STH :: Volume #10

#916: Getting a new lease on life

Chapter 916 gets a new lease on life( fourth) 第916章枯木逢春(第四更) At nightfall, in Great Wu the palace, Wu Tianming invites the Wu Qi three people in the back garden. 入夜,大吴内宫,吴天明在后花园宴请勿乞三人。 In the big back garden the lights are dim, dozens ages are serving in one side about 60 old court eunuches, does not see any others except for them. Side Wu Tianming also one group of young court eunuches served personal, but entered the harem, Wu Tianming all hurried to the one side these young court eunuches, remains is the old people who these agedly walk hit to shake. 偌大的后花园内灯火昏暗,数十名年龄都在六十开外的老太监在一旁伺候着,除了他们不见任何其他人。原本吴天明身边也有一群小太监贴身伺候,但是一进了后宫,吴天明就将那些小太监全部赶去了一旁,留在身边的都是这些老态龙钟走路都打晃的老人。 Wu Qi curious is taking a look at these old court eunuches, just Wu Tianming introduced the origins of these old court eunuches, they all followed at age 35 side Wu Tianming, has served the Wu Tianming dozens years of trusted aide old people. 勿乞好奇的打量着这些老太监,刚刚吴天明介绍了这些老太监的来历,他们全都是35岁时就跟在吴天明身边,一直伺候了吴天明数十年的心腹老人。 The Wu Tianming also thirty blood brothers, like the lingering demeanor dog or horse in all brothers, is very fond to read poems to do to bestow on description painting Wu Tianming cultivation base to be lowest, the person looks badly, his mother comes is also basest and lowest, without the female clan influence can take advantage, therefore no one thinks that he will become the emperor of Great Wu dynasty. Also therefore, his side are extremely few some people to place the informer, these served his court eunuch since childhood, is he can trust, the responsible community in Great Wu now only. 吴天明还有三十几个亲兄弟,在所有兄弟中喜欢流连声色犬马,酷爱吟诗作赋描绘丹青的吴天明修为最低,人望最差,他的母亲出身也是最卑微,没有母族势力可以依仗,故而没人想到他会成为大吴皇朝的皇帝。也正是因此,他身边极少有人安插耳目,这些自幼就伺候他的太监,也是如今他在大吴唯一可以信赖、可依赖的群体。 Now the Great Wu dynasty outer court was Wu Dehou dominates the royal government, in the palace was the empress today's queen mother of former emperor dominates the internal affairs, regardless of the court official foreign subjects did not have one are the Wu Tianming intimate person. Except these old court eunuches, government order of Wu Tianming in the deliberation hall does not pass, the palace commanded that a palace female attendant bedroom will encounter the numerous obstruction, in brief, his emperor works as very aggrievedly is. 如今大吴皇朝外朝是吴地垕把持朝政,内宫是前任皇帝的皇后当今的太后把持内政,无论内臣外臣都没一个是吴天明的知心人。除开这些老太监,吴天明在朝堂上政令不通,在内宫就连喝令一个宫女侍寝都会受到重重阻力,总而言之,他这个皇帝当得很憋屈就是。 Was just like him to entertain guests at a banquet in the back garden now, was responsible for the imperial palace logistic management anxiously court eunuch General Manager on to here point in thirty things that may cause fires, illuminated the pavilion and neighbor that flake woods the people were, other places were a darkness. Wu Tianming suppresses at heart fiercely, takes a seat proposes a toast to the Wu Qi three people again and again, the one breath did nine big cups continually. 就好比现在他在后花园宴客,负责皇宫后勤管理的太监总管就巴巴的给这里点上了三十几根火烛,堪堪照亮了众人所在的凉亭和附近的一小片树林,其他地方都是一片漆黑。吴天明心里憋得厉害,一落座就向勿乞三人连连敬酒,一口气连干了九大杯。 Just in the deliberation hall, Wu Qi and Wu Dehou reached agreement to gambl, if in three months Wu Qi is unable to let the Great Wu dynasty Yitong River valley, quelled several other countries thoroughly, then the Wu Qi three people must keep all flying sword Magic Treasure and medicine pill tumble out Great Wu, always cannot approach the Great Wu area half step. 