SWR :: Volume #5

#492: Marine Country Miss Conch( three asked ticket)

Doll cleans up the process of this pollution, is very certainly interesting.” 娃娃清理这片污染的过程,一定很有趣。” Demented of Marine Country, continued a long time, until 12 : 00 pm, stops gradually. 海上国的癫狂,持续了很长一段时间,直到晚上12点,才渐渐止息。 Lu Xin and the others naturally cannot look that one group of crazy people look enough for four hours, in seeing these Marine Country men, thoroughly crazy after the appearance, besides the observers of collection data, others has then been far away from the window of command post. 陆辛等人自然不会看一群疯狂的人就看够四个小时,在见到了这些海上国的男人,彻底疯狂过的样子之后,除了采集数据的观察人员之外,其他人便都已经远离了指挥室的窗户。 Outside the command post, heavy/thick tempered glass rose, blocks this room thoroughly. 指挥室外面,有一层厚重的强化玻璃升了起来,将这个房间彻底封死。 Near each window, is installed with newest mental detector, in order to avoid pollutes comes to the command post quietly, everyone actually knows nothing. 每一扇窗边,都安装有最新的精神检测仪,以免污染悄然来到指挥室,大家却一无所知。 One crowd of jars sat in the command post, except for Lu Xin, no one dares at will except below helmet. 一群罐子在指挥室里坐了下来,除了陆辛,没有人敢随意除下头盔。 Outside person also in crazy waving of inexhaustibility, revelry. 外面的人还在不知疲倦的疯狂舞动,狂欢。 They obviously are such weak bodies, but actually does not know to control completely. 他们明明都已经是这么虚弱的身体,但却完全不知节制。 Some people jump are jumping, suddenly collapse. 有的人跳着跳着,就忽然倒了下来 The chest fierce fluctuating respite, the body perspiration welled up layer by layer, finally the panting for breath sound stops suddenly, pupil enlarges...... 胸膛剧烈的起伏喘息,身上汗一层一层的涌了出来,最后喘息声戛然而止,瞳孔放大…… This is gives oneself while still alive so tired, actually unmanned care. 这是把自己给活活累死了,却无人关心。 Also some people jump are jumping, like going crazy, was yelling crashed, similarly also no one pays attention. 也有人跳着跳着,就像发狂一样,大叫着冲进了海里,同样也没人关注。 A Qinggang side, does not dare to send people to rescue at this time. 就连青港一方,这时候也不敢派人过去营救。 Facing such magnificent scene, crazy pollution, even if fully-armed, Qinggang does not dare oneself to be close. 面对这样大场面的,疯狂的污染,哪怕全副武装,青港也不敢让自己的人接近。 ...... …… ...... …… Lone Soldier, what do you discover?” 单兵,你有没有发现什么?” Professor Bai in jar, as to look for Lu Xin to chat, behind the plate glass, the look seems very serious. 罐子里的白教授,似乎想找陆辛聊聊,厚玻璃后面,眼神显得非常严肃。 But said, this charming old man hid in the jar, enforcing to be very funny. 但讲真,这个帅气的老头躲在了罐子里,严肃起来挺滑稽的。 I heard the singing sound.” “我听到了歌声。” Simplicity that very Lu Xin replied, the vision looked to the dark sea level. 陆辛回答的很简单,目光看向了黑沉沉的海面。 Singing sound......” “歌声……” Professor Bai look slightly cold, body unnatural moved, starts to speak but hesitates. 白教授神色微凛,身体都不自然的动了一下,欲言又止。 Has the singing sound.” “但是只有歌声。” Lu Xin knows that he must ask anything, gently shook the head, said: 陆辛知道他要问什么,轻轻摇了下头,道: I could not find the origin of that singing sound, does not know why it will appear.” “我找不到那种歌声的来源,也不知道它为什么会出现。” Looked received the person who pollutes when to these, similarly had not seen that what mental monster exists......” “看向了那些受污染的人时,同样也没有看到有什么精神怪物存在……” „......” “……” Professor Bai deep exhaled, said: Our beforehand deductions are correct, the form of this pollution is high-level, is not we through, Marine Country that the conventional method can be solved because of this pollution destruction, matter that also does not have the means.” 