The place of Great Wilderness.大荒之地。
A chaosgiant, in the standing and waiting for a long timeworld, isLi Hao.
一尊混沌巨人,伫立天地之间,正是李皓。Li Haoat this moment, laughswildly.
此刻的李皓,猖狂大笑。Void, bysmallsword that the queencompels, but alsoinfloat, probablyis somewhat angry, Heaven's Willalso.
The Heaven's Willin additionholds the person, almostdied.
只是,天意加持之人,几乎都死了。„Youralsothis/shouldstarting off!”
“你也该上路了!”Li Haolooksto the sword of Heaven's Will, raised the headlooksagaintovoid, Silver Moonvanished.李皓看向天意之剑,抬头再次看向虚空,银月消失了。At this moment, thisplace, only thenthisHeaven's Willsmallsword......
此刻,此地,只有这把天意小剑了……As forHeaven's Will, vanishesto disappearnow, perhapswasasksothersto go, perhapswaslooks forLin Hongyu, perhapswaslooks forYing Hongyue...... in brief, the outside worlddoes not haveHeaven's Willto gatherto comenowagain.
至于外界的天意,如今消失不见了,也许是找别人去了,也许是去找林红玉了,也许是找映红月了……总之,现在外界没有天意再次汇聚而来了。„Black Panther! Swallowedit!”
“黑豹!吞了它!”Li HaolookstoBlack Panther, Black Pantheris somewhat vacant.李皓看向黑豹,黑豹有些茫然。YouswallowedchaosHeaven's Will, what alsowantsmeto swallow the Heaven's Willsmallswordto make?
你都吞了混沌天意了,还要我吞天意小剑做什么?Justthinking, suddenly, the Li Haoaurais sliding, a white horsespatbyhim, the peopleareonestartled, why is this?
刚想着,忽然,李皓气息下滑,一匹白马被他吐了出来,众人都是一惊,这是为什么?Li HaoswallowschaosHeaven's Will, swallows the Heaven's Willsmallswordagain, perhapsunder the both sidesneutralize, reallycanopen not a bigownlittle world, butat this moment, killed off the enemy, heput out the meaning of chaosunexpectedly.李皓吞噬混沌天意,再吞掉天意小剑,双方中和之下,也许真能开启一个不大的属于自己的小天地,可此刻,杀光了敌人,他居然吐出了混沌之意。Chinese larchseveral, are very accidental/surprised.
红杉几位,都很意外。Has a look atBlack Panther...... the peoplenot to speakagain, is the doubts.
再看看黑豹……众人都没说话,还是疑惑。PromotesforcefullyBlack Panther, meaningful?
强行将黑豹提升上去,有意义吗?Li Haosaid with a smile: „It is not anxious! IfIswallowedHeaven's Will, swallowed the meaning of chaos, I here world, reallydifficultline! NowBlack Pantherswallowed...... Black Pantherto be difficult, Iwas the issueam not big! Heaven's Willis ignorant, like the child, Ihitsitstoday, the hitpartwas killed, had not been hit, not necessarilystillremembersherematter.”李皓却是笑道:“不急!我若是吞了天意,吞了混沌之意,我在这边天地,就真的难行了!现在黑豹吞了……黑豹寸步难行,我还是问题不大的!天意懵懂,如同孩子,我今日打了它一顿,被打的这部分都被干掉了,没被打的,未必还记得这边的事。”
Do youwork as the foolHeaven's Will?
The peoplehad nothing to say in reply.
众人无言以对。Li Hao is actually brightly smiling, works as the fool.李皓却是笑容灿烂,就是当傻子。„So long asmyauratransforms, whereitknows,IamLi HaoorWang Hao, openswhite......”
“只要我气息转变,它哪会知道,我是李皓还是王皓,还是张皓……”Heaven's Will, does not haveto be mature.天意,又没成熟起来。Fearsanything.
怕什么。NowswallowsthisHeaven's Will, thataurahas existed, othershave rememberedyou.
现在吞掉这股天意,那气息一直存在,人家才会一直记得你。Then, shoutedagain: „Black Panther, swallowsit, swallowed, wealsohad the matter to do!”
Can the matterdo?
