STH :: Volume #9

#886: Shoulders the great task

Stood in the Central position that candle Dragon Mountain was, Venerable Sovereign Hao holds up Xuan Yuan sword numerous inserting to approach the ground. 站在原本烛龙山所在的中心位置,昊尊皇举起轩辕剑重重的插向了地面。 The candle dragon ruined the Great Yu imperial palace by the livelihood candle, the good mountain Haoshui botanical garden was melted the magma, after cooling, congealed together the smooth rock layer. Xuan Yuan sword insertion ground, the incantation that as Venerable Sovereign Hao read aloud unceasingly, Liangzhu protecting city Great Formation opened again. 烛龙以日月烛毁掉了大虞皇宫,原本好山好水的园林被融成了岩浆,冷却后就凝成了一块儿平坦的岩层。轩辕剑插入地面,随着昊尊皇不断念诵的咒语,良渚的护城大阵再次开启。 The ground same wriggles just like the soft sol, was used to surround the 108,000 bronze-color metal big pillars of candle dragon to erupt eye-catching rays of light simultaneously. Is centered on these pillars, equally are magnificent the eye-catching chart trace to howl to shine just like the peony, in the world was flooded by the black red two color glares immediately. Stands their only sleep/felt does not base in ground Wu Qi steadily, being too busy flew the midair. 地面宛如柔软的胶质一样蠕动起来,原本用来困住烛龙的十万八千根青铜色金属大柱子同时爆发出夺目的光芒。以这些柱子为核心,一朵朵宛如牡丹花一样华丽夺目的阵图纹路呼啸着亮起,天地间顿时被黑红二色的强光充斥。站在地上的勿乞他们只觉立足不稳,忙不迭的飞上了半空。 The land starts to fluctuate, same haunched up people living on mountains hills just like the candle of melting slowly. Is sending out the big pillar of glare regarding these, mountain peaks lived slowly. 大地开始波动,宛如融化的蜡烛一样慢慢的拱起了一道道山棱丘陵。围绕着那些散发着强光的大柱子,一座座山峰慢慢的生了出来。 The mountain peak formed mountain range, middle had the river valley hill, the sky fell rains hard, formed the river in the mountain peak hills, gathered the lake deep deep pool, finally distant place several sea also chased the deep pool to gather completely the water. 山峰形成了山脉,当中有了河谷丘陵,天空降下了大雨,在山峰丘陵之间形成了大河,蓄成了湖泊深潭,最后就连远处几片大海也都逐潭蓄满了水。 Also is the times of several double-hour, is restored the original design by the Great Yu imperial palace botanical garden that the candle dragon ruins thoroughly. 也就是几个时辰的功夫,被烛龙彻底毁掉的大虞皇宫园林又恢复了原样。 On the mountain peaks of these creeping motions, the big grand palace pavilion from underground grew directly. 那些蠕动的山峰上,高大雄伟的宫殿楼阁直接从地下长了出来。 Outside the You Xiong Plain casual stone places is the rare Spirit Stone beautiful jade, each parts of these palace pavilions contained great quantity Spiritual Qi, sends out brightly under the sunlight brilliance. 有熊原随便一块石头放在外面都是难得的灵石美玉,这些宫殿楼阁的每一部分都蕴藏了巨量的灵气,在阳光下散发出熠熠光辉。 In the Venerable Sovereign Hao sleeve departed the innumerable colorful luminous spots, the seeds of these strange flowers and grass fall on the mountain peak hill take root to germinate immediately. Here Spiritual Qi is very abundant, the rainwater that the sky drops contained extremely strong First Wood Spiritual Qi spirit liquid, these seeds go crazy the same growth to expand, ‚’ resounding when full Er are the branch extracts sends out. 昊尊皇的袖子里飞出了无数五颜六色的光点,这些奇花异草的种子落在了山峰丘陵上立刻生根发芽。这里的灵气无比充沛,天空落下的雨水都是蕴藏了极浓烈甲木灵气灵液,这些种子发狂一样的生长壮大,满耳都是枝条抽出时发出的‘啪啪’脆响。 One day and one night later, had the jungle of hundred zhang (333 m) to cover the big imperial palace botanical garden high, the strange flower and grass everywhere was, Spirit Mushroom, ginseng, sealwort and Shouwu and so on spirit herb also under the tree root of towering giant tree dense and numerous lived a big piece. Besides these spirit herb year crucial moment far inferior ruined original botanical gardens, the entire and original that botanical garden has no difference, instead in construction fine on majestic goes beyond. 