SWR :: Volume #5

#493: Heaven Plan first stage experiment

The work of security, is to make all as usual. 保安的工作,就是让一切都照常进行。 The work always earnest responsible Lu Xin, quick entered into the oneself spirit. 工作向来认真负责的陆辛,很快就进入了自己的角色。 Even if rests on the ship, many some are not familiar with, he also at next day 7 : 30, gets out of bed on time. 哪怕睡在船上,多少有些不习惯,他也在第二天七点半,准时起了床。 Spent for a half hour to clean the teeth, takes a bath, then he changed a clean casual attire, went to the restaurant to have the breakfast. 花了半个小时刷牙,洗澡,然后他换上了一身干净的便装,来到了餐厅之中吃早饭。 It is a pity that although oneself has made the security, but Qinggang has not prepared a uniform for him. 遗憾的是虽然自己已经做了保安,但青港也没给自己准备制服 The rubber stick has not given one. 橡胶棍也没给一根。 8.1 12, Doll and other personnel of experiment team, took the helicopter to arrive shipboard.. 八点一十二分,娃娃与实验团队的其他人员,乘坐直升机来到了舰上。。 The Special Clearing Department staff, had started the build and debugging of equipment, Professor Bai, Department Head Shen, Chen Jing, Drunkard, Watch Dog, Arhat and Sorceress, as well as Doll, Lu Xin and other key personnel in charge of environment, held a meeting in the command post. 特清部的工作人员,已经开始了设备的搭建与调试,白教授沈部长陈菁酒鬼看门狗罗汉神婆,以及娃娃陆辛等各环境的主要负责人,则在指挥室开了一次会。 The content of conference is very simple, but stroked all flows, and explained the matters needing attention with emphasis wait/etc. 会议的内容很简单,只是重新捋了一遍所有的流程,并重点说明一下注意事项等等。 11 o'clock, Department Head Shen and Chen Jing, as well as Drunkard and other ability holder, take the helicopter to depart respectively. 十一点钟,沈部长陈菁,以及酒鬼等四位能力者,分别乘坐直升机离去。 They will go to assign the position, the waiting experiment to start. 他们将会去往指定位置,等待实验开始。 11 : 30, Doll and Lu Xin have the lunch together. 十一点半,娃娃陆辛一起吃午饭。 Because Doll must guarantee the nutrition, the lunch added a protein of soft-boiled egg. 娃娃因为要保证营养,午餐加了一颗水煮蛋的蛋白。 Lu Xin added two chicken legs, with egg-yolk. 陆辛加了俩鸡腿,和一颗蛋黄。 Attaching: Han Bing and Chen Jing sat on nearby table had the lunch, had the cooked meat food, ate the Shanxi cat ear. 附:韩冰陈菁坐在了旁边的餐桌上吃午餐,一个吃了卤肉饭,一个吃了山西猫耳朵。 At exactly 12 : 00, Doll midday nap. 十二点整,娃娃午睡。 In order to comfort the Doll mood, Lu Xin companion, but he has not rested, sits on the sofa earnestly the execution the security work. 为了安抚娃娃的情绪,陆辛陪伴,但他没有睡,坐在沙发上认真的执行着保安工作。 Starting from 2 : 00 pm, Doll arrived at the staff in the open area that command post front clear came out, peaceful opening an umbrella sat under Sun, when is listening the item that to explain to her who Professor Bai and Professor Chen two people took great pains is conducting experiment needs to pay attention. 下午 2 点开始,娃娃来到了工作人员在指挥室前方清出来的空地,安安静静的撑着伞坐在太阳下面,听着白教授陈教授两人不厌其烦的给她讲解着进行实验时需要注意的事项。 Lu Xin accompanies as the urgent translator, main mission pulls back the Doll attention of being distracted. 陆辛作为紧急翻译员陪同,主要任务是把走神的娃娃注意力拉回来。 In this period Doll was distracted three times, before Lu Xin, twice is only the reminder, when third time conducted the harsh criticism to her. 