STH :: Volume #9

#891: Eastern Sea pledge rally

Chapter 891 Eastern Sea pledge rally( first) 第891章东海誓师(第一更) 300 strong robust men blow up the cheek, the bugle that the dragon corner/horn makes blow heavenshaking make a sound. The resounding sharp dragon corner/horn bugle horn sound made near the Eastern Sea City sea swing the monstrous waves, in the wave can see that faintly the innumerable huge shadows appeared intermittently, in foam on wave crest the lobsters of some innumerable branches must child, the sea turtle shell and crab pliers and so on matter rocked against the wind. 三百个膀大腰圆的壮汉鼓起腮帮子,龙角制成的号角吹得震天响。高亢尖锐的龙角号角声令得东海城边的大海都荡起了巨浪,浪头中隐隐可以看到无数巨大的阴影隐现,浪尖上的白沫儿中更有无数枝桠的龙虾须子、海龟贝壳、螃蟹钳子之类的物事迎风晃动。 On the be continuous mountain outside city, has the flags to wave faintly, monster cloud Xieqi gathered one purple black cloud mist in the summit. In the thick fog, has the innumerable mountain spirit water monsters to appear and disappear faintly, these water monsters in they and sea coordinate with each other across a great distance, what dancing with joy is in Eastern Sea City the army who assembles is cheering. 城外的绵延高山上,隐隐有旌旗舞动,妖云邪气在山巅汇聚成了一片紫黑色的云霭。浓浓的云雾中,隐隐有无数的山精水怪出没,他们和海洋上的那些水妖遥相呼应,手舞足蹈的为东海城内正在集结的大军欢呼雀跃。 Six countries have the great general respectively, formed six huge regiments to assemble in Eastern Sea City. Each regiment has in all around five army, each army have the soldiers 1 million. The battle drum sound corner/horn acoustic shock results in the world to tremble, the murderous aura direct impact clouds, clash torn to pieces the sky cloud. The light shining armor and shining sword and spear, some innumerable large-scale wars have just like giant even/including Nuche and so on appliance was being crowded around by the soldier, Eastern Sea consumed the army that the tremendous efforts and several tens of thousands years and huge physical resource formed, seemed like really has to destroy all arrogance. 六国各出大将,组建了六个庞大的军团在东海城中集结。每一支军团都有前后左右中五军,每军都有士卒百万。战鼓声号角声震得天地战栗,杀气直冲云霄,将天空云彩冲得支离破碎。光灿灿的铠甲、明晃晃的刀枪,更有无数大型战具宛如巨型连弩车之类的器具被士兵簇拥着,东海耗费了巨大精力、数万年时间和庞大物力组建的军队,看上去真有摧毁一切的气焰。 In the sky of six regiments, equals 1 million Eastern Sea priests to fly high float. Although does not have exceedingly high High Priest to assume personal command, but in these 1 million priests has on over 40% sleeve cuffs to embroider the shining solar coat of arms, this priest army or lacks the decisive strategic hitting power, however in the frontal battlefield, they will become the nightmare of any large-scale enemy regiment absolutely. 在六个军团的上空,合计百万的东海祭司正凌空悬浮。虽然没有通天大祭司坐镇,但是这百万祭司中有超过40%的袖口上都绣着金灿灿的太阳纹章,这一支祭司大军或者缺少决定性的战略打击力,但是在正面战场上,他们绝对会成为任何大规模敌人军团的噩梦。 Except these six big regiments, in Wu Qi personally governance Eastern Sea army. This army outwardly on troops and six groups have no difference, but except for Wu Qi, no one knows that in his Dark Yin stars tower and mustard seed world installed many military, many strange thing in inside. Did not say other, that multiplied merely several tens of thousands years of day ghost clans and tribes, once releases them, in the coordination Wu Qi extraction the water of Yellow Springs composes Great Formation, even Taiyi and Buddha, they can still have a headache. 除开这六大军团,还有勿乞亲自统辖的东海中军。这支军队明面上的兵力和六团没什么区别,但是除了勿乞,谁也不知道他那玄阴星辰塔和芥子世界中到底装了多少兵力,有多少稀奇古怪的玩意在里面。不说其他,仅仅那繁衍了数万年的天鬼部族,一旦将他们释放出来,配合上勿乞抽取的黄泉之水组成大阵,就算是太乙、佛陀,他们也会头痛不已。 