SDRAW :: Volume #20

#1915: I take the wife to go home, hits the face while convenient the acting cool suspect

The night is deep gradually, Chaos City City Lord's mansion, the discussing official business hall is brilliantly illuminated, the various races representatives facial expression is especially dignified. 夜渐深,混乱之城城主府,议事大厅灯火通明,各族代表神情格外凝重。 The people had previously gone to that cave together, saw vestige that destroyed seal cave and a fierce combat leave behind. 众人先前已经一同前往那处山洞,见到了被破坏的封印山洞和一场激战留下的遗迹。 Can determine that a devil has been separated from the seal, does not know the trace. 可以确定有一个魔鬼已经脱离封印,不知所踪。 Moreover Lancaster had had a war with that devil inevitably, finally unknown, the scene had not found his corpse. 而且兰克斯特必然与那魔鬼曾经有过一战,结果未知,现场没有找到他的尸首。 This without doubt is a very bad news. 这无疑是一个非常糟糕的消息。 Fearful everyone of devil has experienced, in addition the 10th Rank powerhouse jointly is unable to strike to kill it, if not for that only Great Old One in Thunderstorm Mountain Range Alex directs the thunder born, moreover there is Moon Country array master to help restore seal array, now perhaps has damaged the world. 魔鬼的可怕所有人都已经见识过,十级强者联手尚且无法将其击杀,雷暴山脉中的那只旧日支配者若不是亚历克斯引雷霆降世,而且还有月之国阵法师帮忙修复封印阵法,现在恐怕已经为害人间。 But the devil has gotten rid of the seal now, does not know the trace, without doubt turns into the factor that Nolan continent most cannot stabilize. 可现在有一头魔鬼已经摆脱了封印,不知所踪,无疑变成了诺兰大陆最不能稳定的因素。 Uncontrolled existence without doubt is most dangerous. 不受控制的存在无疑是最危险的。 The during that time Eba Tribe massacre has not retreated in the memory of people, no one thinks that own race and tribe suffer the same tragedy. 当年厄巴部落惨案在众人的记忆中尚未退却,谁也不想自己的种族和部落遭受同样的惨剧。 The Douglas sinking sound broke silent: We must look for as soon as possible it, otherwise everyone can not be peaceful.” 道格拉斯沉声打破了沉默:“我们要尽快将它找出来,否则大家都不得安生。” How did the present issue lie in we must be able to find it?” Irina visits him, Lancaster is your frost giant dragon clan person, actually now only then he possibly knows the devil where.” “现在的问题在于我们要如何才能够找到它?”伊琳娜看着他,“兰克斯特是你们冰霜巨龙族的人,现在只有他可能知道魔鬼究竟在哪里。” Lankester has lost contact for three years, I do not know where now went to find him.” Douglas shakes the head, this matter is not frost giant dragon can undertake. “兰科斯特已经失联三年,我现在也不知道去哪里可以找到他。”道格拉斯摇头,这件事已经不是冰霜巨龙能够承担的了。 various races representatives talked, was gradually excited, actually cannot take useful means. 各族代表你一言我一语,情绪渐渐激动,却始终没有能够拿出一个有用的办法。 Quarrel is nothing significance, existence of devil has threatened each race, facing such nasty fearful enemy, only has the united side to have the possibility of victory.” The Michael sinking sound broke argument that starts to evolve for the quarrel. “争吵是没有任何意义的,魔鬼的存在已经威胁到我们每一个种族,面对这样难以对付的可怕敌人,唯有团结一致方有胜利的可能。”迈克尔沉声打断了开始演变为争吵的争论。 Michael, what do you have to suggest?” Lewis looks at Michael to ask. 迈克尔,你有什么建议?”路易斯看着迈克尔问道。 various races representatives also looked to as Michael of host. 各族代表也是纷纷看向了作为东道主的迈克尔 The Michael facial expression said earnestly: „ The world looks for the devil who hides is not realistic, other half body that if it is Thunderstorm Mountain Range that devil, then it will be very likely to destroy the seal, will release that devil in Thunderstorm Mountain Range. 