ActuallyLi Hao, with10sages who Ying Hongyuegoes out, unexpectedlyhas not come back...... toZhengYu, the sagesare the Zheng Familyconsumptionvigorously, train, losessoseriously...... does not killLi Hao, mustforce the opposite partyto give up the Great Wildernessworld.
倒是李皓,跟着映红月出去的十位圣人,居然一个没回来……对郑宇而言,圣人都是郑家耗费大力,一个个培养出来的,损失如此惨重……不杀了李皓,也要逼迫对方放弃大荒天地。He is also halfemperor, at this moment, sawsomeclueactually.
他好歹也是半帝,此刻,倒是看出了一些端倪。Li Hao, mustswallow a sideworldunexpectedly, althoughis not big!李皓,居然要吞噬一方天地,虽然不大!Naturally, does not seem likeLi Haoto swallow, butis the Monster Suppressing Envoydescendant, but is the same, hewill not giveLi Haothisopportunity.
当然,好像不是李皓吞噬,而是镇妖使的后裔,可都一样,他不会给李皓这个机会的。„Li Hao, hands overGreat Wilderness! Escapesinto the Grand Daouniverse, youhave the means of livelihood......, otherwise, youcannot livetoday!”
“李皓,交出大荒!遁入大道宇宙,你才有活路……否则,今日你活不了!”ZhengYucloneindifferentlyincomparable, a palmmakes, the worldis shivering, appearsinstantaneouslyis in chargetogether, appearsbehindLi Hao, twosages, Sequoia Tree and old tortoisemake a moveto stopsimultaneously, bang bangmakes noise, twosages, unexpectedlybysomecollapses that clone of opposite partyhitsdirectly.
At this moment, Li Haoturns head, suddenlysmiled: „ZhengYu...... youreallydoes not fear death!”
就在此刻,李皓回头,忽然笑了:“郑宇……你是真的不怕死!”Valley/span >ZhengYuis startled, whatmethod can you have?
谷/span>郑宇一怔,你还能有什么手段?„Black Panther...... fromexplodingmeaning of Heaven's Will and chaos!”
“黑豹……自爆天意、混沌之意!”At this moment, Li Haois indifferent, through the armor, passes messageLin Hongyu: „Lin Hongyu, fromexplodingGrand Dao! Leaves behind a main roadthen...... remaining, completelyfromexploding!”
The godcountry, Lin Hongyuis also startled.
神国,林红玉也是一怔。Maynot haveto think,obeys ordersdirectly the conduct.
可没多想,直接听令行事。Incessantlyso, at this moment, Li Haodivine writingappearsinnumerably, in a flash, alldivine writingexplodeinstantaneouslybroken, changes intoGrand Daobig dragons, suddenlycompletecollapsebroken!
不止如此,这一刻,李皓神文浮现无数,一瞬间,所有神文瞬间爆碎,化为一条条大道巨龙,忽然全部崩断!At the same time, 36attributelessdao lineageappear.
同一时间,36条无属性道脉浮现。In a flash, explodeddirectlybroke to pieceshalf.
只是一瞬间,直接爆碎了一半。Allstrengths, integratedSilver Moonmartial masterwithin the bodyon the scenecompletely, except forSuperintendent ZhaoseveralSun and Moonsevenfold, others, obtained the massiveenergiesandGrand Daostrength of completely.
所有的力量,全部融入了在场银月武师体内,除了赵署长几位日月七重,其他人,全部获得了大量的能量和大道之力。Incessantlyso, at this moment, Li Haoopened the Grand Daouniverseforcefully, squeezes in the old tortoiseandSequoia Tree several Grand Daouniverse, said with a smilelightly: „Do not run all over the place, Iwill lookyour!”
The Li Haoaura, dropsinstantaneously, fromDao Fusion, falls intoSun and Moonsuddenly.李皓的气息,瞬间跌落,从合道,眨眼间跌入日月。Sun and Moonnineheavy, Sun and Mooneightheavy, Sun and Moonsevenfold......日月九重,日月八重,日月七重……Meanwhile, Black Panther is also oneroarssad and shrill, bang!
