Thatis the thought that trillioncommon peopleform.
那是亿万苍生形成的念头。13powerhouses, obtained the Heaven's Willin additionto hold, fell into the instantaneousconfusion.
13位强者,都得到了天意加持,陷入了瞬间的混乱。Butthis, is the result that Li Haowants.
而这,便是李皓要的结果。So long ascaninstantaneously!
The people's desiresare not necessarily ableto be a worthy opponentHeaven's Will, but, candisturb the flashabsolutely, withoutobtaining the Heaven's Willin additionholds, purewas only13sages, Li Haoended, absolutelywas not the opponent.
人意未必能匹敌天意,但是,绝对可以干扰一瞬间,没得到天意加持的,单纯只是13位圣人,李皓就完了,绝对不是对手。Butthesepeople, are too corrupt!
可这些人,太贪!Mustmake a moveatthis time.
Not corruptperson, how many?
可不贪的人,有多少呢?„LiDaoheng...... haven't youcalculatedthis point? Calculated, anddidn't care?”
“李道恒……你没算到这一点吗?还是算到了,并不在意呢?”Li Haoanythinghad not said,inthis moment, above the long sword, eruptsradiantlybrilliance, in within the bodysmallswordappears, integratesinStarry Sky Sword, a swordcuts the brokenworld!李皓什么也没说,就在这一刻,长剑之上,爆发出璀璨光辉,体内一柄小剑浮现,融入星空剑中,一剑斩破天地!„Kills!”
“杀!”Severalnearpowerhouses of depending, have not gotten back one's composure, bang, the mortal bodywas cut, energeticdestruction.
几位靠的近的强者,还没回神,轰隆一声,肉身被斩,精神覆灭。Li Haoapproachesrapidly, a swordkillsagain, the vault of heavenwas shattered, a Sagepersonmade into the fragmentpowderbyhim, the distant place, sideYing Hongyue, twosageshave a big shock!李皓迅速靠近,再次一剑杀出,苍穹破碎,一尊圣人被他打成齑粉,远处,映红月身旁,两位圣人大惊失色!Howcanlike this?
怎么会这样?13powerhouses, were fixedprobablygenerallyare.
13位强者,好像被固定住了一般是。WhateverLi Haouses the swordto slaughter!
任由李皓出剑杀戮!„Out of the way!”
“躲开!”Two peoplebellow, hassomevibrations and lingering fear.
两人大吼一声,都带着一些震动和后怕。Howcanlike this?
怎么会这样呢?Heaven's Will, was unexpectedly chaotic!天意,居然混乱了!Untilthis moment, in the vaults of heaven, in the world, heard a greatsound: „Man will conquer nature! Executes the demonto defend traditional moral principles!”
直到这一刻,苍穹之间,天地之间,传来了一股宏大声:“人定胜天!诛魔卫道!”Thisdemon, is notLi Hao.
这个魔,可不是李皓。ButisHeaven's Will!
The Heaven's Willagitationfour directions, shakeunceasingly, butseveralpeople that the Heaven's Willin additionholds, looks the color of pain.天意搅动四方,不断震荡,而天意加持的几人,都是面露痛苦之色。
A Li Haoswordkills, is a Sagepersonbreaks.李皓一剑杀出,又是一尊圣人破碎。Turns around a fist, bangcrack, isone.
转身一拳,轰隆一声炸响,又是一尊。Searches the handto grasp, the smashing that a Spiritual Godpinches, the innumerableenergies, eruptinstantaneously, sweep across the world.
探手一抓,咔嚓一声,将一位神灵捏的粉碎,无数能量,瞬间爆发,席卷天地。Heaven's Willis revoltingprobably!天意好像在反抗!Li Haoknows, the timewill not be long.李皓知道,持续的时间不会太长。Hemust, put to deathsomepowerhousesas far as possible.
The speedis fast!
速度要快!Uses the sword, slaughters!
