SG :: Volume #4

#373 Part 1: Greedy my body

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( Double monthly tickets, last day , pitiful) (双倍月票,最后一天了,给点啊,可怜兮兮) The Li Hao belt/bring person departs rapidly. 李皓带人迅速离去。 From breaking Grand Dao, weakens the world, this, not as everyone expected. 自断大道,削弱天地,这一手,出乎所有人预料。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Eastern mainland. 东方大陆。 The Ying Hongyue aura dispirited, two sages, do not have the shadow, Ying Hongyue at this moment, the corners of the mouth are also the blood overflowing powder, cannot bear chuckle one: Really ruthless!” 映红月气息萎靡,身边的两位圣人,已经没了影子,此刻的映红月,嘴角也是血液溢散,忍不住轻笑一声:“真狠!” Li Hao, is really ruthless. 李皓,真狠啊。 This time, how many sages also buried alive? 这一次,又坑杀了多少圣人? Also, this fellow, what discovered, to oneself, but starts to be relentless, does not have the difference attack, once oneself were killed, the seal broke, didn't he really fear? 还有,这家伙,到底是不是发现了什么,对自己,可是下手毫不留情,如此无差别攻击,自己一旦被杀了,封印破了,他真不怕? Said...... he knows, oneself won't easily die? 还是说……他知道,自己不会轻易死去? Really thinks highly of itself! 真看得起自己啊! Shot a look at side two corpses, almost cut torn to pieces, Ying Hongyue smiled, the laughter is suddenly getting bigger and bigger, suddenly raises head to look at the day, in the eye the red light twinkle: Li Hao...... probably departure that you compelled!” 瞥了一眼身边两具尸体,几乎被切割的支离破碎,映红月笑了起来,笑声忽然越来越大,忽然仰头看天,眼中红光闪烁:“李皓……好像把你逼的离开了呢!” Li Hao, you may be really good! 李皓,你可真行! This person, I have stared for a long time was very very long, almost does not have the means that but today, this fellow is driven away by you probably. 此人,我已经盯了很久很久,几乎是毫无办法,可今日,这家伙好像被你赶走了。 Are you, for this moment? 你,是不是就是为了这一刻? If, can only say, your method was too high! 若是,只能说,你手段太高了! If not , your were also has no intention to render meritorious service. 若不是,你这也算是无意立功了。 Searches the hand to grasp, two broken corpses fall start, was absorbed the energy by him rapidly, Ying Hongyue coughs, hehe smiles, this time such a does, has not known that Zheng Yu loses many. 探手一抓,两具残破尸体落入手中,迅速被他汲取能量,映红月咳嗽一阵,呵呵直笑,这次这么一搞,还不知道郑宇损失多少。 Good deed. 好事。 Turned head to look at one in a direction, the Zhenxing City vestige, Zheng Yu also clone to be stranded in that side probably, now the world is unable to hold the sage to go out, clone of opposite party, the big probability must stay in that side some time...... 扭头朝一个方向看了一眼,镇星城遗迹,郑宇好像还有一具分身被困在了那边,如今天地又无法容纳圣人走出了,对方的分身,大概率要在那边待一段时间了…… The premise is, Li Hao does not cope with him. 前提是,李皓不去对付他。 If went to...... Zheng Yu clone, could not remain. 若是去了……郑宇分身,也留不下来。 Perhaps...... I should see.” “也许……我该去见见呢。” Also has other matter while Li Hao, is not necessarily able first to cope with this clone, oneself...... could make half emperor clone to taste the flavor. 趁着李皓还有别的事,未必会第一时间去对付这位分身,自己……也许可以弄个半帝分身尝尝味道呢。 His look glitters, runs away toward the Zhenxing City vestige rapidly. 他眼神闪烁一番,迅速朝镇星城遗迹遁去。 This time, all parties lose seriously, actually is also an opportunity. 这一次,各方都损失惨重,却也是一个机会。 Now, Li Hao cleans up all parties' influence finally, including existence in secret, was cleaned up by him, this method, Ying Hongyue has saying that was very wise. 如今,李皓总算是清理掉了各方的影响,连暗中的一些存在,都被他清理掉了,这手段,映红月都不得不说,很是高明。 