期间娃娃走神了三次,陆辛前两次只是提醒,第三次时对她进行了严厉的批评。 Attaching: Because of the this time criticism, obtained nanny group one crowd of supercilious looks. 附:因为这一次批评,获得了保姆小组一群白眼。 ...... …… ...... …… In the afternoon 3 o'clock, the third check-out facility and ensure various departments have been assigning the position to await orders. 下午三点钟,第三次检测设备,确保各部门都已在指定位置待命。 In the afternoon 5 o'clock: Dinner. 下午五点30:晚饭。 The Doll dinner was the point core box that some Qinggang Grandmaster Level chef made, Lu Xin tasted. 娃娃晚饭是青港某位大师级厨师做的点心盒,陆辛尝了一下。 Very sweet. 很甜。 The Lu Xin dinner is the roast flour adds the chicken leg, the additional spiced eggs, the additional bean sprouts, the additional surface. 陆辛的晚饭是炒面加鸡腿,加卤蛋,加豆芽,加面。 6 : 30 pm, various departments notify, take the stations, all normal. 下午 6 点半,各部门通报,各就各位,一切正常。 Exactly 7 : 00 pm, the last time check-out facility, the main ship with four auxiliary ships above, the giant searchlight projects the thick dazzling light beam, interwove a piece of light net, had on more than ten kilometers Marine Country steamboats polluted person to cover the area in inside fully entirely. 晚 7 点整,最后一次检测设备,主舰与四艘辅舰之上,巨大的探照灯射出粗大耀眼的光柱,交织成了一片光网,将面积足有十多公里的海上国轮船上受污染者统统笼罩在了里面。 Late 7 0:30, all personnel report the condition, and eventually determined that environment and weather and other factors will not affect to test. 晚七点30,各方人员汇报自身状态,并最后确定环境与天气等因素不会影响实验。 7:50, Professor Bai announced that the experiment formally starts the start countdown. 七点50,白教授宣布实验正式进入启动倒计时。 At exactly 8 : 00, Lu Xin calmly turned the head, looks to Doll, said in a soft voice: This you......” 八点整,陆辛静静转头,看向了娃娃,轻声道:“该你啦……” ...... …… ...... …… On Marine Country deck, has approached demented quietly. 海上国甲板上,癫狂已经悄然来临。 Like that round of marine bright red moon, has the oneself accurate rule. 就和那一轮海上鲜红色的月亮一样,有着自己精准的规律。 Similarly demented that starts from that small movement , is also that type bit by bit gathers, finally suddenly, the prairie fire combustion, like under red moon, boiled probably suddenly the same dark sea, crazy arrival. 同样还是从那种微小的动作开始的癫狂,也同样是那种一点一点汇聚起来,最后忽然之间,像是野火燃烧,如同在红月之下,忽然煮沸了一样的黑暗大海,疯狂到来。 Recitation of female noise, quiet, resounded in the Lu Xin heart. 女性噪音的吟唱,悄无声息,响起在了陆辛的心底。 But this time, Lu Xin has not tried to cut off this sound, but is feeling the change of innermost feelings, looked to Doll. 这一次,陆辛并没有试图斩断这种声音,只是感受着内心的变化,看向了娃娃 Under red moon ray and surrounding searchlight, skin of Doll white as if transparent. 红月的光芒与周围一圈探照灯下,娃娃的皮肤白的似乎透明。 As if takes the endless dark sea as the background, her beautiful appearance, were many several points of aggressiveness at this time. 仿佛以无尽黑暗的大海为背景,她的美貌,在这时候也多了几分侵略性。 She looked at Lu Xin one very much earnestly, nods. 她很认真的看了陆辛一眼,点了点头。 ...... Has saying that the appearance is a little fun, was playing the role of the Sir like the earnest child. ……不得不说,模样有点好玩,像极了认真的小孩在扮大人。 Then in Doll takes the umbrella, stood lithely. 