Heavenly Star.天星。Prosperous.
The war of powerhouse , there is nothing to dowith the Heavenly Starpeople, the presentis the frantictime of capital construction, educates the crazytime of promotion, is the chaotictime of transition.
Everyone, is striving for successfor the future.
每个人,都在为未来拼搏。Thistime, the opportunity is a lot.
这个时代,机会很多。four directions mainlandunites, fourcountryalmostthoroughdestruction, the Silver Moonworld, welcomed the 100,000years later firstuniversality, is still strugglingbesidesGreat Li, at the present, had been takenincluding the godnational capital.四方大陆合一,四国几乎彻底覆灭,银月世界,迎来了十万年后的第一次大一统,除了大离还在挣扎,而今,连神国都已经被拿下。Four directionsCommander, is leading troopsto encircle the generation of allturbulence......
The administrativeagency, is also selecting the official.
The Martial Wayschool, opens the flood gates, regardless of the poorriches and honor, allmayjoin the Martial Wayschool, so long asyouhave the talenton the line, inthistime, allinnew student/life, allare changing.武道学院,大开方便之门,无论贫穷还是富贵,皆可加入武道学院,只要你有天赋就行,在这个时代,一切都在新生,一切都在改变。
The inherentsocial class, was being broken, the newsocial class, is actually born.
这是无法避免的。Silver Moonmartial master, is this sidethe world's largest interest group, next is the New Martialgroup, is headed byFighting Heaven City.银月的武师,是这方世界最大的一个利益集团,其次便是新武集团,以战天城为首。Then, is occupiesLin Hongyu, Sequoia TreeandQian Wuliang that thesethreewants the positioncomposeencircles the inner circleespecially, Chen Zhongtiansuchantique, the snobbishness, closes uptowardthisgroup.
The foreign family, is also sticking together.
外来户,也在抱团。Although the powerful enemy, everyone is still working as one, maygain the benefitforall parties, wins over the later generationdescendants, presentsmorepowerhouses, obtainsmulti-resources and chances, isthesepowerhousesstrives.
虽然强敌还在,大家还在同心协力,可为各方争取利益,争取后辈子孙,出现更多强者,获得更多资源和机缘,都是这些强者所争取的。ToLi Hao, there is nothing.
对李皓而言,这没什么。Tothesepeople, is actually veryimportant, drafts the Fights Heavenplace, won't be magnificentonchartin the future?
对这些人而言,却是很重要,征战天地,不就图个未来辉煌吗?All partiesonoutwardly, althoughnoconflict, in secret is actually fierce of competition.
The interest group that Silver Moonmartial mastercomposes, is almost impossibleto be broken.银月武师组成的利益集团,几乎无法被打破。Li HaofromSilver Moon, itself is Silver Moonmartial master, is the Silver Moonmartial mastermost outstandingrepresentative, even if the heads of presentfivesideCommanderareLin Hongyu, the Monster Plantarmed forces'headisSequoia Tree, all these, did not changeas before.李皓来自银月,本身便是银月武师,是银月武师最优秀的代表,哪怕如今的五方都督之首是林红玉,妖植军之首是红杉木,这一切,依旧改变不了。
……Heavenly Star City.天星城。AsLi Haodegrade, the Sun and Moonsevenfoldmassiveappearances, somebackwardpowerhouse, pursuedin abundance, pursueto the respectivebenefit, startedchangeshigh.
随着李皓自己降级,日月七重大量出现,一些原本落后的强者,纷纷追赶上来,对各自利益的追求,也开始变高了起来。Althoughhas not had the toobigdifference, butsmallcontradictory, erupted.
The assignment of resources, the Fighting Heaven Cityneed, offers services to the martial worldpledgepowerhouseneed of coming, Yuan PingMartial Science Universitysomestudentneeds, the Silver Moonmartial masterneed, the Commandermansionneed, the Monster Plantneed......
资源的分配,战天城需要,投效而来的武林盟强者需要,圆平武科大学的一些学员需要,银月武师需要,都督府需要,妖植需要……Everyone, lacks the resources!
The worldrecovers, energyoverflowingpowder, mayregardinginnumerablecultivator, be too few.
天地复苏,能量溢散,可对于无数修炼者而言,太少。Now the mineral lodehas not restored, the energyis insufficient, somepowerhouses are also at the recovery phase, the Heavenly Stargreatoreconsume, is only the issue in resources, is a hugeincomparabletrouble.
