿青金角银角金羽银羽,你们在外掠阵。此人是八品太乙修为,手上是成气候的太乙仙器,万万不能大意!” Ao Buzun and Lord Xiansheng complied with one, draws out the weapon to walk outward. 敖不尊显圣灵君应了一声,拔出兵器就往外走。 Fire wu shows a faint smile, he raises the right hand to grasp to the upper air, immediately in the world a redness, no rim-fire cloud tumbled to burn to Eastern Sea army. 火呉微微一笑,他举起右手向高空一抓,顿时天地间一片赤红,无边火云翻滚着向东海军阵烧了过来。 Before dawn (3 - 5 am) delivers encouragement that...... asked that sought the stimulation of recommendation ticket! Everyone gives the pig a first power! Takes a bath, then sleeps, keeps regular hours more energetic, tomorrow will continue the symbol! 第五更送上……求的鼓励,求推荐票的刺激!大家多给猪头一点动力!洗澡,然后睡觉,早睡早起精神百倍,明天继续码字! .
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