白教授深深呼了口气,道:“那我们之前的推论是正确的,这种污染的形式非常高级,已经不是我们通过常规手段可以解决的了,海上国因为这场污染覆灭,也是没有办法的事。” The Lu Xin slight nod, remembers the strange expression that oneself presented a moment ago carefully. 陆辛微微点头,细细想起了自己刚才出现的怪异表情。 Remembering of singing sound, in innermost feelings palpitates...... 歌声的想起,内心里的悸动…… That is a sudden feeling, as if all are their change, even cannot feel logic. 那是一种突如其来的感觉,仿佛一切都是自身的变化,甚至感受不到其中的逻辑。 If not mother helps oneself, this pollution, what condition will create to oneself? 如果不是妈妈帮助自己,这种污染,会对自己造成什么状态? In your opinion, what pollution should this be?” “在你们看来,这应该是一种什么样的污染?” Lu Xin raised the head suddenly, looked to Professor Bai. 陆辛忽然抬头,向白教授看了过来。 He to this pollution, is curious. 他对这种污染,也非常好奇。 Professor Bai silent, said: From the form and pollution, this pollution is essentially simple.” 白教授沉默了一下,才道:“从形式与污染本质上来看,这种污染非常简单。” Does not know that you had heard a word does not have, Miss Conch?” “不知你听说过一个词没有,海螺姑娘?” „?” “?” Lu Xin is startled slightly, he grows up in Qinggang, has naturally heard Miss Conch. 陆辛微微一怔,他在青港长大,自然听说过海螺姑娘 That was an ancient man fantasize product. 那是一个古代男人意淫的产物。 Was fantasizing one day, some only small conch, meeting the incarnation becomes a beautiful appearance, but diligent fairy maiden. 幻想着有一天,某只小小的海螺,会化身成为一个美貌而勤快的仙子。 Quietly prepares food to oneself, does laundry, has the kid...... naturally, with the development of time, this Miss Conch, should keep pace with the times, has more characteristics to be qualified, for example has the car(riage) to have the room, for example the high school record emotional quotient high, for example dowry minimum several hundred million, for example every day are willing to treat prepares food eats at home to oneself, for example certainly not because oneself will be forgiving to be jealous everywhere. 悄悄的给自己做饭,洗衣服,生娃……当然,随着时代的发展,这个海螺姑娘,也应该与时俱进,拥有更多的特性才合格,比如有车有房,比如高学历高情商,比如嫁妆起码几个亿,比如每天心甘情愿待在家里做饭给自己吃,比如一定不会因为自己处处留情而吃醋。 Marine Country said that this pollution is the curse of merperson, this is because that indistinct singing sound, making one produce relates.” 海上国称这种污染为人鱼的诅咒,这是因为那种缥缈的歌声,让人产生了联想。” Professor Bai said: But from this pollution, I am willing to call it Miss Conch essentially.” 白教授道:“但从这场污染的本质上来看,我更愿意称之为海螺姑娘。” These Marine Country men, were attracted by a happy fantasy, when that singing sound resounds, in their mind, then had a perfect fantasy, can him in the reality not ascertain the happiness that forever, lets perishing that they are willing.” “这些海上国的男人,都被一种美好的幻想所吸引,当那种歌声响起,他们的脑海里,便出现了一个完美的幻想,可以给他现实中永远捉摸不到的美好,让他们心甘情愿的沉沦。” „The desire of person, is one type can obtain the joyful mechanism.” “人的欲望,是一种可以让人得到快乐的机制。” Appetite has been satisfied, will be joyful, the desire of copulation has been satisfied, similarly will also be joyful.” “食欲得到满足,会快乐,交配的欲望得到满足,同样也会快乐。” This joyful feedback mechanism, making us have sought for food, pursued the power of spouse.” “这种快乐回馈机制,让我们有了去寻找食物,追求配偶的动力。” But, in these Marine Country received in the will of the people of pollution, has a desire to be bigger than other desires.” “但是,在这些海上国受到了污染的人心里,已经有一种欲望大过了其他的欲望。” Was