然后娃娃手里拿着伞,轻盈的站了起来。 Has invisible mental strength to reappear in her side, probably one type temperate, evasive wind. 有无形的精神力量在她的身边浮现,像是一种温和的,不可捉摸的风。 The movement that as stands, the foot also left deck sharp gently. 随着站起来的动作,足尖也轻轻离开了甲板 Slowly, flew the in the air 34 meters altitude slowly, float. 慢慢的,慢慢的飞到了空中三四米的高度,悬浮。 Surrounding searchlight, without shaking follows she to her eye, simultaneously follows also has 78 cameras. 周围的探照灯,在不晃到她眼睛的情况下跟着她,同时跟着的还有七八个摄像头。 ...... …… ...... …… Doll shut an eye slightly, then opens gently, adapts to the surrounding ray, looks gently forward. 娃娃微微闭了一下眼睛,然后轻轻张开,适应周围的光线,轻轻向前看去。 She cast the vision, even did not have the unnecessary movement. 她只是投过去了目光而已,甚至没有多余的动作。 On Marine Country deck, these are at the most demented condition, cancelled the arm in the arm, the foot is stepping on the companion corpse and shatter beverage bottle of death, in the Marine Country man who in the searchlight dazzling ray danced, was actually hit by anything probably suddenly. 海上国甲板上,那些正处于最为癫狂的状态,在胳膊勾着胳膊,脚踩着去世的同伴尸体与破碎的酒瓶,在探照灯耀眼的光芒里跳舞的海上国男人,却像是忽然被什么东西击中。 Several people were startled slightly, the frantic mood seemed to be broken. 有几个人微微怔了一下,狂热的情绪似乎被打断。 Originally, they are in this state frantic, excited, exceptionally numb. 本来在这种状态下,他们狂热,兴奋,又异常的麻木。 In the experiment of Professor Bai has mentioned, in this state, even if hits their chest with the rubber bullet, cannot affect them, hits them with the dosage extremely high anaesthesia ball, they also meet stupor, while body still in fierce twitching. 白教授的实验中提到过,在这种状态下,哪怕是用橡胶子弹击中他们的心口,都影响不到他们,用剂量极高的麻醉弹将他们击中,他们也会一边昏迷,一边身体仍在剧烈的抽搐。 In the heavy stupor, on the face even has had that type excitedly, difference satisfied expression and frantic smile. 重度昏迷中,脸上甚至一直带着那种兴奋的,异样满足的表情与狂热笑容。 In other words, all physical methods, can kill them, stuns they. 也就是说,一切的物理手段,可以杀了他们,打昏他们。 Is not actually able to save from this condition them absolutely. 却绝对无法将他们从这种状态里拯救。 But at this time, Doll was only gently cast the vision to them. 但在这时候,娃娃只是轻轻的向他们投去了目光而已。 That several by the Doll vision looks at to the person, actually all of a sudden hesitant, the person who the peak of whole body some not comfortable as the shoulder, the appearance live image is playing the game with single-hearted devotion, remembered anything suddenly, is unable to enter during the game with single-hearted devotion. 那几个被娃娃的目光看向的人,却一下子犹豫了起来,浑身有些不自在似的耸着肩膀,模样活像是正在专心玩游戏的人,忽然想起了什么,然后再也无法专心的进入游戏之中。 Therefore, although reluctantly, but has a person finally, slow turned the head. 于是,虽然勉强,但最终还是有一个人,缓慢的转过了头来。 Below command post, enough 20 the observer who is staring at the screen, some people record immediately: 下方指挥室里,足足二十位盯着屏幕的观察员,立刻有人记录了下来: 3 seconds. 三秒。 ...... …… First turning the head, the pupil contraction, changed to the focus to fall on Doll person, presented being out of sorts of moment instantaneously. 第一个转过头来,瞳孔收缩,化作焦点落在了娃娃身上的人,瞬间出现了片刻的失神。 