SDRAW :: Volume #19

#1812: This did fucking also perform in the serial TV opera?

stir-fried octopus tentacles that the vision of people had been just carried attracts. 众人的目光已被刚刚端出来的爆炒章鱼须所吸引。 Especially prominent fresh taste taste diverges recklessly, even if one table of gourmet food of cannot cover it. 格外突出的鲜味滋味肆意发散,哪怕一桌的美食也没有能够将其掩盖。 The green pepper, red pepper and purple skin onion as matching, stir-fried to retain their bright colors fast, making this look more attractive. 青椒、红椒、紫皮洋葱作为搭配,快速爆炒保留了他们鲜艳的颜色,让这份看起来更为诱人。 what a good smell, compared with the prawn shrimp must a tastier flavor.” Amy deeply smelled one. 好香啊,是比大虾虾还要更加鲜美的味道呢。”艾米深深嗅了一口。 Is, seeming like the flavor should very be good.” Miya follows to nod. “是的呢,看起来味道应该会很棒。”米娅跟着点头。 „Is this octopus tentacle?” Camilla looks at front this stir-fried octopus tentacles, actually fell into the doubts. “这是章鱼须?”卡米拉看着面前这盘爆炒章鱼须,却陷入了疑惑中。 This and in her impression that is binding the sticky mud, covered entirely huge octopus tentacle of scarlet eyeball to be completely different. 这和她印象中那裹着黏腻烂泥,布满了猩红眼球的巨大章鱼须完全不同。 After slivering little segment, wraps up to exude gloss sauce, in the bright garnishing, just like became directed the lead who the person secreted the saliva. 切成小段之后,裹上泛着油光的酱汁,在鲜艳的配菜之间,俨然成了引人分泌口水的主角。 What is more excessive is the tasty fragrance of heading on, coerces that to make the fresh taste that one is hard to resist hotly spicily, looked like just salvaged in general from, could not bear swallow the saliva unexpectedly. 更过分的是扑面而来的鲜美香味,热辣裹挟着那令人难以抗拒的鲜味,就像是刚从海里打捞出来一般,竟是忍不住咽了咽口水。 „It is not good! Even if it seems like again delicious, he is still octopus tentacle! Fearful and evil octopus tentacle!!!” Camilla warned itself in the heart seriously, but throat trundle of not thick control. “不行!就算它看起来再好吃,他也是章鱼须!可怕而邪恶的章鱼须!!!”卡米拉在心中严肃的告诫自己,可喉咙又不厚控制的滚动了一下。 I started.” Amy takes up the chopsticks, the elongated arm clamped octopus tentacle from the tray, then feeds the mouth. “那我开动了哦。”艾米拿起筷子,伸长手臂从盘子里夹了一根章鱼须,然后喂到嘴里。 Crisp and tender octopus tentacle sent out a resounding in the space between teeth, Amy eyes lit up, the cheek was moving fast, sent out gently chewed the sound cheerfully, on the face already unconscious revealed the happy smile. 脆嫩的章鱼须在齿间发出了一声脆响,艾米眼睛一亮,腮帮子快速动着,发出了轻轻的欢快嘴嚼声,脸上已经不自觉的流露出了幸福的笑容。 Rumble.” “咕噜。” The people swallow the saliva, from Amy’s expression, this certainly is together gourmet food. 众人咽了咽口水,从艾米的表情来看,这一定又是一道美食 I also taste.” Miya also picked an octopus to feed the mouth impatiently, eyes turned into a crescent moon immediately, crisp and tender octopus tentacle, has unequalled delicious flavor, altogether danced on the tip of tongue with sauce, was almost suffocating. “我也尝尝。”米娅也是迫不及待的夹起了一块章鱼喂到嘴里,眼睛立马变成了一轮弯月,脆嫩的章鱼须,拥有着无与伦比的鲜美滋味,与酱汁在舌尖上共舞,几乎令人窒息。 This was also too delicious! Fresh almost chews the tongue.” Swallows octopus tentacle with great difficulty, a Miya then face exclaims. “这也太好吃了吧!