STH :: Volume #9

#893: Old friend reunion

* outside the state city hundred li (0.5 km), summit of the mountain, five five colors flags spread the four directions, composed exquisite fine Five Elements to conceal breath Great Formation. Wu Qi by a big tree, is narrowing the eyes to focus to look that slantingly the distant place 1 million big crashed in magnificent one of the gully state city to the dynasty army. *州城外百里,一座高山之巅,五根五色阵旗散布四方,组成了一个小巧精致的五行匿息大阵勿乞斜靠在一株大树上,正眯着眼看着远处百万大离皇朝军队冲进壑州城的壮观一幕。 Gui Gu, Zhang Yi and Su Qin masters and disciples three stand side Wu Qi, on the face has the secretive smile to look at the gully state city, murderous aura to make one be afraid faintly. 鬼谷张仪苏秦师徒三个站在勿乞身边,脸上带着诡秘的笑容望着壑州城,隐隐杀气令人不寒而栗。 Three days ago Wu Qi they rushed to the gully state city, at that time was dispersing to the 1 million armies of dynasty all around greatly sweeps away the big or small cities of gully state. According to comment that Gui Gu gave, only 1 million armies dispersed round number ten teams of troops to sweep everywhere, if the Eastern Sea army also divided forces to exterminate, really wastes the energy. Might as well suppose to ambush in the gully state city, when his 1 million armies gathered, catches the whole lot in a dragnet them again. 三天前勿乞他们就赶到了壑州城,那时候大离皇朝的百万大军正分散四周横扫壑州的大小城镇。按照鬼谷提出的意见,区区百万军队分散成数十队人马四处扫掠,若是东海军也随之分兵剿灭,实在是浪费精力。不如就在壑州城设下埋伏,等他百万大军汇聚了,再将他们一网打尽。 The opinion of Gui Gu obtained in six countries the approvals of all official advisers, Wu Qi naturally accepted good advice readily, whatever they acted at will. 鬼谷的意见得到了六国中所有文臣谋士的赞同,勿乞自然是从善如流,任凭他们随意施为。 1 million big had broken in the gully state city to the army of dynasty shortly, the garrison troops in city all had also run away, Gui Gu on superficial delimited an ancient seal script in the air, the fire, the character. The land shakes suddenly, the gully state city was covered by an unusual ominous red light, seemed the cover that red crystal built the gully state city cover below. 眼看百万大离皇朝的军队已经冲入了壑州城,城内的守军也已经全部逃了出来,鬼谷就轻描淡写的在空气中划了一个古篆文,火,字。大地骤然摇动,壑州城被一股异样的不祥的红光笼罩,就好似一个红水晶打造的罩将壑州城罩在了下面。 Breaks in the city greatly to dynasty soldiers in surprised yelled loudly, in the city common people do not have, do not say that such as the beautiful woman of cloud, is the cat dog draft animal has not left behind one. These luxurious hotels seem 100 vicious dogs have licked the gruel basin cleanly, a copper coin does not have remaining. 冲入城中的大离皇朝士卒正在惊讶的放声大叫,城内一个百姓都没有,不要说如云的美女,就是猫狗牲口都没留下一条。那些豪华宅邸干干净净好似一百条恶狗舔过的粥盆,就连一个铜钱都没剩下。 In they were shouting loudly when discontented this harvest, the length and breadth hundred li (0.5 km) gully state city was wrapped by one group of red light, all constructions collapse to be reduced to ashes to scatter loudly, in the city wall in gully state city ignited the flaming fire, in the ground that the gully state city smooth such as baffled had the innumerable thumb-thick red rays to alternate the winding rapidly, outlined a giant chart rapidly. 就在他们大声叫嚷着不满这次的收获时,长宽百里的壑州城被一团红光包裹住,所有的建筑轰然坍塌化为灰烬飘散,壑州城的城墙上燃起了熊熊大火,壑州城平滑如砥的地面上有无数条拇指粗细的红色光线在急速穿插缠绕,迅速勾勒出了一副巨大的阵图。 The chart roughly assumes the circular, the core of chart is one spreads the wings the phoenix design that wants to fly, nine pieces of the phoenix tail feathers that pulls from the tail of Xiaoque float in Great Formation Central, 99 lips had ten zhang (3.33 m) carved the innumerable Fire Phoenix's scarlet red columns all over the body silent from underground to drill to come out thickly high to release the suffocating fearful high temperature. 