polluted is deeper, the distortion of this desire is more serious.” “受污染越深,这种欲望的扭曲就越严重。” Gradually, they except for that merperson singing sound, are not then interested in anything......” “久而久之,他们便除了那种人鱼的歌声,对什么都不感兴趣了……” „......” “……” The one breath said that analysis of oneself, he long implored the tone: 一口气说完了自己的分析,他才长长吁了口气: We do not know that this pollution came from where, therefore is unable to cut off its logical chain.” “我们不知道这种污染从何而来,所以无法斩断其逻辑链。” This polluting property, is rooted in their hearts of hearts, therefore we do not even know how should clean up.” “这种污染特性,又是根植于他们的内心深处,所以我们甚至不知道该如何清理。” Therefore in some sense, this is similar in our mouth...... incurable illness!” “所以在某种意义上,这就类似于我们口中的……绝症!” „......” “……” Lu Xin was pondering Professor Bai words, felt this old man said is very reasonable. 陆辛细想着白教授的话,感觉这个老头说的很有道理。 His investigation, has achieved limit that takes the average person to be able the diagnosis. 他的调查,已经做到了作为普通人而言所能够调查分析的极限。 The Professor Bai beforehand most time flowers here, do not come out to travel obviously. 白教授之前大部分时间花在这里,显然不是出来旅游的。 He has analyzed the origin and pollution pattern of Marine Country pollution. 他已经分析出了海上国污染的成因与污染模式。 But the only issue is, even if can analyze, did not solve. 但唯一的问题是,就算分析得出来,也解决不了。 Knows that in the brains of these Marine Country men, presented a singing sound, but how to expel this singing sound? 都知道这些海上国男人的脑子里,出现了一种歌声,但怎么把这种歌声驱逐出去? After slightly paused, he asked that to Professor Bai an issue, said: „Do you know the seven flaws of person?” 微微一顿之后,他才向白教授问出了一个问题,道:“你知道人的七种缺陷吗?” Professor Bai listens to be startled slightly, said: sensation, mood, desire, understanding, instinct, memory, and ego.” 白教授听着微微一怔,道:“感知、情绪、欲望、认识、本能、记忆、自我。” Lu Xin relaxes. 陆辛松了口气。 These seven flaws, he sees in the communicator database of lunar eclipse club. 这七种缺陷,他是在月蚀俱乐部的通讯器资料库里看到的。 Because has not been under permission of club, therefore he does not know that shares to be good these materials. 因为没有得到俱乐部的允许,所以他也不知道把这些资料分享出来好不好。 But since Professor Bai has known that the when knowledge in this aspect, oneself has not discussed extra worries with him. 但既然白教授已经知道这方面的知识,自己就没有与他讨论时的后顾之忧了。 The pollution of Marine Country, should be in these seven kinds, a deep kind. 海上国的污染,应该就属于这七类里,较深的一类。 „The level of pollution, discussed by these seven flaws, was getting deeper and deeper.” “污染的层次,以这七种缺陷而论,越来越深。” Professor Bai has also understood the meaning of Lu Xin, said in a soft voice: 白教授也已经明白了陆辛的意思,轻声道: „The front three types, can recognize for the shallow layer pollution on generalized.” “前面三种,可以认定为广义上的浅层污染。” Following three types, is the deep level pollution.” “后面三种,则属于深层次污染。” „The pollution of Marine Country, in the surface is the distortion of desire, but the distortion of desire deepens infinitely, had changed the nature.” 海上国的污染,表面上属于欲望的扭曲,但欲望的扭曲无限加深,已经改变了性质。” Therefore should belong......” “所以应该属于……” Understanding? Is the instinct?” “认识?或者是本能?” „......” “……” Lu Xin gently shook the head, said: „The pollution of understanding level I have experienced, should so not be deep.” 