Lacking resources!
缺资源!Incessantlyis the resources, the weapon, the armor, routsseveralsideDacheng, obtainedmanyresources, isinsufficiently, the Heavenly Star Armyteamquantity, Great Wilderness, has increased to addition1.5 million, the four directionsCommandermansion, the Heavenly StarCommandermansion, needs the armor.
The water cloudarmyprovidedactuallycompletely, yet now, Great Wildernessoffered services to come, to retain200,000cavalries, needsto fightarmor.
水云军倒是配备齐全了,可如今,大荒投效而来,保留了20万骑兵,也需要战甲。Incessantlyso, evenInspection Divisioninsertedone, theyalsohope that canassignpart.
The Inspection Divisionpersonwere too many!巡检司人太多了!
The armycanbe few, inspectingcannotbe few.
The four directionsbigcity, seizes1 millionarmor, maintained the demand of armyreluctantly, Inspection Division, was really hardto satisfy.
四方大城,缴获百万铠甲,勉强维持了军队的需求,巡检司这边,是真的难以满足了。Thisalsocauses, Chen Zhongtianis somewhat discontented.
这也导致,陈中天有些不满。Herequeststo examine and approve100,000armor, the Inspection Divisionpersonnelare extremely numerous , some dangers, althoughwill not participate in a war, mayrebelsuperpower, mainlyInspection Divisionkeeps the order.
他只是要求审批10万铠甲,巡检司人员极多,也有一些危险,虽然不会参与一线之战,可作乱超能,主要还是巡检司维持秩序。Now, the armyis warless, in his opinion, the armorshouldfirstsatisfyInspection Divisionto be right.
如今,军队无战争,在他看来,铠甲应该优先满足巡检司才对。RegardingSilver Moonmartial master, occupiedthisfruits of victorytime, hissomeare not glad.
对于银月武师,占据了这一次的胜利果实,他有些不太乐意。IfYuan ShuoandHou Xiaochenthesepeople, himdid not have the qualificationsto snatchactually, yet now, thesepeople, otherSilver Moonmartial master, Chen Zhongtianhave really not fearedanything.
若是袁硕、侯霄尘这些人还在,他倒是没资格去抢,可如今,这些人不在了,其他的银月武师,陈中天还真不怕什么。As of oldDivision HeadpastNine Divisions, hisqualificationsare very old, isfirstgroup of the powerhouses who turn toLi Hao, have participated inseveralwarswithLi Hao, includingcopes withvestigeMonster Plant for the first time, hemayparticipate.
作为昔日九司之一的老司长,他资格很老,也是第一批投靠李皓的强者,和李皓一起参与过多次战争,包括第一次对付遗迹妖植,他可都是参与过的。OnmanySilver Moonmartial masterqualifications, might as wellhe.
论起来,很多银月武师的资历,还不如他呢。Then, because oftheseminor matters, Heavenly Star, somewhatis slightly chaotic, was ineffectivewithLi Haorecently, Commandermansionsuchmilitary, is unable to restrictmutuallyrelatedwithadministrativeagency'ssuchcivilian post.
……All these, Li Haothesetwodaysare looking,has not meddled, has not been involved.
The struggle, is actually the good deed.
争,其实是好事。Ifeveryonenotwantednotto ask...... thatnot to have the progressivespace.
若是大家都无欲无求了……那就没有进步空间了。Does not struggle, whatfuture will that have?
都不争了,那还有什么未来可言?Maystruggle, mustcontrolincertainrange, controlsduring the positive cycle, cannotpresent the vicious circle, that is very easyto have an accident.
可争,也要控制在一定范围,控制在良性循环之中,不能出现恶性循环,那就很容易出事。However, oneselfasresisting the main force of allpowerhouse, is indeed impossibleto consume the timeatthesethings.
不过,自己作为对抗各方强者的主力,的确不可能一直都在这些事情上耗费功夫。Henow, the timeis very anxious, is insufficient.
他如今,时间很紧张,不够用。„Qian Wuliang, ZhaoShuguang, Lin Hongyu, Zhou Chuan, Chen Zhongtian......”
