STH :: Volume #9

#892: Preceptor Lao Ai

From the hill of city wall thirty li (0.5 km) place on, to by extinguishes toward the current emperor greatly immeasurable is waiting and seeing about the attacking a city battlefield hill under the crowding around of a group of Military Officer and rear area, is military compound that the dense and numerous tents compose, performed to the 1 million armies of dynasty greatly here, attacking a city was 50,000 vanguard army 距离城墙三十几里地的一座山包上,大离靠朝现任皇上灭无量正在大群将领的簇拥下观望攻城战场山包左右和后方,是密密麻麻的帐幕组成的军营,大离皇朝的百万大军尽在此处,攻城的不过是五万先锋军罢了 The fire immeasurable tall of stature is vigorous and healthy, just like the build of lion same overwhelming power, because of the cultivation technique reason, his cheek is red, is red seems has the combustion blazing flame vigor of charcoal under the skin to proliferate from his side, hot blast one ** blows several li (0.5 km) away body week phenomenon to inspire the world to change, the fire immeasurably is a cultivation fire is skill goes directly to the Golden Immortal Realm big expert impressively 火无量身躯高大健壮,宛如雄狮一样威猛的体型,因为修炼功法的缘故,他面皮红,红得好似有火炭在皮肤下燃烧炽热的炎劲从他身边扩散开,热风一**的直吹去好几里远身周异象能够引动天地变化,火无量赫然是一个修炼火系功法直达金仙境界的大高手 In the double pupil the flame four shoot, the fire looks at competition on top immeasurably, thought otherwise cold snort/hum 双眸中火光四射,火无量看着城头上的争夺,不以为然的冷哼了一声 Several broken Restriction(s) gaps, more than 100 scaling ladders, thirty cloud platform, battalions climbs toward the soldiers to the feast greatly unceasingly upwardly, in the enemy knocking down ground blood by top was scattered unceasingly, often has the stump residual limb to break the arm to fly the soldiers, but perish truly may not have many, hits the soldier who 78 double-hour both sides added dead in battle probably is thirty 十几处被破开的禁制缺口,一百多条云梯,三十几座云台,大队大队的大离宴朝士卒不断向上爬升,不断被城头上的敌人打落地面鲜血四溅,不时有残肢断臂飞起但是真正殒命的士卒可没多少,打了七八个时辰双方加起来阵亡的士兵大概就是三十几个 The Great Yu soldier occupied a commanding position to occupy benefitted . Moreover the city garrison chart of city had to hold the function to them, gave them to hinder to the enemy enormously 大虞的战士居高临下占了地利,而且城池的城防阵图对他们有加持作用,对敌人则是给了他们极大的阻碍 In is unable to fly, jumps one time most in 2-3 zhang (3.33 m) high situation, the soldiers of defense had the enormous advantage 在无法飞行,一次蹦跳最多2-3丈高的情况下,守城的士卒占了极大的优势 Was experienced fierce died to the soldiers of dynasty greatly, west these thousand for many years, big Yu Dynasty has made an expedition to the east asks, hundred fight to decide the world, sweeps away the four directions by 1 million mighty armies, unifies that star that the dynasty was at smoothly, governs the common people to cross 10 billion each to kill people to see elite of blood to the soldiers of dynasty in the battlefield greatly, if lets loose the field operation, their charge can annihilate the garrison troops, but others occupied defense the advantage, hits actually in a big way leaves the dynasty the vanguard army not temperament 大离皇朝的士卒都是久经沙场的悍卒,这千多年来,大虞皇朝东征西讨,百战而定天下,以百万雄师横扫四方,顺利的统一了皇朝所在的那颗星球,治下黎民足足过百亿每一个大离皇朝的士卒都是在战场上杀过人见过血的精锐,若是放开去野战,他们一次冲锋就能将守军歼灭,但是偏偏人家占了守城的地利,硬是打得大离皇朝的先锋军没脾气 Human Clan skill that both sides cultivation, the strength of soldiers is strong, physical strength is long, particularly the vitality is extremely tenacious, even if finishes a