A swordkills, a Sagepersonagainkilledsmashing, the energeticbodyjustappeared, byLi Haoseverehowl, was brokendirectly.
天崩地裂!At this moment, severalpeople of complexionschange, the bodytrembles, evidently, Heaven's Willmustcounter-balance the common peopleto affect.
此刻,有几人脸色变化,身体颤动,看样子,天意要抵消万民影响了。Li Haosweeps off, thisflash, the homicidefourNew Martialsages, twoSpiritual God, killedsix, are too few.李皓一眼扫去,这一瞬间,他杀了四位新武圣人,两位神灵,才杀了六位,太少。Insufficiently!
“杀!”Demon Swordpasses through the world, a swordkills, the Li Haomain body is also the incarnationis a sword, piercesoneperson, the opportunitywas too rare, but the distant place, the Ying Hongyuethreepeople, look deathly pale, does not dareto come.魔剑贯穿天地,一剑杀出,李皓本尊也是化身为剑,洞穿一人,机会太难得了,而远处,映红月三人,都是脸色惨白,不敢过来。Was too accidental!
太让人意外了!13powerhouses, were fixed the flashunexpectedly.
13位强者,居然被固定了一瞬间。Alsois a Sagepersonis put to deathbyStarry Sky Sword, butLi Haomain body, puts to deathoneinstantaneously......
八位!SixNew Martialsages, twoSpiritual God.
六位新武圣人,两位神灵。Alsois left overfivepeople!
还剩下五人!Butthesefivepeople, Li Haohas not coped with the queen, perhapsoncecopes with the queen...... to provoke the chain-reaction, he sensation, thesepeoplemustregain consciousnessat this moment.
而这五人,李皓并未对付女王,一旦对付女王……也许会引起连锁反应,他此刻已经感知到,这些人要苏醒了。At this timeacted, perhaps can also killonepersonagain.
这时候出手,也许还能再杀一人。But...... at this moment, Li Haohas not acted.
可是……这一刻,李皓并未出手。Butwhile the Heaven's Willchaoticinstance, drinkslowly, the domainmagnifiessuddenly, coveredto enterGreat Wildernessthemcompletely, includingjustoverflowed the looseenergy, Heaven's Will, Via Sacra, the source, the supernatural power......
而是趁着天意混乱的瞬间,一声低喝,领域忽然扩大化,将他们全部覆盖进入了大荒,包括刚刚溢散的能量,天意,圣道,本源,神力……thisflash, Li Haocoverseveryone.
这一瞬间,李皓将所有人笼罩在内。Butthis...... fivepeopleregained consciousnessinstantly.
而就这一个刹那……五人苏醒了。Thinkswithout enough time,fivepeopleback upinstantaneously.
The nextquarter, looks at each otherone, changes colorswith amazement!
The queenloses color!
女王面无血色!Onthisflash, the misfortuneanddisastergod of were killed, thislifestarsnotbroken, perhaps can also resurrect, buteach time, will pay the hugeprice, but the remainingtwoZheng Familysages, arewith amazementincomparable.
就这一瞬间,厄运和灾难之神被杀了,本命星辰没碎,也许还能复活,可每次,都会付出巨大的代价,而剩下的两位郑家圣人,更是骇然无比。Howcanlike this?
怎么会这样?„Li Hao!”
The queenclenches teeth: „Youplanus!”
女王咬牙:“你算计我们!”Li Haopants for breath, at this moment, the entireGreat Wildernessfantasticexpansion, the rebellion, killedso manypowerhousesall of a sudden, theseenergies, almostchange into the essence, coversGreat Wilderness . Moreover, manyHeaven's Will, gatheredone.李皓喘息一声,此刻,整个大荒疯狂扩张,暴动,一下子杀了这么多强者,那些能量,几乎化为实质,覆盖大荒,而且,更多的天意,汇聚到了一起。At this time, that side, Black Panther and white horse, swallowed the smallswordhopefully, suddenly the smallswordinflated, beforeenteredHeaven's Will of thesesagewithin the body, gatheredoneagain, Black Pantherandwhite horse, hitsad and shrillpitiful yell.
