In fact, somereallypeopleconsecrateLi Haoin secret, in everyone eyes, heandSpiritual Godno discrepancy, evenis more powerful, looks like the trueSpiritual God!
实际上,私底下真有人供奉李皓,在大家眼中,他和神灵无差,甚至更强大,更像真正的神灵!„IamLi Hao!”
“我是李皓!”Prologueas always.
一如既往的开场白。Li Haoat this moment, is still refined, scholarly, indifferent.
此刻的李皓,依旧斯文,儒雅,淡然。„The Heavenly Starpeople, should nottakeeveryonetimeat this moment, becauseIthensaid the matter, perhaps has little to dowitheveryone......”
“天星民众,本不该此刻占用大家时间,因为我接下来所说之事,也许和大家并无太大关系……”At this moment, the peoplewere even more curious.
……Heavenly Star City.天星城。At this moment, everyoneis also looking at the backdrop, is somewhat curious, whatimportant matterthese do twodayshave?
此刻,大家也都在看天幕,有些好奇,这两日有什么大事吗?Why can Li Haooperate the backdrop?李皓为何要开天幕?Justthinking, to be listening toLi Haoto continue saying: „Is a private affair......, butalsocalculates the official business.”
正想着,就听李皓继续道:“是一件私事……但是也算公事。”Li Haoshowssomesmile: „The Luminous Starmainland, the worldrecovers, fourcountriesnowonly thenGreat Liis independent outside, but the powerful enemyalsohas! Solelyis notin the world, outside the world, the powerful enemy...... the day before yesterday, myslaughterDao Fusiondozens...... theninvaded one's territory the powerful enemy!”李皓露出一些笑容:“皓星大陆,天地复苏,四国如今只有大离还独立于外,可强敌还有!不单单是世界之内,世界之外,还有强敌……前日,我屠合道数十……便是来犯强敌!”„Is only, Iam injuredheavily, perhapsneedsto close upsome time.”
“只是,我受伤不轻,恐怕需要闭关一段时间。”Suddenly, across the world, manypeoplereveal the color of worry.
受伤了?Struckto killdozensDao Fusion?
天啊!So manyDao Fusion where comes?
哪来的这么多合道?„Martial Wayinherits the innumerableyears, thesepowerful enemies, are100,000years ago, revolts the New Martialtime, ison a rebel of greatlymagnificenttime! cultivation100,000years, naturally was very powerful...... this is not unimportant, they, naturallycanhavemeto cope!”
“武道传承无数岁月,这些强敌,都是十万年前,叛变新武时代,也就是上一个大辉煌时代的叛徒!修炼了十万年,当然很强大……不过这不重要,他们,自然会有我来对付!”„The day before yesterday, the worldenergy burst, was Icutsto add up totalstenDao Fusion, the eruptionenergy, they, met the destructionsooner or later, wasourcultivationresources, the more better, Ialsofeared that theirpeoplewere too few, insufficientlykilled, insufficientlyourcultivation!”
The people of worry, listening toLi Hao saying that alsofelt at ease.
The marquisinvincibleworld, walks, sweeps awayinvincibly, whatNine DivisionsandThree Big Organizations, were routedby the marquis, the strongenemy, probablyis notanything.
侯爷无敌天下,一路走来,横扫无敌,什么九司、三大组织,都被侯爷击溃,再强的敌人,好像也不算什么。Li Haoalsosaid: „Butthistime, how longIneedto close upsometime...... Inot to knowto need, becauseIneed more powerful! Canwell the place of GuardianLuminous Star!”李皓又道:“可这一次,我需要闭关一些时间……我也不知道需要多久,因为我需要更强大!才能更好地守护皓星之地!”„Howeverbefore then, Ineedto do a matter......”
“而在这之前,我需要做一件事……”Li Haosilent a meeting, showssomesmile: „Should the worldpeople, knowLin HongyuforestCommander? Isbefore, frequentlypresentsthatwomanabovebackdrop......”李皓沉默了一会,露出一些笑容:“天下民众,应该认识林红玉林都督吧?就是之前,经常出现在天幕之上的那位女士……”
The peopleare startled, someeach regionpeoplediscussedin a low voice,naturallyknew.
