STH :: Volume #9

#889: Plants the person profession

A monkey drives off the cry that kids around not to wake from the lethargic sleep. 一阵猴子追打嬉闹的叫声将勿个从昏睡中弄醒。 Out of the window, several azure purple long vine is fluttering with the wind, several tiny gold/metal velvet monkeys are climbing up in Osafuji drive off, make are heavily engaged. Is hanging on Chodo's crotch, squatting that two long ear mildew rabbits are calm and composed even in press of work in the branch tip, looks at these chaotic restless monkey bastards indifferently, three valve cocks move is chewing anything. 窗外,几条青紫色的长藤正随风飘荡,几只细小的金丝绒猴正在长藤上攀爬追打,闹得不可开交。挂着长藤的树杈上,两只长耳朵白毛兔子正好整以暇的蹲在树枝梢头,冷眼看着这几只乱糟糟闹腾的猴崽子,三瓣嘴一动一动的嘴嚼着什么。 Here is the Yuan Ling/Origin Spirit quiet boundary, abundant Spiritual Qi fills all around, in jungle that innumerable Innate Divine Wood compose, the assorted build exquisite rushes bright and beautiful bird is circling to dance in the air, has chirp the cry. A group of monkeys jump jumps to play noisily in the branches, on the tree trunk has the large snake flood dragon winding, in the long thick patch of grass under tree has the fierce tiger lion to appear and disappear. 这里是元灵幽境,充沛的灵气弥漫四周,无数先天神木组成的密林中,各色体型优美毛片亮丽的飞鸟正盘旋飞舞,出叽叽喳喳的叫声。大群大群的猴子蹦蹦跳跳的在树枝间蹦跳玩闹,树干上有长蛇蛟龙缠绕,树下的长草丛中有猛虎雄狮出没。 Earthworm no Yuan Ling/Origin Spirit quiet boundary besides the plant has lived it up now incomparably, Wu Qi moved massive insect fish birds to come, these years in the Yuan Ling/Origin Spirit quiet boundary 66 have Demon Immortal to appear one after another. All Demon Immortal do obeisance Wu Qi and section Yue zhu is the masters, to the Wu Qi couple, these Demon Immortal matters is the parents. The Yuan Ling/Origin Spirit quiet boundary, has become on Wu Qi the most secret strength. 原本除了植物外就连一条蚯蚓都没有的元灵幽境如今已经热闹无比,勿乞迁徙了大量的虫鱼鸟兽进来,这些年来元灵幽境中已经66续续有妖仙出现。所有妖仙都拜勿乞和部乐公主为师,对勿乞夫妇两人,这些妖仙事之为父母。元灵幽境,已经成了勿乞手上最隐秘的一支力量。 That several little apes that out of the window kids around, is of vigorously monkey Yuan Qing Yuan Ling/Origin Spirit quiet boundary famous several Demon King does not know several generation of great-grandsons. 窗外嬉闹的那几条小猴子,就是元灵幽境鼎鼎有名的几位妖王之一大力猴王猿青的不知道第几代重孙子。 These little apes received the Yuan Ling/Origin Spirit fresh air to wash to cut down the meridians since childhood, has various Spirit Pill elixir to lay the foundation for them, therefore they, although age Gold Core has not formed immaturely, but also had the strength of load mountain, usually in vertical leaps is they who such as flies to cause trouble everywhere. 这些小猴子自幼就受到元灵清气洗伐经脉,更有各种灵丹妙药为他们奠定根基,故而他们虽然年龄幼小就连金丹都没结成,但是也有了担山之力,平日里纵跃如飞到处惹是生非的就是他们。 Squats as for that two on the treetop is seemingly crazy the fat incomparable rabbit, is the same clan that Tu Xiaobai these years gather to raise. Although is the same clan, what are more was treated as the pet to gather to raise by Tu Xiaobai . 至于那两只蹲在树梢上看上去痴肥无比的兔子,则是兔小白这些年蓄养的同族。虽然是同族,但是更多的是被兔小白当做了宠物蓄养。 Place that Wu Qi is, is a lecture hall in jungle, the high and low three lecture hall by the close rattan nature entanglement, on the rattan have seven color small hua to be in full bloom, decorates this lecture hall is ordinary just like the rainbow, fine fine to peak. Wu Qi lies down in the lecture hall highest room, lies down on a length and breadth several feet giant bed thirty the pretty young girl who is red the body is pestering in together, presses him just like a meat mountain below. 