“乾无亮,赵曙光,林红玉,周川,陈中天……”In the Li Haomindappearsthesepeople of names, quick, rejectedChen ZhongtianandQian Wuliang, thesetwo, are able, butworks the insufficientlyboundlessatmosphere, somewhatsmall-mindedfeeling.李皓脑海中浮现出这几人的名字,很快,将陈中天、乾无亮剔除了出去,这两位,有能力,但是做事还是不够磅礴大气,有些小肚鸡肠的感觉。
Others , extremelydoes not approve.
其他人,也不是太过认可。Superintendent Zhou, had not tradednew Way, towielding the new Wayworld, insufficientlyhas the authority, was rejectedbyLi Haoagain.周署长这边,一直没换新道,对执掌新道天地,也不够有权威性,被李皓再次剔除。Calculates that isZhaoShuguangandLin Hongyuis most appropriate.
算来算去,还是赵曙光和林红玉两人最为合适。Regarding the proposition of Lin Hongyu, Li Haowas actually pondering.
对于林红玉的提议,李皓其实在思考。In the psychologysomewhatis slightly irritable, but......, toLi Hao, inthistime, inso manyyears, finds a wifeto give birthsuddenly, as if is also only the duty.
心理上稍微有些别扭,但是……也只是一时间罢了,对李皓而言,在这个时代,在这么多年当中,娶妻生子,仿佛也只是任务。Lovething...... to him, extremelyinluxury.
爱情这东西……对他而言,太过于奢侈。Without the time, withoutenergy, does not haveenoughmoodto talk love.
没有时间,没有精力,也没有足够的心情去谈情说爱。Becoming enlightened, isimportant matter...... not to havesuchtime, thinkswoman...... naturally, the teacherexception, beyond the non-example, the teacherhad not actually found a wifeto give birth, untillate stage, ganged up withJade Light Sword.
成道者,做大事者……都不会有这样的时间,去想女人的……当然,老师例外,其实也不算例外,老师一直不曾娶妻生子,直到后期,才勾搭上了碧光剑。„A status?”
“一个名分吗?”Li Haothinks, isLin Hongyuis appropriate, isZhaoShuguang?李皓思索一番,到底是林红玉合适,还是赵曙光呢?MustmarrySuperintendent Zhaoactually not, butis thinking, whowieldsall, is more appropriate.
倒不是要娶赵署长,而是想着,谁执掌一切,更合适一些。Two peoplehave the meritrespectively.
两人各有优点。Alsohas the shortcoming.
也都有缺点。Lin Hongyuhas the ambition, the Superintendent Zhaoambitionis slightly small, butalsohas.林红玉有野心,赵署长野心稍小,但是也是有的。OncewieldedmillionsuperpowerCity of Superpower, onceplacein charge ofchaoticSilver Moon.
一个曾执掌百万超能的超能之城,一个曾主管混乱的银月之地。Two peopleareSun and Moonsevenfold, the strengthdiffersis not probably big.
两人都是日月七重,实力相差大概不大。Behindoneis the Silver Moonmartial mastergroup, oneis the externalmartial mastersuperpowergroup.
一个背后是银月武师集团,一个是外来武师超能集团。However, the Silver Moonmartial mastergroupis very powerful, the worldpeopleknow, Li HaofromSilver Moon, but alsoa little, Silver Moonsituated innorthern continent, butLin Hongyufrom the Central Regionmainland.
不过,银月武师集团已经很强大,天下人都知道,李皓来自银月,还有一点,银月处于北方大陆,而林红玉来自中部大陆。Northernbarbarian...... thisgiven name, buthad not forgotten.
Several other sidemainland, including the Central Regionmainland, to the northernreceptivity, wantweaklymany.
其他几方大陆,包括中部大陆,对北方的接受程度,都要弱不少。Thinking it over, perhapsLin Hongyuis indeed more appropriate.
思来想去,也许林红玉的确更合适一些。As for the opposite partyis the woman...... the transcendenttime, whoalsocares aboutthis?
至于对方是女人……超凡时代,谁还在乎这个呢?Weighs the advantages and disadvantages, Li Haoalso felt Lin Hongyuis more appropriate, the opposite partymeritandabilitydo not lack, Silver Moonmartial masterapprovestoheris also high.
权衡利弊,李皓也觉得,还是林红玉更合适,对方功劳、能力都不缺,银月武师对她认可度也还算高。„Givesher a name?”
