STH :: Volume #9

#888: Represses Eastern Sea

Woods state herd good retrievable arrow with a string attached to it is puzzled, ignores the Human Clan principle of righteousness, attaches the band of rebels, but the line rebelling matter, guilty of the most heinous crime, crime does not have the amnesty, presents the Human Emperor imperial order, executes the good retrievable arrow with a string attached to be puzzled, exterminates its clan, warns others against following a bad example.”, Yan Bugui grasps a golden scroll, stands reads aloud above the high stair loudly, in the garden under stair, trembling is kneeling several thousand ghastly pale look everybody. “森州牧行弋惑,罔顾人族大义,附逆党而行悖逆之事,罪大恶极、罪无可赦,奉人皇诏令,诛行弋惑,夷灭其族,以儆效尤。”,燕不归手持一份金色卷轴,站在高高的台阶之上高声诵读,在台阶下的庭院中,哆哆嗦嗦的跪着数千名面无人色的男女老少。 , Warns others against following a bad example, four character exits, stand several Eastern Sea Punishment Court division official who administers punishments side Yan Bugui draw a sword simultaneously wield. The swift and fierce blade actinic sweeps away for the big piece blood curtain, in the garden kneels in the dense/woods state herd group retrievable arrow with a string attached to it being puzzled whole families family members of ground breaks completely around the middle, the blood sprinkled place is, these people succeeded in giving up two bodies to sway from side to side on the ground twitch, heaven shaking moved the place the painful call just like the hell malicious ghost. ,以儆效尤,四字一出口,站在燕不归身边的几名东海司刑殿司刑官同时拔刀一挥。凌厉的刀光化为大片血幕横扫而出,庭院中跪在地上的森州牧行弋惑满门老小全部拦腰而断,鲜血洒了一地都是,这些人断成两段的身体在地上扭动抽搐,惊天动地的痛呼声宛如地狱恶鬼。 The cold wind curls slowly from the garden corner, the priest who several wear the black robe read aloud the incantation, in the empty word lightning ray is flashing through, the good retrievable arrow with a string attached to it being puzzled family's flesh soul was attracted by that lightning ray. thunder Meng the satisfied murmur flutters quietly, big piece blood glow fell to pour into from the upper air stood the soldiers and priests who around the garden stood on guard[ body]. 阴风冉冉从庭院角落四周卷出,几个身穿黑袍的祭司念诵着咒语,虚字中一线雷光闪过,行弋惑全家老小的血肉魂魄都被那雷光吸了进去。雷霥满意的赞叹声悄然飘下,大片血光从高空落下注入了站在庭院四周警戒的士卒和祭司〖体〗内。 Offering sacrifices of several thousand fresh flesh souls, let cultivation base of the soldiers and priest on the scene promoted much, when the strength rose dramatically the pleasant sensation to make their simultaneously aspirate the sound, called out the sound to shake this garden just like the thunder shakily. 数千新鲜血肉魂魄的献祭,让在场的士卒和祭司的修为都提升了不少,力量飙升时的快感让他们齐齐吐气开声,暴喝声宛如雷霆震得这庭院都颤悠了起来。 The top that the flying boat that several are hanging the Eastern Sea flag is almost the courtyard has flown, teams of soldiers stand in the deck, arrow same falls just like the raindrop unceasingly. Outside the garden often hears the sad and shrill miserable howling sound, bloody air/Qi one ** welled up, turned into suffocating fishy smell sweet smell to drill toward the nose of person, making the person whole body creamy very uncomfortable. 几条挂着东海旗帜的飞舟几乎是院子的墙头飞过,一队队的士卒站在甲板上,箭矢宛如雨点一样不断落下。庭院外不时传来凄厉的惨嚎声,血腥气一**的涌了进来,变成了一股令人窒息的腥甜气味直往人的鼻子里钻,让人浑身滑腻腻的好不难受。 Outside dense/woods state herd mansion[ broad] on field, lying this way and that is lying down several tens of thousands dense/woods state soldiers who wear the pale-green armor. Several flying boats in[ broad] field sky circles, arrow unceasing projects from the flying boat.[ Broad] on field also more than thousand soldiers resist stubbornly, they go against the shield to leave just like the roaring sound of being damaged wild animal, nearly demented flushes away to the front door of dense/woods state herd mansion. 