勿乞所在的地方,是密林中的一栋精舍,上下三层的精舍由细密的藤条自然纠缠而成,藤条上有七彩小hua怒放,将这精舍装点得宛如彩虹一般,精细精美到了极致勿乞就躺在精舍最高一层的房间里,躺在一张长宽十几丈的巨大床榻上三十几个赤着身子的俏丽少女正纠缠在一起,宛如一座肉山将他压在下面。 Cautious incomparably difficult struggles from the powder leg snow arms of these young girls, Wu Qi a little arrived at the window unconscious, grasps in the window previous long narrow table the two peach in fruit tray, washed one's hands to throw the peach. On that two obese lovable rabbit foreheads suffered peach, is showing the whites of the eyes from have on several feet treetop to plant high, heavy pounding on the ground, bang bang, straight sound. 小心翼翼无比艰难的从这些少女的粉腿雪臂中挣扎出来,勿乞有点神志不清的走到了窗边,抓起窗前一张条案上果盘中的两颗桃子,抖手将桃子丢了出去。那两只肥胖可爱的兔子一个脑门上挨了一桃子,翻着白眼从高有十几丈的树梢上一头栽了下去,沉甸甸的砸在地上,砰砰,直响。 The Wu Qi dull hollow laugh two, pulled the finger to calculate for a long time, finally spooky sighing. 勿乞呆呆的干笑了两声,扳着手指盘算了许久,终于幽幽的叹了一口气。 30,000, I ten thousand child ten thousand. It is not really easy, more than 2000 years, how do I live through?”, The outside world is about a month, in the Dark Yin stars tower has passed for 30,000 months is also more than 2000 years. In this is short is in the long time, around section Yue lord gave Wu Qi to choose the clan females of three batch of six country imperial clan and aristocratic family. Equals 90,000 pretty young girls, each month second half month rallies together to attack to entangle Wu Qi, squeezes the Wu Qi Pure Yang essence only to strive for being just like the wringer the Wu Qi birth next son half female equally crazily. “三万,吾万又子万。真不容易啊,两千多年,我怎么熬过来的?”,外界不过一个月的时间,玄阴星辰塔内已经过去了三万个月也就是两千多年的时间。在这一段又是短暂又是漫长的时间中,部乐公主前后给勿乞挑选了三批六国宗室和世家的族女。合计九万俏丽的少女,每个月的下半个月就群起而攻缠着勿乞,宛如榨汁机一样疯狂压榨勿乞纯阳精华只求为勿乞诞下一儿半女。 By the present Wu Qi position, by his present cultivation base strength, by his present power and influence military force, changing others has been the wife and concubines children is in groups floating about like clouds. However cost such long time, Wu Qi cannot cause a heir actually. 以如今勿乞的身份地位,以他如今的修为实力,以他如今的权势军力,换了其他人早就是妻妾成群儿女如云。但是耗费了这么长的时间,勿乞硬是没能弄出一个子嗣来。 What section Yue zhu chooses is the six country the females and aristocratic family female of imperial clans, six country rulers and ministers are also glad to draw in such relations and marrying with Wu Qi very much, originally is the winning over method that the people of these six countries most become accustomed. By Wu Qi this time status, six country imperial clans and so many aristocratic families almost gave Wu Qi all clan females stoppers of age. 部乐公主挑选的是六国中的宗室之女和世家之女,六国君臣也很乐意和勿乞拉上这么一层关系、联姻,本来就是这些六国之人最习以为常的拉拢手段。以勿乞今时今日的身份,六国宗室和这么多的世家几乎将所有适龄的族女都塞给了勿乞 Day and night does not have the relaxation time, under po Yue zhu instigatation, these young girls likes to Wu Qi that in simply the battlefield the fierceest brave soldier takes place of the fallen generally moves the attack. Wu Qi times fall in torrents Primordial Yang then replacements to fall in torrents the Primordial Yang object, sometimes he has not even seen clearly just the pure body to give to oneself young girl to produce what appearance, the bosom exchanges another fragrant supple tender and delicate tender body immediately. 没日没夜没有休息时间,在鄱乐公主的教唆下,这些少女简直有如战场上最悍勇的士兵一般前仆后继的向勿乞动进攻。勿乞一次次的倾泻元阳然后一次次的更换倾泻元阳的对象,他有时候甚至没看清刚刚将清白之躯献给自己的少女生成什么模样,怀里立刻换上了另外一具香柔娇嫩的娇躯。 „Is the postpartum of pig farm inferior to me?”, Wu Qi gets angry to look the sky has fluttered slowly white clouds, the postpartum still has the time of rest even, but Wu Qi does not have, no matter what year quiet managed continuously for more than 2000 years. 60,000, 30,000, altogether 90,000 six countries' the female and aristocratic family female of imperial clan, Wu Qi also felt about this matter at first are very exciting, later feels satisfies a craving very much, latter thought again enjoys very much, but that endless copulation continued for 100 years later, Wu Qi thorough was numb, he thought that he is a machine of breeding for Eastern Sea, for six Country Alliances, for everyone's need is making the descendant diligently. “养猪场的种猪都不如我?”,勿乞黑着脸看着上空冉冉飘过的一片白云,就算是种猪也有休息的时间,但是勿乞是没有任年消停的连续操持了两千多年。三万三万,又三万,一共九万名六国的宗室之女和世家之女,勿乞起先对这事情还感觉很刺激,随后觉得很过瘾,再后觉得很享受但是那无休止的交媾持续了一百年后,勿乞就彻底麻木了,他觉得他就是一具配种的机器为了东海、为了六国联盟、为了大家的需要在努力的制造后代。 Regardless of Wu Qi which status, he needs the heir to need lots of heir to inherit his base industry, simultaneously helps him manage various business. Wu Qi must have a heir, can make his subordinate, his disciple and his ally feel relieved, he must the imperial clan the female and aristocratic family female of remaining three males and two females with these six countries', can stabilize the thoughts of these allies thoroughly. Wrong non- Wu Qi is the Dao Breaking Realm big energy, the air/Qi of Primordial Yang grows continually, life qi essence to be inexhaustible, he has dried up to perish in more than 2000 years of long sowing seeds actions. Even Buddhism these cultivation the dual cultivation secret skill Buddha, still like this no one dares to go all out falls in torrents the Primordial Yang essence. Regarding the person of cultivation, each drop of Primordial Yang essence is extremely precious, where has Wu Qi to go all out to fall in torrents like this? 无论勿乞的哪一个身份,他都需要子嗣需要大量的子嗣继承他的基业,同时帮助他操持各种事务。勿乞也必须有一个子嗣,才能让他的部属、他的门人、他的盟友放心,他也必须和这些六国的宗室之女和世家之女剩下三男两女,才能彻底安定这些盟友的心思。错非勿乞破道境的大能,元阳之气生生不息、生命精元无穷无尽,他早就在这两千多年的漫长播种行动中枯竭而亡。就算是佛门那些修炼双修秘法的佛陀,也没人敢这样拼命的倾泻自身元阳精气的。对于修炼之人而言,每一滴元阳精气都是极其珍贵,哪里有勿乞这样拼命倾泻的? Also is he is Dao Breaking Realm cultivation base, some innumerable Spirit Pill elixir fortify yang to make up the marrow, fills the debt of his body, otherwise he had turned into a dry corpse. 也就是他是破道境修为,更有无数灵丹妙药壮阳补髓,填补他身体的亏空,否则他早就变成了一具干尸。 The issue also lies in he is the Dao Breaking Realm big energy, can his Primordial Yang essence average person enjoy can it be that? In his each drop of Primordial Yang essence contained the say/way of some type of mysterious world, wrong non- had the female to coordinate him to be pregnant extremely fortunately to melt child, did not have the strength and his suitable female mistakenly and he compromises the vigor about record/native place dual cultivation is a whole, otherwise under powerful existence extremely difficult birth heir like him. 问题也在于他是破道境的大能,他的元阳精气岂是普通人能消受的?他的每一滴元阳精气中都蕴藏了某种玄而又玄的天地之道,错非是极其凑巧有女子配合上他孕化了一个孩儿,错非有实力和他相当的女子和他合籍双修将自身精气神都调和为一个整体,否则像他这样强大的存在极难诞下子嗣。 Department Yue zhu employs two methods to achieve one goal, 90,000 young girls are bet that 1/10000000 probability, which young girl look is hundred has to be able under child exactly with the Wu Qi coordination with each other birth ; She is diligently and Wu Qi dual cultivation, gathers the air/Qi of coordination with each other two people Primordial Yang Primordial Yin, the Yin-Yang moe opportunity of the wisp of Xiantian biochemistry well distributed, thus birth next child. 