一天一夜后,高有百丈的密林重新覆盖了偌大的皇宫园林,奇花异草遍地都是,灵芝、人参、黄精、首乌之类的灵药也在参天巨木的树根下密密麻麻的生了一大片。除了这些灵药的年份火候远不及被毁掉的原园林外,整个和原本的那座园林已经没有什么差别,反而在建筑的精美雄壮上更是有过之而无不及。 Candle Dragon Mountain that the candle dragon coiled around was replaced by an enormous peak, is a road winds around the mountain peak on as before the straight summit, compared with original has the bear palace scale to win ten times of main halls to stand erect on the summit, immeasurable Spiritual Qi changed to a waterfall to drop down from the upper air, fell into the new main hall directly. 原本烛龙盘绕成的烛龙山被一座极大的高峰取代,依旧是一条盘山道绕着山峰蜿蜒直上山顶,一座比原本的有熊殿规模更胜十倍的大殿屹立在山巅上,无量灵气从高空化作一条飞瀑直落了下来,径直落入了新的大殿中。 More than 100,000 Great Yu civil and military officials who only remain exude the mountainous cry tsunami laughing sound, Venerable Sovereign Hao silhouette gradually dissipate, the people walk into the main hall according to the grade height gradually, to sitting Venerable Sovereign Hao on throne salutes to pay respect. Experienced so many things, Great Yu suffered the deeply grieved loss, Venerable Sovereign Hao returned unexpectedly well, everyone thought that had the source of confidence, in the heart had enough energy. 仅剩的十万余大虞文武臣子发出山呼海啸般欢笑声,昊尊皇身影逐渐消散,众人按照品级高低缓步走入大殿中,向坐在宝座上的昊尊皇行礼参拜。经历了这么多事情,大虞遭受了惨痛的损失,昊尊皇居然无恙归来,所有人都觉得有了定心骨,心中有了足够的底气。 King Yangshan wait/etc. the discussing politics crown princes go forward one after another, the matter of 11 will report to Venerable Sovereign Hao for these days. 阳山王等议政亲王鱼贯上前,将这几天发生的事情一一向昊尊皇禀告。 Nod that Venerable Sovereign Hao shows neither approval nor disapproval, listening to the reports of crown prince, Venerable Sovereign Hao to sneer saying: These things, my these days personally see however smile to shake the head, Venerable Sovereign Hao said indifferently: „ King Bai Shan, you are only the temporarily substituting for this throne, today you first return this throne!” 昊尊皇不置可否的点着头,听完了众亲王的汇报,昊尊皇冷笑道:“这些事情,吾这几日亲眼所见然一笑摇摇头,昊尊皇淡然道:“白山王,你原本就只是暂代这王位,今日你先将这王位交还罢!” King Bai Shan was executed, Venerable Sovereign Hao chose a crown prince at ease to replace from the imperial clan. 白山王被诛,昊尊皇从宗室中挑选了一个闲散的亲王顶替了上去。 During these days turbulence, this crown prince's performance has nothing worthwhile, what is lukewarm is only drifts along in one side dozen of primal chaos, Venerable Sovereign Hao watches all these. Hears the order of Venerable Sovereign Hao, the crown prince bows slightly, obedient returned in the arrangements of these imperial clan crown princes at ease. 这几日的动荡中,这个亲王的表现乏善可陈,温温吞吞的只是在一旁打太极混日子,昊尊皇将这一切都看在眼里。听到昊尊皇的命令,那亲王微微躬身,乖乖的退回了那些闲散宗室亲王的班列中。 In the main hall dies the same dreariness, the people knows, Great Yu bestow a nobility title of 18 discussing politics crown princes is fixed, how change no matter other king nobility confer a title upon, these 18 discussing politics crown princes' titles and powers will not have any change. Venerable Sovereign Hao made that temporarily substituting for crown prince resign from King Bai Shan bestow a nobility title, then, is to choose person of bestow a nobility title that again replaced King Bai Shan? 大殿内死一样的沉寂,众人都知道,大虞的十八位议政亲王的封爵是固定的,不管其他的王爵封号如何变迁,这十八位议政亲王的封号和权力都不会有任何改变。