“给她一个名义吗?”In the Li Haoheartis pondering, at this moment, many of consideration, have not containedanypersonalsentiment, people like me, dayghostLone Star, but alsoneeds the sentiment?李皓心中思考着,此刻,考虑的很多,却是没包含任何私人感情,我这种人,天煞孤星,还需要感情吗?Person who Ihave the sentiment...... died!
我有感情的人……都死了呢!Without exception!
无一例外!Is appropriate, notoomanyidea, beforeandLin Hongyutalked, has not gotten back one's composuresuddenly, suddenlywas somewhat vacant.
只有合适不合适,没有什么太多的想法,之前和林红玉对话,也只是一时间没回神,忽然有些茫然罢了。„From the general situation, shesaidactuallygood!”
“从大局上来看,她说的倒是不错!”Alsocanbalanceall parties, passes the Chinese larch, but can also balanceNew Martial.
The Chinese larch, nowis the Monster Plantarmyleader, was a newSaint, the Monster Plantarmyrelates toGeneralHuaievento includethatGuardianMonster Plant that the martial worldpledgejustoffered services to come......
红杉,如今好歹是妖植军头领,还是一位新圣,妖植军又关系到了槐将军甚至包括武林盟刚投效而来的那位守护妖植……„Moreover, there is an amplereason, the sufficientpower , helping mecompletecombing of Grand Dao!”
“而且,也有足够的理由,足够的动力,去帮我完成大道的梳理!”At this moment, Li Haothought throughactually.
这一刻,李皓倒是想通了。Perhaps, cannot passonly, isthatridge in heart...... I am day of ghostLone Star.
A name, will shedie?
只是一个名义,她会死去吗?Ido not believe the life!
我不信命!But, Ihave been struggling, strugglesfor the life, Ido not believe that butIknow that...... Iamall parties'thorn in the side, Lin Hongyudo understand, perhapsthisname, will makeyouhave a biggerright......, but, will makeyoudieis quicker.
可是,我一直都在挣扎,为命挣扎,我不信,可我知道……我是各方的眼中钉肉中刺,林红玉明不明白,这个名,也许会让你有更大的权利……可是,也会让你死的更快。Li Haowife......李皓的夫人……
The worldperson, cannot kill, the Li Haowife, mustdie!
The wife of present ageKing...... the namewas too heavy!
当代王者的夫人……名义太重了!Even ifLi Hao, capturesHeavenly Star, killedKing of Heavenly Star, killedimperial familymanypowerhouses, whatkilledalmost allimperialpersonnel...... no one saying that onegeneration of emperorroyal courtiers, those who lived in ages, canresult in the previous dynastyimperial family that died a natural death, how manypeoplethere are?
哪怕李皓,夺取天星,也杀了天星王,杀了皇室大量强者,杀了几乎所有皇家人员……没人说什么,一代天子一朝臣,历朝历代,能得善终的前朝皇室,有几人呢?„Sheis a smart person, how couldto be clear?”
“她是聪明人,岂能不明白呢?”Li Haochuckle, Lin Hongyu, shouldunderstandthistruth, raised, the woman, the ambitionwas big.李皓轻笑一声,林红玉,应该明白这个道理的,还是提出来了,女人啊,野心不小。Now, halfemperorandVenerable Emperorhave.
如今,半帝、帝尊都有。Li Haois onlySun and Moonsevenfold, at this time, had not saidLi Haohas the chance.李皓只是日月七重,这时候,可没说李皓有赢面。„Manager Qi!”
“齐所长!”Li Haoshouted, not far away, awaiting ordersManager Qi, comes.李皓喊了一声,不远处,正在待命的齐所长,飘然而至。Li Haoopens the mouth: „Wields the corebackdrop of the world backdrop, in your?”李皓开口:“执掌天下天幕的核心天幕,在你这吧?”„In.”
“在的。”Manager Qinods, hispresentindependence outside, was very natural, helpingLi Haocomplete the construction of backdrop, nowis studyingsomemedicinal herbs, preparedto open the compounded drugresearch institute.齐所长点头,他如今独立于外,很是潇洒,帮李皓这边完成了天幕的建设,如今正在研究一些药材,准备开设丹药研究所。
The worldmember, incultivation, the energyis insufficient.
天下修士,都在修炼,能源不足。But the herbal medicine, actuallydoes not lacknow.