部乐公主是双管齐下,九万少女就是去赌那千万分之一的概率,看看是百有哪位少女恰好能够和勿乞相互配合诞下孩儿;她自己则是努力的和勿乞双修,集合两人的元阳元阴之气相互配合,阴阳调和萌一缕先天生化之机,从而诞下一个孩儿来。 „More than 2000 years, even if closes one's eyes the target practice still to hit 2-3 bull's eyes?”, Wu Qi trembles has turned around to look on the bed are lying down these young girls, breathed suddenly layer on layer/heavily one. Air/Qi: No wonder Heavenly Court these Celestial Emperor look extremely heavily to their child, the sentiment to their cultivation base, wanted to have a child is really not easy!”, Smiled bitterly, Wu Qi put on a long gown, from led to go to battle to repress the eastern Xinjiang various states personally to be possible not to have how much time, he could not stay for several days in this Yuan Ling/Origin Spirit quiet boundary. Must consider the proper matter, heir type of thing has not had. “两千多年啊,就算闭着眼睛打靶也该命中2-3处靶心?”,勿乞哆哆嗦嗦的转过身看着床榻上躺着的那些少女,突然重重的喘了一。气:“难怪天庭的那些天帝对自家的孩儿看得极重,感情到了他们那种修为,想要生一个孩子实在是不容易啊!”,苦笑一声,勿乞披上了一件长袍,距离亲自领军出征弹压东疆各州可没有多少时间了,在这元灵幽境他也呆不了几天。得考虑一下正经事了,子嗣这种东西没有就没有。 Clatter a lower jaw, Wu Qi suddenly incomparable envies Ao Buzun , with is Chaos Fiend God, how doesn't this boy have this multiplication child difficulty? Big Dragon clan is he alone tries hard to manage, supposed that Ao Buzun same wants a heir with Wu Qi is such difficulty, how many evils can he make to be able so many posterity? 嗒了一下嘴,勿乞突然无比的羡慕起敖不尊,同为混沌魔神,这厮怎么就没有这种繁衍孩儿的困难?偌大的龙族都是他一个人努力操持出来的,假设敖不尊勿乞一样想要一个子嗣是那样的困难,那他得造多少孽才能有这么多的子孙后代? Is calculating issue that these are irrelevantdoor to be opened a storekeeper suddenly. 正在盘算这些不着边际的问题”房门突然被人一掌柜开。 Department Yue angrily lord the stride to walk, entangled just like a big python on the body of Wu Qi. She clenches teeth saying: How possibly? 90,000 wait on the concubine, more than 2000 years, didn't husband have child? No matter so many, this palace being ready for any sacrifice magical skill damages greatly, must give birth to child to come with husband!”, Complacent narrowed the eye to smile one to Wu Qi strangely, po Yue zhu self-satisfied saying: This time, will certainly have the result. This palace comprehended the profound and abstruse principles recently, comprehended one from the antiquity Shintoismgood influence of education, the technique, was the antiquity god specifically is used for the multiplication heir's method, although lost is big, but the effect was very good! ”, Does not allow the Wu Qi opens the mouth, section Yue to advocate forehead to spout together the eye-catching five colors glare suddenly, her body was also wrapped by the five colors flame firmly, one and bound Wu Qi just like the colored glaze luster five colors flame. The Wu Qi clear sensation, section Yue zhu is burning own blood essence and soul, extracts own life essence congealed pure one group incomparable to Yin air/Qi. 气鼓鼓的部乐公主大步走了进来,宛如一条大蟒缠在了勿乞的身上。她咬牙道:“怎可能呢?九万侍妾,两千多年,夫君怎么还没有一个孩儿?不管这么多,这次本宫豁出去道行大损,也一定要和夫君生下一个孩儿来!”,得意洋洋的眯着眼睛向勿乞怪笑了一声,鄱乐公主志得意满的说道:“这一次,一定会有结果的。本宫最近参悟玄机,又从上古神道中领悟到一门“春风化雨,之术,是上古神祗专门用来繁衍子嗣的手段,虽然损耗较大”但是效果很不错哦!”,不容勿乞开口,部乐公主眉心突然喷出一道夺目的五彩强光,她的身体也被五彩火焰牢牢包裹,宛如琉璃色泽的五彩火焰将勿乞一并裹了进去。勿乞清楚的感知到,部乐公主正在燃烧自己的精血和魂魄,抽取自己的本命精气凝结成了一团精纯无比的至阴之气。 