阵图大致呈圆形,阵图的核心是一支展翅欲飞的凤凰图案,九片从小雀儿的尾巴上扯下来的凤凰尾羽漂浮在大阵中心,九十九根碗口粗高有十丈通体雕刻了无数火凤凰的赤红色柱无声无息的从地下钻了出来释放出令人窒息的可怕高温。 Stands rock poison that and the others observe outside the city look lives the gully state city of accident suddenly, they frightened simultaneously stiffly there. 站在城外观战的磐毒等人看着突生变故的壑州城,他们同时吓得僵硬在了那里。 The rock fortunately, died to the dynasty 1 million armies poisonously greatly even did not have the relations of root hair with him. However to these Military Officer of dynasty, these 1 million armies left the dynasty 95% military forces greatly greatly. The foreign country Heavenly Realm product is barren, the Pangu Purple Qi content was much scarcer, how many efforts made to the dynasty greatly, collected 1 million armies in fire immeasurable this ruler hand? 磐毒还好,大离皇朝百万大军就算死光了也和他没根毛的关系。但是对大离皇朝的那些将领而言,这百万大军是大离皇朝90%五的军力。外域天境物产贫瘠,盘古紫气的含量更是稀少得可怜,大离皇朝耗费了多少心力,在火无量这一任帝皇手上凑齐了百万大军? If this army had/left what accident in the gully state city, disintegrates to the dynasty greatly does not immediately have the second outlet again. These Military Officer frighten the whole body to tremble, simultaneously looked called out to the poisonous hissing: Preceptor, but also asked Preceptor fast to act!”, Lao Ai opens mouth he to look hesitant by gully state city that the red light covers, could not mention the courage to act actually. The gully state city sudden accident, making him recall that some long beforehand memory, the method of this computation, this murder in the invisible strategy, making him think some fearful character, some left behind the character of extremely heavy shadow in his mind. 这支军队若是在壑州城出了什么变故,大离皇朝立刻土崩瓦解再没第二条出路。那些将领吓得浑身战栗,同时看向了姆毒嘶声叫道:“国师,还求国师速速出手!”,嫪毐张了张嘴他犹犹豫豫的看着被红光笼罩的壑州城,硬是提不起勇气出手。壑州城突然的变故,让他回想起一些很久以前的记忆,这种计算的手段,这种杀人于无形的谋略,让他想到了一些很可怕的人物,一些在他的心中留下了极重阴影的人物。 Great Yu person not this scheme.”, The rock said poisonously in a low voice: They will only die to fight, they possibly withdraw the resident ahead of time, then leaves behind several tens of thousands soldiers to tempt the enemy? This matter, how can these stone heads of Great Yu think?”, Shouted loudly to Military Officer sad sound of dynasty greatly saw that Lao Ai lowered the head to consider only itself to think the concern, these Military Officer led the side not many pro- soldier guards to fly high to jump, went to the gully state city across. They roared loudly are wielding the weapon to divide to the gully state city red light/only cover, then their hit this red flame, seemed this piece of light cover not to exist general. 大虞的人是不会这种计谋的。”,磐毒低声说道:“他们只会死战到底,他们怎可能提前将居民撤出,然后留下数万士卒诱敌?这种事情,大虞的那些石头脑袋怎想得出来?”,大离皇朝的将领悲声高呼看到嫪毐低着头只顾自己想心事,这些将领纷纷带领自己身边不多的亲兵护卫凌空跃起,向壑州城横掠而去。他们大声咆哮着挥动兵器劈向壑州城上空的红色光罩,然后他们一头撞进了这一片红色的的火光,就好似这一片光罩不存在一般。 Made an effort excessive these to hit to Military Officer one of the dynasty greatly in the city, many people almost turned oneself neck, their surprised standing up did sway is sizing up all around sound, when they saw when Great Formation that underground that took the Fire Phoenix real shape as the eye, their complexions became pale one piece suddenly, the bonus was all around red light rises does not have the means to make on their faces many least bit blood-color. 用力过度的这些大离皇朝的将领一头撞在城内,好些人差点扭了自己的脖,他们惊讶的站起身来摇摇晃晃的打量着四周的动静,当他们看到地下那座以火凤凰真形为阵眼的大阵时,他们的脸色骤然变得惨白一片,饶是四周红光大盛都没办法让他们脸上多出半点儿血色。 