The strength of swallowingerupts, twohugeincomparableHeaven's Willexplodeinstantaneously, the innumerableenergiessweep across the world, the impactworld, Great Wildernessexplodedirectlybroken!
吞噬之力爆发,两股巨大无比的天意瞬间爆炸开,无数的能量席卷天地,冲击天地,大荒直接爆碎!At this moment, ZhengYuknows that hemadeanything.
这一刻,郑宇知道他做什么了。Helooks atLi Haodull.
他只是呆呆地看着李皓。Butopposite, the Li Haosmileis bright, smiledlikeflowers, „this day...... thisGrand Dao, is unstable! I, am the upper limit of the world, understood? Ifall the boundary, will the worldcompress, understands? ZhengYu...... youdaresto leadso manysagesto chase downmeunexpectedly, whogivesyourcourage?”
天崩地裂!At this moment, the heavenis calling out pitifullyprobably.
这一刻,苍天好像都在惨叫。FourbigLordcities, swallow the innumerableenergiesrapidly, the worldenergyconsumesinstantaneously, a Heaven's Willdisintegrationsection, Great Wildernessexplodesdirectlybroken, the godcountryregion, Lin HongyualsocrushedmassiveHeaven's Will, Heaven's Willoverflowsto dispersein the sky.
四大主城,迅速吞噬无数能量,天地能量瞬间消耗一空,天意崩碎一截,大荒直接爆碎,神国区域,林红玉也是粉碎了大量天意,天意溢散在上空之中。Obtainspowerhouse who the Heaven's Willin additionholds, in a flash, the Heaven's Willheavy losses.
获得天意加持的强者,一瞬间,将天意重创了。EntireSilver Moonshiversfiercely!
整个银月剧烈颤动起来!Energyinstantaneousweak a bigtruncation.
能量瞬间薄弱了一大截。Canhold the world of sage, suddenlystartsto have a hugeforce of compression, toprotect oneself, for the stableworld, voidcracksappears, powerfulincomparable!
原本可以容纳圣人的天地,忽然开始产生一股巨大的压缩力,为了自保,为了稳固天地,一道道虚空裂缝出现,强悍无比!ZhengYucomplexiondrastic change!
郑宇脸色剧变!„ReturnsJufeng City!”
The distant place, Jufeng Cityrises straight from the ground, directly soars the vault of heavento come, butZhengYuleadsthesesages, fleesto gotowardJufeng Citycrazily!
远处,飓风城拔地而起,直奔天穹而来,而郑宇带着那些圣人,疯狂朝飓风城遁逃而去!Void, thisflash, the innumerablecracks, thickincomparable, directcuttingcomes.
虚空中,这一瞬间,无数的裂缝,粗大无比,直接切割而来。Everysage, toinnumerablecrackcutting.
The pitiful yellsoundspreads!
惨叫声传出!Lingering on faintly!
不绝于耳!Li Hao, byfrombreaking the Grand Daoprice, drops the boundaryprice, againall that restores the world, before returning, the world...... is unable to hold the powerfulpowerhouseto appear.李皓,以自断大道的代价,跌落境界的代价,再次将天地恢复的一切,回归到了之前,天地……无法容纳强大的强者出现了。Toostrong, will cause the worldto crash, at this moment, the whole worldis compressing, is collapsing, mountain rangesbreak!
The spacecrack, independentis not powerful.
But when presents100, 1000, 10,000......
可当出现一百条,一千条,一万条……Even ifsage, even ifSon of Heaven, will be cut!
A sagedirectlycutexplosion, Grand Daoappeared, in a flash, Grand Daoby the smashing of spatial cutting, Jufeng City was still even going against the pressure, towardaboveflight.
一位圣人直接被切割的爆炸开了,大道浮现,一瞬间,连大道都被空间切割的粉碎,飓风城还在顶着压力,朝上空飞行。Returns to the old city, was all right!
回到古城,就没事了!ZhengYucloneto angrily roar: „Quickly!”
Another sage, the sad and shrillpitiful yell, explodesinstantaneously, the energy of exploding, made the worldstableractually, butwas quick, theseenergieswere swallowedto walkbyLi Hao, fourbigLordcitiesapproached.
