SAHDA :: Volume #20

#1999: According to the plan, must eat at a restaurant in the morning

„Did pomegranate pomegranate eat to the full?” “榴榴吃饱了吗?” Ate to the full.” “吃饱了。” ...... …… How don't you ask others?” “你怎么不问问别人呢?” The pomegranate pomegranate to Tan Jiner only asked that her has eaten to the full somewhat minded. 榴榴对谭锦儿只问她吃饱没吃饱有些介意。 Ate to the full?” “都都吃饱了吗?” Eats to the full, real delicious duck that the brocade elder sister you make.” “吃饱啦,锦儿姐姐你做的真好吃鸭。” Tan Jiner accepts good advice readily, asked the children, then looks to her family/home oneself kid. 谭锦儿从善如流,把小朋友们都问了一遍,然后看向她家自己的娃。 Xier, your breakfast had not finished eating, how also to be left over half egg and a cruller?” “喜儿,你早餐没吃完,怎么还剩下半个鸡蛋和一根油条?” Tan Jiner is staring at Xier, this little fellow remained. 谭锦儿盯着喜儿,这小家伙又剩了。 Hiahiahia ~ “hiahiahia~” Do not laugh foolishly, do not want to sprout/moe to mix to pass through.” “不要傻笑,别想萌混过关。” I cannot eat up.” “我吃不下啦。” You simply have not eaten many, you have a look at everyone, finished eating, journey journey finished eating, your remaining.” “你根本没吃多少,你看看大家,都吃完了,程程都吃完了,就你剩下。” journey journey looked down the oneself small bowl, does not understand why the brocade elder sister must give an example with her, did she seem like the unedible appearance? 程程低头看了看自己的小碗子,不明白锦儿姐姐为什么要拿她举例子,她看起来不能吃的样子吗? However, Tan Jiner except for taking her gives an example, whom otherwise can also take? Pomegranate pomegranate?? 不过呢,谭锦儿除了拿她举例子,不然还能拿谁呢?榴榴?都都? Hiahia ~ “hiahia~” Do not laugh foolishly, eats quickly, everyone in you.” “别傻笑,快吃,大家都在等你。” Xier does not have the means that drops the drop cluck , to continue earnestly the plain rice. 喜儿没有办法,滴滴咕咕,继续埋头干饭。 Tan Jiner first goes to the kitchen other bowl of quick ends, sees that immediately lends a hand. 谭锦儿先把其他碗快端到厨房去,都都见状,立刻搭把手。 Xiaobai and millet also join the ranks of help. 小白和小米也加入帮忙的行列。 journey journey also under table, but is sits lies the lying horse. 程程也下桌了,不过是去坐趴趴马。 Only then before the pomegranate pomegranate kept the table . 只有榴榴留在了餐桌前。 The pomegranate pomegranate two eyes are staring at Xier, looks at her small mouth small mouth the eating breakfast, worries for her, this eats was also too slow! She sees the too small hamster to eat meal, eaten is quicker than the happy baby. 榴榴两只眼睛盯着喜儿,看她小口小口的吃早餐,不由的替她着急,这吃的也太慢了吧!她见过小仓鼠吃饭,吃的都比喜娃娃快。 Pomegranate pomegranate ~ “榴榴~” Xier said low voice, you do eat?” 喜儿小声说道,“你吃吗?” The pomegranate pomegranate stares, asks: My goodness, you buy over me.” 榴榴一愣,问道:“好家伙,你收买我。” This tone brings unable to conceal joyful. 这语气这么带着掩饰不住的欣喜呢。 Xier nods: Buys over you, we are the good friends.” 喜儿点点头:“收买你,我们是好朋友。” Said, while put in that cruller the bowl of pomegranate pomegranate directly, no matter also the pomegranate pomegranate had agreed. 一边说,一边直接把那根油条放到了榴榴的碗里,也不管榴榴同意没同意。 Possibly wants to come in her, the pomegranate pomegranate will definitely agree. 可能在她想来,榴榴肯定是会同意的。 