刚刚朝堂上,勿乞吴地垕相约豪赌,若是三个月内勿乞无法让大吴皇朝一统河谷,将其他几个国家彻底荡平,则勿乞三人必须留上所有飞剑法宝丹药滚出大吴,永世不许靠近大吴疆域半步。 If Wu Qi their really helped Great Wu unify this river valley in three months, then Wu Dehou unloaded armor to retire after government service, all powers returned the hand of Wu Tianming, Wu Qi their three people can also officially become Great Wu Preceptor, was assisted Wu Tianming to process the Great Wu royal government by them. 若是勿乞他们真个在三个月内帮助大吴统一了这一条河谷,则吴地垕卸甲归田,所有权力交还吴天明之手,勿乞他们三人也就能正式成为大吴国师,由他们辅助吴天明处理大吴朝政。 Did several glasses of liquor continually, looked to Wu Qi that Wu Tianming a little worried, he opened mouth to start to speak but hesitate, finally heavy sighing. 连干了好几杯酒,吴天明有点担忧的看向了勿乞,他张张嘴欲言又止,最终沉沉的叹了一口气。 Asking that Wu Qi pretends to be surprised: Why did your majesty sigh?” 勿乞故作惊讶的问道:“陛下为何叹气?” The Wu Tianming hesitation moment, he considered for a long time, saying of very careful character character: Three Preceptor Magic Force are exceedingly high, is omnipotent, but with the gambling stake of prince regent is really...... present three Preceptor is side the dawn the only strong help, if the rare leaning discrepancy 35 days of date and time, this can do?” 吴天明沉吟片刻,他斟酌了许久,才很小心的一字一字的说道:“三位国师法力通天,自是无所不能,但是和摄政王的赌注实在是……如今三位国师是天明身边唯一强援,若是少有偏差误了三五天时日,这可如何是好?” Gui Guzi sneered, he has turned head a big tree to the darkness to stare one suddenly, hears one miserably to transmit howlingly, on that big tree outside hundred zhang (333 m) a person's shadow was wasted the number hundred zhang (333 m), pricked the hand falling of foot-binding in a lake water not to have the sound again. Mo Di is superficial pats the ground, bang a loud sound, the big back garden entire vibrated, underground hears several ambiguous miserable howling sounds, later did not have the sound. 鬼谷子冷笑了一声,他扭过头去突然向黑暗中一株大树瞪了一眼,就听得一声惨嚎传来,百丈外的那株大树上一条人影被打飞了数百丈,扎手扎脚的摔进了一片湖水中再也没有了声息。墨翟则是轻描淡写的一拍地面,‘轰’的一声巨响,偌大的后花园整个震动了一下,地下传来几声含糊的惨嚎声,随后再也没有了动静。 The Wu Tianming complexion becomes very ugly, he smiles bitterly, holds up the wine glass to say with a smile dry/does: „ This incomparably ashamed holding up wine glass tosses down, the low morning did not say a word. 吴天明的脸色变得很难看,他苦笑一声,举起酒杯干笑道:“这无比羞惭的举起酒杯一饮而尽,低下头半天不言语。 Wu Qi shakes the head saying: Some minor matters, this grade of villain killed is. And your majesty feels relieved, this poor Daoist Senior Brother younger brother sweeps this river valley regarding March/three months within is extremely confident. Your majesty first thinks after March/three months, how to draw in the royal government, may I ask the flight of steps leading to a palace hall to start to have enough Central manpower? When the prince regent handed over the power, your majesty needs large numbers of manpower to take over control of the royal government!” 勿乞摇头道:“些许小事,这等小人杀了就是。陛下且宽心,贫道师兄弟对于三月之内扫荡这河谷是极有信心的。陛下还是先想好三月之后如何收拢朝政罢,敢问陛下手上可有足够中心的人手?等摄政王交出了大权,陛下可是需要大批人手接管朝政的!” Wu Tianming opens mouth, blushed in vain was also red, cannot speak actually. Where does he have available manpower to take over control of the royal government? He mounts the throne half a month, the outer court imperial palace was grasped, where has the opportunity to gather the manpower? 