Clash/To! Quickly!” “冲出去!快!” Military Officer wields the long sword to void to cut, numerous dividing coated to want Ping soldiers to escape from the gully state city in the light. However the nightmare same scene presented just them to go into the city, that light/only covered just like the illusion strikes generally breaks. When they enter a city, when wants to break out the light cover to going out of town outside, how to them diligently, they are unable to contact that light/only to cover. 一个将领挥动长剑向虚空一斩,重重的劈在了光罩上想要苹着身边的士卒逃出壑州城。但是噩梦一样的场景出现了刚刚他们闯入城中,那光罩宛如幻象一般一击就破。但是当他们进了城,想要劈开光罩冲出城外时,任凭他们如何努力,他们根本无法接触那光罩。 The long sword wields, Sword Qi broken spatial, but Sword Qi non- pupil to upper air[ stirs up] shoots, that light/only covers always have several the hundred zhang (333 m) to be high from Sword Qi, whatever Sword Qi flies again high again high, is unable to divide to place Sword Qi that the vision was less than high as in the light coats. 长剑挥动,剑气碎空但是剑气不眸向高空〖激〗射,那光罩始终距离剑气有数百丈高,任凭剑气飞得再高再高,高到了视力不及的地方剑气依旧无法劈在光罩上。 Diving postures that intrude the priests in city not to believe in evil doctrines, he brings the strong winds to run away to the upper air together rapidly, whatever he flies high, that light/only covers in his top of the head, one inch not far, one inch is not near, how to him diligently, he is unable to bump into this light/only to cover slightly. 一个闯入城内的祭司不信邪的飞身而起,他带起一道狂风向高空急速遁去,但是任凭他飞得多高,那光罩就在他头顶,一寸不远、一寸不近,任凭他如何努力,他始终无法碰到这光罩丝毫。 Got angry to dynasty not many several exceedingly high priests greatly howls, they built seven pagodas to graze to the upper air, whatever they exhausted the strength of nursing, they are unable to bump into that light/only to cover, is unable to attack the light cover, is not naturally able to rescue to go out of town the person. If the Great Yu exceedingly high priest, they can flee with the aid of the exceedingly high tower actually broken spatially, but these foreign country Heavenly Realm disappears a day of priest, their magic arts and pagodas sold at a discount by Heavenly Court and Buddhism person, fled broken spatially to them is really difficult. 大离皇朝不多的几个通天祭司怒啸一声,他们架起七层宝塔向高空飞掠,但是任凭他们用尽了吃奶的力气,他们始终无法碰到那光罩,无法攻击到光罩,自然无法救出城内的人。若是大虞的通天祭司,他们倒是能借助通天塔碎空遁走,但这些外域天境的消天祭司,他们的法术和宝塔都被天庭佛门的人打了折扣,碎空遁走对他们而言实在是太困难了。 Exuded the desperate cry to the officers of dynasty greatly, they rushed to the square city wall in abundance, wants to break through the city wall to escape from this certainly. 大离皇朝的官兵发出了绝望的叫声,他们纷纷涌向了四方城墙,想要攻破城墙逃出这处绝地。 However with upper air in light/only covered the same matter to happen, how whatever they ran, how to jump, whatever they ran spit blood, ran streaming with sweat again does not have the slight strength, that city wall in not far away, is unable to approach. All seem the nightmare, this is matter that only then can have in the nightmare, actually really clear appearance before them. 但是和高空中的光罩一样的事情发生了,任凭他们如何跑,如何跳,任凭他们跑得吐血,跑得汗流浃背再没有丝毫的力气,那城墙就在不远处,始终无法靠近。一切都好似噩梦,这是只有在噩梦中能发生的事情,却实实在在真真切切的出现在他们面前。 The rock outside city poisonous long sighs, he shakes the head saying: Ended to the dynasty greatly!”, The ground in gully state city crashes suddenly dissolves, the firm ground turned into a lava sea that is emitting the magma column of flame. A length and breadth hundred li (0.5 km) ground turned into billowing magma, with sharp phoenix songs and calls, a square column of flame shoots up to the sky, the column of flame that completely comprised of the purple azure nearly transparent magma to/clashes enough more than ten li (0.5 km) high, will swallow down to dynasty 1 million army one greatly. 