Just the queenalsoexposed the powerfulincomparablestrength, a blink, threeSpiritual Godabandoned, fuck, theseSpiritual Godwere the paperstick?
刚刚女王还展露出强悍无比的实力,一眨眼,三位神灵就废了,他么的,这些神灵都是纸糊的吗?Thistime, the accidentwere too many.
这一次,变故太多了。But the surrounding, Ying Hongyueaspirates, Iknow!
果然!Li Haothisfellow, was even more sinister, certainlywas the godcountryhad an accident, letseveralSpiritual Godbeliefavalanches.李皓这家伙,愈发阴险了,一定是神国出事了,让几位神灵信仰崩塌了。
More than tensagesmake a move, finally, was left over3suddenly.
十多位圣人出手,结果,眨眼间就剩下了三位。These3 can...... run awayis an issue.
“走!”Hedrinksonelowly, lookstoremainingtwo people, two peoplesomewhatare scruple, Ying Hongyuedrinksonelowly: „Does not walk, could not get away! Waited for the homicidethesepeople, completedHeaven's Willto swallow...... us to die!”
他低喝一声,看向剩下两人,两人还有些迟疑,映红月低喝一声:“再不走,都走不了了!等他杀了这几人,完成了天意吞噬……咱们都要死!”Twosagecomplexionschange, butat this moment, the pitiful yellsoundspreads, a sagewas killedby the Li Haobangdirectlyat the scene, anotherperson, the energyaccumulation, preparedfromexplodingevidently!
两位圣人脸色一变,而此刻,惨叫声传出,一位圣人直接被李皓轰杀当场,另外一人,能量聚集,看样子准备自爆了!Was dyingshortly, two peoplecould not attend toagainmany, bringssomein a terrified way, with the Ying Hongyuesame place, fledto walkcrazily!
眼看着都要死了,两人再也顾不得许多了,带着一些惶恐,和映红月一起,疯狂遁逃而走!Theyare not clear, howthis?
他们也不清楚,怎么就这样了?So manypowerhouses...... cankill the Son of Heaven!
那么多强者……能杀天王了!Howto havesuddenly?
怎么就忽然没了?Heaven's Willcannotfightto winLi Haounexpectedly, insteadcausesallby the person who the Heaven's Willin additionholds, entered into the situation of death!天意居然没能斗赢李皓,反而导致所有被天意加持的人,都迈入了死亡的地步!Butrear area, bang a loud sound!
Last New Martialsage, chosefromexploding, the explosive soundresounded through the world.
The queenbleedsunceasingly!
女王不断喋血!Whileshethinksmayescaperoadless, mustdieinthis, Li Haosmiledsuddenly, saidin a soft voice: „PursuesHeaven's Will, Iputyouto walk!”
The queengawked.
The nextquarter, anythinghad not said,pursued in within the bodyswordinstantaneously, butat this time, split a smallopeningvoid, Heaven's Willalsowantsto run awayprobably, was actually suppressedby a Li Haosword!
The queensees that does not return, fleescrazily!
女王见状,头也不回,疯狂遁逃而出!At this moment, the openingsheleft, restoredinstantaneously.
“侯爷!”Nearby the opening, Sequoia Treeis somewhat surprised, why?
口子附近,红杉木有些意外,为什么?Li Hao, let go the queen!李皓,放走了女王!Why is this?
这是为什么?Li Haosmiled: „Sheis a good person!”李皓笑了起来:“她是好人!”„......”
“……”Everyonewas shocked, shejustcollaboratedeveryone, mustkillyou!
所有人都惊呆了,她刚刚联手大家,要杀你!„Sheis a good person, sent12sagebodystrengthsforme, consolidatednewworld! ConvenedmanyHeaven's Willforme, brought the strength of massiveSilver Moonforme, sheis living, sheisMoon God!”
“她是好人,为我送来了12位圣人躯体力量,巩固新天地!为我召集了更多的天意,为我带来了大量银月之力,她活着,她就是月神!”Li Haosmiled!李皓笑了!Laughscrazily!
疯狂大笑!At this moment, heappearsinsanityespecially.
这一刻,他显得格外的疯魔。Looks up the day!
抬头看天!Moon God?月神?
The world'sfirstgod?
天地第一神?Or, youget rid of the queen!
要不,你们自己干掉女王吧!Otherwise, the queenis living, sooner or later on the day of meets the pit dead all of you...... Ito anticipatevery much, youcontributed the strength of innumerableSilver Moon, the strength of belief, now, allbecomesme!
否则,女王活着,迟早会坑死你们所有人……我很期待这一天,你们贡献了无数的银月之力,信仰之力,如今,全都成了我的了!Thistime, if not the queenacts, displays the powerfulincomparablestrength, thatseveralNew Martialsagesnot necessarilydareto kill...... all of a sudden, Igainedoneenough!
这一次,若非女王出手,表现出强悍无比的战力,那几位新武圣人未必敢杀来……一下子,我就赚了一个够!Queen, good person.
女王,好人啊。From all sides, had sent the innumerableadvantageforme.
前前后后,已经为我送来了无数的好处。Thisunfavorable situation, the nexttime...... will perhaps also stage a comeback, does not know that the nexttime, canprovidemassivebenefitsagain!
The Li Haosmileis bright!李皓笑容灿烂无比!
……AboveSilver Moon.银月之上。Moon Goddid not say a word, carried the swordmanalsoto raise the eyebrowslightly, anythinghad not said.月神一言不发,背剑男子也是微微扬眉,什么也没说。Li Hao...... could succeed.李皓……可能要成功了。Really is an unexpectedresult, the keyistwogenerations, obtained the Heaven's Willin additionto hold, obtained the strength of Silver Moon, obtainedall...... actuallyto be routedbyLi Haoinstantaneously!
真是个让人意外的结果,关键还是二代,得到了天意加持,得到了银月之力,得到了一切……却是被李皓瞬间击溃了!Really...... helpless!
真是……让人无奈啊!For a long time, the Moon Godsoundspreads: „Killsherto consider as finished...... gets downagain, Moon God...... will become the first under heavenlaughingstock!”
太可气了!Ingodcountryallpersoneyes, Moon God, has become the waste of hundred games and hundred losses!
The beliefcrashed!
Becoming the godinnumerableyears, notsuchsuffering.
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