Lin Hongyushakes the head: „No, not! The worlddo not know the misery, does not know that wepaidmany, if not allowthemto participate, howtheyunderstand...... thesedying in battleheroic deeds, somemultiple-valuedrespected and loved...... mealsoto hope, in the future, wedied in battle, canenter the temple, can the worldprayforus, perhaps, the marquiscanfindus, resurrectedagainwe, letourhand in handagainFights Heavenplace!”林红玉摇头:“不,不可以!世人不知苦难,不知我们付出了多少,若是不让他们参与进来,他们岂会明白……这些战死英烈,有多值得去敬爱……我也希望,日后,我们战死,也能入庙宇,也能天下为我们祈福,也许,侯爷能找到我们,再次复活我们,让我们携手再战天地!”Such remarks, the peopleare fixed, matter that the nod, suddenly, reallydoes not care aboutwhatmadamenotmadame.
此话一出,众人凝然,纷纷点头,一时间,真的不去在意什么夫人不夫人的事了。FlushedLin Hongyuto take seriously the dying in battleheroic deed...... sheto be worth!
就冲林红玉如此重视战死英烈……她值得!Nearby, Qian Wulianglooked atLin Hongyu, althoughdoes not knowconcretely......, but, is the secretexclamation, goodmethod!
真的好手段!Silver Moonmartial master, frankare too many, suchfew words, the simpleoperation, eliminatedSilver Moonmartial masteralldreaded,this......, pastCity of SuperpowerCity Lord, wasgoodmethodas always!银月武师,直性子的太多,就这么三言两语,简单一番操作,打消了银月武师的所有忌惮,这……果然,当年的超能之城城主,还是一如既往的好手段!At this moment, somepeopleexclaimed in surprisein secret.
这一刻,也有人暗中惊叹。Superintendent Zhaoseveralpeople, actuallysee a pointindistinctly...... thisheroic deedtemple, not necessarilyis the key, special detailseveryonedoes not know, but, Lin Hongyuindeediswoman who has the method.赵署长几人,其实都隐约看出一点……这英烈庙,未必是关键,具体情况大家不知,可是,林红玉的确是个有手段的女人。At this moment, both sidesrarefriendliness, evensomesmallcontradictory, was thrownoutside.
此刻,双方难得的和气,连一些小矛盾,都被抛之在外了。Lin Hongyushows the smile: „Everyone, was more laboriousrecently, comforts the popular sentiment, comforts the world, urging the heroic deedtempleto construct, cannotomitoneperson! Waits forallarrangementsto be ready...... startsto pray...... this matter, mustadvance the propaganda, evenprints the book, dying in battleheroic deeddeeds, widelypropaganda! Meritorious, cannotforget! Literacy class, Martial Wayschool, but alsowantsUncle-Master Hongto take the trouble, recentlywas primarily the heroic deeddeeds, conducts the propaganda......”林红玉露出笑容:“那大家,最近都辛苦一些,安抚民心,安抚天下,督促英烈庙建造,不可遗漏一人!等一切安排就绪……开始祈福……此事,也要先行宣传,甚至印刷成册,将各位战死英烈事迹,广为宣传!功勋卓著,不可遗忘!扫盲班,武道学院这边,还要洪师叔费心,最近以英烈事迹为主,进行宣传……”Hong Yitangnods.洪一堂点点头。Thisis the important matter, healsohopes that Yuan Shuotheycanresurrect, ifreallycanprayto havesomefluctuations, presents the strength of belief, findingthislifestars...... thatwas the good deed, hishave no reasonnot to support!
这是大事,他也希望袁硕他们能复活,若是真能祈福产生一些波动,出现信仰之力,找到本命星辰……那是好事,他没理由不支持!Suddenly, everyoneharmony happiness.
The soldiersare also good, martial masteris also good, the writeris also good, someanticipations.
军人也好,武师也好,文人也好,都有些期待了。ButLin Hongyu, breathes a sigh of reliefsecretly.
而林红玉,暗暗舒了口气。Thisis good!
这就好!Has a look at the peopleagain, smiles, turns aroundto looktosomeplace, Li Hao...... reallycloses up?
再看看众人,笑了笑,转身看向某地,李皓……真去闭关了吗?Is observingsilently?
还是在默默观察呢?Thisfellow, wantsto renege on a promisenowalsolate!
……Butat this moment, Li Haoindeedis observing, is looking......
而这一刻,李皓的确在观察,在看着……For a long time, touchedBlack Panther, saidin a soft voice: „Goodfiercewoman! Iknow,shehasother means that is the greedymybody, youlooked,does not needthatcomplex, a heroic deedtemple, can actually solve, result......”
许久,摸了摸黑豹,轻声道:“好厉害的女人!我就知道,她有别的办法,就是眼馋我身子,你看,不需要那么复杂,一座英烈庙,其实就能解决了,结果……”„woofwoof woof!”
“汪汪汪!”Black Panthercries out, butlet alone!黑豹叫唤一声,可别说了!Yourselfare not glad, whocanforceyou?
你自己不乐意,谁能逼迫你?Obviously, yourself have notoobigoppositionpsychology!
It is not really concerned about face!
真不要脸!Li Haosmiled, touchedBlack Pantheragain, sighs with emotionone: „This, actuallyalsogood, thiswoman...... is fierce! BeforeIknow,nowhad the name...... Ito think, oldZhaothey, were very probably difficultto fighther.”李皓笑了起来,再次摸了摸黑豹,感慨一声:“就这样吧,其实也挺好,这女人……厉害着呢!以前我就知道,现在有了名义……我觉得吧,老赵他们,大概很难斗得过她。”Shakes the head, Li Haosmiledagain, the nextquarter, tearingis void, vanishesin the world, the soundpasses on: „Black Panther, westartedto work, 20days, firstlaid the foundation, 20dayslater...... wemustacttruly!”
摇摇头,李皓再次笑了起来,下一刻,撕裂虚空,消失在天地之间,声音传荡:“黑豹,咱们开始干活了,20天,先打个基础,20天后……咱们就要真正行动了!”„woof woof!”
“汪汪!”„The waste that will not speak...... was carefulmeto take a wife, forgot the dog......”
“不会说话的废物……小心我娶了媳妇,忘了狗了……”„woofWoof woofwoof woof!”
The Black Panthersoundis more anxious, after the moment, a person of dog, disappearsin the world.黑豹声音急切许多,片刻后,一人一狗,消失在天地之间。
……Butat this moment, complementary wavesshakeworld.
而这一刻,余波震荡天地。InJufeng City, ZhengYuwere shocked.飓风城中,郑宇都惊呆了。At this timemarried?
这时候结婚?Li Hao...... reallyhedoes not press the repertoireto play a card.李皓……真他么不按套路出牌啊。
Is thismustdo?
这是要干嘛?Said...... reallytomarry?
古怪的家伙!However, the good deed, helooks forward toLi Haomarriage and having child, after Yuan Shuodies, thisperson of stopping at nothing, like the insanity, this momentmarriage, toallenemiesis the good deed!
不过,好事啊,他巴不得李皓结婚生子,袁硕死后,这人无所顾忌,如同疯魔,此刻结婚,对所有敌人而言都是好事!Lin Hongyu...... cannotdie, bestgiveLi Haoto have a childis good, otherwise, everyonewas persecuted to deathbyhimquickly.林红玉……可不能死了,最好给李皓生个孩子才好,要不然,大家都快被他逼死了。
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