森州牧府外的〖广〗场上,横七竖八的躺着数万名身穿淡绿色铠甲的森州士卒。几条飞舟在〖广〗场上空盘旋,箭矢不断的从飞舟上抛射下来。〖广〗场上还有千多名士卒负隅顽抗,他们顶着盾牌出宛如受创野兽的咆哮声,近乎癫狂的向森州牧府的大门冲去。 Standing that Eastern Sea officers entire simultaneously that thousand people of row of enough ten rows wear heavy armor before dense/woods state herd mansion front door, each of them wears one-inch specially-made heavy armor, the left hand holds one foot depth eight chi (0.33 m) height two chi (0.33 m) wide heavy tower shield, the right hand holds the arm thick shape is three ten feets such as the specially-made Cheval spear/gun of pointed cone. long spear of fine metal forging supportsblocks the path that these dense/woods state soldiers charged just like the dense and numerous woods. 千人一排足足十排身披重甲的东海将士整整齐齐的站在森州牧府大门前,他们每个人都身披厚达一寸的特制重甲,左手持一尺厚八尺高两尺宽的重型塔盾,右手持长三丈胳膊粗形如尖锥的特制拒马枪。纯金属锻造的长枪支起”宛如密密麻麻的树林挡住了那些森州士卒冲锋的道路。 In these 10,000 rewiring soldiers behind, is 3000 soldier who grasps the specially-made heavy crossbowtheir uniform ejection arrow one after another, in the coordination air-launched below arrow is harvesting the life of dense/woods state officers unceasingly. 在这一万名重装士卒身后,是三千名手持特制重弩的战士”他们整齐划一的射出一波又一波的箭矢,配合上空射下的箭矢不断的收割着森州将士的生命。 To[ broad] several key communication lines in field had been ridden various strange wild beasts Eastern Sea officers to occupy, they not anxiously charge, but standing of being calm and composed even in press of work there looked that more than thousand putting up a last-ditch struggle dense/woods state officers move the impact that flees. Each impact can throw down dozens corpses, could not require how much time they to be cut to kill shortly thoroughly at the scene. 通往〖广〗场的几条交通要道已经被骑着各种奇异猛兽东海将士占据,他们也不急着冲锋,只是好整以暇的站在那里看那千多个垂死挣扎的森州将士动亡命的冲击。他们每一次冲击都会丢下数十具尸体,眼看要不了多少时间他们就会被彻底斩杀当场。 With steam whistle resounding resonant long howl, on inserted completely arrow, at least was pierced dense/woods state Military Officer of body to call out to stand from the corpse pile by 30 specially-made armor piercing arrow. This height over one zhang (3.33 m) two chi (0.33 m) dense/woods state Military Officer held up a to stick completely the crescent moon shape big axe of blood plasma, burnt the last vitality to rush ahead the past to the Eastern Sea officers before dense/woods state herd mansion gate. 伴随着一声汽笛般高亢嘹亮的长啸声,一个身上插满了箭矢,起码被三十支特制的破甲箭矢洞穿了身体的森州将领嚎叫着从尸体堆中站了起来。这个身高过一丈二尺的森州将领举起一柄粘满了血浆的月牙形大斧,燃烧了最后一点生命力向森州牧府门前的东海将士冲杀了过去。 Sir collection will be ordered to rescue! ” That Military Officer steps the serious step to clash forward crazily, he gets angry exclaims: End will be ordered to rescue! Sir!” “大人”集将奉命救援!”那将领迈着沉重的步伐向前狂冲,他怒吼道:“末将奉命救援!大人!” The person's shadow sharply flashes, wears the golden mail-armor and helmet, the body has one faintly invisible dignified yellow moved sideways very much in front of this guy, the right hand penetrated his armor and body just like the sharp knife, pierced from his back of the body place. The yellow struck to crush the heart of this guy very much, strangled the fire of his life thoroughly. 人影急闪,身穿金色甲胄,身上已经隐隐有了一股无形威严的黄很闪身到了这大汉面前,右手宛如利刀击穿了他的铠甲和身体,从他后心处洞穿而出。黄很一击粉碎了这大汉的心脏,将他的生命之火彻底扼杀。 Good brave general, what a pity, how to follow the good retrievable arrow with a string attached to be puzzled this type of band of rebels?” Yellow pulls out very much slowly waves, the body of guy is twitching, exhausted the last strength empty to divide one battle axe to the state herd mansion front doorthen numerous pouring on the ground. “好一条猛将,可惜,怎么就跟随了行弋惑这种逆党?”黄很慢慢抽挥手,那大汉的身体抽搐着,用尽最后一点力气将战斧向州牧府大门虚劈了一记”然后重重的倒在了地上。 