昊尊皇让那暂代的亲王辞去了白山王封爵,那么,是要再次挑选一人顶替白山王封爵么? Discussing politics crown prince, in the big Yu Dynasty hall is under true one person positions above ten thousand people, basically concurs Prime Minister and position of soldiers and horses grand marshal, concurrently manages the government affairs, military affairs and taxation income and so on, in hand real power. Present these discussing politics crown prince, replaces temporarily except King Weishan Ji Tun, was put to death except for King Bai Shan lineage/vein, when other 16 discussing politics crown princes may establish from Great Yu spreads. The Venerable Sovereign Hao vision locked Wu Qi, his sinking sound said: Eastern Sea King this time does excellently, gets the duty of King Bai Shan by the nobility of Eastern Sea King temporarily. If later can also perform the merit, this King Bai Shan title, is your.” 议政亲王啊,在大虞朝堂上是真正的一人之下万人之上的位置,基本上身兼丞相和兵马大元帅的位置,兼管政务、军务、财税收入之类,手上实权着实了得。如今的这些议政亲王,除开卫山王姬吞同样是临时顶替上去的,除了白山王一脉被诛杀,其他十六位议政亲王可都是从大虞建立时就流传下来的。昊尊皇的目光锁定了勿乞,他沉声道:“东海王此次做得极好,暂以东海王之爵领白山王之职。若是以后还能立下功劳,这白山王的爵位,就是你的。” The Wu Qi stride had/left the arrangement, salutes the acknowledgment to Venerable Sovereign Hao. Temporarily has the King Bai Shan authority with the Eastern Sea King title? So long as performs the new merit to obtain the title of King Bai Shan officially, since then becomes one of the Great Yu discussing politics crown princes? The truth said, Wu Qi is a little is also unexpected to this pork pie. Great Yu so many king nobility, imperial clans and aristocratic family wealthy and powerful families place here, this important line of business was impossible to fall in the Wu Qi hand. 勿乞大步出了班列,向昊尊皇行礼致谢。暂时以东海王的爵位掌握白山王的职权么?只要立下新的功劳就能正式取得白山王的封号,从此成为大虞议政亲王之一?实话说,勿乞对这块大馅饼也是很有点出乎意料的。大虞这么多的王爵、宗室、世家豪族放在这里,这种重要的职司原本不可能落在勿乞手中。 However, has Venerable Sovereign Hao lost the trust to these imperial clans and aristocratic families? 但是,昊尊皇对这些宗室、世家已经失去信任了? Has a look more than 100,000 civil and military ministers who in the main hall only remain, the people then to discover, once in this main hall collected accumulates to look at 300,000 to represent the Great Yu major aristocratic family civil and military officials, for successive several times after the upheaval, the official military commander ten goes to 67, remaining about 30%. 看看大殿上仅剩的十万余文武大臣,众人这才发现,曾经这座大殿中汇攒看三十万代表了大虞各大世家豪们的文武臣子,连续几次变乱之后,文臣武将十去六七,剩下的不过30%左右了。 Was put to death by the whole families in the previous big clean, with believing mountain king and ritual mountain king abandoned Great Yu to leave for the southern independence basis industry, was struck to kill by the chaotic soldier in the two days, now remaining, only then such person. 一些在上次的大清洗中被满门诛杀,一些随着信山王和礼山王背弃了大虞开赴了南方自立基业,还有一些在这两天中被乱兵击杀,如今剩下的只有这么点人了。 These remain to have in bear hall official, are they really loyal and devoted to Great Yu? Feared that is presents no one to think, Venerable Sovereign Hao does not think. The Venerable Sovereign Hao son will betray Venerable Sovereign Hao, who can guarantee that here official not 35 and even 350 and 350,000 a nail that is Heavenly Court and Buddhism places? 这些留在有熊殿中的臣子,他们真的都对大虞忠心耿耿么?怕是在场没人敢这么想,昊尊皇更加不会这么想。昊尊皇的儿子都会背叛昊尊皇,谁能保证这里的臣子没有三五个乃至三五十个、三五万个是天庭佛门安插的钉子? The Venerable Sovereign Hao indifferent brutal vision has swept many officials in main hall, all by the Venerable Sovereign Hao vision has swept the officials respectful and prudent lowers the head does not dare to face up to with him. Only then Wu Qi indifferent and Venerable Sovereign Hao right, in his heart does not have the ghost, has no pressure, therefore he very candid and straightforward and Venerable Sovereign Hao right, vision limpid like water, passes meaning that one share is marrying to decide. 