众人一怔,各地都有人低声议论起来,当然认识。Lin Hongyupresents the timeonbackdrop, are more than Li Hao.林红玉出现在天幕上的时间,比李皓还多呢。At this moment, everyonedoes not know why Silver MoonHoudid mentionLin Hongyu?
此刻,大家不知,银月侯为何提起林红玉?„Lin Hongyu, now is Heavenly StarCommandermansionnewCommander, isCity of SuperpowerCity Lord, onceletmillionsuperpoweron own initiative, joinsmyLuminous Starmainland, formyHeavenly Starpeoplepeaceful unification, contributed the enormousstrength!”
……In all directions, at this time, somepeoplewere discussinganything.
四面八方,这时候,都有人在讨论什么。At this moment, Superintendent Zhaothey, includingQian Wuliangthesepeople, knit the browsslightly.
此刻,赵署长他们,包括乾无亮这些人,都微微皱眉。At this moment, suddenlydazzles the merittoLin Hongyu.
Is this...... mustgive the opposite party a biggerright?
这是……要给对方更大的权利吗?Naturally, thisis notanything.
当然,这也不算什么。ToSuperintendent Zhaothem, Lin Hongyuin fact, the authoritywas not low, secondHeavenly StarCommander after followingLi Hao, wields the Commandermansion, the worldarmy, almostmost probablyinCommandermansioncontrol.
对赵署长他们而言,林红玉实际上,本来权柄就不低,继李皓之后的第二位天星都督,执掌都督府,天下军队,几乎大半都在都督府掌控。Strict, the rightmustsurpassSuperintendent Zhao, evencan be the truemilitary'sfirstperson.
严格来说,权利要超过赵署长的,甚至算得上真正的军方第一人。Somepeoplesomewhatenvy, for exampleQian Wuliang, Chen Zhongtianthey.
Was this...... mustwin a promotion?
这是……又要升官了?Howalsoto win a promotion?
还怎么升官?Hasn't resulted inrises?
没得升了吧?Somepeoplelooked atLin Hongyusecretly, at this moment, is meeting, whatopenedis the gradualsummarycongress, the conferencearrives athalf, knows that Li Haoturned on the backdrop, at this moment, aboveLin Hongyu, a azure clothes, did not say a word, butlooks at the screensilently.
有人暗暗看了一眼林红玉,此刻,正在开会,开的是阶段性总结大会,会议开到一半,才知道李皓开启了天幕,此刻,上方的林红玉,一身青衣,一言不发,只是默默看着屏幕。Butin the screen, Li Haosaid with a smilelightly: „My parentsdie young, before myMartial Wayandknowledgetogetheronmaster......, somedate and time, departunfortunately, perhapssankto sleep, perhaps...... thoroughdeath! For the Guardianworld, tobuild the peace, actually, diedmanypeople...... mymaster, Iincaptainandminister of Silver Moonperiod, sheltermyelder brother, takes care ofmysomeseniors, the elder, died in battle......”
The worldis peaceful.
天下安静。All these, manypeopledo not know.
这一切,很多人是不知道的。Li Haosaidin a soft voice: „Alwayssomepeoplecansacrifice...... is only, person who whensacrificed, isourfamily members, perhapsourfriends, ourelders, are also hardto accept.”李皓轻声道:“总有人会牺牲的……只是,当牺牲的人,是我们的亲人,我们的朋友,我们的长辈,也许也难以接受。”„Li Family, nowthenonly thenmy one person!”
“李家,如今便只有我一人了!”„Expedition, but also is continuing!”
“征战,还在继续!”„Ido not know whether Ican leadeveryone, greets a biggerlight! Butmy life, has been fighting bravely, forHeavenly Star, forthisstretch of the world, foreveryone, is the world, is the common people, wrestles a future! Letourposterity, canfeel at easecultivation, can the riches, nobility, glory and splendor, be ableto eat to the fullto put onwarmly, canbecome the top dog, canhave the bookto read, can the experiencebe broader, canmeet the need on material, achievesspiritualsatisfaction!”
