SDRAW :: Volume #19

#1813: ???

Mag thought of eight octopus balls to go out of kitchen with the tray, then placed one by one in front of person who wanted octopus balls. 麦格用托盘装着八份章鱼小丸子走出了厨房,然后逐一放在了要了章鱼小丸子的人面前。 The plump and shining octopus balls, with black side Pansheng, on the side cover the dried fish flower and Tessy, seeming like exquisite are lovable. 圆滚滚、金灿灿的章鱼小丸子,用黑色的方盘盛着,上边盖着木鱼花和海苔丝,看起来精致而可爱。 You looked, this octopus balls will move!!!” “你们看,这章鱼小丸子会动诶!!!” Amy approached that front octopus balls surprisedly, deep blue eyes stares roundly. 艾米惊讶的凑近了那面前的章鱼小丸子,湛蓝的的眼睛瞪得圆圆的。 The dried fish flower on octopus balls, as if the flowers are in full bloom in general, really in slow contraction and movement. 章鱼小丸子上的木鱼花,仿佛花朵盛开一般,真的在缓慢的收缩和移动。 What small insect is this?” Anna a little fear in the future will hide in a point. “这是什么小虫子吗?”安娜有点害怕的往后躲了一点。 Do not fear, this is not the small insect.” Mag looks at the surprised people with a smile, what this can move is the dried fish flower, because of slim like paper, but just had/left the octopus balls temperature of pot extremely is also high, the dried fish flower heating distortion, seems like moving in general.” “别怕,这不是小虫子。”麦格笑着看着一脸惊讶的众人,“这会动的是木鱼花,因为切的纤薄如纸,而刚刚出锅的章鱼小丸子温度又极高,木鱼花受热变形,看起来就像是在动一般。” Amy puts out a hand to pinch a flake dried fish to be colored, the pen paper also wants the slim dried fish flower to be diaphanous, even breathes can make it rock slightly. 艾米伸手捏起一小片木鱼花,笔纸还要纤薄的木鱼花能够透光,连鼻息都能让它微微晃动。 „.” Amy fed the mouth that piece of dried fish flower, smacks the lips, „the fish that this wood/blockhead made, arrived in the mouth to disappear.” “啊呜。”艾米一口把那片木鱼花喂到了嘴里,咂了咂嘴,“这木头做的鱼,一到嘴巴里就不见了呢。” The people also smiled. 众人也是纷纷笑了。 Just had/left the small meatball of pot to be a little hot, everyone eats is more careful.” Mag reminded: Naturally, including the dried fish flower and a Tessy together one piece small meatball, is being octopus balls opens the way correctly......” “刚出锅的小丸子有点烫,大家吃的时候要小心一些。”麦格提醒道:“当然,连着木鱼花和海苔丝一起一口一颗小丸子,才是章鱼小丸子的正确打开方式……” „...... Was not good to burn......” the Mag words not saying that Angela has opened the mouth big mouth to exhale, rolled the eyes by small meatball hot straight of mouth, wants to spit and does not give up, a wanting to stop but cannot appearance. “唔……唔……好烫……”麦格的话还没有说完,安吉拉已经张着嘴巴大口呼着气,被嘴里的小丸子烫的直翻白眼,想吐掉又舍不得,一副欲罢不能的模样。 Just prepared to move the people of chopsticks to stop the movement in hand hastily, a little worry looks at Angela. 刚准备动筷的众人连忙停下了手里的动作,有点担心的看着安吉拉 Angela is unable to back down at this time, how she knows that this semblance seems like the human and animals to be harmless, even also somewhat lovable gold small meatball, after biting open, unexpectedly is such...... violent! 安吉拉此时骑虎难下,她怎么知道这外表看起来人畜无害,甚至还有些可爱的金色小丸子,咬开之后竟是如此的……猛烈! burnt/anxious fragrant the crisp outer covering, is wrapping magma inside. 焦香酥脆的外壳,包裹着岩浆般的内里。 Hot! 烫! This is the bitter experience dangerous signal that the mouth sends. 这是口腔释放出来的遭遇危险的信号。 However without she turned head to spit, hid then welled up in delicious impatiently. 不过没等她扭头吐掉,隐藏在其中的美味便迫不及待的涌了出来。 