job the severe wound of leg, was broken out the belly to cut off the intestines, so long as were not on the neck suffered a fatal blade, delivering rear rested is vivid went on stage to slaughter again 双方都修炼的人族功法,士卒的力量强大、气力悠长,尤其是生命力极其坚韧就算是断手断腿的重伤,被人劈开了肚皮砍断了肠子,只要不是脖子上挨了致命的一刀,送到后方休息一下又是生龙活虎的重上场厮杀 Attacks a city continuously 78 double-hour, both sides added the dying in battle quantity thirty people, this cemented tactical situation was the fire immeasurable under mighty army has not bumped into resentful however looked at one to hit to have no progress top bustling, the fire changes into piece of tent of one hot cloud rearwards to fly immeasurably 连续攻城七八个时辰,双方加起来战死数量才三十几人,这种胶结的战况是火无量麾下雄师从没碰到过的悻悻然的看了一眼打得热火朝天却死活没什么进展的城头,火无量化为一片火云向后方的一片营帐飞去 Row of 108 wear the black buddhist monk's robes, the brain bag scraper shiny, the both hands Hirsh's affectedly virtuous monk walked tall to stand before this piece of tent these monks goes at first sight actually[ said] eminent monk in Gaolong, but carefully looked that their whole body dispersed the dense evil aura, the corner of the eye brow tip brings several treacherous aura, in the eye socket the profound black, did not see slightly the white of the eye, obviously they were not the good way of doing things, cultivation skill also take the monster evil path 一排一百零八个身穿黑色僧衣,脑袋刮得锃亮,双手合什道貌岸然的和尚挺直了腰杆站在这片营帐前这些和尚乍一看去倒是〖道〗德高隆的高僧,但是仔细看去他们周身散出森森邪气,眼角眉梢都带着几丝诡谲气息,眼眶里只有深邃的黑色,不见丝毫眼白,显然他们不是什么好路数,修炼的功法也是走得妖邪路子 Fire immeasurable careful descends before the tent, gathers ten respectful said to these black clothes Buddhist priests: Disciple fire seeks an interview Preceptor immeasurably, in the tent heard the laughter sound of women's suddenly, a scream moan of gentle and charming delicate young women's was covered by these laughter sounds, that young female called several hoarsely, the mouth seemed by anything is blockedhmph hmph wū wū does not have/leave least bit sound black clothes Buddhist priest both hands together to be entirely still, crossed some little time, in the tent transmitted vigorously has a hoarse sound powerfully 火无量小心的在营帐前降落,向这些黑衣僧人合十恭声道:“弟子火无量求见国师”,帐篷内突然传来了女子的嬉笑声,一个娇柔细嫩的年幼女子的尖叫呻吟声被那些嬉笑声掩盖了下去,那年幼女子声嘶力竭的叫了几声,嘴里好似被什么东西堵上“哼哼呜呜的再也不出半点儿声音黑衣僧人双手合什纹丝不动,过了好一会儿,帐篷里才传来了浑厚有力带着一丝沙哑的声音 „, Wasn't the feast emperor comes? Comes in “唔,是宴帝来了啊?进来罢” The fire does not have sui to nod to these monks with a smile, gradually entered the tent 火无荽笑着向这些和尚点了点头,缓步走进了营帐 Spaciousness holds in the tent that more than hundred individual chases play to spread the soft pure white fur/superficial knowledge sufficiently, dozens enchanting females throw over the light fine gauze to lie down in these fur/superficial knowledge breathe uncertain figure to seem like the age minimum female tenderly petite lying down that is sprawled center the tent, her full is the sweat and not the well-known liquid vacant soulless double pupil stubbornly is staring on the tent some point, seemed spirit to flutter not to know where Lao Ai languid sitting in this young girl side, on him stark naked, majestic muscle huo is moving, dispersed evilly different and obscene. The attraction fire lowers the head immeasurably does not dare to look that he bows about ten: Preceptor 