SWR :: Volume #5

#494: Haunches an umbrella

The pollution that Marine Country meets, was called the curse of merperson by their oneself. 海上国遇到的污染,被他们自己称为人鱼的诅咒。 Because they are because a wonderful singing sound degenerates, but in marine, has the legend that merperson seduces the sailor. 因为他们是因为一种美妙的歌声而堕落,而在海上,就有人鱼诱惑水手的传说。 However even Lu Xin, has not thought, oneself will really see merperson. 但是就算陆辛,也没想到,自己真的会看到人鱼 This merperson, only then oneself can see. 或者,这种人鱼只有自己能看到。 Like usually only then oneself can see mental monster clearly. 就像平时只有自己可以清楚的看到精神怪物一样。 mental monster, is mutation mental strength, accurate description, they can be person understanding, sensation, impression, memory wait/etc mental strength of various fragment disordering, therefore mental monster often will not be the appearance that in the real world can see, but was reveals many distortions and strange characteristics, even can explain many metaphors and abstract concepts. 精神怪物,本来就是一种异变的精神力量,准确的形容,他们会是人的认识、感知、印象、记忆等等精神力量的各种碎片揉杂而成,所以精神怪物往往不会是现实世界中能够见到的样子,而是表现出了很多扭曲与怪异的特征,甚至可以解读出很多的隐喻与抽象概念。 Is merperson that then, oneself sees also so? 那么,自己看到的人鱼也是如此? The research of the report and material to the Marine Country pollution, making Lu Xin know how should explain strange phenomenon that at present sees. 海上国污染的调查报告与资料的研究,让陆辛知道该如何解释眼前看到的古怪现象。 Marine Country person, reason that will be deeper and deeper, finally falls into one type manic, is because they met the love. 海上国的人,之所以会越陷越深,最后陷入一种狂躁之中,是因为他们遇到了爱情。 That singing sound, how appears earliest, no one knows, but the function of this singing sound, Professor Bai has actually given the explanation. 那种歌声,最早如何出现,无人知晓,但这种歌声的作用,白教授却已经给出了解释。 This is a mysterious strength, it can cause the man most essential desire.. 这是一种神秘的力量,它可以引起男人最本质的欲望。。 When this desire by intense bringing back, even has pressed all times, the Marine Country man, then had the intense love desire, in the eye of their oneself, in the cognition, felt that oneself met the love of first, is realizing the incomparable wonder. 当这种欲望被强烈的勾起,甚至压过了一切的时候,海上国的男人,便都有了种强烈的爱情欲望,在他们自己的眼中,认知之中,感觉自己遇到了一世的挚爱,体会着无比的美妙。 This love, is inevitably perfect, because she is the desire distortion of oneself made. 这位挚爱,必然是完美无缺的,因为她本来就是自己的欲望扭曲制造出来的。 She takes to their happiness, is any other behaviors does not realize. 她带给他们的欢愉,是其他任何行为都体会不到的。 Satisfies the degree, is the intense degree. 无论是满足程度,还是强烈程度。 Can satisfy these life at sea depressed man happiest fantasies, is beautiful merperson in legend. 能够满足这些海上生活苦闷的男人心里最美好幻想的,便是传说中的美人鱼 When the increasing number of people, think when this is beautiful merperson, affected the populace. 而当越来越多的人,都认为这是美人鱼时,就影响了大众。 Therefore, everyone regarded beautiful merperson this mysterious mental strength. 所以,所有人都将这种神秘的精神力量当成了美人鱼 Including this time oneself. 包括这时候的自己 ...... …… ...... …… Similarly also because of this, can a better understanding, why Doll be able to cure them forcefully. 同样也是因为这样,可以更好的理解,娃娃为什么可以强行的治好他们。 The desires of these people were twisted thoroughly, probably received the viral intense influence computer. 这些人的欲望被彻底扭曲,像是受到了病毒强烈影响的电脑。 But now, Doll is using the oneself strength, from their bodies pulls the virus that they receive. 而现在,娃娃正在用自己的力量,将他们受到的病毒从他们的身体里拉扯出来。 Others definitely cannot achieve these. 其他人肯定做不到这些。 Even if there are other ability holder, can pollute these people, that still the situation pollutes him in the human body of Marine Country has such a merperson again, this is a overlay of pollution, rather than in the true sense to pursuit of pollution. 