还有事要做?Black Pantherdoes not dareto sayagain,roaredrapidly, the strength of swallowingerupted, sweeps across the world, the white horse that will just spitinstantaneously, swallowed, engaged in fierce battleagainwithHeaven's Will.黑豹不敢再说,迅速咆哮,吞噬之力爆发,席卷天地,瞬间将刚刚被吐出来的白马,一口吞下,紧接着,再次和天意鏖战起来。Li Haohas not managedit, this timeLi Hao, the aurastartedto slide.李皓没管它,这时候的李皓,气息开始下滑。Enduredcompared with the strength of Son of Heaven, fallsall of a suddenagain.
原本堪比天王的战力,一下子再次滑落下去。At this moment, the distant place, the formescapesto emptyto cometogetherrapidly, is the old tortoise, at this moment, the old tortoiseis extremely tenseanddisturbed, tois shoutingfar away: „It is not good, Zhenxing Citywas seized......”
The wordsfall, the old tortoisefalls to the ground, the whole bodywas the scar, the carapaceis staver, somewhatwas awkward: „That...... ZhengYuclone the Zhenxing Cityvestige, Iam unable to be a worthy opponent, I......”
话落,老乌龟落地,浑身都是伤痕,龟甲都破碎了许多,有些尴尬:“那个……郑宇分身去了镇星城遗迹,我无法匹敌,我……”Reallydoes not have the meansto be a worthy opponent, thereforeitran.
真没办法匹敌,所以它跑了。Does not run, mustdiewithout doubt!
不跑,必死无疑!Butthiswas a military deserter, threw the citywaste, lostinNew Martial, was cutdirectly.
可这算是逃兵了,丢城弃土,丢在新武,直接就被斩了。Therefore, this momentold tortoiseis very anxious.
所以,此刻老乌龟很不安。Li Hao is actually calm: „Normal! ZhengYuhas had the Zhenxing Cityidea, heclonenot to come, butwasYing Hongyuecame, Iknow,he was very possibleto go tothat side the Zhenxing Cityvestige.”李皓却是一脸平静:“正常!郑宇早就打镇星城主意了,他分身没来,而是映红月来了,我就知道,他很可能去了镇星城遗迹那边。”Othersarehalfemperor, even if only the sageclone, the old tortoisestrengthis also ordinary, is unable being a worthy opponentopposite party, thatto benormal.
人家是半帝,哪怕只是圣人分身,老乌龟战力也就一般,无法匹敌对方,那是正常的。As forescaping......
至于逃……Did not run awaydies, escapednormally.
不逃就是死,逃了也正常。„Marquis, this......”
“侯爷,这个……”„Might as well!”
“无妨!”Li Haothinks little, saidrapidly: „Does not needto managethese, enters the Great Wildernessrange!”李皓不以为意,迅速道:“不用管这些,进大荒范围!”
The old tortoiseenters the Great Wildernessrangerapidly, saw that the Black Pantherpeopleare still encirclingkill the sword of Heaven's Will, somedoubts, doesn't Li Hao...... make a move?
老乌龟迅速进入大荒范围,看到黑豹众人还在围杀天意之剑,有些疑惑,李皓……怎么不出手?Li Haowatched the weather.李皓看了看天色。
The nextquarter, jumpsinstantaneously, the shuttleis void, the soundshakesin the sphere that Great Wildernessturns into: „Black Panther, swallowsit...... Ineeded the timerapidly, youfuse the meaning of pair of dayagain...... now, Imustleadeveryoneto go toSilver City!”
Are the peoplestartled, whatgo toSilver Cityto make?
众人都是一怔,去银城做什么?„Goes toSilver City...... to enter the sealinstantaneous! Has a lookwhether to rout the Silver Moonmain body......”
“去银城……入封印瞬间!看看能否击溃银月本尊……”Everyonedelay, old tortoisehurriedsay/way: „Is marquisthismustbreak open the seal?”
所有人都呆滞了一下,老乌龟急忙道:“侯爷这是要破开封印?”„It is not, brokeSilver Moon, is not necessarily ableto break open the seal...... but may limit a powerhouse! Letstrength that shecarries off, returnsagain!”
“不是,破了银月,也未必会破开封印……而是可能会限制一位强者!让她带走的力量,再次回归!”Said is reallyMoon God!
说的便是真月神!TrueMoon God, has certainly carried offmassiveenergies, nowrouts the main body that the opposite partykeeps, the opposite party, fordoes not makeVenerable Emperorbrokenseal, certainlywill choose the strength of carrying offto returnagain.