As for following, the world is stable, how Li Hao processes, how to deal, he did not go to the manages, Li Hao that person, had confidence inevitably, otherwise, how to easily do that? 至于接下来,天地再次稳固,李皓如何处理,如何应对,他就不去管了,李皓那种人,必然还是有把握的,否则,岂会轻易这么做? Ying Hongyue flies rapidly in the Zhenxing City vestige direction, makes the best use of the time, perhaps unexpected benefit. 映红月迅速朝镇星城遗迹方向飞去,抓紧时间,也许还有意外收获。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 The queen whole body is broken, pitiful incomparable, the strength of body Silver Moon is almost defeated and dispersed thoroughly, coughs up blood unceasingly. 女王浑身残破,凄惨无比,身上银月之力几乎彻底溃散,不断咳血。 Falls down she, unceasingly breathing, panting for breath. 瘫倒在地的她,不断呼吸着,喘息着。 At this moment, in the air is cloudy, the rainwater pounds to fall. 此刻,空中乌云密布,雨水砸落。 Her aura also dispirited, actually smiled very much suddenly, the smiled bloody water gushes out unceasingly, within the body, dao lineage open, is to make her smile somewhat demented. 她气息也很萎靡,却是忽然笑了,笑的血水不断涌出,体内,一条条道脉开启,却是让她笑的有些癫狂。 Am I Moon God? 我是月神 She raises head to look at the day, am I Moon God? 她仰头看天,我是月神 That moment when moon vanishes, she felt something probably, recombination Li Hao some strange actions and strange words, let go itself several times intentionally, in addition opened several dao lineage accidentally...... 当月亮消失的那一刻,她好像感受到了一些东西,再结合李皓的一些古怪举动和古怪话语,几次故意放走了自己,再加上无意中开启了几条道脉…… Also, the strange recovery ways of several Spiritual God...... 还有,几位神灵的古怪复苏方式…… All these, she did not have to consider before. 这一切,以前她都没去考虑过。 But today, the god country believes the avalanche, within the body supernatural power dissipates, the strength of Silver Moon also in just, with world cutting impact, suddenly strength of cutting Silver Moon was similar, she felt the essence suddenly. 可今日,神国信仰崩塌,体内神力消散,银月之力也在刚刚,随着天地切割冲击,忽然将银月之力切割的差不多了,她忽然感受到了本质。 My essential strength...... is not the strength of belief, is not the strength of Silver Moon, is not the supernatural power, but is...... the strength of new Way! 我本质力量……不是信仰之力,不是银月之力,不是神力,而是……新道之力! Is laughable? 可笑不可笑? „Am I...... second-generation Moon God?” “我……是第二代月神?” In her eye is glittering crazily, angry, desperate, resenting...... 她眼中闪烁着疯狂,愤怒,绝望,愤恨…… Too many mood, erupted in this moment! 太多的情绪,在这一刻爆发了! From very slightly very small time, she flashes before some memories, she is Moon God, the first under heaven Spiritual God. 从很小很小的时候,她就闪现出一些记忆,她是月神,天下第一神灵。 Very slightly very small time, she is the queen in god country's! 很小很小的时候,她就是神国的女王! The prophet god they, found themselves, but oneself remember that recovered part, knows, oneself are the Spiritual God, the world Spiritual God, the Silver Moon most honored Spiritual God, Moon God! 先知神他们,找到了自己,而自己记忆复苏了一部分,也知道,自己是神灵,天地神灵,银月最尊贵的神灵,月神 Therefore, she inborn is the King, the noble descent! 所以,她天生就是王者,贵胄! 21-year-old Li Hao, when struggles little, is 6-year-old she, is the god country queen, no one opposed, because there is a Spiritual God to lower the tora! 21岁的李皓,还在一点点奋斗的时候,6岁的她,就是神国女王,没有任何人反对,因为有神灵降下神谕! She, inborn is an aristocrat! 她,天生就是贵族! But...... all expose today. 可今日……一切都暴露了。 All that the semblance covers, were opened. 外表覆盖的一切,都被揭开了。 Li Hao thought that she is very stupid, perhaps Ying Hongyue also thought that...... is only they rises from the floor, does not know that inborn is the queen of noble descent, smooth! 