迈克尔神情认真道:“满世界去寻找一个藏匿起来的魔鬼是不现实的,如果它是雷暴山脉那个魔鬼的另一半身体,那它极有可能会去破坏封印,将雷暴山脉中的那个魔鬼释放出来。 I think that we must organize enough powerful reserve forces, prepares to deal at any time possibly appears in the Thunderstorm Mountain Range devil. 我认为我们应当组织一支足够强大的预备队,随时准备应对可能出现在雷暴山脉的魔鬼。 Meanwhile we must arrange together seal array when that seal again, to prepare cannot kill that devil, it introduces in array it again seal, seeks to kill its means again. ” 同时我们应当在那座封印附近再布置一道封印阵法,以备杀不死那魔鬼时,将其引入阵法中将其重新封印,再寻找杀死它的办法。” various races representatives hearing this is nod of looking pensive, compares at the insignificant argument, the proposition of Michael at least has very strong feasibility. 各族代表闻言皆是若有所思的点了点头,相比于无意义的争论,迈克尔的提议至少有很强的可行性。 „To reconstruct seal array, needs Moon Country array master to arrange array, why haven't they arrived?” Shawn knits the brows to say. “想要重建封印阵法,需要月之国阵法师来布置阵法,他们为何没有到场?”肖恩皱眉道。 This is our Nolan continent various races disaster, others are treating properly on moon , helping your is the friendship, does not help your call the duty, you big face, thought that others can thrust out the face to come to here to join in the fun?” Irina jeered looks at Shawn, in the smile is passing cold intent. “这是我们诺兰大陆各族的劫难,人家在月亮上待着好好的,帮你那是情分,不帮你那叫本分,你多大的脸,觉得人家得腆着脸来这里凑热闹?”伊琳娜微嘲的看着肖恩,笑容中透着一丝冷意。 The Shawn complexion changes, in the eye flashes through a disgruntledness, coldly snorted, you also know this matter to relate the Nolan continent various races safety, spoke this grade of sarcastic remark, there is what using.” 肖恩面色微变,眼中闪过一丝不悦,冷哼了一声,“你也知此事关系着诺兰大陆各族的安危,说这等风凉话,又有何用。” In my opinion, now the Nolan continent biggest threat is not a devil, but is 1 million cavalries who your Roth Empire sharpens the knife, I want to ask but actually, if various races overpowers the seal that devil jointly finally, your Roth Empire can renew the peace agreement at the peace conference?” Irina looks at Shawn, coldly said. “在我看来,现在诺兰大陆最大的威胁不是一个魔鬼,而是你们洛斯帝国磨刀霍霍的百万铁骑,我倒想问问,倘若各族联手最终将那魔鬼制服封印,你们洛斯帝国可会在和平大会上续签和平协议?”伊琳娜看着肖恩,冷声道 various races representatives keeps silent, the vision passes in the two. 各族代表纷纷噤声,目光在二者间流转。 The Alex sword cuts a Josh ear, and after staying behind must kill the manifesto, Alex and Irina and enmity of Roth Empire imperial family, was placed in the floor. 亚历克斯剑斩乔修一只耳朵,并且留下必杀宣言后,亚历克斯伊琳娜洛斯帝国皇室的仇怨,也就被摆在台面上。 Irina and Alex are not the good-hearted person, since Irina goes out, reappears again to Alex, during that time that rainy night has presented the person, was dying one after another. 伊琳娜亚历克斯可不是什么老好人,从伊琳娜出关,再到亚历克斯重新出现,当年那场雨夜出现过的人,在陆续死去。 Now, remaining, only then possibly led all these Roth Empire imperial families in during that time. 现在,剩下的只有可能在当年主导了这一切的洛斯帝国皇室。 But Roth Empire, has grown in these hundred years is a colossus. 洛斯帝国,在这百年间已然成长为一个庞然大物。 Compares in the giant dragon scattered race, Roth Empire controls completely in the hand of Andre, 1 million cavalries, innumerable Magic Caster that Mage Tower governs, they have are letting the scale and strength that various races dreads. 