这时候,那边,黑豹和白马,原本都有希望吞噬小剑了,忽然小剑膨胀,之前进入那些圣人体内的天意,再次汇聚到了一起,将黑豹和白马,打的凄厉惨叫。Li Haolooks atfivesages, smiledone: „Was only a simpleresistance...... can only say,yourwillwas too weak, unexpectedlywas controlledbyHeaven's Will!”李皓看着五位圣人,笑了一声:“只是简单的一次对抗罢了……只能说,你们意志太弱,居然被天意操控了!”Severalpeople of complexionsare indifferent, angryincomparable!
几人脸色冷漠,都愤怒无比!Li Hao, madeHeaven's Willchaoticunexpectedly.李皓,居然让天意混乱了一阵。Damn!
该死!Thisflash, lostenougheightpowerhouses, was too serious.
The queen is also angryincomparable, clenches jaws, Li Haoactuallysmiled: „Yourfivepeople...... today, but must leave behindseveral!”
女王也是愤怒无比,咬牙切齿,李皓却是笑了:“你们五人……今日,还要留下几位!”TwoNew Martialsages, look at each otherone, lookssuddenlyoutward, that side, Ying Hongyuethey.
两位新武圣人,对视一眼,陡然朝外看去,那边,还有映红月他们呢。Now, can Li HaoalsoturbulentHeaven's Will?
现在,李皓还能动荡天意吗?Entersthisplace...... or, attacksfromoutsidesimply, breaks the Great Wildernessdomain!
进入此地……或者,干脆从外攻击,打破大荒领域!Even ifdiedmanypeople, enoughcoped withLi Hao.
哪怕死了多人,也足够对付李皓了。Whentheyare bornsuchidea, Li Haovanishessuddenly, appearssky over the white horsein a flash, the openinggiantincomparablemouth, swallows into the chaoswhite horse the abdomen.
就在他们诞生这样的想法的时候,李皓忽然消失,一瞬间出现在白马上空,张大巨大无比的嘴巴,一口将混沌白马吞入腹中。Everyonebythislanewas startled, Black Pantherwas startled!
所有人被这一幕弄的惊到了,黑豹都惊到了!Butthisflash, Li Haowithin the body, the chaosdao lineagecrazyshake, the white horseroared, Li Hao was also severehowl, in the sky, appeareddivine writing, dao lineageappeared.
而这一瞬间,李皓体内,混沌道脉疯狂震荡,白马咆哮,李皓也是一声厉吼,天空之中,浮现出一枚枚神文,一条条道脉浮现。Li Haoclenches teeth, under the bodycrack, laughs: „Chaosentermybody, the worldopenforme!”李皓咬牙,身体龟裂之下,一声大笑:“混沌入我体,天地为我开!”Bang!
领域回缩!At this moment, enough36divine writingappear, is primarily„say/way”characterdivine writing, changes into36dao lineage, isdivine abilitydao lineage.
这一刻,足足36枚神文浮现,以“道”字神文为主,化为36条道脉,都是神通道脉。ButLi Haowithin the body, appearsenough48dao lineage.
而李皓体内,也浮现出足足48条道脉。Isattributelessdao lineage.
都是无属性道脉。Altogether84dao lineageappear, like84big dragons, 83big dragons, at this moment, melttogethertoward the chaosbig dragon.
The queencomplexionbig change, killsin a flash!
女王脸色大变,一瞬间杀出!Black Pantherthesepeople, areaccidental/surprisedincomparable, shocksincomparably!黑豹这些人,都是意外无比,震撼无比!This, theirdidn't expect.
这一幕,他们没想到的。ButLi Hao, unexpectedlynotpuremakesBlack Pantherswallow the meaning of chaos, swallowsHeaven's Will, butis...... hemustswallowday of enter the body!
太出人意料了!Everyone, felt a boundlessstrengthat this moment.