陆辛轻轻摇了下头,道:“认识层面的污染我经历过,应该没这么深。” Professor Bai nodded, said: That was the pollution of instinct level. Theoretically this is also can convince, the person eats meal is the instinct, drinking water is the instinct, the multiplication is also the instinct, deeper said, the animal will then walk since birth, the person will then cry aloud since birth, similarly is also one manifestation of instinct, carved in the one message data of our gene level, but the pollution of instinct level......” 白教授点了下头,道:“那便是本能层面的污染了。理论上这也是说得通的,人吃饭是本能,喝水是本能,繁衍也是本能,更深了说,动物生来便会走路,人生来便会啼哭,同样也是本能的一种体现,是刻在了我们基因层面的一种信息数据,而本能层面的污染……” He at this point, slightly paused, sighed lightly: This pollution, twists the instinct that they cultivated the behavior directly, all men pursued the life ability to be destroyed, three views were also destroyed, therefore, they based was also destroyed radically.” 他说到这里,也微微顿了一下,才轻叹道:“这种污染,直接扭曲了他们做人的本能,所有男人追求生活的能力被摧毁了,三观也被摧毁了,于是,他们立足的根本也被摧毁了。” This, is this type pollutes calls it country toppling level most basic reason.” “这,才是这种污染被称之为覆国级的最根本原因。” „......” “……” Lu Xin calmly is listening, very long had not replied. 陆辛静静听着,很久没有回答。 The pollution of this level, a panic of deep level. 这种层面的污染,给人一种深层次的恐慌。 After a while, he raised the head slightly, said: Now you to this time experimental result, but also confident?” 过了一会,他才微微抬头,道:“现在你对这次的实验结果,还有信心吗?” Professor Bai seems like some surprise in the Lu Xin issue, then nods, says with a smile: 白教授似乎有些诧异于陆辛的问题,然后点头,笑道: Naturally.” “当然。” Multiplicity and deep level of pollution, truly scared.” “污染的多样性与深层次,确实让人恐慌。” But our Heaven Plan, to make such challenge prepare.” “但我们的天国计划,本来也是为了做出这样的挑战而准备的。” „......” “……” Good!” “那好的!” Old Man looks at the confident smile, Lu Xin also showed the smile to him suddenly, then said good night to them, left. 看着老头信心满满的笑容,陆辛忽然也对他露出了笑容,然后向他们道晚安,离开。 Returns to the oneself room process, he looked at a Marine Country chaotic scene. 回到自己的房间过程中,他又看了一眼海上国的混乱场面。 The people, truly are very vulnerable...... 人,确实是很脆弱的啊…… His is the first time, sees several tens of thousands of people of polluted magnificent scenes . Moreover, these several tens of thousands of people, are the deep pollution, did not say that type affected their pollution source how fearfully, merely was demented dance of these several tens of thousands of people under red moon, made people feel a severe impact of body and mind level sufficiently, even, Lu Xin faint feeling, oneself heart. 他这还是第一次,看到数万人被污染的大场面,而且,这数万人,都是深度的污染,不说那种影响到了他们的污染源是多么的可怕,仅仅是这数万人在红月之下癫狂的舞蹈,就足以让人感受到一种身心层面的强烈冲击,甚至,陆辛隐隐的感觉到,自己的内心深处。 „To join them?” “很想加入他们是吗?” Returned to the room, Lu Xin static sat was very long, lifted the head slowly. 回到了房间里,陆辛静静的坐了很久,才缓缓抬起了头。 mother sits on opposite sofa, on the face has the smile of acting with constraint, seems waiting to chat with Lu Xin. 妈妈就在对面的沙发上坐着,脸上带着矜持的笑容,似乎在等着与陆辛聊天。 Worthily is mother, saw the idea of oneself innermost feelings. 不愧是妈妈,一眼就看出了自己内心的想法。 „To throw into the into the sea|nautical mile all people, looks at they are drown to death, is one type joins?” “想要把所有的人都扔进海里,看着他们淹死,也算是一种加入吗?” Lu Xin organized a language attentively, asked to mother slowly: I truly want to know.” 