The residual several hundred dense/woods state soldiers saw that this guy yellow false was struck to kill with ease, they have desperate wailing, threw down the shield and weapon on hand kneels down. These soldiers gave up the resistance surrender, but yellow orders very much, the Eastern Sea soldier stride that more than thousand grasp the tower shield lance goes forward, does not pity with the lance pierces the bodies of these soldiers, their corpses high selected. 残留的数百名森州士卒眼看这大汉被黄假轻松击杀,他们出绝望的哀嚎,丢下了手上的盾牌和兵器跪倒在地。这些士卒放弃了抵抗投降,但是黄很一声令下,千多名手持塔盾长矛的东海士兵大步上前,毫不怜悯用长矛洞穿这些士卒的身体,将他们的尸身高高的挑了起来。 On three sleeve cuffs embroiders nine golden Sun coats of armswhole body to disperse strongly ** the Eastern Sea priest who the strength fluctuates goes out gradually, they raise both hands, muttered to read aloud the incantation. Void is lightning ray flashes through,[ broad] on field several tens of thousands corpses, all blood plasmas and these soldiers circle as in the soul that in the battlefield has not departed suction by lightning ray, the big piece contained blood glow of extremely strong strength to sprinkleto integrate the body of the Eastern Sea soldiers and priest on the scene slowly. 三个袖口上绣着九个金色太阳纹章”周身散出强**力波动的东海祭司缓步走出,他们举起双手,喃喃念诵起咒语。虚空中又是一丝雷光闪过,〖广〗场上数万条尸体、所有的血浆和这些士卒依旧盘旋在战场上没有离去的魂魄被雷光吸走,大片蕴藏了极强力量的血光冉冉洒下”融入了在场东海士卒和祭司的身体。 Thunder pouch incomparably sigh with emotion sound in[ broad] field sky reverberates: „, Were you recently? Oh, is offering sacrifices to me everywhere, does me to consume many strengths to accept the sacrificial offering, is really the happy worry...... offers sacrifices so many blood sacrifices to me, won't you have troublesome?” 雷囊无比感慨的声音在〖广〗场上空回荡:“啧,你们最近是怎么了?唉,到处都在给我献祭,搞得我要耗费好多的力气接受祭品,真是幸福的烦恼啊……给我献祭这么多血祭,你们不会有麻烦么?” Huang Liang narrowed the eye to smile, he then looked at one to lead large numbers of soldiers Yan Bugui that went out of the state herd mansion, two people smiled, what can trouble? 黄俍眯着眼睛笑了起来,他回头望了一眼正带领大批士卒从州牧府中走出的燕不归,两人相视一笑,能有什么麻烦? Wu Qi bestow a nobility title Eastern Sea Kingso-called Eastern Sea, walks the vast expanse of water sea that bumps into from Liangzhu to the east side. Liangzhu takes up the pen that is the ocean sea has innumerable merely ”, but Eastern Sea occupiedfirst, reputation, therefore by the name is Eastern Sea. This is surface areas and more than 3000 BIg Province quite giant vastness, even gold/metal flies the west side of sea from the east now of sea, that simple and elegant less than half month of time. 勿乞封爵东海王”所谓的东海,就是从良渚向东边走碰到的第一片汪洋大海。良渚的动笔那仅仅是大洋大海就有无数”但是东海占了个“第一,的名头,所以被名之为东海。这是一片表面积和三千多个大州相当的巨型汪洋,就算是金从海的东边今飞行到海的西边,那典要小半个月的功夫。 Zhong Province is only west Eastern Sea most famous first rank BIg Province, peripheral has 45 in Eastern Sea with Zhong Province position suitable first rank BIg Province, each first rank BIg Province manages three hundred BIg Province, but in these more than ten thousand BIg Province, with believing mountain king, ritual mountain king group of rebels colludes with and has the relation has about 40%. 中州只是东海西侧最著名的一个一品大州,在东海周边和中州地位相当的一品大州就有四十五个,每个一品大州下辖三百大州,而这万多个大州中,和信山王、礼山王这一群叛逆勾结、有联系的就有40%左右。 Wu Qi presents the Venerable Sovereign Hao edict to assume Eastern Sea, represses the Great Yu Eastern states, he first starts to the Eastern Sea peripheral state county. Any state herd and county defend state county all civil and military officials who come from Liangzhu these rebel aristocratic family wealthy and powerful families to be cleaned thoroughly, with believing mountain king, ritual mountain king Keneng has the civil and military officials who in state county relate to be detained by the collective. Other determine and believe mountain king, ritual mountain king to have no state county of relations, their all armies were incorporated by Eastern Sea, is stationed after by Wu Qi disrupts the establishment, at will remote. 