The New Martialtime, the energydefectivetime, is also using the herbal medicine, replaced the consumptions of someenergies, the herbal medicineobtains the worldto moisten, canachieve a bettereffect, consumptionlessenergies.新武时代,能源欠缺的时代,也在用草药,取代一些能量的消耗,草药得到了天地滋润,可以发挥出更好的效果,消耗更少的能量。Recently the date and time, the research institutehad madea number ofcompounded drugs, is being experimented.
最近时日,研究所已经制造了一批丹药,正在试验中。Oncesucceeds, quickwill promote.
一旦成功,很快会进行推广。AlsocanforHeavenly Star that the financeruns out, harvestssomewealth.
还能为财政告罄的天星,收获一些财富。„Is compounded drugexperimentsmooth?”
“丹药试验顺利吗?”Li Hao asked that Manager Qinods: „Allsmooth, notgets upbaseless, based onNew Martial, makessomechangesthen, the difficultyis not big!”李皓问了一句,齐所长点头:“一切顺利,并非凭空而起,在新武的基础上,做一些改变即可,难度不大!”Li Haoslight nod, said: „LüZhenresearch institute, hadeightbigprojectsbefore, Iremember that a projectisspiritualresonating, frequencyonekind, right?”李皓微微点头,又道:“吕振研究所,之前有八大项目,我记得有一个项目是精神共振,频率一类的,是吗?”„Right.”
“对。”Manager Qinods.齐所长点头。Li Haothinks deeply about a say/way: „The energeticfrequency of everyone is different, but the popular sentiment, the common peopletogether, will be together unifiedthesefrequenciesfinally, completesresonating...... thisaspect, do youhave the research?”李皓思索一番道:“每个人的精神频率是不一样的,但是民心一道,万民一道,最终会将这些频率统一,完成一个共振……这方面,你们有研究吗?”„Has!”
“有的!”Manager Qinods: „Manyyears ago has the research, in the pastHuman King and supremeness, onceobtained the common peoplein additionto hold, thereforethisaspectis not a blank, afterward, the strategy of army, actuallyalsobegan usingtheseresearch, qi and bloodunited!”齐所长点头:“很多年前就有研究,当年人王和至尊,都曾获得过万民加持,所以这方面并非空白,后来,军队的阵法,其实也启用了这些研究,气血合一!”„Includingpresentsomearmor, actuallyhas a smallstrategy, conducts resonating of frequency...... the soldier, otherwise, the meritlawvaries, howcanwork as one, evencanuniteto fight?”
“包括现在的一些铠甲,其实都有一个小小的阵法,进行频率的共振……否则,功法不一的军人,如何能够齐心协力,甚至能合一而战?”In the Li Haoheartmoves slightly, thisbut actually is also.李皓心中微动,这倒也是。
The strategy, actually is also resonating.
阵法,其实也是一种共振。Inhisheartsomeclear(ly)became aware, open the mouth saying: „Therefore, the common peopleare also good, morepeopleare also good, finally, canadjustis a frequencyvibrates, right?”
他心中有些明悟,开口道:“所以,万民也好,更多人也好,最终,是能调整为一个频率震动的,对吗?”„Frominfiniteextending...... yes, is only the personare more, thisfrequencymoreisdifficultto look!”
“从无限延伸来看……是可以的,只是人越多,这个频率越是难找!”Words that Manager Qispoke, sometimesyoucannot understand.齐所长说的话,有时候你听不懂。ButLi Hao, canunderstandmeaningactually.
可李皓,倒是能明白其中的意思。Heconsidered, said: „Thatsameattribute, dao lineage, the personare also many, iscanbe easierto adjust the frequencyshake......”
他考虑了一番,又道:“那同样属性,同样道脉,人再多,是不是都能更容易调整频率震荡……”„, The common originwith the lineage/vein, certainlylike this, will be definitely simpler! Howeverneedsto coordinate, looks atmanypeople, hundredpeople, thousandpeople, ten thousandpeople...... are goodto coordinate, 1 millionpeopledifficult! Before, the Lordcityarmy, will controlgenerallyin1 million , because, population, onceover1 million, stricted enforcement of orders and banseven if, was very difficultto adjust the unifiedfrequency.”