所有人,此刻都感受到了一股磅礴之力。Li Haoswallowsworldenter the body, Great Wilderness is compressedrapidly, rumblemakes noise, Great Wildernesswas compressed a giantsphererapidly, wells uptowardLi Haowithin the body.李皓吞天地入体,大荒正在迅速被压缩,轰隆隆作响,大荒迅速被压缩成了一个巨大的圆球,朝李皓体内涌去。Li Haomortal bodycrack, evenisblasting open!李皓肉身龟裂,甚至是炸裂!Butat this moment, strength , before surpassing, many.
The sword of hand-heldchaos, a swordchops!
轰隆!FiveGreat Sagepersonpowerhouses, in abundanceflying upside down, whole facecolorwith amazement.
这么强?Li Haoactuallyknits the browsslightly, but alsoinsufficiently!李皓却是微微皱眉,还不够!Heshot a look at a queen, thisperson of Heaven's Willis too thick, Heaven's Willstillholdsinin addition, verystrong...... insufficientlyput to deaththeir.
他瞥了一眼女王,此人身上天意太浓,天意还在加持,很强……自己不够诛杀他们的。Outside, the Ying Hongyuethreepeople, felt the earth-shatteringactually, changed color, wantsto come, maysee that Li Haochanged into the chaosgiantsuddenly, threepeoplewere the complexiondrastic changes, threepeople that wantsto come, retrocededslightlyseveralsteps.
倒是外面,映红月三人,感受到了天崩地裂,都是变色,原本想来,可看到李皓忽然化为混沌巨人,三人都是面色剧变,原本想来的三人,都稍稍后退了几步。Li Haoknits the browsslightly, lookstoseveralpeople, smiled: „It seems like...... you can also support a meeting!”李皓微微皱眉,看向几人,笑了:“看来……你们还能撑一会!”Then, the chaosare the sword, Great Wildernessenter the body, slashed out with a sword.
The worldchanges into the chaos, butHeaven's Willalsoswamps into severalhuman bodiesrapidly, severalpeople of strengthsare enhancedagain, at this moment, Li Hao is actually not ableto use the popular sentiment, popular sentimentten thousand, onetimeenough, againcome, the roleis not big, Heaven's Willalsohad the resistivity.
天地化为混沌,而天意也迅速涌入几人体内,几人实力再次增强,此刻,李皓却是无法动用民心了,民心万道,一次就够了,再来,作用就不大了,天意也有了抵抗力。Hisincarnationchaosgiant, a swordsword, suddenly, the hitfivepeopleback upone after anotherunceasingly, at this moment, whatrepresentativeHeaven's Willisthesefivepeople, the one whorepresents the chaosisLi Hao!
他化身混沌巨人,一剑接连一剑,眨眼间,打的五人不断倒退,这一刻,代表天意的是这五人,代表混沌的是李皓!both sides, evenly matchedappearance.
月亮之上。Carries the swordmanto exclaim in surpriseone: „Has the method!”
背剑男子惊叹一声:“有手段!”With the popular sentimentmanufactureconfusion, killedseveralpeople for the first time, heis not accidental/surprised, is not accidental/surprised.
第一次用民心制造混乱,杀了几人,他不意外,一点也不意外。But...... thistime, Li Haoswallows the meaning of Great Wildernesschaos, directchaosenter the body, worldenter the body, hewas accidental/surprised, thisfellow, swallowed the worldunexpectedlyforcefully, no wonderis so self-confident!
可是……这一次,李皓吞大荒混沌之意,直接混沌入体,天地入体,他就意外了,这家伙,居然强行吞噬了天地,怪不得如此自信!Moon Godopens the mouth: „Verystrong...... evenwas close to the Son of Heavenlevel...... opening more than 80dao lineagequickly, properly speaking, was onlyaboutSaintstepintermediate stage...... heis quick the Saintsteppeak......”月神开口:“很强……甚至都快接近天王层次了……只是开了80多条道脉,按理说,也只是圣阶中期左右……他都快圣阶巅峰了……”„Different, meaning of in additionchaosholds, the Grand Daoin additionholds, the divine abilityin additionholds...... is the topswordsman, do not regard the ordinarysageto come to seehim!”