即使是有其他的能力者,可以污染这些人,那也只是在海上国的人体内有这么一只“人鱼”的情况下再污染他,这属于一种污染的叠加,而不是真正意义上对污染的驱逐。 Doll, is using oneself ability, orders these people, merperson in their mind, pursuing, forgets them. 娃娃,是在用自己能力,命令这些人,将他们脑海里的人鱼,给驱逐出来,忘掉它们。 This is using the will resistance pollution of their oneself, to them, is no different bids good-bye. 这是在用他们自己的意志对抗污染,对于他们而言,无异于分手。 Orders them to return to normal, therefore they such pain. 命令他们恢复正常,所以他们才会如此的痛苦。 ...... …… ...... …… „......” “咝咝……” merperson jumps from the body of men in these came out, gently beautiful slender appearance then rapid change, on face fast appeared the green scale, the eye turns set upright the pupil, the mouth opens, the neat white tooth lengthened, became sharp fearsome. 在那些“人鱼”从男人们的身体里跳了出来时,柔美纤细的模样便迅速的变化,脸上飞快的浮现出绿色的鳞片,眼睛变成了竖瞳,嘴巴张开,整齐洁白的牙齿变长,变得锋利可怖。 They have the consciousness of oneself unexpectedly probably, has the hatred and repugnant mood. 她们居然像是有着自己的意识,有着痛恨与讨厌的情绪。 Moreover they can feel existence of Doll, suddenly swam in the nighttime sky, flushed toward Doll. 而且她们可以感受到娃娃的存在,忽然游在了夜空里,向着娃娃冲了过来。 In a flash, minimum more than ten merperson, rushed to front of Doll. 一瞬间,起码十几只“人鱼”,冲到了娃娃面前。 The beautiful face twisted the hatred instantaneously, but the crazy shape, revealed the sharp tooth toward Doll. 美丽的脸瞬间扭曲成了痛恨而疯狂的形状,向着娃娃露出了锋利的牙齿。 Continuously calmly is standing in side Lu Xin, knits the brows slightly, took forward one step. 一直静静在旁边站着的陆辛,微微皱眉,向前迈出了一步。 These merperson will attack Doll, is somewhat not as he expected, but, pours as if can also explain that must pass. 这些人鱼会攻击娃娃,有些出乎他的意料,但是,倒似乎也可以解释得通。 These pollution special characteristics were pursued, in urging crazy person of one in the love to keep sober like Doll, and withdraws is the same. 这些污染特质被驱逐,就像娃娃在劝一个在爱情里疯狂的人保持清醒,并且退出一样。 Perhaps, these people will also obey the Doll words, walks from that demented condition. 或许,这些人也会听从娃娃的话,从那种癫狂的状态里走出来。 However in their subconsciousness, to eliminating oneself that happy camper, has the hatred indistinctly. 但是他们下意识里,对剥夺了自己那种快乐的人,还是会隐约有着痛恨。 This hatred, was then inherited by these merperson. 这种痛恨,便被这些人鱼所继承。 ...... …… Mister Lone Soldier, do not act.” 单兵先生,不要出手。” Lu Xin took slightly one step, left his eyeglasses in the picture frame, transmitted the reminder of Han Bing rapidly: 陆辛只是稍稍迈出了一步,他的眼镜左边镜框里,就迅速传来了韩冰的提醒: We can also examine the difference pollution ability to try to Doll to conduct the counter- pollution, but please should not be worried.” “我们也可以检测到异样的污染能力在试图向娃娃进行反污染,但是请不要担心。” This is also part of experiment, needs the Doll oneself solution.” “这也是实验的一部分,需要娃娃自己解决。” Lu Xin nodded gently, returned same place. 陆辛轻轻点头,退回了原地。 He saw when that more than ten merperson rush in front of Doll came, she also feels. 他看到,那十几条人鱼冲到了娃娃面前来时,她也感觉到了。 But she simply has not paid attention to these, side mental strength, then outward diffusion naturally. 但她根本没有理会这些,身边的精神力量,便自然而然的向外扩散。 If the Doll side is an invisible sea water, that before these merperson rushed to the Doll body , the sea water becomes the density to increase suddenly, merperson keeps off in the body of Doll beyond immediately three meters, the body was fettered, is unable to go forward half step. 如果说娃娃的身边本来是一片无形的海水,那么在这些人鱼冲到了娃娃身前时,海水忽然变得密度增加,人鱼立刻被挡在了娃娃的身体三米之外,身体被束缚,无法前进半步。 next moment, the sea water was also fierce starts to shiver, presented the fierce friction. 下一刻,海水又猛得开始颤动,出现了剧烈的磨擦。 These more than ten merperson, in less than one second, were then rubbed invisible mental strength. 