At this time, Li HaotouchedBlack Panther, comforted saying: „Is all right, notonlossmeaning of Heaven's Will and chaos? Can'tstride inDao Fusion? Thiswas only a planetarium...... thentookSilver Moon, gaveyouseriouslyworld the host of world......”
这时候,李皓摸了摸黑豹,安慰道:“没事没事,不就损失一点天意和混沌之意吗?不就没能跨入合道吗?这只是个假天地……回头拿下了银月,给你当真天地的天地之主……”„Woof woof?”
“汪汪?”Black Panthercalledaggrieved, yousaidanything, Idid not believe!黑豹哀怨一叫,你说啥,我都不信了!Thistime, butwas excited!
这次,可兴奋了!Finally, anythinghas not fished, fished a severe woundactually!
结果,啥也没捞到,倒是捞到了一身重伤!Li Haohehesmiled, looked atpeople: „Ok, dispersed, whyshouldwhygo! Ithen must look forturtleGuardianthey, the situationis urgent, Ido not know where lostto! Do not lose, Imayonfewtwosages!”李皓呵呵直笑,看了一眼众人:“好了,都散了,该干嘛干嘛去!我回头还得找一下龟守护它们,情况紧急,我也不知道丢到哪去了!别弄丢了,我可就少两位圣人了!”Sequoia Tree and old tortoise, are thrown into the Grand Daouniversebyhimtemporarily, opened a channelcasually, canwalkto lose, whoknows.红杉木和老乌龟,都被他临时丢进了大道宇宙,随便开了一个通道,会不会走丢,谁知道呢。„Everyonepresentalmoststrided inSun and Moonsevenfold, was rareheavily, multi-cultivation, Sun and Moonninewas not difficultrecently!”
“大家现在几乎都跨入了日月七重,机会难得,最近多修炼,日月九重不难!”„Mytimesflare outeveryone'sdisparity, ishopes that everyonecanwalkwithmeis farther!”
“我一次次拉平大家的差距,就是希望大家能和我一起走的更远一些!”Li Haolooksto the sky, smiledhappiness: „The road aheadis very far, looks at the starsseatogether, alwaysstrongercompared withall alone! Silver Moonmartial master, have the characteristicsrespectively, tochaseme, gave uptoomanythings, worry that do not pursue, retrievesownthing! A month later, the worldwill restoretoholding the level of sageprobablyagain, does not needto worry, theirsageswere short, does not dareeasilyto come out, whichdaywaits to be ableto hold the Son of Heaven...... Ito comeagainonetimetothem, will not necessarily be defeated!”李皓看向天空,笑的开心:“前路很远,一起去看星辰大海,总比孤身一人要强!银月武师们,各有特色,为了追赶我,放弃了太多东西,不要追的那么着急,找回属于自己的东西!一个月后,天地大概会再次恢复到容纳圣人的层次,也不用着急,他们圣人少了,不敢轻易出来,等哪天能容纳天王了……我再给他们来一次,也不一定就会失败呢!”Then, towardundergroundbeckons with the hand, calls loudly: „ZhengYusenior, favoredyourSon of Heaven, the Son of Heavenshouldnot be many, do not loseaccidentally, thatcopes withVenerable Emperor, buttroubled!”
说罢,朝地下摆摆手,高声喊道:“郑宇前辈,看好了你们的天王,天王应该不多,别无意中损失了,那对付帝尊,可就麻烦了!”Then, laughs, leading the peopleto departair-splitting.
说罢,哈哈大笑,带着众人破空离去。For a long time, underground, Jufeng Cityappears.
许久,地下,飓风城浮现。ZhengYuknits the brows, looks at the sky.
郑宇皱眉,看着天空。Li Hao...... bastardthing.李皓……混蛋东西。However, thisfellowfromwastestrength, reallytodeal withmysubordinatethesesages, for...... deals withothers?
不过,这家伙自废战力,是真的为了对付我麾下这些圣人,还是为了……对付别人?Beforehas directly soared the worldbarrier, thenhefromexplodingGrand Dao.
...... Toforcesomepeople, leavesthissideworld?
虚道宇宙?In the heart, has the guessindistinctly.
与此同时。In the Grand Daouniverse, a round of bright moonlightshiningshoots the world.大道宇宙之中,一轮明月耀射天地。
After carrying the swordmanattemptsto tear the Grand Daouniverse...... the moment, chuckle: „Reallyruthless!”
The Moon Godsoundconveys: „Was troublesome! Nowgoes out, fierce of the world cutting , mymain body...... came under the enormousimpactprobably......”月神声音传来:“麻烦了!现在出去,天地切割的厉害,还有,我的本尊……好像受到了极大的影响……”Li Hao, that is really a bastard!李皓,那真是个王八蛋啊!
The dry/doesmatter, did not call the human affairs.
干的事,不叫人事。Harm others but not benefit oneself!
损人不利己!Now, the tradegoes outrashly, fierce of the world cutting, even ifcansurvive, will be cut the bigsoundto come, will pay attentionall of a suddenbyeveryone.
现在,贸贸然出去,天地切割的厉害,哪怕可以生存,也会被切割出大动静来,一下子就会被所有人注意到的。„Firstlivesin some time.”
“先在这住一段时间吧。”Carries the swordmanto shake the head, somewhatlaughs in spite of trying not, Li Hao, was getting more and more interesting.
……At the same time, Li Haosnort/hum the song, at this moment, the worldis beingpeaceful.
让你们嚣张!Although the strengthslid, buthereallydoes not love dearly.
虽然实力下滑了,可他真的不心疼。Just as he said that Grand Dao that beforeopened, mixed was too too chaotic, because the frontwas roadless, everywasonetimegoes, openedwas very chaotic, thistime, wasgives itself a combingopportunity.
, The malignant tumor of entireworld, is first eradicatingwhile convenient.
顺带着,将整个天地的毒瘤,先铲除一遍。However, at this momentcould not bear the towards the northendlook atone, northernthat the god of military, probablynosound, has hiddeninitially, said that...... the spatial cutting, did have minimal impactonhim?
The former said that if the latter, fellow of mortal body, were too terrifying!
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