李皓觉得她很愚蠢,映红月也许也如此觉得……只是他们都是从底层崛起,不知天生就是贵胄的女王,到底有多顺利! 6 -year-old, the god country trillion common people, crawl for her, gives loyalty to for her, does not have the complaint! 六岁,神国亿万苍生,就为她匍匐,为她效忠,毫无怨言! Spiritual God protector, talent Absolute Peak! 神灵护道,天赋绝巅 Spanned the innumerable checkpoints with ease. 轻松跨越了无数关卡。 What Three Suns Dawn Light, what divine ability Sun and Moon...... 什么三阳旭光,什么神通日月…… In this, is not the issue. 在她这,都不是问题。 Which the world limit, her is at where! 天地极限在哪,她就在哪! Heaven's Will cares, omnipotent. 天意眷顾,无所不能。 By that day, attacked Heavenly Star, suffered a faint trace setback, but the first time, was Li Hao loses more...... 直到那一日,进攻天星,才遭遇了一丝丝挫折,而第一次,也是李皓输的更多…… Originally...... my anything is not......” “原来……我什么都不是……” The queen is clenching teeth, smiled. 女王咬着牙,笑了起来。 Smiled somewhat cold and gloomy, some hates. 笑的有些森冷,有些怨恨。 At this moment, detail that many did not care about in the past, 11 present in the mind, at this moment, she saw clearly some real worlds finally, originally, I started from the birth, life in falseness. 这一刻,很多以往不太在意的细节,都一一呈现在脑海中,这一刻,她终于看清了一些真实世界,原来,我从出生开始,就生活在虚假之中。 At this moment, she thinks again Li Hao words, like that is meaningful! 这一刻,她再次想到了李皓的话语,那般的意味深长! She is living, she is Moon God!” “她活着,她就是月神!” I am living, I am Moon God! 我活着,我就是月神 The queen is chewing this saying meaning, suddenly smiled, smiled somewhat hysteric...... original, have you completely understood? 女王嘴嚼着这话的含义,忽然笑了,笑的有些歇斯底里……原来,你早就看透了吗? I am living, I am Moon God! 我活着,我就是月神 True Moon God, in secret......, if true Moon God did die? 真正的月神,在暗中……若是真正的月神死了呢? Thoughts, erupt instantaneously! 一个个念头,瞬间爆发! The change of person, lies in instantly. 人的改变,就在于刹那。 At this moment, probably without the queen of setback, was suddenly mature, grew, changes was somewhat crazy and extremely. 这一刻,好像未经挫折的女王,忽然间就成熟了,成长了,也变的有些疯狂和极端了。 21 years, everyone is deceiving me! 21年,所有人都在欺骗我! They are using me, deceives me, regarded the puppet me, regarded the idiot me, but I...... have lived during the lie and deceit! 他们在利用我,欺骗我,将我当成了傀儡,将我当成了白痴,而我……一直生活在谎言和欺骗之中! Hate, angry, erupted completely in this moment. 怨恨,愤怒,在这一刻全部爆发出来了。 Revenge! 复仇! Such hatred, the deceit used 21 years of hatred, is stronger than the failure that Li Hao brings, at this moment, she understood, actually Li Hao does not want to kill itself from the start, is using itself, copes with secretly true Moon God! 这样的仇恨,欺骗利用了21年的仇恨,远比李皓带来的失败更强,这一刻,她明白了,其实李皓压根没想杀自己,也是在利用自己,对付幕后真正的月神 No wonder...... he always is so each time careless, the look, every is that complex one time, probably was saying, you, but can also be more powerful! 难怪……他每次总是那么漫不经心,眼神,每一次都是那么复杂,好像在说,你,还可以更强大的! Probably was saying, you are very pitiful! 好像在说,你很可怜! The queen almost bit the tooth, in the throat exuded the painful roar. 女王几乎咬碎了牙齿,喉咙中发出了痛苦的吼声。 Are you...... looking at me to laugh? 你们……都在看我笑话吗? Am I so laughable? 我如此可笑吗? Your this group of bastards! 你们这群混蛋! Moon God......” 月神……” Suddenly, she turns head to look in a direction, north. 陡然,她扭头朝一个方向看去,北方。 North, in the seal, the Silver Moon main body exists. 北方,封印之中,还有银月本尊存在。 True is Moon God, where at? 真正的月神,在哪? In the world? 在天地之间吗? Not in? 不在了吧? In those days, did not have today such feeling, today feels is very obvious, the strength of Silver Moon, was cut off suddenly some relations...... 