Troop commanders of Huang Liang in army as Eastern Sea serves side Wu Qi, two big vanguard one of the army are Xiang Yu, one is Hu Hai, they cultivate/repair blood refinement sea Devil Art to have, Xiang Yu has built up oneself to assign/life Magic Treasure the Chiyou Banner sacrifice, Hu Hai transforms big or small constellation Devil God that he cultivates as big or small constellation bloodshed Devil Art, the might was overbearing than past skill, the strange place was over past hundred times. 黄俍作为东海中军的总兵官伺候在勿乞身边,中军的两大先锋一个是项羽,一个是胡亥,他们修炼血魔功有成,项羽已经将蚩尤旗祭炼成了自身本命法宝,胡亥则是将他修炼的大小星宿地魔神通转化为大小星宿血海魔功,威力比当年功法更加霸道,诡异之处则是超过了当年百倍。 Wu Qi will put to death the huge merit of candle dragon to share benefit to two people some, they have also stepped into Primordial Realm now, so cultivation base is two vanguard officers, Wu Qi thought that is very suffering they. However these two militant such as crazy, a brain a little acts like a madman, they are the vanguard to bully the person by the strength of Taiyi, thought is actually very happy and is very excited. 勿乞将诛杀烛龙的庞大功德给两人分润了些许,他们如今也已经踏入了太乙境界,如此修为只是做两个先锋官,勿乞都觉得挺委屈他们的。但是这两位一个好战如狂,一个脑筋有点疯疯癫癫的,他们以太乙的实力做先锋去欺负人,倒是觉得很开心、很兴奋。 Rouses the bugle call to shoot up to the sky, the huge Eastern Sea regiment starts to board giant flying boats. Stands in leading Wu Qi on stage shouts sternly: Blood sacrifice my Eastern Sea war flag!” 鼓号声冲天而起,庞大的东海军团开始登上一条条巨型飞舟。站在帅台上的勿乞厉声喝道:“血祭我东海战旗!” One group of cruel stripped robust men grabbed complexion grey defeat feeble breathing one breath Bo Wangjun toward leading stage walked, Bo Wangjun the lip trembled, complexion pale he had been frightened to be about to faint. He all the way goes all out is struggling, shouting oneself hoarse is calling out: Eastern Sea King, do you dare to kill me? Do you dare to kill me? I am Crown Prince Heavenly Court, my father am Heavenly Court Great Celestial Emperor, my mother am the day later, on my maternal grandfather wonderful Qingyuan passes the slightly big founder, you dare to move my hair, your Eastern Sea will certainly vanishes in a puff of smoke.” 一群如狼似虎光着膀子的壮汉抓着脸色灰败奄奄一息的博望君朝帅台这边走了过来,博望君嘴唇哆哆嗦嗦的,面色青白的他已经被吓得快晕了过去。一路上他拼命的挣扎着,声嘶力竭的嚎叫着:“东海王,你敢杀我?你敢杀我?我是天庭太子,我父亲是天庭大天帝,我母亲是天后,我外祖父是正一妙上清源通微大教主,你敢动我一根头发,你东海必将灰飞烟灭。” Wu Qi indifferent looks Bo Wangjun who the mouth corner foam scatters, responds radically continually his ** does not have. 勿乞冷漠的看着嘴角白沫四溅的博望君,根本连搭理他的**都没有。 Obviously, this fellow is given up chess piece, no matter Eastern Sea kills does not kill him, this fellow has not placed on the heart of that several person he raised a moment ago completely. Eastern Sea killed him, the Heavenly Court many excuses send the gifted general to cope with Eastern Sea directly ; If not kill him to put him, at these two years to Bo Wangjun, some Heavenly Court innumerable excuses attacks Eastern Sea as before. 很显然,这家伙已经是一颗被放弃的棋子,不管东海杀还是不杀他,这家伙已经完全不放在他刚才提起的那几个人的心上。东海杀了他,天庭多个借口直接派天兵天将对付东海;若是不杀他将他放回去,以这两年对博望君的,天庭依旧有无数借口来攻打东海 Wu Qi had completely understood the Great Celestial Emperor thoughts, he is to discard a son, is Heavenly Court interferes with the Pangu Continent matters concerned to create the best excuse. 勿乞已经看透了大天帝的心思,他就是要舍弃一个儿子,为天庭干涉盘古大陆的事宜创造最好的借口。 Even Bo Wangjun newly-born time, he has been decided as this use. Did not say Heavenly Court, even if six countries if regards as important some son of first wife, will carry out the elite education to him since childhood, simply has not turned into the possibility of playboy, let alone Bo Wangjun is the status of Heavenly Court big crown prince, is the Great Celestial Emperor wife's eldest son? 