Wu Qi said with amazement: What damn the technique of good influence of education? Zi Xuan, cannot act sloppily!”, Department Yue lord does not speakis only tore into shreds Wu Qi cheongsam. She clenches teeth saying: Matter that „ this palace must handle, is not successful. 勿乞骇然道:“什么见鬼的春风化雨之术?紫璇,不许胡来!”,部乐公主不吭声”只是一把撕碎了勿乞身上的长衫。她咬牙道:“本宫要做的事情,还从来没有不成功的。 This is the mnemonics of technique of spring several torr rain, husband one and acts along with me, otherwise Zi Xuan loses so many in vain! ”, The mysterious mnemonics flood into Wu Qi Sea of Con­scious­ness, the air/Qi of Dark Yin feels section Yue to advocate that group more and more tyrannical must unable to control to explode shortlyWu Qi to have no alternative revolution skill, similarly burns own blood essence and soul, one group extremely pure also starts the fermentation in the lower abdomen of Wu Qi to nurture to the Yang air/Qi. 这是春几乇雨之术的口诀,夫君随我一并施为,否则紫璇可是白白损失这么多啦!”,玄妙的口诀涌入勿乞识海,感受到部乐公主那一团越来越强横的眼看就要控制不住爆炸开来的玄阴之气”勿乞没奈何运转功法,同样燃烧自身的精血和魂魄,一团极度纯净的至阳之气也开始在勿乞的小腹中酝酿育。 When Wu Qi lord close being in one with section Yue, rolls the Yin-Yang two air/Qi to locate fusing together of silently in their body unions again, two people bodies shake, the strength of whole body essence, Magic Force and Divine Soul seemed the tide the same as well up to the air/Qi of Yin-Yang that group fused. All day of Daoist magic that Wu Qi and section Yue zhu comprehends flooded into the air/Qi of this group of Yin-Yangall day Daoist magic to communicate the conjunction simultaneously mutually, gradual melting was one group of wonderful mysterious existences. 勿乞和部乐公主紧密的结合为一体时,再团阴阳二气在他们身体结合处悄无声息的融为一体,两人身体一抖,浑身精气、法力神魂之力都好似潮水一样向那一团融合的阴阳之气涌了进去。勿乞和部乐公主领悟的所有天道法则同时涌入了这一团阴阳之气中”所有的天道法则相互沟通契合,逐渐的融为一团妙不可言的玄妙存在。 Air/Qi of return section Yue zhu slowly this group of Yin-Yang in lower abdomen, slowly in her[ body] is stationed. 这团阴阳之气慢慢的回到部乐公主的小腹中,慢慢的在她〖体〗内驻扎下来。 Wu Qi spouts ” the uphold hand that a blood he trembles, is time of short one double-hourhis cultivation base falls from Great Principle fifth rank to Great Principle sixth rank directly . Moreover the danger and danger almost fell Primordial Realm. 勿乞喷出一口血”他哆哆嗦嗦的抬起手,就是短短一个时辰的功夫”他的修为大罗五品直接掉落到大罗六品,而且险而又险就差点摔回了太乙境界 This, this, this has a child, needs to pay such big price? This, was too difficult?” Falls first rank Realm in Great Principle Realm, for one child generation, long time has not reckoned up this account that Wu Qi stares dumbfounded later is whether worthwhile. “这,这,这生个孩子,需要付出这么大的代价么?这,也太难了?”在大罗境界掉落一品境界,就是为了一个子嗣后代,勿乞瞠目结舌的半晌没算清这笔账是否合算。 Department Yue lord the revolution good influence of education profound merit slowly, gradual consolidates in own lower abdomen the air/Qi of that group of Yin-Yang. 部乐公主慢慢的运转春风化雨玄功,逐渐的将那一团阴阳之气在自己小腹中稳固下来。 The fierce not Ding's section Yue lord shock opening eyes, wanting to cry but have no tears looks that Wu Qi brought the crying sound to call out: How can like this? Why requires three Great Tribulation time our child to fall to the ground maturely? How can take three Great Tribulation?” 猛不丁的部乐公主惊骇的睁开双眼,欲哭无泪的看着勿乞带着哭音叫道:“怎会这样?为什么要三个量劫的时间我们的孩儿才会成熟落地?怎会要三个量劫?” Wu Qi is silent, only then the section Yue zhu sobbing sound transmits unceasingly. 勿乞默然,只有部乐公主的抽噎声不断传来。 Big stomach woman who this palace is not willing to make such long time!” ~! “本宫才不愿意做这么久时间的大肚婆!”,!~! .
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