“我不知道,我能否带着大家,迎接来更大的光明!可我此生,都会一直在奋战,都会为天星,为这片天地,为所有人,为天下,为苍生,去搏一个未来!让我们的子孙后代,可以安心修炼,可以富贵荣华,可以吃饱穿暖,可以成为人上人,可以有书读,可以见识更广,可以满足物质上的需求,达到精神上的满足!”„Perhaps...... thisis only a dream...... may the personlivefirst, needs the dreameventually! Ourenemiesmany...... New Martialrebel, the powerhouse in externalworld, evensomethesewere known as, fistdestructionworlduniversehost of Venerable Emperor and world!”
“也许……这只是一个梦想……可人活一世,终究还是需要有梦想的!我们的敌人很多……新武的叛徒,外来世界的强者,甚至有那些号称,一拳覆灭世界宇宙的帝尊、世界之主!”„Heavenly Star, in the boundlessuniverse, is only a smallworld...... perhaps, today'syouhave not understood, butI believe that in the future, everyonewill understand!”
“天星,在茫茫宇宙中,只是一个小小的世界……也许,今日的你们还不懂,但是我相信,未来,大家会懂的!”Li Haosaidin a soft voice: „Saidthese, thentellseveryone, the war...... had not actually ended! Thinks of danger in peace, hopeseveryone, do not forgeteveryone who todaypays, including the powerhouses who thesedied in battle! Perhapstheybefore death, have not cared aboutthese, butIthink that...... everyoneshouldrememberthem!”李皓轻声道:“说这些,便是告诉大家,战争……其实并未结束!居安思危,也希望大家,不要忘记了今日付出的所有人,包括那些战死的强者们!他们生前,也许不曾在意这些,可我想……大家该记住他们!”„HoweverI...... alsotoday, toeveryoneannounced that a matter...... I...... will soon get marriedHeavenly StarCommanderLin Hongyu......”
轰!Worldlook changes!
天地色变!At this moment, the innumerablepersonauraerupt, instantaneousshakeworld.
这一刻,无数人气息爆发,瞬间震荡天地。Heavenly Star City, powerfulaura, instantaneousout-of-control.天星城,一股股强悍的气息,瞬间失控。Everyonewas shocked!
所有人都惊呆了!Worldperson, delay, butwithoutthemresponded that is so big.
天下人,也都呆滞了一下,但是没有他们反应那么大。Li Haogentleas always, said with a smilelightly: „Is surprised, accidental/surprisedanything...... Ihope,myposterity, canwitheveryonetogether, liveabovethisstretch of land, hopesthem, canreceive the heavy responsibility, generation after generations, Guardianthisstretch of the world!”李皓一如既往的平和,轻笑道:“无需惊讶,意外什么……我希望,我的子孙后代,能和大家一起,生活在这片大地之上,希望他们,也能接下重任,生生世世,守护这片天地!”„However during Iclose up, Iworried,everyonecanmakesometroubles......, therefore, allmatters concerned, hand overbyLin Hongyutemporarilywield!”
“而我闭关期间,我又担心,大家会出一些乱子……所以,暂时一切事宜,交由林红玉执掌!”„Ibelieve,sheis able, completesall, whenIgo out!”
“我相信,她有能力,做好一切,等我出关!”„In the future, Ithink,perhapsIwill giveher a prosperous timeswedding......, but, nowis indefinite, perhaps, needsfor a long time...... starting today, Lin Hongyu, was myfiancee......”
……Heavenly StarCommandermansion.天星都督府。EveryonelookstoLin Hongyu, the vibration, shocks, shock, angry, knits the brows, does not dareto believe......
太多的情绪融入其中。Superintendent Zhaoalsoknits the browsslightly, visitsher, looks atthiswoman, bringingsomenot to dareto believe.赵署长也微微皱眉,看着她,看着这个女人,带着一些不敢置信。How do youachieve?
你怎么做到的?Lin Hongyusees the peoplelooks like, the slight nod, shows some smile, as ifwill be somewhat shy...... mayno onebelieve, the peoplewill be shockedvery much, how will sheachieve?林红玉见众人看来,微微点头,露出一些浅浅的笑容,仿佛有些羞涩……可没人会相信,众人都很震动,她怎么做到的?Li Hao, howwill publicize the world, canget marriedLin Hongyu?李皓,怎么会公开天下,要迎娶林红玉?These two happen togethermuch, but...... neverseeswhatpersonal relationships.