宽敝的足以容纳百多个人追逐嬉戏的帐篷内铺着柔软洁白的皮毛,数十名妖娆的女子披着薄薄的轻纱正躺在这些皮毛上娇喘不定一个身形娇小看起来年纪极小的女子正四仰八叉的躺在帐篷正中,她身上满是汗水和不知名的液体茫然无神的双眸死死的盯着帐篷上某一点,好似魂灵儿已经飘去了不知什么地方嫪毐懒洋洋的坐在这少女身边,他身上一丝不挂,雄壮的肌肉一块块的蠖动着,散出邪异、淫亵的诱惑力火无量低着头不敢看他只是躬身合十道:“国师 Is stroking that young girl thin white body, rock poisonous sluggish saying: Where this little girl do you snatch? Later you lead personally, goes to snatch several to come back her to me again to have the sisters, snatches not to have the sisters her sisters, her mother belt/bring comes back , if there is relatives and friends, the beautiful women in her relatives bring, the fire accompanies to say with a smile immeasurably: Disciple handled this matter the fire to collect the interest in say immediately immeasurably: This Pangu Continent is really most suitable my Human Clan survival, female especially water spirit young and fresh-looking that raises, on the female taste with foreign country stars was different rock narrows the eyes to focus to laugh at him greatly poisonously to pat the buttocks of young girl, light saying: Is good anything, said by all means, the fire greets with a smile the bow waist to say immeasurably: Preceptor, the disciple wants to ask, the state city of this only gully state, we have consumed the time below? The disciple acts personally, gives to break that city garrison Restriction(s), attacks directly?” 抚摸着身边那少女细白的身躯,磐毒懒散的说道:“这妞儿你从哪里抢来的?待会儿你亲自带队,再去给我抢几个回来她有姐妹,把她姐妹抢回来没有姐妹,把她母亲带回来如果有亲朋好友,她的亲眷中的美人儿都带回来”,火无量陪笑道:“弟子马上就去办这事哦”顿了顿火无量凑趣道:“这盘古大陆果然最适合我人族生存,养出来的女子格外水灵水嫩,和外域星辰上的女子滋味大是不同”磐毒眯着眼笑了他拍了拍少女的臀部,淡淡的说道:“好有什么事,只管说”,火无量陪着笑躬腰道:“国师,弟子想问,这区区一座壑州的州城,我们就一直在下面耗时间么?是不是弟子亲自出手,将那城防的禁制给打破,直接攻进去?” , The fire was licking the lip immeasurably a little[ is popular] saying that exerts: If that is right, I was first break through Great Yu to the dynasty greatly * the city, when the time comes this generation of day Divinization authority, disciple, if can take, decided however cannot forget Preceptor the virtue of graciousness and the leading by the hand direction, ridicules looked at fire immeasurable one that jeered, crab poisonous sluggish saying: You, goes to ask the woman here attacking a city important matter to me, some acts personally , was really interesting some lived so many years , the first time was entire life saw that in the battlefield hit to live to kill 78 double-hour, finally lost such person, was very interesting 顿了顿,火无量舔着嘴唇有点〖兴〗奋的说道:“若是如此,我大离皇朝就是第一个攻破大虞*城的,到时候这代天封神的职权,弟子若是能拿到手中,定然忘不了国师的指点之恩、提携之德”,讥嘲的看了火无量一眼,蟹毒慢吞吞的说道:“你,还是去给我找女人罢此处攻城大事,某亲自出手就是唔,也真是有趣”某活了这么多年,也是生平第一次看到战场上打生打死七八个时辰,结果才损失这么点人,实在是有趣得很” The fire is immeasurable, he quickly salutes to the rock poisonously, asking him to intend to manage attacking a city important matter Lao Ai to keep up appearances personally, his leisure under serving of these females well-dressed, this line slowly on tent fellow clothing, impressively is the gorgeous frock that jade day silk makes, outside put on pink to embroider the pink cassock of innumerable frolicking pattern 火无量狂喜,他急忙向磐毒行礼,请他亲自出手主持攻城大计嫪毐摆谱,他慢条斯理的在那些女子的伺候下穿戴整齐了,这才缓缓的行出了营帐这家伙穿戴上的,赫然是一身玉色天蚕丝制成的华美僧袍,外面套上了一层粉红色绣了无数欢喜禅图样的粉色袈裟 Sees Lao Ai to appear, these black clothes Buddhist priests about ten bow to salute to Lao Ai, the son-in-law hits to plunder the beautiful woman the fire for oneself poisonously in a few words immeasurably, he leads these black clothes Buddhist