一尊又一尊的圣人,凄厉惨叫,瞬间爆开,爆开的能量,倒是让天地稳固了一些,可很快,这些能量又被李皓这边吞噬而走,四大主城靠近。ZhengYumustlead the personto break infourlarge ancient cityprobably...... to be quick, fourbigLordcitiesfleeagain, received the order of Li Hao, far away fromhere.
The spacecrack, does not aim at the weak one.
空间裂缝,不针对弱者。Does not exceed the worldupper limit, does not have the issue.
不超过世界上限,就没问题。Maybe the powerhouse, moreaimed at!
可越是强者,越是被针对!At this moment, remotedirection, Ying Hongyuethreepeople, is the complexioncrazilychanges, queen of fleeing, is the complexionbig change!
这一刻,遥远的方向,映红月三人,也是脸色狂变,遁逃的女王,也是脸色大变!These, are the sages.
这些,都是圣人。But the world, did not allow the sageto existat this moment.
The Li Haoauraslidesunceasingly, the mortal bodystillin the crack, looks that sageswere killed, the smileis bright, looks that Superintendent Zhaotheyare dumbfounded, the smileis even more bright: „Interesting? Suchinteresting...... haven't youswallowedstrengthcultivation?”李皓气息不断下滑,肉身还在龟裂,看着一位位圣人被杀,笑容灿烂无比,看着赵署长他们目瞪口呆,笑容愈加灿烂:“有趣吗?这么有趣……你们还不吞噬力量修炼?”Li Haoshouted angrily: „Looks atanything! Silly? Hurry up, otherwise the worldmustswallowallenergies, patched itself!”李皓一声怒喝:“看什么!都傻了吗?快点,不然天地要吞噬掉所有能量,修补自身了!”
The people seem awakening from a dream!
众人如梦初醒!Delayare incomparable, is actually startsto derive the energycrazily, at this moment, toomanyenergies!
一个个呆滞无比,却是开始疯狂汲取能量,此刻,太多的能量了!Toomanyare too many!
太多太多!But the Li Haosound, is also spreadingin all directions: „Worldnew Waycultivator, at this moment, cultivation, swallows the worldenergytogether!”
而李皓的声音,也在四面八方传出:“天下新道修炼者,此刻,一起修炼,吞噬天地能量!”Even if only the flash, enoughtheyswallowedsomehigh-qualityenergies.
哪怕只是一瞬间,也足够他们吞噬一些高质量的能量了。Li Haoaura, but also is sliding.李皓的气息,还在下滑。Quick, sevenfolddroppedquicklyuntilSun and Moon, thisconsolidated.
很快,直到日月七重都快跌落下去了,这才稳固了下来。Not far away, ZhengYucloneto angrily roaragain and again, destroyed the innumerablespacecracks, crossedone, leads78sages, returned to the old city, butremainingsages, cutrupturingin abundance!
不远处,郑宇分身怒吼连连,打碎了无数空间裂缝,过了一阵,带着七八位圣人,逃回了古城,而剩下的圣人,纷纷被切割的爆裂开!EvenGrand Daowas cutto break!
世界压缩!Even if only the microcosm, is not the sagecanresist, perhapsbe onlyhalfemperorlevel, blocked the compression of the world hopefully, if this is not the case, the sageshave come out!
哪怕只是小世界,也不是圣人可以抵挡的,也许只有到了半帝层次,才有希望挡住世界的压缩,若非如此,圣人们早就出来了!At this moment, ZhengYumain body, looks atLi Haosilently, did not say a word!
损失惨重无比!Naturally, solelyis nothim, Li Hao.
当然,不单单是他这边,还有李皓自己。HebrokeinnumerableGrand Daounexpectedly, discarded the Great Wildernessworld, onlytokillthisgroup of sages.
他居然自己断了无数大道,废掉了大荒天地,只为了弄死这群圣人。Thistime, diedunexpectedly10sages.
这一次,居然死了十位圣人。But10 can that goes out...... alsolive?
而出去的十位……还能活下来吗?Perhaps...... did not have!
也许……都没了!At the presentworld , can only holdSun and Moonsevenfold.
而今的天地,又只能容纳日月七重了。Damn, bastard!