The meaning of doubledayerupts the fusion, certainlywill have the instantaneousexplosive force, powerfulunparalleled!
双天之意爆发融合,一定会有瞬间的爆发力,强悍无双!Succeedsvery muchhopefully!
很有希望成功!Naturally, verydangerouslythen.
当然,很危险便是了。What's the big deal?
那又如何呢?Red MoonthatVenerable Emperor, will perhaps kill itself, butLi Haodid not fear that...... Red MoonVenerable Emperorcankill itself, maybreakon behalf of the seal, once the sealmaybreak, went badeveryone'splan...... at that time, LiDaohengis also good, ZhengYuis also good, mustcry.红月那位帝尊,也许会杀了自己,不过李皓也不怕……红月帝尊能杀自己,代表封印可破了,一旦封印可破,坏了所有人的计划……那时候,李道恒也好,郑宇也好,都得哭。Severalsideinfluences, noworLi Haois weakest.
缺乏足够的顶级强者!Therefore, a releasetoppowerhouse, absolutelyis not the matter that Li Haomostis worried about.
所以,释放一位顶级强者,绝对不会是李皓最担心的事。Li Haoholds the greatball, dashesto gotoward the north.李皓手托巨球,朝着北方飞奔而去。ZhengYuclonenow...... ZhengYuto be very strongin the Zhenxing Cityvestige, maybranch out a sagecloneeach time, is a loss, how manysageseven ifcanstop itself...... to branch outclone?
郑宇分身现在在镇星城遗迹……郑宇很强,可每次分出一位圣人分身,也是一种损耗,就算要阻拦自己……能分出多少圣人分身?ButinJufeng City, how manysagescancome out?
而飓风城内,还有多少圣人可以出来?Diedall of a sudden8, twoare followingYing Hongyueto escape, canescapeis an issue.
圣人真的无穷无尽吗?Thisis the opportunity!
...... Youclone to occupyas forZhenxing City, youoccupy, could not occupy, could not capture the Blood Emperor Venerableweapon, youcontinuedto remain, sooner or laterbesiegedyourclone!
The Li Haospeedis extremely fast.李皓速度极快。With the place of Great Wilderness, directly soars the northto go.
……At the same time.
同一时间。North, Silver Moon.
A dreadfulloud sound, resounds through the world.
一声滔天巨响,响彻天地。In a flash, a greatcityfloat, inJufeng City, ZhengYucomplexionis ugly, appearsin the urban fringerapidly, lookstowardnot far away, that side, Xinghe Cityfloatsspatially.
一瞬间,一座巨城悬浮而起,飓风城中,郑宇脸色难看,迅速出现在城市边缘,朝不远处看去,那边,星河城浮空。„Zhang An!”
“张安!”At this moment, Xinghe Cityfloatsto empty, the summit of Zhang Anstanding erectcity, looksto the distant place, looksas alwaystoZhengYu, the complexionindifferentindifferent.
此刻,星河城浮空而起,张安屹立城市之巅,看向远方,看向郑宇,面色一如既往的冷漠淡然。„Zhou Familyrebels, whenexecutes!”
The wordsfall, look atZhengYutodistant place, saidin a soft voice: „Zheng Family...... is also no exception!”
话落,看向远处的郑宇,轻声道:“郑家……也不会例外的!”ZhengYucomplexionis unattractive, butat this time, inJufeng City, aura, sageswere turbulently angry, came from the Zhou Familysage, clenches jaws!
郑宇脸色不好看,而这时候,飓风城内,一股股气息动荡而起,一位位圣人愤怒无比,还有来自周家的圣人,咬牙切齿!Xinghe Cityclose toJufeng City, there is a sageto go out, cameJufeng City.星河城靠近飓风城,还是有圣人走出,来了飓风城的。However, there is a sageto remain behindXinghe City.
不过,也有圣人留守星河城。After all is a Lordcity.
毕竟是一座主城。Finally, Zhang Anthesepeople, capturedXinghe Citynot making a soundunexpectedly, evenwithoutbringing to the attention of Zhou Familyperson, obviously, as the supremegrandson, thisfellowmethodare many, without speakinginvadedXinghe City.
结果,张安这些人,不声不响的,居然夺取了星河城,甚至没有引起周家人的注意,显然,作为至尊之孙,这家伙手段很多,无声无息就入侵了星河城。At this moment, ZhengYuknits the browsunceasingly.