Really, the pomegranate pomegranate eye looked at some direction, a fat small hand stretched out fast, held a cruller end, then in the Xier shocking vision, forced in the mouth, wolfed down to be not enough to express. 果然,榴榴眼睛瞄了瞄某个方向,一只肉乎乎的小手飞快地伸出,抓住了油条的一端,然后在喜儿震惊的目光中,一口塞进了嘴巴里,狼吞虎咽不足以表达。 Xier opened the mouth surprised, can a stopper egg in inside. 喜儿吃惊地张大了嘴巴,可以塞个鸡蛋在里面。 She looks at the pomegranate pomegranate shocking, how being hard to imagine the pomegranate pomegranate is to force in the mouth an entire root cruller. 她震惊地看着榴榴,难以想象榴榴是怎么把一整根油条塞进嘴巴里的。 She really admired the pomegranate pomegranate. 她实在是太佩服榴榴了。 Suddenly, she felt that a hand turned her meat meat under the table, calls one that she turns, but does not have the least bit vitality/angry, but lowers the head fast, eats half egg that only remains. 忽然,她感觉一只手在桌子底下扭了扭她的肉肉,把她扭的嗷的一声叫,但没有半点生气,而是飞快地低下头,吃那仅剩的半个鸡蛋。 Because her elder sister came. 因为她姐姐来了。 Was lucky the promptness of pomegranate pomegranate reminder, otherwise she is still in a daze surprised. 多亏了榴榴提醒的及时,不然她还在吃惊发呆呢。 The pomegranate pomegranate also lowers the head, almost head stopper to table under. 榴榴也低下了头,几乎把脑袋塞到了桌子底下。 Xier's heart thump thump jumps, worry pomegranate pomegranate exposition. 喜儿的心怦怦跳,担心榴榴暴露。 Will definitely expose, in pomegranate pomegranate mouth drum drum, so long as raised the head, will be discovered by the elder sister. 肯定会暴露吧,榴榴嘴里里鼓鼓的,只要一抬头,就会被姐姐发现。 Xier heartbeat like the thunder, was too tense. 喜儿心跳如雷,太紧张了。 Finished eating?” Tan Jiner asked. “吃完了吗?”谭锦儿问。 Xier raised the head , grinning, wants to sprout/moe to mix. 喜儿抬起头,点点,笑嘻嘻,想要萌混过去。 However the elder sister noticed one side not the normal pomegranate pomegranate, asked: Pomegranate pomegranate how?” 但是姐姐偏偏注意到了一旁不正常的榴榴,问道:“榴榴怎么了?” Xier rushed saying: Pomegranate pomegranate in the class/flow nasal mucus, she is wiping the nasal mucus.” 喜儿赶忙说:“榴榴在流鼻涕,她在擦鼻涕呢。” The body of pomegranate pomegranate stiff, wants to speak, however could not speak. 榴榴的身体僵硬了一下,想说话,但是说不出话。 Tan Jiner cannot see the face of pomegranate pomegranate, but she looked that to lying of sitting in not far away immediately journey journey. 谭锦儿看不到榴榴的脸部,但是她看向了坐在不远处的趴趴马上的程程。 A moment ago the pomegranate pomegranate and Xier's small operated are watched by journey journey completely, journey journey nods, said low voice: Wipes the nasal mucus.” 刚才榴榴和喜儿的小操作全部被程程看在眼里,程程点点头,小声说:“擦鼻涕。” Finished eating, I take away to wash.” “吃完了吗,我拿去洗啦。” Tan Jiner carried Xier's front bowl to be quick, went to the kitchen. 谭锦儿端走了喜儿面前的碗快,去了厨房。 Xier deeply relaxes, turn head smiles toward journey journey, thank journey journey the secondary attack, then patted the back of pomegranate pomegranate saying: Elder sister walked.” 喜儿深深地松了一口气,回头朝程程笑了笑,感谢程程的助攻,然后拍了拍榴榴的后背说:“姐姐走了。” The pomegranate pomegranate rushes to be straight the body, the discomfort of choking, Xier sees that gave her to pour one cup of water to drink fast, this made the pomegranate pomegranate slow the god. 榴榴赶忙直起身子,噎的难受,喜儿见状,飞快地给她倒了一杯水喝,这才让榴榴缓过神来。 