吴天明张了张嘴,一张脸红了又白白了又红,硬是没能吭声。他哪里有可用的人手接管朝政呢?他登上皇位不过半月,外朝内廷都被人把握,哪里有机会去招揽人手? Even Wu Tianming has not married, is he does not have the wife clan that can take advantage. His mother is only a common palace maid, the actually two uncles, raise the butcher who the blade sells the meat, you can count on that two butchers do help him handle the deliberation hall important matter? 甚至吴天明还没有婚配,也就是他连可以依仗的妻族都没有。他的母亲只是一个寻常宫女,倒是有两个娘舅,都是提刀卖肉的屠夫,你能指望两个屠夫帮他处置朝堂大事? Saw the Wu Tianming so appearance, Wu Qi cannot help but smiles. He referred to standing these court eunuches around pavilion, asked in a soft voice: May I ask your majesty, can they be worth your majesty trusting?” 看到吴天明这般模样,勿乞不由得笑了。他指了指侍立在凉亭四周的那些太监,轻声问道:“敢问陛下,他们可值得陛下信任?” The Wu Tianming stiff face becomes very gentle, he swept these to stand in nearby old court eunuch respectfully, supple sound said: If not they, I in this palace really am difficult, no one can speak.” 吴天明僵硬的面孔变得很是柔和,他扫了一眼这些恭恭敬敬站在一旁的老太监,柔声道:“若非他们,吾在这宫中实在是寸步难行,也无一人能说话了。” Wu Qi nods, he stands leisurely, arrived in front of Wu Tianming, pulled out a nine revolutions of big erysipelas to place on the table from the sleeve. Afterward he puts out a hand the sleeve, pulled out a nine revolutions of big erysipelas to put. Wu Tianming is made dumbfounded by medicine pill that Wu Qi pulled out unceasingly, his eye intently is staring product many medicine pill on the table, the breath suddenly became rapid. 勿乞点了点头,他慢条斯理的站起来,走到了吴天明面前,从袖子里掏出了一颗九转大火丹放在了桌案上。随后他又伸手进袖子,又掏出了一颗九转大火丹放了上去。吴天明勿乞不断掏出的丹药弄得呆住了,他眼睛直愣愣的盯着在桌案上越积越多的丹药,呼吸骤然变得急促起来。 Stands the old court eunuch altogether 72 people around pavilion, when Wu Qi pulls out the first nine revolutions of big erysipelases, these old court eunuches turned very quiet to stare in a big way the eye. They in the attendant side Wu Tianming, have seen in the deliberation hall Wu Tianming to take the next nine revolutions of big erysipelas all day in the presence of everyone, immediately changes into the Golden Immortal scene. Wu Qi pulls out this medicine pill now, to say among them also some people do have the opportunity to reach the sky in a single bound? 侍立在凉亭四周的老太监一共有七十二人,当勿乞掏出第一颗九转大火丹时,这些老太监就屏住了呼吸瞪大了眼睛。他们整日里随侍在吴天明身边,早就见到了朝堂上吴天明当众服下一颗九转大火丹,立刻化为金仙的场景。勿乞现在又掏出了这种丹药,岂不是说他们当中也有人有机会一步登天? The breath of old court eunuches suddenly becomes rapid, they stare at Spirit Pill that on the table this can make them be reborn stubbornly, in the eye almost can spout the fire. How many Spirit Pill on Wu Qi has? Among them which lucky fellows can have this opportunity? If there is 35 Spirit Pill, who can be the final lucky fellow? 老太监们的呼吸骤然变得急促起来,他们死死的盯着桌案上这能够让他们脱胎换骨的灵丹,眼睛里几乎能喷出火来。勿乞手上有多少灵丹?他们当中哪些幸运儿能有这个机会?若是只有三五颗灵丹,谁会是最终的幸运儿? Nine revolutions of big erysipelases one after another placed on the table neatly, horizontal nine, set upright eight, equals 72 medicine pill. Around pavilion old court eunuch exactly one person of! Wu Tianming trembles looks at Wu Qi, his pupil becomes incomparable bright. In addition 72 medicine pill, 72 to his loyal and devoted old court eunuch, 72 Golden Immortal level experts, the Wu Qi three people that was as deep as a well, Wu Tianming suddenly had the infinite confidence. 