甚至博望君刚刚出生的时候,他就已经被内定为这种用途。不说天庭,就算六国如果看重某个嫡子,都会自幼对他进行精英化教育,根本没有变成纨绔的可能,何况博望君是天庭大太子的身份,是大天帝的嫡长子? Only if some people tolerate intentionally, fosters the present temperament him intentionally, otherwise can solemn Crown Prince Heavenly Court, how be such rampant domineering only knows in the playboy degenerate who on the woman works hard? This was one is selected chess piece, sacrificial victim that can discard momentarily. 除非是有人故意纵容,故意将他养成现在的脾气,否则堂堂天庭太子,怎能是这么一个嚣张跋扈只知道在女人身上下功夫的纨绔败类?这是一个早就被挑中的棋子,随时可以舍弃的牺牲品。 Is brutal emperor Wang Jia, let alone is Heavenly Court that place?” Looks that was towed to push to the ground to oneself in front of forces Bo Wangjun who he kneels down, Wu Qi light saying: You are not a fool, you yourself think, you were been so long by us in Eastern Sea, why didn't Heavenly Court have really to rescue your meaning? Except that your soul not entire younger brother Bolyan came, can Heavenly Court have any response?” “最是无情帝王家,何况是天庭那种地方?”看着被拖到自己面前按倒在地强迫他跪下的博望君,勿乞淡淡的说道:“你不是傻子,你自己想想,你在东海被我们了这么久,为何天庭一直没有真个救你的意思?除了你那魂魄不全的弟弟博扬君来了一趟,天庭可有任何反应?” Bo Wangjun the complexion becomes the deceased person generally to be ugly suddenly, Princess Zhang Le main in one side malicious added: The unlucky egg that you were thrown, we killed you, Heavenly Court will be happier, because they have the sufficient excuse to handle affairs in Pangu Continent. Idiot who these do not proclaim the Human Clan new sovereign, when they attacked the Eastern Sea excuse also to be many.” 博望君的脸色骤然变得死人一般难看,鄣乐公主在一旁恶意的补充道:“你就是被丢出来的倒霉蛋,我们杀了你,天庭会更加开心,因为他们有充足的借口在盘古大陆行事。唔,那些自封人族新皇的蠢货,他们攻打东海时的借口又多了一条呢。” Wu Qi ridiculed to jeer: Therefore I am very repugnant your Heavenly Court and Buddhism approach, contends for the domain, must make that just imposing Mandate of Heaven undertakes to transport, is this does to whom looks? Needs to give a pretext? Nine big Dao Ancestor and seven big Buddha, they really must snatch the Pangu Continent control, jointly doing didn't become Empress Wa? Why also to do so many curved to circle?” 勿乞讥嘲道:“所以我很讨厌你们天庭佛门的做法,抢地盘而已,非要弄得正义凛然奉天承运的,这是做给谁看呢?需要借口么?九大道祖、七大佛祖,他们真要抢盘古大陆的控制权,联手将娲皇氏给做了不就成了?干嘛还搞这么多弯弯绕绕的?” Xiang Yu said with a smile in the one side ferociously: Did must set up the memorial arch, really he *** took time!” 项羽在一旁狞笑道:“做了还要立牌坊,真他***费事!” Bo Wangjun shivers is looking at Wu Qi, he calls out suddenly hoarsely: Do not kill me, you want to know Heavenly Court any situation I......” 博望君颤抖着看着勿乞,他突然声嘶力竭的嚎叫起来:“不要杀我,你们想要知道天庭的任何情况我都……” Princess Zhang Le lord coldly snorted to shake Bo Wangjun the seven orifices to spurt the blood, she ridiculed to jeer: On your waste, you can know the Heavenly Court true actual situation? Towed to chop offered a sacrifice to the flag!” 鄣乐公冷哼一声震得博望君的七窍喷血,她讥嘲道:“就你这废物,你能知道天庭真正的虚实?拖下去剁了祭旗!” Does not allow Bo Wangjun to do to struggle again, that crowd wore the red trousers to reveal the executioner of upper body to loudly shout, dragging Bo Wangjun to arrive under the total colors of Eastern Sea army. A shining ghost broadsword howls to cut, Bo Wangjun the head/number of people flies dozens zhang (3.33 m) high, a blood by one strong winds one volume, was splashed on the Eastern Sea army total colors, increases the trace that blood drip drenched to the scarlet colors. 不容博望君再做挣扎,那一群穿着红色长裤袒露上身的刽子手大喝一声,拖着博望君就到了东海军的总军旗下。