城外的磐毒长叹了一口气,他摇头道:“大离皇朝完了!”,壑州城内的地面突然崩塌溶解,原本坚固的地面变成了一片喷吐着岩浆火柱的熔岩海。长宽百里的地面变成了一片滚滚岩浆,随着一声尖锐的凤凰鸣叫声,一根四四方方的火柱冲天而起,完全由紫青色近乎透明的岩浆组成的火柱冲起来足足有十几里高,将大离皇朝百万大军一口吞了下去。 Managing you are the great general or the soldier, managing you were the exceedingly high priests or the ordinary apprentice 1 million armies insisted in this column of flame 2-3 the time of breath changed into the flying ash. 1 million people of souls are eating delicacies strangely shooting up to the sky, void lightning ray has actually swept, thunder sinus unrestrained/no trace of politeness swallows down these 1 million people of soul one. 管你是大将还是小兵,管你是通天祭司还是普通学徒百万大军在这根火柱中只是坚持了2-3个呼吸的时间就化为飞灰。百万人的魂魄怪啸着冲天而起,虚空中却有一丝雷光扫过,雷窦毫不客气的将这百万人的魂魄一口吞了下去。 The column of flame falls slowly, the crazy tyrannical magma solidifies rapidly, the gully state city returned to normal. Four sides city wall alone is standing erect, inside or outside the city is a water flat land, clean not slightly impurity. Just angrily roared 1 million armies who roared to seem the beautiful soap bubble to vanish without a trace. 火柱冉冉落下,疯狂暴虐的岩浆迅速凝固,壑州城恢复了平静。四面城墙孤零零的屹立着,城内城外都是一水儿的平地,干干净净没有丝毫杂质。刚刚怒吼咆哮的百万大军就好似美丽的肥皂泡消失得无影无踪。 The sharp crazy howl transmitted from the distant place, melts the lust cloud the fire to wail to fly immeasurably. 尖锐的狂啸声从远处传来,化身火云的火无量哀嚎着飞了回来。 Flew high to circle, the fire fell in front of Lao Ai immeasurably, his whole body trembled was calling out toward the rock poisonously sternly: How can Preceptor like this? How can like this? I toward 1 million mighty armies, 1 million mighty armies!”, Lao Ai shot a look at fire immeasurable one desolately, leading these black clothes Buddhist priests to turn around to walk: Countryside mound of earth has not seen the world, 1 million armies? Hey, Great Yu any BIg Province really full power collects the military, the relaxedness can assemble several million soldiers. You greatly to the dynasty were the stone of explorer, the insignificant chess did you also really treat as yourself Dish?”, Cruel fire immeasurable several, the rock turned around to say with a smile happily suddenly: Your majesty, you youngest that several princesses, Lao Ai kindly accepted. Some will not treat quite their, waited for their birth to get down a son half female, was your majesty bloodlines is not? Your majesty does not take care, Lao Ai walked!”, Fire immeasurable dull looks turns around to walk Lao Ai that his cheek intermittent blushing and turning purple, finally he , put out several blood. He points at Lao Ai to shout sternly:, How Preceptor can you so the unfeeling?” 凌空盘旋了一阵,火无量落在了嫪毐面前,他浑身哆嗦着朝磐毒厉声叫道:“国师怎么会这样?怎么会这样?我朝百万雄师,百万雄师啊!”,嫪毐冷淡的瞥了火无量一眼,带着那些黑衣僧人转身就走:“乡下土包没见过世面,百万大军?嘿,大虞的任何一个大州真个全力征集兵力,轻轻松松就能调集数百万的士兵。你大离皇朝不过是探路的石,无足轻重的棋罢了你还真把自己当做一盘菜?”,阴损了火无量几句,磐喜突然转身笑道:“陛下,你最小的那几位公主,嫪毐就笑纳了。唔某会好生对待她们的,等她们诞下了一儿半女的,也算是陛下的血脉不是?唔,陛下保重,嫪毐走了!”,火无量呆呆的看着转身就走的嫪毐,他的面皮一阵阵的发红、发紫,最后他,哇,的一声吐出了好几口血。他指着嫪毐厉声喝道:,“国师你怎能如此绝情?” Lao Ai is sneering, saying that does not return to: Unfeeling? What friendship some and do you have? Some not good male homosexuality, what friendship to have with you?”, Sneers again and again, the son-in-law leads 108 black clothes Buddhist priests to tread the cloud top to soar poisonously treats leaves this is the non- place. 