“肯定的,同源同脉,一定会这样,更简单一些!但是需要协调,看多少人,百人,千人,万人……都好协调,百万人就难!以前,主城大军,一般都会控制在百万以内,就是因为,人数一旦超过百万,哪怕令行禁止,也很难调整统一的频率了。”Healsoadded: „Even ifinNew MartialMain World, biggestregiment, by1 millionartificialunits, will not be more! More than one, were difficultto control, will presentout-of-control, the strengthwill instead slide!”
他又补充道:“哪怕在新武主世界,最大的军团,也只是以百万人为单位,不会更多!因为人一多,就难控制了,会出现失控,战力反而会下滑!”Most1 millionpeople?
最多百万人吗?In the Li Haoheartmoves slightly: „I , to makeeasy100 million, 1 billion, 2 billionpeopledo completesuchresonating?”李皓心中微动:“那我要是想让易一亿,十亿,二十亿人完成这样的共振呢?”„......”
“……”Manager Qilong timesaid: „Difficultsuch asto ascend to heaven! Solelyis not the issue of command, a difficulty, lies inwielding, such as the regimentmarshal, can youseizesuchtime? Can youcompletesuchcontroleffort? Difficultly is very very difficult!”齐所长半晌才道:“难如登天!不单单是号令的问题,还有一个难点,在于执掌者,就如军团元帅,你能把握这样的时机吗?你能完成这样的掌控力度吗?很难很难!”„Naturally, the personSovereign Dao can actually...... in the past, New Martial, several billionspeople, completeresonating, thuswas bornDao of Human Sovereign!”
“当然,人皇道其实可以……当年,新武这边,数十亿人,就完成了共振,从而诞生了人皇之道!”Li Haonods, pondered that an opens the mouthsaid: „Can Manager Qi, erectsomeequipment, attachesabove the backdrop, makingeveryoneeasierto haveresonating?”李皓点了点头,思考一番开口道:“齐所长,能不能架设一些设备,就依附在天幕之上,让大家更容易产生共振?”„This......”
“这个……”Manager Qilooked atLi Hao, thought that for a long timeopens the mouth saying: „Difficultyis not big.”齐所长看了一眼李皓,思索了起来,许久开口道:“难度不大。”„Isn't big?”
“不大?”Li Haois somewhat surprised, Manager Qichuckle: „It is not big, didn't Isaybefore? In the army the armor, hassuchfunction, the armywithin, moreare the armor of powerhouse, thisresonatingstrengthis stronger, otherwise, howto gatherqi and blood? Ifthere iswararmor of goldlevel, is very easyto completesuchfunction! Can the marquiscoverentire dayunder?”李皓有些意外,齐所长轻笑一声:“是不大,我之前不是说了吗?军中铠甲,就具备这样的作用,军中越是强者的铠甲,这种共振力越强,否则,如何聚集气血?若是有黄金级的战甲,很容易完成这样的功能!只是,侯爷要覆盖全天下?”„Right.”
“对。”„The gold of thatneedfoughtarmor is quite many...... naturally, does not needto fightarmor, butneedsto fightsomeequipment in armor, actually the silver, pouringwas not good, requiredtime, made the transformation......”
“那需要的黄金战甲就比较多了……当然,不需要战甲,只是需要战甲中的一些设备,其实白银也可以,倒也不是不行,需要一点时间,进行改造……”„How longwants?”
“要多久?”„A month......”
“一个月……”„Was too long!”
“太久了!”Li Haoshakes the head.李皓摇头。In the Manager Qiheartmoves slightly, considers a say/way: „I alonedo, needveryfor a long time, if...... has the powerhouseto helpme, thatspeedwas fast, but the sageis unable to appearnow, ifare manysomeImmortalto helpme, shouldbe ableto handlequickly!”齐所长心中微动,考虑一番道:“我一个人去做,需要很久,若是……有强者帮我,那速度就快了,只是如今圣人无法出现,若是多一些不朽帮我,应该可以很快搞定!”„How longto be quickest?”
“七天就行。”Li Haothinks deeply aboutone, the nod: „That makes one helpyou, looks forUncle-Master HongandDemon Huntingto guard the army.”李皓思索一阵,点头:“那就让人帮你,找洪师叔、猎魔守卫军这边。”„Good.”
“好。”Manager Qihad not asked.齐所长也没多问。
Some indistinctideas, naturally, the say/way of thoughtcommon people, has not penetratedto think.