往日,一直没有今日这样的感受,今日感受很明显,银月之力,忽然断掉了一些联系…… She is not stupid, but has never thought these, at this moment, ponders anything unceasingly. 她并不愚蠢,只是从未想过这些,此刻,不断去思考什么。 In those days, perhaps Moon God in own side, monitored own every action and every movement. 往日,月神也许就在自己身边,监视自己的一举一动。 But today, with the Li Hao cleaning world, slaughters the sage, that Moon God to own controlling force, was suddenly small, even vanished, the opposite party is not certainly in the seal, but in own side. 可今日,随着李皓清扫天下,杀戮圣人,那月神对自己的控制力,忽然小了,甚至消失了,对方一定不在封印之中,而是就在自己身边。 Where is at? 在哪? Where is at? 在哪呢? The next quarter, looks up to the sky, looks to illusory incomparable moon, the beforehand moon, is probably brighter, oneself have felt, moon, exists. 下一刻,抬头看向天空,看向虚幻无比的月亮,以前的月亮,好像更明亮一些呢,自己一直都觉得,月亮,是真实存在的呢。 But oneself Moon God, had not gone to care before, today...... this moon, why strength of doesn't the Silver Moon have? 自己可是月神,以前没去在意,今日……这月亮,为何一点银月之力都没了呢? Oneself from infancy to maturity, cultivation the strength of Silver Moon, originates from moon probably. 自己从小到大,修炼银月之力,好像都来源于月亮呢。 She...... today disappeared on that!” “她在那上面……今日消失了!” At this moment, she understood. 这一刻,她明白了。 Before, she on that but today, because the world compressed, suddenly eruption, towering eruption, in addition opposite party possibly to avoid Li Hao ahead of time, possibly transferred moon...... to cause moon and lost the contact, but the opposite party...... has not come back at this moment unexpectedly! 以前,她在那上面,可今日,因为天地压缩,忽然爆发,突兀的爆发,加上对方可能为了提前避开李皓,可能挪移走了月亮……导致月亮和自己失去了联系,而对方……此刻居然没回来! Before, has not come back today, which did she go? 以前在,今日没回来,她去哪了? Before the world cannot hold the sage, she, explained, moon is actually a vestige, but today, does this vestige actually vanish...... the Grand Dao universe? 以前天地也不能容纳圣人,她却是在,说明,月亮其实是遗迹,可今日,这遗迹却是消失了……大道宇宙? The thought appears. 念头浮现。 The queen smiled again, Li Hao, you expelled her probably! 女王再次笑了,李皓,你好像将她逼走了! The line of sight goes to the north again...... Silver Moon, probably in the seal also has. 视线再次投向北方……银月,好像封印中也有呢。 Who is really Moon God? 谁是真月神 In her eye reveals wipes the stern countenance, since Li Hao said, I also live...... that I am being Moon God, perhaps...... I am Moon God! 她眼中露出一抹厉色,既然李皓说,我还活着……那我就是月神,也许……我才是月神呢! Aren't you do not appear? 你不是不出现吗? Perhaps, this is my opportunity. 也许,这是我的机会。 These years, I continuously by strength of package Silver Moon, even obtained some Moon God memories, I too knew about Moon God, in the god country eye, in the world eyes, even in the Heaven's Will eye...... I am Moon God! 这些年,我一直被银月之力包裹,甚至获得了一些月神的记忆,我对月神太了解了,在神国眼中,在世人眼中,甚至在天意眼中……我就是月神呢! Puppets? 傀儡? Took seriously Moon God not to have, I...... not and that's the end? 当真正的月神没了,我……不就是了吗? „Did she in the seal, how come out before?” “她之前在封印中,怎么出来的?” Under the thought twinkle, she flies the upper air rapidly, strength of light Silver Moon overflows to disperse the continuously in the end of the world, she had some ideas, perhaps...... I can enter in the seal! 念头闪烁之下,她迅速飞上高空,一缕缕淡淡的银月之力溢散在天地的尽头,她有了一些想法,也许……我可以进入封印中! Captures true Silver Moon! 夺取真正的银月 At that moment, I was Moon God. 那一刻,我就是月神了。 Turns head towards the north to look, Li Hao, Zheng does Yu, Ying Hongyue...... you, look down upon me? 扭头朝北方看去,李皓,郑宇,映红月……你们,都看不起我吗? I then make you know, I since birth then noble! 