STH :: Volume #9

#894: Discussed really happy

The fire looks immeasurably helplessly Lao Ai kills the side 108 wing clothes Buddhist priests, he cannot help but called out in alarm one to turn around to escape. Can become a country monarchy, the fire is not immeasurably stupid. Wu Qi can force Lao Ai to kill people, then the Wu Qi background is more fearful than Lao Ai, he does not seize the chance to escape, but also waits to be killed him to be inadequate? 火无量眼睁睁看着嫪毐将身边的一百零八翼衣僧人杀死,他不由得惊呼了一声转身就逃。能成为一国君主,火无量可一点儿都不蠢。勿乞能逼迫嫪毐杀人,那么勿乞的来头就比嫪毐还可怕,他不趁机逃命,还等着被人来杀他不成? There is so but easy to escape, he just changed into the hot cloud to graze dozens li (0.5 km), near the ear malevolent winds resounds together, a giant golden apes and monkeys has swung the strong winds to pass over gently and swiftly side him. A fire immeasurable final impression is the good thick stick! Afterward he at present one black, all no longer have the least bit relations with him. 可是那里这么容易逃掉,他刚刚化为火云飞掠出数十里,耳边一道恶风响起,一头巨大的金色猿猴已经荡起狂风掠过了他身边。火无量最后的一个印象就是好粗的棍子啊!随后他眼前一黑,一切都不再和他有半点儿关系。 Yuan Qing pursues gets angry the immeasurable stick to hit pulpy his half body, the Golden Horn degree of reaction is quickest, flies to shoot, but opens big mouth fire immeasurable whole swallowing down. He satisfies clatter a lower jaw, sneezed, fire immeasurable clothes shoes and so on spat fragmentarily. 猿青追上火无量一棍子将他半截身子打得稀烂,金角反应度最快,飞射而去张开大嘴将火无量囫囵个的吞了下去。他满意的嗒了一下嘴,打了个喷嚏,将火无量身上的衣服鞋子之类的零碎吐了出来。 Wu Qi with a smile looks that suddenly under these Buddhist priests of heavy hand Lao Ai that kill, to located a reaching to the sky mountain peak to select conveniently extremely by far. Lao Ai dejected following in Wu Qi behind, group governing wind direction that mountains flew. This mountain from the distant place looked that as if is very near, but actually that mountain peak is extremely enormously high, they are more than ten thousand li (0.5 km) from Wu Qi at least. 勿乞笑吟吟的看着突下辣手将那些僧人杀死的嫪毐,随手向极远远处一座高耸入云的山峰点了点。嫪毐垂头丧气的跟在了勿乞身后,一行人御风向那高山飞了过去。这山从远处看似乎还很近,但是实则那山峰极高极大,距离勿乞他们起码有万多里地。 Flies the side hill, Lao Ai sees several thousand huge flying boat dense and numerous dockings at the foot of the hill, the innumerable soldiers sit cross-legged to sit in meditation in the deck, is absorbing Pangu Purple Qi to recover the energy. Lao Ai Divine Consciousness sweeps toward these flying boats, but Divine Consciousness seemed bumped into the glass bead that rubbed the oil same slid, here empty seemed not a thing, but his naked eye indeed saw here had surely the above soldiers at least. 飞到山边,嫪毐才看到数千条巨大的飞舟密密麻麻的停靠在山脚下,无数士卒在甲板上盘膝静坐,正在吸收盘古紫气恢复体力。嫪毐神识往这些飞舟一扫,但是神识就好似碰到了抹油的玻璃珠子一样滑了过去,这里空荡荡的好似并无一物,但是他肉眼的确看到了这里起码驻扎了千万以上的士卒。 shock looked at Wu Qi one, Wu Qi light saying: „ Oh, now Eastern Sea is in six countries, has large quantities of researches in thorough detail Military Officer and adviser of say/way specially. Here arranged covered up Divine Consciousness small spell formation, we have been stationed here for three days. 惊骇的望了勿乞一眼,勿乞淡淡的说道:“噢,如今不论是东海还是六国中,都有大批专门精研阵道的将领和谋士。这里布置了一些遮掩神识的小阵法,我们已经在这里驻扎三天了。 Rock Lao Ai such as sighing of dying embers. This mountain is so noticeable, these days fire he himself took a fast look around to here with Divine Consciousness immeasurably several times. However they cannot each time presently existence of Eastern Sea army, otherwise they will not collapse completely today. 