priests to arrive on the hill that the fire observed a moment ago immeasurably 看到嫪毐出现,那些黑衣僧人纷纷向嫪毐合十躬身行礼,婿毒三言两语将火无量打出去为自己搜刮美女,他则是带着这些黑衣僧人来到了刚才火无量观战的山包上 Looks at the front to hit the bustling gully state city indifferently, the Lao Ai sinking sound said: Do not let these soldier waste time, the vanguard great general leads vanguard army all Military Officer storm tops to order their storm city gate, so long as opened the city gate we to win other verbal command various army to select the soldiers and horses, after city gate opening, immediately from city gate to entering a city, three days did not seal blade, the Lao Ai last order let his side greatly to Military Officer of dynasty[ was popular] exerted incomparably, the richness and populousness of Pangu Continent was needless saying that they attacked and occupied gully state many small cities all the way, obtained the enormous advantage gully state city as the gully state four BIg Province state city. Should the property that inside saves be over hundred times of other these small cities? 冷眼看着前方打得热火朝天的壑州城,嫪毐沉声道:“不要让这些小兵浪费时间,前锋大将带领前锋军所有将领强攻城头命令他们强攻城门,只要打开城门我们就赢定了号令其他诸军点起兵马,城门开启后就立刻从城门冲进城内,三天不封刀”,嫪毐最后一条命令让得他身边的大离皇朝的将领们〖兴〗奋无比,盘古大陆的富庶是不用多说的,他们一路上攻占了壑州不少的小城镇,从中得到了极大的好处壑州城作为壑州这个四品大州的州城,里面积蓄的财物应该是其他那些小城镇的百倍以上? In the laughing sound the order of Lao Ai was transmitted rapidly, to the dynasty former army great general, cultivation base achieved one Yuan Pangu day Big Dipper Realm Military Officer to bring more than ten cultivation base to achieve the vice generals of one Yuan Pangu day eight stars and nine star strengths greatly to jump personally to jump onto the strengths of strengths and these soldier Heaven Immortal levels of city wall Golden Immortal level differs enormously, they went to the top, the garrison troops of gully state city suffer the enormous loss immediately 欢笑声中嫪毐的命令被迅传达下去,大离皇朝前军大将,一个修为达到一元盘古天七星境界将领亲自带着十几名修为达到一元盘古天八星、九星实力的副将纵身一跃上了城墙金仙级的实力和那些小兵天仙级的实力相差极大,他们上了城头,壑州城的守军立刻蒙受了极大的损失 To the dynasty Military Officer long blade mistake, the innumerable person head harness the blood arrow is spurting old tall greatly, these more than ten Military Officer loud happy howl, operates a bloody road just like the insane tiger in the top equally, Great Yu soldiers everything has to dare to block before them, a blade gets down is the head/number of people flies or is divided into two pieces from forehead simply 大离皇朝将领长刀过处,无数人头带着血箭喷起老高,这十几名将领大声欢啸,宛如疯虎一样在城头上趟开一条血路,大虞的士卒凡是有敢于拦在他们面前,一刀下去就是人头飞起或者干脆被从眉心分成两片 Several penetrated in the top to a dynasty former army great general sprint greatly several -mile defense line, they rushed to the city gate building, chopped to turn with ease protected several Great Yu Military Officer in front of city gate building, in one vigorous effort to entering a city gate tower 十几员大离皇朝前军大将一个冲刺就穿透了城头上长达数里的防线,他们冲到了城门楼上,轻松剁翻了护在城门楼前的几个大虞将领,一鼓作气冲进了城门楼 Bang city gate building Zhacheng fragment, in this side city wall all defended Restriction(s) to be dark simultaneously, a chart broke up, this side city wall did not have the slight defense again, even if greatly to the dynasty most common soldiers after banning a spatial law expiration can the relaxed jumping up top, or controls one's feelings to fly high to fly outside the top city simply 50,000 attacking a