“不一样的,混沌之意加持,大道加持,神通加持……又是顶级的剑客,不要将他当成普通圣人来看!”Moon Godhas not saidthisagain, opens the mouth saying: „Perhapsgets down...... twogenerationsto be not necessarily able the enemy...... naturally, Heaven's Willis onlypart, perhaps the opportunity...... mustagainstrength of the input sectionSilver Moon, makingtwogenerationsbe promotedrapidly......”月神没再说这个,开口道:“这么下去……二代恐怕未必能敌……当然,天意只是一部分,也许还有机会……要不要再输入部分银月之力,让二代迅速晋级……”At present, fivepeople have the opportunity.
眼下,五人还有机会。Li Haoswallows the worldforcefully, the mortal bodyis weak, mustterminaterapidly, otherwise, fromexplodinginnextquarter.李皓强行吞噬天地,肉身不够强,要迅速终止,否则,自爆就在下一刻。So long asfivepeopleinsist a meeting, was not killedbyLi Hao, thatalsohas the opportunity.
五人只要坚持一会,不被李皓所杀,那就还有机会。Naturally, suchopportunity...... thesepeople, are not necessarily ableto holdat present.
当然,这样的机会……眼前这几人,未必能抓住。Carries the swordmanto say with a smile: „Inputssome! Ialso want to take a look, where the Li Haolimitis at!”
背剑男子笑道:“输入一些!我也想看看,李皓极限在哪!”Moon Godhas not saidanything, moonslightlytwinklebrilliance.月神没说什么,月亮微微闪烁光辉。At this moment, belowqueen, the complexionmoves slightlysuddenly, in a flash, strength of the boundlessSilver Moonentersinenter the body, makingherstrengthrestoreinstantaneously, evenrapidlyis growing!
这一刻,下方的女王,忽然脸色微动,一瞬间,一股磅礴的银月之力进入体内,让她实力瞬间恢复,甚至在迅速增长!Fivepeople, retreated in defeat again and again, at this moment, a queenstickmakes, bang, blocked the Li Haochaosswordunexpectedly!
Several other powerhouses, relaximmediately.
其他几位强者,顿时松了口气。Butatthis time, Li Haosmiledone: „The strength of Silver Moonwas enhanced!”
而就在这时候,李皓笑了一声:“银月之力又增强了啊!”Helooked atsky.
他看了一眼天空。Youstartedto cheat!
你们又开始作弊了!Perhapsif notyoucheated...... unable to winmerepeatedly!
若非你们一再作弊……恐怕赢不了我的!Sinceyoucheat, Iam impolite.
既然你们作弊,那我也不客气了。severehowl, the Li Haoarmorglittersbrilliance.
一声厉吼,李皓铠甲闪烁起光辉。At this moment, the godcountryregion, eruptedcrazyslaughteringinstantaneously, sky overcities of the godcountries, appearedpuppets , without severalSpiritual Godto assume personal command, suddenly, templeswere destroyed, the innumerablefollowerswere killed!
The Lin Hongyustanding and waiting for a long timegodcountryedge, lookstooppositeGreat Liarmy, bringssomeindifferently, coldsoundshouted: „Great Liwithdraws troops!”林红玉伫立神国边缘,看向对面的大离军,带着一些冷漠,冷声喝道:“大离撤军!”That sideGreat Li, military officersappear.大离那边,一位位将领浮现。
It is angry!
都很愤怒!Lin Hongyudrinksagainlowly: „The Great Lirapidwithdrawal of troops, thisplace...... takes overbymyHeavenly Star!”林红玉再次低喝:“大离迅速撤军,此地……由我天星接掌!”„Yougo too far!”