Finished eating?” Xier somewhat is still anxious. “吃完了吗?”喜儿依然有些紧张。 The pomegranate pomegranate nods: Finished eating, the happy baby, you must repay my duck in the future.” 榴榴点点头:“吃完了,喜娃娃,将来你要报答我鸭。” Xier nods, chicken pecking meter/rice: Repayment, repays you. Do you want me to sing to you listen?” 喜儿点头,小鸡啄米:“报答,报答你。你要我唱支歌给你听吗?” Does not want!” “不要!” „Do you want to think me to dance a dance?” “你要看我跳支舞吗?” Does not want, when I think that wanted you to repay anything to say again.” “也不要,等我想好了要你报答什么再说。” Good!” Xier some did not feel relieved, „, but you cannot make me do the misdemeanor.” “好!”喜儿有些不放心,“但是你不能让我干坏事。” Pomegranate pomegranate: 榴榴: My goodness, my goodness duck, I am not an unprincipled person!” “好家伙,好家伙鸭,我又不是坏人!” Said seems like her greatly Yanyan is bastard individual contribution that does the misdemeanor specially. 说的好像她大燕燕是个专门干坏事的坏蛋份子似的。 Xier coaxes the pomegranate pomegranate grinningly, coaxes happily her. 喜儿笑嘻嘻地哄榴榴,把她重新哄开心。 At this time, big fellow also came out from the kitchen, splendid a day must start. 这时候,大家伙也都从厨房出来了,精彩的一天要开始了。 In the morning we stroll the inn.” Xier hand holds a Pujiang city map, looks very specialized, is planning today's traveling schedule. “上午我们去逛馆子。”喜儿手捧一张浦江市地图,看起来很专业呢,正在规划今天的行程。 Pomegranate pomegranate one hear just finished eating the breakfast to stroll the inn, delight. Although she could not eat up, but has had a look and not related, looks thing that oneself likes very well, mood. 榴榴一听刚吃完早餐又去逛馆子,不由的眉飞色舞。虽然她吃不下了,但是去看看又没关系,看自己喜欢的东西,心情也会很好的吧。 Sends thickly-” “粗发-” The happy baby at the back of hold/container hold/container, walks in front, seems like a guiding little elder sister to resemble. 喜娃娃背着包包,走在前头,看起来像个带路的小姐姐似的。 Everyone last night said that today is led by the happy baby, everyone must listen to the happy baby. 大家昨晚就说了,今天由喜娃娃带队,大家都要听喜娃娃的。 This makes the happy baby excited, is eager to try. She felt, this likely little elder sister. 这让喜娃娃兴奋激动,跃跃欲试。她觉得,这才像个小姐姐呀。 The group go out goes downstairs. 一行人出门下楼。 Turns on the light ~ “开灯~” Xier shouts one, the lamp in corridor was bright. She happily turn head has a look at everyone, that small expression seemed saying, has not thought that I can call the bright electric lamp bulb. 喜儿大喊一声,楼道里的灯亮了。她得意地回头看看大家,那小表情仿佛在说,没想到叭,我能叫亮电灯泡。 Couple days ago the light bulb in corridor went bad, is Bai Jianping fixing. 前几天楼道里的灯泡又坏了,是白建平给修好的。 Goes out, the group pass through Huang Village, walks in the direction of Chang'an Avenue West, must take the subway. 出了门,一行人穿过黄家村,往西长安街的方向走去,要去坐地铁。 They pass through old ox barber shop entrance, just saw that ten thousand small tigers carry a wash bowl, in the wash bowl have the water, stands in the barber shop entrance, the foot follows a small orange cat. 她们经过老牛理发店门口,刚好看到万小虎端着一个脸盆,脸盆里有水,站在理发店门口,脚边跟着一只小橘猫。 Ten thousand small tigers-” “万小虎-” Small tiger ~ “小虎子~” Is ten thousand small tigers.” “是万小虎。” He is still washing the face, is really lazy.” “他还在洗脸呢,真懒。” ...... …… Everyone talked at once with ten thousand small tigers greets, ten thousand small tigers rub the eyes, looked again to the road, right, was Xiaobai one group, this early morning. 