那我便让你们知道,我生来便高贵! In a flash, the queen breaks through void, she has a feeling, along overflowing the strength of loose Silver Moon, forwards, perhaps a road, can enter in the seal! 一瞬间,女王突破虚空,她有一种感觉,沿着溢散的银月之力,一路向前,也许还有一条路,可以神不知鬼不觉地进入封印之中! That Red Moon Venerable Emperor...... also hopes probably very much oneself seized the Silver Moon main body, weakens for him prohibits? 那位红月帝尊……大概也很希望自己夺走了银月本尊,为他削弱封禁吧? Can succeed perhaps...... also needs the help of this Venerable Emperor! 能否成功……也许还需要这位帝尊的帮忙! At this moment, the queen awakened probably thoroughly. 这一刻,女王好像彻底觉醒了。 One after another attack, sees clearly the pain of the world truth suddenly, has not made her collapse instantaneously, but after is the anger, restored calmly, at this moment, including oneself by the failure that Li Hao routs repeatedly, thought that are not related. 接二连三的打击,忽然间看清世界真相的痛苦,没让她瞬间崩溃,而是愤怒之后,恢复了冷静,这一刻,连自己被李皓多次击溃的失败,都觉得没关系了。 Because...... I am not Moon God. 因为……我不是月神 Since I am not, is only a normal person, was honored as Li Hao of first under heaven to defeat by the present, what also there is? 我既然不是,只是一个正常人,被如今被誉为天下第一的李皓击败,又有什么呢? ...... …… This transformation, Li Hao has not expected. 这一转变,李皓没料到。 Perhaps, everyone has not expected will have such transformation, the queen disappeared, no one cares, lives also well, dies also well, since the god country belief collapses, actually Li Hao has not continued to care. 也许,所有人都没料到会有这样的转变,女王消失了,没人在意,生也好,死也好,自从神国信仰崩溃,其实李皓都没继续在意了。 Can the queen make an advantage to come again, Li Hao anticipated very much......, but felt that can die in this accident? 女王能不能再弄点好处过来,李皓很期待……但是又觉得,那位会不会死在这一次变故之中? Was somewhat worried for the queen! 都有些替女王担心! Such good person, died few. 这样的好人,死一个少一个了。 This time Li Hao, directly soared the Western mainland. 这时候的李皓,直奔西方大陆。 Quick, saw was injured heavy Lin Hongyu, these puppets, as well as...... between the world, overflowed the bloody air/Qi that dispersed, has not dissipated by the present, innumerable being defeated and dispersed the strength of belief, innumerable wailing sounds, painful desperate sound. 很快,看到了受伤不轻的林红玉,还有那些傀儡,以及……天地之间,溢散的血腥气,到现在还没消散,还有无数溃散的信仰之力,无数的哀嚎声,痛苦绝望声。 To the Spiritual God, was full of resenting! 对神灵,充满了愤恨! Some believes that when belief avalanche, desperate, resenting! 有多相信,当信仰崩塌的时候,就有多绝望,多愤恨! The sound of giving scolding Spiritual God, resounds through the whole world. 痛骂神灵的声音,响彻整个世界。 Marquis!” “侯爷!” She who Lin Hongyu tranquilness as always, just armed with knife to kill people probably, disappeared again, changes into the composed beauty, the smile is gentle: God country has taken, is only...... somewhat chaotic.” 林红玉一如既往的恬静,好像刚刚持刀杀人的她,再次消失了,化为婉约之美,笑容柔和:“神国已经拿下,只是……有些混乱。” The Li Hao slight nod, looked at her one eyes: Disappointed?” 李皓微微点头,看了她一眼:“失望吗?” Just, Heaven's Will should favor her very much. 刚刚,天意应该很青睐她。 Even hopeful, raises her to the Dao Fusion level forcefully. 甚至有希望,将她强行拔高到合道层次。 Finally, because of Li Hao a few words, not only cannot obtain the favor of Heaven's Will, at this moment, the world is aiming at her probably. 结果,因为李皓的一句话,不但没能得到天意的青睐,此刻,天地好像都在针对她。 Li Hao, Lin Hongyu, Black Panther. 李皓,林红玉,黑豹 These three, aimed by Heaven's Will at this moment probably. 这三位,此刻好像都被天意针对。 Heaven's Will, has not vanished thoroughly. 天意,并未彻底消失。 