“你们欺人太甚!”Having the Great Limilitary officeris angry, bullied the person.
有大离将领愤怒无比,太欺负人了。But...... does not daretothisperson of starting.
可是……又不敢对这人下手。Starts, the bigprobabilitydoes not beat.
下手,大概率也不敌。Theyanticipatedvery much,initially the god of militaryactsagain, fights with the fists dead simplythiswoman, hateful!
他们都很期待,初武之神再次出手,干脆一拳打死这女人,可恨!Theytoattack being enthralledcountry, paid a bigprice, finally, thiswomanmakesthemwithdraw troopsunexpectedly.
他们为了打入神国,付出了不小的代价,结果,这女人居然让他们撤军。Intheiranger, a sighresounds through the world: „WithdrawsGreat Li!”
The indignantmanymilitary officers, the changes countenance, the nextquarter, without delay, angrily roaredin abundancein abundance: „Reveresfromdivine will, the withdrawal of troops!”
原本愤愤不平的多位将领,纷纷变色,下一刻,二话不说,纷纷怒吼:“尊从神意,撤军!”Lin Hongyulooked atonetoward the distant place, probablysaw an emptyshadow, knits the browsslightly, has not opened the mouth.林红玉朝远处看了一眼,好像看到了一道虚影,微微皱眉,并未开口。Herrear area, slaughterscontinues.
她的后方,杀戮持续。Pitiful yellsoundpenetratingworld!
惨叫声响彻天地!Lin Hongyutook out a flag, against the windhowevergets up, coversto gotowardgodcountryRoyal City of distant place, innumerablefollowerflew up to the sky, are the powerhouses, muststopthattigercharacterflagto fall.林红玉取出了一面旗帜,迎风而起,朝远处的神国王城覆盖而去,无数信徒飞天而起,都是强者,要阻拦那虎字旗落下。But, the flashwas struckto kill!
可是,一瞬间被纷纷击杀!On the flag, overflowsto disperse the richincomparablemalignant influences.
旗帜上,溢散出浓郁无比的煞气。In the Lin Hongyuhandpresents a sickle, smiledone: „Has not slaughteredlong time!”林红玉手中出现一柄弯刀,笑了一声:“多日未曾杀戮了!”Whobelieves,shehad wieldedmillionsuperpowerCity of Superpowerbefore?
谁会相信,她之前执掌过百万超能的超能之城呢?Manypeoplefelt,sheis a gentlefemale.
很多人觉得,她是个柔和的女子呢。But...... heralmostevenLingaveto extinguishinitially, offered services toLi Hao, whobelieves,sheis a butcher?
可当初……她可是差点连林家都给灭了,投效了李皓,谁会相信,她是个屠夫呢?Sicklevertically and horizontally/able to move unhinderedworld!
The innumerablecorpsesfall, the bloody waterfills the world, killingintentis dreadful, Sun and Moonsevenfold, the strength above Immortalpeak, inthis, almostsweeps away the four directions.
无数尸体落下,血水弥漫天地,杀意滔天,日月七重,不朽巅峰之上的战力,在这,几乎横扫四方。Does not have the sageto stop, no onecan block the footsteps that sheslaughters.
没有圣人阻拦,谁也拦不下她屠戮的脚步。Westernqueen...... hadallSpiritual Godto walkunexpectedly, was really an idiot!
西方女王……居然带着所有神灵走了,真是个白痴呢!Shewas ready that and sageslaughtered, finally, has not stayed behindunexpectedly.
她都做好了和圣人厮杀的准备,结果,居然一个没留下。„Destroysalltemples, strikesto killallresistancefollowers!”
“诺!”Returnsresounds through the worldaccordingly, puppets, slaughter the four directionscrazily, destroys the temple.
轰隆隆!„God...... savesus......”
“神啊……拯救我们……”„Moon Godsavesus!”
“月神救我们!”„Which did Spiritual Godgo?”