嫪毐如死灰的叹了一口气。这一座大山如此引人注目,这几日无论是火无量还是他自己都用神识向这边扫视了好几次。但是每次他们都没能现东海军的存在,否则他们今天也不会一败涂地。 However has a look to follow Wu Qi Gui Guzi and Su Qin and Zhang Yi masters and disciples three sons-in-law loses poisonously is actually sincerely convinced. He did not excel at the scheme, plays with some schemes and tricks , are other aspects possibly Gui Guzi their opponents? Simplest asked Monarch to enter the small skill that the jar, lured the enemy in deep, will burn down to the dynasty 1 million armies greatly cleanly, this lost simply and is too too simple, losing the rock thinks poisonously this was having a dream. 但是看看跟着勿乞身边的鬼谷子苏秦张仪师徒三个婿毒倒是输得心服口服。他本来就不擅长计谋,玩弄一些阴谋诡计也就罢了,其他方面怎可能是鬼谷子他们这些人的对手?最简单的一个请君入瓮、诱敌深入的小技巧,就将大离皇朝百万大军一把火烧得干干净净,这输得太简单、太干脆,输得磐毒都以为这是在做梦了。 Loses not injust!”, Lao Ai muttered one in a low voice. “输得不冤!”,嫪毐低声咕哝了一句。 Wu Qi hehe smiles, the front is 30 miles shape such as the flying boat of Gold Dragon flies slowly, the large military forces rode assorted tiger leopard Qinshou and other mounts to welcome. Wu Qi brought Lao Ai to step the flying boat, arrived at center the flying boat in the part main hall. 勿乞嘿嘿一笑,前方一条长有30里形如金龙的飞舟冉冉飞起,大队人马骑着各色虎豹禽兽等坐骑迎了上来。勿乞带着嫪毐踏上了飞舟,来到了飞舟正中部分的大殿内。 In the main hall of spaciousness, six country rulers and ministers are placed to control to notice that comes in the Lao Ai lowering the head mourning wool to the child, Yan Dan sneered, winning the politics is the vision gloomy stubbornly is staring at him, right hand already grasping of instinct on sword hilt. These days, Wu Qi will also put to death the immeasurable merit that the candle dragon must come to apportion core figure who wins the politics and other countries', now they also draw support from the merit to step into Primordial Realm in abundance. 宽敝的大殿中,六国君臣分列左右看到嫪毐垂头丧毛到走子进来,燕丹冷笑了一声,赢政则是目光阴森的死死的盯着他,右手已经本能的握在了剑柄上。这些日子里,勿乞同样将诛杀烛龙得来的无量功德分给了赢政等六国的核心人物,如今他们也都纷纷借助功德踏入了太乙境界 Even if wins the politics they are merit Taiyi, is far less than to depend upon on magical skill cultivation base truly own comprehension steps into Primordial Realm can greatly however their Magic Force cultivation base, but solid Taiyi level. Lao Ai enters Golden Immortal cultivation base now initially, won the political a small finger point also to give to be run over and die him gently. 纵然赢政他们是功德太乙,在道行修为上远不如真正依靠自己的领悟踏入太乙境界的大能但是他们的法力修为可是实实在在的太乙水准。嫪毐如今不过是初入金仙修为,赢政的小手指轻轻一点也就把他给碾死了。 Feels wins the political bad vision, the rock poisonously very astute to Wu Qi to depend. Wu Qi may be disinclined to make shield for him, he is drawing hand outward one pile of light saying of Lao Ai: Long letter/believes king, you , if useful, you can live. If you are useless the words, ha, how many personal enemies here does have your?”, Won political hehe to smile one strangely, the leisure relaxing body, the hand grasped the sword hilt stubbornly stared at Lao Ai to be ruthless. In the past Lao Ai may many present these people wins political trusted aide high-ranking court official in the person who Great Qin offends, such as Li Si such official was the sinister smile repetitive looks at the playing poison, being ready to fight prepares to tidy up his quite. 感受到赢政不善的目光,磐毒很是精明的向勿乞身边靠了靠。勿乞可懒得为他做挡箭牌,他拉着嫪毐的手往外一堆淡淡的说道:“长信王,你若是有用,你能活。