这十几条人鱼,在不到一秒的时间里,便被磨擦成了无形的精神力量 This mental strength, to a certain extent, turned into Doll mental strength, as her will outward diffusion. 这种精神力量,又在一定程度上,变成了娃娃精神力量,并随着她的意志向外扩散。 Doll mental force field, area instantaneous increase. 娃娃精神力场,覆盖面积瞬间的增加。 In the command post, many people revealed the pleasantly surprised vision, careful reminder: 指挥室里,很多人露出了惊喜的目光,小心的提醒: All normal , to continue to construct field.” “一切正常,继续构建场域。” ...... …… ...... …… Really Doll is the Heaven Plan rightest candidate.” “果然娃娃才是天国计划最合适的人选。” Lu Xin as a qualified security, in old defends while at the same time honestly, is paying attention to the progress of plan. 陆辛身为一个合格的保安,在老老实守在一边的同时,也关注着计划的进展。 Doll launches the mental field processes and others is different. 娃娃展开精神场域的过程与旁人并不一样。 Achieved third stage ability holder, often has infinite pollution ability, but backlashed by the endless will very much easily. 达到了第三阶段能力者,往往都有无限污染的能力,但很容易被无尽的意志反噬。 But Doll and others are different, she can borrow polluted person ability, realizes oneself the proliferation of mental force field. 娃娃与别人是不一样的,她可以借用受污染者能力,来实现自己精神力场的扩散。 The Mental Lord key then lies in field, but Doll ability, was doomed she then to have half field nature inborn. 精神领主的关键便在于场域,而娃娃能力,注定了她天生便有半场域的性质。 Moreover is the Doll will, itself realizes through the person oneself will of receiving her affecting, therefore she regarding pursuit and clean of pollution, will be thorougher, was harmed by person of influence regarding these, is lighter. 另外就是娃娃的意志,本身就是通过受到她影响的人自己的意志来实现,因此她对于污染的驱逐与清洗,也会更彻底一些,对于这些受到了影响之人的伤害,也更轻一些。 younger sister also considered to make Mental Lord initially noisily, what if now at Doll that position is she. 妹妹当初也闹着想做精神领主,但如果现在处在娃娃那个位置的是她的话。 Perhaps...... she can also compel these beautiful merperson. ……或许她也可以逼出那些美人鱼 But Lu Xin felt, after this clean, all affected person, may only crawl is walking. 陆辛觉得,这一番清洗之后,所有的受影响者,可能都只会爬着走路了。 ...... …… ...... …… Buzz......” “嗡……” In the Lu Xin mind flashed through these thoughts, Doll mental force field, is expanding fast. 陆辛脑海里闪过了这些念头的时候,娃娃精神力场,正在飞快的扩张。 This speed is extremely astonishing. 这种速度是极为惊人的。 More broad that her mental strength spreads, then has more people covered, mental strength that she can borrow are then more. 她的精神力量扩散的越广,便有越多的人被笼罩,她可以借用的精神力量便越多。 Each other transformation, makes mental strength turn time of sudden rise unexpectedly. 彼此转化,竟使得精神力量翻着倍的暴涨。 Expansion of mental force field, speed quick scary. 精神力场的展开,速度快的吓人。 Doll, above small face, as if showed some serious expressions faintly, as if the pressure is getting bigger and bigger. 就连娃娃,小脸之上,也似乎隐隐露出了一些严肃的表情,似乎压力越来越大。 ...... …… ...... …… Will not appear in Happy Village such, was mental magnitude too strong, exceeded her limit?” “不会又出现在开心小镇的时候那样,精神量级太强,超过了她的极限吧?” Lu Xin at heart, could not bear have this thought. 陆辛心里,忍不住生出了这个念头。 However his oneself can also make the judgment, this is only lets one's thoughts wander because of the worry of oneself. 但是他自己也能做出判断,这只是因为自己的担心而乱想而已。 In fact, now when Doll side mental strength is also far from achieving Happy Village that huge situation. 事实上,现在娃娃身边的精神力量还远远没有达到开心小镇时那么庞大的地步。 Moreover, when Doll mental strength inflates the certain extent, Lu Xin also faintly feels, above the Qinggang battleship, has another strength of faintly being similar to the electromagnetic wave participated, these strengths are to obviously receive a control of instrument. 另外,在娃娃精神力量膨胀到了一定程度时,陆辛也隐隐感觉到,青港的战舰之上,隐隐有另外一种类似于电磁波的力量参与了进来,这些力量明显是受到一种仪器的控制。 