The lossis serious!
损失惨重!Xinghe Cityhastwosagesto assume personal command, was killedevidently, but10sages who go outperhaps............ have no good endcurrently speaking, becausethat sideEasternGreat Wilderness, someprobablypeoplefell from the sky.星河城有两位圣人坐镇,看样子都被杀了,而出去的十位圣人……目前来看……也许都没什么好下场,因为东方大荒那边,好像有人陨落了。Heaven's Willshivers, the four directionsbigcityagitationworld, Grand Daohas not broken, at present, heis not goodto judge the special details.
只是,天意颤动,四方大城搅动天下,大道没断,目前,他也不好判断具体情况。didn't expectat this time, Zhang Analsocame such a unexpectedly.没想到这时候,张安居然也来了这么一出。ZhengYucomplexionwas not quite attractive.
郑宇脸色不太好看了。Is thinkingtheseinhim, suddenly, bigcityfloat, directly soars the skyto go, ZhengYucomplexionchanges, shouted angrily: „Youdare!”
就在他想着这些,忽然,大城悬浮,直奔天空而去,郑宇脸色一变,怒喝一声:“你敢!”At this moment, thisfellowmustcontrol the old cityunexpectedly, intrudesin the seal!
此刻,这家伙居然要驾驭古城,闯入封印之中!Zhang Andoes not pay attention.张安也不理会。Dared...... can't youcome out, whatroar?
敢不敢的……你又出不来,吼什么呢?ZhengYuis in an uncontrollable rage, branches outinstantaneouslyclonetogether, drinksoneseverely: „Sagegoes out of townalong withme!”
郑宇怒不可遏,瞬间分出一道分身,厉喝一声:“圣人随我出城!”In a flash, cloneto go out of the old city, incessantlyso, isfollowinglots ofsages, initiallylooked,at leastis close to20, buthad left10, was killedseveral......
一瞬间,分身走出古城,不止如此,身后更是跟着大量圣人,初看,起码接近20位,而已经离开了十位,被杀了数位……Ifthese are the completesages, representativeZheng Familytheseyears, drew in the minimum over 30sages.
若是这些便是全部圣人,代表郑家这些年,收拢了起码30位以上的圣人。But the place of Silver Moon, did not havemanysages.
而银月之地,原本就没多少圣人。It can be imagined, Zheng FamilyforSilver Moon, is preparedearly, stored upmanycultivation resources.
可想而知,郑家为了银月,早有准备,囤积了不少修炼资源。In the city, onegroup of peoplehave not gone out, perhapsis the Son of Heavenorexistence of Immortallevel.
城中,还有一群人没出去,也许都是天王或者不朽层次的存在。At this moment, ZhengYucloneto go out, the complexionis pale, fights with the fiststo the greatcity, drinksonecoldly: „Youare courting death!”
这一刻,郑宇分身走出,脸色铁青,一拳打向巨城,冷喝一声:“你是在找死!”InXinghe City , the Sagepersonappears.星河城中,也有一尊尊圣人浮现。Are not many.
不多。Is countedZhang An, five.
算上张安,也才五位。Twoeldersfrommartial worldpledge, fourelders who the martial worldpledgewields the military affairs, is the sagelevels.
来自武林盟的二长老,还有武林盟执掌军务的四长老,都是圣人层次。Zhang FamilyDingtian City, onlywent out of a sage, wieldsto decideDeputy Marshal of space forces, the GuardianMonster Plantbetrayal, was executedbyZhang Family.张家定天城,只走出了一位圣人,执掌定天军的一位副帅,守护妖植背叛,被张家格杀了。
Last sage, is somewhat unexpected, probably a Spiritual God, is onlypartly visible, does not lookthoroughly.
Sky over the Zhang Ancontrolold city, directly soars.张安驾驭古城,直奔上空。Front, ZhengYuleadsdozenssages, stops the road ahead, even the preparationstormenters the city, killsthesebastardsat the scene!
可恶!Thesepeople, are not convenient.
The loud soundsoundbiographyswings, the worldshakes, the underSilver Cityinnumerableconstructions, were destroyedinstantaneously, thisplaceno one, at this time, the tall buildinghas collapsed, the landcrack, presentsfissures.
巨响声传荡而出,天地震荡,下方银城无数建筑,瞬间被摧毁,此地早已无人,这时候,高楼坍塌,大地龟裂,出现一道道裂痕。Evenundergroundstone door, appeared.