明晃晃的鬼头大刀呼啸砍下,博望君的人头飞起来数十丈高,一道鲜血被一条狂风一卷,溅在了东海军总军旗上,给猩红的军旗增添了一条血淋淋的痕迹。 Wu Qi shows a faint smile, Thunder Palm sends out must break Bo Wangjun the soul, but Bo Wangjun turning round revolution of three immortal souls and seven mortal forms in void, unexpectedly changes into miraculous glow straight toward the east to fly baseless together somewhere. The bonus is the Wu Qi Thunder Palm round quick, scratched Bo Wangjun the soul to pass over gently and swiftly, cannot really hit [soul destroyed / terror-stricken] him. 勿乞微微一笑,掌心雷发出就要震碎博望君的魂魄,但是博望君的三魂七魄在虚空中滴溜溜一转,居然凭空化为一道灵光直朝东方某处飞去。饶是勿乞掌心雷发得快,也只是擦着博望君的魂魄掠过,没能真个将他打得魂飞魄散 Wu Qi and Princess Zhang Le main look at each other with amazement, Wu Qi turned head to look to the horizon of Eastern extremely distant place, suddenly smiled. These Buddhism and won't the Heavenly Court person, really cause that to laugh uproariously? Interesting, the Heavenly Court big crown princes can make the sacrificial victim, their below qualifications may really be enough. 勿乞鄣乐公主骇然对视,勿乞扭头看向了东方极远处的天际,突然笑了起来。这些佛门天庭的人,不会真个弄出了那个噱头?有趣啊,天庭大太子都可以做牺牲品,他们这次下的本钱可真是足够。 The Eastern Sea blade cuts the Heavenly Court big crown prince to offer a sacrifice to the flag, the innumerable Eastern Sea officers hold up the weapon to cheer with one voice, the morale inflates the limit for a while. The innumerable flying boats fly slowly, slowly leaves the Eastern Sea territorial airspace, speeds along to go to various eastern Xinjiang states. 东海刀斩天庭大太子祭旗,无数东海将士举起兵器齐声欢呼,士气一时膨胀到极限。无数飞舟冉冉飞起,慢慢的离开东海领空,向东疆各州飞驰而去。 Wu Qi and Princess Zhang Le master station on biggest that a dragon shape flying boat, looks up light group that the upper air twinkle star is close to rapidly. That is from foreign country Heavenly Realm unceasingly to the Heavenly Realm landmass that Pangu Continent approaches, is short one month of time, more and more foreign country Heavenly Realm crash into Pangu Continent and Pangu Continent coincides, Heavenly Court these Immortal Official collected the incalculable merit, but the innumerable Human Clan dynasties also led oneself soldiers and horses people to ascend a height to get a broad view Pangu Continent, started to seize the domain operation basis industry. 勿乞鄣乐公主站在最大的那一条龙形飞舟上,抬头看着高空星星点点急速接近的光团。那是从外域天境不断向盘古大陆逼近的天境陆块,就是短短一个多月的功夫,越来越多的外域天境坠入盘古大陆盘古大陆相合,天庭的那些仙官收集了无法计数的功德,而无数的人族皇朝也带着自己的兵马子民登临盘古大陆,开始抢占地盘经营基业。 War declaration provocation to Eastern Sea greatly to dynasty, but was these ascends a height to get a broad view in the Pangu Continent Human Clan dynasty quite stupid radical, was elected to make the goods of person who takes the lead. Since were the person who takes the lead, that must give them quite a lesson, Eastern Sea sets out so many armies to rush to the eastern Xinjiang, was to give deals a head-on blow to the army of dynasty greatly, takes advantage of opportunity to destroy entire greatly to the dynasty, plundered their common people common people. 东海下战书挑衅的大离皇朝,不过是这些登临盘古大陆人族皇朝中比较蠢笨激进,被选出来做出头鸟的货色罢了。但是既然做了出头鸟,那就要好生的给他们一个教训,东海出动这么多军队赶赴东疆,就是要给大离皇朝的军队迎头痛击,顺势摧毁整个大离皇朝,掠夺他们的百姓黎民。 In Wu Qi the army, six groups before, the enormous and powerful army almost stick to the sea level to fly to various eastern Xinjiang states. 勿乞中军在后,六团在前,浩浩荡荡的大军几乎是紧贴着海面向东疆各州飞去。 