陆辛用心组织了一下语言,才慢慢向妈妈发问:“不过我确实想知道。” Why will have such attraction?” “为什么会有这样的吸引力?” „......” “……” Because this is one type primitive, very approaches to the pollution of essential level......” “因为这是一种原始的,非常接近于本质层面的污染……” mother is saying with a smile: Naturally, you can also understand are, just met a serious provocation.” 妈妈笑着道:“当然了,你也可以理解为,刚刚遇到了一个严重的挑衅。” From the beginning, I never understood why you care about this matter very much.” “一开始,我始终不理解,你们为什么都很关心这件事。” Lu Xin was realizing carefully the mother words, then on the face showed the smile slowly: Now I understood.” 陆辛细细的体会着妈妈的话,然后脸上慢慢的露出了笑容:“现在我懂了。” Also I also had some curiously, pollution that now we meet, the level is getting deeper and deeper, the rank is also getting higher and higher, the vision of these researchers, is getting more and more long-term, I actually also want to know, arrives finally, what can be?” “同时我也有了一些好奇,现在我们遇到的污染,层面越来越深,等级也越来越高,就连这些研究人员的目光,也已经越来越长远,我其实也很想知道,走到最后,会是什么?” „......” “……” mother said in a soft voice: You have seen the Research Institute material, should understand the essence of pollution.” 妈妈轻声道:“你已经看到过研究院的资料,应该明白了污染的本质。” In the world has 13 unusual mental strength, the person also has seven flaws.” “世界上有十三种异常的精神力量,人又有七种缺陷。” „Any pollution, can through this 13 and overlapping of seven this two numbers, found the position that they correspond, similarly can also find the problem when this logic, when you thoroughly understand essence that the seven flaws of 13 mental strength and person correspond, naturally also understands space a red moon, actually brought anything to affect to this world......” “任何一种污染,都可以通过这十三与七这两个数字的交叉,找到他们对应的位置,同样也可以在这个逻辑之中发现问题,当你彻底明白了十三种精神力量与人的七种缺陷相对应的本质时,自然也就明白了天上这一轮红月,究竟给这个世界带来了什么影响……” „......” “……” Lu Xin is listening, moves at heart slightly: Including the Abyss mutation and pollution truth?” 陆辛听着,心里微微一动:“包括深渊的异变与污染的真相?” mother smiles not to speak, seems like indicating: Not only that.” 妈妈笑而不语,似乎是在表示:“不仅如此。” Lu Xin responded: „, Right, actually on me not to have problems......” 陆辛反应了过来:“唔,对了,还有我身上究竟出了什么问题……” mother this time smiling is very happy, said: Therefore I have said that the step that Qinggang must walk, the significance is very big.” 妈妈这次笑的很开心,道:“所以我一直都说,青港要走的这一步,意义很大。” This will soon be entering another level on behalf of them, contacts some new things, this might make their oneself speed up withering away of oneself , before being possible to make them no longer looks like henceforth, is so clever frailly, body already.” “这代表着他们即将走进另外一个层面,接触到一些新的东西,这既有可能让他们自己加快了自己的消亡,也有可能让他们从此变得不再像以前那么乖巧脆弱,身不由已。” Therefore this matter provoked many 's responses, some people are curious, some people respond with disdain, some people will oppose.” “所以这种事引起了很多人的反应,有人觉得好奇,也有人抱以不屑,更有人会反对。” Naturally, this was unimportant.” “当然了,这都不重要。” More importantly......” “重要的是……” Her turned the head, is asking him: How do you plan to do?” 转过了头,微笑着问他:“你打算怎么做?” Lu Xin silent, bends down slightly, lifts hand the chin, as if in earnest ponder. 陆辛沉默了一下,微微俯身,抬手支着下巴,仿佛在认真的思考。 Crossed some little time, does not have any ambition that he smiles, said: What I think is very simple.” 过了好一会,他才笑的没有任何野心,道:“我想的还是很简单。” Since I had accepted this mission, then, naturally must conscientiously complete my security to work.” “既然我已经接受了这份任务,那么,当然要认认真真的做好我这份保安工作了。”
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