The Zhang Ancontrolold city, batters!张安驾驭古城,横冲直撞!
A City Lordseal, floatis spatial.
一枚城主印,悬浮在空。Suddenly, the City Lordsealerupts the powerfulray, ZhengYucomplexionchanges, thatCity Lordsealappearsprobablytogether the person's shadow, unexpectedlywith the Zhang Ansuperposition.
忽然,城主印爆发出强大的光芒,郑宇脸色微变,那城主印好像浮现出一道人影,居然和张安重合了。Thisis the Zhang Angrandfather, mark that keepssupremely.
这是张安的爷爷,那位至尊留下来的印记。Past, Bureau Chief Wangbythis, struckto kill a disabledsage.
昔日,王署长靠这个,击杀了一位残废的圣人。Arrived the Zhang Anhand , the mightwas probably bigger!
轰!Ray that erupts, evenmakessomesagessomewhatsuffocate, the Zhang Andirect impactworldgoes, they do not pesterwithZhengYu, old cityfollowing a red string, mustintegratein the sealforcefully.
爆发出来的光芒,甚至让一些圣人都有些窒息,张安直冲天地而去,并不和郑宇他们纠缠,古城顺着其中一条红线,就要强行融入封印之中。ZhengYuis angry, shouts angrily: „Zhang An, broke the seal, haswhatadvantagetoyou?”
郑宇愤怒无比,怒喝一声:“张安,破了封印,对你有何好处?”„Whocanbreak the seal?”
The Zhang Ansoundis tranquil: „Goes to have a look, to suppressVenerable Emperor, has the relationswithyou? ZhengYu...... the seal...... not necessarily is so broken good, what are youworried about?”张安声音平静:“进去看看,镇压帝尊,和你有关系吗?郑宇……封印……未必那么好破,你担心什么呢?”ZhengYucomplexionis ugly, heknows that the sealnot necessarilyquitebroken.
郑宇脸色难看,他知道封印未必好破。But, reallybroken?
该死的!both sidesfrom the skypester, Zhang Analsoknits the browsunceasingly, althoughcapturedXinghe City, butnow, ZhengYurespondsquickly, leads the remainingsagesto intendto stopdirectly, entanglementcontinuous, ifafterthisconsumptionmassivestrengths...... enter the seal, perhapsdoes not have the meansto cope with the Silver Moonmain body.
就在他迟疑的时候。Suddenly, both sidesalsochange color.
The distant place, chaosaurasweeps across.
远处,一股混沌气息席卷而来。Li Haowith the prestige of the world, the whole bodysurrounds the chaosaura, dashes, butto!李皓携天地之威,浑身环绕混沌气息,飞奔而至!Saw that ZhengYuledlots ofsagesto go out...... seesZhang Anto capture the galaxyold city, might enter the seal, the complexionmoves slightly, suddenlylookedtoBlack Panther, sent greetingsshouts: „Swallows, eruption, fusion!”
At this moment, Black PantheroneswallowsHeaven's Willsuddenly.
就在此刻,黑豹陡然一口吞下天意。In a flash, rumble!
The Black Panthermortal bodyinflatescrazily, changes into a giantincomparable, scaryincomparabledreadfulgreatdoginstantaneously.黑豹肉身疯狂膨胀,瞬间化为一尊巨大无比,骇人无比的滔天巨狗。
The big dogwhole bodychanges into the golden color, changes into the greyquickly, the chaoscolor, thenchanges into the white...... the colorto transformunceasingly, roaredcrazily, the painwailed.
大狗浑身化为金色,很快又化为灰色,混沌色彩,接着又化为白色……颜色不断转换,疯狂咆哮起来,痛苦哀嚎。within the body, twoHeaven's Willpester, the mutualcollision, bangmakes noise, probably the worldinaugurates.
体内,两股天意纠缠,互相碰撞,轰隆作响,好像天地初开。EntirecompressedGreat Wilderness, isheaven and earth turning upside down, rumblemakes noise, drastic changebirth.
The innumerableenergies, eruptrapidly.
In the world, evenappearedweakGrand Daoforms.
At this moment, Li Haopasses messageagain: „Concentratesyourancestorbloodlines, givesthem, as soon asstrikes!”