It has to stabilize the function of mental strength, making Doll mental force field stabler, more relaxed spreads to the surroundings. 它有着稳定精神力量的作用,使得娃娃精神力场更为稳定,更加轻松的向周围扩散。 mental force field launches normally......” 精神力场展开正常……” Doll mental strength increases, estimates compared with us also wants quickly......” 娃娃精神力量增加,比我们预估的还要快……” Prepares to diverge, receives and instructs to four signal base depots......” “准备分流,接引向四个信号基站……” „......” “……” Below command post, the staff one after another, the complexion tightens, is exchanging the information fast. 下方的指挥室里,一排一排的工作人员,脸色绷紧,飞快的交换着信息。 In the remote black sea level, red moon hangs above the sea level, the jet black sea level, as if came under the influence of some strength, becomes the tide to turn wells up, spray layer by layer, curled toward periphery in the past, rushed encircled four steamboats around Marine Country. 遥远的黑色海面上,红月悬在海面之上,漆黑的海面,仿佛受到了某种力量的影响,变得浪潮翻涌,一层一层的浪花,向着周围卷了过去,涌向了围在海上国周围的四艘轮船。 Above each steamboat, constructs a small-scale signal tower, the surroundings were surrounded by massive stabilizer. 每一艘轮船之上,都建有一个小型的信号塔,周围被大量稳定器包围。 Under the signal tower, is four that Qinggang chooses assists ability holder. 信号塔下面,是青港挑选出来的四位辅助能力者 Below control center, is the staff of concentrating on. 下方控制中心里,则是全神贯注的工作人员。 , The signal tower peak, mental detector glittered gradually suddenly the red light, invisible huge mental strength, upwelled from the sea level, by four signal towers, completed around the engagement, and gradually became into stable, like an umbrella. 渐渐的,信号塔顶端,精神检测仪忽然闪烁起了红光,无形的庞大精神力量,从海面之上涌了过来,借由四个信号塔,完成了前后的衔接,并且渐渐的趋入稳定,像一把伞。 Four signal towers, Group 36 stabilizer already success connection......” “四个信号塔,36组稳定器已成功连接……” „The field preliminary formation , to continue to strengthen mental strength......” 场域初步形成,继续加强精神力量……” „......” “……” In five control centers, staff looks at operates the usual data, has shivered to the sound excitedly. 五个控制中心里,工作人员看着运行如常的数据,兴奋到声音都已颤抖。 But at the same time, opens when invisible mental strength rapidly, covered entire Marine Country all people, these demented people, was uneven raised the head, in the blood red eye, presented the vigilant and gloomy and cold ray simultaneously. 但与此同时,在一种无形的精神力量迅速张开,笼罩住了整个海上国所有的人时,那些癫狂的人,也同时齐唰唰的抬起了头来,血红色的眼睛里,同时出现了警惕而阴冷的光芒。 The side that Doll field opens is quick, person but who these were covered by field, the received pollution is not so easy to eliminate. 娃娃场域张开的极快,但是这些被场域笼罩住的人,受到的污染却没有这么容易清除。 Overwhelming majority people, still be at depth polluting condition, and had the keen vigilance. 绝大部分的人,仍然处于深度污染状态,并且生出了敏锐的警惕性。 From is too far, they cannot see Doll. 距离太远,他们看不到娃娃 But actually to that invisible mental strength, had dislike consciousness, is roaring toward the empty nighttime sky. 但却对那种无形的精神力量,产生了厌恶至极的意识,向着空荡荡的夜空咆哮着。 ...... …… ...... …… But all these mental strength sources, Doll opened the eye suddenly gently, the expression is somewhat sad. 而这一切精神力量的源头,娃娃忽然轻轻睁开了眼睛,表情有些难过。 In side looks at her Lu Xin, has discovered her expression change keenly. 一直在旁边看着她的陆辛,敏锐的发现了她的表情变化。 Is startled slightly, he was clear what's the matter. 微微一怔之后,他才明白了是怎么回事。 Doll mental strength covered all Marine Country people, then can also feel their hostility and hatred. 娃娃精神力量笼罩了所有海上国的人,便也可以感受到他们的敌意与痛恨。 These mood aim in her. 这些情绪都是针对于她的。 This should be for the first time she feels others' hatred and repugnancy. 这应该是她第一次感受到别人的痛恨与讨厌。
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