这两人交集不少,可是……可是从未看出有什么私情。Naturally, Li Haowomanare too few.
The keyis...... Li Haoat this moment, but also is very young, the important matterhas not become, hehad also never consideredprobably the matter of men and women, all these, comewas too sudden!
It is not not good, is only, is extremely towering!
Does the politicsmarry?
政治联姻?Li Haoneed?李皓需要吗?Intheirheartsis thinking, isstillsomewhatis vacant.
他们心中想着,却是依旧有些茫然。But the Li Haosound , to continue to resound: „Lin Hongyu, wields the Luminous Starcommand! Made, such asIarrived! Ihope the worldperson, canbe manysomeunderstood,are manysomeblessings, today the backdropopens, thenforthis matter......”
The wordsfall, the backdropvanishes.
The worldis peaceful.
The nextquarter, actuallysomeshouts wildly the soundto transmit, resoundsin all directions.
下一刻,倒是有一些狂呼声传来,四面八方地响起。To the worldperson...... this is actually the bigcelebration , there is nothing actuallythinks.
对天下人而言……这其实是大喜事,倒是没什么多想的。A perfect match, the marquisinvincibleworld, forestCommanderalso is very probably good, but alsohad once wieldedmillionsuperpowerCity of Superpower, to the marquisestablishing a capital cityworld, is of great help, such being the case...... do theyhave somethingto be worried?
郎才女貌,侯爷无敌天下,林都督好像也很不错,还曾执掌过百万超能的超能之城,对侯爷定鼎天下,大有裨益,既然如此……他们有什么可担心的?Severaltimeswas the marquissaid,mustclose up, everyonewas worriedslightlyobviously.
就是侯爷几次说,要闭关,大家稍显担心。Also, manyfemales, somewhatenvy the envy, someanticipations...... thistime, Li HaothisKing, finds a wife, does not takeone, nowLi Haomustfind a wife, the marquishad the madame...... saying that the woman who the worldwas still unbetrothed, did have the opportunity?
还有,很多女性,有些羡慕嫉妒,也有些期待……这个时代,李皓这种王者,娶妻,又不是非要一个,如今李皓要娶妻了,侯爷有了夫人……岂不是说,天下待字闺中的女人,都有了机会?All of a sudden, innumerableyoung girlheart movements.
……Butin the Heavenly StarCommandermansion, is actually peacefulscary.
可天星都督府中,却是安静的吓人。For a long time, the Qian Wuliangcorners of the mouthtwitched, long timesaid: „Congratulates...... Commander!”
许久,乾无亮嘴角抽动了一下,半晌才道:“恭喜……都督!”Hesuddenly, does not know how to call.
At this moment, Manager Qicomes, a tokenappeared, gaveLin Hongyu, saidin a soft voice: „Marquismakesmegive the madamethis token/order . Moreover, the marquishas closed up, no longersees the person, plansto restore the strength, afterJanuary/one month the sagereveals itselfagain the preparation!”
就在此刻,齐所长飘然而至,一枚令牌浮现,交给了林红玉,轻声道:“侯爷让我将此令交给夫人,另外,侯爷已经闭关,不再见人,准备恢复实力,为一月后圣人再出世准备!”Helooks all around the four directions, opens the mouth saying: „Before marquiscloses up, makesmepass on toeveryone, performs its own functions, usually, the power and responsibilityis invariable, but......, if the critical moment, the Commandermansionwields the world! The madamehas the rightto order, controlsall...... to hope that...... canassist the goodmadame!”
The wordsfall, departsfloating.
话落,飘然离去。Peoplepeaceful a meeting.
众人安静了一会。For a long time, the intermittentnottooneatsoundsresound: „Werespectfully follow the life of marquis! Congratulated the marquis, congratulatedCommander!”
许久,才有一阵阵不太整齐的声音响起:“吾等谨遵侯爷之命!恭贺侯爷,恭喜都督!”At this moment, have mixed feelings, far more than a person.