昊尊皇冷漠无情的目光扫过大殿中的众多臣子,所有被昊尊皇目光扫过的臣子都恭谨的低下头不敢和他正视。只有勿乞无所谓的和昊尊皇对了一眼,他心中无鬼,也没有什么精神压力,所以他很坦直的和昊尊皇对了一眼,目光清澈如水,透着一股子娶定的意味。 Appreciation nods to broad and level Wu Qi, Venerable Sovereign Hao sinking sound said: Wrong non- Eastern Sea King cuts the gordian knot to attend to carry out the cicada-like insect investigation to be clear, you feared that also wants on chaotically for a long time. Especially you, Yangshan, the king, you disappoint me. You are without a fight unexpectedly, whatever the band of rebels delivers being enthralled prison you, wrong non- Eastern Sea King leads troops to attack a city, hadn't you been given put to death in vain? If you die, big Yu Dynasty politics how?” 欣赏的对坦荡荡的勿乞点了点头,昊尊皇沉声道:“错非东海王快刀斩乱麻将事螓调查清楚,你们怕是还要乱上许久。尤其是你,阳山,王,你太让吾失望。你居然束手就擒任凭逆党将你送入神狱,错非东海王带兵攻城,你不是早就被人给白白诛杀了?你若死,大虞朝政如何?” A King Yangshan cheek becomes purple bulge one piece, he looks at Venerable Sovereign Hao awkwardly, explained in a low voice: „ Feudal official, terrified. That secret order comes strangely, the feudal official carries the suspicion, believes mountain king the independence crown prince 阳山王一张面皮变得紫胀一片,他尴尬的看着昊尊皇,低声解释道:“臣,惶恐。那密旨来得诡异,臣身负嫌疑,信山王自立太子 Venerable Sovereign Hao light saying: You are afraid to shoulder to assassinate my charge, to prove your pureness, you, whatever the band of rebels is put in prison you. Simply is laughable, so long as in your heart selfless, how even if you integral point soldiers and horses and bands of rebels do kill one greatly?” 昊尊皇淡淡的说道:“你害怕背负上刺杀吾的罪名,所以为了证明你的清白,你任凭逆党将你入狱。简直是可笑,只要你心中无私,你就算整点兵马和逆党大杀一场又如何?” coldly snorted, official of Venerable Sovereign Hao to full palace sneers saying: Has a look at you, were Great Yu these years extremely in peaceful? You simply my Human Clan ancestor's that blood brave air/Qi forgetting completely, the band of rebels run amuck, you actually the mediocre inactivity, wrong non- Eastern Sea King found out the fishy astutely competently, you must give the bystander the base industry of Great Yu simply submissively!” 冷哼一声,昊尊皇对满殿的臣子冷笑道:“看看你们,大虞这些年是不是太过于太平了?你们简直都将我人族祖先的那股血勇之气给忘得干干净净,逆党胡作非为,尔等却庸碌无为,错非东海王精明能干查出了蹊跷,你们简直就要将大虞的基业拱手让给外人!” white haired gray crown prince murmured under low voice: Feudal official and others, but is not willing to break ancestor's rule!” 一个白发苍苍的亲王低声咕哝道:“臣等,只是不愿意破坏祖宗的规矩!” Venerable Sovereign Hao angrily roared: „ Bullshit! Ancestor's custom places the present, but also is useful? 昊尊皇怒吼了起来:“屁话!祖宗的规矩放在现在,还有什么用? So many imperial clans and aristocratic family rebellion, does ancestor's custom have to use? This time, we also obey these customs, that wants the perishing clan! ” 这么多宗室、世家叛乱,祖宗的规矩还有用么?今时今日,我们还守那些规矩,那是要亡族的!” Points at Wu Qi, Venerable Sovereign Hao scolds sternly: Eastern Sea King and King Weishan get army outside, Liangzhu changes, within the Eastern Sea King ten-day period day rushed to Liangzhu represses the rebellion, the stable court discipline, maintained my Great Yu country to bless. Obeys the custom King Weishan? He where? He where? He commands has Bear Army, Great Yu sharpest has Bear Army, now he where?” 手指勿乞,昊尊皇厉声呵斥道:“东海王卫山王都领一军在外,良渚有变,东海王旬日之内奔至良渚弹压叛乱,稳定朝纲,维护我大虞国祚。守规矩的卫山王呢?他在哪里?他在哪里?