STH :: Volume #9

#887: Liu Bang retreats

Is welcoming sunlight of Eastern initial rise, enormous and powerful Eastern Sea army flying boat army has delimited the upper air fast, flies to the Eastern Sea direction. Recently time, the flying boat of Eastern Sea army were also many one time, the person and thing that above loaded were also many. Wu Qi receives orders to repress the eastern Xinjiang various state counties, needs a lot of ordnance properties, therefore this Venerable Sovereign Hao gave him to supplement many raw materials and expert artisans. 迎着东方初升的朝阳,浩浩荡荡的东海军飞舟军阵快速划过高空,向东海方向飞去。比来的时候,东海军的飞舟又多了一倍,上面装载的人、物也多了许多。勿乞奉旨弹压东疆各州郡,需要大量的军械物资,故而这次昊尊皇给他补充了许多的原料和高手匠人。 Although is enormous after the two times big turmoil Great Yu imperial clan and aristocratic family influence loss, but the artisans of these floors have not actually injured slightly. This Venerable Sovereign Hao big hand wields, approved gave the Wu Qi 2 million craftsmanship exquisite artisans, must go back Eastern Sea together with their family member relatives 20 million people with Wu Qi together. 虽然经过两次大的动乱大虞的宗室和世家势力损失极大,但是那些底层的工匠却是没有伤损丝毫。这一次昊尊皇大手一挥,就批给了勿乞两百万手艺精湛的工匠,连同他们的家人亲眷足足有两千万人要随着勿乞一起回去东海 Ao Buzun complacent standing in the Wu Qi place ships head, wields responsibility both hands to laugh saying: Father unexpectedly Human Emperor beating violently, wonderfully! Ha, oh, father both hands may real, unexpectedly Human Emperor punching!” 敖不尊得意洋洋的站在勿乞座舰船头,挥动责双手大笑道:“老子居然把人皇给狠揍了一顿,妙不可言啊!哈哈哈,哎哟,老子这双手可真了得,居然把人皇给揍了!” Ao Buzun that quack smiles strangely shows off his together thunder fire there the brilliant achievements that Venerable Sovereign Hao wastes, side Lord Xiansheng several brain sober people may be disinclined to respond him. Wrong non- Ao Buzun is Wu Qimount, the status, Wu Qi made the great merit, in the hand also some large quantities of armies stopped up in the Liangzhu entrance, depended on Ao Buzun to Venerable Sovereign Hao offended the big crime, these discussing politics crown prince also asked the aim dismembering a body Ao Buzun . 嘎嘎怪笑的敖不尊在那里炫耀他一道雷火将昊尊皇打飞的光辉业绩,旁边显圣灵君几个脑筋清醒的人可懒得搭理他。错非敖不尊勿乞“坐骑,的身份,勿乞又立下了大功,手上还有大批军队堵在良渚门口,就凭敖不尊昊尊皇的冒犯大罪,那些议政亲王也就请旨把敖不尊给大卸八块了。 This boy also favorite hit Venerable Sovereign Hao unexpectedly here, does not know that now many stodgy Great Yu officials are keeping thinking about his head. Nothing but is not good to start concerned about the Wu Qi surface, but after Ao Buzun , if dares to leave side Wu Qi, perhaps some people pat the staggering blow to give to do him to Ao Buzun behind. The ancestors his daughter to the White Emperor handled that matter, were cramped to skin make the storage ring finger/refers, this whole life he hit Venerable Sovereign Hao, at the Great Yu these priest cruel and merciless degrees, this goods, if were done, this whole life can only make the toilet. 这厮居然还在这里得意自己打了昊尊皇一顿,也不知道现在有多少迂腐的大虞臣子惦记着他的脑袋呢。无非是碍于勿乞的面不好下手,但是敖不尊以后若是敢离开勿乞身边,说不定就有人对敖不尊背后拍闷棍把他给做掉。上辈子他对白帝的女儿做了那种事情,被人抽筋扒皮做成了储物戒指,这辈子他打了昊尊皇一顿,以大虞那些祭司心狠手辣的程度,这货若是被人做掉了,这辈子只能做马桶了。 Therefore the originally and Ao Buzun relations also passable Golden Horn and Silver Horn wise hiding must by far, this fellow now is a disaster, will collect near with him will ask for trouble. Waits later Wu Qi, if orders Ao Buzun to lead the army to go out the management, perhaps one crowd loyally and devotedly is also stodgy the conservative exceedingly high priest to carry the brick to wait for him to Venerable Sovereign Hao. 