The Li Haosmileis bright: „No rush, thistimediedso manypeople, everyonewill be quickly powerful, the worldis stable, quickcanhold the sage! Nexttime, I, even iffromexploding, stillhad nothingto affectprobably......, becauseHeaven's Willthesereallyhatedmetime, thought that Itossed aboutiteach time...... next time, probablydo not giveme the opportunity, did not givemeGrand Dao the opportunity...... onetime, do not fear,diedsomesages!”李皓笑容灿烂无比:“别急,这次死了这么多人,大家很快都会强大起来,天地稳固,很快又可以容纳圣人了!下一次,我就算自爆,大概也没什么作用了……因为天意这一次真的恨我了,觉得我每次都折腾它……下次,大概不给我机会了,连大道都不给我机会了……就一次,别怕,死了一些圣人而已!”Died?
死了一些吗?ZhengYudid not say a word.
郑宇一言不发。Dyingwere more!
The Zheng Familybackground, inthis, thistime, the sagediedcompletelymost probably, the sage in Jufeng City, less than10, the Son of Heavenalsohadseveralactually.郑家的底蕴,全部都在这了,这一次,圣人死了大半,飓风城内的圣人,都不到十位了,天王倒是还有几位。But can strengthlike this...... compared withbefore, in the shorttime, howlike this?
可这样的实力……比起之前,短短时间内,怎么会这样?Moreover, in a short time, the sageis unable to go out.
而且,短时间内,圣人又无法出去了。Li Hao, oneselfgave upmoststrengthsunexpectedly.李皓,居然自己放弃了大部分实力。Damn!
该死的!Thistime, shouldbe his high-speedimprovementperiod, heevenpossiblyentersDao Fusiondouble, tertiaryhas the possibility.
这一次,应该是他一个高速提升期,他甚至可能进入合道二重,三重都有可能。Butnow, Li HaoisSun and Moonsevenfold, Immortalpeaklevel.
可现在,李皓是日月七重,不朽巅峰的层次。Naturally, Li Hao the strength of Grand Dao, althoughcollapses, butcheapSilver Moonmartial master, heallexplodes the strength of brokenGrand Dao, gave others completely, at this moment, thesepeopleare promotingcrazily.
当然,李皓的大道之力,虽然崩溃,可都便宜了银月武师们,他将所有爆碎的大道之力,全部给了其他人,此刻,那些人都在疯狂提升。Heavenly Swordthesepeople, sevenfoldare setting outtowardSun and Moon.天剑这些人,都在朝日月七重进发。ActuallyBlack Panther, pitifulincomparable, somehidden bitternesslook that Li Hao...... thinksownthistime, will pick up a big bargain, nowdiscovers,Li Haois the realdog, specialpitperson on one's own side!
倒是黑豹,凄惨无比,有些幽怨地看着李皓……原以为自己这一次,会捡个大便宜,现在才发现,李皓是真狗,专坑自己人!No wondermakesmecome!
怪不得让我来呢!Becauseitismonster clan, the physiqueis powerful, in addition the Monster Suppressing Envoybloodlines, explodedbroke to piecesHeaven's Will, canlive...... the words of others...... dead probably.
坑狗啊!Black Pantheris feelingwithin the bodybadly-damageddao lineage, feels the weakincomparablemortal body, a little bitdogbloodis droppingunceasingly, was somewhat miserable, looked atLi Hao, the painwas incomparable!黑豹感受着体内残破不堪的道脉,感受着虚弱无比的肉身,一滴滴狗血不断滴落,有些凄凉,看了一眼李皓,痛苦无比!YoupitI!
你又坑我!„woof woof!”
“汪汪!”Black Panthercalled the vocal cordsomeinnocently, somepitiful, somegrievance.黑豹叫声带着一些无辜,一些可怜,一些委屈。ButLi Hao, looked upvoid, looked at a moon.
笑了起来。LiDaoheng, youwent in...... probablyin a short time, cannotcome out.
The world, was unable to hold the sageat present.
天地,目前还无法容纳圣人。Helookstostanding and waiting for a long timemotionlessJufeng City, lookstoZhengYu, the smileis bright: „Do not look! At presentthissituation...... most about a month, canrestoretoholding the degree of sage! Temporaryshatter, is not the permanentdamage! Actuallyessentially, the worldin the restoration, diedso manysages, swallowedso manyenergies, butis found timetemporarily...... quicklyby the worldperson, can the natural recovery!”