嫪毐冷笑着,头也不回的说道:“绝情?某和你有什么交情?某可不好男风,和你有什么交情?”,冷笑连连的,婿毒带着一百零八名黑衣僧人踏着云头腾空而起就待离开这是非之地。 However Lao Ai just flew not far, being all smile Wu Qi blocked on all alone in front of the son-in-law poison. Lao Ai frightened one to tremble he to turn around to trade another direction, but in that direction Jing Ke grasped a none shining small dagger to wait for him. Lao Ai cries out strangely, quickly leads these monks to run away in another direction, but has not run two li (0.5 km), Qin Wuyang led husky fellow of a number of cruel sleeve volumes on to shoulder to block in the rock poisonous front. 但是嫪毐刚刚飞起没多远,满脸堆笑的勿乞就孤身一人拦在了婿毒面前。嫪毐吓得一个哆嗦他转身就换了另外一个方向,但是那方向上荆珂手持一柄精光灿灿的小匕首等着他。嫪毐怪叫一声,急忙带着那些和尚又朝另外一个方向逃窜,可是没跑出两里地,秦舞阳带着一批如狼似虎袖管卷到肩膀上的彪形大汉拦在了磐毒的面前。 Awkward smiles, Lao Ai trembles salutes to say to Wu Qi submissively: Heavenly Cloud king for a long time, long time no see? Hey, heard saying that the Heavenly Cloud king unexpectedly is cultivation base this of exceedingly high priest, Lao Ai, ha!” 尴尬的一笑,嫪毐哆哆嗦嗦的向勿乞拱手行礼道:“天运王好久,好久不见了?嘿,听得说天运王居然已经是通天祭司的修为这个,嫪毐啊,哈哈哈!” Those images and scenes, Lao Ai also can only make fun. The Buddhism information is very keen ” before Wu Qi broke through the exceedingly high High Priest information was very long, returns to Mt. Lingjiu, Lao Ai makes contact with the Buddhism line now, was Buddhism in the Pangu Continent vanguard officer, how can he not know this news? 此情此景,嫪毐也只能打哈哈。佛门的情报还是很灵敏的”勿乞突破成了通天大祭司的情报很久以前就送回了大灵鹫山,嫪毐如今搭上了佛门的线,身为佛门盘古大陆的先锋官,他如何能不知道这消息? Facing has become exceedingly high High Priest Wu Qi, poison fully realized that cruel and merciless of Wu Qi, his where dares to be wordy with Wu Qi? 面对已经成了通天大祭司勿乞,姆毒又深知勿乞的心狠手辣,他哪里敢和勿乞多罗嗦? Is joining hands behind the back to look at the complexion pale mother poison, Wu Qi leisure saying: For a long time does not see, hey, the long letter/believes king, does not see for a long time!” 背着手看着面色铁青的妈毒,勿乞慢悠悠的说道:“好久不见,嘿,长信王,好久不见啊!” Beckons with the hand, Wu Qi light saying: Killed these buddhist monks of your side, little king and long letter/believes king can also chat about the sentiment of long separation, otherwise does not do the strange little king incantation you Yang not to lift life-long certainly, henceforth Lao Ai is a eunuch!”, Lao Ai cries out strangely, his behind spouts a round pink nearly transparent treasure wheel suddenly, pink Buddha light[ stirs up] shoots, 108 black clothes Buddhist priest miserable howling of his side, by under assassin Lao Ai were hit suddenly. 摆摆手,勿乞淡淡的说道:“杀了你身边的那些秃驴,小王和长信王还能叙叙久别之情,否则就休要怪小王咒你终生绝阳不举,从此嫪毐是阉人!”,嫪毐怪叫一声,他身后突然喷出一轮粉红色近乎透明的宝轮,粉色佛光〖激〗射而出,他身边的一百零八个黑衣僧人惨嚎一声,被突下杀手嫪毐打了个正着。 Pink Buddha light is evil and cruel, after these black Buddhist priests move, their lower parts of the body blast out suddenly, later the whole body bloodlines also explode, finally the day spirit explodes the smashing, the life Buddhist relics of 108 fist sizes just flew, was attracted by Lao Ai one, chewed several to swallow into the abdomen randomly. 粉色佛光歹毒无比,这些黑一僧人中招之后,他们的下身突然炸开,随后浑身血脉同时爆炸,最终天灵都炸成粉碎,一百零八颗拳头大小的本命舍利刚刚飞起,就被嫪毐一口吸了进去,乱嚼了几口吞入了腹中。 Wu Qi laughs loudly, applauds to applaud again and again. Son-in-law's poisonous complexion was difficult to see the extreme, seeming him just died entire family general.! ~! 勿乞放声大笑,连连鼓掌叫好。婿毒的脸色则是难看到了极点,好似他刚刚死了全家一般。!~! .
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