勿乞昊尊皇的谕旨坐镇东海,弹压大虞东方各州,他先就对东海周边的州郡下手。凡是州牧、郡守出身于良渚那些叛逆世家豪族的州郡所有的文武官员都被彻底清洗,和信山王、礼山王可能有关系的州郡的文武官员则被集体扣押。其他确定和信山王、礼山王没有任何关系的州郡,他们所有的军队都被东海收编,被勿乞随意打乱编制后异地驻扎。 Subordinates the Wu Qi Eastern Sea army nearly inexhaustibly starts out from Eastern Sea, peripheral constructed massive army towns and checkpoints in Eastern Sea, Wu Qi does not hesitate directly to issue the war mobilization order, drew under entire Eastern Sea and Great Yu eastern state county the urgent state of war. In this state of war, all commodities turn over to a Wu Qi control, all military turn over to a Wu Qi controlpromotions of all officials to depose decides by a Wu Qi word. 直属勿乞东海大军近乎无穷无尽的从东海内开出,在东海周边建造了大量的军镇和关卡,勿乞不惜直接下达了战争动员令,将整个东海以及大虞东部的州郡都拖入了紧急战争状态下。在这种战争状态中,一切物资归勿乞一手掌控,一切兵力归勿乞一手掌控”一切官员的升迁废黜都由勿乞一言而决。 authority Qing a side, the palm lives to kill the power, in this case, these cleaned civil and military officials whole families family members were treated as the sacrificial offering to give to thunder Meng, this matter who knows? Even if some people know who dares to divulge? Even some people divulged, who can believe his words? 权倾一方,手掌生杀大权,在这种情况下,那些被清洗的文武官员满门老小被当做祭品献给了雷霥,这种事情谁会知道?就算有人知道了谁敢泄露?就算有人泄露了,又有谁敢相信他的话? If some people dare to be treated as the person who the sacrificial offering offers sacrifices to speak two just words for these, then you sympathize with these rebels, you definitely are the rebel same party members! 若是有人敢为这些被当做祭品献祭的人说两句公道话,那么你如此同情那些叛逆,你就肯定是叛逆同党! Under the Wu Qi nearly brutal high-handed measure, all work well, only worried is thunder mengEastern Sea peripheral more than ten thousand BIg Province, each BIg Province buys number meng, little counts the integer ten counties to govern, sometimes several hundred places offer sacrifices to him simultaneously, is rips open merely gathers top grade void, made Raymond tired air/Qi unable to breathe. Just like thunder Meng said that this was really the happy worry. 勿乞近乎残酷的高压手段下,一切都进行得很是顺利,唯一苦恼的就是雷霥”东海周边万多个大州,每个大州多购数霥个,少则数个数十个郡治,有时候同时有数百个地方向他献祭,仅仅是撕开虚空收取极品,都让雷蒙累得气都喘不过来了。正如雷霥所言,这真是幸福的烦恼。 So wide scope large-scale blood sacrifice, Eastern Sea the strength of soldiers and priest in rise with steady steps, but thunder Meng the strength also after obtaining so many blood sacrifice sacrificial offerings progressed by leaps and bounds, according to him his strength soon breaks through to next big Realm. As for is what Realm, thunder Meng mysterious not agrees told Wu QiWu Qi also to be disinclined to him to inquire the details. 如此大范围大规模的血祭,东海的士卒和祭司的实力在稳步的上升,而雷霥的实力也在得到了这么多的血祭祭品之后突飞猛进,据他说他的实力就快要突破到下一个大境界。至于是什么样的境界,雷霥故作玄虚不肯告诉勿乞勿乞也懒得向他打探详情。 Has the blood oath treaty of blood sacrifice after all, needed time thunder meng must lend the Eastern Sea priests to use the strength, Wu Qi is disinclined to pay attention to thunder pouch now strongly, in any case Wu Qi and po Yue zhu own strength has dealt with various sizes to be troublesome sufficiently. 总归有血祭的血誓条约在,需要的时候雷霥必须将力量借给东海的祭司们使用,勿乞才懒得理睬雷囊如今有多强,反正勿乞和鄱乐公主自身的实力已经足以应付各种大小麻烦。 After three months of brutal clean, Eastern Sea peripheral all state counties were cleaned by Wu Qi, the control of these state counties fall into took the seniority order among brothers trust as first batch in imperial clan and aristocratic family hand that Great Yu aristocratic families as well as six countries' of submits Wu Qi. 经过三个月的残酷清洗,东海周边的所有州郡都被勿乞清洗一空,这些州郡的控制权落入了以伯仲孚为的第一批归附勿乞大虞世家以及六国的宗室和世家手中。 