他知道!Diedso manysages, heis still angryandhelpless.
只是,死了这么多圣人,他依旧愤怒和无奈。Hesaidslowly: „A month...... can yourestoreto the Saintstepagain? Li Hao, the nexttime, the worldwill be only stabler, youfromexplodingGrand Dao, fromexplodingdao lineage, onemonthlater, can yourestoretotoday'slevel?”
他缓缓道:“一个月……你能再次恢复到圣阶吗?李皓,下一次,天地只会更稳固,你自爆大道,自爆道脉,一个月后,你能恢复到今日层次吗?”Ifcannot, Li Haoend.
若是不能,李皓就完了。This is also the exploratoryinquiry.
这也是试探性的询问。Hewantsto know,whatenergyLi Hao...... has and assurance, daresto dothis?
他想知道,李皓……有什么底气和把握,敢如此做?Amongoneday, was buried aliveso manysages...... ZhengYunot to go crazybyhim, canendure.
The Ying Hongyuebigprobabilityis living, becausesealnotbroken, but the remainingthesesages...... did not come backprobably.映红月大概率活着,因为封印没破,可剩下的那些圣人……大概都回不来了。
...... Alsono onecared about the lifeas for the queenbut actually.
至于女王……倒也没人去关心死活了。Not onlyso......, ifothervestiges have the sage, at this momentjustspies onanythingoutside, has not fled...... dead with enough timeprobably!
不单单如此……若是其他遗迹也有圣人,此刻刚好在外窥探什么,没来得及遁逃回去……大概都会死!This is also a cleaning of Li Hao!
这也算是李皓的一次清扫!Zhang Antheywalked, entered the seal, hedid not know that othersages, hissageis treatingin the old city, the old tortoisetheysqueezed in the Grand Daouniversebyoneself.张安他们都走了,进入了封印,他也不认识其他圣人了,自己一方的圣人都在古城中待着,老乌龟他们被自己塞入了大道宇宙。Ifat this moment, the outside worldalsohas the sageto exist...... no matterwhichside, in any caseis not the good person, dyingdiedwas good!
The Li Haosmileis still bright: „A month, Icurrently have attributelessdao lineage28, placed Sun and Moonsevenfold...... opens8again, wasSun and Moonnineheavy...... enteredDao Fusionagain, held about 10matters, threedaysdao lineage...... Zheng did Yu, whyyousolook down onme? Actuallyat that time, underyoualso how manysages? With, looked that Icansolvethem? Also, youforgot...... me, severalsagesexist! Underyou, can thata mere pittance, killme?”李皓依旧笑容灿烂:“一个月,我现在还有无属性道脉28条,堪堪维持在日月七重……再开八条,就是日月九重了……再次进入合道,也就多开十条左右的事,三天一条道脉而已……郑宇,你为何如此小瞧我?倒是那时候,你麾下还有多少圣人?都给拿出来,看我能不能解决他们?还有,你忘了……我这边,还有好几位圣人存在!就你麾下,那三瓜两枣的,能杀了我?”Demonic nature that even moreLi Haosmiles, smiledeven morebright: „Thencalled the security, otherwise, oftendozenssageschased downme, was uncomfortable! Youlook, now, in the world, Iwas an eldest child! So long asIdo not enter the vestige, anyone of youcando tome? Iordo not work as the powerhouse, worked as, Iamyourfather, do yourelder brothers, ZhengYu, yourefuse to accept?”李皓笑的愈加魔性,笑的愈加灿烂:“这才叫安全,否则,动不动几十位圣人追杀我,多难受!你看,现在,天底下,我又是老大了!只要我不入遗迹,你们谁能奈何我?我要不不当强者,当了,我就是你们的爹,你们的老大哥,郑宇,你不服吗?”ZhengYulooks atthiscrazyfellow, the complexionis ugly, controlsJufeng Cityto vanishinstantaneously.
郑宇看着这个疯狂的家伙,脸色难看,瞬间驾驭飓风城消失。In a flash, integrates the ground, vanishesdoes not see!