After these suffers the heavy losses time, chose rest. 只是,这一次遭遇重创之后,选择了蛰伏。 If Lin Hongyu does not listen to Li Hao, perhaps at this moment, will become the new world limit. 林红玉若是不听李皓的,也许这一刻,会成为新的天地极限。 Lin Hongyu chuckle: „It is not disappointed, the marquis extremely easy to obtain world gave up continually, let alone some trivial Heaven's Will......” 林红玉轻笑:“不失望,侯爷连唾手可得的天地都放弃了,何况区区一些天意……” Li Hao smiled, nod: Does not use disappointedly, Heaven's Will is not anything, really gathered to be many, was not the good deed, some people are staring at Heaven's Will, once the accumulation were many, you will become thorn in the side of opposite party!” 李皓笑了,点头:“不用失望,天意不算什么,真的聚集多了,也不是好事,有人在盯着天意,一旦聚集多了,你会成为对方的眼中钉肉中刺!” Said is Li Daoheng. 说的便是李道恒。 The opposite party want to catch Heaven's Will, is only this time, was probably difficult. 对方想要捕捉天意,只是这一次,大概难了。 The Lin Hongyu strength, earlier, is Sun and Moon sevenfold, second Sun and Moon after following Superintendent Zhao sevenfold, now, Sun and Moon sevenfold, but Lin Hongyu did not enter instead draws back, only has the Sun and Moon four heavy about strengths. 林红玉的实力,早些时候,都已经是日月七重,继赵署长之后的第二位日月七重,如今,日月七重许多,而林红玉不进反退,只有日月四重左右的实力了。 This was just restored, from exploding dao lineage instantly, even be only the Mountains and Seas level, restored reluctantly. 这还是刚刚恢复了许多,自爆道脉的刹那,甚至只有山海层次,勉强恢复了许多。 May compared with others...... leading she, actually fall behind a big truncation. 可比起其他人……一直领先的她,却是落后了一大截。 Sun and Moon four heavy, at this moment, was even Hong Yitang daughter Hong Qing is really inferior. 日月四重,这一刻,真的是连洪一堂的女儿洪青都不如了。 Even some new generation powerhouses, compared with her. 甚至一些新生代强者,都比她更强一些。 For example say/way sword several that Inspection Division plunders, for example that has only known Hu Qingfeng that flatters, villain, taking advantage of the split vision, strides in Sun and Moon intermediate stage now. 比如巡检司搜刮来的道剑几位,比如那一直只知道拍马屁的胡青峰,小人一个,如今都借着余光,跨入了日月中期 She so, Black Panther is also so. 她如此,黑豹也是如此。 This time, except for Li Hao, loses in a big way on these two. 这一次,除了李皓,就这两人损失最大。 Or this person of dog. 或者说,这一人一狗。 Follows...... Yuan Ping Martial Science University student me, first goes to and Jiang Yingli several convergence, goes to the old city rest some time, I then for everyone casting mortal body,...... do not lack these now!” “跟我走……诸位圆平武科大学的学员,先去和蒋盈李几位汇合,去古城休息一段时间,我回头会为大家铸造肉身,如今……不缺这些!” Then the miss from Li Family, once scolded Li Hao to touch her Li Shengzhang past, at this moment was very complex, complied with one, opened the mouth saying: Li Commander, the teacher did they...... appear in Silver City?” 那来自李家的姑娘,昔日曾骂过李皓摸她的李胜张,此刻很是复杂,应了一声,又开口道:“李都督,老师他们……是不是在银城出现了?” Right, entered in the seal.” “对,进入封印中了。” Li Shengzhang had not asked again, leads these puppets to fly directly rapidly in the old city direction. 李胜张没再多问,直接带着这些傀儡们迅速朝古城方向飞去。 Li Hao looked at one, has not said anything. 李皓看了一眼,也没多说什么。 He looks to Lin Hongyu, said with a smile: Walks, goes to the Grand Dao universe!” 他看向林红玉,笑道:“走,去大道宇宙!” Lin Hongyu were not many said that with the same place. 林红玉也不多说,跟着一起。 Li Hao tore directly void, Lin Hongyu also steps into. 李皓直接撕裂了虚空,林红玉随之踏入其中。 At this moment, in the Grand Dao universe few, Fighting Heaven City was transferred again, suppression world. 此刻,大道宇宙中几乎无人,战天城都被再次挪移了出去,镇压天地。 