所以原本和敖不尊关系还凑合的金角银角都明智的躲得远远的,这家伙现在就是一个祸害,和他凑得太近了会惹火烧身的。等着瞧以后勿乞若是命令敖不尊带领军队出门办事,说不定就有一群对昊尊皇忠心耿耿却又迂腐守旧的通天祭司拎着板砖等着他呢。 Center the Wu Qi station ship present on the cableway bucket of mast, looks over a wide area to look in all directions to appreciate all around excellent scenery. Pangu Continent has a little good, the appearance of the mountain is vigorous, scenery is magnificent, is frequently high ten thousand li (0.5 km) be continuous several hundreds of millions li (0.5 km) giant mountain range to be everywhere, under mountain range mountain water dark green, to mountain under even original position, the boundless prairie spreads out to the distant place just like the sea equally, slightest sign of trouble one like ocean waves. 勿乞站在座舰正中桅杆的吊斗上,游目四顾欣赏着四周的大好风景。盘古大陆就有这么一点好,山势雄浑、景色壮观,动辄高有万里绵延数亿里的巨型山脉比比皆是,山脉山下一水儿墨绿,到了山下平原处,无边的草原宛如海洋一样向远处摊开,风吹草动一如海浪。 Thin such as sends the silk the path to extend in the prairie mountain ridges, link city villages and small towns of embellishment in this boundless land. Because among region general relations these cities is far away, the most neighboring two counties govern often are also separated by 1 million li (0.5 km), therefore many places permanent ancient do not see the human footmark, is retaining the antiquity great antiquity scenery as before. 细如发丝的道路在草原山岭之间延伸,联通了点缀在这无边大地上的一座座城池村镇。因为地域过于广大的关系这些城池之间相距遥远,最邻近的两个郡治之间往往也相隔百万里地,故而很多地方恒古不见人迹,依旧保留着上古洪荒的景色。 A group of brave birds follow close on behind the flying boat of Eastern Sea army dance in the air, these build giant feathers assume seven color big bird yelling sounds to be extremely delightful, embellishes equally magnificently Eastern Sea flying boat Great Formation just like red clouds incomparable. On below prairie, a group of wild animals are running quickly rumble the hoofbeat just like thunderously along with the nature, raised the dreadful mist and dust. 大群胆大的飞鸟紧跟在东海军的飞舟后面飞舞,这些体型巨大羽毛呈七彩的大鸟啼叫声极其悦耳,宛如一片火烧云一样将东海的飞舟大阵点缀得瑰丽无比。下方草原上,大群野兽正在随性奔驰隆隆蹄声宛如雷鸣,掀起了滔天的烟尘。 Good place!” Wu Qi hugs the section Yue zhu waist to sigh in a low voice: Cannot let Heavenly Court and Buddhism these people gives the disaster!” “多好的地方啊!”勿乞搂着部乐公主的腰肢低声叹道:“可不能让天庭佛门的那些人给祸害了!” Department Yue lord also goes out of the god looks at present this boundless beautiful scene, she calculates the antiquity Shintoism most intimate nature that refining up, was intimate with day of Daoist magic, this did not have the popularity great antiquity scene to give her impulse to be stronger than limitlessly several times it Wu Qi. Yue in this limitless magnificent nature lord felt she already and this side world continually as one faintly, her each breath is the world is breathing, her each heartbeat, is the world beats. She has a clear feeling, this side world can change into her weapon, with her intention destruction all enemies. 部乐公主也走出神的看着眼前这无边的美景,她算炼的上古神道最为亲近自然、亲近天道法则,这无边无际没有人气的洪荒景象给她的冲击力比之勿乞更强了数倍。在这无边无际的瑰丽自然中部乐公主隐隐感觉她已经和这一方天地连为一体,她的每一次呼吸就是天地在呼吸,她的每一次心跳,就是天地跳动。她有一种清晰的感觉,这一方天地都能化为她的兵器,随着她的心意覆灭一切敌人。 The antique Shintoism, all Spiritual God are the elves that the world condenses. The section Yue zhu mind integrated this side world to discuss, Celestial united, section Yue zhu who the degree, Wu Qi is far less than to cultivate the antique Shintoism. Going and world that Wu Qi must try hard dissolve, but po Yue zhu are the member in this side world, both's disparity was really big. 