“……”Firstis the armyis slaughtered, then the Spiritual Godwas killed, then the Great Liinvasion, thendiscards the bigpiecenational territory, today, is the innumerabletemplesis destroyed, the followerwas struckto kill......
先是大军被屠戮,接着神灵被杀死,接着大离入侵,接着丢弃大片国土,今日,更是无数神殿被摧毁,信徒被击杀……Suddenly, godcountry, someavalanches.
忽然间,神国,有些崩塌了。Avalanche of belief!
信仰的崩塌!OurSpiritual God, where?
我们的神灵,到底在哪里?Why, timeswere slaughtered, has not actually seen the Spiritual God the greatness, onlydeaths.
为何,一次次遭受屠戮,却是没看到神灵的伟岸,唯有一次次的死亡。„Moon God...... the prophetgod...... youare the falseSpiritual God!”
“月神……先知神……你们都是虚假的神灵啊!”Has the follower, at the last minuteexuded the sad and shrillroar.
The godcountrywas slaughtered!
Did you, whichgo?
The templewas destroyed, mosttrustedyourfollowersto be killed, why couldn't the citydestruction......, seeyouto saveus?
轰!Sky overgodcountry, the strength of massivebelief, suddenlyavalanche!
月亮之上。Is inputting the energyto the queenMoon God, suddenly the statuesplits, the nextquarter, the angerroared: „Damn! Damn! Damn!”
一连三个该死!Silver Moonshivers, skymoonis shivering, somestatuedamages, were staver, carries the swordmancomplexionchanges, turns the headto look,does not seemto see clearly, the nextquarter, moonvanishesinsuddenlysame place, fliesin the godcountrydirection.银月颤动,上空月亮都在颤动,雕像有些损毁,破碎了一些,背剑男子脸色微变,转头一看,好像没看清楚,下一刻,月亮忽然消失在原地,朝神国方向飞去。Shortly, thensawunderthatpitifulone, the innumerablecitieswere destroyed, the innumerablefollowerswere struckto kill!
没多久,便看到了下方那凄惨的一幕,无数城市被摧毁,无数信徒被击杀!Rivers of blood!
The followergrief and indignationangrily roars, the summonSpiritual God, cannot obtainto respond, abandoned the belief!
The strength of beliefstartsto crash!
信仰之力开始崩塌!Carries the swordmancomplexionchanges, looksto the Great Wildernessdirection, muttered: „Thinksyouwill not do that...... you...... imaginecompared withme, knows that but also is sinister!”
背剑男子脸色微变,看向大荒方向,喃喃道:“原以为你不会这么做的……你……比我想象的,知道的,还要毒辣!”Li Hao, makesLin Hongyulead the personto slaughter the godcountryunexpectedly!李皓,居然让林红玉率人屠戮神国!Thisisonecrowd of weakestAbsolute Peakpowerhouse, the weak one who at this moment, is actually slaughteringonecrowd of strongestMountains and Seaslevels, over a hundredpeople, thencanstriketo killtens of thousands ofpeopleinstantaneously.
Such a meeting, the godcountrywas killeddozensover a millionpeopleat least!
The resentmentsoars to the heavens!
The bloodyair/Qisoars to the heavens!
血腥气冲天!Li Hao, compared withimaginationinalsowantsmeansinister.李皓,比想象中的还要阴狠毒辣。Behind, Moon Godis somewhat weak, is somewhat angry: „Damn, theydestroyed the belief of godcountry's......”
后面,月神有些虚弱,也有些愤怒:“该死,他们摧毁了神国的信仰……”Unexpected misfortune!
无妄之灾!She was a scapegoattotwogenerations.
她算是给二代背锅了。TrueMoon God, withoutwaste that the followerimagines, is incompetent, is...... Moon God in presenteveryoneheart, is the queen, butQueen, timesdefeat, timesreduce the anticipation of followers.
真正的月神,没有信徒想象的那么废物,那么无能,可是……现在大家心中的月神,就是女王,而女王,一次次战败,一次次降低信徒们的期待。Thistime, issuffersto slaughter!