Lin Hongyu has come the Grand Dao universe, probably but this time, looks pure brightness. 林红玉来过大道宇宙,可这一次,好像看的更加清明。 A galaxy, at this moment seems somewhat shatter. 一条星河,此刻显得有些破碎。 Many stars, are gloomy. 很多星辰,都黯淡无光。 Assumed all parties' Li Hao, vanished, divine writing of integration galaxy, was stave. 原本坐镇各方的李皓,都消失了,原本统合星河的神文,都破碎了。 This time, before Li Hao, divine writing that condenses, was stave. 这一次,李皓将之前凝聚的神文,都给破碎了。 The stars that these galaxy, the accumulation comes...... must be separated from this place probably. 这些星河,聚集而来的星辰……好像要脱离此地。 Presented the galaxy of ring-like river, must collapse the powder. 原本呈现环形长河的星河,要崩散了。 Lin Hongyu understands, should be Li Hao exploded too many dao lineage, causes is not strong to the Grand Dao universe control, even some out-of-control cause, this time, loses evidently big. 林红玉明白,应该是李皓爆了太多道脉,导致对大道宇宙的掌控力不强,甚至有些失控导致的,这一次,看样子损失不小。 Killed so many powerhouses obviously...... the result, the Li Hao advantage had not fished probably. 明明杀了那么多强者……结果,李皓好像一点好处没捞到。 The loss was too big! 损失太大了! Marquis...... are these stars, dao lineage?” “侯爷……这些星辰,都是道脉所化吗?” Right.” “对。” Li Hao nods, said: You know why only led you to come in?” 李皓点头,又道:“你知道,为何只带你进来了吗?” Continues she, actually Black Panther. 不止她,其实还有黑豹 Lin Hongyu shakes the head: Does not know, is because my strength slides, does the marquis want to reward my advantage?” 林红玉摇头:“不知,难道是因为我实力下滑,侯爷要奖励我一点好处吗?” She shows the smile, probably is very ignorant purely. 她露出笑容,好像很是无知纯粹。 Li Hao knows certainly, this woman is not simple! 李皓当然知道,这女人没那么简单! From first meeting, fights instantaneous, the second opposite party offered City of Superpower, from a side overlord, becomes itself under instantaneously the right arm, will this woman, how be simple? 从第一次见面,交手瞬间,第二次对方就奉上了超能之城,从一方霸主,瞬间成为了自己麾下的得力干将,这女人,岂会简单? Is charming! 魄力十足! Li Hao had not said that but referred to the star river course: Generally speaking, the galaxy expanded, this time, presented many sparking stars probably, represented some people to open dao lineage, was not 1-2, but was many! This time, I have not progressed, but in the world, erupts the incomparably powerful energy suddenly, the sage died one in large numbers, the strength of Grand Dao overflowed to disperse one in large numbers, always one group of people, seized the opportunity, entering Mountains and Seas is as for Sun and Moon!” 李皓也没多说,只是指了指星河道:“总体上来说,星河壮大了,这一次,好像出现了不少闪亮的星辰,代表有人开启了道脉,不是1-2,而是很多很多!这一次,我是没进步,可天地之间,忽然爆发出无比强大的能量,圣人死了一大批,大道之力溢散了一大批,总有一群人,抓住了机会,进入了山海乃至于日月!” Is the marquis is unselfish!” “都是侯爷大公无私!” Lin Hongyu said in a soft voice: If not the marquis, they do not have the opportunity, what the marquis is true is the people takes responsibility, everyone like the dragon, conceals is rich in the people!” 林红玉轻声道:“若非侯爷,他们没有机会的,侯爷是真正的为民做主,人人如龙,藏富于民!” Is flatters? 是拍马屁吗? A little. 有一点。 But the fact, is so. 可事实,就是如此。 Li Hao to folk Martial Way, never suppresses, but constantly advances, the good thing, to lose crazily outward, now, world ascetic, probably over 1 billion, and even more. 李皓对民间武道,从未打压,而是不断推进,好东西,都疯狂往外丢,如今,天下修道者,大概超过10亿,甚至更多。 So many cultivation, some talents,...... Li Hao have not always suppressed to these talents, is progressing crazily. 这么多人修炼,总有一些天才的,对这些天才……李皓也不曾打压过,都在疯狂进步。 Opportunity . 机会,很多。
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