一颗接一颗的九转大火丹整齐的放在了桌案上,横九、竖八,合计七十二颗丹药。凉亭四周的老太监恰好一人一颗!吴天明哆哆嗦嗦的看着勿乞,他的眸子变得无比的明亮。七十二颗丹药,七十二个对他忠心耿耿的老太监,七十二位金仙级高手,加上高深莫测的勿乞三人,吴天明突然有了无穷的信心。 Wu Tianming that the whole body trembles stands up, to Wu Qi deep admired: Preceptor, if not the abandoned dawn is dull-witted, but also asked Preceptor to receive the dawn is the master. This Great Wu world, the dawn is willing to share it with Preceptor!” 浑身战栗的吴天明站起身来,对着勿乞深深的拜服了下去:“国师,若是不弃天明愚钝,还请国师收天明为师。这大吴天下,天明愿与国师共享之!” Wu Qi satisfied smiled, he is not artificial, very simple saying: Is good, kowtows! Henceforth you are the disciple of this poor Daoist, who dares to bully you, this poor Daoist naturally vents anger for you.” 勿乞满意的笑了起来,他也不矫情,很是干脆的说道:“好得很,磕头罢!从此你就是贫道的弟子,谁敢欺负你,贫道自然为你出气。” Wu Tianming is wild with joy, he kowtows the sound, numerous knocked 17-18 knocks to Wu Qi continually, in the mouth called the teacher continually constantly. 吴天明狂喜,他磕头有声,重重的向勿乞连磕了17-18个响头,口里连称师尊不迭。 Wu Qi sat the home position, natural waved to say with a smile: Ok, distributed these medicine pill, and others protected the law for the master, felt relieved to take by all means that will not have the slight careless mistake!” Haughty smiles, Wu Qi points at Wu Tianming to say with a smile: „Under just now in the main hall, you take this medicine pill flat land to rise the immortal, Heavenly Dao had the feeling to have Thunder Tribulation to lower, but scatters you not to know that Tribulation Clouds for the master!” 勿乞坐回了原位,大方的一挥手笑道:“好了,将这些丹药分发下去,为师为尔等护法,只管放心服用,不会有丝毫纰漏!”狂傲的一笑,勿乞指着吴天明笑道:“方才大殿上,你服下这丹药平地升仙,原本天道有感会有雷劫降下,只是为师将那劫云驱散你不知道罢了!” Wu Tianming was suddenly enlighted ‚’, he knelt on the ground knocked several heads to Wu Qi, this stood up with joy distributed medicine pill to his side group of old court eunuches. These old court eunuches have the eyesight to come the matter extremely very much, after they bow received the Wu Tianming distribution medicine pill, arrives in front of the Wu Qi three people to kowtow, keeps on proclaiming shouts loudly ‚the Patriarch sect, when Wu Qi nodded the head hinted, they incomparably respectful kneeling took medicine pill on the ground. 吴天明恍然大悟般‘哦’了一声,他又跪在地上向勿乞磕了几个头,这才站起身来喜滋滋的将丹药分发给了他身边这群老太监。那些老太监极有眼力很会来事,他们躬身接过吴天明分发的丹药后,纷纷来到勿乞三人面前磕头,口口声声高呼‘老祖宗’,等得勿乞颔首示意了,他们才无比恭敬的跪在地上将丹药服了下去。 Has Wu Qi Protector, these old court eunuches absorb the efficacy the process to be very smooth. He does not even hesitate the old court eunuch who consumes blood essence to help these last years of life to push the palace the blood , helping safely their absorbs the efficacy. Tribulation Clouds that must arrive was also scattered by his huge Divine Consciousness, trivial Golden Immortal tribulation to present Wu Qi, but is a joke. 勿乞护法,这些老太监吸收药力的过程很是顺利。他甚至不惜耗费自身精血帮助这些风烛残年的老太监推宫过血,帮助他们稳妥的将药力吸收。原本要到来的劫云也被他庞大的神识驱散,区区金仙劫对如今的勿乞而言,不过是一个玩笑罢了。 All informers in back garden cut to kill by Gui Guzi and Mo Di, Wu Qi covered the entire back garden with Divine Consciousness, no one can peep here to have anything. Therefore the Great Wu dynasty filled toward high and low, and no one knows that Wu Tianming had one to vacillate the Great Wu royal government unexpectedly at one fell swoop sufficiently the strength. 后花园的所有耳目都被鬼谷子墨翟斩杀,勿乞神识覆盖了整个后花园,无人能够窥视这里发生了什么。故而大吴皇朝满朝上下,并无人知道吴天明居然一举拥有了一股足以动摇大吴朝政的力量。 