混蛋东西!Li Haothisfellow, harms others but not benefit oneself!李皓这家伙,损人不利己!Arrived at more than 80dao lineage, hiseyedid not wink, discarded the larger part, tobecomeonemonth of eldest child!
都开到80多条道脉了,他眼睛都不眨,废掉了一大半,就为了多当一个月的老大!Naturally...... toZhengYu, butis the profoundheart!
死了太多圣人了!Then, even if the sagecango out, hedoes not dareto go out, ifwent out, Li Hao, stillhas the sage, many.
接下来,就算圣人能出去,他都不敢让人出去了,若是出去了,李皓这边,也不是没圣人,还有多位呢。Thistime, is unable to form the steamrollsituation.
这一次,就无法形成碾压局势了。Reallywent out, encountered the opposite party, perhapswill be given the steamrollby the opposite party.
真出去了,遭遇了对方,也许会被对方给碾压了。In fact, incessantlyonemonth.
实际上,远不止一个月的时间。Only if, the worldcanhold the Son of Heaven.
除非,天地能容纳天王。Otherwise...... Li Hao, no onecanrestricthim.
否则……李皓这边,就无人能制约他。At this moment, the Qian Wuliangpeople, open eyes, aurarise suddenly, lookslook atLi Haocomplex.
这一刻,乾无亮众人,纷纷睁眼,一个个气息暴涨,一个个眼神复杂地看着李皓。At this moment, Silver Moonmartial master, presentedmanySun and Moonsevenfold.
这一刻,银月武师,出现了多位日月七重。Superintendent Zhao, Qian Wuliang, Heavenly Sword, Tyrant Blade, Light Sword......赵署长,乾无亮,天剑,霸刀,光明剑……Thesepeople, almostenteredSun and Moonsevenfold.
这些人,几乎都进入了日月七重。ButGreat Liking, water cloudqueen motherandGreat Wildernessking, Jiang Li, Bureau Chief Wang...... thisgroup of people, almostinSun and Moonsevenfold, orhas not progressed, eithermaintains the original design, eitherpromoted.
而大离王、水云太后、大荒王、姜离、王署长……这群人,也几乎都在日月七重,或者没进步,或者维持原样,或者提升了一些。Originally, Li Haooutshines others, butat this moment, manypeopleandhewas impartial!
“侯爷!”Qian Wuliangwas somewhat complex, shoutedLi Hao.乾无亮有些复杂,喊了一声李皓。At this moment, reallyhad mixed feelingstoo.
所有人都是如此。ReallyreachedLi Haothissituation, whowill do that?
真走到了李皓这地步,谁会这么做?Now, onegroup of peoplestrided inSun and Moonsevenfold, butLi Haooneself am also, insevenfolddoes not calculateactuallyreallyinvincible, doesn't hefear?
现在,一群人跨入了日月七重,而李皓本人也是,在七重中其实不算真的无敌,他就一点不怕吗?HefrombreakingsomeGrand Dao, the strength of Grand Dao, apportionedeveryone.
他自断一些大道,将大道之力,分给了大家。Thistime...... a Li Haoharvestdoes not have, lets the Silver Moonpeople, powerful a section, Liu Yanthisgroup of people, five elementsdao lineagecultivator, at this moment, is close to the Sun and Moonsevenfoldsituationunexpectedly.
这一次……李皓一点收获都没有,却是让银月众人,都强大了一截,连带着,柳艳这群人,五行道脉修炼者,此刻,居然也都接近日月七重的地步。It may be said thatreaches the sky in a single bound!
可谓是一步登天!Diedso manysages, worldperson, if the chanceis enough, perhapson this day, was bornsomepowerhouses, evenstrides inMountains and SeasSun and Moon, is very normal.
死了那么多圣人,天下人,若是机缘足够,这一日,也许也诞生了一些强者,甚至跨入山海日月,都很正常。Poor a Li Haoperson, rich a large crowd!