只是隐约有些想法,当然,想的还是万民之道,并未深入去想。Tostrengthen the function of say/way of common people?
难道是为了增强万民之道的作用?Has the possibility.
有可能。„The heart of backdropgivesme.”
“天幕之心给我。”Manager Qihearsword, had not said,handed over a smallmirror, the backdrop, actuallyalsoimitatedpastPeeping into Heaven Mirror, thismirror, actually the replicatransformation of wind and cloudwarning.齐所长闻言,也没多说,交出了一面小镜子,天幕,其实也只是模仿了当年的窥天镜,这镜子,其实还是风云宝鉴的复制品改造而成的。
Before thisis, Li HaoseizesfromWind and Cloud Pavilion, butnow the effectis not good, was put asidebyLi Hao.
这是之前李皓从风云阁夺来的,只是如今效果不是太好,被李皓束之高阁了。Considered, Li Haosuddenly the brand markon the mirrorcharacterwhite!
The psychic forcesearchesinto, felt the innumerablesmallluminous spots, thatwasworldregionalbackdrops.
精神力探入其中,感受到了无数小小的光点,那都是天下各地的天幕。„Ineedto publicize a news...... otherperson of Inot to see, after Manager Qigoes out, toldeveryone, Imustclose upsome time, latercarried offthismirror, thiswind and cloudvice-warning, later was myLuminous Starcommand! Holdsmaking, such asIarrive!”
“我需要公开一个消息……其他人我就不去见了,齐所长出去后,告诉大家,我要闭关一段时间,待会带走这个镜子,这风云副鉴,以后便是我的皓星令!持令者,如我亲临!”SomeManager Qidoubts, buthad not asked,nods: „Good, Iknew.”齐所长有些疑惑,但是也没多问,点点头:“好,我知道了。”
Can Li Hao, whatnewspublicize?李皓,要公开什么消息?Li Haothis, ponderstodayprobablyis very long, heis nottooclear, nowalsohas anything to needhimto publicize, moreovermustdeeplyponder that the opposite partycopes withthesehalfemperors, has not crossedlike this.李皓今日来这,好像思考了很久,他不是太明白,如今还有什么事情需要他公开,而且还要深入思考的,对方对付那些半帝,都没这样过。ButLi Hao, silent a meeting, started the wind and cloudvice-warning.
……At this moment, acrossworld, mirrorsfloat, blocks the sky.
The Great Wildernessperson who except thatjustmoved, the Heavenly Starpersonwas unalarmed by strange sightsactually, generally, the Heavenly StarCommandermansionhas the important matter, will pass on messageall partiesthrough the backdrop.
除了刚迁徙过来的大荒人,天星人倒是见怪不怪了,一般情况下,天星都督府有大事,都会通过天幕传讯各方。Now, mirror, somepeoplesaidexcitedly: „Canmove the city?”
The previoustime, Li Haoholds the lost/carryinggreatcity, oncelive broadcast.
上次,李皓托负巨城,就曾直播过。Alsoisthattime, everyoneexperienced the Li Haomighty force.
也是那一次,大家见识到了李皓的伟力。Alsosomepeoplehave gotten up the backdrop.
还有人上过天幕呢。Now, the interestingmatterare not many, all of a sudden, everyonewill focus on the backdropin abundance, somelarge-scaleagglomerations, have almost the backdropdistribution, evensomehigh levels, in the mansionhave the small-scalebackdropdistribution.
如今,有趣的事不多,一下子,大家纷纷将注意力投向了天幕,一些大型聚集地,几乎都有天幕分布,甚至一些高层,府邸中都有小型天幕分布。At this moment, no matteris every large or small, almostlooksto the backdrop, is waiting forthisnewstime.
此刻,不管大大小小,几乎都看向天幕,等待着这一次的消息。But the nextquarter, on the backdropappears the Li Haoappearance.
而下一刻,天幕上浮现出李皓的样貌。SeesLi Hao, everyonewas excited.
一看到李皓,所有人都兴奋了。Silver Moonmarquis!银月侯!At the present, trillioncommon people, the worshiptoLi Haoandbelief, exceeded a boundary, if notLi Haohas not set up the temple, perhapssomepeoplewill worshipto consecratehimquickly.
The newSpiritual God, will then be born.
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