你若是没用得话,哈哈哈,这里有你多少仇人啊?”,赢政嘿嘿怪笑了一声,慢条斯理的直起了腰身,手握剑柄死死的盯着嫪毐狠。当年嫪毐大秦得罪的人可不少如今这些人都是赢政身边的心腹重臣,诸如李斯这样的臣子都是阴笑连连的看着嬉毒,摩拳擦掌的准备着好生的收拾他一顿。 This was the debacle that the rock cultivated the behavior poisonously, in the past he depended oneself inborn good qualification to gang up the birth mother who won the politics, depended the potential of empress dowager to be many in the official who in the big Qin Dynasty hall ran amuck to offend under cultivation that desirably goes to the labor now these people in Wu Qi cultivation base was more poisonous than wisely the rock innumerable times, Lao Ai seemed falls into the oppressor hole small rabbit, the whole body trembled unable to lift continually. 这就是磐毒做人的失败之处了,当年他仗着自己的天生好本钱勾搭上了赢政的生母,仗着皇太后的势在大秦朝堂上胡作非为得罪的臣子多了去工偏偏如今这些人都在勿乞的刻意栽培下修为比磐毒高明了无数倍,嫪毐就好似落入了虎狼穴的小兔子,浑身战栗连头都抬不起来了。 Wu Qi sat on center the throne, made an effort to applaud saying: „, This did not need me to introduce much. Was greatly poisonous to the dynasty Preceptor son-in-law, directed 1 million armies to crash in the gully state city, burnt down cleanly is he!”, Six country rulers and ministers chuckle poisonous this people's personal connection in six countries may really not, he just hit one to lose a battle by the people with one voice to be designed particularly to burn down up 1 million armies, the people happen to hit a person when he is down ridicules his ruthlessly. 勿乞坐在了正中王座上,用力鼓掌道:“诸位,这位也就不用我多介绍了。大离皇朝国师婿毒嘿,指挥百万大军冲进壑州城,被一把火烧得干干净净的就是他了!”,六国君臣齐声轻笑姆毒这种人在六国中的人缘可实在不怎的,尤其是他刚刚打了一场打败仗被众人设计一把火烧光了百万大军,众人正好落井下石狠狠的嘲笑他一番。 Lao Ai complexion pale uncertain, his hollow laugh several, bent the body to salute to say to Yan Dan: Your majesty.”, Yan Dan shows the whites of the eyes, leads a rascal to sitting in Wu Qi po Yue lord one finger/refers: Present hitting Emperor swallow is Zi Xuan, hey, the old man had dismissed the Great Yan throne, now is common people one!” 嫪毐的脸色一阵青白不定,他干笑了几声,向燕丹屈身行礼道:“陛下。”,燕丹翻了个白眼,带着点无赖的向坐在勿乞身边的鄱乐公主一指:“现在的打燕皇帝是紫璇,嘿,老夫已经辞了大燕皇位,现在就是平民百姓一个!” In the main hall countless people turned the supercilious look, your Yan Dan was the common people, put down your old mother, hundred your old mothers! 大殿内无数人翻起了白眼,你燕丹是平民百姓,平你老母,百你老母! The cheek of Lao Ai is extremely thick, he lord to salute to say to section Yue immediately: Feudal official son-in-law is poisonous, see your majesty!” 嫪毐的面皮极厚,他立刻向部乐公主行礼道:“臣婿毒,参见陛下!” Department Yue lord cold snort/hum, she and Wu Qi exchanged several meaningful glances, immediately understood the intention of Wu Qi, her light saying: „, The long letter/believes king does not use overly courteous. The military situation is urgent, the idle talk little said, the long letter/believes king knows some Heavenly Court and Buddhism many plans, mentions. If the information of long letter/believes king can let present satisfaction, long believes king naturally to have the huge advantage. If not happy...... 部乐公主冷哼了一声,她和勿乞交换了几个眼色,顿时明白了勿乞的用意,她淡淡的说道:“罢了,长信王不用多礼。军情紧急,闲话少说,长信王知道些天庭佛门多少谋算,说来。若是长信王的情报能够让在场诸位满意,长信王自然有天大的好处。若是不满意么…… The Wu Qi primordial chaos discernment opens to sweeps poisonously, he claps the hands to say with a smile suddenly: So that's how it is, long letter/believes king[ body] in all did Restriction(s) ban the god incantation to untie including black sheng? No wonder the long letter/believes king does not contact with us for a long time, was the sentiment the Buddhism lackey wholeheartedly?” 