Probably in the person of alcoholic intoxication condition, was irrigated basin cold water all of a sudden directly, with the movement that others are dancing uniform, was fierce to stop, this caused his surrounding several people to receive involvement, the Yangko formation is not obviously neat. 好像是在醉酒状态的人,一下子被迎头浇了一盆凉水,就连与其他人整齐划一跳着舞的动作,也猛得停了下来,这导致他周围好几个人受到了牵连,秧歌队列明显不整齐了。 Since he starts, increasing number of people turned the head, the vision saw on Doll dull. 从他开始,越来越多的人转过了头,目光呆呆看到了娃娃身上。 On the faces of these people, revealed suddenly intertwined extremely with the painful expression. 紧接着,这些人的脸上,忽然露出了极度纠结与痛苦的表情。 The complexion is frantic from time to time, from time to time the delay, turns hostile same switches over fast. 脸色时而狂热,时而呆滞,变脸一样飞快切换。 Seemed the muscle on face to receive two pulling of strengths, often distortion various weird shapes. 就好像脸上的肌肉受到了两种力量的拉扯,不时的扭曲成各种怪诞的形状。 Doll earnest looks at they, on the face presented expression looking pensive. 娃娃认真的看着他们,脸上出现了若有所思的表情。 Therefore, she departed about one meter gently upwardly, then two hands gripped the umbrella handle. 于是,她轻轻向上飞出了一米左右,然后两只手握住了伞柄。 Bang!” “嘭!” With a slightly sound, she presses the crossbow trigger, the umbrella in hand opens gently. 随着一声微响,她按动机括,手里的伞轻轻张开。 In this flash, Lu Xin feels on the skin to have the cool feeling to inundate slightly. 在这一瞬间,陆辛感觉到皮肤上有微微清凉的感觉漫过。 Doll side mental strength, proliferated suddenly. 娃娃身边的精神力量,忽然扩散了开来。 From revolving side her, turned into the rapid expansion outward, and movement that in the umbrella taking advantage of start opens, shot several hundred meters all of a sudden, the deck that was not only at Lu Xin covered, even covered the corner/horn of Marine Country steamboat. 从围绕在她身边,变成了迅速的向外扩张,并且借着手里的伞打开的动作,一下子弹出去了数百米,不仅将陆辛所在的这处甲板笼罩,甚至笼罩住了海上国轮船的一角。 Drops the drop......” “滴滴……” Surrounding four mental detector, shone the red light instantaneously. 周围的四个精神检测仪,瞬间亮起了红灯。 In the command post, busy, several sounds are also reporting immediately: Doll mental strength has released.” 指挥室里,顿时一片忙碌,好几个声音在同时汇报:“娃娃精神力量已释放。” Please note, Doll mental strength has released, will soon build field.” “请注意,娃娃精神力量已释放,即将搭建场域。” „......” “……” While Doll mental strength opens, on Marine Country deck, these were covered by Doll mental force field in inside person, the distortion expression on face also becomes fiercer, the blood red eye, turned the pale shape instantaneously. 娃娃精神力量张开的同时,海上国甲板上,那些被娃娃精神力场笼罩在了里面的人,脸上的扭曲表情也同时变得更为剧烈,血红的眼睛,都瞬间翻成了惨白的形状。 Some many people, were hit fist unexpectedly probably ruthlessly, body staggers, immediately turned partly knelt half volt. 有不少人,居然像是被狠狠打了一拳似的,身体一个趔趄,顿时变成了半跪半伏。 The emaciated back, closely stretches, turned into the appearance that draws a bow to resemble. 瘦弱的脊背,紧紧绷起,变成了一张弓似的样子。 Lu Xin even can discover, in his ear, that illusory indistinct singing sound, becomes somewhat chaotic. 陆辛甚至可以发现,在他的耳中,那种虚幻缥缈的歌声,变得有些混乱。 ~ ~ ~......