太古神道,所有神灵都是天地凝聚的精灵。部乐公主的心神融入了这一方天地要论起,天人合一,的程度,勿乞都远不如修炼太古神道的部乐公主。勿乞还要努力的去和天地相溶,而鄱乐公主自身就是这一方天地的一份子,两者的差距实在是太大了。 Feels the section Yue cardinal process however to become remote inobservable aura, Wu Qi narrowed the eyes to focus to smile. He also integrates in oneself Divine Consciousness Divine Consciousness that the Princess Zhang Le lord sent out both's Divine Consciousness perfect harmonious fusing together, inserted in this side world. 感受着部乐公主突然变得渺渺不可测的气息,勿乞眯着眼笑了。他将自己的神识也融入了鄣乐公主散发出去的神识中两者的神识完美和谐的融为一体,嵌入了这一方天地中。 The world just like crystal of perfect impurity, all has not exposed in the will of the people car(riage) this together slightly is a sudden sudden enlightenment, Wu Qi and section Yue zhu is feeling the operation of Heavenly Dao again, is feeling the innumerable principles and innumerable spiritual energy that composes this world, refine in Heavenly Cauldron Wu Qi memory immeasurable Spiritual Qi to flow out from Wu Qi forehead secretly slowly integrate two people bodies unceasingly, two people magical skills and Magic Force rise in this most deep layer most essential sudden enlightenment rapidly. 天地宛如一块完美无瑕没有丝毫杂质的水晶,所有的一切都暴露在再人心车这是一种突如其来的顿悟,勿乞和部乐公主感受着天道的运行,感受着组成这个世界的无数法则和无数的灵力,炼天鼎勿乞偷偷存储的无量灵气冉冉从勿乞眉心流出不断融入两人的身体,两人的道行和法力就在这最深层最本质的顿悟中急速上升。 This grade of condition continued for one day and one night, has not alarmed anybody Wu Qi and po Yue lord steadily on Dao Breaking Realm broke through first rank. Broken said sixth rank Realm, two people step fifth rank now hand in hand. The Heavenly Dao sensibility of Wu Qi previous life displayed in this process affected his all comprehensions to teach to po Yue zhu extremely mysteriously, in turn section Yue zhu also fed back oneself experience to Wu Qi. 这等状态持续了一天一夜,没有惊动任何人勿乞和鄱乐公主稳稳的在破道境上突破了一品。破道六品境界,两人如今携手踏上了第五品勿乞前世天道感悟在这个过程中发挥了极其玄妙的作用他的所有领悟都传授给了鄱乐公主,反过来部乐公主也将自己的心得体会反馈给了勿乞 The world like the treasure house, Wu Qi and Princess Zhang Le main also obtained. 天地如宝库,勿乞鄣乐公主从中又得到了许多。 Realm that however this beautiful explained wonderfully was broken suddenly, one team of enormous and powerful 100,000 people of high and low gifted generals are emitting the golden auspicious light, crashed in Wu Qi and section Yue just like 10,000 watts giant light bulb suddenly lord the side that Divine Consciousness covered to be void. In probably transparent crystal ball suddenly presented a green fly of thumb size, that feeling is really disgusting to spit. 但是这美妙不可言喻的境界突然被人打破,一队浩浩荡荡足足有十万人上下的天兵天将喷吐着金色祥光,宛如一万瓦的巨型灯泡突然冲进了勿乞和部乐公主神识覆盖的这一方虚空。就好像透明的水晶球里突然出现了一颗拇指大小的绿头苍蝇,那感觉真的是让人恶心得想要吐出来。 Especially these gifted generals are crowding around on car(riage) carriage, untidy Liu Bang is practicing fraud strokes a stark naked beautiful appearance female celestial, among that female celestial both legs has not the well-known liquid to flow off slowly, obviously they just achievement certain good deeds. 尤其是这些天兵天将簇拥着的车辇上,衣衫不整的刘邦正上下其手的抚摸一个一丝不挂的美貌仙女,那仙女双腿之间有不知名的液体缓缓流下,显然他们刚刚成就了某些好事。 Department Yue zhu flies into a rage, she shouted sternly: „The thing that is not concerned about face, this palace this extinguished killed them!”, The five colors god light/only howls, changes into a dense air/Qi winding the mountain peak to wait to the large military forces who Liu Bang leads to pound. By section Yue zhu Dao Breaking Realm cultivation base, this strikes now sufficiently changes into the flying ash Liu Bang and his all subordinates. 