Under the sea water, some faintly innumerable shadows follow flying boat Great Formation, this is Lord Xiansheng, Ao Buzun and Eastern Sea sailors of Catfish Flood Dragon governance. In Eastern Sea seductress/evil spirit really cultivation base powerful not many, but must mention the time that stirs up trouble to add fuel to the flames who to compare them, in certain specific environment, the Eastern Sea sailors will display the unreplaceable great power. 海水下,隐隐有无数黑影追随飞舟大阵,这是显圣灵君敖不尊鲶蛟统辖的东海水军。东海的妖精中真个修为强悍的没多少,但是要说起兴风作浪推波助澜的功夫谁也比不过他们,在某些特定的环境下,东海水军将发挥无可替代的强大力量。 In the Eastern Sea army dashes about wildly to eastern Xinjiang enormously and powerful, is besieging a giant city to the army main force of dynasty greatly. 就在东海大军浩浩荡荡向东疆狂奔时,大离皇朝的军队主力正在围攻一座巨大的城池。 A length and breadth hundred li (0.5 km) city by the jet black light screen package, is banned spatial spell formation that sets in advance to make Golden Immortal following cultivation base people unable to fly. The priest who except that few float direct in the midair reluctantly, can only put up the scaling ladder, to rape greatly to attack this city 20 ten feets in height city wall with the most primitive way to the dynasty 1 million armies. 长宽百里的城池被漆黑的光幕包裹,预先设置的禁空阵法金仙以下修为的人根本无法飞起。除开寥寥几个勉强悬浮在半空中指引的祭司,大离皇朝百万大军只能用最原始的方式架着云梯、云台攻打这座城池高有20丈的城墙。 Bans spatial spell formation not only to make strength mean people unable to fly, is keeps these fleshly body extremely powerful soldiers from jumping over three zhang (3.33 m), the invisible strength is affecting the actions of these soldiers, they can only lie on the scaling ladder, climbs up to the top just like strings of black ants. 禁空阵法不仅仅让实力低微的人无法飞起,更是让那些肉身极其强悍的士卒无法跳起超过三丈,无形的力量影响着这些士卒的行动力,他们只能趴在云梯上,宛如一串串黑蚂蚁向城头上攀爬。 However the entire city was covered by the city garrison chart, except for greatly to several gaps of width hundreds of zhang (333 m) the priest of dynasty breaks open forcefully, other places are unable to attack. Only can start to these more than ten gaps to the soldiers of dynasty greatly fiercely attacks, does not hesitate all fiercely attacking. 但是整个城池都被城防阵图覆盖,除了大离皇朝的祭司强行破开的十几个宽不过百丈的缺口,其他地方根本无法进攻。大离皇朝的士卒就只能对着这十几个缺口发动猛攻,不惜一切的猛攻。 The Great Yu soldiers on top are using the soldiers who under various city garrison instrument mass casualties climb up, crowded arrow had massive blood splashes, fell greatly from the high scaling ladder to the dynasty soldiers, the shaft that will clench teeth to pass through pulls out, áo áo called out to crawl again to the scaling ladder. 城头上的大虞士卒正利用各种城防器械大量杀伤下方攀爬的士卒,密集的箭矢带起了大量的血花,大片大片的大离皇朝士卒从高高的云梯上摔下来,他们咬牙将身上贯穿的箭杆拔出来,再次嗷嗷嚎叫着向云梯上爬去。 Practices the Human Clan skill powerful soldiers, some injuries are unable to prevent them from continue battle. 都是修炼人族功法的强悍士卒,些许伤势根本无法阻止他们继续作战。 The soldiers who the soldiers of defense and attack a city pester in just like the monster that two eternal lives do not die together, both sides do not fear the life and death, does not fear the ache, even if the belly were broken out a big gap, so long as they draw back to lie down in the ground rest promptly can still quickly restore the injury to put in the battlefield some time. 守城的士卒和攻城的士卒宛如两头永生不死的怪兽纠缠在一起,双方不惧生死,不惧疼痛,就算是肚皮被劈开一条大缺口,只要他们及时退下躺在地上休息一段时间也能迅速恢复伤势重新投入战场。 One ** the soldier brings the blood to remove from the top or falls from the top, one ** the soldiers continue to fill in the top. 一**的士兵带着鲜血从城头上撤下或者从城头上摔下,一**的士卒又继续填上城头。 The endless battle battle, just like the fight that the nightmare same is unable to stand still. io! ~! 无休无止的厮杀争斗,宛如噩梦一样无法停歇的战斗。io!~! .
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