大家七嘴八舌跟万小虎打招呼,万小虎揉了揉眼睛,再看向路上,没错,是小白一行人,这一大早的。 He notified everyone, gazed after them to depart. Squats the small orange cat near his foot also to gaze , the furry small head follows everyone's form from turn left to the right. 他跟大家打招呼,目送她们离去。蹲在他脚边的小橘猫也在目送,毛茸茸的小脑瓜子跟着大家的身影从左转到右。 Young tiger friend many, moreover is the girls.” “小虎朋友好多嘛,而且都是女孩子。” In the barber shop, some people cut hair very early in the morning, old ox is toiling on the opposite party. That person teased. 理发店里,一大早就有人来理发了,老牛正在对方头上苦干。那人打趣道。 Ten thousand small tiger said faces were a little red. 万小虎被说的脸有点红。 The best friend group passed through Little Red Horse Academy, the front door shut tightly, old Li has not come, in the courtyard no one, the cartoon work room in next door has not opened the door, the time was too early, everyone has not come. 闺蜜团经过了小红马学园,大门紧闭,老李没来,院子里也没人,隔壁的漫画工作室也没开门,时间太早,大家都没来呢。 No matter some people no one, Xiaobai bellows: Old man you got out of bed-” 不管有人没人,小白大吼一声:“老汉你起床了没-” Her roar directly drove nearby best friends, everyone follows to roar a throat. 她这一吼直接带动了旁边的闺蜜们,大家都跟着吼一嗓子。 Adoptive father gets out of bed-” “干爹起床啦-” Boss stretch/open is quite lazy ~ ~ ~ “张老板好懒~~~” Getting out of bed duck!” “起床鸭!” Must go to work-” “要上班啦-” ...... …… In the courtyard is still quiet, does not have any response. 院子里依然静悄悄的,没有任何的回应。 Is Boss stretch/open is still definitely having a dream, is really a big sluggard, not only does not go to work, but also does not get up early, despises him! 肯定是张老板还在做梦,真是个大懒鬼呀,不仅不上班,而且还不早起,鄙视他! Xiaobai sees the old man wind to comment to develop rapidly after a sudden turn , helping him explain hastily: My old man worked to a o'clock last night, he is quite laborious.” 小白见自家老汉风评急转直下,连忙帮他解释:“我老汉昨晚干活到一点钟,他好辛苦的。” First said what your old man is lazy is you, now reaches an agreement laboriously is also you. 第一个说你老汉懒的是你,现在说好辛苦的也是你。 The group went out of Huang Village finally, to Chang'an Avenue West, walked again a section of road, then to the subway stopping place, got down following the staircase with a handrail. 一行人终于走出了黄家村,到了西长安街上,再步行一段路,便到了地铁站口,顺着扶梯下去了。 In the corridor some people are setting up a stall sing, this early morning, is not easy for the livelihood. 过道里有人在摆摊唱歌,这一大早的,为了生计都不容易。 The pomegranate pomegranate first encircled, then everyone noisy crowd encircled, the pestle is holding up the head to stare at others to sing there. 榴榴最先围了过去,然后大家一窝蜂都围了过去,杵在那里昂着头盯着人家唱歌。 That person originally listless, because of no one hear , in some people pass through, will hit 12 spirit. 那人本来无精打采,因为没人听,只有在有人经过时,才会打起十二分精神来。 However now, came suddenly so many small cute, stares at him to look, looks concentrated, looked like one flock of small kitties, he was surrounded. 但是现在,突然来了这么多的小可爱,一个个盯着他看,神情专注,就像是来了一群小猫咪,他被围观了。
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