The fresh sweet corn, has a faint trace hot red pepper and taste crisp and tasty octopus tentacle, under just like the magma in general mountain cabbage package touches against blast in the mouth. 鲜甜的玉米、带着一丝丝辣味的红椒、口感脆爽的章鱼须,在犹如岩浆一般的高山包菜包裹下在嘴里触不及防的炸开。 Sways in the superficial sour and sweet ketchup and happy salad dressing, hand in hand the fresh taste distinct dried fish flower and Tessy join the tangled warfare. 挥洒在表面的酸甜番茄酱和甜蜜的沙拉酱,携手鲜味分明的木鱼花和海苔丝加入混战。 In the painful suffering, delicious starts to get the winning side gradually. 在痛苦的煎熬之中,美味开始渐渐占据上风。 The tastiness of octopus so bright, under an numerous contrast of garnishing and seasoning, was blooms to make the wonderful taste that one was hard to resist. 章鱼的鲜美是如此的鲜明,在一众配菜和调料的衬托之下,更是绽放出了令人难以抗拒的美妙滋味。 delicious and hot interlocking, she as if saw some marvelous scenes, as if has wonderful principle in her to flash by at present, but her boundary has not been the degree that can see clearly and understand. 美味与烫的交错恍惚间,她似乎看到了一些奇妙的场景,似乎有神妙的法则在她的眼前一晃而过,只是她的境界尚未达到能够看清和理解的程度。 After a while, the opened mouth makes the temperature drop finally slightly, chewing that she can feel relieved finally, then swallows the small meatball of mouth. 过了一会,打开的口腔终于让温度稍稍下降,她才终于能够放心的嘴嚼,然后将嘴里的小丸子咽下。 Delicious? Elder Sister Angela.” Amy curious asking, just her expression somewhat frightened her. “好吃吗?安吉拉姐姐。”艾米好奇的问道,刚刚她的表情有些吓到她了。 Others also visit her completely curiously, her previous expression is extremely complex, suddenly actually making people unable to ponder over thoroughly this small meatball is delicious or bad. 其他人也满是好奇的看着她,她先前的表情太过复杂,让人一时间无法琢磨透这小丸子究竟是美味还是糟糕。 If eats can wait a while slightly, I think that this should be delicious that anybody is unable to resist.” Angela earnest saying, then took up the chopsticks to pick the second small meatball to feed the mouth. “如果吃的时候能够稍微等一会,我想这应该是任何人都无法抗拒的美味。”安吉拉认真的说道,然后拿起筷子又夹起第二颗小丸子喂到了嘴里。 „During shouted............ shouted......” her to be in the pain with enjoying interlocks to suffer, she unexpectedly was that absent-minded feeling that started somewhat to enjoy it to bring, so long as if can hold casually, then can make her break succubus clan the secret of curse again. “呼……啊……呼……”她又陷入了痛苦与享受的交错折磨之中,她竟是开始有些享受它带来的那种恍惚感觉,仿佛只要能够随便抓住一点,便能让她再次打破魅魔族的诅咒之秘。 Looks has not wanted to pay attention to their Angela completely hesitant, the people a meeting, actually also starts to attempt to explore this gold small meatball to have how the mysterious charm. 看着已经完全不想理会她们的安吉拉,众人犹豫了一会,也是纷纷开始尝试着去探索这金色的小丸子究竟有怎样神奇的魔力。 Had learning from another's mistakes of Angela, the people had regarding the temperature of small meatball some expected, blew a meeting cautiously, feeds the mouth, biting open is also cautious, just felt to scald the mouth stops acting immediately, opening the mouth will first make it disperse one to be hot, when the temperature was appropriate, will then start the next step movement. 有了安吉拉的前车之鉴,众人对于小丸子的温度有了一些预期,小心翼翼的吹了一会,才喂到嘴里,咬开的时候也是小心翼翼的,刚一感受到烫嘴立马就停止动作,张开嘴巴先让它散一会热,等到温度合适了,再开始下一步的动作。 Quite delicious! Outside in cake tender!” “好好吃啊!外酥里嫩!” Although must be slightly lighter compared with the stir-fried octopus tentacles flavor, but the fresh taste of this octopus obtained better to retain, another delicious pinnacle!” “虽然比起爆炒章鱼须味道要稍微清淡一些,但这章鱼的鲜味得到了更好的保留,另一种美味的极致!” Suddenly commended the sound to be lingering on faintly, the females completely immersed in octopus balls delicious. 