Under the order of Wu Qi, these state counties started to recruit recruit soldiersall soldiers to be transported Eastern Sea City wantonly, sent in the spirit hole under Eastern Sea City pond to accept the brutal brainwashing and special coin. Wu Qi and section Yue zhu broke through Dao Breaking Realm is also Great Principle Golden Immortal fifth rank cultivation base, time in addition of Dark Yin stars tower achieved 30,000 times, three months, in the spirit hole has passed the soldiers who several thousand yearslarge quantities of cities have practiced the sound thorough to be full the Eastern Sea military compound, various army towns had the huge quantity of soldiers. 勿乞的命令下,这些州郡开始大肆招收新兵士卒”所有士卒都被运去了东海城,送入了东海城池下的灵穴接受残酷的洗脑和特币。勿乞和部乐公主突破到了破道境也就是大罗金仙五品修为,玄阴星辰塔的时间加达到了三万倍,三个月的时间,灵穴内已经过去了数千年”大批市练有素的士卒充盈了东海的军营,各处军镇都驻扎了数量庞大的士兵。 Eastern Sea strength storehouse, the Wu Qi mobilization order, starts to Eastern Sea east side the state counties of these Great Yu east Xinjiang to start gradually. All loyal has submitted to Wu Qi in the Great Yu state county as before gave loyalty to the book, but these submit the state county of band of rebels, then starts to assemble the allied armies preparation and Wu Qi wages a war. 东海的力量逐步库强,勿乞布动员令,开始对东海更东边的那些大虞东疆的州郡下手。所有依旧忠诚于大虞的州郡已经向勿乞递交了效忠书,而那些归附逆党的州郡,则开始集结联军准备和勿乞大动干戈。 Prepares to command troops in Wu Qi personally the eastern Xinjiang these rebellion BIg Province armies completely annihilates, when conducting a secondary large-scale blood sacrifice while convenient, the po Yue cardinal process however found Wu Qi seriously, ” follows the many enchanting females 30,000 pretty young girls in her behind. 30,000 beautiful young girls put on color the black palace skirt, silently before walking into the Eastern Sea King mansion ” the big Eastern Sea King mansion main hall[ broad] field stopper watertight. 就在勿乞准备亲自领兵将东疆那些叛乱大州的军队彻底歼灭,顺便进行一次级大规模的血祭时,鄱乐公主突然一本正经的找到了勿乞,在她身后”跟着莺莺燕燕三万名俏丽的少女。三万美丽少女穿着一色儿的黑色宫裙,悄无声息的走入了东海王府”将偌大的东海王府正殿前的〖广〗场塞得水泄不通。 With Bai Qi and other senior generals was discussing goes to battle with the Wu Qi delay of route looks at section Yue zhu:, Zi Xuan, is this does really?” 正在和白起等大将商议出征路线的勿乞呆滞的看着部乐公主:,“紫璇,这是作甚?” Face strange Bai Qi and the others left the main hall deftly, in the big palace left behind Wu Qi and section Yue lord two people. 一脸诡异的白起等人麻利的离开了大殿,偌大的殿堂中就留下了勿乞和部乐公主两人。 Princess Zhang Le main self-poise toward out of the door one finger/refers: „Before subjugating the eastern Xinjiang various states, first received these females. Was Zi Xuan these days in six country imperial clans and in the aristocratic family husband for the good female who was selective! Husband has such base industry today, without several thousand several tens of thousands heir help handles, what always makes the bystander help be? Husband should have the successor!”, The complacent shouldering chin, section Yue lord to pull the finger to calculate. 鄣乐公主镇定自若的朝门外一指:“征讨东疆各州前,先将这些女子收了。是紫璇这些日子在六国宗室和世家之中为夫君精挑细选的好女子哦!夫君今日有如此基业,没有数千数万个子嗣帮忙打理,总是让外人帮忙算什么呢?夫君应该有继承人了!”,得意洋洋的挑起下巴,部乐公主扳着手指计算起来。 „After in January/one month goes to battle, 30,000 months in Dark Yin stars tower, is more than 2000 years, enough husband loves several rounds them. Each month first half month husband should not be happy with Zi Xuan, each month second half month husband must love them one after another.” “一月后出征,在玄阴星辰塔内就有三万个月的时间,也就是两千多年,足够夫君将她们宠爱好几轮的了。唔,每个月的上半月夫君要和紫璇欢好,每个月的下半月夫君必须轮番宠爱她们。” Department Yue zhu delighted pulls the responsibility finger there, the Wu Qi complexion becomes the paper equally to be pale. 部乐公主眉飞色舞的在那里扳责手指,勿乞的脸色变得纸一样惨白。 【...... Chapter 888 represses Eastern Sea( third)】 【……第888章弹压东海(第三更)】 .
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