相比于巨龙分散的种族,洛斯帝国完全掌控在安德烈的手中,无论是百万铁骑,还是法师塔治下的无数魔法师,他们都已经拥有着让各族忌惮的规模和实力。 Crosses the several days peace conference then to open again, the Andre sword refers to the world the ambition being obvious, if Norah continent falls into the race war again, that does not know that the devil of trace, is not indeed important. 再过几日和平大会便要开启,安德烈剑指天下的野心昭然若揭,倘若诺拉大陆再次陷入种族战争,那一个不知所踪的魔鬼,的确也就没那么重要了。 The brow of Shawn wrinkles was deeper, this issue, is not he can give the explicit answer obviously, before, Andre has not given his accurate answer. 肖恩的眉头皱的更深了,这个问题,显然不是他能够给出明确答案的,在来之前,安德烈也没有给过他准确的答案。 He knows that Andre wants anything, he wants this world completely to belong to Roth Empire, wants various races to give up to Roth Empire, even for the slave is the maid. 他知道安德烈想要什么,他要这个天下尽归于洛斯帝国,要各种族对洛斯帝国俯首称臣,甚至为奴为婢。 He also thinks like this. 他也是这样想的。 But he does not have the means to say such words now, Andre will not allow him to say such stupid reply absolutely. 可现在他没有办法说出这样的话,安德烈也绝对不会允许他说出这样愚蠢的回答。 My Roth Empire is willing to cope with the devil with various races jointly, this is for the Nolan continent benefit, as for the peace conference, we have own demand, whether will renew the peace agreement does not lie in we, but lies in the various races attitude.” Shawn gravely said, under lying in wait from all sides of one group of 10th Rank big shot, pours also calculates the calm atmosphere. “我洛斯帝国愿与各族联手对付魔鬼,这是为了诺兰大陆的利益,至于和平大会,我们有自己的诉求,是否会续签和平协议不在于我们,而在于各族的态度。”肖恩沉声道,在一群十级大佬的环伺之下,倒也还算沉稳大气。 If according to the view of Josh, you are thinking the fart eats.” Ridiculing of Lewis be relentless place said. “如果按照乔修的说法,那你们就是在想屁吃。”路易斯毫不留情地的笑骂道。 Shawn looked at Lewis, the sound is calm: Roth Empire was usually practical, does not hit not to have the weaponry of preparation, will not put forward the request that cannot achieve.” 肖恩看了一眼路易斯,声音沉稳道:“洛斯帝国素来务实,不打没准备的仗,也不会提达不成的要求。” The various races representatives expression all changes, looks that the Shawn vision is somewhat complex, has to acknowledge, these hundred years of peace, brought the unequalled prosperity and development to Roth Empire, until now so makes one have a headache. 各族代表表情皆是微变,看着肖恩的目光有些复杂,不得不承认,这百年的和平,给洛斯帝国带来了无与伦比的繁荣和发展,直到现在这般让人头疼。 Was you fluttered, did I raise the motionless sword?” “是你飘了,还是我提不动剑了?” At this time, the sound that jeered together resounded from the meeting hall. 这时,一道微嘲的声音从议事厅外响起。 People subconscious looks in the entrance direction. 众人下意识的向着门口的方向看去。 The front door of meeting hall opens toward both sides slowly, wears a black vigor attire, wears the mask, carried a man of heavy sword to walk gradually. 议事厅的大门向着两旁缓缓打开,穿着一身黑色劲装,戴着面具,身后背着一把重剑的男人缓步走了进来。 Alex!” In the Shawn eye blew out none, got hold of the fist subconsciously. 亚历克斯!”肖恩眼中爆出了精光,下意识的握紧了拳头。 But his 10th Rank powerhouse is also the facial expression alert is staring at the entrance, and starts to approach Shawn. 而他身旁的十级强者也是神情戒备的盯着门口,并且开始靠近肖恩 I take the wife to go home, hits the face while convenient the acting cool suspect , doesn't mind?” “我来接老婆回家,顺便打脸装逼犯,诸位,不介意吧?” In Mag’s voice has several points to taunt as before. 麦格的声音中依旧带着几分嘲讽。
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