SG :: Volume #4

#371 Part 3: Executes the Saint

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Just the queen also exposed the powerful incomparable strength, a blink, three Spiritual God abandoned, fuck, these Spiritual God were the paper stick? 刚刚女王还展露出强悍无比的实力,一眨眼,三位神灵就废了,他么的,这些神灵都是纸糊的吗? This time, the accident were too many. 这一次,变故太多了。 But the surrounding, Ying Hongyue aspirates, I know! 而外围,映红月吐了口气,我就知道! Really! 果然! Li Hao this fellow, was even more sinister, certainly was the god country had an accident, let several Spiritual God belief avalanches. 李皓这家伙,愈发阴险了,一定是神国出事了,让几位神灵信仰崩塌了。 More than ten sages make a move, finally, was left over 3 suddenly. 十多位圣人出手,结果,眨眼间就剩下了三位。 These 3 can...... run away is an issue. 这三位……能不能逃走还是一个问题。 Walks!” “走!” He drinks one lowly, looks to remaining two people, two people somewhat are scruple, Ying Hongyue drinks one lowly: Does not walk, could not get away! Waited for the homicide these people, completed Heaven's Will to swallow...... us to die!” 他低喝一声,看向剩下两人,两人还有些迟疑,映红月低喝一声:“再不走,都走不了了!等他杀了这几人,完成了天意吞噬……咱们都要死!” Two sage complexions change, but at this moment, the pitiful yell sound spreads, a sage was killed by the Li Hao bang directly at the scene, another person, the energy accumulation, prepared from exploding evidently! 两位圣人脸色一变,而此刻,惨叫声传出,一位圣人直接被李皓轰杀当场,另外一人,能量聚集,看样子准备自爆了! Was dying shortly, two people could not attend to again many, brings some in a terrified way, with the Ying Hongyue same place, fled to walk crazily! 眼看着都要死了,两人再也顾不得许多了,带着一些惶恐,和映红月一起,疯狂遁逃而走! They are not clear, how this? 他们也不清楚,怎么就这样了? So many powerhouses...... can kill the Son of Heaven! 那么多强者……能杀天王了! How to have suddenly? 怎么就忽然没了? Heaven's Will cannot fight to win Li Hao unexpectedly, instead causes all by the person who the Heaven's Will in addition holds, entered into the situation of death! 天意居然没能斗赢李皓,反而导致所有被天意加持的人,都迈入了死亡的地步! But rear area, bang a loud sound! 而后方,轰隆一声巨响! Last New Martial sage, chose from exploding, the explosive sound resounded through the world. 最后一位新武圣人,选择了自爆,爆炸声响彻天地。 The queen bleeds unceasingly! 女王不断喋血! While she thinks may escape roadless, must die in this, Li Hao smiled suddenly, said in a soft voice: Pursues Heaven's Will, I put you to walk!” 正当她以为无路可逃的时候,要死在这的时候,李皓忽然笑了,轻声道:“将天意驱逐出来,我放你走!” The queen gawked. 女王愣了一下。 The next quarter, anything had not said, pursued in within the body sword instantaneously, but at this time, split a small opening void, Heaven's Will also wants to run away probably, was actually suppressed by a Li Hao sword! 下一刻,什么也没说,瞬间驱逐出了体内一把剑,而这时候,虚空裂开一个小小的口子,天意好像也想逃走,却是被李皓一剑镇压了下去! The queen sees that does not return, flees crazily! 女王见状,头也不回,疯狂遁逃而出! At this moment, the opening she left, restored instantaneously. 这一刻,口子等她离开,瞬间恢复了。 Marquis!” “侯爷!” Nearby the opening, Sequoia Tree is somewhat surprised, why? 口子附近,红杉木有些意外,为什么? Li Hao, let go the queen! 李皓,放走了女王! Why is this? 这是为什么? Li Hao smiled: She is a good person!” 李皓笑了起来:“她是好人!” „......” “……” Everyone was shocked, she just collaborated everyone, must kill you! 所有人都惊呆了,她刚刚联手大家,要杀你! She is a good person, sent 12 sage body strengths for me, consolidated new world! Convened many Heaven's Will for me, brought the strength of massive Silver Moon for me, she is living, she is Moon God!” “她是好人,为我送来了12位圣人躯体力量,巩固新天地!为我召集了更多的天意,为我带来了大量银月之力,她活着,她就是月神!” Li Hao smiled! 李皓笑了! Laughs crazily! 疯狂大笑! At this moment, he appears insanity especially. 这一刻,他显得格外的疯魔。 Looks up the day! 抬头看天! Moon God? 月神 The world's first god? 天地第一神? Or, you get rid of the queen! 要不,你们自己干掉女王吧! Otherwise, the queen is living, sooner or later on the day of meets the pit dead all of you...... I to anticipate very much, you contributed the strength of innumerable Silver Moon, the strength of belief, now, all becomes me! 否则,女王活着,迟早会坑死你们所有人……我很期待这一天,你们贡献了无数的银月之力,信仰之力,如今,全都成了我的了! This time, if not the queen acts, displays the powerful incomparable strength, that several New Martial sages not necessarily dare to kill...... all of a sudden, I gained one enough! 这一次,若非女王出手,表现出强悍无比的战力,那几位新武圣人未必敢杀来……一下子,我就赚了一个够! Queen, good person. 女王,好人啊。 From all sides, had sent the innumerable advantage for me. 前前后后,已经为我送来了无数的好处。 This unfavorable situation, the next time...... will perhaps also stage a comeback, does not know that the next time, can provide massive benefits again! 此次失利,下一次……也许还会卷土重来,不知道下一次,能不能再带来大量好处! The Li Hao smile is bright! 李皓笑容灿烂无比! ...... …… Above Silver Moon. 银月之上。 Moon God did not say a word, carried the sword man also to raise the eyebrow slightly, anything had not said. 月神一言不发,背剑男子也是微微扬眉,什么也没说。 Li Hao...... could succeed. 李皓……可能要成功了。 Really is an unexpected result, the key is two generations, obtained the Heaven's Will in addition to hold, obtained the strength of Silver Moon, obtained all...... actually to be routed by Li Hao instantaneously! 真是个让人意外的结果,关键还是二代,得到了天意加持,得到了银月之力,得到了一切……却是被李皓瞬间击溃了! Really...... helpless! 真是……让人无奈啊! For a long time, the Moon God sound spreads: Kills her to consider as finished...... gets down again, Moon God...... will become the first under heaven laughingstock!” 许久,月神声音传出:“弄死她算了……再这么下去,月神……会成为天下第一笑柄的!” Too annoying! 太可气了! In god country all person eyes, Moon God, has become the waste of hundred games and hundred losses! 在神国所有人眼中,月神,已经成了百战百败的废物了! The belief crashed! 信仰都崩塌了! Becoming the god innumerable years, not such suffering. 成神无数年,就没这么委屈过。
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