鲜的几乎嚼到舌头。”好不容易将章鱼须咽下,米娅便一脸惊叹道。 Obtained dual authentication stir-fried octopus tentacles, becomes the focus that the people taste immediately. 得到了双重认证的爆炒章鱼须,立马成为了众人品尝的焦点。 Suddenly chants in a low voice with the murmur is lingering on faintly, everyone was subdued by stir-fried octopus tentacles delicious. 一时间低吟与赞叹声不绝于耳,所有人都被爆炒章鱼须美味所折服。 What's wrong, don't you eat?” Mag smiled is looking at face puzzled Camilla, the octopus in tray is eaten most probably, but Camilla has not started the chopsticks. “怎么,你不吃?”麦格微笑着看着一脸纠结的卡米拉,盘子里的章鱼已经被吃了大半,可卡米拉还没有开始动筷。 I did not fear!” Camilla stared Mag one, the taking up chopsticks that brushes pick section of octopus tentacle. “我才不怕!”卡米拉瞪了麦格一眼,刷的拿起筷子夹起一截章鱼须 Is binding sauce octopus tentacle, seeming like not scary, the fragrance floats with the steam slowly, is on the contrary tempting. 裹着酱汁章鱼须,看起来并不吓人,香气随着热气徐徐飘来,反倒极具诱惑力。 This is only an ordinary octopus, is not octopus monster...... is not octopus monster...... is not octopus monster......” Camilla starts the self- hypnosis, then closes eyes, fed the mouth octopus tentacle all of a sudden. “这只是一只普通的章鱼,不是章鱼怪……不是章鱼怪……不是章鱼怪……”卡米拉开始自我催眠,然后闭上眼睛,一下子把章鱼须喂到了嘴里。 tooth bit open octopus tentacle, the crisp and tender meat of taste in compared with crayfish must be more wonderful, but the unequalled fresh taste just like the King to arrive at in general, fills in the aggressive lips and teeth to release. 牙齿咬开了章鱼须,脆嫩的口感比小龙虾里的肉还要更加美妙,而无与伦比的鲜味则犹如王者降临一般,充满侵略性的唇齿间释放。 At this moment, her tip of tongue touched on octopus tentacle the slight sucker. 就在这时,她的舌尖碰触到了章鱼须上细微的吸盘。 Stiff! 僵! In the brain of Camilla jumped suddenly that only several hundred meters high octopus monster, her sticky whisker turned wells up is twining to come to her, scarlet eyeball is a him, that sticky touch so real, twined to wriggle on her body recklessly...... 卡米拉的脑子里突然蹦出了那只数百米高的章鱼怪,她那黏腻的触须翻涌着向她缠绕而来,一双双猩红的眼珠盯着他,那黏腻的触感是如此的真实,在她的身上肆意缠绕蠕动…… Fear and dislike, a faint trace inexplicable...... pleasant sensation? 恐惧、厌恶,还有一丝丝莫名的……快感? Camilla felt oneself definitely are unable to move, can only to that octopus monster to her recklessly unseemly behavior. 卡米拉感觉自己完全无法动弹,只能任由那章鱼怪对她肆意妄为。 In her brink of collapse, the light suddenly appears in her front together. 就在她崩溃的边缘,一道光突然出现在她的面前。 The winding cut off by a sword in her octopus tentacle unexpectedly, the imprisonment and sticky feeling of whole body vanish instantaneously. 缠绕在她身上的章鱼须竟是被一剑斩断,周身的禁锢和黏腻感瞬间消失。 But after that light, she saw holds up the head the vertical form, in the world, as if only he reveres alone. 而在那道光之后,她看到了一道昂首而立的身影,天地之间,似乎唯他独尊。 Is it possible that...... is he? 莫非……是他? Then that say/way turns away from her form to turn around slowly. Smiles to her. 然后那道背对着她的身影缓缓转过身来。冲着她微笑。 Camilla saw clearly that face, unexpectedly is Mag! But in his hand takes that Bighead Carp!!! 