Bustled about several double-hour, helping these not have the old court eunuch of least bit cultivation foundation to consolidate Realm, Wu Qi then urged them to adapt to own strength prudently for these days carefully, cannot the losing one's temper ignition, they unable to control Magic Force at will now, could not do well to collapse the sky the entire dynasty. 忙碌了好几个时辰,帮这些没有半点儿修炼根基的老太监稳固了境界,勿乞这才慎重叮嘱他们这几天一定要小心的适应自己的力量,千万不能随意动怒发火,他们如今根本无法控制自身法力,搞不好就会将整个皇朝崩上天空。 These days Wu Qi want them first to mix well within the body aura, then cultivates Wu Qi to teach their cultivation statute books gradually, starts from most basic Dao Technique, gradually is familiar with oneself huge Magic Force. Now their anything foundation does not have, has the strength of Golden Immortal actually to link Thunder Palm unable to put spatially, they want to apply truly, at least also takes several months. 这几日勿乞要他们先调匀体内气息,然后逐步修炼勿乞传授他们的修炼法典,从最基本的道术入手,逐渐习惯自身庞大的法力。如今他们什么基础都没有,空有金仙之力却连一个掌心雷都放不出来,他们想真正派上用场,起码还要几个月的时间呢。 The platoon that the ecstatical old court eunuches treat a matter seriously becomes one row to kowtow the acknowledgment to the Wu Qi three people. Wu Qi intended to make them retain the original that old appearance, then gave them to bestow a magical amulet that hid aura, this they are standing up. 欣喜若狂的老太监们郑重其事的排成一排向勿乞三人磕头致谢。勿乞有意让他们保留了原本的那苍老的模样,然后给他们一人赐下了一道藏匿气息的灵符,这才着他们站起身来。 This sets out, these old court eunuch sudden complexions change, their panic looks at Wu Tianming, both hands is grasping toward own crotch, then kneels down in abundance shouted loudly capital crime to continue. These since childhood the castrated old court eunuch discovered panic-stricken, on them that separated dozens years of part to grow since childhood unexpectedly, and because of the abundant blood essence essence, now is chinning up and chesting out to stand rock-firm. 这一起身,这些老太监突然脸色都是一变,他们惊慌失措的望着吴天明,双手往自己胯下一抓,然后纷纷跪倒在地高呼‘死罪’不止。这些自幼就被净身的老太监惊恐的发现,他们身上那自幼分离了数十年的部件居然重新生长了出来,而且因为充沛的精血精气,现在一个个正昂首挺胸巍然屹立着。 Wu Tianming looks at these panic-stricken desire old court eunuches certainly, quickly queried the matter clue. He cannot help but exposes to the sun however smiles, very generous comfort these old people. The achievement Golden Immortal cultivation base, on the trivial handicap, this has naturally been able to restore. How could to have heard the view of having Golden Immortal is the court eunuch? 吴天明看着这些惊恐欲绝的老太监,急忙问清了事情端倪。他不由得晒然一笑,很是宽厚的安慰起这些老人。已经成就了金仙修为,区区身体上的残疾,这自然会修复的。何曾听说过有金仙是太监的说法? Gui Guzi said with a smile in the one side pale: This so-called gets a new lease on life, is the good deed of auspicious omen.” 鬼谷子在一旁淡笑道:“此所谓枯木逢春,乃是祥瑞的好事。” Wu Tianming laughs loudly, holds up the wine glass to urge to drink attentively, shows mercy to grant these old court eunuches to sit down additionally happy drinks together, suddenly full garden laughed heartily, the people enjoyed oneself to the full are drunk. 吴天明放声大笑,举起酒杯殷勤劝饮,更是额外开恩赏赐这些老太监坐下共同欢饮,一时间满园欢笑,众人都尽兴一醉。 The 2nd day early morning, had Great Wu to be responsible for the military affairs the prime minister entering the palace, please three Preceptor receive for 100,000 soldiers who they instigated. ro! ~! 第二日一早,有大吴负责军务的宰辅入宫,请三位国师去接收为他们调拨的十万士卒。ro!~! .
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