部乐公主勃然大怒,她厉声喝道:“不要脸的混账东西,本宫这就灭杀了他们!”,五彩神光呼啸而起,化为一座氤氲之气缠绕的山峰就待向刘邦率领的大队人马砸过去。以部乐公主如今破道境修为,这一击足以将刘邦和他的所有部属化为飞灰。 However a Wu Qi racket, blocked Yue zhu promptly. He said with a smile in a low voice: „Does Liu Bang come the disgusting person? I am quite not disgusting he!” Smiles one strangely, a Wu Qi finger/refers, blood glow silent departure scratched a summit of distant place mountain to fly far away ”, quick submerged that mountain range rear area. 但是勿乞手一拍,及时的拦住了部乐公主。他低声笑道:“刘邦是来恶心人的?唔,我也好生恶心一下他!”怪笑一声,勿乞手一指,一线血光无声无息的飞出老远”擦着远处一座大山的山顶飞了过去,很快就没入了那一条山脉的后方去。 The range that Wu Qi and section Yue host's side Divine Consciousness covers is enormous, passed enough half double-hour, 100,000 gifted generals who Liu Bang leads enormous and powerful blocking in the Eastern Sea team front. The delicate and pretty immortal flying that wears the purple gold color stars long gown goes forward, bellowed to the Eastern Sea army five: Heavenly Court respect to seal/confer, holds pocket rate/lead five thunder Zhengbu Heavenly God, makes sidereal revolution King of Han Liu Bang here, you also fast pays respect!” 勿乞和部乐公主方才神识覆盖的范围极大,过了足足半个时辰,刘邦率领的十万天兵天将才浩浩荡荡的拦在了东海的队伍前方。一员身穿紫金色星官长袍的俊美仙人飞身上前,冲着东海的军伍大吼了一声:“天庭钦封,掌兜率五雷正部天神,巡狩周天汉王刘邦在此,尔等还不速速参拜!” Trading is others perhaps also to this stars polite 12, but before presiding the Eastern Sea army, what army is homicidal maniac Bai Qi. King of Han Liu Bang this name hears, the eyeball of Bai Qi turned into scarlet one piecehe to shout immediately sternly: King of Han Liu Bang, is that......” 换了是其他人也许还会对这个星官客气一二,但是统辖东海军前军的是杀人狂白起汉王刘邦这个名字一入耳,白起的眼珠顿时变成了猩红一片”他厉声喝道:“汉王刘邦,可是那……” The Bai Qi words have not said that nearby Zhang Yi has been too busy covered his mouth. But the status of people of six country the absolute secret, cannot divulge. This time in Liangzhu, wrong non- Wu Qi made the completely safe preparation beforehand, if were discovered by the bystander Bai Qi and existence of Zhang Yi this group of people, that has not known that will annoy to go wrong. 白起的话还没说完,一旁的张仪已经忙不迭的捂住了他的嘴巴。六国之人的身份可是绝对的机密,是万万不能泄露的。这次在良渚,错非勿乞事先做了万全的准备,要是被外人发现了白起张仪这伙人的存在,那还不知道会惹出什么乱子来呢。 Bai Qi struggled is drawing out the treasured sword to go to a sword to chop that starsZhang Yi to seem a monkey the same as hang on the arm of Bai Qi, does not dare to make him go forward. When two people pester continuous, the roaring sound that distant place gloomy sinks transmits from afar: Shameless villain can Liu Bang, still remember Situ overlord somebody otherwise? This life some, if captured alive your Emperor father chi nap soup you to be also willing to slice? ”, Sits on car(riage) carriage is touching in the bosom Liu Bang of female celestial to quickly grasp the meaning of something complacently, shock looked to distant place that mountain peak. 白起挣扎着拔出宝剑要去一剑剁了那星官”张仪好似一只猴子一样吊在白起的胳膊上,死活不敢让他上前。就在两人纠缠不休的时候,远处一声阴沉沉的咆哮声远远传来:“无耻小人刘邦,可还记得西楚霸王项某人否?今世某若是生擒了你的老子赤帝盹汤”你可还愿分一杯羹?”,坐在车辇上正得意洋洋抚摸怀中仙女的刘邦一个激灵,惊骇的向远处那座山峰望了过去。 