卡米拉看清楚了那张脸,竟然是麦格!而他手里拿着的正是那把胖头鱼!!! My bud grass plant mu!” “我屮艸芔茻!” Camilla opened eyes all of a sudden, the big mouth is gasping for breath, just the smile looks at her Mag to. 卡米拉一下子睁开了眼睛,大口喘着气,刚好对上了微笑看着她的麦格 Suddenly, she has a being a long story feeling unexpectedly...... 一时间,她竟是有种一言难尽的感觉…… What is this? 这又算什么? Her matchless hero, should not like Alex, tread on purple griffon, the hand grasps the Allheaven divine sword, directing the heavenly thunder to rescue her matchless hero rolling? 她的盖世英雄,不应该是像亚历克斯那样,脚踏紫纹狮鹫,手握天都神剑,引天雷滚滚来救她的盖世英雄吗? It is not right! Should the beautiful woman like Miss Gloria be good! 不对!是应该像歌洛璃娅小姐那样的美人儿才行! How to turn Mag that is raising the kitchen knife? 怎么就变成了提着菜刀的麦格 However, her attention was attracted by oneself change quickly, she suddenly discovered oneself puzzled she many years of cultivation issues, in just really had one to become less crowded with clearly becomes aware, saw the 10th Rank world indistinctly. 不过,她的注意力很快就被自己身上的变化所吸引,她忽然发现自己困扰了她多年的修炼问题,在刚刚竟然有了一丝松动和明悟,隐约看到了十级的世界。 real or fake?” A Camilla face is unbelievable, she breaks through 9th Rank to have ten for several years, although is honored as the Vampire clan after Dracula talent best Vampire, but at breaking through 10th Rank this matter, she did not have the means by the card in the bottleneck. 真的假的?”卡米拉一脸难以置信,她突破九级已经有十数年,虽然被誉为吸血鬼族继德古拉之后天赋最佳的吸血鬼,但在突破十级这件事上,她却被卡在瓶颈上丝毫没有办法。 Over and over confirmed after own cultivation bottleneck really appears becomes less crowded, her throat rolled. 再三确认自己的修炼瓶颈真的出现松动后,她的喉咙不禁滚动了一下。 9th Rank to 10th Rank, what difference is regarding the sensibility of main road. 九级十级,差的是对于大道的感悟。 Previously although that strange illusion was somewhat absolutely terrified, may make her see the thing that some past is unable to contact, spiritual strength as if went up, were many some clear(ly) to become aware. 先前那诡异的幻境虽然有些毛骨悚然,可却让她看到一些以往无法接触到的东西,精神力似乎有所上升,多了一些明悟。 Is it possible that because of this octopus tentacle?” Camilla looks at front octopus tentacle, hesitated a meeting, picked a squid to again, then fed the mouth. “莫非是因为这章鱼须?”卡米拉看着面前的章鱼须,迟疑了一会,还是再次夹起了一根鱿鱼须,然后喂到嘴里。 Unexpectedly no response? Moreover came second immediately?” Mag somewhat accidental/surprised looks at Camilla, although first time her response that eats octopus tentacle is very interesting, but does not seem to make her retreat, is because does was too delicious?” “竟然没什么反应?而且立马又来了第二根?”麦格有些意外的看着卡米拉,虽然第一次吃章鱼须的时候她的反应挺有趣,但似乎并没有让她退却,“难道是因为做的实在太好吃了?” Camilla has not cared about Mag to think anything completely, eats octopus tentacle not to present that sticky octopus monster for the second time again, but after turning Mag saved her, has her governing kitchen knife flight, roams through the horizon...... 卡米拉已经完全不在乎麦格想什么,第二次吃章鱼须没有再出现那黏腻的章鱼怪,只是变成了麦格救了她之后,带着她御菜刀飞行,遨游天际…… Although reduced much compared with the first illusion terrifying index, but made her have goosebumps. 