穷了李皓一人,富了一大群人!Li Haois a faceis confident, said with a smilelightly: „Whathas? Brokesomedao lineage! Originallydisorderly, repairing is also the good deed! The Great Wildernessworld, is only the falseworld, originallyIdo not wantto be...... onresultZhengYu, leadingdozenssagesto chase downme, Ido not givehimto select the colorto have a look, healsothinks that myLi Haois goodto bully!”李皓却是一脸坦然,轻笑道:“有什么?断了一些道脉罢了!本就杂乱的很,重修也是好事!大荒天地,只是虚假的天地,本来我也没想这么做……结果郑宇上头了,带着数十圣人追杀我,我不给他点颜色看看,他还以为我李皓好欺负!”Li Haosmileseven morebright: „Thistime, playedis very happy! didn't expectamongoneday, solvedso manysages, probablyover20! WhenZhang Antheywalk...... the hopedo not worry, onemonthlatersaid that comes out...... to havenowis shearedseveralblades...... Xinghe City, poursalsohas nothingat the worst, only ifsomepeopleare not in the old city.”李皓笑的愈加灿烂:“这次,玩的很开心!没想到一日间,解决了这么多圣人,大概超过20了吧!等张安他们走出来……希望不要太着急,一个月后再说吧,现在出来……少不得被割几刀……不过星河城在,倒也没什么大不了的,除非有人不在古城中。”
The old city, the presentis the biggestdefensecover.
The spatial cutting, avoidedtheseold cities.
空间切割,避开了这些古城。Perhapsisbecause the old citysuppressed the world, to the world, existence of old city, is the cornerstone.
也许是因为古城镇压了天地,对天地而言,古城的存在,是基石。Without the words of old city, perhapsgenerally the sage in vestige, will be cut dead.
The peopleare silentsilent.
众人都沉默无声。Seeing the atmosphereis somewhat dignified, Li Haosmiled: „Everyoneprogressed, whathavingis unhappy? The Great Liking...... was sorryactually, whatI thought that clever, youcouldenterDao Fusion...... the resultyouto see, playedin a big way, didn't youmind?”
The Great Likingcansayanything!大离王能说什么!Onlycanbe silent.
只能沉默。Sun and Moonsevenfold...... the presenteveryoneis.日月七重……现在大家都是。Li Haoare!李皓自己都是!What can yousay?
你能说什么呢?Mayalsorepresent, thistime, hisanythinghas not harvested, Jiang Li, beforehandwas actually more powerful, but...... as beforeis the gain does not equal the loss!
可也代表,这一次,他什么都没收获到,倒是姜离,比之前强大了一些,可是……依旧是得不偿失啊!Heis also speechless!
他也无话可说!Li Haoisintentionally, reallydoes not have the means...... only to askhe himself.李皓到底是故意的,还是真的没办法……只能问他自己。Thistime, Silver Moonmartial mastergainedin any casein a big way, ZhengYukuiwas big, the godcountryowedin a big way, Li Haosaid no that onwasowesgains, but the enemiesowed, hegained!
真的好手段!Water cloudqueen mother, Great Wildernessking, these, ishave mixed feelings.
水云太后,大荒王,这几位,也是心情复杂。Li Hao...... reallyhas the ability.李皓……真有能耐啊。PowerfulSilver Moon, weakened the enemy, perhaps...... reallycanstride in the Dao Fusionlevelas forhe himselfquicklyagain, at that time, greatlyowedwas the enemy.
强大了银月,削弱了敌人,至于他自己……也许真的很快可以再次跨入合道层次,那时候,巨亏的就是敌人了。While convenient, including not well-knownpowerhouseandenemy, sweeping clear!
The place of Silver Moon, ifrecentlyhad the sageto appear, strollseverywhererandomly, perhapsat this moment, was killed.银月之地,若是最近有圣人偷着出现,四处乱逛,此刻,也许都被弄死了。BecauseLi HaoenteredDao Fusion, everyoneforgot, orno onehas considered, thisfellowwill also make the worldweakenagain, finally, hereallydid that!
因为李皓进入了合道,大家都忘了,或者没人考虑过,这家伙还会让天地再次削弱,结果,他真就这么做了!Everyone, peepsunceasinglyLi Hao.
所有人,都不断偷看李皓。Li Hao seemed very recently goodto speak, smilecontinuouslybrightincomparable......, but, morelooked that was more fearful!李皓最近看起来很好说话,笑容一直灿烂无比……可是,越看越是心寒呢!
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