这一次,更是惨遭屠戮!All of a sudden, allindignation of accumulation, discontented, desperate, causesthesefollowers, presented the beliefavalanche.
一下子,积累的所有怨愤,不满,绝望,导致这些信徒,出现了信仰崩塌。Butcarries the swordman, knits the browsslightly.
His time, presented the miscalculation, the Li Haofrontaction, in his eyes, butLi Hao makes one slaughter the godcountry...... hisindeeddidn't expect, thisdoes not conform to the swordsmanimage in hisheart, does not conform to the image that Li Haousuallyexposes.
他这一次,出现了判断失误,李皓前面的举动,都在他眼中,可李皓让人屠戮神国……他的确没想到,这不符合他心中的剑客形象,也不符合李皓平时展露出来的形象。SuchLi Hao...... appears the cold bloodto be incomparable, evenalsowants the cold bloodcompared withNew MartialHuman King!
这样的李皓……显得冷血无比,甚至比新武人王还要冷血!AlthoughHuman Kingis ruthless, butwill not slaughterto no civilians of threat......人王虽狠,可也不会对没什么威胁的平民屠戮……„Li Hao!”
“李皓!”Carries the swordmantwittering, the nextquarter, is low and deep: „Makestwogenerationsrun awayrapidly! The beliefavalanche...... the godcountryfalls to the enemy, even ifHeaven's Willin additionholdsher, will let the beliefandHeaven's Willconflicts......”
背剑男子呢喃一声,下一刻,低沉道:“让二代迅速逃走!信仰崩塌……神国沦陷,天意纵然加持她,也会让信仰和天意出现冲突……”Moon Goddoes not dareto sayanythingagain, transmitssomeownthoughtsrapidly, lets the queensensation.月神不敢再说什么,迅速传递一些自己的念头,让女王感知。
……At this moment, Great Wilderness.
The queenobtained the strength of massiveSilver Moon, the strengthis rapid, butsuddenly, the complexiondrastic change, bang a loud soundspreads, within the body, supernatural poweravalancheoverflowingpowder!
女王原本得到了大量银月之力,实力迅速强大,可忽然间,脸色剧变,轰隆一声巨响传出,体内,一股股神力崩塌溢散!Li Haosees that the lookflashes, othertwoSpiritual God are also so, have a big shock!李皓见状,眼神一闪,其他两位神灵也是如此,都是大惊失色!
At this moment, a Li Haoswordkills, just like the darknightkiller, ten thousandis uneven!
噗嗤一声!Penetrates the prophetgoddirectly, the soundresoundsinhisear: „ThankedMoon Godforme, thankher, sent the strength of manySilver Moonforme......”
咔嚓!Prophetcomplexiondrastic change, instantaneousbodydisintegration.
先知脸色剧变,瞬间身躯崩碎。Li Haoturns around a fist, bang a loud sound, the smashing that the god of destinyhitsthoroughly, shakes the head: „Previoustime the god of militarytoldyouinitially, the weak one, do not change the destiny of powerhouse, was not obedient!”李皓转身一拳,砰地一声巨响,将命运之神彻底打的粉碎,摇头:“上次初武之神就告诉你,弱者,不要去改变强者的命运,不听话!”Bang!
The godbodyblasts open!
神躯炸裂开!TwoSpiritual God, were struckto killbyhiminstantaneously, is only the lifestarsin the Grand Daouniverse, Li Haodoes not have the meansto striketo killthemthoroughly, is only, perhapsin a short time, theseare unable to resurrect!
The queenspits bloodunceasingly, bringssomeinconceivable, in the mind, continuallyhas a thought...... to escapeprobably!
女王不断吐血,带着一些不可思议,脑海中,好像不断产生一个念头……逃!TwoNew Martialsages, is the complexioncrazilychanges!
两位新武圣人,也是脸色狂变!Cursed angrily!
怒骂不已!Howcanlike this?
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