city armies to cheer the flying to well up the top with one voice, dingdong and Great Yu soldiers made into one group 一声巨响城门楼炸成了碎片,这一面城墙上的所有防御禁制同时暗了下去,阵图崩解,这一面城墙再无丝毫防御就算是大离皇朝最普通的士卒在禁空法阵失效后都能轻松的跳上城头,或者干脆御气凌空飞上城头城外五万攻城大军齐声欢呼飞身涌上了城头,叮叮当当的和大虞士卒们打成了一团 With the low and deep crossbow trigger sound, the gully state city surface opens toward here city gate loudly, heavy hanging bridge also putting down slowly took the lead to rush to that several of top greatly to the vanguard great general whole body of dynasty is the appearance of blood in city gate, they happy howled to practice to beckon to here 伴随着低沉的机括声,壑州城面朝这边的城门轰然开启,沉重的吊桥也慢慢的放下身先士卒冲上城头的那几位大离皇朝的前锋大将浑身是血的出现在城门口,他们欢啸着向这边练练招手 Lao Ai light sighs to shake the head saying:, Looked, attacks a city calls the army to kick simply is off 嫪毐淡淡的叹了一口气摇头道:,“看,攻城就是这么简单召集众军攻进去罢” Disdained shakes the cassock, Lao Ai eyes looks at the day, shows a space underground conceited stance, these naturally were a horse buttocks pat the deafening noise to Military Officer of dynasty greatly, simultaneously quickly ordered own intimate trusted aide to lead the army to enter for three days not to seal the blade to the gully state city, in this gully state city must have many good things and many beautiful women to wait for them to plunder 不屑的一抖袈裟,嫪毐双眼望天,摆出一副天上地下唯我独尊的架势,那些大离皇朝的将领自然是一通马屁拍得山响,同时急忙下令自己的亲近心腹带着大军向壑州城进三天不封刀,这壑州城内得有多少好东西、多少美女等着他们去掠夺啊 Pats the Lao Ai horse buttocks, these greatly to Military Officer of dynasty while cursed angrily Lao Ai in belly, gave to scold his ancestor 18 generations 一边拍嫪毐的马屁,这些大离皇朝的将领一边在肚子里怒骂嫪毐,将他的祖宗十八代都给骂了个遍 Wrong non- Lao Ai said that what must fight steadily carefully, cannot these easily put in the battlefield to Military Officer of dynasty greatly, can't only gully state city as for costing their such long time hit? Also does not know how his careful comes 错非嫪毐说什么要稳扎稳打小心谨慎,不许这些大离皇朝的将领轻易投入战场,区区一个壑州城至于耗费他们这么久时间打不下来么?也不知道他这个小心谨慎是怎么来的 Except that the fire is immeasurable, no one knows the Lao Ai origin, does not know how he sits the Preceptor throne, but Lao Ai in was extremely greatly heavy to the dynasty power and influence, these Military Officer that do dare to disobey his meaning? Also cursed him in belly, as soon as passed a foul odor 除了火无量,无人知道嫪毐的来历,也不知道他是怎么坐上国师宝座的但是嫪毐在大离皇朝权势极重,这些将领那个敢违逆他的意思?也不过是在肚皮里咒骂他一通出一口恶气罢了 Called to throw just like wild animal same áo áo of sentiment to the gully state city to the dynasty 1 million armies greatly, this side city garrison Restriction(s) was destroyed thoroughly, in front of 1 million armies again in no hindrance gully state city few several tens of thousands Great Yu garrison troops collapsed at the first encounter, being scared ran away from another three city gates 大离皇朝百万大军宛如情的野兽一样嗷嗷叫着向壑州城扑了过去,这一面城防禁制被彻底破坏,百万大军面前再无任何阻碍壑州城内寥寥数万名大虞守军一触即溃,仓皇失措的从另外三个城门逃窜而出 3721 flooded into the gully state city to soldiers not Ping of dynasty greatly, immediately according to the custom breaks in various dwellings to plunder to wash to plunder wantonly 大离皇朝的士卒不苹三七二十一涌入了壑州城,立刻按照习惯冲入了各处宅院大肆搜刮洗掠 City rock poison and the others outside are laughing wildly loudly, suddenly their laughter stop suddenly 城外的磐毒等人正在放声狂笑,突然他们的笑声戛然而止 【...... Chapter 892 Preceptor Lao Ai second......】 A 【……第892章国师嫪毐第二……】a .
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