这一刻,心情复杂的,何止一人。Lin Hongyuoneself, eyegrounddeep place, iscomplexincomparable.林红玉本人,眼底深处,也是复杂无比。Hecomplied......
他答应了……Was publicto the world!
对天下公开了!What a pity......, even ifat this moment, Li Haooneselfhave not come tohere, probablywas saying,whatyouneedis a name, thatgivesyou is!
可惜……哪怕这一刻,李皓本人也不曾来这边,好像只是在说,你需要的是一个名义,那给你便是!This is not just wants?
这不正是自己所想要的吗?But...... why, at this moment , are someunwilling?
可是……为何,这一刻,又有些不甘心呢?Li Hao...... in your eyes, originally, even/includingwife, cangivecasually?李皓……在你眼中,原来,连妻子,也可以随便给出去的吗?Butyourreallyto become was demonbrutal?
你真的成魔而无情了吗?Except foryourparents, yourbrothers, yourteacher...... youcould not accommodateanybodyprobably, right?
除了你的父母,你的兄弟,你的老师……你好像容不下任何人了,是吗?IsI...... the anticipationwas too high?
是我……期待的太高了吗?Thoughts, appearin the mind, at this moment, thesecongratulate the sound, congratulationsound that thesespeak insincerely, slightlyobviouslygrating.
一个个念头,浮现在脑海中,这一刻,那些恭喜声,那些言不由衷的恭喜声,稍显刺耳。Lin Hongyushows the smile, owes the soundslightly, saidin a soft voice: „Alsoneedssenior, colleague , helping one another, withmetogether, lets the Luminous Starmainland, welcomed the light!”林红玉露出浅浅的笑容,微微欠声,轻声道:“还需诸位前辈,诸位同僚,鼎力相助,和我一起,让皓星大陆,迎来光明!”„Marquis...... the marquiscloses up, the powerful enemylies in wait from all sides, needs, works as one, strikes the powerful enemy!”
“侯爷……侯爷闭关,强敌环伺,也需诸位,齐心协力,共击强敌!”Lin Hongyuas always, continuedmarquis'sname, on the faceshows the happy expression: „Does not have, does not haveLuminous Star! Hopes after the marquisgoes out, cansee that Luminous Staris even more prosperous! Starting today, Iwill walk the Luminous Starmainland, the name of groupmarquis, comforts the world! ComfortingmovesGreat Wilderness and water cloud that people came, the doing an inspectionworld, praisedvariousheroes!”林红玉一如既往,还是延续了侯爷的称呼,脸上露出浅浅的笑意:“无诸位,无皓星!希望侯爷出关后,能看到皓星愈加繁荣!今日起,我将行走皓星大陆,行侯爷之名,安抚天下!安抚迁徙而来的大荒、水云民众,巡查天下,嘉奖诸地功臣!”„AlsoinvitedSuperintendent Zhao, Bureau Chief WangandDivision Head Chen, along withmetogether, the worldprovincehundred, in20days, has completed the worldto do an inspectionnow the heavy responsibility! Let the worldpeople, allknows the name of marquis, the merit of marquis!”
The peoplecomplexionchanges.
Is this...... exposes the sovereignty?
这是……展露主权吗?You is a fiancee!
你还是未婚妻呢!But...... is unable to disputeprobably.
可是……好像也无从辩驳。Superintendent Zhaoknits the browsslightly: „Cancatch up, in20days, completes the heavy responsibility of the world imperial inspector......”
只是,赵署长微微皱眉:“会不会太赶了,20日内,完成天下督抚之重任……”Lin Hongyusaidin a soft voice: „Will not catch up, someCentral Regionprovinces, are very familiar, did an inspection on the 1st threefive elementsprovinces, was not the issue! Mainlyraises the prestige of marquis, raises the name of marquis, praisedregionalmeritorious servicesfor the marquis!”林红玉轻声道:“不会太赶的,中部一些行省,都很熟悉,一日巡查三五行省,也不是问题!主要是扬侯爷之威,扬侯爷之名,替侯爷嘉奖各地功勋!”Then, said: „Moreover, an important mattermustdo, forSilver Moonvarioushero of dying in battle, set up the temple!”