-!!” “啊啊~啊~~……啊-!!” The gently beautiful singing sound, was elongated by the invisible strength, extrusion, becomes sharp. 再柔美的歌声,被无形的力量拉长,挤压,也会变得尖锐。 At this time in the ear of Lu Xin, is not the gently beautiful attractive singing sound that heard, but is a frigid cry. 陆辛的耳中,这时候听到的已经不是柔美诱人的歌声,而是一种惨烈的叫声。 Believes that these by the person who Doll mental force field covers, heard similarly is also so. 相信那些被娃娃精神力场笼罩的人,听到的同样也是如此。 Because Lu Xin saw, they bent down on the ground, the pain were twitching, the body seemed like by the invisible whip is brushed ruthlessly. 因为陆辛看到,他们伏在了地上,痛苦抽搐着,身体像是被无形的鞭子狠狠抽打。 They vibrate fiercely, in the mouth has the foam to gush out, the eye shows the whites of the eyes. 他们剧烈的抖动,口中有白沫涌出,眼睛翻起白眼。 The forehead arrives on deck, even scratched the blood. 额头抵在甲板上,甚至擦出了鲜血。 Lu Xin is not even able to believe, must have how fierce suffering, can make the body of person twist this appearance. 陆辛甚至无法相信,得有多么剧烈的折磨,才能让人的身体扭曲成这个样子。 Caught up with younger sister quickly. 都快赶上妹妹了。 ...... …… ...... …… mental strength releases stably, the experiment can continue to advance......” 精神力量释放稳定,实验可以继续推进……” In the channel transmitted the staff to report the sound of advancement, could hear, he was very anxious. 频道里传来了工作人员汇报进程的声音,听得出来,他很紧张。 Doll looks at these by the person who oneself mental strength covers, felt their pain, as if somewhat did not have the heart slightly, but she can through mental strength, feel these person of pain the reason, therefore, she sipped corners of the mouth gently, then continued, slowly and strengthened oneself mental strength firmly, in the supple eye, showed firmness slightly. 娃娃看着那些被自己精神力量笼罩的人,感受到了他们的痛苦,似乎也微微有些于心不忍,但她可以通过精神力量,感受到这些人痛苦的原因,因此,她只是轻轻抿了一下嘴角,然后就继续,缓慢而坚定的加强了自己精神力量,柔柔的眼睛里,透出了微微的坚定。 Héhéhé......” 荷荷荷……” On these deck mental strength by the man who covers, immediately struggles is fiercer, the received pain obviously are also more. 那些甲板上被精神力量笼罩的男人,顿时挣扎的更为剧烈,受到的痛苦也明显越多。 On the face the switch over of expression achieved the extreme, instantaneous pain, instantaneous sober vacant. 脸上表情的切换达到了极点,瞬间痛苦不已,瞬间清醒茫然。 Then in Doll mental strength advanced the extreme, the mutation appears suddenly. 然后在娃娃精神力量推到了极点时,异变忽然出现。 These kneel to bend down in place the position of person back of the head, unexpectedly white mental strength are surging. 那些跪伏在地的人后脑勺的位置,居然有一种白色的精神力量在涌动。 Then this type of white shadow, bit by bit was extruded, like escaping, jumped finally suddenly in in the air. 然后这种白色的影子,被一点一点被挤压了出来,像金蝉脱壳,最后冷不丁跳在了空中。 The hysterical/frenzy hair, as well as makes an effort to swing fish tail, with sharp tooth, gloomy and cold look. 狂乱的头发,以及用力摆动着的鱼尾,与尖利的牙齿,阴冷的眼神。 ...... …… ...... …… merperson?” 人鱼?” Saw that scene, Lu Xin opened the eye slightly. 看到了那一幕,陆辛都微微睁大了眼睛。 He saw in the head that has merperson from these people drilled, manic hovering in the sky under red moon. 他看到了有人鱼从那些人的脑袋里钻了出来,狂躁的游动在红月下的天空里。
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