勿乞鸿蒙法眼睁开向姆毒一扫,他突然拍掌笑道:“原来如此,长信王〖体〗内的所有禁制包括黒眚禁神咒都被解开了?难怪长信王许久不和我们联系,感情是一心一意做佛门的狗腿子了?” In the main hall the people sneer with one voice, ridiculing jeered the sound to be lingering on faintly. 大殿内众人齐声冷笑,讥嘲声不绝于耳。 Regarding Lao Ai this Yin person! Really no one is willing to make any good friends with him, instead when has the opportunity of hitting a person when he is down, everyone very happy hits a person when he is down to him, will not have least bit to hesitate. 对于嫪毐这种阴人!实在没人愿意和他结什么善缘,反而是有落井下石的机会时,所有人都会很欢乐的对他落井下石,不会有半点儿犹豫的。 Lao Ai opens mouthhe really to be ridiculed jeers the voice infuriated, he gets angry: Some indeed turned to Buddhism, turned to Buddhism thoroughly, what wrong does this have? Some present is 18th Rank Bodhisattva cultivation base, if wants some laborious cultivation, how many magical skill Magic Force now can have? The so-called good bird select the wood, but breath, some......” 嫪毐张了张嘴”他实在是被讥嘲声气得火冒三丈,他怒道:“某的确投靠了佛门,彻底投靠了佛门,这又有什么错?某如今是十八品菩萨修为,若是要某自己辛辛苦苦的修炼,如今能有多少道行法力?所谓良禽择木而息,某……” The Lao Ai words did not have the means saying that because presented so many people is almost release as if by prior agreement oneself aura. 嫪毐的话没办法说下去,因为在场这么多人几乎是不约而同的释放出了自身气息 The core figures in six countries', such as six country monarchy, crown prince, Prime Minister, marshal and so on, that Taiyi unique terrifying pressure makes Lao Ai almost stop air. ” Their Golden Immortal peak aura is oppressing Lao Ai as for six country other official advisers directly, making his whole body blood almost stop flowing. Panic-stricken desire certainly looks at the people on the scene, son-in-law poisonous big mouth a few words cannot say. 六国的核心人物,诸如六国君主、太子、丞相、元帅之类,那太乙特有的恐怖威压让嫪毐几乎闭过气去。至于六国其他的文臣谋士”他们金仙巅峰气息更加直接的压迫着嫪毐,让他浑身血液都几乎停止了流动。惊恐欲绝的看着在场的众人,婿毒张大嘴一句话都说不出来。 Wu Qi said with a smile lightly: Ok, the good bird selected the wood, but the breath, it seems like believed Wang Xuan long a rotten wood, so many years, were trivial 18th Rank Bodhisattva cultivation base, the treatment of Buddhism to long letter/believes king are mediocre.” 勿乞轻笑道:“好了,良禽择木而息,看来长信王选了根烂木头,这么多年,才是区区十八品菩萨修为,佛门对长信王的待遇不过如此。” Shakes the head, Wu Qi said with a smile: Made a long story short, we want to know the Daoist priest to believe all that the king knew.” 摇了摇头,勿乞笑道:“长话短说,我们想知道长信王所知道的一切。” Lao Ai looks grief-stricken is looking at Wu Qi, his murmured under low voice: How possibly this? How possibly this? Even if you are exceedingly high High Priest, even you can the control time flow, this method Buddhism many Buddha still many people can the control time flow, but lacks enough Spiritual Qi, how do you possibly make them promote such quickly?” 嫪毐如丧考妣的望着勿乞,他低声咕哝道:“怎可能这样?怎可能这样?就算你是通天大祭司,就算你能控制时间流,这手段佛门的诸多佛陀也有不少人能控制时间流,但是缺少足够的灵气,你怎可能让他们提升得这么快?” Wu Qi surprised looking approached the son-in-law to be poisonous, his jaw said: „The thing that it seems like long letter/believes king knows are many, but long believed king Mofei to forget a matter, but Great Yu You Xiong Plain Spiritual Qi inexhaustible unexpected deficient wanted to be able the control time, so long as consumed a dessert strength, promoting cultivation base not to be regarded anything in Great Yu. Wrong non- Great Yu abides by the say/way of nature, little handled matter that spoiled by trying is too helpful extremelywhat Heavenly Court and Buddhism was considered as? ” 勿乞惊讶的望向了婿毒,他颌道:“看来长信王知道的东西不少嘛,只是长信王莫非忘记了一件事情,大虞有熊原灵气可是无穷无尽不虞匮乏的”只要能控制时间,只要耗费一点心力,提升修为大虞算不得什么。