The peopleare startled, somewhatdiscontentedSilver Moonpeople, gawked.
众人一怔,原本还有些不满的银月众人,都愣了一下。Lin Hongyusaidin a soft voice: „Southern Fist, Minister Houis long, Liu LongThousand-man Commander, ProfessorYuan Shuo, MinisterYao Si, Secretary Yuis long, the thunderclaplegsenior, the Gold Spearsenior...... theseseniors, died in battleboundlessly, whenrecordsfor the worldpersonsincerely!”林红玉轻声道:“南拳,侯部长,刘隆千夫长,袁硕教授,姚四部长,玉秘书长,霹雳腿前辈,金枪前辈……这些前辈,战死无边,当为天下人谨记!”Heavenly Swordis depressed saying: „But before...... , before...... , the marquis said that butsinks the dormancy, thissets up the temple...... whethercan......”天剑闷闷道:“可是……之前……之前侯爷说,只是沉眠,这立庙……是否会……”„, The Heavenly Swordseniorwill not needto worry,this is also myidea . Moreover, also, makingeveryone believe that is born some strength of belief, making the marquiseasierto find the hero's soullife of warheavydormancyseniorsto be at!”
“不会,天剑前辈不用担心,这也是我的主意,另外,也是为了,让大家信仰,诞生一些信仰之力,让侯爷更容易找到诸位战死沉眠前辈们的英魂本命所在!”Such remarks, many looksmove slightly.
The Spiritual God, canresurrect, lies in the lifestars.
神灵,可以复活,就在于本命星辰。„But...... this...... thissets up the temple, isn't...... does not make the god? The marquisesdo not want the Spiritual Godagain......”
“可是……这……这立庙,不是……不是造神吗?侯爷不想再有神灵……”„Does not make the god!”
“不是造神!”Lin Hongyushakes the headslightly: „Thisis the meritorioustemple! It is not a temple! Holds a memorial service for the temple of dying in battleheroic deed, incessantlywasthesepowerhouses, the sergeant of dying in battle, will includein the temple!”林红玉微微摇头:“此乃功勋庙!并非神殿!乃是祭奠战死英烈的庙宇,不止是那些强者,还有战死的军士,都会列入庙宇之中!”„Enjoys the worldcommon peopleincense and candle, thisis not the Spiritual God, is the hero, the hero of Guardianworld!”
“享天下苍生香火,这不是神灵,是功臣,守护天下的功臣!”„Now, the worldseveral millionsuperpowercapital constructionarmies, Iwantthem, in20days, completesten thousandtemplesto construct, Imustworld, remembers the names of theseheroic deeds, rememberstheircontributions, making the worldpersonrecordsincerely......”
The peopleponder, thisis the good deed!
众人思考一番,这是好事!Originally, the warhad not ended, should notsomakewhatmeritorious servicetemplequickly, everyonedoes not dareto mentionthisin front ofLi Hao.
原本,战争还没结束,不应该如此快地弄什么功勋庙宇,大家也不敢在李皓面前提及这个。Butat this moment...... probablygood.
The somewhatuncomfortablepeople, feltsuddenly...... reallygood!
The person of dying in battle, wastheirfriends, nameless of dyingdoes not have the surname, no oneknew, everyonewas very uncomfortable.
战死的人,都是他们的朋友,死的无名无姓,无人知晓,大家很难受的。But...... sets up the templeforthemnow, making the worldpersonrecordsincerely, really...... was also dies a worthy death!
可是……现在为他们立庙,让天下人谨记,真的……也算是死得其所了!At this moment, Heavenly Swordalsosaid: „That...... we, ifdied in battle, can enter the temple?”
此刻,天剑又道:“那……我们若是战死,能否入庙?”At this moment, manypeopleopened the eye.
这一刻,不少人睁大了眼睛。Silver Moon didn't martial master, seekonebefore deathbehindfamous?银月武师,不就求一个生前身后名吗?
After dying, canenjoy the ten thousand th incense and candle, the worldalways remembers...... the life, does not owe!