一时间称赞声不绝于耳,众女完全沉浸于章鱼小丸子美味之中。 The Mag corners of the mouth curl upwards, it seems like octopus balls also conforms to everyone's taste very much. 麦格嘴角微翘,看来章鱼小丸子也很符合大家的口味。 Camilla sat in the one side, the throat rolled, but the facial expression maintained composure as before, she a little regretted just not to have also 0.1 octopus balls suddenly. 卡米拉坐在一旁,喉咙滚动了一下,但神情依旧不动声色,她突然有点后悔刚刚没有也点一份章鱼小丸子 Ate one piece small meatball Annie to look at Camilla, put down the chopsticks, advanced the Camilla front front tray gently, made a movement of feed with the hand, then showed a clever smile. 吃了一颗小丸子的安妮看了一眼卡米拉,放下筷子,把面前的盘子轻轻推到了卡米拉的面前,用手做了一个进食的动作,然后露出了一个乖巧的笑容。 Makes me eat?” Camilla somewhat accidental/surprised looks at Annie. “让我吃吗?”卡米拉有些意外的看着安妮 Annie as if understood her words, nods. 安妮似乎听懂了她的话,点了点头。 I ate to the full......” the Camilla preparation to drive back the tray. “我吃饱了……”卡米拉准备把盘子推回。 Annie shakes the head, referred to octopus balls, then raised up a finger. 安妮摇了摇头,指了指章鱼小丸子,然后又竖起了一个手指。 Tastes one?” “尝一个?” Annie harder nods. 安妮用力点了点头。 On the Camilla face showed a smile, suddenly has to be warmed, hesitates slightly, took up the chopsticks to pick one piece octopus balls to feed the mouth. 卡米拉脸上露出了一丝笑容,突然有被暖到,稍稍犹豫,还是拿起筷子夹起了一颗章鱼小丸子喂到了嘴里。 Blasting open delicious makes the quiet tip of tongue again crazy, but that continued from above serial TV opera, made on her face raise again a crimson, as if the pair of hand has really caressed in general from her gently. 炸裂的美味让沉寂的舌尖再次疯狂,而那再次续上的连续剧,则让她脸上升起了一丝绯红,似乎真的有一双手从她身上轻轻抚过一般 Thank you, Annie.” Camilla opens eyes, drives back the tray that the aura breathes to the Annie front, then hacked Mag one ruthlessly. “谢谢你,安妮。”卡米拉睁开眼睛,气息微喘的将盘子重新推回到安妮的面前,然后狠狠剐了麦格一眼。 Mag:??? 麦格:??? This is not he compels her to eat, why she did occupy completely her the expression of small advantage? 这可不是他逼着她吃的,为何她一副自己占尽了她的便宜的表情? The small head, has many doubts at this time. 小小的脑袋,此时有着许多的疑惑。 octopus balls fell the stomach quickly, the delicious snack finished this satisfied working lunch. 章鱼小丸子很快都落了肚,美味的小吃结束了这满足的工作餐。 Ok, the preparation started to do business.” Mag swept clock on a wall, reorganized own chef uniform, walks toward the restaurant entrance. “好了,准备开始营业吧。”麦格扫了一眼墙上的时钟,整理了一下自己的厨师服,向着餐厅门口走去。 The people cleaned up the table fast, one second of switch over active status. 众人飞快收拾了餐桌,一秒切换工作状态。 Gina is not at noon, Barbara returned to moon to go, the manpower somewhat was unavoidably tight, everyone must hit spirit is very good. 姬娜中午不在,芭芭拉又回月亮去了,人手不免有些紧张,所有人都得打起十分的精神才行。 Mag lifted the hand to look at a table, the second hand aimed at 12, opened the restaurant front door outward. 麦格抬手看了一眼表,秒针指向十二,向外推开了餐厅大门。 Welcome visits, Mamy Restaurant.” “欢迎光临,麦米餐厅。” Mag be with smile on the face saying, before the vision more gets married the 10th Rank powerhouses, when falls to with Gloria abreast in row vertical that blonde young girl body, stares. 麦格面带微笑的说道,目光越过门前的十级强者们,落到与歌洛璃娅并排而立的那位金发少女身上时,不禁一愣。 (????????)!! (????????)!!
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