他统领的是有熊军,大虞最精锐的有熊军,现在他在哪里?” King Yangshan hmph hmph awkwardly, does not dare to open the mouth. Just had the messenger to send the information, has Bear Army that Ji Tun led from the Liangzhu also three days distances, he does not dare to attack these army towns and cities all the way, can only be the word of praise said that completely asked others for help to allow to pass through. If others do not allow to pass through, Ji Tian leads the army to detour the line, therefore the marching speed is extremely all the way slow, Liangzhu rebellion already even stop/rest, he also on road. 阳山王尴尬的哼哼了一声,不敢开口。刚刚就有信使送来情报,姬吞带领的有熊军距离良渚还有三日的路程,他一路上不敢攻打那些军镇、城池,只能是好话说尽了求人让路。若是人家不让路,姬忝就带着大军绕路而行,故而一路上行军速度极慢,良渚叛乱已经平歇,他还在路上呢。 Looks to fill toward the civil and military awkward face, Venerable Sovereign Hao coldly snorted, transmitted orders the person to prepare the decree copy clerk sternly. 看着满朝文武尴尬的面孔,昊尊皇冷哼一声,厉声传令着人准备旨意文书。 The candle dragon destroyed the entire imperial palace, in the middle of these General Manager of court official also has luckily has cultivation base much, they also flew the sky to escape by luck the birth day. Therefore Venerable Sovereign Hao ordered, his side also several court officials ran errands. In these imperial decrees that in the palace stores up had been destroyed, these court officials look for black satin temporarily, took the blood of Spirit Beast to mix the cinnabar furnishing blood-color ink to present to Venerable Sovereign Hao. 烛龙摧毁了整个皇宫,幸好内臣的那些总管当中也有不少身有修为的,他们也侥幸飞上天空逃出生天。故而昊尊皇下令,他身边还有几个内臣听使唤。宫内储存的那些圣旨之内已经被毁,那些内臣临时找了一块黑色的缎子,取了灵兽的血液混合了朱砂调成血色墨水奉给了昊尊皇 Venerable Sovereign Hao wrote an imperial order to bestow Wu Qi personally, wore Wu Qi to preside the Eastern Sea army, repressed Great Yu east Xinjiang. East of Liangzhu various state county soldiers and horses he can dispatch at will, the military supply can use at will, main responsibility town/subdues da presses the rebellion to put to death the band of rebels, simultaneously deals with Heavenly Court and various Buddhism following methods. The power that Venerable Sovereign Hao gives Wu Qi extremely fearful first cuts in the imperial order does not play, he can handle below Liangzhu east state county first rank state marquises all civil and military officials at will. 昊尊皇亲自书写了一份诏令赐给了勿乞,着勿乞统辖东海大军,弹压大虞东疆。良渚以东各州郡兵马他可以随意调遣,军事物资可以随意使用,主责镇龘压叛乱诛杀逆党,同时应付天庭佛门接下来的各种手段。昊尊皇更在诏令中赋予勿乞极其可怕的先斩不奏的权力,他可以随意处置良渚东边各州郡一品州侯以下的所有文武官员。 Wu Qi received the imperial order time, the civil and military officials in main hall look at Wu Qi with the extremely shocking vision. 勿乞接过诏令的时候,大殿内的文武臣子都用极震惊的目光看着勿乞 Great Yu historical, only then few time has such imperial order to appear, but at that time was the world heavy disaster and Pangu Continent, when Human Clan faced with the total destruction, then Human Emperor presented the Saint sovereign imperial order to choose the good ministers brave general to use the strength of Great Yu barely escaped with one's life has the action that. Today Venerable Sovereign Hao gave Wu Qi such power, not to mention Wu Qi obtained the big power and influence, this back accumulated intent lets person scalp tingles. 大虞的历史上,只有寥寥几次有过这样的诏令出台,但是那时候都是天地重劫波及了盘古大陆,人族面临灭顶之灾,当时的人皇奉圣皇诏令挑选良臣猛将倾尽大虞之力死里求生时才有的举动。今日昊尊皇给了勿乞这样的权力,且不说勿乞获得了多大的权势,这背后的蕴意就让人头皮发麻。 Pangu Continent Human Clan, again faced with total destruction?! ~! 难道,盘古大陆人族,再一次面临灭顶之灾么?!~! .
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