死后,能享万世香火,天下铭记……此生,不亏了!Suddenlyfelt,at presentthiswoman, understandsthem.
忽然觉得,眼前这女人,太懂他们了。AlthoughLi Haohad also once said that ten thousandworldkeepsits, buthad not done, everyonesomewhatis regrettable, does not dareto state clearly, is worried about the Li Haoignition, becausehebelieves that Yuan Shuotheyare also living.李皓虽然也曾说过,万世留其名,可一直没做,大家还是有些遗憾的,又不敢明说,担心李皓发火,因为他坚信袁硕他们还活着。Now, thisnewpromotemarquismadame, didthismatter...... everyoneverydifficultlynot to support.
现在,这位新晋侯爷夫人,干了这事……大家很难不支持。Even ifLi Haodoes not satisfy...... to askyour wifeto do accounts!
就算李皓不满意……找你老婆算账去!All of a sudden, somewhatwas anxiousbefore the dignifiedatmosphere, suddenlyrelaxed, evenSuperintendent Zhaoopens the mouth saying: „Thiscando! Ialsosupportvery much! On the 20 th...... was enough! Issuperpowerdoes, the constructiontemple, will not consumetoofor a long time! Alsodoes not usetooluxuriously, does not conform toourattitudes, is simple more graveon the line, thisis the good deed, ifourwhichdayswalked, canenter the temple of meritorious service, were...... remainbehindfamous!”
The peoplenod, thistime, Lin Hongyuobtainedeveryone'sapprovalapprovalinstantaneously.
众人都是点头,这一次,林红玉瞬间获得了大家的赞同认可。To/Clashesthis point...... the opposite partyto become the marquismadamecasually......!
就冲这一点……对方成为侯爷夫人……随便吧!Ifin any caseLi Haotakes a wife, sooner or later must look forone, looking foroneis not completely familiar, or an abilitydoes not have, the lightknowsrandomlymeddles...... is instead more troublesome.
反正李皓要是娶媳妇,迟早也得找一个,找一个完全不熟悉的,或者一点能力都没的,光知道乱插手的……反而更麻烦。AlthoughLin Hongyu the ambitionis big, mayat leastbereallyable.林红玉虽然野心不小,可起码是真有能力的。Lin Hongyushows the smile, the nod: „Good, wedoimmediately! Now, peace throughout the country, disturbswhileno one, rapidlycompletes the templeto construct! Moreover, after calculating20 th, Ihope that canpray...... the hopeworldpersonforheroic deed, canalong withustogether, prayforthem!”林红玉露出笑容,点头:“好,那我们马上去做!如今,天下太平,趁着没人捣乱,迅速完成庙宇建设!另外,算20日后,我希望能为诸位英烈祈福……希望天下人,能随我们一起,为他们祈福!”At this moment, keeps silentmatter that anythingresurrects.
祈福!Alsohad not said that anythingallows the personto attend the wedding, to the pleasant surpriseand so on, thatpatternwas too small, toher, toLi Hao, is actually not the good deed, insteadappears the selfishness is too heavy.
也没说什么让人参加婚礼,给个惊喜之类的,那格局太小了,对她,对李皓,其实都不是好事,反而显得私心太重。Shebefore, was onlyand a Li Haosuchsaying.
她之前,只是和李皓那么一说。Now, thinks that the name of heroic deedpraying, summoned the world...... has the dignity, is more grave, is easierworldto approve.
现在,以为英烈祈福之名,号召天下……更有威严,更庄重,也更容易让天下人认同。Really, thissaying, isunmannedopposition, nods.
果然,这话一出,也是无人反对,都是点头。InHuang Yuthisarmy the commanders in chiefnodto sayunceasingly: „After 20 th, the worldpeacefulpeace and good health, prayedfor the dying in battleheroic deed, inour militaryofficers, canhave the enthusiasm, had the morale! The army, will vigorously support...... is only, candrag in lots of people, might as wellmake the soldierpray......”黄羽这位军中主帅都不断点头道:“20日后,天下还是太平安康,为战死英烈祈福,我军中将士,也能更有热情,更有士气!军队,会大力支持……只是,会不会太兴师动众了,不如就让军人祈福……”
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