就在此刻,李皓再次传音:“凝你先祖血脉,给他们一击!”Black Pantherroared, the top of the headappearedunexpectedly a goldengreatcorner/horn, the nextquarter, the thundertwinkle, mixed with the meaning of chaos, the thunderis eruptinginstantaneously, ZhengYupeopletowarddistant placeshelledto go!黑豹咆哮一声,头顶居然浮现出一根金色巨角,下一刻,雷霆闪烁,夹杂着混沌之意,雷霆瞬间爆发,朝远处的郑宇众人轰击而去!Bang!
轰!heaven and earth turning upside down!天翻地覆!Voidblasting open, sages, angry roarloudly, underZhengYu'sleadership, acts, hitsto the thunder!
虚空炸裂,一位位圣人,高声怒吼,在郑宇的带领下,纷纷出手,打向雷霆!Bang bang bang!
The thunderblasts open, manysagewhole bodieswithered, butZhengYuclone, isdistressedincomparable, at this time, Zhang Anthenlooked atLi Hao, suddenly the controlold city, directly soars the sealto go!
雷霆炸裂开,不少圣人浑身焦枯,而郑宇分身,也是狼狈无比,这时候,张安回头看了一眼李皓,忽然驾驭古城,直奔封印而去!Li Haoraises the eyebrowslightly, Zhang An...... must enterin the sealunexpectedly.李皓微微扬眉,张安……居然也要进入封印之中。Healsothinksthisfellow, will not appear.
他还以为这家伙,不会出现的。Now, actuallycaptured the galaxyold city.
现在,却是夺取了星河古城。Hewent in...... to be not necessarily ableto go.
他进去了……自己可就未必能进去了。At this moment, That sideZhengYu, the sageare many, is very angry, Li Hao, Black Pantheris still roaring, butaura, althoughis strong, becausepromotesextremelyreluctantly, likely will explodebroken.
此刻,郑宇那边,圣人不少,都很愤怒,李皓这边,黑豹还在咆哮,可气息虽强,因为提升的太过勉强,很可能会爆碎。Li Haodid not have the chaosaiming at the body, before the strengthis also inferior .李皓没了混沌之意在身,战力也不如之前。Ifreallyfights...... is also not necessarily ableto fishwhatadvantagewiththesesages.
若是真和这些圣人交手……还未必能捞到什么好处。HugeXinghe City, is integrating the seal.
巨大的星河城,正在融入封印。ZhengYucomplexionpale, in the city, meltstogetherZhengYucloneagain, so long asheis willingto cut, changes intooneselfcompletelyclone the line...... to be possiblein that case, dies, to him, is the massive losses.
The minute/sharemany, the strength of halfemperordid not have.
分多了,半帝之力都没了。„Li Hao!”
“李皓!”ZhengYudidrinksone, cloneto flytogetheragaintoward the seal, divideswithmanysagestogether, directly soarsLi Haoto come, to leadsomecoldsevere: „Yourcourage is very big!”
郑宇低喝一声,一道分身再次朝封印飞去,一道分身带着多位圣人,直奔李皓这边而来,带着一些冷厉:“你胆子真的很大!”„At this moment...... can youenter the Grand Daouniverse?”
The wordsfall, sages, make a move.
The vault of heavenwas torninstantaneously, the innumerablestrengthssweep acrossto come, Li Haofleesrapidly, turns aroundto run.
苍穹瞬间被撕裂,无数力量席卷而来,李皓迅速遁逃,转身就跑。Zhang Anwent, hedoes not wantto go.张安进去了,他就不想进去了。But, Li Haodoes not run all over the place, butdirectly soars the skyto go, the rear area, sageschase downto come, Li Haofliestowardonunceasingly, breaks throughunceasinglyvoid, unceasinglyshatterastral wind.
可是,李皓也不是乱跑,而是直奔上空而去,后方,一位位圣人追杀而来,李皓不断朝上飞行,不断突破虚空,不断破碎罡风。Behind, ZhengYuknits the browsslightly.
后方,郑宇微微皱眉。Non-stop flew...... to fly into the worldbarrier.
一直飞下去……都要飞入天地壁垒了。At that time, perhapsLi Haoreallycould not run away.
Cancould thisfellow, choose the exact way because of flurry?
与此同时。Sky, aboveSilver Moon.
上空,银月之上。Carries the swordmannot to say a word, butlooks below allsilently, today, worlddrastic change!