Big piece blood glow wells up from the summit of that mountain peak just like sea, grasps blood-color long spear, wears blood-color Chiyou Banner, rode to be dyed blood-color black by blood glow * the horse, Xiang Yu áo áo called to lead a group of Great general clear/pain Xiang to dash about wildly to here. In Chiyou Banner in the dreadful bloodshed, makes threatening gesturesmore than ten million day ghost who lives fierce fearsome whole body densely covered bone spike that limitlessly densely and numerously minimum angrily roars to roar. 大片血光宛如一片海洋从那山峰之巅涌下,手持血色长枪,身披血色蚩尤旗,骑着被血光染成了血色的乌*马,项羽嗷嗷叫着带着一批楚项大将向这边狂奔而来。在蚩尤旗所化的滔天血海中,无边无际密密麻麻张牙舞爪怒吼咆哮的”是起码上千万生得狰狞可怖浑身密布骨刺的天鬼。 The outside world in several years, in begged in the space of Dark Yin stars tower the time to pass every time for several tens of thousands years, Wu Qi led several thousand day before ghosts to come out from Ghost World, but after several tens of thousands years of worry-free multiplication, has Eastern Sea sufficient food supply ” the day ghost fearful multiplication strength to manifest incisively. Several tens of thousands years, the day ghost ethnic group in Wu Qi control has developed at the fearful quantities of 10 billion ideas. 外界才短短几年时间,在每乞玄阴星辰塔的空间中时间已经过去了数万年,原本勿乞只是从鬼界带了数千头天鬼出来,但是经过数万年无忧无虑的繁衍,有着东海充足的食物供应”天鬼可怕的繁衍力体现得淋漓尽致。数万年的时间,勿乞掌控中的天鬼族群已经发展到以百亿计的可怕数量。 Now these days ghosts multiply to live in the Wu Qi mustard seed world, Wu Qi by ** the strength the nether world Yellow Springs link own mustard seed world, constructed a surrounding area several hundreds of millions li (0.5 km) filthy/nasty world in, for serveral days the ghost received the invasion of air/Qi of Yellow Springs, now becomes even more is more flagitious than hundred timesstrength is also more powerful than other same clan other same clan, had the tenacious vitality that Yellow Springs lifeform that type nearly could not kill. 如今这些天鬼都在勿乞的芥子世界中繁衍生息,勿乞以**力将幽冥黄泉联通了自己的芥子世界,在里面也构造了一块方圆数亿里的污秽世界,这些天鬼受到黄泉之气的侵染,如今变得比其他同族越发凶残百倍”实力也比其他同族强大许多,更有了黄泉生物那种近乎打不死的顽强生命力。 Xiang Yu has thousands of days the ghost to swarm the surface, had sufficient blood fooddependence to swallow blood energy promoted cultivation base these days ghost cultivation base weakly is Heaven Immortal peak cultivation base, thousands of days the ghost sent out fearful killing intentto change into a piece of strong blood cloud Jiang Liu Bang army to submerge thoroughly. 项羽带着千万天鬼蜂拥面来,有了充足的血食”依靠吞噬血气提升修为的这些天鬼修为最弱的都是天仙巅峰修为,千万天鬼散发出可怕的杀意”化为一片浓烈的血云将刘邦的军队彻底淹没。 Saw that a piece of bloodshed tumbles rushing , the gifted general who Liu Bang brings is exuding the desperate shouting sound, later is the innumerable flesh and blood crashes and chews to swallow the sound to transmit, 100,000 gifted generals blink by thousands of days the ghost are eaten cleanly. 就看到一片血海翻滚着冲了上去,刘邦带来的天兵天将发出绝望的嘶吼声,随后是无数骨肉碎裂声和嘴嚼吞咽声传来,十万天兵天将眨眼被千万天鬼吃得干干净净。 A Gold Dragon shoots up to the sky, Liu Bang in Han Xin and the others under guards stampede. 一条金龙冲天而起,刘邦韩信等人的护卫下狼狈逃窜。 Xiang Yu áo áo called out very to have long spear to kill to Liu Bang, the rear area thousands of days the ghost followed, pursues Liu Bang to go far away rapidly. 项羽嗷嗷嚎叫着挺起长枪刘邦杀了过去,后方千万天鬼紧随其后,一路追着刘邦急速远去。 Wu Qi dry Ran yelled: Protects King of Han, do not let this crowd of evildoer/monstrous talent injure him!” 勿乞干巴巴苒大叫了起来:“保护汉王,千万别让这群妖孽伤了他!” Shouted several, in the yacketing sound of Eastern Sea army, the flying boat continue to Eastern Sea speeds away. 叫嚷了几声,在东海军的哄堂大笑声中,飞舟继续向东海疾驰。 No one pays attention to Liu Bang is dies lives, is this big matter?! ~! 没人理睬刘邦是死是活,这又是多大一回事情呢?!~! .
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