错非大虞信守自然之道,极少做拔苗助长的事情”天庭佛门算得了什么?” Lao Ai however sits on the ground obstinatelyin his brain a blank, obedient all that will know said. 嫪毐顽然坐在地上”他脑子里一片空白,乖乖的将自己知道的一切都说了出来。 Today his experience became the extremely serious attack to other party, the opportunity destroyed his spirit wisdom. 今天他的所见所闻对他造成了极其惨重的打击,机会摧毁了他的灵智。 Always, thinks poisonously oneself turn to Buddhism, puts out of one's mind six countries is a step extremely wonderful good chess, he has thought oneself had 18th Rank Bodhisattva cultivation base with easepeople compared to six country, he is existence of keeping aloof, his old acquaintance and old opponent are the ants same chop suey. 一直以来,姆毒都以为自己投靠佛门,将六国丢在脑后是一步极妙的好棋,他一直以为自己轻轻松松的有了十八品菩萨修为”相对于六国之人,他已经是高高在上的存在,他的老熟人、老对手都不过是蝼蚁一样的杂碎。 However today seesnot only Wu Qi cultivation base to the degree that he can only look, he thinks that was ants the people of six countrytheir cultivation base rises dramatically unexpectedly such degree. Do those images and scenes, feel sad? Back then when six country first meetings, his Lao Ai in six countries is also the top expert! However today, he was actually even/including aura cannot withstand. 但是今日一见”不仅仅勿乞修为到了他只能仰望的程度,就连他以为是蝼蚁的六国之人”他们的修为居然飙升到了那样的程度。此情此景,情何以堪?想当年六国初会之时,他嫪毐在六国中也算是顶尖的高手!但是今日,他却是连人家的气息都承受不住了。 Is filled with the bitter and astringent poison to confess thoroughly, does not have slight concealment again. 满心苦涩的姆毒将所有的一切都彻底坦白,再无丝毫的隐瞒。 Wu Qi and the others look at Lao Ai with a smile, side has several officials to record the son-in-law deftly poisonously every single word or phrase. After must always all that likes him knowing to spit, the people simultaneously smile, gives the thumbs-up to Lao Ai to praise without cease, only has the complexion incomparable ugliness of Lao Ai. 勿乞等人笑吟吟的看着嫪毐,旁边有好几个文臣麻利的记录着婿毒的一字一句。等得老爱啊他所知道的一切都吐出来后,众人齐齐微笑,纷纷竖起大拇指对嫪毐赞叹不已,只有嫪毐的脸色无比的难看。 Lao Ai joins in Buddhism, although his position is not high, but his talent different reported, liked Zen lineage/vein to rush out eldest child's prestige in Buddhism, therefore became friends with the Bodhisattva big energy of many Buddhism core level, pouring also knew many Buddhism were secret. Today Wu Qi compels him to spit all these, he is unable to return to Buddhism inevitably again, otherwise news divulging, he has the danger of fleeing. 嫪毐投身佛门,虽然他的地位不高,但是他天赋异禀,在佛门欢喜禅宗一脉闯出了老大的威名,故而结交了不少佛门核心级的菩萨大能,倒也得知了不少佛门机密。今日勿乞逼得他将这一切都吐了出来,他势必无法再返佛门,否则消息一泄露,他就有亡命之危。 Wu Qi they may be disinclined to pay attention to the poisonous life, the people made some resolution by the Divine Sense rapid communication. 勿乞他们可懒得理会姆毒的死活,众人以神念迅沟通做出了某个决断。 Wu Qi approaches the Lao Ai jaw to say with a smile: Long letter/believes king, here may have the opportunity of contributing to the great merit to you, you may do not let off!” 勿乞就笑着向嫪毐颌道:“长信王,我们这里可有一个立大功的机会给你,你可千万不要放过!” Waits for Wu Qi to say the words, Lao Ai was almost mad not to jump. 等得勿乞啪啪啪啪将一番话说出,嫪毐气得差点没跳了起来。 【...... Chapter 894 discussed really happy( fourth)】 【……第894章相谈甚欢(第四更)】 .
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