背剑男子一言不发,只是默默看着下方的一切,今日,天地剧变!Zhang Anenters the sealwith the old cityforcefully.张安携古城强行进入封印。Li Hao, brings the Great Wildernessworld, directly soarsabove the vault of heaven, that side the godcountry, Lin Hongyuleads the puppetstillto slaughter, unexpectedlyreallyobtainedsomeHeaven's Willin additionto hold, Heaven's Willdid not have to elect the person, probably can only chooseLin Hongyu.李皓,带着大荒天地,直奔苍穹之上,神国那边,林红玉带着傀儡还在屠戮,居然真获得了一些天意加持,天意无可选之人,好像只能选择林红玉。Fourlarge ancient citystillin the four directionsextractionworldenergy, the shakefour directions, disturbHeaven's Will.
四大古城还在四方抽取天地能量,震荡四方,干扰天意。Now, ZhengYugengleadslots ofsages, chases downLi Hao, directly soars the end of the world.
现在,郑宇更是带着大量圣人,追杀李皓,直奔世界尽头而来。Behind, Moon Godstatuetwinklebrilliance: „Zhang An...... entered the seal!”
后方,月神雕像闪烁光辉:“张安……进入封印了!”Thisis not the good deed!
这不是好事!Zhang Anthisperson, enters the seal, bigprobabilityto likely not destroyseal, such being the case...... to copeown.张安这人,进入封印,大概率不是为了破坏封印,既然如此……很可能是为了对付自己的。Moon God is also somewhathelpless.月神也是有些无奈。Today, allare not smooth.
今日,一切不顺利了。Theseperson of couragealsoreallybig, that sidealsoVenerable Emperor, everyonewhenheis a deceased person?
“我知道。”Carried the swordmanto look under one, looksLi Hao that approachedrapidly, saidin a soft voice: „Li Haolooked likereallyguesses correctly.”
背剑男子看了一眼下方,看了一眼迅速靠近的李皓,轻声道:“李皓看来真的猜到了。”Li Haodirectly soarsthemto come, likely totemptZhengYucopes withhim.李皓直奔他们而来,很可能就是为了引诱郑宇对付他。
It is not possible...... iscertain.
不是可能……是一定。IfZhengYufound,thisin the airmoon, is not the projection, what isgenuinemoon...... canberesponds?
若是郑宇发现,这空中月亮,并非投影,而是真正的月亮……会是什么反应呢?Until now, everyonethinks that thisbright moonlight, isStar GatenearbySilver Moonprojection.
一直以来,大家都以为这一轮明月,是星门附近的银月投影。„Is only...... hecandiscover?”
“只是……他能发现吗?”Carriesswordmen'schuckleone, at this moment, moonsomewhatis suddenly unreal, the nextquarter, the vault of heavensplitsprobably, Silver Moonchanges intowipes the silverray, vanished in same place, but, but alsoleft behindsomeremnantshades, just likegenuinemoon.
The hugemoonmain body, actuallyvanishedin the world.
巨大的月亮本尊,却是消失在了世界之中。But the distant place, the Li Haocomplexionchanges.
而远处,李皓脸色微变。Grand Daouniverse!大道宇宙!Really!
The opposite partySilver Moon, transferredenteredin the Grand Daouniverse!
对方将银月,挪移进入了大道宇宙之中!IllusoryGrand Daouniverse!
The Grand Daouniverse, reallyhas the two sides.大道宇宙,真的有两边。LiDaoheng, wieldedanother side, moon that nowkeeps, is the trueprojection.
“总算是确认了!”Li Haowhispered, turned the headto look, ZhengYuangry , but also is leading the personto chase downhim.李皓嘀咕一声,转头看去,郑宇愤怒的很,还在带着人追杀他。Oneselfcarried the Great Wildernessworld, is actually not goodto enterin the Grand Daouniverse.
自己携带了大荒天地,倒是不好进入大道宇宙之中。Black Pantherhas not consolidated.黑豹还没稳固下来。At this moment, in all directions, fourbigcities, close tohere, thatare beingseveralsages, mustrescue.
此刻,四面八方,也有四座大城,正在靠近这边,那是几位圣人,要来救援。FollowingZhengYu, thistimesets firm resolveprobably, mustsolveLi Haothistrouble.
...... Hedoes not manageas for the Zhang Anthat side.
The peoplewent, what to dobut can also?
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