虽然比起第一个幻境恐怖指数降低了不少,但还是让她起了一身鸡皮疙瘩。 This anything with anything! 这什么跟什么啊! Appearance how he is haunted by the ghost?! 他怎么阴魂不散的出现?! „...... Did he prescribe medicine in the vegetable/dish?” Camilla opens eyes again, some hidden bitterness looks clamps the vegetable/dish to Amy and Annie Mag, the enhancement of spiritual strength can feel explicitly, she of yield to temptation, picks section of octopus tentacle to feed the mouth again. “难道……他在菜里下药了?”卡米拉再次睁开眼睛,有些幽怨的看着正在给艾米安妮夹菜的麦格,不过精神力的增强是能够明确感受到的,经不住诱惑的她,再次夹起一截章鱼须喂到嘴里。 This time, the scene turned into a sea of flowers from above the sky, Mag led her to run the laughter in sea of flowers...... 这一次,场景从天上变成了一片花海,麦格带着她在花海中奔跑嬉笑…… Camilla:...... 卡米拉:…… This did fucking also perform in the serial TV opera? 他喵的怎么还演上连续剧了呢? Camilla is a long story is eating octopus tentacle, although is unable to look straight ahead that strange illusion, is actually not able to refuse that to see the dawn initially the promotion opportunity. 卡米拉一言难尽的吃着章鱼须,虽然无法直视那一场场离奇的幻境,却又无法拒绝那初见曙光的晋级机会。 Ding!” “叮!” The chopsticks bump into the tray, has not actually clamped octopus tentacle. 筷子碰到盘子,却没有夹到章鱼须 Camilla looks that front was only left over several onions the trays to stare staring. 卡米拉看着面前只剩下几根洋葱的盘子愣了愣。 Had finished eating, Elder Sister Camilla.” Amy is nipping the chicken leg, looks like you to like eating octopus tentacle very much.” “已经吃完了哦,卡米拉姐姐。”艾米咬着鸡腿,“看来你很喜欢吃章鱼须啊。” People hearing this also smiles, being enthralled that just Camilla ate, moreover displayed enormous liking to octopus tentacle, therefore everyone almost tasted several then not to continue to clamp octopus tentacle. 众人闻言也是笑了笑,刚刚卡米拉吃的过于入神,而且对章鱼须表现出了极大的喜欢,所以大家几乎都只是尝了几口便没有继续夹章鱼须 Camilla soon realized that had anything, face one red, I...... it is very indeed delicious.” Said that has not forgotten to stare Mag one. 卡米拉很快意识到发生了什么,脸一红,“我……它的确挺好吃的。”说完还不忘瞪了麦格一眼。 Mag somewhat selected the eyebrow innocently, this is nothing? He made so delicious octopus tentacle, did she finish eating must stare his one eyes? 麦格有些无辜的挑了挑眉,这算什么?他做了如此美味章鱼须,她吃完还要瞪他一眼? Father Sir, I ate, when can octopus balls eat?” Amy puts down the chopsticks, looks at Mag to ask. 父亲大人,我吃好了,章鱼小丸子什么时候可以吃呢?”艾米放下筷子,看着麦格问道。 The people also looked to Mag, stir-fried octopus tentacles brought the wonderful experience to everyone, therefore they regarding another small meatball that has the lovable name, had a greater anticipation. 众人也是看向麦格,爆炒章鱼须给大家带来了美妙体验,所以他们对于另一道有着可爱名字的小丸子,有了更大的期待。 However previously Mag said that is the snack, therefore not in eating meal on. 不过先前麦格说那是小吃,所以没有在吃饭的时候上。 Wait a bit, my gives you to do, do how many people want to eat? Raises hand to register.” Mag puts down the bowl that the pellet does not remain, sets out to turn toward kitchen to walk, after the food , the snack does now is just appropriate. “稍等,我这就去给你么做,有多少人想吃的?举手报个名。”麦格放下颗粒不剩的碗,起身向着厨房走去,饭后小吃现在做刚好合适。 I take a big share!” Amy holds up the small hand, looked at Annie, added: Elder Sister Annie takes a small share.” “我要一个大份的!”艾米举起小手,看了一眼安妮,又补充道:“安妮姐姐要一个小份的。” I also take a small share.” Miya raises hand. “我也要一个小份的。”米娅举手。 I and Felice take a small share together.” Angela raises hand. “我和菲丽丝一起要一个小份。”安吉拉举手。 ...... …… okay, I has several.” Mag complied with one in kitchen, opens octopus balls machine preheating at the same time, starts to cut with various necessary garnishing. 好的,我有数了。”麦格厨房里答应了一声,打开章鱼小丸子机预热的同时,开始切配各种所需的配菜。 Small one piece octopus balls, wish makes it delicious, that must work hard inside it. 小小的一颗章鱼小丸子,想要让它变得美味,那就得在它里边多下点功夫。 machine preheating was good, pours into olive oil in each scoop channel, scoops up one spoon to mix the okay octopus chamotte to batter from nearby wooden barrel since with the long bucket again, such as will just scratch the surface will batter to pour into the one by one small scoop channel, almost in an instant then but actually 40. 机器预热好了,在每一个凹槽中倒入一点橄榄油,再用长柄勺从一旁的木桶中舀起一勺调配好的章鱼烧粉面糊,如蜻蜓点水般将面糊倒入一个个小小的凹槽中,几乎转眼间便倒了四十颗。 Then since Mag scoops up one spoon of mountain cabbages in broken bits from the garnishing box with the ladle, sways at will, cabbage broken then even sprinkling of snow white in often a scoop channel. 接着麦格从配菜盒中用勺子舀起一勺切的细碎的高山包菜,随意挥洒,雪白的包菜碎便均匀的洒落在每每一个凹槽中。 The corn kernel that the fresh red pepper, just denuded, slivers the knuckle length octopus tentacle, put in the one by one scoop channel one by one, was battered to wrap, then injects one to batter. 新鲜的红椒、刚刚剥下的玉米粒、切成指节长短的章鱼须,逐一被放入一个个凹槽中,被面糊所包裹,然后再注入一层面糊。 The temperature of iron plate already enough high, battering rapid formation. 铁盘的温度已经足够高,面糊迅速成型。 The Mag right hand is pinching a tall and slender skewer, just like holds the sword, the wrist/skill high and low vibrates, turned from under taken shape that side. 麦格右手捏着一根细长铁签,犹如执剑,手腕上下抖动,将已经成型的那一面从下方翻了上来。 Because hand fast enough quick, the completion progress of each one piece small meatball is almost same. 因为手速足够快,每一颗小丸子的完成进度几乎是相同的。 In an instant, on Komaru parasite airplane were many dozens golden yellow clear small meatballs. 转眼间,小丸子机上便多了几十个金黄圆润的小丸子。 At this time, again the additional little olive oil, making the small meatball explode a meeting slightly, when the semblance was crisp, can take the tray immediately its chargging. 这个时候,再加少许橄榄油,让小丸子稍稍炸一会,等到外表酥脆,立马可以取了盘子将其装盘。 Four small meatballs is a small share, six is a big share. 四颗小丸子为一小份,六颗为一大份。 Pushes the salad dressing and ketchup, scatters the Shanghai liver moss powder, catches a slim dried fish flower and Tessy again scatters. 挤上沙拉酱和番茄酱,撒上海苔粉,再抓一把纤薄的木鱼花和海苔丝撒上。 octopus balls that does on the spot freshly, became! 一份新鲜现做的章鱼小丸子,就成了! No ball window 无弹窗
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